Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Feb 1950, p. 1

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t 41 * ft r r â- â™¦â- â-  4 < m 1 < 4 « « « • r t « •^ DON'T MISS THE FLESHERTON ICE CARNIVAL â€" FRIDAY, FEB. 17 VOL. 69; NO. ,V - FLESHERTON, ONT., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY S, 1950 F. J. Thurston, Publisher Flesherton Prcatically Eliminated Shelbume 10-1 Just a remnant of the good team they have been in past years, Shel- bume failed to hold tihe Flesherton Majors Monday night at Shelbuirae and were only able to score one goal against Andrews. Sheiburne was very ineffective, ''heir defence was shot and the forwards could not get in close to score. We might say that Earl Uayhum, their star goalie, was injured that morning and did not play and they brougtht up Fleming, a junior, who gave a good account of himself, but he had no protection. Flesherton scored three goals the first period. Cairns and Turney on lone rushes and J. Lawrence from Juffs. Shellnime notched their only goal at the start of the second and the Majors then went to work and five more goals went past Fleming, Boyd counting two alone, Turney and Cairns alone, and Juffs from •!. Lawrence. The third period Shelbume back- checked a bit more and at 16.0-5 Caims scored alone and to show they could get more if they wished, Tur- ney took Boyd's pass for the tenth counter. Only six penalties were } handed out to the players. 1 Shelburpe â€" Goal, Fleming; def- ence, Firth, McConnell; centre, Will- inias; wing,s Grianger, J. Wood; alternates: Snider, McKelvie, Berry, F. Paget, Henry, W. Wood, Rolston. Referees: Dalles and Campbell of Bundalk. This loss for Sheihume might just mean their elimination from the play-offs in the Central Ontai-io League, and if so, it will be for the first time since the League was started. This win for Flesherton still keeps them in the race for first place, two poirats Mahind Stayner, who have comipleted their twelve eames, winning from Rocklyn Mon- day night, and have 16 points. Th«, Majors have two more games yet to play and if they win both will end the season in first place. Flesherton Overwhelmed League Leaders 7 - 3 SUN-TIMES MOVED TO "NEW BUILDING ON WEEK END Congratulations are extended to th« Owen So.und Sun-Times on the oocasion of their occuipying the new buiUding erected this past ' suimmer •nd fall. We look forvmrd to the time when we can make a tour of the new establishment. Future Events DANCE AT SINGHAMPTON Dance in Hanwiiill's Hall, Sing- hiuiipton, on F-iday mg>ht, Feb. 10. MHisic by Aitchison's Orchestra. Dancing 9:30 to 1:30. Admission: 50 cents. KIMBEKLEY ^AZAAit- SOCIAL Bazaar in Kimlbenley Community Hall, Tuesday, Feb- 14th, under the auspices of W. I. Fanlcy work, home- made baking, aprons, etc., followed by euchre and crobinole. Flesherton added another win on Saturday night, defeating Stayner 7-3 in a fast and interesting game on good ice. This was the Majors' third win in succession and lifted them to second place in the league standing, two points behind^ Stayner, who have been leading the entire season. Stayner opened the scoring at 3.06 when the defence was split and Andrews didn't have much chance. Flesherton tied the score when Milne sank Boyd's pass at 4.15 and Bill Lawrence scored his first goal in se- vei"al games when Aoheson laid hi:n a fine pass. This advantage did not lust long,, as Stayner nabbed the disc at centre ice when Flesherton was up ganging and sped on to beat Andrews. They again went ahead when they scored on a scramble. The period ended Stayner 3, Flesherton 2- Shots on goal: Flesherton K, Stay- ner 12. The second period was all Flesh- erton, with Boyd scoring from Milne at 2.24, Jutfs alone at 6.14, Caims on a lovely rush through the Stay- ner te-am at 17.44 and the fourth goal Milne from Boyd at 17.57. Fle.sherton 6, Stayner 3. Shots on uoal: Flesherton 21, Stayner 5. Wliile only one goal was counted in the third period, Milne from Tur- ney at .45, Flesherton had most ot the play and Stayner was very in- effective in solving the tight de- fence Flesherton played when thoy did not have the puck. They missed several wonderful scoring chances when they were x-ight on top of the Stayner goaUe. Milne has made a great improve- m^t in his play this year and scor- •Vi four goals and had an assist. Staynerâ€" Goal, Gartlan; defence, Nobes, D. Woods; centre,. Walker; wings, Mathers, Bellwood; alternat- es: J. Woods, Slieffield, H. Adams. Handy, Cherry, W. Adams, Priest and Hannah. . â- Flesherton â€" Goal, Andre^vs; de- fence, Acheson, Turney; centre, G. Boy"*; wings, Milne, W. Lawrence; altemates: Juffs, Cairns, K. Chard, J. Lawrence. Referees: Tennant and Bloorafield of Owen Sound. Inter-Church Youth Sunday Ob8erv«d At St. John's -^ !• The various groups of church young people in the Flesherton, Dundalk and Priceville charges, com- bined last Sunday evening to hold a joint service in St. John's United Church. The auditoriuim was crowd- ed with young' people and their friends from Dundalk, Bethel, Hope- ville, Iniatioge, Proton, Priceville, Ceylon, Rock Mills and Flesherton. The service was conducted by Alf. Olsen of Flesherton, assisted by Georgina White of Proton, R. J. Patterson of Inistioge and Don Reilly of Priceville. Musical num- bers were rendered by Rev. A. Fletaher, Cedarside Baptist Church and a trio consisting of Joan Cope- land, Don Copeland and Nomia McMaster. Fitether musical nam- bers were enjoyed at the social half- hour after the seiivice. Those con- tributing were Wilma Stevens and Paul Patterson of Inistioge, Misses Ruth and Hazel Fletcher, Isabel Minard and Rev. A. Fletcher. The feature of the evening was a sound-film entitled ''Beyond Our Own," presented by courtesy of Rev. L. W. Mould and his young people of Priceville. This film, excellently produced, portrayed the call of a young doctor and his lawyer brother to Christian service. Rev. Paul Christensen of Dundalk was present and gave a short ad- (li'ess to the young people, encour- aging them to go all ouft for Christ and his cause. Following this, the Flesherton young people served lunch, which had been brought by the various groups represented. Altogether, it was a grand even- ing, and gave evidence of the actual and potential strength of Christian youth in the district. J. WELDRICK HEADS FEVERSHAM FAIR X HARD, TIMES DANCE Hard Timtes costume danCe in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, Tuesday, Feb. 14th, under auspices of O.E.S. Lucky prizes. Admission: 50c, lunch included. SCORING LEADERSHIP (Includes Saturday Game) GP G A Pts. Boyd 9 10 11 21' Caims 7 11 7 Ig Milne 9 10 8 18 Turney 8 7 10 17 Juffs 7 14 14 Chard, K 9 5 2 7 Acheson 9 3 4 7 Lawrence, J. ,. 7 2 4 6 Lawrence, W. .. 9 .'i 2 5 Chard, G 5 3 2 5 Dlinnon 3 11 Taylor, F 10 11 Best, H 4 ENGAGEMENT ^ Mr. and Mrs. Otto McClevis of Walkerton annpujnce the engagement of tlveir daughter, M'ary Lenora, to Mr. Burton A. Morrison, son of Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Morrison, Walkerton, foimerly of Ma.x.well. The wedding will take place early in March. Our Chapel is at the disposal of our clientele without extri charge. It contains well-appointed family reception rooms, Including organ and organist. Bates and Maddocks FUNtRAL CHAPEL l24AvEnueRd KI.4344 C.O.H.L. STANDING (Including Monday giames) P W L T Pts. Stayner 12 7 3 2 16 Flesherton .... 10 7 3 14 .ShelWirne 11 6 6 1 U Markdale 10 5 4 1 11 Dundalk 9 5 4 ID Honeywood .... 10 3 7 Rocklyn 8 17 2 Games the Past Week Shelbiu-ne 7, Rocklyn 4 MarlWale lO, Dundalk 9 Honeywood 5, Rocfclyn 4 Flesherton 7, Stayner 3 DundalTt 7, Markdale 4 Flesheiiton 10, Shelburhe 1 Stayner I'l, Rocklyn 8 Markdade 13, Honeywood 7 Games this Week Feb. 8â€" Rocklyn at Dundalk Markdale at Honeywood Feb. U â€" Dundalk at Flesherton BORN HANLEY _ At Centre Grey Hos- pital, Markdale, on Sunday, Feb. 5, 194©, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hanley, a daughter. In Italy the women use their bare feet to tramp on graipes and bring out the .juice for wine^making After comparing ocnditions in Bri- tain and Germany, Lord Balfour w-onders who won the war. Well, who did? U The Osprey Agricultui'al Society met for cheir anniual meeting in the Orange Hall, Feversham, on Jan. 24, concluding the meeting on Jan. 31st. The financial statement was read by the secretary, Mr. Dougal Stephens, showing the fair in an e.xcellent fin- ancial condition, with the 1949 fair sho^ving a credit l>alance of S246.24. There is a surplus of over $800, with a new ticket office and toilets having been built on the grounds. Prizes wei'e paid in full and amounted in excess of $800.00. Special features for the 1949 fair included a class for conianercial cattle, saddle races, a well-filled hall of domestic science and ladies work, and a -machinery e-vhibit. iM!i'. Victor Wright, president of the fair board, in his address stated that he appreciated the help and co- operation of the board and all who contributed toward the success uf the fair. He wished to retire as pre- sident and wished the incoming pr-?- sideiits and boai-d every success and a good fair in 1950. The> election of the new board of directors resulted as follows: President: John Weldrick. 1st Vice-Pres.; Russell Hudson. 2n(l Vice-Pres.: Archie Priddle. Board of Directors: Thos. Steph- ens, Russell Hawton, John McLean, Clayton Sprott, John W, Robinson, Vic Wright, Archie Buie, Frank Holl- ingshead, Allan Short, Frank Seeley. Tho.<. Stinson. Telf. Ferris, Per-y Winters. Elmer -Mullen, G. Jackson. Lady Directors: Mrs. C. Sprott, Mrs. Thos. Stinson. .Mrs. W. Inkster. Mrs. Telf. Ferris, Miss Mable Ross, Mrs. F. Hollingshead, Mrs. John Mc- Lean. Mrs. Russell Hudson, Mrs. .•Vrchie Priddle, Mrs. Percy Winters and Mrs. Allan Short. Secretary: Dougald Stephens. Treasurer: Victor Wright. .-Vuditors: Fred Halle and Ro,=:s Smith. WES PLANTT SHOT WOLF NEAR BERKELEY After trailing two wolves for three and a half hours near Berkeley on Friday, Wesley Plantt of the Fourth Line sent three shots through the I'.ody of a 50-pound speciman and ende<l its depredations among th^- sheep in that township. The other wolf, during that time, had separat- ed from its fellow and escaped. It will be the target on another hunt. In the hunting party were Walter .A.kitt of Rock Mills, Cla>-ton Betts and Luther Love of Victoria Corn- ers. .\11 four men are experienced fox hunters, and for a change tried the wolf hunting game. There seem to be a number in the area east of Berkeley. Th wolf was shown in town that evening and created a great deal of interest. SALE OF LANDS (By Portlaw Reporter) Mr. Roy L.vons has purchased the foi-mer Wm. Taylor place on the Centre Line which he has had rented for the past six years. Mr. Cecil Young has sold his farm on the 3rJ line to David Blakey. Cecil hass purchased the Portlaw store from Mr. R. A. Proud, who has occupied the premises for the past week. Mr, Proud has bought a house in Hespel- er. Mr. Blakey sold his farm on the Centre Line to Ed. Brooks, who i» taking possession March 1st. HELLO, MOM! HI, DAD! AND HOCKEY SUPPORTERS IN FLESHERTON DISTRICT Farmers Artemesia Towhship If you desire compulsory warble fly ^treatment of all cattle, sign the petition which is in the hands of your school section secretary, NOW. U is necessary to have 66%% of ail cattle owners sign before compulsory by-law will be introduced. Your school secretary also has application forms for calfhood vaccinatioin for Bang's Disease. Act now and blot out contagious abortion. ARTEMESIA TOWNSHIP FEDiERATION OF AGRFCULTURH H. I. Graham CUffwrfJ AU*n, President. Secretary. You hear it in the garage, the barber shop, on the sti-eet corner and in the harness shop "Where affe we going to do for a senior hockey team in 1955?" We won't have a Doc, Baldy, LawTences, Cairns, Acheson, Chai-ds, "Muscles" .â- Vndrews, Ferris: they're getting old. Under the watchful eyes of Norm Scari-ow there has come along in the last couple years a hockey t«aim worth >our recognition. He has, owing to business reasons, had to give up some of his time this year, but is still in there pitching. A game has been arranged with Shelbume for tonight, Feb. 8, and more games are to come. This is the opening game for the kids and now its up to you. Mom and Dad, sister Mary, brother Bill, to come out and see the stars of 1955 in full swing down the ice.. It takes a cheering section to make the boys go, so won't you be on hand tonight at 8 p.m. and make the rafters ring. You'll make a bunch of kids very, very happy. An adnnission charge of 25c will be made for adults, .iro- ceeds to the midget dub. ACTIVITIE.S AT FLESHERTON RINK THIS WEEK ( Weather Pemiatting ) Wednesday, Feb. 8 â€" High school Jr. Girls 11.24 to 12.15; Sr. Boys 2:48 to 3:45: Rev. Mould's boys 6:30 to 8. Hockey Shelburne and Flesh- erton Midgets 8:15 to 9::i0; Proton hockey practice 9:40. Thursday, Feb. 9 â€" High School Jr Boys 11:24 to 12:15; Public School 2:30 to-:i:30; Public School hovikey boys 3:;10 to 4:30; 7:45 High Sch.ol night featuring Fle.sherton vs Mark- daile High School girls, Fleslvert'-n and Markdale High School boys; 11 p.m. grand moccasion on ice. Be sure and see this night. Friday, Feb. 10 _ High Schoo.' Ji'. girls 11:24 to 12:15; Sr. Girls 212 to 2:48; Sr. boys 2:48 to 3.45; 7 to 8:30 skating pubilc school and be- ginners; 8 to 10 public skating to music. Saturday. Feb. 11â€"11 to 12 Mid- get skating; 12:30 to 2 Rev. Mould's boys: 2:15 to 4 free skating forwall children: 8 to 10 Flesherton Sr. vs Dundalk. These teaans are top3 be sure and see thewi fight it our. Sunday, Feb. 12, Church and rest. Monday, Feb. 13 â€" High School Jr boys 10:48 to lb:24; Jr. girls 11:24 to 12:15; 1:30 to 2:30 free skating c'hildren under school age; Midget practice 6:30 to 8; 8:30 Proton ^-s Rockyln Semi-Pro. These boys ar' playing good hockey. See it. Tuesday, Feb. 14 â€" ^High School Jr. boys 11:24 to 12:15; Sr. girls 2:48 to 3:45; 7 to 8:30 public skating for public school children and beginners; 8 to 10 public skating, adults, music. Once again let us remind you to get your costiune ready for carnival night. Friday, February 17th. Ivan Short Broke HU Leg Playing Hockey Monday ^^ While playing in a Semi-Pro. hock- ey game in Flesherton arena Mon- day night, Ivan Short of the Fever- sham club reseived a broken bone in his leg when he fell while skatingf close to the side of the ice surface. He had not come into contact witll any player. He was taken to tjie Collingwood Hospital that night and x-rays Tuesday disclosed the brok-" bone. Feversham were playing Sl schedule game with Rocklyn, whi<ai the latter won 8-7. ^^?;ki?> Proton Sttaion W. I. The January meeting of the Pio- ton W. I. was held at the home iif Mrs. Elwood Stevens, with nine membei-s and one visitor preseni. The meeting was in charge of Mrs. j Oyaton Betts, 2tid vacu-president, and aftei' the usual opening exer- I cises the roll call was answe.td by I a "don't" for the kitchen. The program was in eharg.; ,;f the publicity convener, Mrs. Rd. Stin- .son, who gave a very worth-while paper on publicity, stressing ths fact tha't jno matter what business we represent, it pays to advertise. As the Women's Institute is no small organizatioin, we can't gn-. it too much publicity. Two readings were given. One by Mrs. Lloyd Little "A Recipe for a Happy New Year' and "The Smg and Snails of the W.I." bv Mrs. Ei.ts. The mo«Uu^' closed by rep'.'irMi.g the W.I. pnyer and the Midf>ah benediction, ani a social hour fo K wed, with luncn served. The penny is said to be overwork- ed these days. We thoug<ht it ha I g-iven up the strusjfle. St. John's United Church Rev. A. G. Macpheraoa Minister SUNDAY, FEB. 12 â€" Sei-vices of worship ,it Eugenia, Inistioge and Flesherton. Sjelnmon: "Can Bus- iness be Christian?" Invportant meeting of the Sunday School staff after evening servi.-e at St. John's. WED., FEB. 8â€" 8:15 p.m., St John's Choir practice, senior. THURS., FEB. 9 â€" 8 p.m., Eugeni.i choir practice. FRIDAY, FEB. 10â€" Inistioge Y.P.U. TUESDAY, FEB. l4 â€" .3:45 p,m. St. â€"John's Mission Band St. Valen- tine party. 9:30 a.m. Presbytery of Grey at Central' United Chur;h in Owen Sound. C. O. H. L. HOCKEY Flesherton Arena Sat.,|Feb. 14 DUNDALK vs FLESHERTON FASTEST SPORT IN THE WORUD Game tailed ta 8:00 p.m. Admission: 35c and 20c You'll find it real!/ handy to travel by bus â€" right from downtown in your town to down- town in any town along the route. For business or pleasure the Main Street landing is tops in travel convenience. Plan your next trip by but. You'll enjoy it. â-  . $24.50 Chicago New York Buffalo - Toronto - 22.3S 9.6S 4.69 ROUND TRIP- ( Subject to nhange) •^JKKETS Am 3J i mrm h

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