Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 24 Sep 1880, p. 2

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 i»'»etiop oi^T?*»«l ?*• 17. 1880. itlbr AT • SarjenVs, Br retoms thanki W^ I hsbiUntu of -^M LRKDALE itf^-itA, and beg* tJT ^| p l.re,.aro.l to WpjlJ^^IIll ,ila 111 In-, h^ie aa ***1 s north of Toj«m,j] impfly on rccf ipt of a|^ 3E ?: POULTRY I kpft in tL r Season, inducements to :^ P^ir hasera 1 fill Mill srettt, OM^, h pnia.foTiPat Cavf e aii'i Slicep iilvi'i;' "'â- ' f' "â-  1'""' " " l.till ;.;!• ,il â- _.;. I..V..11T «al tnulH.*f- «f \«'U1 Mt)fM)t. W. v.. SAKJEAST. ;â- ;. 17:!: I~-" 1 es Sullivan, if.r I U' 'â-  :i' 1 '• :clrr in per, SJiti^t-IroDand Troi! â- â-  iiig. c Slock of Crockery i;..k. I! '.c. Ao. Kill, 'i. I .1, .... I V.' ,1 takan in ei-j iji...t r I ' • lip, .r.V. â- â€¢ SULLTVAH.' i/^b. t Bros. iM I'KICi: FOUNl ill .!•: ;.i.i t ^a^ll I*nrL:b.isi.r.s. o/' (// /.' rnrcKS. i)'«7. :•" 07V» Cc r;;;,,/K.,' " â- nplcte, ^lal itii Loiv Oven, ^ly.j \OX S'i( Ah^ $4 iroi^i .s i; .nr-llyLonj â- â€¢ 'i, ' •' 1 t and lair J tiiri-ts til I.. ii,.t:iiirion â€" luMij iinpr.,Mt,,. ,,' â-  :!, illumintt-t '1 .-;i.," I ' i:iiiiiy«, •i,.'ii.t Ui.' I -.sj.Ais in tki 1 BDV/ARB. c stock ot :\xes, cross! S-l'ii-il'liii',; ami SheHl re. Cutlery, Paints,! inishes. lrus]ies, c-| NWABE. )il. Lamps iScc, Iar:;e and jiriccs asj iiy in the-trade. ETT Brqs., !Fj!9Vc3! Stored STRAYED f prtmiscs of JoHS tSoemMi^ Eeiirtiou 12, UoUand, Three yearling*, o ud white, one wbit* 1 v. Any purson goring i i w"ll Ic'iid tu tliair wcoveflT^ "wardid. ;^Vt liJ., 1.M LOCAL OTHER jj^oTiCES. ArrENTiox.lg iiiaeM to Mr. Fu^- 'jbi'b adv. wliicfa appeara in to-da;' :88Ua. To TRX HtaOKT AMD TlUJWrT. K«ad Mclntyre'a adv. He do«e not i)romiBe to clotLe the uoke^. No I tint, sec wbat he docs promitie. NioHT ScHooi,,â€" T. HaU will opMi 4 night sehool np stain in the Dong^ las block, on Weanhsday n«xt, at 8 /clock p. m. Terii.8 â€" Jl.OO for ten Mights, catih in advance. Thz Public Scbooi. which waa closed for a few days owin^ to aore throat prevailini;; among the children, is now opjD and parents may he in uo way afraid of any contagious dis- ease â€" the Tillage is very healthy. Book Aoent. â€" Mr. Charles Brown, book agent, of CuUingwooe, called on us a day or two a£t Mr. B. looks the picture of health. He is agent for some very popular aad use^l works deserving of a place in erery iibra'-y, FisK. â€" We regret to be compelled to announce that on Katarday last the heuse and stubling of Fiulay McEae. Esq., Warden of Grey, was totally destroyed by fire. We have not room nWFEtMNAl « MIMIKSi DIRECTORY. gtrHrali Dn. 8pr»tf e Garter, PhjtieHiaiB, a ur cwoi tf .AiScoachenrs UFFICB Medical HsU; naidMMM at If ar\dale Hoase. Markd«le. Sept 17, 1880. l-y •*w^** S. B. RIcIIUMaui, ATTOBHBY- AT-LAW AN1 80UCR0B is Chaneery, ConrcTaneer, Ac., Ac Owen Soand. Sept. 17. 1880. 1-y C%M. B. WUkea, Barrister at Liaw, Owen Sound. OFFICE.â€" Uillen'8 bnilAng. orar Bobin- â- â€¢â- 'â-  store, Puulet Street. l-y Frost Frost, B.(t£BI!)TEUS, JlKD ATTOBNIITS-AX' Law, S«liitors in ChaacerT, CooTey aac«rs, Ac, Owen Bound, bare resamed at Flaehenon, Office open erery TUaraUaT. as for particulars, bnt learn that thelgps ^•'"•^'oâ„¢ 3 L's//Tinshapj m\i:m.\li;. •: AS.Vi;;! ri:\;i- ,., gel. pt I l!iti-t uiiii uii.st approvc«l til luiivy ra.«tings, with kiI* '"«»•, I t.inii iiu-rs. T ST}VE IN -MARKf i have cmifTt t!i- ris( of .-l.,v.' fr.,iii W! l!..\VallLOr. 1 111 y.,!i v.. Ill- 'lifetime, K, BOTTOM PRICEJ h r. â€" il.. ;.; •• Union Puie-' WWa.'KEj STOCK A:.v..vviro!r .M.I. KlNLi 1. 1- lUCIi^IJS .. SPECIAI I'll, •!, Ilrii„l. liuus Silver-Ph » rri,-.- s:ov IVlish; •-â- ill- ,.„(. ;iio Kisiiig Sun, ' '•i..- 1 UI -u-uliuiy iittonded 'avi- ii.,ney by inving to* aJ i;ii !K sUrwliore, "lil ' IVlt^ Ww,l-pick ' â- " nt'iiiiinlKr llie ilo Honse." W. R. VVALKBl r.KAiN is c-aiiiii,' iu freely. BAKfiAiNs iu Watclios at Doll's. A oo"!* I'l'iiiiii^' for a foundry i!i thib viiJii;,'f. Co TO AVin. r-iilnirr's Flcshcrton, /or a yiioJ l'a'iii';,""il"' -Taimibim;.- Jii^t road Tridliam's [advcrlisiiuc'iit. Nufciil. \^ fti.KNKi.i; .\u'riMi]ttiral Show next I Monday iu M.iik'liile. Don't vmi fiH'.:, t to call at Doll's shop tlie lii^t lui.i: y.'m luc iu FLsli- I «rtoii. J'.\cTs CwNA I-.' 1" Ntm. -r.r the 804|Uel to liii~ H'U'l I'liilc,;- it liac's ad viTtisi Intnl. tJi.u farming friciiiLs \v!io have fshetpor nitdelor sale. sli'mM read Bpwers iJi.is. julviTtismuBut. Mks. r.iiliiiiT. Dr.s.siuakcr. Fleshcr- Iton alsij llariicr's JJazaar ratters |ior sale. A MiisrHi.Y Cattle Fiiir should be ButulilisinMl iicri' Fanii. r.s aro cim- plaiuiu-; of iiaviiiir to lirive their cat- l.^e to'uthur |il.u-\.-.. Im the Prize I.i^t r..KniciicI' tlici followiiiij wer«; oiuill^ d â€" Ye;ir old Colts; .Sjiriii;^ Colts Spring Calvi'S [for which bujta2lei)rizis wiil lie given. Every one busy these times. No â- siicrit loakr.s liuiirrint,' ii'i;i â- ! tliv ImioIs lauil stieet curuurrf duiuig wurkiui^ liouirs. Mk. Dd.vlop, T5al;craua C'liifeetion- or. I" I, .•• ji.t il.^ -.v.^uAnt lot between Mcliilyie's auil 'lufliutl liros.' ami hiur^'ostfs buikiiii^,' Ibi-s full. CiiEKiT sale of Farm Stock, Imple- Iments, llouschoKI Furniture, Ac, on IWeducsilay, (kt. ♦'th, ou the farm of Hdward Itulled^ii, r?r. Stuat Catti.k. â€" Quito a number of stray cattle ace alvtrtisej iu today's jsiiue. Tliosu who have lost such, should read Uie iiutice;i. BrsiNHss is brisk iu Markdalc and iuies arc lookiut,' up. Every house 3th private dwi lliui^ aud busiiiesd is ccupied or m^a^'iJ^ Ilii.i, Bro .ire pnsliincj their beau- ful brick bluek Iu â- ; 'Uiiili tion rapid- Que aiiimrtment is already occa- ii«d by the I'iu-ntlno Office. Wilcox is anxiously wating tha Limpletiou of his part, next door to Jie Printing Oilice, and has just re- iriied from the market, where he has krderei a larjje stock of jewelry, Ac Mr. Lucas (the Banker) is wishiojj lis oflico was completed, aud Hill Jros. are aa au.xiuus as auy for the DUipletiiiu of Uieir portion on the cor- ner of Tmiuito and Mill streets. Tiie vouiii; men of Fli shcrton had meetUijj reciiitly, with the object of Brgam-iiii^' and enliirgiuj^ the Brass }and. Wo. have not learned the esult. Royal IIotkl, MkefI^hd. â€" This first- gii.ss h?use, uiub r tlio maiiagemeut the Messis. i%h:(iirr is worthy of he pationaue of the travelliug public. Be advertisement m another column. Djuxtistky.- Mr. J. J. While. Sur- in Dentist of (.)weu Sound, as will i seen by advertisement, will be at fUvere Hotel, iu this village, on Wednesday next, the 29th inst. liXTENJiivK credit Rale at C. W. lutled«fe'3 I'arui on Saturday, the 2ud October. Sec Tosters. There is ]_8D a fine colt riiii^\vo years.which 1 omitted in the posters, will be ^cred at the above sale. FuBxiTURB, c. â€" Parties resid ill p; in •"leshurton and vicinity, who rfeiaire Inythin^ in this line, should read Joopers' advertisement. Thoy cer- tainly apiiear to have evorytlmig, and iefy competition as to price. Bill Heads. â€" As the time is fast approaching when accounts have to te rendered, parties should call early ' the Standabd OfKcc and order their till Heads, which can be had both ^eat and cheap. 1B. StRorLE has commenced re- building on Mill street, and expects to omplete a three story brick in two â- ouths. The Doctor is also pushing be building of his mansion, which, |rhen completed, win he a credit to je place. Gbamt and Chkllew. â€" This enter- Irisin^ firm are said to be driving a Wcessful business. We recommend liose in want of anything in tlieir ray, t) read what they have to say, |nd see if it would be desirable to give lem a call. The Canndian Xortk Wt$t IB the ftle of a new montly joamal publish- at Selkirk, Manitoba, by Mr. Jas. [V^eidman. It is printed in magazine Drin and is devoted to the general iteresto of the North Wcsl. Piioe }1 per ajuian. is estimated at $2,000. I'eKsoNAL. â€" W. K. Flesher, Esq-.,' of Flesherton, has returned from England, looking well. M. Bichard- soii, Esq., of Flesherton, is home trom Europe looking well after his rough passage by the Citt, of Brutael: His daughter Edith remained in England for her health. Baza.vr. â€" Remember that on Mon- day Ufxt. the 27th iupt., a baTaar takes place in DufiftTin Hall, under the auspices of the Ladies' Associa tion of tlic Presbyterian congregation Hot meals will be served from 12 to 6 p. m.; price 20 cents. Proceeds in aid of the Society's funds. Stoves. â€" Haskctt Bros, have a large supply of every description of stove on hand, which they propose sell- ing at the lowest remuntrative prices. W. R. Walker, not to be outdone, has added largely to his stock of stores, so that parties requiring anything in this line need not go from home to procure it. FiKK. â€" About 2 e'clock Sunday morning, the 19th inst., Mr. Joseph Dormer, lot 9 con. 14, Artcmesia, discovered his barn in flames, and the roof just falling in. He had finished harvesting a few days before, conse- quently his grain and hay was con- sumed, toffetlier with democrat buggy, fanning mill, c.; in fact he Baved nothin' that was iu the barn. Cause of lire unknown. Loss $1,200; in- sured for §040. IIeafoud M.\kble Works. â€" These works, the property of Mr. Hogg, are so well and favorably known that comiutnt would be futile. We may say, however, that we have seen some of tile work turned out from this estahlishment which would do credit to houses of greater noteriety. Mr. John McKeuzic, agent for these Works, is now in'towu, taking orders, and those re]uiriug anything in this line should at least have a onversa- tion witlrliim. A Nkw Enterpkise. â€" Wo under- stand Mr. J. F. Sproule purposes openinii i' li'H Iros. old shop, where lie iiitc'ids keeping a stock of Dry (ioods, Millinery, Ready-Made Cloth- ing, Gents' Funiishiugii, Groceries Ac. He intends doing "business thete till the no v brick bl ick now being built by Doctor Sroule, aud pushed forward Very rapidly, will bo completed. Mr. Sproule intends doing strictly a cask aud produce business, and selling at bottom prices. Wo very muqh ad- mire the principle, as we think it is time that the old credit system was abandoned. Look out for his advtr- tisement in next week's issue. â-  A Good Suggestion. â€" In view of tlie prevalence of cattle stealing throusjliout tha country, a Western paper very sensibly suggests tliat in- ducements should bo. held out for the capture of thieves. It says â€" "A few Township Councilsmight combine and offer a standing reward ot five or ten dollars each for the arrest and conviction of the thief or theivea who might be proven to have stolen cattle witliiu their limits. ')r the reward might bo made up of private subscrip- tions but this plan would involve considerable trouble, and also throw the whole expense upon a few individ- uals. The Township Councils would be the fairer and more satisfactory way, aud the amounts that would be called for during the year would be so small as to be imperceptible when 8i)read over the whole of the late- payers. We commend the matter to the thoughtful consideration of the authorities in the neighboring munici- palities. That a rather uncertain id.ate of affairs exists cannot be de- nied. That some remedy is needed will be universally conceled. And it is absurd, unreasonable and unfair to leave the whole trouble and expense of catching t'ueives to be borne by the unfortunate partv who hap|iens to be made the victim of the dcpredatiuua^ â-  mt • PRICE VILLE. From our Correspouduiit. The Cattle Fair of last Monday was well attended butli buyers and stock were in abundance. Fat animals changed hands rapidly at fair prices. Some -sattle were not iu the best con- dition iu oonsequence of the recent drouth. With regret we record the depart tnre from our village of two of the most esteemed citizens in the persons of Mr. and Mra. Geo. Wood. Mr. and ilrs. W. have been residents of Priceville for about four years, during which time they have gained the con- fidence and respect of all who had the pleasure of coming in contact with them. They BOW go to Arthur village, where Mr. W. has purchased the Sta- tionery and Fancy Goods business. One and all heartily join in wisliing them sncccssandcontinned happiness. Mr. Biley has all the material on the ground fur the coustroetion of a new blacksmith shop. Mr. George Simpson isthe contractor. Eligible young ladies an3 gentle- men contemplate getting np a concert in aid of the sidewalk fund the plea- sure of their evening peregrinations having teeu materially cnhan3cd. ALFaiu) Fbost. J. VI. Faosi, LL. B. *^ Connty Crown Attomev. 1 BABBISTEBS. Bolioiton m Cbancery, Ac. Office, one door east of the Merchants' Wank, Union-st., Owen Sound, r. McFaidbii. J. T. Boaanxs. Sept. 17. 1880, l-y 8. J. I«ae* BABBl.STERandATTOBNKY-AT.I»AW, Solicitor in Chancery. Sto. OvMiBS â€" at Uweu S«aud and Markdale. M. B.â€" Offiee at Markdale aver W. J. Me â- Garland's store, op«u on Xharsday o{ «very i-r James MassoBf BABBISTEBand ATTOBNEY- AT-LAT^ Master in Chaucery, Oweu Sound. Sept, 17, 1880. l-y James I.aaton, ATTOBNKy-AT-IiAW. SOLICA?OB IN Chanoery, Notarv PuUie, be. Money loaned at lowest rates on personal and rei^ eatate. Lands bought aud sold. Bayer and seller introduced free of ooaunis- siou. DUNDAT.IC. September 2Ut, IS^O. 1 Itpnptiiautttt Si £ait^ |L0cttt«. Wm. Broum, ISSUEB OF MABBIAGE LXCENSBS.ifto., CoQuniitsiouer in B. B. Ac. Couveyanciug in all its branches promptly attended to aud carefully execatod. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Beal Estate e curity. Markdale. Sept. i7, 1880. l-y David Jackson, Jr., LOAN AND LAND AGENT, CONVEY aucer, ,lo. Money to lend at the lowest rate of Interest ever offered in this part of tlie country. Principal monry will be taken in aumfi of 9100 aud upwards yearly with the interest if dexired. Durham, Sept. 17. 18W, l-y F. iVcBac, RFAL ESTATE AGENT, Cc DUBHAM ounty of Grey. Money to Loan at reasonable interest, pay- abls ualf-ycnrly at 8 per cent., or at the end f the year 8.J per cent. â€" principal payable at the end of 3, 6 or 10 yearsâ€" or principal And interest yearly to snit Borrowers. Lands for Sale. Mortgages bought and sold. Sept. 17, l.S,SO. 1 y GENE Centre' er iu B. It. drawn with Holland Fric^ ' HOLLAND font aud Cumuiission- fortgogei, Leases, I;c., and despatch. 0. Sept. 17, 1880. 1 y Alexander Brown, ISSUEB of Marriage Licenses, Fire and Life Insurance Agent. Commissioner in B. K. *c. Conveyancer and Licensed Auctioneer for the Connty of Grey. Farmers, Merchants, niid Land Sales, Punctually at- tended to and charges made verv moderate. Priceville, Sept. 17, 1880. l-y OcorKe Corbet, Jr., LAND. LO,\N AND GENEBAL AOENT, Oweu Sound. Monov to Loan at low rates of interest. Principal pavabie at the end of a term of years, and interest half year- ly or yearly, or principal and interest repay- able in instalments, '*• ts^A number of desirable Improved Farms for sale. l-y J. «. Sing, DOMINION AND PBOVINCIAL LAND bnrveyor. Draughtsman ' and Valuator, Meaford and Markdale. Having purchased Provincial Land Surveyor Charles Bankiu's entire stock of original Field Notes, Plans, Beports, Instructions, ite., of all his Sui-vcys done within the last fifty-five years. I am prepared to make Surveys in strict accord- ance therewith. Profiles and Estimates for Grading Hills, Flans and Specifieations for Building Bridges, furnished on appUca- tion. Money to Loan at 8 per cent interest. Orders by latter, or left with G. J. BLYTH, Markdale, will be promptly attended to. Sept. 17. IHttO. l.y S«ttti«trs. M\ C. JeweU, I«D.S., WILL be at the MABKDALE HOUSB, Markdale, the First FBIDAY and fol- lowing day in each month. Parties vanting Kxtracting, Filling or Teeth Inserted, from one to a full set, would do well to call and see prices. Satisfaction given in all eases. Head Office â€" opposite Post Office, Meaford. Sept. 17, 18da l-y Mr. James J. liFbite, Assistant to Dr. Cameron, Owen Sonnd, ILL BB AT THEBEVEBE HOLSE, Markdale, on the bsst Wednesday in each month, when he will be prepared to per- form all operations required upon the^outh in the must satisfactory mauuer, and upon reasonable terms. 1 y W^ ^«itU, MAIV^IOIV HOUSE MARKDALE. Having leased the above hotel and thor- oughly refurnished and refitted it, the trav- elliBg public wiU And every aoeommodation. Only the best ef liqaors and cigara kept. Good stabling. Careful host'ar. JOHN VAN HOBN, Propriator. Sept. 17.1880. l-y MBAFOBA Ont. J. k J. McGlBB. PaoPBmoBa. Every aceommodation for the travelling public. The bar is weH stocked with the choicest Wines and Liqnars and the best brands of Cigars. Free 'bus to and from all trains. Sept. 17, 1980. l-y |Uuti«««»w. G0 garland's BOfffS AUrMdES! NewaA thn:^ out., Waimt^I nokte r^ t Saosnel JHotrow^, LICBNSKD AtJCnONEBB FOB THB Conntv of Grey. Sales attended at s'norieet Boties hi town or eooutry. Charges moderate. Sale Bills, Notes and Stamps famished â- f required. Having haid long experience in the busiasM I oan gnaraotc* satisfaction. llarkdaJd, Sept. 84th, 1880. 3-8m J. m. -mwmmmmw^ LICBN8ED AUOnOKBBS rO THB Coanty of Grty. p^S'LvAN ND XAVP AaE:fT, 'Jiooej to loan at lowest rates of interest, in •iiims to suit borrowers. A^ent for Farmara,' Coan and Saving Co. AH business mattats strioUy jprivat^, and treated as such. SUOEKIAP. O. Se^. 17th law l'*t mm .b^LUyi QV. avcH t:«uf*0 »n A Word to the Publio. 'i ll"V T i' in*. ,%tfii*- ' M!«" • â-  A the The era of prosperity which now happitjr reigns throughout the length and breadth of oar glorious dominion lenefits every branch of in* dustry, and has very materially benefited my business, which has increased in volume several thousands of dollars over any previott^ear, and â€" .. is steadily increasing. '?; " ^â- â- "'-â- ^"' ' *« '^^i'-.f oâ€" 1. â€" ppreciating the tastes and requirements of Public I have studiously, and I trust suc- cessfully, labored for i years to meet the wishes of purchasers. The support and pat- ronag;e I have had justifies me in increasing my stock, extending my facilities, and at the same time materially reducing my prices. â€" Ambitious as I have ever been to be first and foremrst in my business, I am resolved that henceforth the reputation I have achieved in this particular, shall be promoted and enhanced. Egotistical mention is not essential, but I do feel warranted in calling attention to my pre- sent full and complete stock of Goods, a stock, the greater part of which has been purchased for cash, and dilrect from the manufacturers, and the equal of which, for extent or variety, I do not think can be found north of Toronto. I solicit from strangers an inspection, and to my friends and customers say, that I have for them in goods and prices a succession of what I believe will be very agreeable surprises. I am in a position to fill all orders, and it will not be necessary to send to Toronto or elsewhere for goods. Give me a chance to supply your wants, and I guarantee the best Goods at the most economical rates. m ii m FMfre MNNA K DEWED.' BUTTER Â¥ RAE «Ukail« iaiwnallor the Utaral aapiwrt thav have reeeived ainw, aa4 iriIla£U«tiakto tharate «tf doing a straightforward buaiuasa â- !«•«•. Mo flalfwj naad or bait* ^VMi to goU the pnblie Every artida sold â- srits, ami kjTiyiigTiiiif stnik mil MMtted aud fresh in all the lines, they Witt alwi^ (ire tSuix onatomets good vahie Ui ttuit txu.uaj. A call and examination will be gratifying to me, for I feel sure that an experience in patron- izing me will fully confirm all that I claim for my goods, W. J. McPAELAND, WHOLESASE AND RETAIL, ^s/£ .^ lEB ik: ID .^ X September 17, 1880. ' â-  â€" » "W. F. nOLL, FLESHERTON â€"ANDâ€" DUNDALK. FLESHERTON â€" AW1 DUNDALK. Special inducements Waltham Watches A SPECIAL LINE OF Jnat to hand. IJao LMliet CoL Oold Eiockets, ;cikaiaB llecUot*, dec A LABOB LINE OF Wedding and Gem Eings, f Ito |10. NALL, PARLOR, BRACKET A ND BEDRO OM CLOCKS AT ALL PUCES. Silver and Electro-Plated Ware. Owing to the increased demand for this line of goods I bavo bean lareed to yoNhaae larger and better oases. Am now offering Cake Baskets, Fruit Stands, Cruets, Butter Cbolers, Sugar Bowlt, PickU Dkkft, Napkin Ringt, Fruit Knive*, tfpooru. Dinner and Detert Kmves, dc, aU of the UUett and awtt improved design*. A. Oall Respeciiolly Holieited. ' Watch repairing a specialty. All work la warrantecL Flesherton, Sept. IStb. 1880. W.F.DOLL, Fifsbertoirntflhiidilk. THE NORTH OF SCOTLAND CAN.MORT.COe R, DAVIS, Agent, (LIMTTEZ).) o 'â-  â€" FLESHERTON. THE ABOVE COMPANY ABE |NOW PBEPABE1 TO At 7i per eeot., half yearly, or 8 per oeot.. yearly; Hote a lew of the adrantacea daatvod from the North of Sootland. Ton are net obliged to pay any part of the prinuitial natd the end of the term. Yon can airanca to pay in instalments if yow abtwse and interest immadiatel oeaaes on sneh amounts when paid. Ton can amuige to pay yonr interest or principal in any month to suit you. You can arrange to repay tha Iban in any time from 1 to 20 years. Simple intarest only shaiged. No equalisation of pvymonta. Mo 19 per eeot. interest nor fines eharged. The following example wtU ahaar one of the many way. in wbieh a loan may be repaid. â- '-â- â- '"â- - EXAMPLE !.;c-'.:,. 91000 borrowed, repaid by ten equal annual instalments, simple fiAueat, at 9 ptf eeat. yearly, the payments will be aa foUowa: l(t^eai,utereat8p«rcent on tlOOO Instalment «â-  •»• ' ♦•; Sad year, hitereet 8 per eanU on 1900 Tnt^ahnfflit Scdyeaz, interest 8 per eet. on 1800 Instalment 4th year, intereat 8 par oant. on 1700 Instalment Stb year, intfsieat 8 p«c oaat. on S600 Instalment (Uh year, taitersat 8 par eeat. on We* Tn.)alment 7th year, intmest 8 pw eent. on |4oo Instalment 8th year, in t e r ea t 8 par eeai. on l^eo ..*ju: f Bi. .;. ..o ..!• •i .Ji .i«' '.(t.. •:« '•to'*. i«.f'J» b" atb yeac, intereat 8 pet oed). oa iSoo Instaiaaent InttfllTWf*^f MO 00 100 00 IW 00 971 00 100 00 17* 00 964 00 loe po 104 00 woo u«oo NOOo loeee 14S 00 «4eoo le« •» H^ 00 9Ss oo loo oo in oo 9^ 00 Joo oe U4 oo loo 00 U9 00 98 oo loo 00 1«8 00 -.Hit t*!. Making a total p^^ent of 914ie G omtSlL AC^NT AMD DBAIBB IX T Vxamf SIbek, WiCiam^ord Sfartioit. 83it. 17. 19!W 1 tet hat w^ soil givtBteat.^ •awfaltrpMyared. Botaa, and vMta e« PdHt0 btai* imfmt»i- hoifOTer, to |ivi# aujhnct M the g riâ€"i l *! taf initanwâ€" lowaad a *Heilfd st^jte^spt ,at- hkVvtnmmi .vonUi Ctâ€"yaBjee. iMonntf ^^ .. Juaw tor eaU aod to r«at. £â-  attended. Charge* lo*. Aabimanse.lijirtly a ' B^, imafoatee, BMieikileMd lla A«fc. Aa, OHY GOODS in aU the hnen^^."^i^. â-  ORDERED CLaOTHING a specialty. HATS and OAPS,ne^^i stylish. ,^^,_^ BOOTS and SHOES, c«per Pith's ' „,, J* celebrated make that has stood the test against v^r•. ,\ j,.fl all comers in all styles and newness. GLASSWARE and GROOKERYaUpatems 17 W.3d St»MewYorkCi(y I.A130Il\T0D\' GROGERIESy cheap and fre^h. â- *r Keep your Eye on the P^e! WHKM TOU VISIT KaBEDALE. Douglas' Brick Block opposite the Drug Store. BUTTER RAE. n.iitibB» n«t. 1680. Artemesla lliolesaie and Retail Warehoase. AliWATS ON HAND A FULIi STOCK OF; ;;• J DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, CROCkjERY, â- â- â- '• .. ,â- 'â- â- .â- â- â- ' Orocex*ies, lr*ro visions, /kc.,' V*-^ For Safe Gheap for Gash or Produce. y-. ir rEV»I»ECTI03V I1W1TEJ WM. HOGbr.^ji-'^i Flesherton Station and En^enia. BeptcmberZlsi, 1880. 3 (TBnnicACsrY III ID r O DitteoJtes! F rrf^^i mm ut tm t n, ^trretua OrH.in;,(tc. ThaBestSEUZD? Z2TOW2T to M3 1 78,000 Aosars bats8ol9 sikce is;o 9.OOO0OOO Bottles. 3W /%n9 Pomeitts Varied rroprrlitss ft.l alsli s tbe rvtvatiae ia rh* atlva, WUek BMifi lib Uaa auirrli aod 4u|rtr sf tlwi ttad latej[lneee«. A l4cJfa(-T la P^i, «lln« â- â- â- S i s 'Wimi BD^ fV aei la n tt ih- (tto* i â-  ibn â- Mas^rk. If tfceiiiHntiiii U %m)trm ImaM^. SNety mttrr tmxfk^ ibr iennconuiuM eCCK-d W •revewed. :t aetJi mfm tSy '.Irrr. (â- Â«sa mpmm Ibo KlttBrra. t Kaamlasao Ibe Bowels \t Pai Mi s the Bto»d. t Oalets W !« ervoBs Srsteia. tP r sMs tt s DlfiBMifln. t {(•â- rlakea, fiirr nsr'hFsa nal TnTV(ar.tt«. tearrimi qflTtke Old Ulnad nud m,-Kr. tr^yi t*V»wm Ike porps rf tt:e Kin n^d ini!ue-« Bealthj Persplmtion. It Beatnraes tho hcB:i»»ry lalrt, «rr^«T» !• t' blood. wMc^ f7«cecatea StroIt.U,1.3fft.i. L:,, llJ sij DSQBcr of ^^lin di»eas'«.ttnu iit'.erti.Hl bouiui^. « There sre no pptrita cirplor, d in Its r^ai-uCftcrarv, and it can b« Uken by tho Tt f X d-jlicato Lj,!.-' or 'ly tbs aged soil feeUe, ctri mu) imij rc/tiirtd !m .•.* ' teneien to dtrtcticnx. FBics cr LAsea £07tli^, ei.09 rSIOE 08 8:iALL EOTTLS, • • iO R«ad the VOLUNTARY TE3" IMONIALS " of Persons who have Ixjon CURED byt:.» UM of the BLOOD PURIFIER. FOR DYSPEPSL\ AND L1VE6' ,. COMPLAINT. Kelvin, Brant Co., Ont. Dear Sir â€" This is lo certify thht your valaahlo ladiiiu BlooJ Syrnp has benefited me m(,rc for Despepeia and Liver Complaint, than au^ meoi- eiue lever before fcsod. Whs. M. J. BRIDGE. BOOTS and SHOES A NdVELTY in these Qoods The fodesfnicfible Riveted and Cemented and Water- proof Seans •ft. Oa.ll and Gxamine StocLc and Prices before purchasing "slop" goods elsewhere. "'-\- FULL LINES IN "v'i. s-;r Groceries, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Clothing, (Ready-made,) Crockery and Glassware V â€" AT TH» â€" -rC .S-' ' MARKDALE. f' H^ WMs BROWN^ Markdale, Sept. irth, 1880. 1 SAVED HKR LIFE. K»lvin' Brant Cj., Ont. Dear Sir â€" I have been uiidei tlic" doctors' hands almost coutinuully for eight years, this year being tho firsl that I have not ereplnycd n/ ci*i After using j'our liidiau ' 'd ^yrnp for a brief 8]acc of lime, I was onab- Ud to do all my work. I truly be- lieve it vas the mean» of eavmg niy life. Mas. MAKY EEONARD. CURES COUGHS AND COLDS. Buriora, lirant Co., Ont. De.^r Sii; :â€" In February, 1870, I was alllicted with a severe Congli which grew worse, coufining me to' mj' room, and was finally pronounced incnruhlo hj' my physician. -In Jan., 1877, I commenced usiiifi; the Indian Blood Syrup, wIk 11 I at once com- mcncod to gain in strength, and ii a short time I was enabled to do a fair day's .work. My C^^ugh ia now entirely gone. ISAAC HORNER, J. P. pi P CQ CD pjO O Cf3 1-j so B (55 M 11 .X a. in EI P 8- â- -â- - 01 H W CQ o CQ o d d •V-.- '1*. *â-  â- ' -L- mi. t :r^' â- ^" 'â-  r Y- .â- â- :' CURES ERYSIPELAS. Mt. lorosjr. W.llinf.'ton Co., Ont., Car/. Dear Sib' â€" I was vcn-ly sfllicteil with* ErysijirlaR for tjK'ti vini-, sinl :i sliort trial of your Indian Hfocul Svi u)) rttiVtimllv cured me. Mr.fe...l.\M:;T ANW2BSON.. LIVKR CO.MrLAINT. Mt. Forest, Wrllinpti-ii Co., (»nt.. Can. Pe.\b Sib: â€" 1 liave u^c.l vnur grest Idian BloiKSynip for Liv"7 Complaint, and have recoivoil great Ix'uolit Unrofiini. I recom- mend it» UbC tivall biiuilArlv nfllictwl. MELSON C.UtU. Dis7:.\sn OF Till-: sTONfAcir. Mt. Fon-Kt, W.llln-lim C«-. Opt., Cun. Pear Silt:â€" Th's is li certitiy tli^l V'nir v.iIiuiUleJiHiiaii l!loo,l Syrup curt'd mo of Cramps iu the Stomach. W. N. CUKBOW. DISEASE OF THE STOMACIL Crxws Hill, WaUrIco Co., Or?.~^ Ps.va Sir:^ was truuMed with severe Pains iu my Stoniiicli. iiud nl-o with Ikis of/ ApintiteanJ n-aii uuaMe to ^Pt aiiytliingt*' relieve mo n'ltil I took y nr Indian Blo^l Syrup which eidecli' I a h).* uly euro. I chall alw.iys give yiv.ir nioJloino the praise it -.a justly /ocrvcv. N.VS'JY LEi:. SGAlUiV HANIIS. NensLi.U, Grey Co., Out. Dkar Sin: â€" iiy H^nuls hi-caiuc Scaliby, and I «a% uiiaNc to tell what it whk and wont to a doctor, who gave me niwcliciiie, whieh did no goo,l. I then iirociiriil liouie of your liiilian 1)1 â-  Jtl Syni|) aiiJ hiul tnlveii it only a short tune, wlieii tlio Seahsdi-^^appear- ed, anl now my hands ar,- as well as ever. I can safely recuininenJ it a' a valnablo femedy. Mks. UESBY UUFF. DYSPEPSIA AND KIDN'F.Y COMPLAINT' • We^tpnit, Jan. 2'J, 187a. DKt.tt Sib â€" I have Uoeii sufTering for year^ with Py:pcpsia and Indii;estiou and Kidney Comjilaint, an'i Lave tritd a great many remejirs, but without effect. I be- came very had and could nut leave my beil. I sent to your Ai'ctit, William Uier, for a bottle of j-our Indian llliynd Syrup, and I do not hesitate to say that it saved iny Hfe. I am completely cured aud feel Uke a D«'w man. Last week my son wa.s takeu sifk with Mvcre Hcadaclie, and a few do!es of finable medicine cured him. DAVID ELACi your ' â- ^ â- â- - v.- • â- â- â- * it*^ 'â- ?â-  • ' -- • â-  4 ' 1^ ' â-  » â-  â-  • ' -â-  â- â-  " â-  â-  â-  .* i • â-  *. iiiji- »• -.1.' ' 'â- ..'-â- â€¢,' •â- t^. .,%'•_;;']•â-  a It isft. if.-ti â- ,., â- â€¢ Hu ,.»â-  ' tie.;.'" y»»^!' vii«fc.*«e ,;• i'^^ it-* td." Jtm-** â-  ^â€" *•**â-  CEORGE WILSON, saa Sliei^ and Oattle* grumctHTg rn wot St., MaMalOr^Mit 4oor to Expositor OOae. ' I.C.-' â- " f"" I â-  1tr1itt4^ttrltni at eaj homm in to«*. Sept. 17,ih|io, I., 'ETARMEBS hatinf good fat Sheep tt- F Csttle to sell. *iil find it to their advant- a^ to leave there name, andaddrewai He- Coieheon's Hotel, BeVerc HoiIm, liarUale. as the nnteaigtaed are still on the wkrpaAi to« will porfti^cV pay th« hlgUst r li«*». .^ „ „^ C.W,*JL8«tWl. -pL t:ih,lM»/ 1^0 CCBE3 CysrEPSI.4 /fND IxniGES- .; TION. Westport, n'.„ Jan. 26, l87tf. Dei* Sib:â€" I have been afflicted with Dyxpepiiia for about nine years, 'and yoMr Indian Ulood Syryp is the only medieine that ever helped me. I Kould say to allsnfferio); from this disease to give your medioiae afair trial. W. H. B0BI30N, " Sole General .(Rents far Canada. North- np and Lyna:i, N 21, T-.ironto St. WesC, Toronto. .^lo .^eents for Mother N^lc°a Healinf; Sj-mp, an Riigliiih Diseovcry wbiih is well known as a valuable and eftwotiva Blood Purifier throngUoat tlie World." â€" HOW LOST HOtV RESTORED We have recently paUuiied g new edition of Or Cnl'w^r' wcira Celebratsd ElaM^ on the radical aud pMrmaneut enre (â€" ithwt medicine) of Nervous Pefatlity, Mental aa4 fhyaiaal Lueapaoity, Iin pediment* to Mar- riaffe, ete, reaoUing trum emeaaaa. karPriot!, in a sealed aorelapa, only tis eenta.or two poeiaftt irtMn^. The a«kbi»lad »»thar, in ttxa «kninW« Eaaay eh»riy daioanhtnitaa. irmn tlMty years aagiMNrfql paactiee, *«â€" « â€" i-f^ mk- se.:.noo«a« iai« twntJieally cured rithMrt tfc« iusgaroof am of internal .jnoUiaia or tL« afp^iottioi^ «| a knite puisituR ont •made of aore «t onee Himplc, riert^in mmI eflMtmh H^ mMM which eTa,-r aBCcwr,- a* ri**r- what hi* «on4iti$n ou^- hlL p^y Mr* himwtf abjiudT. f|ivatHl.y %.ia rmSiitigu !thr tF%int KjiovH h»imiH ^â€"^ « "mf yo«th jiid «f«c|Lj«4» in 4)m iMii. a Awx »r., Mkw iJtf, r w

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