Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Mar 1950, p. 2

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Give Light and Seedlings Will Hustle â€" Coddle your seedlings in electric hotbeds like these and you get your vegetables ,10 days earlier, or your flower blossoms a month earlier, says Robert L. Zahour, Westinghouse engineer. Here he looks over a set of three by six-foot frames vi'hich are warmed by eight regular 25-\\att incandescent light bulbs. Over in London juit a few weeks mgo â€" on February Third to be pre- cise â€" a Canadian tstablighed a bran-new world's record in a well- known and widely played branch of sport. To do so, he had to break one of the toughest marks there was â€" a mark which many experts thought niiKht stand for years. Yet coniparativily few of us on thit side â€" who are fed up-to-the-niin- ulc bulletins on the amount of hemstitching the M.D.'s had to do A) Elmer Lacli's dome or the pres- ent condition of Joe Oi.MaKgio's most : recent Charity ahorse â€" ever heard of this Canadian, or of the remarkable feat he iust acconipiish- •f> ed. ' i . ' . Not to make too deep a mystery ipul of it, the man is George (-henier, d 41 -year-old Krcnch-Canuck orig- inally out of Winnipeg. .'Vnd the it( \v mark In- set was a score of 144 in thot^highly popular game of skill giiiirally known as snooker [lool. t^lfire are purists who claim it sluuiid be .Snooker's pool, atlhough jxAl wlio Mr. Snooker may have fi^eni is something we either never knew, or have lom; since forgotten.) Tliii hiaik ui 144 is three points more than the previous best record, eslalilislied-Wy Joseph Davis in Jan- uary 1949. .\nd now the question that has the snooker fans on the edg« of their seats is â€" "Is sonie- ; body, maybe Mr. Chenicn finally ^ goii^g to shoot 147?" ' '! I » * t -Vpw to those of you who failed to misspend your yeuth around pool parlors and bflliard academies, add' ing just another three points to that mark of 144 might seem to be a fairly simple matter. For more than half ^ century track-and-field men • have bren dreaming of a four-niin- lute mile, yet they're atill quite a feyv strides away from it. A score of 147 in snooker represents perfec- tion. It's like a 450 in five pins, or 300 in ten pins â€" the big difference being 'hat many keglers and five- pinnern have- bowled "possibles," while nobody y.t has ever visited a snooker table and scored the maxi- mum number of poinst with every cue strok>>, and without making a single error. It's going to be as hard , of accomplishment as that mile in . 240 seconds, maybe harder. » ♦ ♦ Clicnier U a comparative new- comer to Kngland, the real home of •nooker. According to Sydney jSkilton, he already has nearly 200 century breaks to hi* credit, In this respect he stands second only to the great Joe Davis, who occu- pies a place in snooker about similar to that of Willie Hoppe in American billiards. « * * For more than 20 years Joe Davis 'had things urctt> much his own way In 19.18 he raised the world Ttcord break to )M, where it re- mained till his aforementioned 141 tst year. He won the world cham- pionship %o often that he got tired of it, resignii^ in favor ,of his brother Kred, Vbo has hfld the championship ever since. ♦ • * St) oKir IS plavvil, as most oi you I !':i|>ly ttreudy know at letsl from hearsay, oa a billiards table with six pockets. But instead of the three balls, as in the older game there are 22 of them to mess around with. And the object is to "pot" or "sink" the balls into a poc'et and, at tht same time, control the ball with which you do it » » ♦ The game starts with 22 balls on the table â€" IS red, six various other colors and one white which is the cue ball. As a color can only be played after a red has been put down, there is an entire lack of the monotony often felt when watching billiard experts such as Hoppe, Jake Schaefer and others, who look as though they could go on forever without a miss. » » * A red ball pocketed counts one point, and the others are valued â€" yellow 2; green 3: brown 4; blue 5; pink 6 and^black 1. Once the rtds are down they stay down; but the other colors are returned to tlie table until the last red has been pocketed, after which the colors have to be played in the order of their value, starting with the veL- lotv. i» * J hat describes, briilly, ' what you try to do for yourself. Again quot- ing from Mr. .Slcilton "that is the positive side of the game." But there's a negative side too. It lies in executing or persuading your op- ponent to execute "foul" shots. These are too numerous to describe fully here but the main ones are perpetrated by hitting the ball other than the one you're supposed to; missing the objective altogether; or permitting the cue ball to go into a pocket. You can best do this by leaving a ball between the cue ball and the ball he is supposed to hit. When you do this you have "laid a snooker" or "snookered" the enemy. » • * (letting back to the new record holder. He is unusual in that he uses an almost upright stance, in- stead of tht customary sloop. This is probably the result of playing on Canadian and United States tables, which are somewhat lower than the English. He has his own special cues, which weigh 18 ounces and measure 58 inches â€" almost three ounces heavier and three inches longer than the average F-nglish cue. * * * Which will have to be about all, just now, for the French-Canadian from Winnipeg except to say that he has become intensely popular "Hover 'Onae," whtre they think that if the 147 break is ever made, George Clienier will be the man to do it. • * * Oh, yes. Just in case your inter- ested. Chcnier, when he made his 144 mark put down 12 blacks, 3 pinks, 15 reds and all the colors. Davis, when he shot his 141, pocket- ad 1 1 blacks, 3 pinks, 1 brown, 15 reds and all the colors. Come on, George Let's sec you shoot the works I Then come back to Canada and mayb* the Mayor of Toronto wilt let you have ypur picture taken shaking hands with him! Mend lOo firr lUSU Ulim iratcd 60 P»>« OATA (.noviD or THICKS JOKBS * MAOHJ. CIIIXINS JOKB AMI MAfllC SHOr :I1» 8«niir»M *»• W- Otlkwu. Ont. NVtvnle««U •»« Betal' mFASMFSONT Joktv12LW^eLL Got any snow around your way? Down here, in the southern por- tion of Ontario, it hasn't exactly forgotten HOW to snow â€" but the snow doesn't seem to know how to STAY. And as one who has 'enjoyed' his full share of shovel- ling out driveways, paths to the barn and other buildings, I'm keep- ing my fingers crossed. * • * However, I luiderstand that there are parts of the Province where winter really looks like winter; and some of the readers in those sec- tions might be interested in the following news regarding experi- ments made in plowing snow ridges to hold and conserve moisture. * » • Plowing snow into ridges is the latest method developed in West- ern Canada for moisture conserva- tion. .A.fter trying various methods of bpilding such snow barriers as snow fences, -trees, and brush, agricul- tural scientists at Western Cana- dian government experimental sta- tions hit on a method of plowing early winter snow into ridges eight feet apart between which following snow accumulated and could not easily be blown away by winds. This method of snow hoarding has proved successful over a num- ber of years of experimentation at government farms. Both vegetable and grain crops grown on f-elds on which the snow has been plowed for hoarding, have proven better t^ian such crops on adjacent land which was now snow plowed. Reason for this is that snow ac- cumulating between ridges melts slowly in spring, giving the land even moisture. On lands not so treated, the snow drifted away or piled into larger drifts and in the spring the melting snow was .not as evenly distributed as moisture to the fields. X'arious types of home-made plows were built at the experiment- al stations 'til two types were found which would not harm the soil, yet would cio the job satisfactuiiiy. One is a pirh type, the other a pull type Both can be used eilrier with horses or tractor. A snowfall of three or four inches is sufficient to start plowing operations, as the ridges thrown up by this much snow after plowing are liigh enough to catch the fol- lowing snows. Ridges are plowed eight feet apart; if farthei apart, snow tends to drift aw.ny. The main objective of the snow plowing is to increase soil moisture so as to give the grain crops a start in the spring and to aid in control of siiil drifting. » * « The tlioiight of a tire, destroy- ing h( mcs and buildings and fre- quently snulTing out lives, is an ugly one. Still, thinking of the pos- sibilities of fire, and taking proper precautions in time is better than regretting our neglect when it's too late. So I'm passing along the following from the CIL Agricul- tural .N'cws without any apologies. * • • Before 1950 comes lo an end, fire will destroy some $10,000,000 worth of Canadian farm property, statisticians predict. Scores of fa- milies will be left homeless. A large number of adults and children will never see the dawn of 1951. Their chari'cd bodies will be found among the smouldering ruins of what had been happy homes. ' j^ â- â- * * â- \ rural lire is infinitely more terrifying than one in an urban centre where a modern fire brigade is only as far away as the corner fire alarm box. When a farm build- ing catches fire the best that can usually be mustered is a bucket bri- gade of neighboring farmers who are willing but often helpless. It is vital, therefore, that every farmer institute his own fire protectiom program. To check the quick spreading . of flames, curtains and other fabric materials in the home can be treated with certain flame proofing chemicals. Fire retardant paints are now on the market. Inexpensive fire extinguishers can be hung in easily-accessible places about the house and barn. * * « Outbreaks of fire can be pre- vented if a few simple rules are followed. Keep basements, attics and outbuildings free of rubbish. Store gasoline and other inflam- mable liquids at a safe distance from main buildings. Provide a aafe place to dispose of hot ashes from •tove or furnace. Watch the care- less smoker amd the child with matches. Be careful using kerosene when starting a atove Are. * * * Be sure hay ii well cured before putting it ip the loft unless there is a safe mow-curing system. In- spect the lightning rod system once a year. If there Isn't one it wotild pay in the long run to have one. * * * Each spring and fall check ovei chimneys and flues for eracks that ivould permit flamea to reach othei CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AUKNTH HASIKU AOB.NTS. Kll popular S3 me exllngulalier wholesale ur <llr>-(.'t Liberal prnfltl, azclu- alv* territory FIRE-KILLER 6042 Rnslyn Avenue. Montreal HAI.F.S.MKV 8ALE.SMK.N waniwl lo Inlroduce new i)ro<lu<:». lOeul for liuUHu lo houyn fHtUlift lull time or Hldellnc. Wanted In ev--i.v home I nupual proiit upportunliy. Write iinme.1 t.'-l/ '»?n.|.»rv flunJware frodurti. Bleulie'ni. vmt. HAII\ <'lll< l%^ BIJÂ¥ TOfn 19J0 Chlilin from a Cnnada Ac- credited Hiitiliery R.O.I'. Bim-illna Farm 100% pulloruiil^cfciin ll.O.P, Sired, llurred RocUa and approved Red x 'nnrl< croHHhrcdB. Write for folder, priiea. VV^emaide Cnullry Farm. .Neuan id l. Ont. MONKTON CHICKS â€" Onvernment Approved. Ureedlni; Quality, one ot the beat Dun't ffueas, be eertain Write for priena and cola- loKue Mffniann Poultry KiiriiiB. .Mnnktim ont rilK HAI.K ALUMINUM ROOFING CORRIllATEI) and riol. d Iim rmMliul and aidlim Bheeia 6 to lii feet leiiulha. 311" covered 32" wide. 2< Kaiise H^nd rnof nieaaurementa for free eallniala aii4 liluatrated folder Klving full l{}rorrnation .Sample;, on retiueat Imme- diate delivery from alook. A. b. Gonnevllla MfK.. De pl 18. Chareiie . P.Q. ♦ LIOHT choice tnaiina Ooiden No. I HUNEY, twelve 4'aâ€" Sr> no .Mnellamnire. L.urt{now. Ontario. FISHER ORCHARD CHICKS DAY (»I,IJ CHirKS I'ulll.- iinU fmktielB avull.-iblo wt'ckly year' lound tn 8 leadiii;^ oree<)a atid croitseH. The chicks are fiiHt ;1aRN. the pi'k'e niuderaif. the Block ai)pro\f<l Write for 12 paev eohiur*-*! ralenrtar nnd orlce Hat. Kisher Urchn'-da. R O P, BrceHerB. Kreemaii, Oraario. •COTTON BAGS BI-EACHEC^SiiKar an<J Flour baics emb 27cj tiiwi-la, heinme'J. abniil 17" x 34" â€" ISc each: 2c p»'r batr extr.i on order of !*â- â€¢ thaji 2 doz4>n. Dejii. W.. RyVrotlurtB. 93 Ontario Stri'et. Tnronto. SCHUMMER CHICKS 30VEKNMKXT approved. Top uualliy. Free Catalocut' and price lint explain details ^chummer'a Quality Hal(*hery. Llnwood. Ont. A GOOD HUY. R.O.P. Fired Pullet chicks are a better buy than those with little or no breeding back of them. Because you buy more egK.» v*iih each chfck. Buy the bcHi, an etra ct-nt or tw t for a quality chl'-k uhu- ally comes back with a bit; dividend atiarbed. Send for our 11)50 CalaloKue. It tells vou all about our R.O.i*. ijirel ChickB. Also btnrt- ed Chicks.. Older Hullets. Turkey Poults Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited. FefBus, Ontario. THE PRICK outl<K>k for et'srs next Fall Is good. Ekk prices will be up to profitable levels ly June. M«Ht prices will also be prontable. Top Notch R.O.P. Sued Chicks win eai you extra money, A ; ao started Chicks, older Pullets. Turkey Ponits. Free CataloKue Top Notch Chick SnlcH. Guelph. Ontario. •'OXFORD' APPROVED Chicks live, lay md pay. The. are the results of twenty- three years of careful selection and breeding in O.B.S. They have to be good, because we want the very beet kind of chicks for our own' flocks â€" big vigorous and early matur- ing. We stress egg size and uniformity. Bar- red Rocks. Whl*L- Leghorns. New HarapEhires, Hamp. X Rock crossbreds. Rock x Leghorn crossbceds. Write for free folder. The Oxford Farmers' Co-operfttlve Produce Company. Limited, 434 Main Street, Woodstock. On- tario. BABY CHKiKS from blood tested high egg producintf stock. LlvablUty guaranteed. Mixed $15.00 i>er 100. Pullets $28 to $30. Ten percent oft; for orders 500 and over. Qoddnrd Chick Hatchery. Britannia Heights, Dntario. BI)8INE8 8 OPP» KTiJNITIB» AN OF I'' BR to every Inventor â€" List of loven- tlona and full information aeni free. Tbe Ramsay Co Reglsiere/l Paimt Attorneys. 178 Bank Street. Ottawa DVEINO AND CLEANING HAVE TOr anything needs dyeing or clean- ing? Write to us for Information. W« are gl«d 10 answer your questlnna Department H. Parker's Dye Works Limited '91 Tinge 8tr««t. Toronto. C»ntarlu FAR3IS rOR KALK 126 ACRES Raleigh Township. Kent County: 100 acres Euphemla (General Farming); 100 acres Zone (tobacco); 16 acres Wonderful get- rlch onion farm. Erfeau. Beach Frontage â€" Store or cabins. Invest wisely In land and b« sure of Income. Write: Chatham Real Es- tate, ExchauKe Realtors. 92^ King St Chat- ham. Ont. Telephone 190. 100 ACHES north of Brumptofl, goud land, locality, buildings, immediate possession tl2.600 . Ow ner. 330 Runnymede. Toronto. FARM for immediate poi;seBsion, 160 acres, southern tip of Huron County on 23 High- way, 22 miles from London. Heart of sugar beet, canning factory area. Rich clay loam, tile drained, 13U acres tillable land. 12 acres fall wheat, 20 acres hay. 4 5 acres fall ploughed. Brick house, hot water furnace, flush toilet. Bank barn, silo, litter carrier, water bowls. Hydro throuKbout. Milk truck, school bus pasn gate. Full line of tractor, machinery, dairy herd, will be sold with farm If desired A bargain, but must be cash. Irvine McElrea Woodham, Oni. FORT COUI.ONGE. 225 acres, fully equipped, with beautiful brick house and targe barn. 100 under cultivation, 100 timber lot. pine, spruce and hardwood. 18, 5 00. $£i.000 bandies, L. Tltley, Realtor. 18 RIdeau St., Ottawa. FOR SALE. 60 Acres of lan'S. Good brick house and outer building:-, 1 mile from school, cheesi; factory and blacksmith shop. All plowing done. Apply to Howard Bethune. Dunvegnn. Ont. R.It. 1 FOH MAlJt MOTORCYCLES Karley Davidson. New and used bough sold exchanged Large stock of guaranteed used motorcycles Repairs by factory-trained mechanics Dlcycles. and com plete line of wheel goods Open evenings until nine except W dneaday Strnnd Cvi*. ^ Sports King at Sanfni : Hamilton OT7NSâ€" Large assortment new and used. Bought, sotd, 3Xchnnged Guaranteed repairs. Scopes, sights Installed Fishing Tackle. Hunt- ing Equipment Spnrtini; fjnnds Spe lal Team Prices. Open until .ilne "Vippi Wednesday. Stj-and Cycle. Hamilton Nl RSERY STOCK RESERVE now for Spring Delivery â€" Chinese Elm Hedge â€" will grow 2 feet first year â€" 26 plants suflk-ient for 26 feet (12 to 30 Inches bushy) $2 98â€" seedlings 12 Inches high $4.60 per 100 (plant 6 inches apart) â€" Olant Exhibi- tion Peonies In colors red. white or pink. 8 for 11.89 â€" Apple trees 8 feet high In varieties Mcintosh, Spy, Delicious, % for $1.98 â€" Plum trees 8 feet high In varieties Burbank and Lombard. 4 for 12.98. Free Colour Garden Guide with Every Order. Brookdale â€" Kings- way Nurseries. Bowmanvllle, Ontario parts of the house. A ladder long enough , to reach the top of the highest building on the farm should be kept in a handy place. If there is a water system, a few well-placed hose connections are good protcc- tiofl. If not, a barrel, of water painted red and lettered FOR FIRE ONLY should be kept near •very building and used only in case of fire. ♦ * ♦ If the statistics mentioned in the first paragraph could be halved or eliminated altogether, weVe positive the statisticians won't mind being wrong U\ their predictions. In fact,, they'll be extremely pleased. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- WMmoI C«lMMl- And TmiV Jhbw Om tl M fai Um MNahi lUriB* I* G« n* Urer Bhould pour out about 3 pint* el bO* luloe into your dtgcatlT* tnwl erery lUy, If ait bilo is not Bowing IrMly.'your food mat Mt diCMt. It m» Jttrt dM«y la the (Umttrt tMat. Than ni blo«t« up your •tomMb. Yon â- â€¢I MMtlpkUd. Tou (eel aour. aunk sikI tb* •nrid look* punk. It take* tboae miUI, gentle Cikrter'a Uttle ' 7 Pilla to get these 2 pintii of bile flow- ing (toely to make you (eel "up and up." u«t a package tod». Effective in n«>>.'.^v iile (low (reely. Aak for <3arlf r'e Littlr ) 4>ile( Plllg. SM at any dniaMora. DOORS Pttnel or Coinblnritliin, all elzee. Attractive lirlii-s. II. MfKKNN'A. 2779 VnnBe Mt., Tor- ont n. Ont. '' STRl rXIKAL WTKKL LAItOB SliHli of Bfnnis. CiilnLma. Ralbi. i'OBis. An^'le Iron, anri ReinforclnK Rode. Ctniont MIxfs. Illock Mai'UhuTy. \Vhecll).u-- rowa. Screw JacLa. Slrt-l Fabricatlne Weld- ins and .Machine shop Work done by expert^. M. ZA(!Elt.MA.N & CO. MMITFID, Bayvlew Hond. Ottawa. O nl. i;.NPAINTKP pla: tcr mate. FlKUrlnea. book- enda. anlnials. nttveltlea. Good asaortment. Lluts avallnhle. Box IR. ICI-lSlh .Slr.ct. New Tor<mto rATBNTB _ r (TBTHlSRSTONHAUaH A Ctompany Pates* Snilclinra Balahllabed ItHO >60 Ra> StrMt, 1 oronio Hof.kt.il .*! inrorroatioo '^D raquegt. TIlAl.TOR. John Deere MC caterpillar, like new. uaed 'eFS tlian "5 houra: omiplete wllh power laKenff and belt pulley. J. Klrton. K.R. 0. KenwIrU. Telephone even- InUB. coll ect. Kid-jevllle 277.M . - SNOWsIToK.S : Ail aizea and : tylea. Bales' "Humane" anow. hoe harneaa (pat ). No more nlialerej toe-s! Kolder. ".s"no\V8hoeinB in Comfort." on re«iueHl. Ualee* .Snowshoea. Metu;:aina (via (M'.U.^. .N. Ontario. NKw'Tk)HNs7i.\ Outboard ^fotor8 (Canadian i^anoe Co Peierltorn Boat, f'am.ea Trail- era, bought, aidd excnnnaed Laree atocK uaed motora Repaii-s by factory-trained mechnnlca t)pen until nine ex'irn* tVedneartny *ttrand (lycle. Hamilton BUV "direct irom manufacturer. Hair neta, rayon oi* silk; 40c per dor.en. iTylon T5c All colors, ft'e pay pt^t.ige. Milo Mills Ltd. }0« ADelalde .St. tV.. Toronto. FARMERS' ThiB veai clean your aeed properly We carry all aiaea of screen m both zinc and wire stale aiJte of perforation and front and aldf dimensions of screen From Chatham Mill Screen S.l William Rl N.. Chatham, t'lni CASCAirE~WIIE.AT â€" The anawer to the feed wheal problem for iCaalern t^anada. A new. high yIeldinB. soft spring wheat de- veloped by The Central Experimental Farm. Dttawa. Seed at IJ buatiels per acre Certi- fied seed F.O.B. shiDplnr point. »3.00 per Ouahel In two biiahel baga. T A. Wilson. Pakenham. Ontario. DRDER the horae you require for aprinff work now. We offer wide aelcction pure- bred marea â€" Percherona. Belglana. Clydea- lalea. three yeara of age up. that we can breed to top Arnoldwold sires â€" Jason. En- chanter. Plr Don. Waterloo's Dan. .'\mold- wold Dock. KeniiitvUla A.S.. Jay Farceur. Landmark Renown. Write ua (or anything you require in horaea. Arnold Farma Limited. GrenvlUe. Quebec. FAR.M MACHINERY UALL Chain Saws â€" famous for their power- ful reliable engines with atall-proof auto- matic clutch. One man and two-man models. Gasoline and electric from *145 up. Inter- eated agenta plenae write Die: el Eo.ulpraent l^imlted. 139 Laird Drive. Leasee. Toronto Hyland 8929. _ BOLENS GARDEN TRACTOR PRB-INVENTORY SALEâ€" IJ H.P. complete with «" plow and cultivator 1176.00; > HP. 6" tires with Si ' plow and cultivator. 1348.00. Other attnchmenta if preferred. Terms t25 00 cash with order, balance COD. Send your order now. There is only a limited lime on thia bamain to reduce our Inventory. CASAUIAN I'OTATO .MACH'Y COMPANY. I.TI>.. 75 Jarvia .'^t.. Qalt. Ontario. MUlHCAi. PEOPLE are talking about the Good Results from taking Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains and Neui^tis. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, 335 Elgin Ottawa $1.25 Express Prepaid POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Banlah the torment ol dry ecxems raahes and weeping akin troublea Poat"« fQczema Salve will not disappoint Tou tching, acalins Durnlng ecxema aclie rlns worm, pimples and athlete's foot, will respond readily to this stainleaa. odorleea ointment, regardless of hnw MMil>bom ii honeleaa thej eeem PKICB! (1 00 HER J Alt Sent Post Free on Recepll ol Price POST'S REMEDIES ggo Qneeii Si K. Comer of I. man I itrollKi ^tKSKKt S'l'UCh WE GROW some of llie world's finest Gladi- oli. Catalogue on reuiiest. Tyiidall Glad- iolus Gardens. Brucenekl. Ontar io. _ GLADIOLUS BrLlis. No. 1 Separate colore. 6c. Special mixture. $3 ner C. Ruby Davla Oakland, Ont. I Was Nearly Crazy With Fiery Itch- Umtil I discovered Dr. D. D. Dennis' amazing- ly fait relief â€" D. D. D. Prescription. World popular, this pure, cooling, liijuld medication speeds pence and comfort from cruel itching caused by eczema, pimples, rashes, athtete'f foot and other itch troubles. Trial bottle, 35« First application checks even the most intense Itch or money back. Ask druggist for D. D. D. Pnacrlption (ordinary or extra strength). EASE COMMON ;>â-  |- ORDiNAH 1 MYSORE THROAT RUB It WITH ^ Juat beat and rub In M INARD'8. and not* tht â-  uick rtlicf you |tt. OrtMtlcsa, fast-dryini, ao Mroni or unpleasant odor. Oct a boiltit today: keep It handy. »»-46 LAaei â- coNOMicat •itc ese A M LAIDLAW. B.Sc. Patent Allornay, Pat ents of Invention. 68 Sparka St.. Ottawa . ""SELLING? rOUR Country Kenerai atoreT Now la tha time to Hat It with the firm that aella more general country stores than any othar m the Province. Write us now. We will pay vou a personal visit. "PARBETT. THB hrSl.NESS MAN", Realtor. 1116 Yonge St.. rornnlo. ItA 8505. , "turkevs" ORDER your Broad Breaeted Bionne poolta now Bacited by 21 yeara careful selectin« and. hlood testing. Pullorum free. One of tha oldest and Inrneal excluaive all turkey farma m Canada All breedera range raised givinc you stronger poults and betjer livablUty; 60« acres ranee land. Visit our modern hatchery. Vespra Turitey Farma. A. D Patteraon * .Sons. Box 101. Barrle. Ont. vvniTE HOLLAND poulta and egga from lilood le. ted Government Approved breedera. Broad breast and high liTabllity poulta can ty exiiected from Sunny Acres Turkey Farm. .\mher8thurg. Ontario^ BROAD BUEASTBD Bronse' turkey poulta. Breeds ire Government approved and pullor- um clean tlderahnl Tiirliey Ranch. »lderahot, Ontario Tt^RKBY POULTS A.ND EGOS. Government approved pullorum clean Hocks. White Hol- land crnaaed with Beltsvllle White. Toms aall like hens Oak Grove Pnnltry Farm. Amherst- burg. Ontario. <U'l'l>BT rMTIB8 FOB MEN AND WUM1I BE A HAIRDRESSER lOIN OANADA'f LKADING SCHOOI. rjrent i ipportunlly L*am Flnlrd reusing Pleaauoi diviufled profession gtjod wajiea thousands aucceaatul Marvel craduatea Anierica'r greatest system Illuatrstad catae logue free Write or Call MABVEl. HAIRDRKPSTNO SCHOOLS 3bu Uloor St W luruntD Branchea. 44 King St HamlHoa * 72 RIde au Street.' Ottawa WANTED WANTED. Graduate nurses, tor general duty. .si.t-day week, eight hour day, 141.00 per week. »6.85 overtime minus 11.10 par Jay board. 148.75 salary after three montha. Apply: Superintendent of .s'urses. AnaoB eneral Hiiapital, Irocmols Fails. Ontario. SHIP UB furs. Minks up to 146.00â€" Weasel. J4.50â€" Muskrata. J4.50 600 Muskrata with minks weekly on ice wllh (Oaneaet) â€" Secreta free. Trapiiera Aaaoclatlon Baleville Yam. WANTEDâ€" Two uaeil Diesel power unlta, 150-200 h.p.. working condition. Pleaa* write, giving lull particuiara and prica. Paul Yolkcwskie. Box 738. Renfrew. Ont. Phone 116<\v Que.^ CONCRETE Block Machine, steel pallets 1 and 3 core. William Haller. Box »>. Tlm- mina. Ont. MODEL L. A. CABE TBACTOB ON BrBIIER. John C. Graham Co.. 18 Brla St. N.. Phone 951. I.eamintton. Ont. WANTED TO BUT â€" Old hen. duck or bunny covered diahea. Write Box 67. 12a-18th St.. N-ew Toronto. Ont. TKACTOR Twelve monttis to Duy. Urder nuw ana set yours when jou need It. Two yean icuaruntee. Very narrow for close plantlns. A CHILD CAN OMCKATE IT. Over powertrd wltb motit modem 4 cycl« ulr cuoIi>d eiiRine. Lltcht ulow- Inr, cultivating. BcuflTllnB. bllllnB and weed control. Power-take-oflT (or other Qsea. Simple, strong and easily bandied GARDEN POWER TOOLS LIMITED West Rill (Srarhorn). Ont. tT =\ DO YOUR NERVES PLAY TRICKS ON YOU? If your nerves "jump" at a sudden noise ... or you feel so edgy and low in spirits that» you pick a quarrel without meaning to . . . Icmk out! Per- haps your store of nervous energy may be ahnost used up . . , and your body needs help! That's when you netxl a good tonic, like Dr. Chase's Nerve Food ... to help build you up so you can get your proper rest at night. Thats when you'll really feel the benefit of the Vitamin Bi, iron and other needed minerals this time- tested tonic contains! For Dr. Chase's Nerve Food has been proven in over 50 years of use. And Canadians, by the thou- sands, say they rest better, eat better, feel betterâ€" yea, and look better, too!â€" after taking Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. So if worry, anxiety or the strenuous pace of modem living is upsetting your nervesâ€" get Dr. Chase's Nerve Food today. The name "Dr. Chase" is your assurance. The large "economy size" is your best buy. 12 . ISSUE 9 - 1950 â- OaY OUR OWM MTTIR dCARETIfS WirJIf • CIGARETTE TOBACCO T r r ; T .J? m A t X

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