1 HE STANDARD. )CAL OTHER NOTICES. [jjJLGK fiUsM^^^noeks for $3.50, »t 11 8, Flea^ifoa. iHiLi. Bbos. expect to be in their iw atortt early next veek. I The vether for the p»«t few days all that could be desiredâ€" very fe indeed. Gold Hyp^fMfl^o^er Watehea from $^N(nd $85 to $iO and fat7 says that "a man who I't support his local paper â- speciitien of humaoity." AH^anto. â€" AVc learn that a new ^n lias been CD{.'iged, who in the r«e of a few days will occupy th« I just yacated by Mr. Pridham. lABBATH School Tea-Meeting in 3I House No. 18, lot 8, concession [aplirasia, ou the 19tU Oct. Tea be serteJ at 4 p.m. admisnon enta. lALTH.â€" This village was neTer healthy than at present. There been a few cases of sore throat, ph is common with children, but from this we are happy. Titcox has got into his new shop, ill's block. He informs us that to pressure of business and Me in movinf?, he is uuabled to his advertisement for this issue. „. Sprol-i.f.'s marsion isprogress- I but not as rapidly as one would ' see it. \Vinter is rapidly ap- Bbing and a little more exertion lie part of the coiitnidtor appears rable. P. Spttour.F."' Mi'ilinety will, it is I, when in full w.;rking order, not irpasaed l)y any first-class house ^0 Dominionâ€" a few days will re the authenticity of the asser- Ladit-s. bear this in mind. Dominion f xhibition at Mont- Iwas a tlioriii'rli success financial- Bolh the i;\hil»itioii and the sns conimin ;•• have substantiil Huses. In ii yiting the Governor- eral it wa- fort'otten to provide is cntcrtaininiit. Eva ^.;tiuni I vcst^rday and Ma. Jobs M. Wmudu. vho to Winnipeg last Spring, is home on a risit. lie looks well, and pnrpoM* retarmng to Dnlndi (wMr* he baa Been aio«t of the Sammer) in «boai month. lests us toaiiii'Urco that his en- Bments clsew Wo .^demand his im- »to attention.* Tho Dr. Ifaves bin a few daf h, nulv^liose indebted |im are refiniri.l to\ay up and iby sa*^tr)ubl..\ annual iiiecfiii.t of 'Markdale BfJuaiAKT. â€" At Epinng, m the 4th line of Euphrasia, on the night of the 9th inst., (Satorday.) the store of Mr. Thomas Jordan was enterei and a quantity of goods ware stolen, com- prising 10 overooats, 16 suits of ready made clothing, soreral pairs of pants, vests, one dosen ganaies, 1 chest tea, S boxes tobaecp, all his cutlery and jewellery, hats, caps, boots and shoes, and many other articlea, to the amount of ${KX). The thieves haTe "• not yet been caught. The Euphrasia council, we think, ought to offer a re- ward for the capture and conviction ' the guilty parikias. •I shall endeavonr from ne to tinA^ftg we travel through the country, to note any valuabli. improvements, in both village and country, an 1 give a synopsis to our readers. We notice a very fine bank bam about one and half miles West of Flesherton, (T. St S. Boad,) which has been erected this summer, the building is 62x80 feet, with basement full size, we have seen a diagram, and consider when com pleted ^ill bo perhaps unsurpassed in^ the county. We have not space in our columns te give particulars as fully as it deserves, but would recom- mend those who contemplate building in that line, to examine it, and we have no doubt Mr. Brows, the pro- prietor, will gladly give all informa- tion necessary, as to plans, c. It may here be stated that Mr. B. giyes a very high recommend to the con- tractors, Messrs. John Whitton James Leudlow, for good workman- ship, fair dealmg, economical and ex- peditious management. We forgot to mention in last week's issue one of the most attractive ex^ hibits in the liSll, at Flesherton, was a magnificent show case placed in a prominent position facing the ffont entrance. The case alone was " a thing of beauty," but its contents, consisting of a choice collection of silver-plate, gold jewellery, and watches, attracted admiring attention of crowds all day. We noticed some novel and beautiful designs in silver- ware which we will not attempt to describe, they must be seen to be ap- preciated. The jewellery, sets which we are informed by Mr. Doll, the ex- hibitor, were solid gold, sparkling with real gems, were very beautiful in design and fitted tastefully in Mo- rocco cases lined with sftin. The 6tock of watches seemed immense fcr a country town, comprising as it did ich of the- Upnrr Cuiiii la Bibio 1 „ j • i-r i. V .,, ,{{â- -., AT ii ,v ♦ all "rades,. sizes, and prices from neat Bty, will bo hold in the M, tl.odi^t =h, M.rkdftl.. on Tuesday the P^^^j^^^^.^^^^*^ We congrat- mst.. cnt.uiK'iicin'j at 7 o clock' •., .^ .. â- v u .. T .. M 1 uhite Mr. Doll on his success and be- L yMr. J. (1. M:inlov permanent I'ffor the sfx-ii'tv, and other gentle- „- " • ° enterprise deserves. â€" Com will addrt-.-^s SMINr, 1j^' K. thi- imoting. It encouragnig my old cus- to •B flr'ain i-Muiir.' hacij to me.- issure all /^â- ' tui^'ethor witi now ones *U W- '"dly favor- le, that I/Can 81:4 value Jnr ihiir in I thrra MclN- Shoddt Trwups. â€" It devolves on us i thi.s week to warn our farmer fric-nds I particularly, against this description of an'mn! tl^fit is now on its travel I through this section of country, and, indeed, we may say tLe creature is not confined to this or any localitj'-y he is to be found everywhere, he is the wandering Jew, his name is legion. iTrEVTioN^ i.-i dii-.ctod to tin al- ' 1I13 stock iu trade cansists of a large l,i'ement of Mr. W. lii'iismi, to he |;^llioanli of iinpudeuco whish he uses a.i elsewhere. Ilo inrnnns iis that.S.) its utmost capacity; ha TyiU call [goods are all iiiw, and iliroc-t from I upon yon, and from infni-mation inarkrt. Infiii'liii;:: I'lut'i'isors i^.-irnrd, rrhap« from your next lU.r.'uJ Ifr. H'm ijofic.-. ftiiil if in I ,ipi.ri,i,o„r, calls vou byname, asks jl .,1 nuytl....:^ .., l.i- li,.,. giy,. him nfU;,. the ht:i!t!i of your -family, and i\ Morroiv, I'CTio:;:';::; fob Irev. :it ^hiirtc^t aotioa in \iv» QiixlcriiM. ?* ami Stamps '*.__^m 111? ha.1 long expe"f"*3 LTi irantee MtisfMti*"-^* •.'4lh. 1830. â- 'M'ebster, L'CTIOKEKB FOB n TAND AOEH i lowest rates ot in* wer». Agent tor '*^ Ck). All bn»in«M »*^ id tre»tel M feh. JENIA P. O. U for tke 9tm.y** pom now tiD th« r one yesr's Ml. In extensivf creiiit sale will take ce (ac^oriliiif^ to pusters,) ou Mou- Oct. a.5tli, at lilt nsideiico of bmith, l(»t 2, ci-n. 8, Osprey, a yuajiti'y of farm stock, llements, c., will he di.spose.l f. IS, fourtoeii' iii"ntl.s credit. K. ps, Auctioiii;(.i-. IBSONAL. â€" ^Ir. I'at'iii, who wo inced ill our ^l^t. :is rai'idly re- inj,' is, as wo prrdictod, doing |Lc IS now :i!iK- t in 'Vo ur'nmd, 3s;sus:iLd of a ;.'.iij.l constitution, I lA, will nuiloiibtiiUv suiiao.unt liction li'j lrt boi_il siiiijueti'd to. lore week and hu will bo huu^elf -good. have rcfcivid a communic-ation I Wm. I'rown Esq., 111 answer to rhristoo s Irltur ruiiitivi' to tho \i. 11. It will appear next yW- arSy anxious to forward iterestii of the community, and same timcwoiiid suggest to our sponJont tbo uec-'ssity of Iptncis iu the aouding in of com- IcaMons. -I'MON. â€" .V Botial entertainment htUl next WeJ-iLrfJuy eveniug, lenciiii,' .1' 7 o'clock, iu the Duf- Hall, uiikr the supervision of Churcii, Markdale. There will cul and lu^tiu!.!. iital music, ^tious and aiUliLss. Tho Bev. iriflith of Drai;;.;, villo. wlio is said |a host in hn;i.-i If will i)o present. Bt agreeahJo tituc i; anticipated. |IT letter for me " asked a young of the female I'o^tui.istcr'iu a town not far from here. was the r,cply. " Strange," le young l;»cly aloud to herself, turuidaw ly. '-NotMug strange I it," cried tho f. p., through tlia iry window, "you, to my certain ledge have not answered the Kter he seul you. 1 ilo his cor- ideuce." The yum- lady left, ag dark, with a frown on her [Kf.w Book is called the "Horse's laud how to shoe it." The author irse, is a man. When you see a [entitled, "The hen and how tp [it " you can lay a heavy wager M riter is a woman. What ^!f3 not know about shoeing I, nS^au can teach her â€" not by ^e majority. â€" ^leafurd Monitor, ^/lan who wrote tho forogoing is nly uot a member of the ladies' ciety. And as to the shoeing of I Perhaps his wife might throw 'ight on that question. isa to ahou,;o fr ia Meaford we pt notice the letter of Lieut. iaon in tho Tim^, of t^^, .^geks itii to^ lata to Kpeuk of it in our knd this week we have not space it that attention which justice hclf demands. Had Robinson Ld himself to a statement of what lis " the facts " of the case be- himselfand Cant. Eorke we [have nothing to say, but when liborately falsifies our position as ttUman would, we are in duty to enter a defence, as we pur- Id oing in our next. â€" Mta/ord w- We anxiously await the ranee of the next Monitor the of that journal haying pro- au original article. Oh desr, Nr I wl9n will the paper come. IS burry to learn that oor Tommy has lint yet recovered â€" in fact ho knows all about you. After partaking of dinner, which the good natured farmer is sure to invite him to^ he opens uj Lis wares, and displays to the astonished gaze of the farmer Buch goods as ho never saw before. The scoundrel states that ho Las con- nections with- some of the largest houses qp the continent, that he is tho accent of a firm who continually pifrchaso bankrupt stock â€" for which of course, they get for almost carrying away â€" but having so much of it ou hand are compelled to peddle it. The unsuspecting and honest farmer be- lieves every word of it, and an order is immediately given for what tlie family require. The goods are meas- ured off, the tramp gets his cath, or note and the purchaser is badly sold. There is uo law to stop this nefarious disposal of goods, and all that can be done is to warn purchasers against dealing with such scamps. We may hero mention that the stuff they offer for sale is of the worst description of shoddy â€" it looks well, il is true â€" but it is good for nothing. This village was honored last week by a visit from a couple of those barefaced rascals, and we are not sure but one of them is still in town, against dealing with whom we now warn the public. We hj,ve honest, straightforward trades- men here, who do a legitimate busi- ness, and why our people should allow themselves to be gulled by unprinci- paled rascals such as we baye mention- ed is a mystery. We ask onr friends of the press to pass these consummate scamps around, so that the country may be rid of them. Th» Nobtkebk Railway. â€" The promieeU meeting of tlie Directors of the Northern Railway Company to consider the case of the lately discharged men was held on Tues- day last. The result was that an announce- ment was made to some of the conductors in the afternoon to the efiect that conduc- tors Drohan and Itajmoud, who took a pro- minent part in the strike, could net be re- Cttived back on the road, and that the rest of the discharged men would be at liberty rvturn only on the footing and at the pay-^f new hadds. When this was heard conduc- tor Sloan, one of the steadiest Bieo on the Unc, refused to continue in the company's stTvic.-, ami docUned to take out his tiain that oTeniag. He was sustained by- his brakesmen, and there was some dalay in se- curing other hands for the train, which left considerably late in consequence. m C^ omnuL ACMm akd dkaxke di B^t. 17, IMO. VElERtNARY- JYSLOOUKtTSUb, HAS egoniMMal the pnetiae « Us I iMsieB in M»rkd«U.«ad born Us I •qwricnea and extaaaive pnelJM i and this eonntry, is wvUsd to â- t H a h ation. B«ignlalir.g Vvm^Km^ Um mira tk m at t hn aa an d s that kM« 1 warranted to pnrifr the Uood \m rwaoriaf d lsea a es larking in th« system of liarMS sad eattie, alwaT* on hand. w«.n^,n, m^ )„ procuad at his offles, over Dr. Bpreole's Dmn Store. Markdale. 1-T E. D. WILCOX, CHURCH DIRECTORY/ This spaee to be occupied hj B. D. Wilcox's Advertiaemant aa soon as his new Brick Store, now being fittad for him is completed. a p o MARKDALE. Selling Off. Selling Off GREAT Clearing Out Sale! ii FMfTB 6«miA K BEMEO. BUTTER RAE la in nonal for Um Iftâ€" I anfart I vfflatiUaddttofllsnla qCmw a Mtrj naad or taHa ghatfte aril ttav ktter hawa I 'ae al ted ainsa Thank tha pabOe and ttianda aoBuiMoainc baainaaa. aad with aU eaatemn. Me HaHary oaad er h«Ma iha,»e »â- â- thepaMia. Bvatr an ita own merita, and by baaiiint their itoek woO smmIuiI aad tPtah in aO the will ahrayt giys thinr enrtowais fa^vatas ler Hkdamtumj. V Bato.aiagr DRY COOD8ii*^i^«' ORDERED CLOfHIifda^^ialty: HATS and CAPS,e'"dstyUshr-;t: BOOTS and SHOES, Cooper Smith's celebrated make that has stood the test against all comers in all styles and newness. ^^^ CLASSWARE and OROOKERYaUpatems GROCERIES, cheap amd fresh. ..• Keep your Eye on the Place! WHEN T0X7 YISIT MaBKPATiK. Douglas' Brick Block opposite the Drug Store. BTJTTEH a TtAlS. «aptamber 21st. 1880. A Word to the Public. BRANT t CNELLEW will offer for the ivExiT 00 -rA.Ys Bargains unprecedented in the County of Orey. SIDEBOARDS, BL'ltEAUS. CUl'UOAIiDS. WASHSTANPS, open and chdosod. BKADSTEADS, 8PKINU BEDS, MATTIIASSES, CliADLES, CENTRE TABLES, EXTENSION TABLES, Fall-Leaf Tables, and Chairs of erery ra- iety to be SOLD AT COST â€" o â€" Pictures and Picture Framing! in all its branches. ITpholstcring and Rcpaiiinf: promptly attended to. 15" Produce and Dry LvTnber taken at market price. GRANT CHELLEW. Uarkdale, Sept.. leSo. 1 CHRIST CHURCH. Servicesâ€" Sept. 26, 10:30 a. m.; Oct. 3rd 6:30 p. m.; 10th. 10:30 a. m.; 17th, 10:30 a! m.; 24th, 6:30 p. m.; 3lBt, 6:30 p. m.; Not. 7th 10: 30 a. m,; 14th, 10:30 a. m.; 2l8t, lo;3o a. m.; 28th. 6.3o p, in.; Dec. 5th, 6:3o p. m.; 12th, lo:3o a. m.; 19th, Jo:8o a. m.; 2Tth, 6:3o p. m, iSabhath iSohooi, 2:3o p, m. Rev. Jamea Ward, Incumbent. CANATA METHODIST CHUBCH. Serrices every Sabbath at lo:3o a.m., and 6:3o p. m. Sabhath School at 2:3o p. m. G. 8. Bowes, Snperintendant. Prayer Meet- ing. Thnisday Eveninga at 7:3o. Bar. NJk- McDiarmid, Pastor. W^»TED of age, to learn CHASE BROS. BOWMAN, Nurserymen and eedsmen. Nurseries at Rocliester,N.Y. ENOCH BALL, MEAFORD, Agent to fell and collect for tha Sept. 17, 1880. 1-y WM. FOX, Plain Ornamtalal Platttnr Estimates for stone and brickwork on up- phcation. Satisfaction Onranteed. Besi- denceâ€" -Queen Street, Markdale. Markdale, Sept. 17. 1880. 1-7 Wnia Foster, (MMISSION MERGH/ Whol^Boe and Betail dealer iiy£i kind* of le anMardwi^ Lumlif r, LATH, SmNOLE^CEDAB POSTS, AND QReDWOOD. v t^Office and /ard op^site SHELDON'S HOTEL, ow/n sound. The era of prosperity which now happily reigns throughout the length and breadth of our glorious dominion benefits every branch of in- dustry, and has very mater^lly benefited my business, which has increased jn volume several thousands of dollars over any previous year, and is steadily increasing. â- â- i' Appreciating the tastes and requirements of the Public I have studiously, and I trust suc- cessfully, labored for i8 years to meet the wishes of purchasers. The support and pat- ronage I have had justifies me in increasing my stock, extending my facilities, and at the same time materially reducing my prices. â- Ambitious as I have ever been to be first and foremost in my business, I am resolved that henceforth the reputation I have achieved in* this particular, shall be promoted and enhanced. Egotistical mention is not essential, but I do feel warranted in calling attention to my pre- sent full and complete stock of Goods, a stock, the greater part of which has been purchased for cash, and direct from the manufacturers, and the equal of which, for extent or variety, I do not think can be found north of Toronto. I solicit from strangers ^n inspection, and to my friends and customers say, that I have for them in goods and prices a succession of what I believe will be very agreeable surprises. I am in a position to fill all orders, and it will not be necessary to send to Toronto or elsewhere for goods. Give me a chance to supply your wants, and I guarantee the best Goods at the most economical rates. btimsk IMoiie oA iM ludunse. Sim ATS ON HANSi A FDIili BflXXJK OF Por Hftle drieap for Cash'or INrodilee. At the Maw T|nsho| MASKOALE. ALABOK aftkatelMt â€" i â- t* .-• ••». .•• » -V. WM. HOGO. fltatlMi BaiHâ€"W Mat, leap. Pianos and Organs. J. A. CRAWFORD MMM, coonia in mx STOyBM, axtra haiivy aaattaga, with ailvw* pUtad ttHamU^i THE BEST STOVE IN If yon want to hare eomf ort tb« raat at jaai d^, boy a atove from W. B. Walker, tHat will iMt yg« row lilattaM,^ AT ROCK BOTTOM PRfOES: Mo poffii^ hawâ€" tha taal "3iiiioB Para." TIN WABB I i LABOB STOCK ALWAT8 ON HAX9. AU.XIXMOT Tin A Copperworkl made to order on the ahartaat notiaa. EAVETROUttUNS A SPCCIALfn. StpTa Orens lined, Hand-Irons Bilver-Plated, at Tery low priees Stove PolUh; Dotte. Lead, tha ChaUenge, the Bising Son, Coal Oil; JOB WOBK partiMlarly atteudad to. You can aaTe money by Riving me a oall before parohasing elsewhere. Old "netal. Hides, Sheep Prlti, Wool-pickings taks^ ^-^ exchange. t3*Bemember the plaae, next tha "Markdale Houaa." W. R. WALKEI^. ICarkdale. Sept. IT, 1880. 1-tf DKALBB lit PIANOS AND OBGANS STOVES- OF THE T7s:'bz;id€r@ ^vCa.m.-CLfsictvi-z®- A call and examination will be gratifying to me, for I feel sure that an experience in patron- izing me will fully confirm all that I claim for my goods. ^W. J. McFABLAND, WHOLESASE AND RETAIL, September 17, 1880. • BOOTS and SHOES ^OIB Having a thorough knowledge of Musical Instruments. I would invite those desirous of purchasing an instrument to GIVE MB A TBIAL! I can furnish good testimonials from parties to whom I hav* sold that they will be dealt honorably with in all cases. By corresponding v/ith me I will convince parties that I will sell cheaper than they can buy elsewhere. Monthly or quarterly instalments would be accepted, with a small payment down. Hagkett Bros. B OttOM PRICE FOUND ..Great Reduction to Cash Pnrchasers. r///.YA' OF OUR PRICES: .A No. 9 elevated Oven Cook Stove, furnished complete, ?i8. Same, with Low Oven, $17.' 5 BOX STOVE, $4 An other sizes Equally Liow III Inttnmienfs warranted for Six Years. ADDBE^S, 'f^ J. A. CRAWFORD, LOCK BOX Ta, TJxbrldg-e, Ont. !jnmher, etc., shipped to 6r water. ptambcr. 1880. porta, 8«r»i PBIMA-nVE JfETHODIST. icea every Ist and 3rd Sabhath at 3 o clock p. m. E,,^ 3n J 4 4ti, aibbath at lo:So a. m., in the Orange H.-JL C. C. Gmr- nett, Paitor. " FBES' TERIAK. 8arncaai»I*^.u» HaU ererr altaniiiia Sabbath at 11 a. %»., and inteivenin« Sab- batha at 6:3o p. m. Sabbath Behool at ajo p. m. Bible cnaAs and Prajer Xerting on Fridays at 7:3o p. â- . jt i ._ .1- • ifti.-- .;.. "i â- jt... ,. Vm. Lncas G6., BANKERS, MARKnAT.R IN large or small amonnta, at all timaa, on good endorsed notes, or on eaUatanl aaeoritjp. if • INTEREST AT 6 PER CENT. Allowad on Satinga Dapoaita. /I ;awv^ â- : .# \{mi I^TDrafta iaanad and OoOaationt mad* oai â- U poiata, at loweat rMaa. WM. LTTCAS ar Col Saptambar. 1000. A NOVBLTY in these Goods I Ths iRdestnicflble Riveted and Cemented and Water- proef Seanis Oall and Sxaxnlne Stock aJid ^Prices S befoni poTchasing •* â- top" foada elaewbera. FULL LINES. IN Groceries, Staple mil Mgfiv Goods, Glotlilng, ' (Ready-made,) Crockeiy imd GUisswarc^il t.w..:i 4. i^i-' it*: ••i Tâ€"kt IBKâ€" .UBi l»t- MARKpALE. H. Sb R. HOOPER RESPECTFUIiLY lavita erery l£aa and Woman in the eonntry to visit their Faetoiy and Warerooms cud inspect their stock of fomitore, manofaetured daring the sam- mer, (or fall trade. .Car stock is now the largest and moat eemplete yet held by us, aad we haTe bean snaoaaaful in iatrodaeing a great many NEW AND TASTY DESIGNS I )IN( BBD-EOOM SBTS, COUOHESj SIDEBOARDS, EXTENSION TABLES, CENTRE TABLES, DRESSING BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, SOFAS, WHATNOTS, HAT-RACKS, HALL TABLES, 0., o., o. o WB ABE MAKING A 8FECIALTT IN New Styles of. WOOD SEAT CHAIRS! OHUAP AND DTJRABIjB. PUB UNDERTAKING DEPARTM'NT Folly rappliad witk COFFINS, SHBOUDS, e., and special sizes made on tha yeiy shortaat notioa. Theso Stoves are from the best and larg- est manufactarers in the Dominion â€" hava all the latest improvementR, witli illaminat- ed fronts and silver-plated trimmings, and are bt-yond doubt the best Stoves in the Market. HAEDWAEB. A large stock of axes, cross cut saws, building and Shelf Hardware, Cutler)' Paints, Oils, Varnishes. Brushes, c. at low prices. TINWAEB. Coal Oil, Lamps c.. Stock large and prices as low as any in the trade. HASKETT Bros.; Sept. 17, 1880. 1 Meat for All AT W. B. Sarjent'g. The snbscribcr retnma thanks t« tha is- habitants of â€" MAEKDALB aad vicinity for their hberal patronage dar- ing the past five years, and begs to remind ^eqi that he is prepared to supply thai* x/ ' wants in his Une as as any one north of Toronto. delivered promptly on receipt of orders. SAUSAGE POULTRY always kept in their Seastm. Special inducements td large Purchasers tS" Shop en Mill sreett, opposite the " Revere Hotel." rS'Cash paid forlFat Cat- tle and Sheep Again thanhing yon for past favors n4 trusts by faithful attention to your wants to merit a oontinnance of yoor support. W. B. SABJEANT. Markdale. Sept. 17th 1880. i Aliti Zl^lXOs OF Faiey Twiliig, Scroll Work, Ftnet PMols ft iMldliigi made to ordar. Alao SASH, DOOBS, PLANINO, Ae. ^th OUT pareaent axparianoe we taal jiisti^^ in asking a oontianaiiM of the patroaaa ao libarally beatowed on as in tbe paat. Onr prices will be foand aa lew aa any, aadaa madi^ aa ia eoMMwt with fpadwark aad finiah. If on ara in need af anything faiaqr line wa faal aapAdiiWXf aMi aait ywi in ^moUtj and quality to salaot from aii4 alao m ./. A JBt. H:OOI»EK, Fkaharton fltaaoi FamitiiFe Faatory and Pbaiag MOb Sleep ajad C7a.t»tle. â- ti,,- FlMmW Iis«ii« Cbod iat Bhaap «t 0â€"U W â- !. irifl flaiM to ttaii adtat I at Ma- Oatekaost'a Hatal. BOTsre Howa, Martiiali, aa thaMJiisigaal^aa aifll«a ih»«wpalk. a^ w» f ai M sa » p s ty tfca W gha rt iaaa. MaiMida, Sept. ITttt, IWO: Bapt.l7llt,lSnL ,*A,1BBUS. GEORGE WILSON, â- l'\. BIUITIOIHIE IR Mm sc. door to K ip oa i tar i^ idaUvatadat any havaa ia town. James Sullivan, FLESHERTON. -â- ' ' " t; Manufacturer and DeUar in Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron and Japanned Wa'ea, Eftve T?rdiigliing, b6. A Large Stock of Crocker/ and Stoneware. Woodaa Warea, Wadiboards, Br«a«a, Broaltaa, lUkaa, Haadlaa, ^c. Aa. Stove Oreiis Lined. Old Metal, Bides and Wool taken in as change. IS* PriMa moatraaaonaUa, JAMES SmXITAH. F Uaharton, Syt. 1880. i I CMct Fm of ISO Acrotf FOB SALE, Otu MiU from Ou Vmayt of MmrkdmUt Thai e are abont 100 aeraa daared. the moat ot which is in a hi|i^ siiate of coltivatimi aad iU for • Bea|er or Mow«r to work on. Tb«« act oa tha sremiaes a Faama Houaa fcrisftaA VM*:b. Milk Houaa iinakad inaida; a Frama Stabtt and Dririag Houaa, and Log Ban; « Toang Orehaid eoinmaaeing to baar a gqoi WaQ. bedda tba house; a rtemiSOng Btraaas rasa aaroas the brm Ceditr ~~ ' aat tar teeing, balasoe of baslr (a Fiast.«l«aa Mffie Sugar Baah of tna^ tha Cam ia waD f anaad, i alala of rei)4ir, and in a eWd^ kMaS^I iag within a laile of good market, fhlirnb-aM' attool honiea. and an naeaaaary eooTaa^ â- '«. Iff. BOt faBPOt i "• kMabH^ Tann UgMm 9 .; r niili 'i:i.' ,«»rg.{^.lU5 a,! I .on ^a\ • t»S* oao 1 i Jon ;»':« 1 has ,4j-i:'j ni i i4 itl^*( 'A 'â- »'i 4»? a â- fj rf;--afA.-