Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Feb 1950, p. 8

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J ^1 Wednesday, February S. 1950 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads FOUND â€" Good car tire near Portr law.â€" £arl Talbot, Maxwell, phone ^t^w^ Fleshcrton. 36p2 CREDIT AUCTION SAU FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS ^aNTBS) â€" AJMBMiia niltable foi mink and fox toed. â€" £ert UcIntMli Kurenia, yhoM Pavwnharti ftitf FOR SALE â€" 1937 Plymouth sedan in cood condition. â€" ^Harold PhilUpB -Vaxwill, phone K'v.herlon IZlwS. FOUND â€" Tiuclt tire and wheel.â€" Mel Hogarth, Ceylon, phone 107J2 Keslierton. 37c3 FOR S.\Ii£ â€" Extension table and chairs; electric â- washing machine. W. Hamilton, phone 79. 85p2 FOR S.\LE â€" Young gander, grey, or will exchange for goose. â€" R. S. FitM)mmon£, phone 73!w2. FOR S.\IiEâ€" Purebred Durham bull with papers, i-ising 2 years. â€" John W. W«kirick, Feversham. 36c2 W.^NTEDâ€" -Size 1 girl's white skate outfit. â€" Geo. Boyce, Flesherton, phone 06 .7 4. 37c2 FOR SALE â€" 2 hogs, one 10 mos. old, registered, one 2 years old. â€" .T:>s. Hardy, Swinton Park. WA.VTED â€" 200 people in costume, Flesherton Commtinity Centre, on Friday, Feb. 17th Prizes for the best. NOTICEJâ€" (Any type of steady work wanted in Flesherton or within commuting distance C. A. Bas- tin. Fuller Apt., Flesherton. FOR SAL<E â€" Number of chunks ol pigs, about 100 lbs.; Yorksihire boar, will sell or exchnage. â€" Alex. Duncan, phone 40J4 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Steel bed, spring and iipring-fllk'd mattress 54 in. wide. â€" M. Dokson, phone 75J1 Flesh- trton. 37c2 HIDES WANTED â€" Highest prices paid for beef, h<»'se and siheep hide?. â€" Frank Eagles, phone 41J3 Flesheiton, 36p2 FOR SALE â€" Aldadin "hanging Umps, heavy spring, stays any height. â€" Emerson Wickens, phone 3Br2 Fkshertonj 37p2 DONALD WHYTE will sell by public auction on LOT 3, CON. 5, ARTEMESIA 3 Miles North-West of Ceylon FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1950 at 1 p.m., the following: HORSES â€" Team of Bay Mare.s, 11 years old. CATTLE â€" Hereford-Durham bull, grade, 9 mos. old; Hereford Cow, 9 yrs. old, bred July 19; Hereford Cow, 6 yrs. old, bred Aug. 13; Ayrshire Cow, 10 yrs. old, bred May 17; Hol- stein Cow, 8 yrs. old, bred July 28; 5 2-year-old Heifers; .Ayrshire Oalf, 1 year old. riGs â€" Red Sow, bred Nov. S; WliJte Sow, bred Nov. 12; White Sow, bred Nov. 21; 7 Chunks, weight around 100 Ibg. l.MPLHMOilNTS, etc. â€" 1948 Ford Tractoi- with Plow; Ford Tandem Discs; Rubber-Tire Wagon; M.-H. Manure Spreader; New Ideal Binder Oft.; M.-H. Mower 6-ft.; 4 -Section Harrows; M.-H, Rake 10-ft; Cutter; McCormick Walking Plow; 200O-lb. Scales; Manure Sleigh; Cultivator; Wheelbarrow; M.-H. Cream Separ- ator 600-lb.; Set Team Harness; Set Driving Harness; Steel-tire Wagon; Horn Manure Spreader; Ford Ti%c- tor Mower; Slings, Pick, Shovels,- Forks, Chains and other articles. HAY & GRAIN â€" 400 Bushels of Oats; Quantity of Hay. HENS â€" 24 Leghorn Pullets, lay- ing; 30 Hens, 1 year old. FURNITURE â€" Good Cheer Kit- chen Range, new; Box Stove; Wash Stand; Couch; 2 Kitchen Cupboards; Table; Churn; 5 Chairs; 2 Bedsteads Dresse'r; Spring and .Mattress; Ra- "io Battery; Phonoigraplh and Re- cords; Suitcase. TERMS â€" All sum« of §10.00 and under. Cash; over that amount 111 OS.' credit on joint notes accept- able at the Bank of Toronto, Mark- dale, bearing interest at the rate of (j per cent per mannum. â€"GEO. E. DUNCAN, Auctioneer FOR SALE â€" SeveraJ cfhoice young Tamworth sows, good size, due to farrow different dates in March, priced reasonable. â€" i H. McGee, phone 83 J 1 Flesherton. 37c2 FARM FOR SALE 77-aara farm, Lots 138-134, 2 N. E., Artenesia. Large brick house, good bam. Apply to Fred W. Smith, R. R. a, Flesherton. 83e4 TENDERS WANTED Tenders for the sale of the two- torey brick building 50x28 feet, in I'rjceviUe, formerly used as a acho«I, will be received up until February l.ith, 1950. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For fur- ther particulars write the secreary treasurer, â€"MRS. MILDRED E. BOICE, Priceville, Ont. HARRIS & DUNLOP BARitlSTERS, SOLICITORS. Etc. Phone 38 MARKDALE Mr. Dnnlop wiH be In C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:80 p.m. CHARLES J. BELLAMY MUNICIPAL CLratK Offke, Toronto, Street, FIcahertoB toner of Marriage Ueenaea CONVEYANCER WWa Mortgage!, ote. Deoda Agreementa A coBuniBsioaer for taldac affidSTlta DELE;'&^ Thursday, Friday, Saturday February 9, 10, H "TILL THE CLOUDS ROLL BY" in Technicolor June Allison Judy Garland Local aod Personal Mrs. K. Taylor of Alton visited •he first of the week with her daugh- ter, Mi'S. Russell Andrews. 'Wr. and Mrs. Ted Pallett of Dixi'? spent the week end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McTavish. Ml-, and Mrs. Ivan Shaw and Mrs. Myrtle Shaw of Owen Sound visited Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thurston Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Seeley of Dun- dnlk visited on Sunday with Mr. an'l Mrs. W. J. Chard. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kellar, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. A. Dela- vigne, of Toronto called in town on Saturday. Mr. Wm. Kaitting spent a couple days the first of the week with his daiZ&hter, Mrs. â-  Stan Menzies, nt Cliatsworth. .Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Pattinson and family of Owen Sound were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. W. Genoe. ?Â¥'â-  r. Peter Dow left on Monday for St. Clemens, after spending the pa >t two months as acting manager .if the local branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. McDonald and Stewart of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stewart, Anne and Gregory, of Stayner, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Stewart and Nancy Jane of Dundalk visited at the home of John Stewart on the week 'end. Good business doesn't make • a successful salesman, but a successful sak'.^nian makes a good business. Apparently the Czech charge against Canadians for espionage has iboiled down to one of being impolite to the police. Diplomats have to check and double-check their cour- tesy. Monday, Tuesday 'February 13, 14 "UNDERCOVER MAN" Glenn Ford Nina Foch also "PEST FROM THE WEST" Buster Keaton Wednesday, Thursday February 15, 16 "BIG WHEEL" Mickey Rooney T. Mitchell BIG CASH OFFER EVERY WEDNESDAY KIMBERLEY Mr. and Mrs. Earl Alexander and two sons of CoUJngwood spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. D. L. We^e-:. Mr. and Mrs. Clias. Graham spent a day at Singhampton with Mt. and Mre. D. KnufP. Murray Logan, Don Johnston and Joan Ellis of Collingwood spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ellis and Eleanor. Mr. and Mrs. Merv'yn Ellis of South Falls spent the week end with their parents here. Quite a number attended the L.O. L. dance in the Community Hall on Friday night and report a good time. iMrs. H. Baker spent a day at Ttornbury, the guest of her daugh- ter, Mrs. E. • Prent/ice. Mi-s. Ross Ellis of Rooidyn wsa a week end guest of her mother, Mrs. Frank Weber. We are sorry to report Mr. John Press, Geo. Ward and Ruth Chard on the sick list. We hope they, wWl soon be well again. VWe are glad to see Miss Lois TTiomiposn able to be back ta the creamery and Miss Wilcox baek as principal of the school. They wer both absent from their duties for thi> month of January on account of ill health. Russell Ohrad, Ken Phipps and Art LeTurnell of the O.A.C., Guelph, and Miss Royetta. Brown of Ravenna~ were guests at tj^fe home of Mr. and .Mrs. Robt. Ohard. Miss Shirley Brown of Ravenna is spending a few weeks with Mrs. J. Elford. (Intended for Last Week) The January meeting of the W. I. was held at the home of Mrs. Russeil EMis wjth a >rood attendance of mem- bers. Roll call was answered with old proverbs. Splendid papers were read by Mrs. G. Jenkins and Mrs. L. Moi-wood and a poem written by Bobby Burns was given by Mrs. H. Pawcett. Community singing wa-; enjoyed untilthe airival of M!r. Mc- Kenzie oif CFOS, Owen Sound, who gave a spdendid talk on radio. He also recorded a question and answer period, while he asked each member a question, which she attempted to answer. This recording was broad- cast over CFOS the following day. Heathcote, Union and Kimberlev United Ohurch congregations met together on Sunday afternoon in Kimberley. The pastor, Mr. Turner, delivered a splendid sermon on "Worahip." Under his leadership the CREriiT AUCTION SAU FARM ^TOCK & IMPLEMENTS CECIL YOUNG will sell by public auction on Lots 12-13, CON. 3, N.D.R.. Osprey SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11 at 1 pjn., the following: HORSES. â€" G. P. Colt, rising 2; Driving Horse, 9 years old. CATTLEâ€" Black Cow, 7 yrs. old; „^r>Muv. unuer nis leaaersmp the Red Coiw, 5 yrs. old; Hereford Cow,|tJhree choirs combined to render three Picture Show TOWN HALL FLESHERTON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9 M.G.M. Presents •GREEN DOLPHIN STREET" Starring Lana Turner She wanted the man her sister loved. also "Goodbye Miss Turlock" 4 yrs. old; 2 Hereford Heifers, 2 yrs (All above cows and heifers sup- posed in calf), Durham Bull, not registered, 1 yr. old; 5 Heifer Calves. PIGS â€" 2 Sows, due Ist of March; 2 Sows, due let of April; Sow; 2 Sows with 17 pigs, 6 weeks old time of sale; Registered Yorkshire Sow, due April 15th. HARNESS â€" Set Team Harness: 2 Horse Collars; Set Team bridles; Pair CoJlar Tops. IMiPLEMEfflTS, Etc. _ No. 22 M.-H. Tactor, used 1 year; M.-H. Tractor Plow, 2-iurrow, new; M.-H. Mower, 6-ft, good as new; Rubber- tire Wabon and Box; Set of Light Sleighs; Manure Spreader; Culti- vator; Cutter; Souffler; Wheelbar 1 row; Hay Rack; Cream Separator; Set of Scales; Sap Pan and 75 Buck- ets; Brooder Stove; 2 Truck Tir.;s and Tubes 8x25; numerous other articles. HAY, HENS â€" About 8 ton.'i .>f Baled Hay; About 100 Leghorn Yearling Hens. CAR â€" 1936 Chevrolet Car. No resei-ve as owner is giving up farming. TERMSâ€" Hay, Fowl, and all sums ot f 10.00 and under, Cash; over that amountj^) mos.' credit on joint notes acceptable at the Bank of Commerce, Dundalk, bearing interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum anthems, with Miss Joy Ellis of the local church and Mrs. C. Vamplew of Heathcote at the piano. These united services have been greatly enjoyed by all. Keith Carruthers and Art Haines of Toronto * spent the week end at their parental homes. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Weller and Mr. and Mrs. Mel Hindle visited with .Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hindle. Funeral of Late W. J. Talbot Held Wednesday Last The funeral of the late William John Talbot, who died at Highland Lodge, PriceviMe, on Monday, Jan. 30th,. was held on Wednesday after- noon, Feb. 1st, with service in Rich- ai-ds Funeii'al Hume, conducted by Rev. A, G. Macpherson. Intenneut wtas made in Flesiherton Cemetery Chapel. The casket bearers were: Messrs. E. Loucks, Chas. McDermid, Geo. Johnson, Sam and Wm. Talbot, R G Acheson. Among those frim a distance who attended the funeral were: Sam Tal- bot, George and Harold, Wm Talbot and Laurene, Mrs. Roy Bradley, Mi. and Mrs. Art Jackson, all cf T>un- dalk, Mr. and Mrs. Fred LeG&rd of THURSDAY, FEB. 16 Eddie Dean and His Horse "Flash' "WILD WEST" Singing your troubles away aiNo Comedy and Cartoon .SHOW STARTS 8:00 P.M. , â-ºÂ»Â»Â»Â»Â»Â»Â»o»»*o»»»»»»»<'<": International Harvester : TRUCKS TRACTORS FARM EQUIPMENT TRUCKS ON HANDâ€" 1 KBS 7, 5-»peed transmission and D. P. axles. 1 Used 1946 Half-ton Pick-tip. 1 Used 1938 2- ton Stake, new motor. USED CARSâ€" 1947 Custom Dodge Sedan, fluid drive. Now is the time to order your Farm Equipment for Spring DeliTery, a« the supply is limited. H. H. SAYERS GARAGE Re|>aln to all makea of TraOtora and Farm Maehinenr Phone 51 DUNDALK : â€" «Rn w niTvrAv a*. Toronto, Dr. Meldrum LeGard.of -GEO. E. DUNCAN, Auctioneer Weston, W. J. Millsap and R. J. â€" â€" . â€" . Johnston of Stayner; J. T. Millsap ^g^/mgrn^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^'i Creemore. I The late Mr. Talbot was born on Maneh 29th, 1802, and was the elder son of William and EUzabetn Talbot, residents of Proton Township The fi'mily moved to thf east backline, Artemesia, on the farm now occnp'ied by Mr, Lloyd Talibot. He was mar- ried 62 years ago to Frances LeGax<a who predeceased him in SeptenAer, 1948. They celebrated their goldei wedding anniversary in' June, 1M8. Following the death of Mrs. Talbot, he went to Dundalk to reside, where he remained antil going to Priceville three weeks prior to his death. Mr. Talbot was a man of sterling quality, strictly honest in his dealings and a good neighbor. Left to. mourn are; one Bon, Lloyd, and one daughter, Velma (Mra. Ear* Best, both of Artfonesia Township. His only brother, David, died some years ago at Seattle, Wash. He also leaves three grandchildren and one great grandchild. Plumbing and Heating Furnaces and Stokers instiJled and repaired Pressure Pumps Evetroughing Free estimtaes on 3113 you require'. job LYONS A HYSLOP Phone 187w Markdale Grand Ice Follies AND CARNIVAL will |>e held in the Flesherton Arena FRIDAY, FEB. 17 Commencing {at 8 o'clock p.m. Hanover Girls' Band in Drill Numbers FREE FOR ALL. i^ Best Skating Couple I Best Original Costume Best Old Fashion Costumf Best Hard-Time Costume Best Fancy Costume Best Patriotic (Single or Double) Best Animal pisplay Best Comic Advertising Display Oldest ^kater on ice in costume Best Comic Strip Costume ; Generous Prizes for All Classes OPEN TO CHILDREN Skater in tCostume 6 to 12 year» Skater in Costume 7 and under Nursery Rhyme fCostume Best Comic Cc^tome Best Fancy Costume Best Patriotic Costume * CLOWNS AND OTHER FUNNY iPBOPLE BOB PHILLIPS, ~M. of C. Entries accepted at Committee Room until 9 p.m. Uliiversity of Toronto Figure Skating Cast A NIGHT ©F ENTERTAINMENT YOU CAN HARDLY AFFORD TO MISS GENEiRAL ADMISSION: Adults 50c, Children 25c Reserved Seats obtained in advance IS* â- Â«^"fl ROCK WOOL INSULATION Blowing Progress SAVE 30% DEAL DIRECT NO AGENTS C. â- â€¢V. .* Write M. GOODE Flesherton, Ont. m f 1 ;; ;: McTavish's Reooiiditioned Used Cars and Triieks For Sale 1948 Chevrolet DeLuxe Sedan 1946 Chevrolet DeLuxe Coadi 1938 Dodg«^cdan 1930 Chevrolet Coach TRUCKS New 1950 Chevrolet Va-Ton Pickup 1947 Studebaker 3-Ton Platform Truck Now is a Kood time to save money on tiie teacl cw or truck you may be thinking of buying. You will buy them for feu money now than in the S|nring. McTavish's Garage FLESHERTON, ONT. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»»»♦»»♦»»»♦»»»«»»»♦♦♦♦»♦♦#♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»»>••♦»♦ â- A ;; I

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