« - T * s T r • SWINTON PARK We express our sympathy to the Knox family On the death of Mr. fiobt. Knox on Saturday, which oc- curred at. the home of his daugrhter, Mrs. Wm. R. Meads, The funeral is being held this Tuesday afernoon at Swiirton Park charch. Mrs. Hug'h McMillan, Mr. and Mrs. Ghas. Aldcom and baiby have moved to our little hamdet. We welcome ithese young folk to our midst. We are also glad to have Mrs. McMillan iwck foil the aununer. Miaa Shirley Willrianis is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Earl Lane. Mrs. Geo. A. Black spent a few days in Georgetown. We are sorry so many folk are ill with the 'flu. CUftr. and Mrs. Gordon McNalty had a "taffy-off" in their bush one night recently. Mr. John Martin spent a week at the home of his father and siste.. Canadian private Tfonks are no longer allowed to issue bi'lla. The government bank alone has the right. â- >» •» - * * i 4. f CHECK Your Hardware Needs Houseleaning 'Supplies C-V Paint Kem-Tone Kem-Glo Waxes '-.,;, >^ .Polishes Mops Brooms For The Farm Ceresan Formaldehyde Warbiceide Royal Purple Remedies Frost Fence Chick Accessories Troug-hs Founts Brooders Peat Moss Building Materials J-M Shingles Rdo-fing- Sidings Lime Plaster Canada Cement ,Sporting Goods -'â- Fishing Tackle C.C.M. Bicycles Softball Equipment DUNCAN'S HARDWARE Wagons Coal - Stoves Phone 54 Electrical Appliances FLESHERTON â- ♦-. r. 5 â- m Ik « t \ Merchandise For The Spring Season Sunworthy Wall Papers Paints and \'arnishes Enamels Floor Finishes Paint Brushes Floor Waxes Draperies Lace Curtains Cretonnes RutTed Curtains Dotted Marquisettes Curtain Rods Celanccsg. Curtains Window Shades Prints Printed Poplins Broadcloths Printed Ravons Suitings Full Fashioned Nylon Hosiery in New Spring Shades _Men's Fine Shirts Sport Shirts Hosiery Belts Neckwear Underwear Felt Hats Men's Made-to-measure Suits Men's Ready-to-wear Suits Men's Odd Trousers RELIABLE WORK BOOTS Our selection will please you in quality and price. Special Values from $4.75 to $8.50 New Season's Patterns in Fine Footwear for Men and Women F. H. W. Hicklmg General Merchant FLESHERTON THB FLBSHBRTON AO\rANCE Wednesday, April 19, 1950 ROCK MILLS Mr. Henry Martin is visiting this week with his parents near Sudbury. 'Mr. and Mrs. R. Whiite»ide and Mrs. Robt. Clarli of CoUingwood were visitoi-s at the week end with M/r. and Mrs. Dick Clark. Ux. and Mrs. Russell Philliips and Rodney spent the week end with Mt. and Mrs. Arthur Lee and fannily at London. fsi&t. and Mrs. Harold Benson and family have moved to Bob Clark's house on his farm. We welcome them to the neighiborhood. jj^Barl Helmkay of the R.C.A.F. at Centradia was a holiday visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Helmkay. Mi^ Florence Wilkinson visited dnring the holidays with her sister, H!r3. Wm. Stephens, Dundalk, and Dorothy with her aunt, Mrs. E. Russell. iMr. Bob Phillips and sister, Mar- garet of Toronto and. Beth Hawkins of Osbawa were gueats over the week end at the Clark home. Capt. and Mrs. Tuck and Beverley q1 Toran o were rijceot visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Helmkay. Miss lene Betts returned to her school at Monticello, after spending the Easter vacation at her home. Mt. Frank Betts spent a couple of days last week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Smith visited in Toronto over the week end. Mr. Gordon Helmkay was in To^ ronto last week and attended the hockey game at Maple Leaf Gardens. flVllr. Ted Croft returned home from Orangeiville Hospital on Thursday of last week and is able to be out and around ag^in. Mr. Thos. Sweeney of Markdale and Mrs. Elaie Shaw of Ceylon is- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Croft. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wilson spent a week with their family in St. Cath- arines and were accompanied by their grandson, Jim Legge, who spent the past two months with tlieni. Mr. and Mrs. Ai>. Wilkinson visit- ed recently with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilkinson at Heathcote. STEPHEN'S CORNERS •♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦o»oo»*»»»»»»»»»< " »»»«»»«> < '»*»'0****»»*< DUNDALK ELECTRIC .Contract and Custom Electric Wiring (Intended for Last Week) ^The Farm Forum held their final meeting otf the season on April 3rd, at the home of Marvin Londry, when a social evening was be!d. Progres- sive euchre was enjoyed by all und Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pedlax contriburod sevei'al musical number. At an op- portune time Mr. and Ma-s. Geo. Tim- son were given "honored seats" and Mrs. J-oe Porteous read an address, expressing regret .nt losing ches'i file neighbors fram our mids- and extending best wiides to the'r in theis' new home. Mrs. Emerson Wright made the presentation of an eiectiic tea kettle to Mr. and Mrs. Timaon. The former replied, tliank- ing all for the gift. Lunch was serv- ed, bringing an enjoyaible evening to a close. Miss Marjorie Croft returned to her home Saturday, after spending the holidays with Toronto relei»-ives. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Winters, accomipanied 'by Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Blakey, Faye and Hilda, of Maxwell, attended the funeral of Mr. Blakey's :iupt at Paisley on Thursday. Miss Donna Little of Proton spent a few days last week with her un;!e and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteoas. The W. A. held their April mi-^t- ing last Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Emerson Wright, when there was a good attendanice. A Di-esden RADIOS â€" Phillips, Rogers-Majestic, Northern Electric and Stromberg-Carlson Radios. Leonard Universal and Phillips Refrigerators We go anywhere. Phone 211 Dundalk, Ontario S>00»»**»'»' > »»»»**»»»»»**»*»»»»»»»»»»»»»*»»'»»<^>'»^*^ I A man is weighed by the company he thinks nobody knows he's keeping. When striving for perfection, no sacrifice is too big. and we would all be better men and women if we were to strive more and sacrifice more. In Chelmsford. England, married school teatliers who are go; ig '.â- j U'J- oome rabthers may take 14 weeks' maternity leave on half pay. NOTICE TO CREDITORS PORT: .^ VV plate top was quilted and it was de-' In the matter of the Estate of cided to have a garden party in I Robert John Mclntyre of the Town June. I ship of Osprey, deceased. Missea Judy and Lynda Londry All persons having claims against visited during the holidays with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Allen at Proton Station. Master the Estate of Robert John Mclntyi-e late of the Township of Osprey, in the County of Grey, who died on or the estate of William James Reid, late of the Township of Artemeaia, in the County of Grey, Parmer, who died on or about the 23rd day of March, 1950, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned solicitor, on or before the 14th day of May, 1950, full particulars of their claims. Im- .v^ifxr* .itplv 5»-f-t.ip f-lio ~^\A 1i«+ mf^n- tioned date, che a:iset« ot cue said estate will be distgbuited amoi^st the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of wihidi the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Durham this 14th day -A April, 1950. â€" C. E. FALLIS. Barrister, Ete., Durham, Ontario Solicitor for the Executors Richard Londry spent a few days -^-^ ,'^ ffM^L ''L,^:^"fn^i wnth his uncle near 'Flesherton. Mr. Tels. Allison spent a day at Brampton last week. Friends here of Mrs. Frank Deane (nee Janet Lougheed) will he sorry to hear of her serious illness and hope to hear of some improvement soon. Master Brian Hammill of Sing- hampton visited with his grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pedlar. Easter visitors were: Mr. and Mrs. Art Wilson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Londry and family, Mr. anj Mrs. K. McKee and family, Mr. nd Mrs. Earl Croft and family, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Boyce, Mrs. Art Slater. Wayne aid Beverley Ann, with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fisher; Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Meldrum, New Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Meldrum. Miss Isabel] Croft spent the week end at her parental home. M'ar.iorie return'>d tc Toronto for the holidays. We are sorry to report that D. .\. Fisher has been seriously ill with mumps, but is showing signs of im- K new necktie is made of glass, to meet a growinu demand, we pra- -'jme, for something to harmonize •vifh a pain 'n the neck. MJ F PLAY LV FLESHERTON "Deacon Dujbs" wnl bt presen'.eo in the T^-..-n H.:ll, FJcoh-rtoc, Fri April 2lst, by Ma.vwell talent, ur.der auspices of the W. A. SHELBURNE DANCE Dance in ;3heibi:rri8 J^^inniuait^ i Centre on Thursday. April 2Cth. to i moisic by CKNX DaUee Gang-, u-'dar ' notified to send prepaid to the un- dersigned on or before the 1st dav of May, 1950, full particulars veriled by statutory declaration. Imediately after the said 1st day of May, 1950, the Estate will be dis- tributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of wliich notice shail havo been received. j Dated at Flesherton this 8th day | of AprU, A.D. 1650. I â€" HAURIS & DUNLOP, Solicitors for the Executors | NOTICE TO CREDITORS ! For Sale by RICHARDS HOME FURNJSHERS .Flesherton, Out. In the matter of teh Estate of William James Reid. All persons having; claims against DCDI All ^'^^^^ Guaranteed dCKLUU mothproop ' Club. C \:».:c 11.00, single ladv or ent T5c. Rrfreshmont booth. provement. Mrs. Lawrence Shier j auspices thf Shelburnt Spcrtsmun's has also been sick with miinvps. "" ' " Miss Elva Russell visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Fisher on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, E. Blackburn and family wetr Stmday vi.-*itors. with friends in Stayner. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Plantt spent Monday in Toronto. A charivari was hekl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nichol in honor of the uewly-wedded couple, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Niichol. Mr. and Mts. Norman Jackson an.i Betty attended the Hills-.Sparks wed- ding in Flesherton On Saturday. CEYLON IM'rs. Geo. Jaynes and Sandra stient a few days in Toronto. Miss Nancy McWilliam of London spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John M'C'Wil'iani. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McDemiid and Mel .spent a few days in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Grant and two children of Owen Sound were Sun- day guests with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ru Hedge. H. F. Jaynes of Oshawa is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jaynes. PLAY AT EUCFMA j Eugenia United Church W.A. are : having a play pres; nted by Westside ! United Chuwh choir, Owen Sound, I entitled "AvarLia Bridge from Hem- 1 luck Ridge.'' on Monday, May 1st, at 8:.'50 p.m. You'll enjoy this play. Admission: .A.(iults 40o. Children 20c. EUCHRE IN FLESHERTON Progressive euchre will be held at the home of D. G. MacArthur, Thur., -April 27th. at 8:30 p.m.. under au.s- pices of the Eastern -Star. Lucky draw for blanket will be made. Ad- missiooi: 35c, lunch included. The highest average earnings in histor.v of the salaried employees and wage eaiTiers in Canada's princioK' nvanuifacturing es.tablisiinients was recorded at Dec. 1st. 1;M9, nt ?45.:iti ner week. C E M E N T AUCTION SALE .Auction sale of Furniture and Im- plements, the "State of the late "H. B. McLean, will be held at Prieeville on Saturday, April 29th, at 2 p.m.â€" Geo. E. Duncan. .Auctioneer AUCTION SALE STOCK & IMPLE.AIENTS Carload of Canadian Cement to arrive this week emi. Phono your orders now and make sure of your supply while available. D. McT.AVISH & SONS Phone 9 Flesherton Wool Growers' Organization WOOL SHIP COLLECT TO Our R«gist«rad WarahouM No. 1 WiSTOH, ONTARIO Reliobk Grading Prompf S«ttl«ment Siiiyfw* imiy •biain hmIu and twia* without fkma* fcom L. CMil Young, R.R. 3 Flesherton Wes. Young, Maxwell Wm. h McMMter, Fle«herton •» ky writing <iirMt i* CANADIAN COuOKRAIIVB wool OROWERS UMITED 117 >gy Strft, Toronto, Canada W JAS. STEW.VRT will sell by public auction a^ his farm' on NO. 10 HIGHW.A.Y. HALF MILE NOiRTH OF FLESHERTON SATURDAY, APRIL 22ND. -9.-)0 ti 1 p.m.. he following: HORSES _ Grey Gelding', 10 yis. old; Mare, 10 years old. CATTLE, PIGS _ Heifer, 3 years old, milking-; Blue Cow, 4 yrs. old, nnlkiiig'; Hols.tein Cow, 4 yrs. old, fresh: Red Cow, 7 yrs. old, milking; llolstein Cow, 4 yrs. old, fresh; Hoi- stein Cow, 4 yrs. old, fresh; 2 Year- ling Holstein Heifers; Black Calf, 3 weeks old; 3 Brood Sows, bred; 'J Chunks of Pigs, u) weeks old; 10 Young Pigs. IMPLEMENTS â€" M.-H. Binder, 7 foot cut; M.-(H. Mower, 5 foot •-â- ut; .M.-H. 10-i20 Tractor on ne>w rubber; M.-H. 2-lfurrow Tractor Plow; 14- Plate Bissell Disc; New "Gem" Oat Roller; Walking Plow, 1-furrow; Oliver Tractor Plow, 2-furrow; Rub- ber Tire Wagon; Hay Roke; Ban>el Churn; Ha Rack; Cuttiivg Box; Cut- ter; Wood Rack; Horse Clippers; Pulper; Drag Harrows; Disc Har- rows; l3-toot.h Cultivator; .Auto- Trac; Team Harness; Grain Bag.^; Horse Blankets; Bo.x Stove; Ruibber Tire Wagron; .Robe; Elekrtric Cream Separator, «ew; Milking Machin-3, new; Hand Separator, 6(>0-lb. capa- city; Quantity of Hay; Horse Col- lars; numerous â- other artitles. TERMS OF SALE: Cash. â€"GEO. E. DUNCAN. Auctioneer RUBBERS for Wet Weather With Spring Weather Approaching your old rubbers may be getting worn. We have a good supply of Rubbers for Men, Women, Misses, Youths and Children. SEEDS ARE NOT PLENTIFUL Don't forget that Seeds are none too plentiful this year. By securing: them early you may avoid disappointment IBEX FLANNELETTE BLANKETS $5.50 We still have a few Ibex Flannelette Blankets at $5.50. With wool going up these are a good buy. 0. & A. Co-Operative FLESHERTON, ONT. Canada Cement Carload of Cement in arrive the last week ot April. The cheu]>e>l w ay and the best time to get your cement i^ no cat;, or delivered off car. We have our own truck and will deliver. Phone us your order now and avoid disui)pointment later. Roofing and Building Supplies in Stock "Pedlar" Steel Roolimj- .Mmninum Roofing 3-in-l Asphalt Shingles Roll Rooting Tnsulhrik Siding .RoUbrik Siding It will [)ay you to get delivered prices on above, 3eatty and Pedlar Stable Equipment Litter Carrier Water Bowls Pressure Systems and Bath Rooms Installed J. M.STAFFORD MASSE Y-H ARRIS SAJuES & SERVICE Hardware Builders' Supplies Phoae 27 FEVERSHAM