Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 24 Sep 1880, p. 1

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 ' ' • lUeWordof Ood.auaastrictaaLererto fjliang^ ol 'â- A"'iine- Ou and after MONDAY, SrU NOV. triun: wQl run as follows: â€" GOING NORTH. Toronto, â€" Union Station, De^. 7:30 a. m. 12:'iO p. m. 5:00 p. m. Carlton, T.JXa.ra. li!.l'pm. 5.20 y.m, W»l..u...... B.ofam. l.»(ipm. 5.3tV.m 1liuubvrSuiu'tk).'H'a.lu. l.:{0 p m. ,5() p.m. \Voi«lbrulge...8.1'tt.iu. 1 5*i p.in.ti.Oo p.m. Kleiubuig.!... 9 0;' a.m. 2.1:{ p m. C.21 p m. Bolton 9. 2 J a.m. 2.37 p.m. tl 43 p.m. Mono Road. 'J M a.m. 3.0.^ p m. 7.05 p.m. Cbarluston lO.S.'J a.m. 3.o p.m. 7.5(1 p.m. AJ'oii 10.50 a-m. 1.05 p.m. 8.IJ5 p.m. Arriv(; ll.lOa ra. 4.C5 p.m. 8.2P p.m. Dppuit.. .1130a.ni. 4 4.1. )i.m. Oraii^-e^ire Junction 11. to a.m. .1.03 p.m. Ijaarel 11.5'J a.m. 5.2(1 p.m. Hhclburijc 12.3il p.m. COO p m. Dundalk l.!5 p.m. 6.50 pm. PioVjn 1.35 pra, 7.11 p.m. Fla^litTtonttl'iiee^'c 1.55 pm. 7..35 p.m. Uarkdale 2 15 p.m. H. 05 p.m. Barkl; 2 :« p.m. 8.J8 p.m. ' M'illuimsford 2 50 p.m. 8.4ti p.m. Aruott 3.0i p.m. 9.06 p.m. eimtBwortL 3.15 p.m.. 9 Ifi p.m. E-^kford 3.3H p m. ".t.3f. p.m. Owuu Sound 4.00 n.rn, 10.10 p.m. GOING SOUTH. Oif«n Sound, di-jiart ft.3i a.m. 1^.00 noon. Uocktord 7.1X1 a.m. 12..10 p.m. Ckatir.orth 7.'.-" a.m. 12..55 p.m. Aruolt 7.30 a.m. l.(V. p.i.:. AVilli^n fonl 7.48a.m. 1.2-'pm. Barkly h. 05 a.m. l.-lfl ]i.m. Mark lale h.30 a n:. 2.15 p.m. Klc-iiert'ntl'r:ci-xl!lf H.55 u.ni. 2.15 i m. I'roton ".15 a m. 3 H p.m. Diinoalk '.i.35 ii.m. 3..°j0 ji.m. 8ht'lliiir..e 10 15am. 415 pm. I.ai r.l Id 17 ft m. 4. .50 p.m. OraoKtivill)! .Iiii.oliou 11 O^a.m. 5.05 p m. 0»' SliKVlLLE â€" Arr. 11:15a.m. 5:20 p.m. Dep. 1.15 a.m. 11 :i5 a. m. 5.40 p. m. Alton 7..V a.m. 1 1.55 a.m. 6..-0 p.m (Jliarlert'on. .7 5( a.m. 12.10 p.m. 6.18 p.m Uoiio Boal..«.25 a.m. 12.1.' p.m. 7.05 p.m Iloltou ...8.45 a.m. J. 10 p.m. Klcinliur^. ..'.i.O.^ n.m. 1.3i) p.m. Wo»ll.r!ilK"..'J.25 ii.n». 1.5i p.m. Uiimln r Smt 'J. loa iij. 2.1 5 p.m. WmIoh lO.oduiii. •'•si I'.m. ' Carlton. ..10, liia.:u, 2 3J p.iu. ToKoSio,â€" Cni n Stntlcii,' Arriv!-. .. lO.rid a.m. 3.(h' j. in. 7. 'f^ the CliiurtL of onr fatlicr.s. EugRged as you are in tiie glorioaB work of directing sinnen to the Cross of Christ, where ve believe yoa have succeeded undor God's blessing iu set- tiug many on the straight aud narrow WHy. Yuur exertious iu the ibterest uf the Sahbath Behool and BiUe Clasa wc recognize with gratitude, and feel that when you return to College we will loose a friend and coanstUor. Wo would also convey to yoa our ajipreci- ation of the active and intalligen^ in- terest you mauiicsted in onr pablic school of Floeherton, and while it is iiot onr place to Bpcak of the high standing yon have gained as a Minis- ter of the UoBpel, we wish at the same time, as your friends and acquaint aiices, to ofifi r an cxpres-sion of the eatiniation in which you are held by us, both en account of your private virtues and your ability as a Minister in the Presbyteri*u Church. In ofifer- ing yon these expressions of regard, we would not forget jour partner in life. We assure her of our regard, aud both of you of onr best wishes for your future happiness and prosperity. We rpquost your acceptance of the nccompanviug purse as a small token of our regard, and commending you ami your family to the Providence and Grace of God, we affectionately bid ycu farewell. HJgned, Jennii! B. Blain, Oa' behalf tie Ladies' Aid Association. Mr. Wilaon male a brief but appro- priate repl^ under strorg emotions, feeling quito nnablo adequately to conyey in w-;rd3 his sense of their kindness. The company shortly after separated, much pleased with the ev8niii)^3 entertainment. 'its Wttt t^'6««D by o«lr "^atKef'te^f port in another eolamn, spring wheat ranges from 96 to 98 cents per bush- el, while fall wheat ranges from 8G to 88 â€" just 10 c«ntfl lower. It aeldom o.-cnrs that a higher price is paid for â- pring than fall wheat, and wa are at a loss to acooojit for ik â€" Tltonibui-y Stmidard. 7.33 p.m. 7.55 p.m â- H.17 p.m. 8.:i3 p.m. D.tiO p.m. S.15 p.m. 0.10 p m. 1^. THE STANDARD. Friday, Sept. 'AA'Ai, 1880. TO SUBSCRIBERS. The ST*M";r) will Lc givtn to lli' fii'st of J.iiiuary, 1HH2, t'^.r 31.25. Now is tin- liiiii; to Bul/scribo. Tliosf uf iur Huli.scnborH \vlii call tit the (••lift) for tli'-ir psijicr, will j Ilusj bfiir it) miii'l tli;it tlio l:tc it' pultiicntion ih in UiH'h new luick block, on 'IVroii- ntrc â-  i, o|«|ioMtL' tlio Miirkihile ilonsp. We would iig:iiti dr.iw the »tlciiti.iii of iutt iiiliiii; .siibsciibcin to tlicRiict timt wo oiVer spiciiii imliico- miks to tlioso wlio m;i'y now choose to or.lur till' SrvNimtii. Tito ciiiir;,'(; will !•«â-  .Sl.'.i5 Iroin now till l.st Jiiuu- wry. 1H.H2- Olio yiiir loul over llircu lU'intli-t' f.-r It yi':tr\ ';iib.-;ciijtioii Tliis, w.' lliiiili, IS v.iy |il i;il oil iiur I'm I. uiitl «M' Ituvi- iiv doubt uf thu rcMi'.t. IRON MINING IN MANITOULIN. For some time past it has been con- sidtrod tl'.at iron might be procnrcl iu paying quantities on the Manitoulin Island, but the lack of enterprise, ai.d pcrlinps money, to enable parties to fully iuvcstio'ate the resources of the district prtventcd any action being taken. Lately, however, a stirewd American who appears to iy under- stand the matter, and ha.ing fnntis at Lis command, wcut to the Island, and after but little search found the souyht for article. The lots on which he made the discovery had bocu taken up by aJIr. Trouch, the mate of the steamer Sinini'jn, who it a['pcars same time a^;» took up l.OCO acres of land in the vicinity of Killamey, and but rsceiitly learned that there are rich beds of ore on the property. A few days a.'jn, the American gentle- man above referred to came Lo Canada and after a convcisution with Mi. Trouch, and 'aying him a sum for tiie privclcge of geltiu'.^ a look at the l.c.-.t veins, became so thoroughly cou- viucud of their liclines.s that lio at once ofTjrjil to advauco all the money required for dovclopinij tind working the miius. Somo of the ore has been assayed iii New Yoik an.l prououccd of the tiiit.bt quiility, aud capable of befug iii:inufactured into fint-cla.ss steel. â-  Jlr. Troucli, we are informed, will have the .St. iiiiur after making aiiotlitr tri|), aud he aud the Ameri- can gentleman- will immediately en- gage in active miaiug oparatious. \Vi' wish Mr. Trouch and his associate every success, and a.s to the.IsUnders, tilts branch of ^industry will very luuch facilitate thoir progress. BANKING. TO COI^RESPONDENTS. We will 111 |)|iiisi 1 to receive com- lll^illcall"||l^ lioiu til'" whojiiay do- riro t ' Wnli! Uo:i s ibject.s nj news or ol"if'-ii. r.il iiit|"irt liiiv Mi it is o'lr do- nirp t' III ike t!ie Ss\M'M;i it meiliuiii tl.r'ii::h wliicii ;i!l iiiiitt IS of interest luiiy l lai i b I'oie ti.e 'iibljc. No anonyiiiiMi.'I roiiii:iiiiiir:iti II will ap- Ittsar ill lilts j..iir:i:il.wc i.iiist liavo the itJiiiie of till' wrtier, nut iieci hsatily lor I'riition, liiit tU.it We may knoiv iT wliohi wv are dfaliti;;. I'l'iiumi- iiica 'll.^ only uf jiiil he iiileiCut will bi; rci-eiv. di .Matio- of a piivate or pcri')ii;il c!i:iractef, :iiid ill winch the fitiiii"inily archill no \\:iy iiiteri-sled, wtir 11.. t icceivc pii! hcity throui^'h our cultituns. â-  I.. G. A. irUAILWAY. Tub Sliar*li..ld»r.-^ of the Toronto, Grey and Urtice Uiiilu:;y t'ompaiiy lit their uiiiiri.il niccliii;^' wliich was held in T'oront." on the stir iiist., received aTnl a.lopltd the rep.rt of tlio BiIld- ' holders, who li:ivc n^w oiitrol of the I road. The ri'porl contains the u.sual lit. uncial statcnuiits, .tc; but the luurtiou of it most iiituiatin^ to the tniiiiicipalities is tii.Tt li;iviii!j rifeicnce III the a^'iecnieiit to be nia.le with the ratul Trunk Cimi'aiiy lor the nrn-k- .ng of the liiic. Wo are informed that the agrutmciit adopted by the Uoar.l is a favorublo one for the lau- iiici]'ulitie.' a:! it provides for pnttinj; the ri ud into Ihstrato i.rdci, and for raaintaiiiiii;.' it in a tli. .roughly ellicienl state of repair. \\ is e^wotcUd that tiio {ip|.i-al to the iniinicipaliiics for the amount required from them will bu made at once. FAliKWLLU, ADDlllSS TO F.EV. A. WIMSG.N. On Monday ev.m:ii2, the 20th inst., tile .Manse in .\farkdale was the scene of a pleusai.t entertainment. A large- number of flio members and friends of the rresbvtcrtan Congregation of Flcshorton toiik pofsossion of it, and • for a few hours eiijoyeJ' themselves very pleasantly. Tlie duties of the (;h:Air were most cffi.ie'jtly performed by Mr. J. Auderson. Bef re the com- pany sepnratid, the Chairmaa called ai!in Miss Blaiu, who read the follow- ing address â€" 3^ lilt. A. ]Vihnll. Biiv. .\i) £Ik.\r Sii:. â€" As you are ab.ut (o tluuart from our midst, we eani.ot allow the event to piss without bavins' at least a social nieetinsj to lender to you onr heartfelt wishes for joar Cutitrc welfare, aiil ia doiu;: so wo wiih yon to ob'iierato from your mind that tliis is done bec:tiise it is a prevalent ciict')!n on the iluparturo of aiBiuister fi-6m histielJ of labor but uu tiiti contrary, lot tu a-s.-inre yon that ii v. lUtr undisguised feeling of the mviuboi:^ mid Ineii'ls here a;scmbled fora tlie Mtsherto!! Congregation, tMpecially when we call to mmd the litany «icell'i)t qiialiti s oi bead fuid K art yon imvevviiicvd, and the exer- ttuii* yya have usod iu tlie promctiuu otesvtj mavriacut wl.icu had fur its db^-t the itelfMre nf th*^ Cou^regatiuu of FlosbflTUn. You have uot been many yHtrv amongst ns, bnt daring J out »t»^' here wejwve Icurued twfc-' lery. ,.. .^ *-^ ., M:-It. -e. J t IWJfc^'.T.. • fVi».lj'iii •'••â- '• "• '•y: .(r." For sometime past a great want for hankiii!:; accoinmfHlutioii ha.s been felt by our business men in this section of country, tliey having been obliged to transact their business in Owen, Sound, Meaford or Collingwood now all this trouble and great inconvenience is ahont being douo away with, inas- much, as it will bo seen by adver- tisement in to-day's issuo that Messrs. \Vm. Lucas Co. have leased a por- tion of lliUs new brick Block, for j bankiiHt purposes. Burglar and fire- proof s.ifes have been erected, and I everything appc trs secure. This in- atitntion will bo of great benefit not only to the merchant, the farmer, the meclianic. but iu fact to all who are in any way engaged in business. Wo learn that Mr. Lucas, the manager, has been connected with the largest private baukiu}? house in Canada and comes to us hi;^hly recommended as a strai;.;htforward and thorough busi- nc::s m.L!i. Drafts payable in all parts of Canada aud the United States will be issued, aud in fact all business usnal to such institutions will be transacted here. Further iuformation on his subject may be learned on re- ference to advertisement. COi-'NTY ITEMJi. The Sydenham aud Holland Shows will bo^h be held this\ year on the same day â€" Friday, Oct. 1st, SoiTii Gr.KY Agricultural Sli»w ic Durham, Thursday and Friday, SOth and 1st Oc" KEPrF:L .\gviculhiral Society's Fall Hhow will bo held at Oxcndeu ou the 12th of October. East Gkey Agricultural Show m Fleshertou, ou Tuesday and Wednes- day, the 2Stli any 29th mst. TuE Fall Show at Clcrksburg this year will be for two days, aud will be the most important Exhibi'iou in Grey. TJie Gth and 7th of October, Wednesday and Thursday are the dates. â€" Stan^laid. Fatal Accid«st. â€" A lad of fifteen years of age, named Henery Chester- held, of Tara, was kicked by a horse and instantly killed, on Friday meru- ivg last. He was trying to catcit a horse in the pasture field when the accident occurred. FaoM the Wiarton Echo we learn that the grading on the Straticrd and Lake Huron Railway, between Listo- well and the northern terminus at Wiarton, ia all but eompleted â€" will, with the exception of the bridging, be completed and ready lor the rails be- fore winter sets in. Nothing more, however, will be done until it is a»- certalned whether the expected Gov- ernment aid can be hai, Thx thirteenth annual exhibition of the Melancthon Agricultural Society will be held in Sholburne on Thurs- day and Friday, September 30th and October Ibt, 1880. On the days of tlie show return tickets will be issued at single fare by the Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway to Shelburne firom all â- ts'i-na south to Charlestoo, and from a*! otations north to Markdale, good to re* urn on Satnriay, the 2ud ol October. WoRBiED BT k Doo.â€" A little girl 8 years old, daughter of Mr. Itichard Ball, wss attacked and worried by a ferocious brute of a dog. kept and owned by William Kuolt. Knott Owns four acres of land close to the school house, ^nd keeps this fierce brute to jirotect his orchard while he is away. On one of these occasions, the children being out at play, were attacked, the result of which might have been very serious. The Thornburry â- '^tamlard says that Mr. Fawcett has let the job ol cross- waymg and ditching 18 and 19 side road to good and rehable men, who will perform their work according to contract. Oa the completion of this portion of the road, it will then be open from boundary to boundary, aud will givo a direct road to Clarksburg and Thornbury to a lar?e number ol Eiiphrasiaitts; an advantage they will eagerly avail themselves of â€" es pecially iu the winter, when such places as the Epping and St. Vincent Rocks are blocked with snovn. Tub case known as the Organ guestion of the Presbyterian Church at Durham, was up before a meeting of the Saugeeil* Presbytery, at Mount Forsst, ou Wednesday last. The prayer of the dissentients for the or- ganization of another congregation at Durham was not granted, ou the ground that a large proportion of the petitioners were still members of the Presbyt«riin Church here. In the mean time a special meeting of the Presbyt- ry was appointed to be held at Durham oa the first Tuesday ol October, for the purpose of mvestiga- ting the whole matter, and consider ing whether some means cauuot be devised whereby harmony may be re- stored in the cOugre-gation. Toronto, Grey and Bkuce Railway. â€" The annual general meeting of the shareholders of this railway was held iu Toronto on Wednesday, the 15tb inst. The folio ,viug gentlemen we e elected Directors for tlie ensuing year; Messrs. John Gordon, Wm. Ramsay, Donald McKay, J. G. Worti?, George Gooderham, A." B. Lee, John Leys, Wm. llendrie, Thomas Gibson, M. P. P., of Wroxetor. At a subsequent meeting of the Directors, held in the afternoon, Mr. John Gordon was re elleeted President of the Company, and Mr. Wm. IJamsy, Vico-President. Among the items of iuttreat iu the annual report was the statement that formal negotiations had boeu entered into by the Board of Directors with the General Manager of the Grand Trunk Railway 'Jompany, for the purpose of making arrangements with thitt Company to work the line also an arrangement to that effect, is now being prepared, the same being, how- ever, based ou the understanding that the i' oronto. Grey and Bruce Compa- ny is to receive hberal support from the municipalities towards the change of gauge scheme aud the necessary improvements. East Grey Teachers' Association. â€" The semi-annual meeting of tlie above Association will be held iu An- drews' Uall, Thornbury, ou Thursday and Friday, the 14th and 15th days of Obtober next. The following is the programme â€" 1. Lecture en Ed- ucation by A. Grier, to De given on tl.e afternoon of the first day. 2. Roben Hamilton ou the Art of Teach- ing. 8. D. Honeywell, Factoring. 4. George Lindsay, Provincial Asso ciotiou. 6. R. J. Uall, How to teach Spelling. 5. John White, Fractions. 7. J. H. W. York, Penmanship. 8 Dr. Donaldson, Chemistry. Other subjects will*be taken up by Messrs. Tait, DeLeMatter, McKinnou, Faro- well. Finch, Revs. Colter.Gee, Elliott, Bell, Brown and others. Questions for the Question Drawer must be sent to the president before the openiug of the Convention. There will bo an entertainment on the evening of the first day, under the management of Mr. Henderson. Admission 10 cents. Proceeds to be applied to thd Baud Fund. Soctu Grey Teachrks' Association. â€" The semi-annual meeting of the South Grey Teachers' Association will be held iu Duiham, on Thursday aud Friday, Ostober 7th aud 8th. The following is the programme for the two days: â€" 1: President's Address. 2. Joseph Reid, B. A., Algebra to be- ginners. 3, Mr. M. N. Aimstrong, Recitation. 4. Mr. W. J. Galbr*ltli, Geometry to Beginners. 5. Mr. R. Walker, Some methods of Reward and Punishment. G. Mr Dixou, Teachimj Writing to Juuiorx. 7. Mr. Charles Ramage, Teacli Reading to Juniors. 9. Mr. D Allan, Report Irom Provin- cial Association. 10. Mr. W. K. Reid, Music m Schools. 11. Mr. Jen- kins, Drawing with Illustratious. 12. Mr. S. Acheson, Natural Philosophy. 18. Mr. M. P. Mo Master, Teacher's Duty outside Schoolroom. The best methods of teaohiug Ari*limctic,Ecad- iiig aud Geography will bo illustrated wit'i classes by Misses Corry and Armstrong, and Messrs. Jones and Blagbourue. A suitable entertain ment will be provided for Thursday evening. It i.'i hoped that all Teach- ers in the district will consider it their duty to be present. mmm " MAHff l EP ' On the 9^st iiut. hj Ue B«#. T. Hieks, Mr. Hvn^ Beid to Miu Elinlietb Jaae J^oater. both of Holland. Township. On the 2 Ut inat., at the reaidence of the bridsH father, by the Cev. N. A McDiarmid, Mr. Wm. Jackson, jr., of tba Towm-hip of HoUand, to Ifua Xliaabetb Hamilton, eldest daoghtar of Joha Handltun, Bsq., of Ulenalg. In Eintail, on in* Slat nit., at tb« daa«e of tUe bride's btoQier-in-law, by the Be». Mr. Grant, ^br. Doqald MeLsoJ. lata of Markdale, to Miis Wary Dick, of Bipley CHURCH directory; CHKIST CHUBCH. Bcrriw*â€" Sept. M. 10:80 a. at.; Ort. Sri, 6:80 p. m.; lOth. 10:.'»0 a. m.; 17th. 10:30 a. m.; 24th, 6:30 p. m,; 31«t, 6:30 p. m.; Nor. 7th 10:30 a.'in,; I4tb, 10:80 a. m.; Slat, 1 o;3o a. m.; 88th, 6.3o p, m.; Dee. 5th, 6;3o p. m.; 12th, lo-J»o a. m.; 19tb, io:3o a. m.; 27th, 6:8o p. m. Sabbath Behool, 2:3o p, m. Bev. James Ward, luammbent. CANATA METFODIST cmTECH. Services orery Sabbath at lo:OT a.m., and 6:.'?o p. m. Sabbath School at 2;3o p. m. G. S. Bowea, Superintendent. Prayer Meet- ing. Tbui sd:iy Evenings at 7:3o. Eev. N.A- McBiarmid, Pastor. PEIMATIVE METHODIST, Services every 1st and Srd Sabbath at 3 oclook p. m. Bvsry SnJ 4 4th Sabbath at lo:3o a. m. 0. O. Garrett, Pastor. PBESEYTEBIAN. Services in Duflerin Hall every alternate Sabbath at 11 a. m., and intervenioK Sab- baths at fi:3o p. m. Sabbath S«hool at 2:3o p. m. Bible Class and Prayer Meeting on Fridays at 7:3o p. a. THE MARKETS MARKDALE. FaiBAi, Sep. aSid, 1880. Flour S.Op to 5.0o Spring Wheat per bush., new 0.90 tc 0.96 FaU do. do. do. 0.85 to 0.86 Barley Oats Peaa •••••.••• Potatoes. Batter, por lb Eggs, pel doz i Pork, dressed, Bcof •••••.•••• Ueese per lb Ducks, per pair -Fowls, ptr pair Turkeys, pur lb Sbeepskms Hidtts Hay Timothy seed, Wool Green Apples, (ter. bushel. Lard Tallow DryCordWood 1.50 0.40 •' 0,66 0.86 " 0.86 0.60 •' 0.65 0.30 " 0.00 0.15 " 0.20 0.10 " 0.10 4.60 •• 6.00 4.50 " 6.00 0.05 " 0.05 0.80 " 0.40 0.20 " 0.25 0.07 " 0.07 0.40 " 100 6.00 " COO 6.00 •• 7.00 3 00 " 3.40 0J6 " 0.25 0.50 " 0.76 0.10 " 0.10 0.06 •• 0.07 1.50 •' l.iO FloESHERTON. {Correctid treekly for the Standard Vy R. J. SprouU, Fleihtrton.) Tbcbsdat, Sep. 23rd, 1880. Flcnr, per bbl »4.75 to 15.25 Spring Wheat per biuh -y'AO This space to be occnpied by E. O. Wileoz's Advertisement •• soon as his new Brick Store, now being fitted for Lim is completed. 1 I 3 MABKDAT.E. FuU do. Barley Oats Peas Potatoes Butter, ierlb. Eggs, per doi. Poik, dressed. Beef Slu'cpskius Hi.U.i Hay Tiiaothy seed, Wool Lard Ta low do. do. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Mcl NTYRE la now oiening oat a woU selected stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS! nnd IiqiiorM, of which a more detailed statement will be given next week. JS" Shop neM door to the Drug Store. MarkdiUe, Sept. 21th, 1880. 2-j Pure Drugs and Chemicals PATENT MEDICINES! Dye Stuffs, Fancy Soaps, Perfumeiy, Corobs," Tooth, Nail and Hair Brushes, Trusses and "Surgical Appliances, •• "„»' ' .-â- .' and general Druggists sundries. '•"â- â- 'vv*' o â- â- '"â- â€¢'â-  Stationery and School Books •roft. FKSSH IN GREAT VARIETY. o â€" TKAH AIV1 TQB-e\.C3CJOS TOGETHER WITH ' ' PAINTS AND OILS. o 2=*ia.3rsloleira.s' X'rescriptiorLs, AND VETER.IlVAJR'y TOEPEHA.TIOIS'ef, CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. ioiifrul Teltgraph Offlct. T. S. SPROULB, M. D. MILL STREET, MARKDALE, Sop. 17, 1880. 1 tf 0.85 to 0.80 0.40 0.27- O.-W 0.30 0.20 0.10 4.50 600 0.60 6.00 K.OO 2.00 0.25 0.10 0.05 HILL BROS., o E o o CO c elliDgOff. Selling Off. GKEA.T Clearing Out Sale! Dn-oBfK, â€" ^Notice is given in S.atar- diiy's Canada Gazette that an applica- tion will be made to tbe Pkriiampnt of tlic Dominion of Canada at its next session, on behalf of Matthew GarJi- ner, of th« township of Sydonham, in the Connty of Grey, farmer, for a bill of divorce from Elizabeth Ann Gardi- ner, his vife, on the grouBil of niol- DIED. At tlia raaidenen ot thoir iathcr. John Whitby, Esq., Township ol Artemeaia, on the 9th iusk, Uerbart tluuicr, aged 7 years aad 10 mouth* and ai the lOUii Kate Ea- tilla, a;^ 6 yixut* and 4 auntba. IteT. Mr. McDiarmid wiU pceacb » lae- morial aarmou uf 'be aiMVe oa Sabbath uurniog next, at lOUSO. Wm- Foster, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wbolesale and Ilotail dealer in all kinds of Pine and Hardwood Lumber, LATU, SmxOLES, CEUAB POSTS, AND COEDWOOD. t^Oflice and yard opposite SHELDON'S HOTEL, OWFN SOUND, ONT. N.B. â€" Lumber, ate. shipped to all parts, by rail or water. September. 1880. 2-4 Wm. Lucas Co., BANKERS, MAKKDALE. IN large or small amoantR, at all times, on good endorsed uotos, or on eoUateral good Sttcuriiy BRANT CHELLEW will offer (or the NEXT GO IaYS Bargaina onpreeedented in the Coanty ot Grey. SIDEBOARDS, BUllKAUS, CUPBOARDS, WASHSTANDS. open and enclosed, BEADSTEAD3, SPRINCi BEDS, MATTUASSES, CRADLES, CENTRE TABLES, EXTENSION TABTJIS, Fall-Leaf Tables, and Chairs of every va- iety to be SOLD AT COST â€" â€" Pictures and Picture Framing! in all its branches. VptaolstertaK and Kcpoiring promptly attended to. IS" Produce and Dry Lumber taken at market price. ' • .GRANT CHELLEW. Â¥arkdale, Sept., 188o^j ^l o c o INTEREST AT 6 PER C^T. Allowed on Savings Depoaits. t^'DralU inmed and Oolloctions made on all points, at iuwott tatea. WM. LUCAS Co. September. 1880. -y STRAYED ITIBOM the premisa^ of William Lyons, L: lot 20, eon. 13, Holland, one year old Heifei, all red. Any party giving sneh in- formation as will lead to her recovtry will be saitablr rewarded. Holland, Sept. 20, 1880. 2-Sin TKAYKD from the premiaea of the sab*crib«T, lots 91 •i, 3rd Range, W T. d^ S. Load, ooe white heifer with white nose, a r»d and white heifer with lined back, and a red steer with white xpots thioogh it, aiid white hind feet â€" all vearlia^s. Any parson (living in- feimation that will lead to tfaeii neovary will be soitabty regarded. BOBBBT TOBBY. Gl«nel«. Sept. 2, 1880. l.41n k Choice Farm of 150 Acres FOR SALE, On* Mile from th« Villag* of ilarkdalt. Theie are abont 100 acres cle»re1, the most of which is in a high state of cultivation aad fit for a Reaper or Mower to work on. There are on the premises a Frame House bricked inside; a liilk House bricked inside; a Frame Stable and Driving House, and Log Bam a Young Orchard oummeneing to bear a good Well, beside tbe house a never-failing Stream runs aoroiis tlio farm Cedar snlBei- ent for fencing, balance of bush hardwood, (a First-clasii Ur.ple Sugar Bush of some 400 trees). The farm is well fenced, in a good state of rrpoir, and in a choice locaUty, bO' ing within a mile of good market, chnrohts, school hottiiea, and all naoessary conveni eooes. C. W. BUTLEDOE, Proprietor, Maple Leaf Farm. MarkdaU P.O. STRAY STEERS. STBAYED into the premises of Mn IavM bmdiey, lot 83, 3nd East of t. df S. Boad, HoUand, one steer rising three rear* old, and ooe rising two vnirs. The owner ia leqoested to ptove property, pay ehanes and take them away. MBS. BBADLET HoUaad. Sept. 10. 1883. jlg* JOB IVORK icusaptai the araafcian OOtco. BahMiikc fyr the ttiutenLj i '^^ 8j^ frotn BOW tin ttTErat if isBoary, we», te oxu; ycar'ii aohscrii^oa. VETERINARY. JBLOOMFIELD, • Veterinary Surgeon, HAS enmmeneod the practice of his pro fassion in Markdale. and from his long experience and extensive praetice in England and this eonutry, ia enabled to ituaraatee satiafaotion. Begnlatii-g Powdan, the ad- miration of thouaaoda that have used Utem, warranted to puriff the blood by remoTiag diseases lurking iu the system of horses and cattle, alwaya on haad. Medioiaas may be procured at his offioa, ever Dr. Sproole's rug Storo. Markdale. 1-T ST RAYED TNtO the premises of Jaaies Faiding. A. lot 16, een. 9, Euphrasia, two'BXD TEABLIMO 8TBEBS and one biuuUei yearling. The owner ia requested to prove property. piy'expeaMa a^ taJie thtm awv. Sej ^t. if. I860. LSin^^ ' STRAY STEER. "tAMB into tbe praniaee of the eitieerihei \J lots, eon. la, isaphniMk oa or about ^e 15fh Julv last, a sai aad white STSEB, wont one year M. The owner ia letjpMted to prere projierty, pay duirjes and taka it away. 1-a* JX QLiSXT CD iH H tri- H CD ^* CD 1-^ bd i o GQ CD o CD c-t- o CD O O O J=! I-" CD P- a' O o 3 o 3 'WtliLIAM FW^ Plain aud Ornamental pw.^ THE STANDARD. Estimates for atone and bricktort pUeati'.^it. Satiafaetion GnTmit-j iuee â€" Qaear Street, Markdale. Markdale, Sept. 17. 1880. f7«»«t 'l*^ LOCAL OTHE R 1 tiine to nirtt Itc*^ NOTICES. Meat foTAS^i AT I 1 «-t4/*'**""' '"• "**"' •"'-n an-l Proviroial ' ' '^w^ Local Iote!lgieu«, County BMi*a«. Matters ao.l .n iMarae^ riSrr â-  â-  Mia«Cai.y MM iu .-.dv„ooe, II M ia tt" â- 5»^-' |l il BO* paid till end of tb«'T««- "» »*- WTO 0^,,.:_ •. *f» dia.:oiitiLned uutil wrfearaKes ar. B Sari eut s " ' «*=*?» •' " o,^ -« J •*• O. u -*rtes nJnian *K** ' The subeeriberretarns thanks t, ft. 'f"' ^j'.^^'^SS^** the rule. habitants of • «#A» »'â- â€¢ â€" ^. „ _^ ^w' (tew addW**^^ *° *••• Editor must MAEKDALE Tk^Jj-P;!.^"'""" '°" "' " and vicinity for ^^berol ,,atn«^, «Jfe OK ADVEETISINO ing the paetJM^rs. an J Up* u ,,0,,^ 'oe them that ^â€" repared t cnjiftj ^^ la! ^^ Is in his hue ag "• the tub iatcff f nthnut payipj. C)â€" â-  the si.bacri /^ one }ear $50 00 d.. 30 00 do 18 00 do 10 90 do 4 60 hoes and under, tirat instrlion.. 80 Each subaiqncnt insertion 1 'lom SIN to ten liue*, first insertioB. 75 Each subsiqiient ins rtion 26 'ver ten liuea, Drst insertion per Une 6 Each (ubf eqnent insertion 2 The Lumber of lines to be reckoned by 'he si«oe oconpied messured by a scale of oUil brevier. Advertiaemenu without peciSc directions wrill lie publishrd till for- lid ao'l charged accordingly. All transitor) SAUSAGE POULTRY •l**rtiseaienta must be in tho office ot pab- icstion by II o'clock no the 1'hurs'iay always kept in their Season. Tiorning preceding their puhlicstion. Special inducements to ^- W- RUTledge. Pnp rietor. large Purcha ers „^,^ a? any one north of Toroato, delivered promptly on receipt of oMcti. »«OV A SPEECH bWJraBKD BY I HARLBS s. rKEEMAN TO THE ANNTAI MUETIKG OF THE WaW YORK PKBUt Ah SOCIATIOK AT TapT. IS* Shop on Mill Brettt, oppoijj, ^jtractii tbe " Revere Hotel." iS'Casli paid for|Pat Cat tie and Sheep Again thanking yon lor past favon v' Editors are bom, not made. You cannot trusts by faithful attention tovour wanta iPind them up io heaps aa you can di doc- merit a continuance of your euppoit. toâ„¢, or lawyers, or clergymen. There 11. vTf T o A T TT- VTi "" w'l'-ge where they are taught. Thi re i.- W. 13. bAKJLAM. no cnrticulum for them to. study. Thire Markdale, Sept. 17th 1880. 1 »« no pr'f ssors of newaijaperi. Tl ere ar 10 dijilomas aud there sre no dcgrc' s tor an I 7 ' ditor. Perhaps I should aay that none oi •TciTVI^C! ^nlli'U"Pr le ordinary acbi.oU in which other pnteK O CtllltJb OUJ-U. V ail, ,i„„, ^^ ^^^^^^ „,,^, ,^r the ne*s,« '"'•'» K at #««liii«l ia tne »iri..»i- Grain is coming ni frouly. M Xir'e I aei^ ,To Bead [itoiui^ Hut, •i uiglJ !as lill I'clocll â- ligh; TllF Lhr. â-  jS liO\( oast- IXMlk II Ii a V' FLESHEETON. Mannfactnfer and Dealer in Tin, Copper, Sheet-Irooand Japanuod Wa'ee, Eave Troughing, c. A. Large Stock of Crockery tla^ Sluueware. Wooden Wares, Washboftrds. Broens. Brushes, Bakes, Handles, Se. *,e. Stove dvcus Lined. Old M«tul, Hides and Wool takea in «. change. tst* Prices moat reasonable, ;^; .,.â-  JAMES SUTXrVAK. f Flesherton, Sept. IHaO. 1 'o» day " an I f'r visi WMiLal •^'"â-ºai.ia' that aws 1 i:tl ly '.11 aiit If^ iieti.',u| """ 1:^1. '" 1 .. y,i] lU tiri br j for p!l m l.s stl! iui ;i « Ui of 1' wj Mii"li( hit tic tot her I'li.-'^n ma (iauu' wh ' I 'i:iv If •â- " tak.4 ,«y ""â-  " coii, t^i"';. ft el i'l" tj •»(i |.. I hnge .-ii], l.uriti STOVES. » CD CO S3 O O a n Babgains iu Watclies at Dolls. A GOOD opening fur. a funiitlry in \V. l; this village. a.I Goto Wm. Hulmoi's Tks1icrto%, 'â- ,'.^"=* for A £ooil rijotogiiiili, j 1 1 1 i • • ji"ii'" Tailobiso.-=â€" Just ^^•^«l IViJIiain's ., _j advertisement. Nurciil. ' j. Gleselg Apricultufal Show r.fiil ' Ih.riu Monday iu Markdaio. li~i-" Don't you forget to call at Doirslj"""fJ •hop the firtit time yuii arc ij I'l s'l- «rton. Facts Cavn^ i;k Dimh 1' r tlie eejuel to tiiin read lUulte; .V JJai â- .' advertisement. ' 1 Oi:b furioiug frieiills who' Iia.v' •lieep or cattle for ^al^, fli'iQlJ re;iJ Speers Broa."adv»'rtisi'iu«ut. Mas. Buhner. Dr.ssiualctr, l-Ne-^lier- ton also llarpers iiazuur t'ritt i ior sale. liarv. •(ii'iitl f;ll!i, noli, •! ii: Sill. •v; â- J If Kl \V C'lllli fTV. i ,..f" AiioNrHLT Cattle Fiiir blimiM b* .st.i.ii eetablisbed berc. Fartii. rsy*-' eoni- '(,, ),,,7 plaining of having to lirivc Ihcir cat- .|,,]i|. â- tie to oilier pluceo. • " '»u..i Ik the Prize Litt for ni.i;, 1- tli'.;"" iJ'/^ ^1y/t4'4' T^^^OC -^oUowiui,' Were oniitieil :â€" i'lYi" old I'H XXcLDX^VU-U £^LKj\it Oolte; Siniug Colts S|iriii^' ah.s:|«i; for which tuitaj'leitrizis will W given. ' r 1 1 .-â-  »• Iktriii'T tiVery one busy tln-se times. N ^reet loafers liaiic'ii;^' loui dilu li'toj.v Jtnd stietit corners duiuig fftoiiiiin; bonrs B 3TT0M PRICE FOUNlf 9 1^ Ih.M mil-' tiiii- 'ilaii MARKDALE. H. R. HOOPER RESPECTFULLY iiiT*to every Man and Woman in the eonntiy to risit their Factory and Warerooma and inspect their stock of furniture, manufactured durinff the sum DOT, for fall trade. Onr stock is now the largest and moat cempleto yet held by us, aad we Lava been snaeeaaf ul io iBtrodacing a great many NEW AND TASTY DESIGNS I " )IN( BED-EOOM SETS, COUCHES, SIDEBOARDS, EXTENSION TABLES, CENTRE TABLES, DRESSING BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, SOFAS, WHATNOTS, HAT-RACKS, HALL TABLES, • ' o., 4c., o. :. .; • o :^."\- ofuiri In- Ul ()i*Oil Mr. Dcslop, Baker an' C"iife-lum- • He in •r. t.-- â-  L.-.-^i.' •!-- «..o«i,t Jti, b.-tvicen !!i. " Mclntyre's Hi:d '-la.-J^Lfi 'l;i...s. .««,! i»,.. pnrpobtfs l/uiJdiiiL,' ti.'i inil. '•».i\ CiiKi'iT sale of Farm Stork, Iiii'j'V-- â- "'^l"'" meuts, lluiisehold Furidlure, .Ve,, on "" 1 9 elevated Oven Cool Wednesday, Oct. tth, uu tha farm vi Edward Kutledge, ^r. i SriiiT Cattle. â€" ()uite a number of stray cattle are advi.rlived in toilay'f: tiseui ishUe. Those who ha\ lost sueli, should read the notice*. ,j ' BusiNKss 18 brisk iu Markdale and ilirni These Stoves are from the best ami 1»« times are looking 1111. Everv Ilu-o I'l.r both private dwelling aud lubine.-» i.-. occupied or engaged. C Hill Bros, are pusjiin? tlii ir Koau- tiful brick block to eocij'li liov, rapid- ly. O" apimrtment ia already occu- bM l)T the Pki.ntino Office. niiL'Ji Wilcox is aiixiou.-,'}- wating thujwitj.ii cut saws, buildin- and S!ui ^fl'^P'-^o" ""'=* I"'" "'^^ «l«"r ' '"i;^i't v-ui. oa.x o, i^uiivii.!.,., ci v the Printing Oihce; and has just rr- ik.hs Hardware, Cutlery, Palnt^ tun,ej f^om the market, wiare he has 1 oouM Oils, Varnishes. Brushes, SiC orderein, large stock of jewelry, .vo. til.' V Mr. Lucas (the Banker) is wishiu' ti.,:-. his office was coiuplcted, aud llill Bros, are as anxious as any for the completion of UHir portion on the cor-, ner of Terouto and .Mid streets. The young men of Fh shertou liad .ft meeting recently, with the ul.j.et of reorganizing and enlarging the i;nt^.^ Band. We have not karncd tJn. result. Great Rcil"rtiQU-t" Purchasers. TlIiyE OF OCR PRICES. A No. Stove, furiiislicd complete, ?iS Same, with Low Oven, $17 5 BOX STOVE, ?. AH oth.er sizes Equally Lot These Stoves are from the best anJ 1»« set manufacturers in tbe Uomtnionâ€" 1js all the latest improvemeuts, with illiimiiii^ ei fronts aiiJ silver-])luted trimmiiv-- »' \re beyond doubt tbe best Stoves lu tt iliukot. KABDWAEB. A large stock of axes, cro?f at low prices. TINWAKE. V-v Coal Oil, Lamps c., Stock large and pricgs a low as any in the trade. HASKETT Bros., Sept. 17, 1*80. 1 disc IU leu 'l'i\ an i I. 11 ouv 10 \v.\, eu.i. V Stoves !Stoves! StoYes' WH ABE MAKING A SPECIALTT IN New Styles of WOOD SEAT CHAIRS CHBAP AND DTTRABUBS. ail!i ].;,'i- i M..:. RoTAL Hotel, MF.EKORn.â€" Tliis firKt-' '•'" •'â-  class hcuse, under th« intina^renu iit ^id i •rtfthe Messrs. Mc(ii^is woithy i»l ' the patronace of the travi-liiiii; jiiUic. bee julvertisemeiit in another culuuiu. iDnKTisTBY. Mr. J. J. While. Sur- geon Dentist of Owen Sounil, as will be seen by advertisement, will be at the Bevere Hotel, iu tins village, ou ' Weducsilay next, the 2'Ji:i int. At the NewTinShOF i,„kns,ve credit salc at C. W.' MARKDALE. RutSodgo's farm «u SalunJav, Uio 2iil LARGE ASSOKT.MEXT to »leet fr* of Qctobor. Sec Post«.r». Tiiere i the latest and most apiirovud "^^la? a fine colt ri.sing two years whicii i«ns. including .^fcfcl*, omitted i!. ihe posters, wid be fered at the aiiAe f^ale. i idroiirlJ STOVEJi, extra heaTy castings, with f^ Fobmti.kk, .vcâ€" Parties residin;. in \\it| plated trimmiu^^'s, Fleshertou and viciiiitv, uh.) re|uirf tnie 1 THE BEST STOVE IN MARKf ^^yt^'ng h. tin, i:v-' sh.e.i.i --eaa n.,.t coopers advertis' meiit. 1 iiTy tvr- "' "'-I and '"d Mj will last you your lifetime. »ei/ compeauou as to iirice. I'l i-.:v AT ROCK BOTTOM PWCB^ Rill ilK.us.-.As the time i. U^ l^^ No pufBu- hareâ€" the real" ^imouÂ¥M«- ipproaihiup when accounts havu to |jlV,i^;; •j.. ^^ "be rendered, parties sliuld call early ili.ni.' TIN^WARE ' •' "**' Stakd.vbo Office and order tiiciV v.ii.r I, â€" 1 Bill Heads, which can bo had h'Ah h^m. 1 A LABOE "" 1\. of I ijns, iucluding w,M| PARLOR, COOKING AND li^' If you want to haTo comfort the rt of .v* *„• f., ,. .„,. ,..,.,-. l.i. days, buy a stove from W. H. Walkor, 'oly *IlH"r j- ' ^^" ^^-'.^ "• lef/ com[etiUou as Io price. to 1U\| or.e.i;. Illll'" lll.lli lO'I.' • •I'l!. Well ' 111' ilitioii I STOCK AX, v.- AYS ALL KINDS OF OUR- made to onLr on tlio ^l^irw -t not" UNDERTAKING DEPARTM'NT Fully anpplied wUk COFFINS. SUBOUDS. ta., and special aisea iMde on the -rery •horteet notiea. oontplete a three story hriek 111 *toÂ¥e Ovens lined, Hand-Irou^Ml^"f'?^ when coiui'leteJ, will i,^ » ci-eJit to at very low pncea; Btovr i'el'" '-^ ai 1 li LeiH, tha ChaUeu«e, tho i:i«iun ^i";*- â- ^*"'" • prtj A. "-,e; ,t«. •.•.1-' Fancy ALL KINDS OF ,^.. )»,.i â-  »»»•» â-  BMdato oNeri Wwfc, Fmcs ricktti â-  loiddlogt AIM SASH, DOOB8, PLANISO. *•. With o;-.r preaani eSperieaoe we feel juatifiad in aakiaff a eontinnanee of the patroaA* •o UlCiBlly beatowad a« oa ia the paat. Oar prwea will he fonnd aa l»w aa any aa4 • »aah •• I. awMJetaat «ttk foe* wert an* flmah. If jouare lmiie««a««BTtlil»»iB onr hae we l»ri itaiiiiMti wa ma tvi^ jtm uk qoanUty and quaUty to aelee* b«m aa4 abo ui H. A, It. HOOqPEi?/ t VleaherVm Steam Fnmittue Factory and Pl*uiua Ufl? tieat and cheap. _,. «^i...«»u. Db. SpaopLE has commenced re Tin OL COppGTV/Ol^* baildiii!,' on MUl street, and xs..ects to One th-iu Ml. two I ll'«' •â- ; Oil; JOB WOIiKpBiticuUiiyiiti.'J"J^ You can save mouov by pviiij: â- ?* V^ before purohasin,; elaewhero, OU "" Hides, Sheep P.lti. Wool-pickiiu' ' exchange. t:s" Kcmembcr tho pl»«* the "Murkdale House." • .W. R. WALKEF Markdale, Sept. 17, 18S0. __^ STRAYED FBOM the premises of John McjM* 10. eooeeasiou 12, Holland, »»•* I6th of Juno. Three yearliut-'*. ".**. ,i,^ heifer-red aad white, one «liit« ""JJ i one red steer. Any person giv" formation aa wTl lead to their recorw be sallalily tt^fiicd. nuUand. Sitfi. liOt. i;i«ti. JIkant AM) CnF.ij.KW. â€" This cnter- IMi9n fiim are sal 1 to be driving a »ihfal husiiies'.s. V. c re^omiaeud in want of aiiylhiiig in theij- t read what liny have la say, •ee if it would be de.sirable to give a call. Cemadi-atr Xorlh W.xt I« the a new montly journal 'tiblirh Selkirk, Manitoba, by Mr. Jas. It is printed in magar.iui. is devoted to the geneial its of the Norih West. Pi ice •ouuiu. f- i:. uiPn in ai.l sure }itt\ W. BO!

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