Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Jun 1949, p. 7

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,1 *> Wednesday, June 1, 1949 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads (IIRX. WANTtiD â€" DiniuKioom jtirl for Munmer ituonthii, firood w^eH. â€" EJupenia Hotel. Icl jtAHTED â€" Aimmi* rattabl* lot uitek and fox teed.â€" B«rt Mdntou. r^aC«ni«, pihoo* fmrtnbm~i IrSi W.-Vl«rrED â€" Gray Gander for breed- inn purposes, at once. Pi-ed Brown, Fe\-ers.hain. 62p2 FX>R SALK â€" A few bacs ol poU- toes, Kood for seed or table uae. â€" tU Thompson, phone 73J2. 62c2 V. ANTKDâ€" t; h-p. International gas engine l'J32 to li>37 model. Phone coUeci: Uundalk ICawKi.' :u2 jloltSE STIIAYKU â€" Came to my inamiscs, bay horse, w^ite face and lump on chest. â€" Mel Buchan- an phone ia8J4 Fleshcrton. 52c2 -•â- 'OK SALK â€" 1928 Dodge coach, i-ylinder, nice motor, jrood tires, tiydraulin brakes, $125.00 â€" Robt. .). Puckerinf.7, Priceville. Ipl ii'H EluNT â€" 50-acre pasture farm. Kood crrass, shade, runnint; water. â€" G«o. Swanton, R.R. 5. Markdal*. piMae 'i3w2 Markdale. 49r>2 FOR SALE â€" Renfrew cream sep- arator, 600 lb. capacity, srood re- pair. â€" Jas. Allen, phone 45w3, I'lesherton. 52p2 i <1R SALE â€" 2 choice purebred .Shi.rthoru bulls, sei-viceable age. t'di <1 breedinjr. â€" Lome Bumstead, 1;. H, 5 .Markdale, phone 33J3 52p2 KIMBERLEY For rent â€" 100 acres pasture, .,iJod '.Tass, iievei-failintr spring, 1 >t3 of shade. â€" A. Conkey, R. K. Xo. 1 Teylon. 51c2 lANTKli - Some yearling cattle lo pa.-'. lire, water and shade, i-ui):! crass.. -Wm. Irwin, phone 41w5 I'Mesherton. 52p2 'R SALE â€" \m<) Ford UeLuxe each, excOiitional condition, en- vine ),"'>d; can he seen at Eugenia .iotel .n.v time. â€" F'rank Ruhl, tluger.ia. Ip2 Jiir. Mervin Ellis, who is with the Hydro, has been moved froim Han- over to the poiwer house at iiii: Chute. Mrs. Tlhos. Brooks and Vera and .Mr Hunt uf Clarksbursr called on Mrs J. Lawrence asd Mrs. S. S. Bur- ritt on the 24th. Mr. and MIrs. L. White and Mrs. U. A. Lowe of Thornbury were tht jfuests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Grieves and Mrs. Myers. Miss Hetty Graham and Mrs. '" tewell and two rhildren of Fcvei- sham visited with Mrs. Burritt on Tuesday.* A young people's rally was held ill the hall here Saturday night. Mr. Cairns and the yound men's quin- tette were cnjoved, as was a flne talk on the ProdiRal Son, which was illustrated by drawings. The people of Kinnberley jrreatlv en.ioi-cd the mei'tinsr. Several members of families had visitor.^ at their homes for the week end: Misses Eleanor and Jean Ellis. Gerald Kirtoiiatrick, at their homes; Mv. and Mr.s N. Burritt, Joan and .â- \nne.. and Mrs. C. Thompson, of Vandeleur, Mr. and Mirs. D. Graham Hetty and Donelda, and Mr. W. Mc- Kee of Feversham; Mr. Stewart Mc- Mullen of Hamilton with Mr. ami Mrs. Leslie McMullen. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Ellis and children of CollinRwood visited on Sundya afternoon in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Ted McCracken and little »ion of Flesherton spent Sun- lay with her praents, Mr; and Mrs. Ran Hutchinson. !Mi-. and Mrs. H. Far,- »r Meafoid spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. .\rmstronK. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. White of Wind- sor and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stuart of Detroit motored over and were the i!-uests of relatives here durin«- the week end. Xowadays the electric switch makes tbinys go. In the olden days lliey used the hickory switch. Local aod Personal iR S.AI.E :â€" tjuantity recleaned .->ilver Hull Buckwheat, also a few ins of oat and barley chop. -- \lex. .S.Muir, Ceylon, phone 104J.". h'leshei ''on. .52iL' . <|R SALE â€" 2-furrow mold-board iractcr plow; also 11*31) Oldsmo- .'ile (oach, now ongiino. â€" Percy Sample, EuKcnia P.O., phono Fe- versh-iin 20r43'. .^Ip^ >R SALE â€" Pianos in Al condi- I ion, several makes to ehoos'.- from, all fully guaranteed. â€" J. C. Bl.ickst.one, piano tuner, 515 )^th St. A. East, Owen Sound. '. ANTED â€" Room and board for rlderly jcentleman in jjood health for .summer months comnicncinu .luly 1st; write stating terms to B. K. Field, 2<>2 Highfield Rd., Toron- to. Out. !p2 i t)Fi SALE Hardwoixl slabs $25 per truck load; softwood slabs $18, approximately T'-J to 8 cords per load. Delivered free within 10 jniles. - - Walter Playtor, phone 14«J Mlarkdale. 45pl2 ' >R SALE â€" Cream separator, 400 !Li. capaiity, excellent condition; Hay rake, H-foot; barrel churn; forge; hen house 14x40; sculfler; â- wSieellmrrow. now; jnetal workcr'.s vise; wood worker's vii-e; hay- truck; Hell organ; li.irht single harness. Apply to ('olin A. Mac- Ivean, Priceville. Ic2 NOTJTCE TO TRKSI'ASSKKS FluntinK, fi^shinK or iri'spassinf; on I : rt Lot 1,")], 2 .M.E., Arlemesia, is ^ ictly proliibit(!d; trespassers wiP !• prosecuted. â€"KEN KELLAR. Toronto FARM FOR SALE I/Ot 11, Con. 7, EupJirasia, 110 ai OS, more or lets, ifood pasture farm, fair bus.h of swamp and some hardwood, either for sale or rent. â€"WES OORNFIELD, R.R. 3, Proton Station P'lone Flesherton 32r3. CHARLES J. BELLAMY MUNICIPAL CLERK Issuer of Marriafre Licensfi CONVEYANCER Wills Mortgages, etc. rteeds Ajrreetnents A commissiomer for taking afTidaviU Office, Toronto Street, Flesherton .A man who wis wanted bv the police had been photographed from six different anKle.^ and the pictures had been sent out over the state. In a few days state police headciuar- ter.s received this word from a small-town constable: "I duly re- ceived the picture?! of six misci-eants wanted. Five of them have been ''ii))tuie(l and we are on the trail '>f the ?ixtih." TENDERS WANTED Tenders wanted for supplyinir 25 tons of .stoker coal, to be delivered in li;ns at Flesherton Public .School, tenders to be in the hands of thi^ iindersi,t;ned by Sat., June 4th, 1940. .nnalysis of coal to accompany the tender. â€" H. MILLIGAN, Secty. AUCTP SALP r.\RM STOCK & IMI'LEMENTS (;i:(). TIM SON will sell by PLiblie auction at LOT 7, CON. 4. 0SP14EY TWT. (2'- miles south of Maxwell) Tl'KSDAY, JUNE 7TH. lillil at I p.m., the followinu': <ATTLE â€" Red Cow, 7 years old; HI lie Cow, '.i years old; Roan Cow, 5 years old; Red Cow, -1 .years, old: HIack Cow, :! years old; all cows ai-'' fif.s'h; 5 >S)irinir Calves. PICS, FOWL â€" 12 Pius: Hin-,(' So.v; 200 7- weeks-old Chickens. 1 '.'|!'LE;M<EXTS. Ktc.-^M.-II. Elec- tric .Vlilkinff Machine, complete; M. lU- Electric Cream KeparaKoi'; 2- v.lieel Trailer; Chicken .Shelter pariK built; Extensi<iii Ladder; l'.);i5 Chev. Conch: Number of other articles. TIORM,'^: Cash. PROPKUTY FOR SALE .•\t the same time the .'iO-acro farm with new house, new ffaraKC, koo.1 l)»i-n, electric lii.!:hts in house an^l lijii-n, will lie ollVred for sale, suh.jec* to resei've hid. TeiMiis made known the day uf the sale. I-ick niiiic;in. Clerk. â€"GEO. E. DCNCAN. Auctioneer RUBIX BELGIAN STALLION Pr(>niium A â- OR SERVICE â€" Hoof No. 207 HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, EU Phone 38 MARKDALE Mr. Dunlop wiH be In C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- tirday from 6 to 8:30 p.m. GENERAL TRUCKING When in need of any kind of general trucking, at any time, Call DONALD WILSON Eugenia P.O. Phone Feveraham 20i6 This sorrel-man stallion baa al- ways been Prenviuni A and has been passed for Premium A for the next three years. This fine horse was raised at the .Michigan State College in the Unit- ed States and I>ou)?ht when risine three years liy the Dominion Gov einment. He is sure and a great siie. He has sired many hiprh-dass horses which sold at liiffh prices. Rubix will he for service at his home stable or ti-uleked on "hone Mr. John W. Burk was a week end truest of the Taylor families. Mr. Geo. Jamieson of Timimins is visitinK at his home in town. Mr. Jim Thurston of Toronto was home on the week end. Mr. and Mrs. EdJwin Fowler of Bethel visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lee. Mi-s. Wm. Love of Markdale ia visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Smith, this iweek. Mr. u'ld Mrs. Walter Poole of Col- lingwood spent Sunday with the latter'ii mother, Mrs. Geo. Lawl,er. Messrs. Bert, Joe and Bi'uce Field of Toronto spent the week end visit- ine witjh friends in town. Mr. Ray Richards is in Toi'onlo for a month, taking furtiier work on his embalmer's course. Mr. and M'l's. Gordon McKinnon of â-  Toronto s.pent the week end at their cottage in town. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Crossley and son, John, of Toronto spent the week end witlh IMrs. Crossley's mother, Mrs. Wm. Boyd. Mrs. Trelford, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bieen of Toronto and Bud Bree.n ot Detroit visited Mr. and Mrs. C. N Richardson on Sunday. Mrs. S. J. Whjte fLottie Stuart) of Windsor was a caller at The Ad- vance office Monday inorning, renew- inji her subscription. Mrs. Laurie Smith, and Ronnie, and Mirs. Barker of Toronto s.pent the week end wih Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Menzies and two chiblren of Cbatsworth visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kaitting-. Mrs. Lewis Brothwell of Smiths Falls is visitinc thi^ week with her brother, T. J. Fisher, and Mrs. Fisher, also with other relatives. Mr. Lawson White of town has purchased the Turvev property in town and will take possession im- mediately. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Thibaudeau an** three children of Dearborn, Mich., visited her father, Mr. Murk Wisoii, on the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Rawe, Mr. and Mis. Jas. Smith and familv of Buf- falo. N.Y.. were week end pruests of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Adams. -Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Pedlar, C.uelph. visited a ds'y last wee'- with the for- mer's paretn.s, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pedlar. Mr. Stewart Mc.Mull'en of Hamil ton was a pleasant visitor at Thi .-\dvance otfice Friday cvenine- on hi^ way lo visit his brothers at J<im liierley and Feversham. Mrs. Bruce McDonald and son and Miss Mar.iorie Thistlewaite of To- ronto and *Mr. Cecil Thistlewawite of Sheljniine visited on Sunday with Iboir parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jiohn Thistlewaite. Rev. A. G. Macpheison and Mr. {Jeorce Cairns are altendinir some of the sessions of the Toronto Confer- ence of the United Church this week. Tlu> Conference is lieinir held in Westminster-Central Ohurch. Recent and week end fuesls al the Ilii-klinu: home included: Miss Florence .A.rmstron;r, M5ss Aubv Aikenhead, Air. and Mi-s. Gitford Griffin and four children, all of Toronto; Miss Jessie Knijrht and Mrs. Clara H-issett -if Cha' '^v.-i't'i. Mr. and Mrs. John Brackenbury Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lon" and Mr. nnd Airs. Wilfred Li'ver attended I he li'railinition exei'cises of the Wo- liM-ti School if Niirsinvv. when Miss Mar.iorie Ilrackenbuvv was one of the ffraduatinpr class. Week end visitois with Mr. and Mrs. John Stowiart included: Mr. and Mrs. Mhik Stewart. Pontine. Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stewart and Mar .jury, Mr. Frank Stewart. Don and Doiiirlas, all of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Stewart, John, Rill and PoKliie. Rarrie; Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Stewart and Nancy Jane, Dundalk. Tlie lejrular nieetiiVK of theW. I. will he held at the home of Mrs. J. McDonald on Wed., June 8th. at 8 p.m. Payment of hospitalization dues. I'rojfiam: Mrs. I'irikerton and Mrs. Janiioson;- Lunch: cake. MH-i;,, Tcetoj-, MilliKan andi Hrackenbury; svindwich, Mrs. Hamilton, McKi.i- non and Stoddart. Mrs. Geo. Best :;nd Mrs. Russell I';irk have leceivi^d word that their niece. Miss F^dna Mary Mellafont, daujjhter of Mr. and M»'s. R. H. Mell- afont (Gertie Bellamy) of Coutts. Atla., had Rraduated from the Holy Cro-^s school of 'uirsinfc at Calparv and took hiRhest marks in her class on theory. She also was successful in her reeristered nurse exams. I Some Facts About Walter E. Harris :l LIBERAL CANDIDATE IN GREY-BRUCE Walter E. Harm Walter E. Harris need.s no introdcction to the maj- ority of voters, havi"g represented Grey-Bruce in the Federal House for the past 9 years. However, for the benefit of those who may be castinff their first vote in Grey-Bruce, we will gfive some of tre highlights of his Parliamentary career. First elected in 1940, he served in the Canadian Army in Canada, the United Kingdom, and France, 1940â€"45. Re-elected in 1945, his ability was recognized bv Primet Minister Mackenzie King, who appointed him Parliamentary Advisor to the Canadia" Dele.ga - tion to the United Nations' Assembly at Lake Suc- cess, N.Y., in 1947. At the conclusion of that Ses- sion he was appointed Parliamentary Assistant to the tfee'* Secretary of State for External Affairs (Mr. 3t. Laurent). t t t t T T T t T T t T T ♦;♦ ♦ This appointment "was considered in Ottawa to be the result of untiring work by one of the most conscientious nienibers of the House of Commons " During the Fall of 1948, Walter Harris wajf entrusted with important du- ties in the negotiations for the cntrv of Newfoundland into Confederation. Further recognition of his abilit\ came in November, 1948, whe" Mr St. Laur- ent, the newly selected Prime Minister, ap])ointe^t^M r. Harris as his Pariainen-. tary .Assistant. His legi.-^lativo oxi)erience from 1945-49 included service on the following Parliamentary Cou^iaittees: Agrictultural. the \'eterans' Aif airs. Na- tional Mag (Chairman), Redistribution V'ice-Chairman), Dominion Elections (Chairman). Mr. Harris is a nati\e of Crey County, is married to the former Grace Morrison.' has a family- of three oliildren, and resides in Markdale. We believe that A\'alier yh.rris will make the best representative for (irev- â€" Issued by GREY -BRUCE LIBERAL ASSOCIATION calls, Wm. Crockford DUNDAI.K. R. R. NO. 8 Phune Dundslk: IS.t.TI in your bank book FISHING EQUU1MENT Plys. Rods, Lines and other Pishiut; Equipment, also Tennis Supplies. REG. BODEN Phone 5i>nVl' FLESHERTON ??^ CAREFREE '»'<'?:<'*/>»'<? Your bank book is a little book . . . yet in it you can just about trace the outlines of yom- life story. f It pictui'es at a glance how much you've spent, how much you have left. It's one of your most personal, most private belongings. It gives you a full accounting, figm-ed to the penny by your bank's trained staff. Clear as a bell! Your bank book is a limited edition â€" one copy only. What is in it is known only to your bank and to you. Multiply your bank book by seven miUion and you get some idea of the book-keeping job yoxu: Canadian chartered banks are doing. There are more than seven million deposit accounts like yours ... RELIANCE PRODUCTS YOU CAN RCLY Ot^ RCtfAAfcW r IS ♦%s .1 <5> •^ ^ SPONSORED BY YOUR BANK

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