â- «HF Wednesday; January 25, 1950 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Jt i * Small Ads FOR SAL£ â€" 2 Oeese and gander. â€" Geo. Boyce, phone aC^4. 35c2 I'OR SALE â€" Boy's akates, size i, tan be seen at The Advance office. FOR &>ALE â€" Good crosscut saw.-- T. J. Pisher, plionc 5w Kleaherton. FOUND â€" Good car tire near Port- law.â€" Earl Talbot, Maxwell, phone •>2wl Plcsherton. 36p2 J/AHTED â€" AnuMiIs aiittablA foi miitk and foz tâ€"d. â€" Bert Mclntou Eurcnia, rhon« F^*T«nh»-'> 5r26 FOR SALE â€" 1937 Plymouth sedan in good condition. â€" Harold Phillips Majcwell, phone F'-!-.heit»i; 121w3. FOR SALE â€" Extension table and chairs; electric washing machine. W. Hamilton, phone 71). 36p2 FOR SALE â€" Quantity of hay in mow. â€" V. G. Gauthier, Ceylon, phone 40i-l Flesherton. 36p2 WANTED â€" General Purpose farm horse.â€" W. McNaHy, R. R. a, Fie- | sherton, phone Dundalk 71w4. FOR SALE â€" Pair of lady's tube s'Kiites, size 5, scarcely used. ^ I'lione llTw Flesiherton. 35p2 FOR SALE â€" 2 hogs, one 10 mos. old, registered, one 2 years old.â€" •las. Hardy, Swinton Park. NOTICEâ€" Any type of steady work wanted In Flesherton or within commuting distance C. A. Bas- tiii, Fiaher Apt., Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Electric New Prima separator, in good condition. â€" Earl Russell, Rock Mills, phone Fleshfrton 9ewl3. 34p2 FOR SALE â€" Will sell or trade a quantity of oat stn,w, good feed, for young horse about 11 or 12 hands high, sound and right. â€" Joj. Ruiiky, 1''4 miles east Flesherton. FOR S.ALE â€" Jersey cow, 8 yrs. old, due in 2 weeks, and Durham-Jer- sey cow, 8 yrs. old, due in March, will sdl either. â€" R. McCarty. R. R. 3. Priceville, phone Flesh- erton 49 M 13 36cl HOUSP: FOR SALE in Dundalk, 7 rooms, frame construction, and stabli'; also Hereford bull, 18 mos â€" W. C. McCutcheon, Proton Sta- tion RJl. 2, phone 41M4 Dundalk. FOR S.\l4E â€" Baby budgies, all col- ors, gUJiranteed, males ^12.60, baby bans $8.50, also young can- aries, Metz rollers, singers flO.OO, Holland Rollers, singers fl2.B0 guarantetd singers; the Holland rollers were imported from Holl- and in DecenKber and are all 1949 birds; Metz hen canaries $2.00 and 12.60; complete bulk and packag- ed seeds, dog supplies, cages nad standc, prices reasonable. â€" Big- gar's Bird Pet Shop, 860 Third Ave. E., Owen Sound. 33c4 Local aod Personal Mr. Earle Thurston was home for a few days last week from Windsor. Mr. Geo. Jamieson of Timmins spent a few days in town last week. 'Mr. Geo. Bemrose erf Islington spejit the week end with his sister, Mrs. Laurie Russell. Mrs. W. E. Louckg spent a couple of days in Toronto last week visiting with friends. Miss Dell Thurston and Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Thurston of Toronto were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. F, J. Thurston. Mr. and Mirs. A. C. Douglas of New Liskeard visited on the weok end with the lattgr's brother, Wm. Knitting, and Mrs. Kaitting. IHeshei^ton LO.L. iNo. 28(55 meets .Monday, Jan. 30th, at 8 pjn., when there will be an Arch degree. Vis- itors welcome. V The Sydeham Skating Club of Owen Sound had a night's outing skating in the Flesherton Arena on .Monday .night, following which lunch was served an the Fraternal Hall. Albout one hundred visitors and jjfuests were in attendance. CEYLON The Ceylon and comm<unity euchre club met at the school on TTiursday, with a good crowd. High score for the ladies went to Miss Dorothy fc'rskine ""d for the men to Jim Mc- Mullen. Lucky prizes were won by Mrs. P. Sims and Gordon McMullen. Mr. and Mrs. T. Goodland of Ed- monton, Alta., visited Wednesday with Mrs. Anna McMillan and Fred Chislett. Chas. .McWilliam and Geo. Purke of M^. Dennis spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. John MoWilliain. Rotbt. Hunt of Trenton spent the week end with Mrs. Hunt and daug4i- ter. Norma. â- \ Mrs. Goo. Burrell and two child- ren of Priceville have moved into Mi's. Geo. Campbell's residenee. Dalton Rutledge is ^ patient in Owen Sound hospital, and we are f^lad to know he is improving. Mrs. Ohas. Quesnel and son, Ken neth, of Owen Sound visited Friday with Ml', and Mrs. L. Duckett, MiiiTay Doupe is home from To- ronto, where he was a patient in the Hospital for Sick Children. ST. COLUMBA CHURCH W.A. AND W.M.8, MEETING PRICEVILLE FARM FOR SALE 77-acre farm, Lots 133-134, 2 N. E., .-Vrtemesia. Large brick house, good bam. Apply to Fred W. Smith, R. R. 2, Flesherton. 33c4 HARRIS & DUNLOP SARHISTERS, SOLICITORS. Etc- Phone 38 MARKDALE Ur. Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:80 p.m. CHARLES J. BELLAMY MUNICIPAL CLERK Office, Toronto Street. Flesherton iMuer of Marriage Licenses CONVEYANCER WiUs Mortgages, etr. Deeds Agreements A conMnissioner for tatdng affidaviU Telephone 29w THE CONQUEST OF OUR SOCIAL LIFE "Amusement is natural and . ec- essary to human life," stated. Rev. A. G. Macpherson at St. John's United Church last Sunday evening. It was the second sermon in the series "The Conquet of Life." Mr. Maapher.son maintained tliat social rocrea'tion was necessary, to our health and personality. It varies, according to age and, occupation, running all the way from playing games and dancing to seeing a movie or paying a quiet visit to your friends. According to the findings of a group of eighty psychologists the best games are those which pro- mote the exchange of ideas, conver- sation, laughter and temper. The latter, the speaker thought, should be of some comfort to hockey and lacrosse players. Amusement, of course, has great possibilfties for evil as well as for good. When overdone or abused it becomes a waster of time and en- eiigy, and makes pagans of us, un- fitting us for the more important duties and activities. Such excess ir the 17th and 18th Certturies brought albout the Puritan rervolt in England. _ The true Christian posi- tion was to indulge only in so far as it helped us to be finer men and women. Jesus was no "kill-joy," but He certainly was no pagan, and allowed nothing to weaken or cheap- en His sei'vice to God and man. Rev. Mr. Macpherson took his text from Ecclesiastes 11:9'' "Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth, but know that for all these things God will bring you to account." Next Sunday, Janr29th, the subject will be "The Conquest of Our Home Life." 1 Messrs. Spurgeon Whittaker of British Columbia and Wells Whitta- ker of Montreal returned after en- joying a holiday at the home of their brother, I. B. Whittaker. Mr. Emerson Meads of Guelph spent the week end at his home. Mrs. Dan Campbell, who has been a ptaient in the Owen Sound Hos- pilal for .the past five week, under- went an operation for goi'ire c.n Fri- day. .411 hope that she may have a eoniplele recovery. Mrs. Malcolm McLean visited on Saturday with Mr. Jack Mt'Lean, who is in Owen Sound Hospital with a broken leg. We are glad to iknow that Mt. Donald iMIcAr'-hiiv, our ni'll man, is improving and hope that he will soon be around again. Mr. Ellwcod Kins- man is operating the mill for hiin at present. The village Trustees held a meet- ing in the W. I. hall, with Mrs. Jessie Koeritz as chairlady Other officers are Ed. Vergoz and Howard Ekuxbury, -with Donald R3il'ey as secretary. Mrs. Siims attended the birthday party of her granddaug-htar, Betty Lou Pedan, at Fergnia. Betty Lou â- was iflve years old Monday, Jan, 23. Picture Show TOWN HALL FLESHERTON THURSDAY, JAN. 26 "ROMANCE OF THE WEST" In Glorious Color Comedy "The Streamlined Donkey" Added: "The Smart Way" ADDITIONAL LOCALS V Miss Genevieve Milne leaves next Monday to take a position in a Montreal hospital, teaching occupa- tional therapy. Another thaw set in Tuesday even- ing and this Wednesday morning tne fields are lagain looking green, â- with oiver half the snoiw gone. The home of Mrs. J. C. Harrison was the scene of the January meet- ing of the W.M.S. and W.A. of St. Columba Church, Priceville, w|th 15 ladles present Mrs. F. R. Oliver (presided for the W.A. and the an«eting wos opened with tihe theme and hymn. Mrs, Oliver read an article on Faith and the secretary, Mrs. Currie, re*d the minutes of ithe two previous meet- ing. 'Mrs. iR. MoConkey iw«s ap- pointed to remember the siok and bereaved of the congregation. The treasurer, Mrs. C. Htanter, reported a (balance of fll6 on hand at the closing of the year. It was decided to hold a talent oontest, the closing date being the Mai-oh meeting. Ar- langeraients were made to serve sup- per to the cast arriving from Toron- to for *he play sponsored by the Y. P,S. Othe business was discussed and the meeting was then turned over to the W.M.S. After the opening exercises, Mrs. Mould gave a talk on the Bi!ble, stressing the fact that we who do not i-ead it, are thie losers. The roll call was answered ,with the name of a missionary. Mrs. R. H McConkey was appointed treasurer, to take the place of Miss V. Wright, who has moved away. Mrs. A. o. Muir read a letter from Miss Kate Rutherford, and hi>r,iiights from the Miissionary Monthly we.-..' i-oven by Mrs. Oliver. The study book was well taken by four ladies: Mrs. J. Harrison, Mrs, Mould, Miss E. James ond Mrs. C. iHomter, after which thj pi-esident closed the . meeting with prayer. Mrs. Harrison and assist- ants sei-ved lunch at the close. Tlie February meeting will be held at the pai-sonage, ^ Canada is leading country in the world in export of base metals. DELE^^ Monday, Tuesday, Jan. 30, 31 "OUT OF THE BLUE" G. Brent V. .Vhiyo Thursday, Feb. 2 Only "FORGOTTEN WOMEN' Adult "Henry The IJammaker" Friday. Saturday, Feb, 3. •* "'RED RIVER" John Wayne Joanna Dr'i SHOWS 7 and 9 p.m. ADULTS 42c THURSDAY, FEB. 2 Franchot Tone Tom Conway Ann Richards in "LOST HONEYMOON" Spoi-tsreel "Raspiin' Match" Extra: "Riding The Crcb'" SHOW STARTS 8:00 P.M. >**eee»eO ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦0<'<'^<K" International Harvester SALfes and SERVICE FOE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY â€" Farmall Super A Tractor with 2-furrow adjustable beam hydnuilie plow. Tmetor 2-wheel Manure Spreader, 18<Marker Fertilizer Drill, No. 46 Power take-off Pick-up Hay Baler. 2 4-lurrow Tractor Plows, aCe botitoma. Grain Grinders Hammer Mills, Cream Separators, etc. We have PRHSTONE for your tractor and c«r. Goodyear and Seiberilag Tires H. H. SAYERS GARAGE Repain to all makes of Tractors and Farm Machinery Phone 51 DUNDALK Clearance Sale at Bargain Prices 50% REDUCTION ON THE FOLLOWING 16 Boys' Coats, reg. $3.50 Sale Price $1.75 2 Boys' Coats, reg. $5.50 Sale Price $2.75 2 Boys' Coats, reg. $3.00 Sale Price $1.50 5 Boys' Coats, reg. $4.89 Sale Pric« $2.45 4 Boys' Coats, reg. $4.95 Sale Price $2.50 Man's Coat, reg. $6.75 Sale Price $3.40. Man's Coat, reg. $4.75 Sale Price $2.40 3 Men's Coats, reg. $6.00 Sale Price $3.00 Man's Coat, reg. $16.00 Sale Price $8.00 3 Boys' Parkas, reg. $17.50 Sale Price $8.75 3 Boys' Parkas, reg. $8.00 Sale Price $4.00 Boy's Parka, reg. $7.50 Sale Price $3.75 4 Men's Brushed Wool Pullovers, reg. $7.75 Sale Price $3.88 10 Boys' Machinaws, reg. $11.95, Sale Price $6.00 8 Men's Pullovers, reg. $4.95 Sale Price $2.50 3 M^'s Pullover Sweaiters, reg. $8.75, Price $4.40 10 Giris' Ski Pants, reg. $3.95 .... Sale Price $2.00 0. & A. Co-Operative FLESHERTON, ONT. In the last tax year Canadiansj paid $'14,000,000 in excess profits taxes and |26 ,000,000 in succession duties. Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received by the undersigTied for ihe purchase of shed at St. Mary's Anglican Church at' Maxwell, size 24x32, in good state of repair, tenders to be in by Sat- urday, Feb. 4th, 1960. The highest or any tender not necessarily accejrted. â€" Mrs. Gertrude Seeley, Secty.-Treas. Maxwell, Ont. TRUCKING I am now availalble at Fleehertoa to do general trucldng at all times and go anywhere. Reasonable rates. Phone collect. DONALD WILSON Phone 122 Flesherton isfz: _ Plumbing and Heatins Furnaces and Stokers installed and repaired Pressure Pumps Evetroughing Free estimtaes on aii} job you requirr-". LYONS & HYSLOP Phone 187w Markdale For Sale at THE ADVANCE OFFICE ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦<-X":~M~:~X'<'<&*<~>«"H«**«:' :: McTavish's Reoonditioned Used Care and Trucks For Sale 1948 Chevrolet DeLuxe Sedan 1946 Chevrolet DeLuxe Coach 1938 Chevrolet DeLuxe Coach 1934 Chetvrolet Coupe 1930 Chevrolet Coach TRUCKS 1948 Chevrolet iVz Ton Long Wheelbase Plat- form Truck, 8.25x20 Tirea, D.P. Rear Axle, in New Truck Condition ' 1947 Studebaker 3-Ton Platform Truck Now is a good time to save money on the Used car or truck you may be thinking of buying. You will buy them for less money now than in the Spring. McTavish's Garage FLESHERTON, ONT. ' - >»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»*»»»»»»»fr»»»^'»<'»»»»»>»»»»»^»»»»»***< ;: I > :: Logs Wanted We will pay you HIGHEST CASH PRICES for good MAPLE, BASSWOOD and ELM LOGS WttI also buy PINE, HEMLOCK and SPRRUCE Lengths â€" 8 ft. to 16 ft., containing a gooa percentage of 14 ft. and 16 ft. lengths Can pay an extra price for Elm Logs 24 inches and over at small end andf ree of all visible defects. WE WILt ALSO BUY GOOD STANDING TIMBER We don't want any Beech at present, and we won't accept rough, low grade logs of any species. DUNDALK SAW MILL Phone No. 3 Box No. Ill l'= » â- ♦- â- ^ â- »