Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 17 Sep 1880, p. 2

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 iii rooth, Nail plianccs, ooks t CCOS :ls. :icn: •^•9 E, M.D, Iff s )PER iiiitry to vi.iii ' |iMiifnc(nr»-I (inrir f"inplrle \et hcli IIGNS Fictory jctory tie jouch: ENTRE TABL DS, SOFAS, ll TABLES, ^f CHAIRS! PAPtTM'NT ml ^Jrcs iniiilo on tlio T«ry ikets Mouldiiigs continnancr of tae patronag " THE STAHMRD. LOCAL 6THER NOTICES. Clocks ioN^ cents, ni Ddl'a, SiLVKs WatcliM frud^M 50 Doll-8. A â-  up.' fonnd »s luw as any, and • •re in need of Mjvtlilng in oar ity to select bom an i iImo m KOr»ER, are FMt»^ ,„a rUiiinp M;U» Rktkbb HonsK. â€" Tbif b3€n enlarged, aud »i]l, " J tleteu, be quite coW*"** per aved^m appearan P^ 'where yen »n gkttoe worttof yoar money, «b* 'i® "^Jj* change back, at Mcla'vre's. Ho TO Mi' Bnrch's for\£W designs in Laces. Embroidery, aui^'ringes, Harpo»"« Cut Paper IatteriA^25c., /guit all new styles. ftocB.â€" 'W. J. Ford'I^Flour sold " Mclntyre's. The onW place in (own that aelVu it, aud thinly iund be sella. Worrautei to be g«^. Take yoirr wll^h to Doll and have it repaired pro^Vo-ly. Watch and Clock repairing an^. cleaning a spe- cialty. Tbk bniMing of the mansion of Dr. Sproule iti \jAiv^ pnshud forward, and it is expectcil to he ready for roofing before winter sets in. Now ^r Fruit of cVijry kind. llc- ^-'Intyro liaii a lar^e HtiSk on hand, very chea|r for casli. Thk Mansion House. â€" It will be seen by advertiscmeut Uiat tliis old public house in under tlie mauage- niant of Mr. John Van Horn. The place is well kept and is descrying of the travelling pntronage. f Do you want a Vatch that will give you every sati^factiolkD'jll has tliem •t b«ttom prices. Saw Mii.f..â€" Mr. Ed. Davis re- aniues the snw niiliiiig business on lot 21, coa. '{, Aitfiiiesia, on or about the Iwi^etobt r. This will be a great boon nut "wly to tlie iieigliborhood and tiiiisf liiiviiig Ioj;s to didp(^sc of, but to tiii; cumiuuiiity generall)' Partienhirs will be anuounccd by poster* in ;i few diij's. liAWF.s' Hiilid (iold Wlni^Ks from $20 up, at Dt-llH. Thk Ctnci^ lately pliiccd in front of the Kiigli'-h (lliiirjh has been painted '^nd adl' m^icii to the aiipearacco of iie i)lHce. 11 ;v. Mr. Wiud, the lu- cninbcnt, t"j,":tiir with the members of the coii;;re'.Mtii)U denervo credit for the taste dis]i|.i}(jil in the building and beaulifyiii:; of tlieir place of worsbip, 1^ Wat-tham Wat^Ws lliiit weigh from IJ ozs. to i lb.. HtlioJls. YtTf.niNAY SuBcKON. â€" It will bc seen by refeiring to our advertising columns tlmt Mr. iJloorafield has comuieneeil tlic practice of Jiis pto- fessjon iii tills villaLjo. Mr. B. comes lo us with lii^^'l) testimonials of abili- ty fr.im Kn^'huul, and also from places he has visited in Canada. The ser- vic f« of such a i;rsou will no doubt be ful'y appreciated in this locality. tiil»'*««Trii I'oi- liif SlsaiKliird. We will (jivc it from ii« till llin Kirst of January, 1SN2, for ouo vcu' Miliicrijition, • •.'5. At M I.stvke's. â€" Wo .trc no aJvo- cato of intoxicatmg drinks, on the contrary, advit^c temperance in ail thing" but if people will inJulga iu *iiat which somo ttiiiik they sh;uld ^lot, thnn by alt mouns procure tho aire 1^11(516 which is said to he had at liityre s. it „;n I .^ .- ,^,, \,y sunJiy all notices in this issue, tliat Mclu- re has a select stock of family gro- ries to which v.c draw the attention tlio public. Go where youVan get cheap Gro- tries, at Mclutyrfli^. Pkskcratini; thk Sanctuary. â€" Some vil disp se 1 porson as yet unknown iitevcd St. Ma:y's Cimrch, Maxwell, st weok and mutilated the altar oth, with a view to steal the com- mion linen. A reward of fifty dol- rs has been offered for the convic- r, tionof the perpetrator, and it is to ft 1*0 hopfd ho may bo discovered aud onirlit tojustiee. Such wanton acts â- ci\ • Severe punishment. Siunv your own interest aud go to cintyrc s for all kind-^ of tiroccnes, ere you can get U^m cheap for II. ,^^ tc^Ht'iiANcs OK Station .\gent3 '" "pR)hn i*avu!son, for a few months '^jftatiou .\gei.t hero, having tendered '"n re8ii.;Mation, the Company accept- of it, and Mr. D. is no longer in e enipluy of tho T., G. B. li.R. D»vidson,tliough but a short time wtfc the viila;;p, has gained the good shos of the business part of the com- uity r)r Ilia straightforwardness punctualitv in the discliarge of iluty. ami made many friends who ly re'.,'ret his dcparlurc. We not learned where it is Mr. D.'i tion t) go or what ho intends to ark in, but we are confident that pxiiress the feelings of tl;e village 11 wo say his de)arture is much Bttinl. Mr. John Saesar, late ^ghl .\^ent at Orangeville, is now large of tlie station iu this place. '.-'}^VoK Groceries, Liqims and Provr* of all kinds, go to\lcIntyre'8 fBEi.Dis'a», DoMiNio.s Atlas. â€" We fore us » copy of this great SI taking, and we desire to speak as we believe its merits demand. ilia"" is accurately spoken (if. ^o^nge aud Grange Halls aud '"'ouses, crcek3,inill«, churches .names of those who subscrib- ihe work are on their lots and same may be said of tho whole the County. .The maps are excel- ^it, and we believe accurate. The vp* of the Provinces of the.Domin- the Dominion itself, and other kious of tho world, are equal to any Ihave seeu. Of course special at- has been given to Canada. letter press and quahty of paper binding i^ of No. 1 qnahty. A titemporury says, with whom we 3, tbat the historical part of the fk 18 full and coucise. The history of County of Grey will be found very •resting. Besideb tJl this, tho â-  contains a vast amount of ex- nelv useful information, relating llie geological, climatic, cbtonolo- pohtical, statistipal, c., con- js of Canada. It contains the new ladian tariff, postal rates, o., o Canada, the work contains rail- 1, electoral, post o£Qce and other Ips, and is in every respect up to prospectus. The work should be i,ihe house of every one in tb« ty, as its worth cannot be too estimatsd. We wish the pab- eyery success. ' IS no nie ix^^ingmoch abont tyre's Liqnors. J^e^ oa6 knows |PK the right bnukf. PiMcal. Plain Mid Bra. Spr«Ble 4k (Tatter, Phjhioimna, BoMBoaF. AoooodieaxB O^nCB. Vodiod HaO; iMUMoe at MarttUle. 8qt 17, IMP. l.y '^^ 1. tt. Memnaa, ATTOBHKT-AT-LAW AND SOtlCTTOB IB ChAne«ry, Courcyiuiear, Ae., A«. Owen Sound, Sept. 17, 1880. I-y Chas. B. ^rUlLes, Barriater at Law, Owen Sound. OyiflCE.-i-liilters'g btiildin(, ov« Bobin- leu'i ttora, Poulat Street. l-y McFaydea B*kwrta, BABRISTEBS. Solieiton in Vttmmearj, *«. (Mfiee, one ooor aaet of Um Marehaate' W .nk, Union-tt., Oweu Soond. r. McFATnsx. J. T. Bouam. Sept. 17, 1880. 1-7 Frost Frost, BARB13TEBS, AND ATT0BNltT8-AT Law, Solicitor* iu Chaneery. CouvrT aneers, ite., Ow*b Soiod, hare reitnmed at Fl«iherton, Office open every Than4ay, a« heretofore. Alfrcd Fbost, J. W. FaoR, LL. B. County Crown Attorney. 1 8. J. lianc, BlBKlSTEEaidATTOBNET-AT-LXW, Solicitor in ChaneA'y. A*. Orricasâ€" at Owen Sound and Ifarkdale. N. li.â€" Office M Markdale, oTar W. J. Me- Kariand'i »tore, open OB Tbonday ol erery week. l.y James Massoa, BABBISTKltmia ATTOBNEY AT-LAW, Master in Chancery, Owen Snund. Sept, 17, 1880. l-y Jnmcs Lamon, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOB IN Chancery, Notai-y Public, Couveyaacer, DUNDALK. Sept. 17, 1880. l.y Cowgfjtattgerg £utt^ ^gntiii. lil'ni. Broun, ISSUER OF MAUllIAciK IJCENSES, JL-e., Commissioner in B. R. Ac. CoDveyancin); iu all its brandies promptly attendtn) to aiyl carefully oxccntcd. N. C â€" Money to IQd on Real Estate ee cnr'ity. Harkdale. Sept. 17, 1830. l-y David Jackson, Jr^ LOAN AND L.\SD AGENT, CONVEY ani'tr, ttc. Money to lencLat tho lowest rule of Interest ever offered ia this part of thaeouatry. l'riuciial money will be takeu â- a sums of SlOO aud upwards yearly with the iuterext if desired. Durham, Sept. 17, 18^0, l-y F. iWcBac, 1~F.\L ESTATE AGENT, DURHAM \i County of (rrey. Money to Loan at reasonable interest, pay- able half-yearly at 8 per cent., or at the end of the year 8.J per cent. â€" principal payable at the end of 3, .5 or 10 years â€" or principal ^.ud interest yearly to suit IJorrowers. liiinds for Sale. Mortgage!) bought and sold. Stpt. 17, 18H0. 1 y (1 ENEI T Cent Ibr Carson Price, ENER.^Ii MERCHANT. HOLLAND tre. Laad .V'^tut aud Comraiitsion- or III B. li. iL-c. Mortgagor, Leaies, A'c, drawn with neatness and dos^patch. Holland. Ccutre, Sept. 17, 1880, l-y Alexander Brovru, I.SSUER of Marriage Licenses, Fire and Life Insurauce Agent. Con^issiouer in B. R. Ac. Conveyancer and Licensed Auctioneer for the County ol Orey. Farmers, Merchants, aud Laud Sales, Punctually at- ttiiiluc to aud charges made Terv moderate. Priceville, Sept. 17, 18S0. " l-y D^ Oeorge f Corbet, Jr., I AND. LOAN AND GENERAL AGENT, _i Owen Sound. Mono» to Loan at low rates of iuturcst. Principal payable at the «uJ of a ti'vm of yenro, unit interest half y'ar- ly or Te.ivly, or jn iiicipal aud interest repay- able in iiiHtalmeuts, **«"A uiuuber of desirable Improvod'itarms for s.ilo. .^^A*» "y J Ct» SlOC^'r^^ OMINION AND PltOK^'CIAL LAND hiii'vej'or, Drmight^^nn and T^uator, Mcaford and Maikdalo. Having purchased I'lnviuciitl Laud Surreyor Charles Rankin's entire stock of original Field Notes, Plans, Reports, Instructions, it:e., of all his SuiTeys done within the last fifty-fiTe years, I am prepared to make Surveys in strict accord- ance therewith. Profiles and Estimates for Grading Hills, Plans and Specifications for Building Bridges, furnished on appUca- tion. Money to Loan at 8 per cent interest. Orders by letter, or left with O. J. BLYTH, Markdale, will be promptly attended to. Sept. 17, 1880,^ 1-T Pettti«tr3. |th is aft the bal. M' e. Jewcil, I..D.S., ^TJ'ILL be at the MARKDALK HOUSE, V Markdalo, the First FRIDAY and fol- lowing day in each mouth. Parties wanting Extracting, Filling or Teeth^nserted, from one to a full set, would do well to call and see prices. Satisfaction given iu all oases. Head Office â€" opposite Post Office, Meaford. Sept. 17, 1»S0. l-y Mr. Janics J. lUiite, Assistant to Dr. Cameron, Owen Sonnd, WILL BE AT THE BEVEBE HOUSE, Markdale, on the li^t Wednesday in each month, when he will be prepared toper- form all operations required upon thejmonth iu the most satisfao-tory manner, and upon reasonable tcima. 1 y ^afrltf. iVIAIVJmOIV HOUSE MARKDAi-E. Haying lcaicd the above hotel and thor- oughly refurnished and refitted it, the tray- clIiMg public will find every accommodation. Only the best ef liquors aud cigars kept. Good stabling. Careful host'er. JOHN VAN HORN. Proprietor. Sept. 17,1880. l-y MEAFORD, Ont. J. k J. McGI^, • â-  PaopaiKToms; EvcrV accommodation for the travelling pu)lic. ^3^ie bar is well stocked with the chUcust Wines and Liqnors and the best brioids of Cigars. free 'bus to and from all traing. Sept. 17, 1880. l.y |l«icti#i»(v«. J. M. IV^ekster, LICENSED AUCnOMESB FOB THE County ot Orey. t3- LOAX ND LAND AGE XT, Money to loan ai lowest rates of interest, in snms to suit tiorrowers. Agent lor Farmers' Loan and Saving Co. All business matters stffctly private, and treated as coeh. EUGENIA P. O. Sept. 17th 18fl0 1-tf |Unr*rr]|tn«it. C:i ONEBAL AO^NT AND DBAXBB IN 7 Suraey Stock, Willia»*ford Btatioa. 8«pt. 17, 18S0, 1 CHASE BROS. BOWMAN, Nurseries at Rocliester,N.Y. ENOCH BALL, MCAFORD, A](cint to mU and eolleet tar Ornrn '.Sept. 17, ISSO. l-y for )ep street, XBh Markdale, B^t. 17. 180a Uy Sbeep and. (Jattle. FABMEBS liaving good Irt Sbwp i Cattle to sell, will find U to their mimm age to leave there namas and address at Me- Cateheon's Hotel. Berera Howw. Marislale. as ike mdcnigiied ar* itiO ea tb* war palk, â- ad wiU poeitiTely pay the high set rieaa. (;.W.*A.SPBK]lt. Sept. t7th, lam. l.y GEORGE WILSON, El BMDTTiC If iU St., Markdale, nat door to Kxpodter Ofllea. IV Meat driivered at any hooM Is Sept. 17, 1880. 1-7 Meat for AU AT W. B. Sarjent's. The lubeeriber retam* tbaaka t* Um ia. habitants of MABKDAIiB and vicinity far their liberal patronage dar- ing the past five years, and begs to reaind them that be is prepiired to supply their wants iu his line as a? any one north of Toronto. Fresli aii kd Mi delivered promptly on receipt of orders. SAUSAGE X POULTRY always kept in their Season. Special inducements to large Purcliasers Shop on Mill sreett, opposite the " Eevere Hotel." tS-Cash paid format Cat- tle and Sheep Again thanking you lor past favors he IruKtn by faithful attention to your wants to merit a coutiunance of your support. W. B. SARJEAKT. Markdale, Sept. 17th 1880. 1 James Sullivan, FLESHERTON. Mannfactorer and Dealer in Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron and Japanned Wa'oe, Eave Troughing, c. A Large Stock of Crockery and Stuneware. Wooden Wares, Washboards, Brooms, Brushes, Bakes, Handles, i^c dc. Stove Ovens Lined. Old Metal, Hides and Wool taken in ex- change. Prices most reasonable, JAMES SULLTVAN. Flesherton, Sept. 1880. 1 New Boot SH O THE subso?lber\^hes iuUabitauts of MA] 'intimate to tho lLE and surroundij)(^ cnnutr}"(haI^he has opened Biot and Shoo S^p In the^rciliisei lately occupied by Mr.B. C. Ta^bery, EXT DOOB TO MR, M0NT63MERY'S BAKER.,^ and hopes by close attention to bnainfii Gooil "VV orkmanHtliip AND MODERATE CHARGES! t« merit a share of.pnhlio patronage. ALEX. KAY. Markdale, Sept. 17, 1880. 1 STOVES. Haskett Bros. B 3TTOM PRICE FOUND AT I^ A»T. Great Reduction to Cash Pnrchasers. THINK OF OUR PRICES. A No. 9 elevated Oven Cook Stove, furnished complete, J)i8. Same, with Low Oven, $17. 5 BOX STOVE, $4 All other sizes Equally Low TheM Stores are from the bMt aad laig- eat maaoiMtaren in the Domiaioaâ€" hav. all the latest iaprovements, with illaminat- edfrositaa»d ulver-pUted trimniaci, and at. beraid doabt th. heat Stovw im Ike MwAet. HABDWABB. A large stock of axes^ cross cut saws, building and Shelf Hardware, Cutlery, Paints, Oils, Varnishes. Brushes, c. at low prices. TINWAEB. Coal Oil, Lamps c.. Stock large and prices as low as any in the trade. HASKETT Bros., Sept. 17. imo. 1 A Word to the Publio. The era of prosperity which now happily reigns throughout the length and breadth of out florious dominion benefits every branch of in- ustry, and has very materially benefited my business, which has increased \q volume several thousands of dollars over any previous year, and is steadily increasing. Appreciating the tastes and requirements of the Public I have studiously, and I trust suc- cessfully, labored for 18 years to meet the wishes of purchasers. The -support and pat- ronage I have had justifies me in increasing my stock, extending my facilitie;, and at the same time materially reducing my prices. O Ambitious as I have ever been to be first and foremost in my business, I am resolved that henceforth the reputation I have achieved in this particular, shall be promoted and enhanced. Egotistical mention is not essential, but I do feel warranted in calling attention to my pre- sent full and complete stock of Goods, a stock, the greater part of which has been purchased for cash, and direct from the manufacturers, and the equal of which, for extent or variety, I do not think can be found north of Toronto. I solicit from strangers an inspection, and to my friends and customers say, that I have for them in goods and prices a succession of what I believe will be very ?greeable surprises. ' I am in a position to fill all orders, and it will not be necessary to send to Toronto or elsewhere for goods. Give me a chance to supply your wants, and I guarantee the best Goods at the most economical rates. A call and examination will be gratifying to me, for I feel sure that an experience in patron- izing me will fully confirm all that I claim for my goods. W. J. McFARLAND, • W^HOLESASE AND RETAIL, September 17, 1880. â-  V H h Esr:#r :r: A NOVELTY in these Goods I u «, « f- Tht hNltstncflUe RIvtM aN Cenesfed and Water- proff Saan. Oall and Sxamine Sto^fe mnA Pirioes S Wwe f rtliaeing "•lop" goode darrheta. FULL LINES IN Groceries, Staple aDd Fancy D17 Goods, Cldtiig, (Ready made,) Crockery and Glassware! r* AT THB J. â- #â- â- -. on^TO so MARKDALE. Markdale, Sept. 17th, IWO. â- â- ^'Ji, â-  ' W». BROWII. 9^ FACT X\ ' DitKOKT; Fi rtf \ftstti, Xfr-ttpttf, Bravt turrets, nXnervaua tfebiii., •,«€; ThaSestBEMEDI OCVH to Man 1 T«,000 A6ETTS RATE SOLS StKCE l^^i 9.000.0CO Bottler^. nw Slfnp Possfsaes Vnried rroprrtUc. I ft sllssBliiln tho rrvriaiac f a |b« ftmUvm, MMefe i m mwu m it* at«raJi no* ii(L«rr • r -.ht tmttmUtMmoaa». a AAteaor ta l'n.nU(M I WIis4 aatf Kaarlac tt On- r.ml U Of â- lsl efter awlai i .-^ fenae«l«i«a qCTm* la " Fads are chiels that winna diug." •OlU' stocl£ ol mim GOODS! Is now complete in every department. We in\:ij;.e specia attention to the following lines â- ; V ^}; W. F. DOLI^ GENTS' FURNISHINGST I etc. West of England BroadclothsCanada Straws, etc Doeskins, jwhite Shirts, "^^ Diagonal Coatings, Regatta " i Overcoatings, Oxford " ' French Trouserings, i.,' i /-i t. tt Canadian Tweeds. jWindsor and Club Houses SU ITS made to order in goodl Scarfs. style, none but first-class'Bows, Collars, (in litien and Trimmings used. paper,) Hard and soft, fur and felt Gloves, Hose, Braces, Hats in all the latest in endless variety. styles. i -^â€" I t â€" ~^ c. t acte .pew fba /.fvrr. taese r«a Uis Ki.inTa. t Re|«"" '*•' Bittreim iPnlS^s Ike BleiHl. â-  I Qeieta ih» crroBs Syocees. :t frmafMm ZMgrailsn. » Neartsbra, atrrncilipm nad Ivricnrrfr^ .learrloa olT tbe Old UNiad nad inK!'.f~. iww ItopCBs Ibe ^rcs cf ibe ulLia sod ludacta Bealtbr Perspirarien. It aentrallzcs tb^ hcm'inr} taict, cr po;«in In ilia blood. W£.ic'-i caccrnU^a ^:-o{i.la,r.r.Tfiii-*t:.A, ai.d kil msaner of skin disRuses tni in^^riul hiuioio. Tb«re aro no Pt*rit« cu-?Jo.'-uJ m its reai.iifec*»t«\ tad It c«n bo takcii by I'.iu niom ^lix^cttto L^ nr 'ty tbe s^od SQi fdckle, (»r cnJjr ii-n^ rcjaircj i» «/• â-  UmlhH to dirccHuKu rwd OP LAESE E;m-s, ei.c3 PEICB cr SlIALL rOTTLES, 50 Raad ths VOLUNTARY TE3" IM0NIAL3 of Persons who hsva bxn CUr£D by the use of the BLOOD FURIFIER. FOR DYSPEPSIA AND LIVEH COMPLAINT. Kelvin, Brant Co., Out. Dear Sir â€" This is to certify tliat your valuable Imliau BlooJ Syrup has benefited nie more for Dospapsia aud Liver Complanit, than any meai- eiue I ever before used. Mrs. M. J. BPilDGE. SAVED HKR LIFE. Kelvin, Brant Co., Ont. Dear Sir â€" I have been under tho doctors' hand.s almost continnslJv for eight years, this year being the first that I have not employed iij eia:. After using your Indian i "â- â- d yriip for a brief Bpaco of time, I was enab- led to do all ray work. I truly be- lieve it was the means of saving luy hfc. M^s. XLUIY LEOXAED. STAPLES. 1 I FLESHERION DDNDALK. FLESHERTON -AUTOâ€" DUNDALK. Special inducements Waltham Watches Jaat to hand. â-² SPECIAL LINB OF OOL.r THATCHES Alio Ladies Col. Gold lockets, l€hains, Nccklots, Ac. T^i%.IIESI A LABOB LINE OF Wedding and Gem Rings, %\ to $10. HALL, PARLOR^ BRACKET AND BEDROOM CLOCKS AT ALL PRICES. Silver and Electro-Plated Ware. Owiaf to the looreased dcaaand (or this line of goods I hare been fereed to parehaee larger aad better ease*. Am now offering Cake Baskets, Fruit Stands, Cruets, Butter Coolers, Sugar BmeU, PickU IHtkn, Napkin Ringt, Fruit Khxvm, Spoont, Dinner and De$ert JTiuvet, de., all of the lat4$t and mo*t improved destyiu. A. Oall Iten-pecTtxilly Kolicitecl. iV Watoh repairing a apooialty. All work is warranted. GROCERIESâ€" Freah. Sugars, Syrups, Teas,CoflFees, Tobacco.Currants, Raisins, Prunes, Dried Apples.Soaps DRY GOODSâ€" well selected. Dress Stuffs, all shades and patterns. Black and colored Lustres. Buttons, every shape and shade. v.1' Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Beans,' Ladies' Compendiums. Turnips, and other field andj Prints, Ginghams, gray and garden seeds, all new and ^.^^^te Cottons ** Chambreys, Hollands, Tick- ings, Tablings, Towellings, new true to name. A large as sortment of Crockery, Glassware Earthenware. WinceySjShirtings, checked and stripped. Sheetings, Ducks â€" brown, ringed,spot ted and striped. Fleahartoa, Sept. IStb, 1880. W. F. DOLL, Fleslierlon and Dundalli. THE NORTH OF SCOTLAND CAN. MORT.CO. R. DAVIS, Agent, .... Fl^^J^HERTON. TUB ABOVE COHFANT ABE ROW PJ At 7} per eent., half yearly, or 8 per eent.. yearly. Note a few of the adrantagee derived frem the North of Scotland. Yon ere not .obliged to pay any part of tbe principal until the end of the term. Yoa can arrun«e to pay in instalments if yon choose and interest immedjatelv eeaaee on sneh am'wints when paid. Yon can arruij;e to pay yttar interest or piU e ip al in any manth to suit yea. You can arrange to repay the loan iu any time from 1 to M year*. Simple intereet only charged. No eqnalization of payments. No 19 per east, interest mot fine* charged. The loUowing example vtU show one of the many ways in whieh a loan maj beieoaid. EXAMPLE: •1000 borrowed, repaid by ten equal annual instalments, simple yearly, the paymenU will be as fellows lit Taar, interest 8 per eent onflOOO.. .. •• •• Instalment tad Tsa*, intereet 8 per eant. on IMO rr. j; trd year, iateseet 8p«r cent, osi MOO tfk year, iatacast 8 per eni. oa tTOA Instalment Mk ywr, iiit««at 8 p«r Mat. oa MOO iMtabMBt Ml year, tataeaat 8 per east, osi tSoa 7tk year, ial s r ea t 8 per Mat. oa 1400 laetalnMBt 8 per esnt an ISoo Mk yw, telMeat 8 Mf Mat. mi Moo interest, at 8 im oeai. •• .. 880 00 100 00 180 00 •78 00 100 80 m 00 884 00 100 00 184 88 •U08 UD 08 IM 88 •48 00 loo w 148 M •4o« loo oo 14e oo •81 oo loo oo 188 oo •84 oo loo oo 184 oo •18 oo loo oo 118 oo •8 00 loo oo lo8 00 IMhynr, iatsrsM 8 ptt Mat. aa •loo TnttahBiwt Making a total payment ol 91440 oo Tbe b M iuw s r is not oUigod boweror, to rep»jr any part of the prineipal by iastataaants kakHMdofo if ennvenient. BxpsaoM knr and a detailed stateeient of disboMaMBte fiewtoeashbentnrer. M»0«*i, !.«â€" f, W^flla, Aarreâ€" ff dfce..Matlyaiid in tiho 4M HfMita CoMpaaisa. AMoimtr, returns oMaMtly nado. Vmnam tor sale aad to laat. t^e m w yaa M i ROOT. iaB.B., Baal tMits and las. Agt, FIJBMIBKT*!!. BOOTS arxd. SHOES I -; We have just received a large lot of Sessions, Cooper and Smith's celebrated make, all sizes, .lioj-n an infant's slip- per to a No. 1 1 brogan. Ask for this make and buy no other. N.B.-We pay special atUntion to the TAILORING DEPARTMENT. YooBg men, if yon want a PEBFECT FITTINO SUIT give as a trial. We UuaraHUe SatU/aetitn. BUTTER EAE, Douglass' Brick Block, MUl-st., Markdale. March 9rd. 1880. CURES COUGHS AND COLDS. Burtora, Jiinut Co., Out. Dkar Sik :^^Iii February, IH70, 1 Was afilictijil «itli a scvorc Cough which grew wdrao, confiiiinp rac to my room, rihI vrae fiually proiionnced iurnriihle by my physiciau. In Jan., 1877, I commeiiceil ushig the Imliau Blood Syrui wlicn I at once com- mt^nccd tii gain in strcn^tii, {iiiilin a short tiinc I was enabled to do a fair day's work. Sly Cough" is now entii'ely gone; ISAAC HORNER, J. P. CUREaivRYSIPELAS. Alt. l?or6st, Weihagtou Co., Ont.. Ciin. DKABSIE^iâ€" I *.as '.oven ly afilietfil with EryeiiK'lfts for two j lais, (i»nl a !iort ti ial of ' vour ludian .}.]()inl .Sviuji cfli ctuallv cured me. Mns. .TASliT ANDKUSOX. ' LTVEE COJIPLAIXT. Ml. FWest, Welliii^'i"!! Co., Ont., Can. r).;.vR SiU: â€" 1 liitve u.-.'J your grt'.it IJian Blood Syrup far Livoi CouijilRiut, aiiJ li!i%i received great licuetit tlierefioui. 1 r»com.' rneud its use to altsimilarlv afflicted. MELSON CARB. DISKASR OF THE STOMACH. Mt. Fonwt, Wollintjlou Co.. Ont., CuB. D«An Siii:â€" Tliis is to ct-rtifiy that yonr valn-ible InJiiin lilooil ^iiffup cored me ol Cnuuiis ill the Stomach. W. N. CUKROW, DISE.\SE OF THK STOMACH. â-  Cro!K If ill, VVr.ttiloo Co., Out. r)E.»a Sir: â€" i wa^: ti'u\leJ with severe Pains â- ;-• my Stom.-\cii. and al.'O with Loss of Appetite ai.'l w.-is nnaUlo to ;;ct anything to relieve mu until I toik your Indian Blood- Syrup whicJi effected a p;Mwly cure, y shall always rIvo your medioiue the -pree it so justly deiserres. NANCY LES. V, ' SCABBY HANPS. •â- ^••â- .â- ' Neuotndt, Grey Co.f Ont. DaiB Sir:â€" My Hands became ScaMy, and 1 wa^ iiuablc to tell what it was aud wont to a (doctor, :«fho gave me medieiur, which did no j-ood. I tlien procured some ot your Indian Blood Syrup and had taken it only a short tune, when the Scabs disappear- od, and now my hands are as well as ever. 1 can safely recdniBiend it as a vali-.ablo remeily. Mbs. HENRY HUFF. DYSPEPSIA AND KIDNEY COMPLAINT. Westport, Jan. T.), 1«7'J. Dbab Sib â€" I have been suffering for years witli Dyspepsia and IiidiRostiou and Kidney Complaint, and have tried a Rreat many remeuies, but witbo\»t effect. I l»e- oame very bad and could not leave my bed. I sent to your A-ient, William Dier, for a bottle of your Indian lihutd Syrup, and I do net hesitate to say that it saved my life. I am completely enred and feel like a new man. Last week my son was taken sick with severe Heidoehe, and a few doeM ol yoor valuable medicine eure'l him. DAVID BMCK., CUBES DYSPEPSIA. A^ fff^KS^ TJplI. **^ •OAv-'Bta:â€" i lat% hetti afliAed wi|6' P) ip a p s 'fc* foat'niae'yearl And yoar Me^MloM.gmhMiai0 6bV ««dttine that iVtrh^itdm^ I WMdssv to' all suffering â- tiati this iMiai^ M' gire^our mediciuaafair Sele Oeaeral ^gmUi^ Onuda, Norlii oi aud LynJiai^Il^y^ToroQtq St. We*^, JjOomU), Jiy/ij0^^iot Mother Noble'e jiealtat dyitop, air KngUs^ Diseoreiy wlueli " 14(ntwn n a Taivable and effe^tw SKdfier throogluNit tbe World." RiATVHOOli t HOW LOST HO^ RESTORED Jf_ 1^ We haTe reeeatir pahltabed â-  flMBBnaw editioii of Dr Cnlver- 4MS2n*»w«ll'« Oelebrated Bssa^r oa tbe radical and pvnianent enre (withom meiieine) ol Merross Dabflity, Mental and nyaieal laeapoeity. Inpedisieate to Uar- ri age, etc., recaltiagfwm eseeaeee. IsrPriee, in. a aealad enrdope, atly mx tetita.ot two poeta^ stamps. The aelebratad aathor, in this «i«ni^iA. Seeay aieaity deaaoastratee, from tliirty years raeeAeefai ptasttee, ttMt elarmii^ eon- â- e^aenee* attf beraiioally eared witlioat tha daoReroos aee of inteni.-U meditme or tlia anlieatioo af a kuiie poiiitiag ont a moie of enre at ooar aimplo, eertain and efleotoal, i^ mean) of wbieh every snCerer, ao iMttter wliat hii condiUon may be. may eon himaeil eha^rfr, ptivatelr and rodioelly. TUetoataua riioTdd be is Qw handr of VTWij jMth and aveiy aaaa im tbe lano. AddrsM THE cta.VBilWKLLiqiDKT^ CO.. »» .\jt*i ffr S;rf \.^T,r. ^e N^ 1. ',^ â- ^

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