Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 29 Oct 1880, p. 1

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 m Hh TfmAt,lrtyftBraet ry. DUNDALK. ^t towD-mad. Eaob iog on the P^rt o* " ^S t LL spS dig lumsclf out althoofih ^l^^^^^^Z 1 of Orangevaie. b« h^enooV^^^^^ Oliang^ 4 T'ime. On ana alWr MOSDAV, tA KOV. tr»ini Kill rauM follow*:â€" OOiNG NORTH. Torcni" â€" Union Stmtion, Ik-v 7:30 ». in. 12:20 V- â„¢- ^KW r- m. Cniiton .7.62 ».m. 12.45 p.m. 5.20 p.in, \Ve^toii ...... «.05 ».m. 1 00 p.m. 5.3C p.m. number Sum't8.W«.n». 1,30p.m. 5.50 p.m. WooaUna^se. .8.*5 ».m. 1.50 p.m. 0.05 p.m. KltiuburK 0.05 a.m. 2.13 p.m. C.21 p.m. )l«lton 25 a.m. 2..'»7 p.m. C.43 p.m. Mono Koki... 9.50 a.m. 3.06p.m. 7.05p.m. ChartMtou.. 10.35 ajn. 3.50p.m. 7.50p.m. Alto.1 10.40 am. 4.06p.m. 8.06 pm OB.«MoeviLLC â€" ArriTC 11.10 a.m. 4.JB. p.m. 8.20 p.m. DepArt.. .11 30a.m. 4.46. p.m OTaneovU'e Junction 11.4-o a.m. t^orel 11-5U a.m. Hiielbarne 12.8Q p.m. Duuaalk 115 p.m. iTotun 1.35 p.m. Kl«sherton APiieev'e 1.56 -f.m^ Frcm OBI Correspondent. It is all OTCf towD â€" mad. man carries a Mr Ketchum bought a lot in town, end will erect a tannery in the spriugt Mr. Counorfc is o]^eiitag oui • grocery and Ih|aor ttore )u Hamfh- rey's new block. Mr. Sloan, manager of Mr. Pavid- sou's business, was given a farewell oyster supper at the Anglo American Hotel a pleasant eyeniug was spent. Mr. b. luft for Toronto on Wednesday morning. Mr. Noil Stracbn takes bi» place. ilr. John Hanbury is pushing bis rink. He has been but a short time cent per bmhel on all grain bonjjbt there. At th« fane I thouzht this an unnecessary and uncalled lor proceed- ing on the part of the Cgaapajw b«(t on pubUc gro«ad«i for ^e f wn f»i oar nilit tffw mett ui ««Tenl be r 6.06 p.m. .â- 5.20 p.m. 6.00 p m. 6.50 p.m. 7.11 pm, 7.35 p m. H.05 p.m. 8.28 p.m. 8.46 p.m. 9.06 p.m. 9 16 p.m. •1.30 p.m. Markdale 2.16 p.m. B.rklv 2.35p.m. Waiiam^ford 2 60 p.m. Arno»t...... 3.05 p.m. tjii4ls»ortL 3.15 p.m. Uoekford 3.3H p.m. ti^en Sound 4.00 D.m 10.10 p.m. GOING SOUTH. 0«n Sound, Jojiart G.30 am. 12.00 noon ll,M-klord 7.00 a.m. 12.30 p.m. J4ui»!«ir«»ftb 7.20 a.m. 12.55 p.m. Ariiott 7.*) a.m. l.fJO p.m. â- William.sf..rd 7.18 a.m. l„.rklÂ¥ H.ft5 a.m. Msrkdale 8.30 a m. H-!litrt'nil'ric-villf 8.S5 a.m. l»r..l..u a 15 a "• liiii.lalk '.»35 a.m. HK-ll)Urii.- 1" 15 am. T,a«r»l 10 17 am. Oranifxvillc Juncliiinll.OOa.m. Oa.'.NnEviM.r. â€" Arr. 11:1-1 a. m. 5:20 p. m. Dei.. 7.15 a in. 11.36 a. m. 5.1" p. m Alton 7.3.-. a.m. 1 1 5.0 a.m. ;li«rl.st..ii. .7.-".0 a. 111. l-» lOji.m. Mini" lioud. .H.-J.' ;i.m. 12.1.' i-i" ]),,|t.iii x.l." a i;i. 5.10 p lu- Kl.iiil.iifB ..;»05.i.in. 1.10 p. in. NV.H,.l»,fiai:«-..'J.25 a.m. l.-IO p.m. lliiUilHrr Sint'.l.loa.ra. '2 0.' p.m. ^\â- . ,t..ii .... 10.00 a.m. 2 27 p.m. Carlt«in 10.10 am. 2.3'J p.m. TmiosTo,â€" fiiinn Slatinn, Arrivj-. .. in.SO Bin. H. Oft p.m. I at it and has the posts of one side «pi nothing like push. We will be able to skate in it hy July. Mr. Peter McGregor is bavin? bis steam saw mill overhauled and ia btiildiog in the boiler with stone, he intends putting in a plainer shortly. Good for Peter. Our town sports men were out on the war path last week and brought in two fine specimen of Deer. Mr. Kenneth McAuley jr.. of Pro- ton has rented his farm to Mr. Wm. 1 Robinson, and is erecting a frame dwelling in town where he is going to live. â€" Fast 8leep. 1.28 p.m 1.18 p.m. 2.15 p.m. 3.1.' p.m. 3 10 p.m. .H.3« p.m. 415 p.m. l.OO p m. 5.05 p.m. EUCJESIA. From a Correspondent. Une day la.st week while the thrcsh- iuK machine wiis in operation for the second clay's throsliiug, at Mr. Ed- ward Johiistou's farm, on tho 8th concessiiu, Artcinceia, some of the parties on the straw stuck, which was raised on po«t8 forming a shed uuder- f,.M!p.m. neath, became aware «f some kind of 6.18 p.m. j a feeliiijj us if tlicy were sinking. 7.05 p.m. i(jtj,(,i.s imagiued tlie'barn was risinc i:;:\ p.m. i 7..".5 p.m. 8.17 p.m. B.y.3 i.in. y.OO p.m. 9.15 p.m. 9 40 Y m. The standardT Friday. Oct, 29 Lh, 1880. \V« this week publish a letter from Mr. Wm. Brown, in which he draws the attention of the iiroDcr aiithorities 't'» Die .sliinf,'hterliousc8, and urges their immediate removal. Mr. Brown BtatcH his case struiigly, and we have no doubt that llio slaughter bouses have coutriUutcd in no small measure ' to tho propagation of tlie fearful scourge which hax prevailel here to â-  nnch an aliirmiug extent for the past two or three mouths but we consid- er there is another and greater evil than this, and one wiiich wo do not Lolievo would bo f'jr one momei.t tollerat«d in any other town or village in tho D'jminion. Wo allude to the grave-yard, which we miglit say was at our very doors. Sloping as the tillage does from the said graveyard, what- must be the condition of the upwards, and was about to topple over on top of till' strav/ stack, while others seeing luo straw carriers thought thcv were on their way up the stack. Thiy had only an in.staut for thought, however, when down wen: tlie ftack through the shod, bu- rying a colt and the greater part of Mr. Johnston's fowls. Although this is a considerable loss to Mr. Johnelon, yet he is thankful that no lives were lost. His boy had been plajin? near the stock a short time previous, but forfuna',ely had Rot out of harms way before tho accident. Some of the hands also had but shortly come from under it. There was nearly two days' threshing of straw on the shed. Thieving still continues. Report has it that some perstyn in O.sprey had a steer stolen. Flour, butter aud other eatables are di.sappearing. Shall it become necessary to organize a Visriience Committee Some of our Meaford Road neigh- bors have vctHi by the liijht of the moon. C0rr9«if«ntttr». NoTicK. â€" We wi.sh it ilisiiictly imderstood, that wu do not bold ouraolvei tfpoiisible lor the opinion! expresssd by our corfespondents. THE T. G. k H.RAILWAY BONUS t^LESTIUN. To tbs Editor of the Staxiiabd. Sill â€" I have observed some letters in your columns of late in regard to the proposed Railroad -Bonus. It seems to me that our Reeve, Dr. Christoc, lias made himself unneces- „ -^ .... -LK irilv conspicuous in his opposition wells in Its vicinity m such wet wcatl||^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^.^^^ ^^ professes to do so in the public inter Tfal^, to feed er as we have had recently wo consider has done more Iho disease than any other cause.â€". Let our readers look at the mat' «almlT, uud we think thoy will bear Us out, in our assertion. ^-Watcr natu rally rmis down hill, and in so doin where would it more likely empty â- elf than into every well il! its cou Just think of it Our wells feeing made the receptacles of the washings of a densely packed grave- yard that outjtius humanity in every stage of corruption, and who l.iivo died from flie various diseases that llesh is heir est:â€" in the interests of the pockets of ratepayers bi ^Vrtemesia, Does one suppose for a moment that r. Christoe, or any one in Flcsher- ton Village, woald oppose any bonus- to tho Roml, if the Coni]iany agieed run a spur into their Village Is uq^Mown to every one arouud.that erton i)eoplc have suggested 'r plan, either to abolish pai-t jireseiit Road and run it into the Village, or to run a spur from the Station to Flesherton Is it not a fact, that prcsiuro has from time to timo been brought to bear u{on the Management of the Railroad to in- duce them to do so and is it not also to. In the primive days of Markdale f^^t^ ^\^^l tho Management of the probably no harm would result, as tho lioases wore few and far bctwcon but now that oar Yillaga is fast pro- grassiui{ «iid cxtcnduig its limits, bringing the gcavc-yard into its very sentrru, we think it is high time that auy further interments therein were prohibited. OWEN SOIND 'water WORKS. Tho Ow6n Sound water works were formally opcuod on the 20th inst., aud the occasion was observed as a civic iKliday. In the evenins a compli- mcntry supper was tendered tho pro- prittiirs, M.ssrs Tiirkcr Nottcr. The completjou of the wcwks will be a l^oat boon to the people oT Uwcu Sound not only in a eauitary point but in case ol tire, as, with a ssficicBt quantity of hoso, and tho arfsistauce of the Steam Firo Engine, s x power- ful streams of water could be brought to bear ou any bulling, situated on the streets in which Pipes are laid. Messrs Parker 4 Notter deserve great credit for their enterprise, and we trust they wilLreceivo the reward that they justly merit. The works wo are informed cost $35,000. PRICENILLE. From a Correspondent. Sebiovs Accioe!t. â€" On Saturday night last while Donald McArtbur, of Gleuelg, wa;; piocceding homeward, Iiis team became frightened and ran away. Mr. Mc.\rthur was thrown from the waggon, severely cnt on the face and stunned. After some time be recovered from the dreadful shock and managed with difiiculty â€" having l(tst a qoautit^of blood â€" to walk a few yards to the boas« of M/«. Meln- ucs. The set vices of Dr. Bennett vNire procured, and the injured man M doing ai well as could be expecteI. Mr. John Mc.\rthur is making ac- tive preparations to build ou the site of the old drug store which was burnt last spring. A horse be'.ouging to Mrs.- Watson, Old Durham 'Itoad, stolen last week was Tecovtred lA Mount Forrest by tlie audiorltics. The animalbad been VMTV much abased. Tbe thief es- eapod. The medicine mftfi wboae bed was confiscated by the medicine raec, wliile the former was running » con •Krt at the Gumiaemiat says i» does jMMieve in Jubilees. Road have given them courteously to understand, that the Railroad Com- pany cocld incur no such preposterous expense" Vat tluit if they chose to make the spur themselves it could be utilized for their advantage. Nobodv, I suppose, would have the smallest objection to Flesherton Village hfcving a spur run into it, if they put their hands into their own pockets aud pay lor it; but because, forsooth, the Railroad Company will not put itself to tho useless aud, to other localities, unfair expense of giving them a sse- cial road, thcnforo tho people of that Village, as re)ueseutod by Dr. Qliris- toe, would like to du their utmost to kill any piospcstive bonus in aid of tho Road. Get over it aj Dr. Christoe may, I, and many othe-, " ' we now, as we believed during tho canvas for the last bonus, that this is one of the chief reasons of Dr. Christoe's re- markable anxiety for tho pockets of the r.itepayers in this matter. When the last bonus was asked. Dr. Christoe had no confidence in the laic Couipany carrying out their pledges. Had they, however, pledged a spur to Fleshcoton Village, it would hoive been quite refreshing to have heard tlie Doctor expiating on the in- comp«rible difficulties the Company bad overcome, and strsugly recom mending the ratepayer» of Artemesia to manifest their confidetMe in the Company by giving them without bte-' itation a respectable bonus. .Last Juno Dr. Christoe bad great confi- dence in the Grany Trunk; now, however, tho Grand Trunk has lost the Doctor's confidence too. ' What will become of the Grand Trunk With the loss of Dr. Christoe's confi- dence the G. T. Railway may write upon their locomotives, " Ichabod." Its â- bares will fall to nothing, and its prosperity will vanish Neither has the Doctor any confidence m the On- tario Parliament. Ue has no confi- dence that that House, auy more than the Grand Trunk Board will ratify anything 'iiat Manage* Mitolnon and the T., G. B. Railway (Company may agree upon. Tbe fact is, the Doctor has no confidenee ki anytbing or auy body bat bimaelf, aud railrotM^ facilities for Flesherton YiHage. It has often been remarked tbat the greatest uroundrel in the very -sot of tryinf io rogne yoa, ia tiM first to call yoQ acooadrel. a general rale, the tatax who has no oonfideucein anything or any body, don't deserve coofii^oe lumself. â€" Last June, when tbe former bonus was being submitted, Flesherton was of- fered,* rebate of aomejkltiiie lilie oae • â-  â- â€¢,â- . si a --vfl. M!" t â- ' I .i' i'-*^:i j" â-  :- j«.t»i/i"i"' v.^Hf-i'C .. .l«ii' the by-lmw, and tbe rc8«H aht«»d aaefa speeial offert are â- wepM witt onlgratitada, andoblyfeefrtie de skes they are intended to gratify, »» all such special rates generally do. The proposed by-biw at present on- ly nsks for $12,000, being a little over one-half of what was asked last June. At t;:at time the general opinion amongst our farmers soemed to be, that it would be better if the Grand Trunk got the rood. In that case the case would be altered, and they would not object to help if wanted. They have now got their wish. The bonus asked for is much reduced, and the Grand Trunk is to take the road in hand. It is asserted that the road is not hkely to stop, bonus or no bonus. That, in my estimation, is quite pos- sible. It is, I should think, likely enough that with the increasing pros- perity of the country, and the growing trade with the North-west, an attempt would be made to caity on tbe row in some way, even should a bonus be lefusod. This, however, is only one of the probabilities but even shoidd it oe realized what are we to jrain by refusing the bonus. Allowing, for argument ^ke, that the road would go 011, it coifld only do so for a long time m a dragging, discreditable way, hurtful to its own mterests, and con- tinuously ruinous to the credit and best interests of the sections oi coun- try it serves. It is our chief thorough- fare. Its liscredit, financially lowers our credit, dimmisbes the value of propertv, and acts as a heavy drag on the ceiieral prosperity whereas, by assisting to place tho road on a sound finatcial basis, our credit as a people is to a large extent established, the value of property in connection with the road's traflBc is more or less en- hanced, aud we thus seconded the ef- forts of a bountiful Providence in giving us good crops by applying those facilities lying ready to our hands in securing to ourselves prosperous circumstances. There is no doubt but the bonus system has been in many cases overdone but it cannot be said to have been so in our case, unless it can be shown that we would have been better without the railroad than with it an assertion which I think no sane person will venture to make. We ought to remember that we never gave a bonus for a broad gaage. So far es my memory serves I me we gave a bonus of $37,000 for a Narrow gauge, and we are only now asked for help to a Broad Gauge after having been creditably served by the Narrow Gauge for some eight years under almost insurmountable difficul- ties. We may talk about mismanage- ment as we choose. That will neith- er help to t;et ourselves or the road into a creditable position but I have failed to lay my finger on any single case of mismanagement that could have altered the state of matters. The mistake was honestly made at tbe begenning by us all in making a Narrow Gauge, and it ought to bo honestly got out of. We ought to be willing to stand part of our share at least in getting out of the mess. The amount now asked would not exceed $1.50 on every thousand dollars as- seasmont. A bag of good barley would do it, and sure I am if I would ofifer any farmer, not to say Dr. Chris- toe, to bags of barley for one, he would think it a very good bargain, so in the same way I have no doubt that by giving this bonus we are in reality securing two bags of barley for the one given and farther, is it not better to give tho bag of barley than have it taken. Has it never occurred to moat of the ratepayers that the Management of the railroad could take the bonus from us twice over. â€" They (the Management) have never so much as insinuated that rather than do so they have preferred to come to us boldly, even a second time, asking for a straightforward bonus. Let us give it them and have done with bonuses once and for all, I am afraid, sir, I have trespassed too far on your time and space, but this is an important moment for the interests of Artemesia, Our Reeve has bu- iicd himself in what I consider pandering to the general feeling against any further railway bo- nus giving â€" a feeling quite justifia- ble, but unfounded in our present ex- ceptional circumstances. I have had the pleasure on various occasions of voting for Dr. Christoe as Reeve, and although I have heard it very freely stated that the Doctor was fishing for popularity in opposing further aid to the railroad, I have avoided even in sinuating any such personal motive but I have not hesitated to charge him wiih making the interests of the Township subservient to the merely petty interests of his own Village. It might have been better had this se- cond application for a bonus been car- ried or defeated without any stimulus from newspaper discussieo' bat as some in public office have thought fit to air their views, it may not be out of place for one, who neither holds nor is looking for public ofiice of any des- cription, to give his canedid views of the situation from a general agricul- tural business stand poiut, be they pleasing or displeasing to whom they may. Yours tiuly, ROBEBT ROBEBTSON. Flesherton and Priceville Stations, October 25th, 1880. Oceau of filth^MpaJlttiig of both ani^^»n£ veglilbM m«^, in ev«7 8tag4:r^«f deoemtfO^tMl^ UteraUy â€" '"â- " '" â€" HBatlO in bn*» •fctirdy ei^llgei all tammer in the â- andSct«pi WBi fltsMmi»atinn of ami,Pi ga^. I tttm 'â- Â« to the Uro ^aghterh(maM«udi our butch- ers have kepi in full blast right in the midst af of the moet popnlona portion of our town all Hunnner alan g hUr houses in which, on an average, a do- len animals h*ve been killed every week for the past five months. Just think of it, Mr. Editor, and relixe if you can the fearful, the ap- palhng condition «f that plagne fPpt, where the blo»d and ofW of half-a- do«en animal* are deposited weekly throughout tho sultry, sweltenr g dog days of a Canadian summer, and then considei that tbe meat served up at our UWes all summer has laid i«er- haps for hours in an atmosphere large- ly composed of the foul gaaes genera- ted in such sinks of filth before it was distributed to consumers, and tihen tell me is it any wonder that our chU- dren and youths have been stricken down. Mr. Editor, we have a Board of Police Trustees, bat apparently they have no regard for the requiremenU of their oflSce, and none of us have had the courage to urge and compel them to an intelligent discharge of their duty till now matters have as- sumed such a senous aspect, that someteing must be done to set our corparate house hi order, Many,Tery many have suffered severely for our su- pmeness and indifference. The con- ditions of health, we find to our cost, even in this proverbially healthy local- ity cannot bo violated with impunity. Now, sir, if our Police Trustees will not do their duty, our citizens must take the matter in their own hands, and adapt such means as will bring our butchers to time, for imdoubtedly they are the chief offenders. Let us immediately from this time forward refuse to purchase any meat from them until they remove their slaugh- ter-houses outside the village limite. Let it go abroad to tlie outside butch- ers and farmers that we haye ceased to buy meat from Markdale butchers, a supply will soon eome in, and if not we had far better fast a week or two than tamely submit to the wholesale slaughter of our innocent babes and unoffendma diildren. Sir, it is with considerable reluctance that I thus write. It is always unpleasant to even appear to meddle in other pe pie's business but I believe it is no part of good citizenship for any one quietly to submit to see his own and his neighbor's home invaded, his do- mestic circle broken up, nis finest and most promising son and daughter stricken down, without raising a warn- ing voice. If tbe parties more imme- diately concerned feel agrieved, they have but themselves to blame, Thev have wantonly and wickedly trespass- ed on our patience and good nature all summer in tho face af repeated re- monstrances, and now let all who agree with me in applying the neces- sary pressure to bring them to a sense of tUeir duty say Amen, and the thing 18 done. Wm, Bbown, Markdale, Oct, 25th, 1880. US McINfflSRB, rio«, provision! I wnnM ronpectfoav roun.l bit nutewn that 1 bar* romnrrJ from my oM ataikl aaa may dow be found iu a portion at where I have sfnU stock of WafcliM,ClMl»,JHrtlltry, FANCY aOODt, ETC DoBtfaiget to ••• my C^kt which are Tery ehaap and good. Hepalrtaff »• â- â€¢â- â- 1 at I*wcat Price and slMileirt ptmm^ â- ottce. Dont fo-get the placeâ€" Dommion Tele- graph Office, next dott t» the 8TAinA»» Office. E. D. WILCOX. liaiUjJe, Oct, 18th, WW. 1-ly fleshesIton. Teacher Wanted. FOB School Section No. 5, Melancthon, One holding a Second or Tliird Clasa Certificate. Applicants to state Salary ex- pected. Applications received np to Novem- ber l8t- SAMUEL Mcdowell.) BOBEBT OLI^'EB, iTmrteei. ABBAM JACKSOK, Ihinhalk P. 0, October 20, 1880. 6-Sin ICerrtcUd •«*Wf /«r tlu SlmmM^ If «. /. arrmOi, FlMherton.) TavwoAT. Oet. Nth 1800. fltwe, per bbL Spring Wheat per bosh., VaU do, do. do. BM-ley Oats Poaa Potatoes Batter, per lb, Egga, per dot. Poik, drea i ad. Beef Sheapakins Hides Har Timothy seed, Wow Tallow •••••••• o.so ••«•â- â€¢â€¢ 0.S0 • • e^ •• •• 0,M •!•«««•• 0.80 ••;««#rf 0.11 •••• •/• O.U //« 0.00 •••/•••e 6.00 • ••'/e* •• 0.M ••...... 7.50 */•'/•• •• 6.00 • /•'••Vtfe .00 •••••••• 6M •••••••• 0.10 •••••/•• 0.06 #6.00 to K.OO 0.96 to 1,0S O.W " 0.f7 0.09 OJO 0.66 OJO 0.W 0,16 «J{Q 0.00 1.S6 8.00 7.00 9.60 0.80 0.12 0.07 SSI A Fl«ft4ip)^ae lost (Mce jest Iv^ i* i_ ^October 2971 880^ Hin^yaads. an^ oiuaiug for a foundry here. very bad holes in tb^ald««aDc wMiohtilS tbdhld loDkskK them. TbM fain which fell on Monday •Iktid Tuesday last ainpi all the OAIjIi JLlfD B« SATisWrSaOAS TO PRICES A»iJ " tSFEUVTY BOTTIiBS BOUGHT. MEDICAL HALL OWEN BOUND. Ow«« SorwD, Oct. 29th, 188«. Flour. U.^ io »6 00 iaU Wheat, Io flo to to 96 Spring Wheat, to 95 to tl oo Barley, 45c to 58c Oats, Soc to 8oc Peas, 5oc to 58c Hay, »7 oo to »7 5o PoUtoes. 85c to 3oc Butter, Soc to 21c Eggs, 12c to 14c; Apples, per bush-l, 25c to Soc Sheep skms. So 6e t4r^) ecf Hidoff, f 7 oo to 17 ool TORONTO. W. BENSON, â€"OF THE- 66 Belfast House, fy BIRTHS. Ii; Chatsworth, on the 26th inst., the wife of i. W. Elliott, Esq., Postmaster, of a sou. In Egxemont, on the 31th inst., the wHe of Mr. John Ferris, of a son. In Proton, on the 22 inst., tbe wife of Mr. Henry Fowler, of a daughter DIED. In Proton, on the 23th inst., Catherine, wife of Mr. Robert Stewait, aged 73 yeare and 9 months. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Begs to annoonce that he ia folly prepared to dispose of all articles usual to a general Oracery and Trovisiou Establishment, at the Lowest ossibU Prices! The stock eoosista of Srsctrlts afi4 ProvltloM I together with LIQUORS of all Muds, soch aa ScoTcn, Ibish and Cahapux, e( the beet brands. I hare no desire to puff 1r iBiarapraaent tbe performance of impossibili- ties, but I may say in response to a brother retailer who offers a book worth H.J6 to every purchaser of 3 lbs. of t.«a, that I wSl GiTC Two Books of avpertor VKlUe to those mentioned-.h» all buyers of a Uke quantity. My house ia andwn as the Belfast House, op. Haskett Bros NO SECOND PRICE. W.. BENSON. ($eeiil to the Standard.) ToKOMio, Oct, 29, 1880, Wheat.fall, per bush 11 08 to $1 o8 Wheat, spring, do 1 nO to Barley, do 68 to Oato. do. 89 to Peas. do 60 to Bye, do 90 to CijaTerSeed do o oo to Dressed hogs, per 100 lbs... 6 60 to Beef, liiBd(9UH-terr.....v... 6 60 to Beef fore qnarten.. .-.-.- 1^ CV to Chicltena, per pair 86 to Fowie, do 40 to Dncks, per braoa 45 to Oeeae, eaeh 60 to Turkeys 76 to Butter, Urge loUe -,. Butter, tub dairy. Butter, Biore-paeked Eggs, fresh, per doi Eggs, packed •â- â€¢â€¢ Apples, per brl Potatoes, per be^ Onions, pcff eef •...•••«•.«â-  uaT ,,.., ,,..... .#....*.. 19 to So to 18 to 18 to e 00 to 1 oo to 60 to o oO to 1 10 78 S4 68 90 O 00 7 oo 7 oo ^6o 46 66 66 6o 1 00 7o 21 19 2o oo 1 96 65 1 25 to let the people eflill on the war path ^\!hip«. .of Flesherton, is beautiful things ih Uiv« htm a call. tervi'defi which were be^an Uoant Foreet C. M. Church reek, an^ whicfl we Icam have very Boccessfnl, are to be 3ou- lued for several wc^ke. â- . whe have seen J. F. Hproules .*^, say it is tbe most fashion M^^^ cheapest in town. Ladies 1 and se^uiose ciegant I'am 0°- anter's. Pure Drugs and Chemicals PATENT MEDICINES 1 .dread,ilisofintefe.tlo.Li.. Dye Stuffs, Fancy Soaps, Perfumen' Combs, Tooth, NiWa receired a communication this oil and wen^ he dtsnovnt made Here feo^ed town. It i tbe antlioi bay, fifteen" about five yet been cbd TmCtU brated this orange pr and a graud From the ar promiKtiH to| wo would re enjoy some Uud. 'lick^ OrangcMlle interniediat good to rctJ La.»t wecl riage of Ad A McKenn we received Kenzic deui and olitcl1 diet tlie rc'l are exceed occurred. U8, aud of Ma. Donald McLcod makes hit w to tlie public this week iu thi- ape of an advertiserat-nt, which will I foood in another columut Be sure i "i*^ ^^^^ pletlsurc of nn tllC EliP] and Hair Brushes, Trusses and Surgical Appliances, i^ ^•'"'n ' t bristoc aneut the • and general Druggists sundries. • tZ.^Z s^'^-r'tlris â€" 0-â€" â€" e obliged to omit it this *cek. It II appear iu our next. Miss. Rome of Maxwell, formerly Sew York, \t-lJl remaiu a week or Stationery and School Books! IN GREAT VARIETY O TOGETHER WITH ... H hin; o in Markdale, any person wiehiug nj.p TOB-A.OCOS' ^^"" Iboir pictures eiihirgtrtl. will we!l to call at Mr. Hull's resideuco id cxamiuc spwimcus of work. The Governor-General has appoint- 'cdnesday, November .1. A xl.-uy f ^^ meral tlianksgiviug all ov.-v tiiu jg Q ^.T7l^^Q r^ a omiuion. It la to bo hoped that it ill be strietly observed by all loyal PAINTS AND OILS AND I»JlEr»15IlAXIO"Nfc. tizens. VETKMIVAIl"!^ i-iCJa-x'^^w..^. .^^^..-le, Aimoii aale ou tho premises ol CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. '*lter Douglas, IJ miles Nortli of â- ontrtal Ttltgraph Offlete. T. S. SPROTJIiB, M.r MILL STREET, MARKDALE, Sep. 17. 1880. BwiNin.n lowiug IS tl| ihe uusup( wiitered a c*' tif Ilrnn roiito, till' can iu lii-rl a III I T' I'll J to fill It v.l l"U!iJ 11 ii;ii t« the liuri in the oil. I it I'uiitiiii' 'il ?,' lip th.^ thiit tii the 'ViC I'll (.'â-  HILL BROS., 60 to It oo THE CHURCH. 'fTTHBBEAS Or»Tes have of Ule been VV tlug in the Chnreb Tard of Chri«t Church withoift Git coatcut of the anthori- ties, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That any person so offending in the fotare will be proeecntid for tra*«u. rQ; ,„».« B. COLEMIJJ, 1 Chnrch- lifeueuj xHOS.ELUOTT.Jr./ wardens. Markdale, Oct. 26. 188«. 74i* SEWING larkdale, on the 3rd Novombor cum- euciug at one o'clock, whuu a lantity of stock aud implements will sold. H month's credit .0:1 ap- oved paper. in Ma. Thomas Flesber having remov- 1 t to Manitouliti Island, requests us state that Mr. T. Hall is uoW tlie ithonxed agoul for the Gore District utnal l-'iro lusurauce (lompauy. o whom we recommoud those in ant of iusurauce. Markdale, Oct. 14tb, 1830, 5tf, DONALD McLEOD, f^fe MiAIiKR THE SLAUGHER-H0USE8. To tbe Editor of the Stamdaso, Sm, â€" In referense to the fearful pla^e, Diphtheria, now raging in our YiQage, and decimating our children, I crave permission to make a few re- marks. It is a well known fact, es- tablished beyond dispute by the vital statistics of all landa, that when an epidemic breaks out in any place,some potent and a as i R u a b le cause can easi- ly be traced out. la like maoner, the cause or eanses of tho present malady iaeasilv traced. let â€" Most of ottf people lUbve been brought up in rural diatricts, ftbere attention to cleanliness and saaitary matters are almoat wholly neglected. They have cattied to their Village homes the personal and domeatic ha- bits of their country life ia their houses yarda, latoea and offioaa dirt and filth pf^mtainate to an extent that would it^\f shock the esthetie sense of a denizen of a town or oitj. â€" They have generally j oat eiMVfh res- in the sane way, asj pect for the opini«:8 aiid feelmgti of I -I-- 1... -^* their ueighbars as to put a tollezablT passable face on that portion of tbek premiaas-o^ea to pabuo gaaa bot lat his sincere thanks to the public for their verj liberal patrona^ in the past, and koiies by honorable dealing. FiBtT-Ci.AS8 Work, and close attention to business, to merit a continaonce of the same. THE BEST OF MATERIAL Used, and none but .Fint-clax Ueehanici employed. Special attention paid to Bepairing. which will be done promptly. Sewed work a Specialty* ivoricjE. All oTcr due accounts must be paid without dulay or I shall have to resort to more cost- ly inaaus fur collection. D. McLEOD. Corner of Queen and Mill Streets. Markdale, Oct. 28, I880, 7-81 China TEA Store tJeneral dealer in 6R0CERIES k PROVISIONS, Next to Haskett'« Hardware Stoce. Keeps constantly on hand ereryth'tig osoal to svoh M«stabUshm«nt. He woaU draw special attention to his Teas, Tobaccos Sugars, Which r .r quality and Lownese of Ptiee CANNOT BEJURPA88E0. Aa palling ia ao part of mj desire. I merely ask intending pnrnhiieii to giTa om a ' eall and be eoinineed that I ME AN BCSINESS, Sell Lower than Uke Lowest, aa I bare porehaaed for eaeh, and have had a good disoooat allowed.--! aa in a iwajtioa to let mv eoBtomani have the baaeftt of aiy JB Teatm enta. t^BemsBber tbe plaee^ nait -le Broa. .. ' â- ' ReadThis. MONET LOANED at the Vmt Lowasi Rates or InTraagT. The Boaaowxa can have hii own terms ae to tbe Ximk and the Wa-t he BarAYr 1*^ tom't ptfl through with tbe i,aAaT possible Dai.AT. Ste (*« Vnderiigned hffor* afplyimf Eltewkere. Offices in Shelbume aud Dtinkalk. Always in theShelbnmeOflce on MON»fYS and TUESDAYS, from 8.80 a. m. to 9 p. IS., and on WKDNESDATS, from 8j80 K. iri: to 3 p. m. In the nnndnlk Office on THUBS- DAY8 add FllIDAVS. On Thursdays, from 3 to 6 p. m.. and on Fridays, from 9 a. m. to' " °*' GEO. RUTHERFORD, Eitatt and General Agent. FARMS SOLdTnD RENTtO By sending number of Lot, Concession, Price, Terma, Ac, for very mrderate ehafget. At prices that will astoniah tba na- tivea at W. L. Marshall's, DU NJD ALK. an. tnma or lis^mi Attended to, Dnndalk, Oet, IStb, 1880, 8tf. • -* â- rXf::--i â- â€¢r '^:/ â- *-•- â- ' "Tl-- V #.' •; â-  .• â- 'â- -â-  .,, '-â- * â- 3**-':--. ^-«:/ i •â-  â- "^.-- â- !* S.»i. In| in;,' u luuiJ known Mil drowned at Diirhai lihernti ly ofi" Ihf rua ail iii(|ii I tiirnctl a I to his d. ai I nii'iitiil (ll I ccssive ilrl lit.,. Tilt /. brou^lit i| MiHer. \\\ on TiifS'i A raize was ullored for the motlicr ho presented th ^reatt»l nnmtier of ;r own children at au ludiua State lir. Mrs. Smith aud Mm. Line wt it- afcll accompauic-il to the tair by uiue, ut Mrs. Line gave birth to a tenth I u the grounds, aud so took the prize. ' ' ' ' ,r " ' I lyni;,' I'll Am auction sale will take pluce at i Micliat-i » ugenia on Monc'.ay the stU Xv. 'â-  lilnw, hih mmencii)g at 1 o'clock when a j up she w; Waantity of household fnruilure, si'ck j scuttled ii S)d lumber the property of lleury i injury ti i.^.. .».ii i.« .....I.] 10 ...An.i.'.- ' ilie*-o hsLSl it IS fo« wr/'ck. $3,000. Nii;ni have tx'oj open nis CONVEYANCING A SPECIALTY. AH KiiuJt of W'ritinyt ExtcuUd. luBeoted in the beat Btook Compaaiea. OBEAT BABOAIM8 Qivan in the Bttt and HardUU Ci FRUIT ORNAMENTAL TREES. )Uadmlm,Ott.l,im»k. 441 TT1BOM the anHtea of Jeha J? Ford's liill,eknalg. a led HaUw with amall star es bead, a^a law «Wte apeta im body -is amtH fee a Ikiee year aid. Aar pMioa ghriag rodi iBfaoMtua telhe«â- to• Iâ€" u;-j tu^.^,.^ „;-iti»J«nedaa winiaadto'l»5?eeo»j«y wfllbere- any one go bwuod the acenes, yian ,i»rdad. their btfelc jaxA. lanes and dlaja,aad he will fiada difiid^nt atale of affitixa. u .?'»•«(. xT-^r Z'r 3.aT:ri rt mia i i'-iji f.i "•% MBS. 0?«4SWBLL. Maskdili. Oeli^, ISM IRON FORCE PUiPSI â€" roaâ€" WSIiIjS and CISTBBKS. Sold fcry Chtap. Cverjr Farmer •â- ckt f (et •â- â‚¬. Q£0. BUTHBSFOKD, XMafa end '•enmU A0«tU. tBMLBVUSm AMD VOVOkLti- OetoUr SI, IMO- g- of" Ysduable Farm Property IN THE Township of Olonolgi In the County of Grey. There will be sold on Saturday, the 30/A day of October IS8O, at eleven o'eloek in the forenoon, at B^TtxfreE'H Hotel, in the VILLAOC OF MARKDALE, by virtue of a power of sale, cputaiued in certain mertgagei, which will hi produced at tbe sale, the tollowing properties i PAR^fEt r. Under mortgage ff'eili Neil Campbell, lot namber one, in thi twelfth eoneeesion of tbe Townabip of Olenelg, Cottiity £1 Orej, eentaining one hnlidted acres. The following llnprovamenta are said to be on the premises About 60 acres cleared, having erieted there«.n a eedar log bam: â- itaatad about 8 miles from the vfllace of Markdale. PARCEL II. Lot 97, in the 84b eoneeaaio i i at tha Towaahip ol Olanaig, ia the Coonty of Oiaj, enntaining one hnnorad aeiea, more er Itaa. The loUowing impro*aiBanta are aaid to be OB ttia preauaes: About Maates eteerad, with log Imildinga ataeted thereon. I ONKBAL AO£NT AMD DEAVEB HI r Itmfmr Blo^ WiBBstad Statioa. It, WW, 1 -dhij V ET ERIN ARY. BIjOOICFIKLD, V, ttw ptaejfae of Ma i Bi^ i a^Martdate.aadfromhkhM fraeliee inBaglaM *» ewblod to ^^ topanfr the Uood by i Mac in tkk ijiii_ o eattle, alw^^ «b ' liis eaaa, orer Dr. J^SJSSH. TKBXB.â€" One.teBth of the pnrahaae to be paid 4ewa oa the daj ml aa' For bsJanee. tarma will be made known at thaaale. Fee foitlMe partfealan aiipir to J0MX8 BBOB. A MACKSMZB, SoUcitais. Miiialn Hall. Tomato. Or to Jeaa hmma, la«.. Markdale. o c 'o â-  *»:?}, -V. ^•jsi..." f CD I o CD w o CO o CD o CD O O o CD pi I •'n- .. ' 'V â- * t ii â-  â-  " ' â- â- ' â-  â-  • ;.yir. -.,.• -: 'V;-^;%*» J-/ ' .. •:». r^Y'.^ •• • ft -I â-  "Ir^i^:.}^ ' â-  '^^^y^- -V '--â- ;•'-.; â- .t' '.if*-" r-.?. â-  ^T^-^ i-\. 'â- '*;* ^-' '»"-..' i â-  .^ â- '.â- â- v-i-T- â-  ..--i;-^. • -^ ... t-=i-\ V.-;,v.^V-- â-  â-  -^-^iW/ i4^:.- •:- 1- â- ' ^aue E«q.. will be Kold. 12 uiontirb Q-edit will be giv»»i ou uppioved paper. An extensive credit sale of farm '4ek, implements, household furui- Qtre, etc., will take place on the pre- ^liaes of Mr. Moes Juhuktou, lot I'J. Jm, 11, Kupbrasm, ou Saturday, the ^fXh ^aC 0«tabar, ooraiuuufint; at \i tin ir It ^erooa. MoMi-s Jolinetou, proprietor Wriiiii Wheo, II. lU, auctiouo.:r. W We call attntion of our Dnnlalk â- a«lersto thcadvcitisemeut of (uuti'e â-  ixon which appears in this issui. â- r the Stam.ark Mr. N. keeps h gooj Ceoeral stock, and we bo!icvctli*y are rit-claes. Tho^ wishing to (;et ^cap goods should give him a chU he is selling at bottom pricm for ^.h 6t produce, 1^.;^,,^,^ JURAP yea* will be out in about two â-  m their ^ontha, and while a food iiumbet faa« 'A. 1 ^ken advantage of the long year, â- letw are a few yet we would bke to â- ke safely into partnership (f«jT lifp.) â- liose who contemplate sTich, we 'ould advise them to exatuiueXSIicux t- Rook of gold rings he has a hiiv aa- rtmeut at prices from '2.5U up. ^L Ak extensive cru1t sale of 8;ock. tiplemeuts, furniture, and musical struments, will take pace iu Flesh- erton on "Fair Day," Monday, Uth Qay of NoTember. Terras of sale «1 tttms o'frt- $.5 â€" twelve modths .edtt. Sale to commenco at 12 noon. house, lot, and the Flesher^u skat- ig rink will be offered for sale terms which will be made known at salo. «i/i ill' It •!iirf. I (i[ •'Hi'ii Mrii(| i' iii^'iiiij otlii'i's ml I OoUlSi- i evomiiu'sl I interval I for til.- latl -7^ ^^: â- â- -/'â-  •^C; •:i'** a Taa Durham organ case was to It :onsiderod before au adjourued ineut- jjg of the Presbytery of t^au^een Jeld in 8t. Andrews church, Monm jorest- yesterday, we have not lear.i jl the result, but, trust, however, it srill be finally settled, and thai the Vintroversy which haH been goiiit' on jr sojtfe time past Will be brougdt to f do'ee. Haixow E'en falls on Sunday tin- 'ear, whieh no doubt will b' n^Tinl (isappointment to our niischiof-lovm;.' 'sniall boys" and koiiig of Iho.so of arger grow.i. Our devil say.s, Ikw lyer, that they (the "small boys)" nre Sot going to be deprived of they just ights but iuteud celebrating the ime-bonored day, on Monday Nov. irst. So friends look oat for »bages. Fmr o'c!i-cl. ii:ir I ar| (i.o. NU c-ovir«!il wa-^ at ol er of ril and wciil furiii*^r| bolli thl .MHtluni liei.:,'iiloJ od on til it illi)t;l| iiieiit \v: ' iii Jarv't I f'-o'T »IH i i^ of \\( but t!ui j IlKWO I 1 1 ini!ir ^ll fi' i|i 1 1 OIIL 11;' r:r(; s»a| S|i|' :l llllj â- (Tp tl;. iiir c \| |l-il|.- foil [irolialf.y w a II' Ihii:.Iii your Wi Toronto, Ba|it. Utk, tsM! STRAYED lef the a ah eet ft sr. lot I •, Kiqilineia, aboat the t we years eM, red. to yrefe ytepeilj, eraway. CHABLB8 8TEB8. â- vphrasia. Oet U, 1880. 6-»t* CAUTIOM. ALL pMtiaa SM hersty eaotioned a^iaai MRotiaUagteanwayaaotodiawabf neatas Tewaaaai. lb Toar of WtUaM XUaAiRy. (or the sbb ^tweD^^hraa del. fm, lovnlas bM aa' ' .•â- td. 1880. 44 .ttmr^ •»( a. eiOiiw m ' .J.i 1 Wttr.t) â- aui mi i "IC "â€" • M ARKDALE Lost! 9y Ikeae «tt» baj stoves bitee rlM| to J, GABDINEB'S Dun^alk. STOYES ui TDIWiRE Jl«cll#tt«rr*. I ckWKOT Lclp but t'jll the truth I lave tbe kind of goodb to back me up a what I say. They speak lor *^em- â- elves, no matter what people say. " 3ome all and sec for varselvf*. If, rou are, not satisfied that you arc not vik4iq^ good value for your money. T^Jf'%aa'l take the goods and we will P*H by shaking hands, lookini; pleas uit, hotoing wc shall soon meet again. G^^iU wiO find me iu ti^e same place, ilwaya ou daty, A. Mci^rvaE. â-  BoptoaaL to be stoues. â€" Saturday fgt »ay» the Mount Forest Confedrrau LlCihSRD ADCnOKBBB »* «"" Ti!„S*° **" "" ^^" CoontT of Oi«y. "»• black tookjng niaro for sale to Balea aiteadad at aMrteii noe^Mr. John O Bnen. He held it at a tk tanntrg. Ohartes mclerai*- .^jy taix price at firat, but tssme down Bale Bais, Notoa and 8»«"l*rom one sum to another uuUI ha n ieTSl. ir^t!:1.3S«ed wiUmguese to ao^i^',^g; Ma^dale, Sept. Mth, 18«0. ba animal. inmkmg from ua L_ ^naaBer in which the man aetod that a M. Wefca**" "" ^*" "" altogetlier square Mr. n^'Briao caused inquiry to be made of LICKMHED ACCnONEEB '"y|Mar 8wan as to what ho thouglit CooDty of Orey. ,*Jkeat to do in the matter. Furth- -3* LOAN ND LkyD j -Vg^ywwition was had with the man Meoey to loan at lowest ^^^.IgSkmg tbe horse. A second visit tosaitbonoweri. A«|JJ»^„,^. I^^g to th^ mayor, when tbe â- ^ bccoroiu tlirongli some tatv â- â- mm y^'ii imtr ji-irj f-ti' ,4i -m] .Maid s^ hoc .tieiiu. ..^^o.. Ytuiti »Mnj4, â€" (liacanott.^ auoigd aWf e^Wffu ..rv* .... .. .-ttiu â- â- :.:â-  fU:*) iB-t\ PM* â-  rt ,4F5«,',l*»';-,i...; " â-  ' â-  .911 in- Loaa aad Saving Co. atziatiy iriTate. and treated as XtWSKU P, If th 1880 PfiTSICIAN, 8U10K01' aa, Ecoama P. O, uawua 'â- J •«•' 1 .â- ;c?i" J -nH- Sf- aware that he was abot^t to be jumped on the horses btfck le off along tbe town liue east. McGuiro and Godfrey, ^9rrt»mKr* chase. They I.N l.lrKj M-cuniv. miEl t.--ii all ,iiic1 S.,.t. NT 101. oi: tl Uio towuf tabUsbe Tb. el^' uot 1 said lota, ciileut I J.VMES T.iwn-lii|J Wd -^lil I Januurv.l

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