Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Jun 1949, p. 4

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<- 5 , *r «=. P : i i T J- A -1 t X X A A I* -s i T I 5 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE VV'ednesday, June 1, 1949 PRICEVILLE _»â-  â-  PORTLAW Congratulations to Mr. Jack Mc- Conkey who has grraduated team. To- ronto University in Business and Engineering; and to Emerson M^ads on recerving first class honors, standing fifth in his class of 125 at the Ontario Veterinary College at Guelph, where he has been attendinir the past two years. Mk. Alex. McLean and son. Allis- ter, of Toronto sipent the week end with his father, Colin A. McLean. Miss Betty Hincks and Eric Hincks of Lisle Sipent the week end at th«ir parental home. Many friends were sorry to learn of the death of Miss Jleibecca Nichol of London, who passed away early Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Tonner and family of Toronto were week end visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown. (intendMl for Laat Week) Mr. Ray McLean. Toronto, spent FEVERSHAM Jlrs. Frank Hannah spent a few days in Toronto with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jolhn McLean and Ruth visited his mother, Mrs. Allen McLean, at CoUingrwood nn Sunday. OVDrs. Henry Alexander accompan- ied Mrs. Howard McKee and attend- ed the weddins: of her nephew, Mr. Kenneth Perigoe in London on tho week end. Mr. Bruce Plummer visited his wife and son over the week end. Mrs. Wm. Armstrong and children of Barrie visited her sister, Mrs. Henb Eby, and attended the funeral of her aunt, Mjss May Whiteoak, on Saturday. We extend our sympathy to Mrs. Thomipson Davidson. Mrs. Ern. Dav- idson, Mrs. Jim' Davidson and Mrs. C. N. Long in the loss of their elder sister. Miss May Whiteoak. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Montgomery and daughters of Dundalk visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Long. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Parker visited his father, Mr. Wm. Parker. . Mr. and Mrs. John Hudson and Paul visited over the week end with tlieir daughters in Toronto. Mir. and Mrs. Dick Fadden and Joanne of Toronto visited her father, Mr. Eli Robinson, and attended the funeral of her aunt, the late Miss Mis Whiteoak. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rice and daugfh- ters visited over the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Long. EUGENIA Mrs. Donald Young has returned to Sarnia, after apending a few weeks wih her father, Mr. Wm. Duckett. Mr. Dennis Canwibell of Toronto spent the week end witli his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Campbell. Mr. Clarence Williams of Toronto spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams. He was here on his father's 86th birthday anniversary on May 24th. In last week's issue of The Advance, Mrs. Williams' age should have read SO years, instead of 88, as stated. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Williams and daug-hter, Jean, of Sing'hampton and Mr. W. Swannell of Heathcote were Sunday visitors at the Tudor home. iMrs. Sred Jamieson has purchased the house and property of Mrs. Thus. Stewart and has moved there- to. Mr. H. Thompson, who h-.'.d i ;- 8TH LINE OSPREY Mr. .and M'rs. Hugh Best, Niagara Falls, N.Y., visited Thursday even- in,g with Mr. and Mrs. H. Fenwick. / Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Davids.cn, Billy and Marjorie, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. Walker, Euuenia. Mr. Wes Lawler of the Eugenia power house spent the past week with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Lawler. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ottewell visited with Mr;.. Arthur White and family in Collinffwood on Saturday. Recent week end and holiday vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Davidson were: Mr. and Mrs. Gar- net Rawlings, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Dinsmore and two children. Thorn- bury; Mr. and Mrs. John Bucking- ham and Miss Bessie Dinsmore, Col- lingwood. Mrs. Geo. Lawler of Flesherton spent a few days with her son. Wal- ter, and family. Messrs. Jack .Y'oung and Jack Fadden were recent holida- visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephens. Billy and Mar.jorie Davidson snent a few days recently with their aunt, Mrs. John Buckingham. CoUingiwood. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ottewell visited Sunday with the latter's mother, MIrs. Frances Foa.ter, Vandeleur. Mr. Jas. Haley of Dundalk spent the week end at his parental home. It takes years for a mother to make a man out of hei' son, and twenty minutes for another woman to make a fool out of him. tended to purchase the property de- cided not to do so. We welcome Mrs. Jamieson to her new homo. Misses Mary and Isabel McKee Miss Patsy Taylor and Mr. F. W. McCarthy of Toronto were i-ecent vi 'tors at the McKee hmie. Mr. W. A. Martin of Ojkvill? and J'.Usses Winneta and Carnu'il;; Mar- tin of Toronto, and Miss Mai.-ge Martin of Singhmapton were visit- ors on the 24th with theii' parenvs. Mr and Mrs. Cha?. Marti'i. Mr. Chas. Martin received tht news that his sister. Miss Nettie .Martin, was in Owe.i ^ound hospital and underwent an operation for ap- pendicitis. She is orogressmg very favoraibly. Recent visitors w.th Mr. j,mi Mrs. II. .\. Roetteer were; Mr. and Mrs. ^!ox. MiH.s(?linan, Jim and Ken, of Whitbv. Mr. and Mi-. H;ilph Muss- clman. Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. D. Koettgei', Lexington; Mr. and Mrs. Clavton Baetz and Bob, Elmwood, and' Mrs. Boetz Neustadt: Miss Vera Urana, Chesley, Mr. and Mrs. F Kevnon Jr. and family, Collingwood, the week end with H. B. MfcLean and attended the nresentation for Mr. and Mrs. D. Aldcorn. Miss Isalbel K.arstedt of Toronto spent the week end at her home. I Mr. Innis McLean, Mrs. Jack Mac- farlane and sons of Toronto spent the week end with their firther, Mr. Colin A. McLean. Miss Nellie McLean, Toronto, spent a few days with her aunt, Mrs. Run cinian and other friends. iMr. and Mrs. Frank MIcArthur and son of Collingwood, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. McLean of London were week end visitors at tlie home of L. McAi:thur, Mrs. Belle MaeCannell, Mrs. G. A. Black, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Redfern, all of Brantford, visited on monday at the home of A. L. Hincks. Messrs. Carman Whvte and Jeo Wright of Fergus spent the week end at their homes. , „ . , Mr. and Mrs. Ward Harrison and Jean of Flesherton visited Sunday at the hfime of Edgar Patterson. The Shortreed family moved last week to the Simpson house here. Miss. Isabel Mather of Toronto spent the week end at her home. Week end visitors at the Sturrock home \vere: Miss Audrey Agnew, To- i-,mto; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fergu- son and family. Miss Ei^nice Green, Miss Joan Hodder. all of Mt. Forest. CEMENT Due to the fact that Canadian Cement is in such short supply, we h.ive ordered a car of American cement, which should arrive here this week end. Get your supply now while available. D. MacTAVISH & SONS Phone 9 Flesherton General Insurance AUTO - FIRE LIABILITIES Special low fates for most fJrivate cars D. G. MacARTHUR Phone 82 J FLESHERTON <hm^><.<..X">»m~:«<~>«x~K">'X~:~><'<">*<*<'<'*'>**<"W~>***«~*"*"^^ Cream • I. Since we are approacring the peak of cream production and the warm weather, we advi.se oiu" patrons to deliver their cream at least twice a week and eceive the highest returns. . We are paying 2 cents above truck prices for delivered cream, so why not deliver your cream to the Flesherton Creamery, where you are ornaran- teed service and hi^fhest market prices for your prodcct. Now trat the Egg production is falling off. we advise vou to cull your flock and market those hens that are not laying, and cut down yuur feed expenses. We are paying top market prices for fowl, either alive or dressed. TRY FLESHERTON CREAMERY: THE PLACE OF SATrSPACTION AND SERVICE. Flesherton Creamery Angus Avi«, Manager Phone 66 Flesherton Ontario iM^4M^<^<.^^<"^♦♦•^<•♦•HHH•♦♦<K•♦<•*•>♦♦♦♦<•<^•M•*<••><"•r<"5"5••><•<•<••5•^ Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stewart and family of Collinswood .spent Thurs- day with Mr. and Mrs. E. Blackburn. Mir. and .Mrs. Haiitley Ltlackhum, Sharon and George, of Lalieview, also were visitors at the Blackburn home. We are ple.ised to renoii Mrs, J. W. Haney feelinR; better and at her home now. After leaving Orangeville hospital she spent a week with her niece, Mrs. A. Moore, in Toronto.! Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McKee, Ruth and June, spent a few duvs with relatives hero. Miss Bertha Winters enjoyed a fi>w days with her niece, Mrs^ Laurie Pedlar. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blackburn of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. .1. Rise-' borough of Stayner and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hill of Colilnfrwood vis- ited the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisher. MEss Evelyn Fisher, Owen Sound, is spending the summer months at her parental home here. Allan Betts, who has be.in work- injc in Toronto for a month, snent the holiday ^vith his parents. Mr. and iMr3. Herb Betts. Other visit- ors in the Betts home were: Mr. and Mr';. Frnd Betts and Cheryl, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dillon, Mr. .irthur Btus and girl friend, all of Toronto. â-  .Mr. .fohn Wilkinson and son, Jim. had as guests on the 24th: Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilkinson and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stephens and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. O. Rus.;ell and Shirley, ]M)rs. Edna Russell. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilkinson, Ken and Arlene, Miss Mable Ross and Fred Wilkinson of Heathcote. MAKE BOTH THE Inside and the Outside the THE BRIGHT SIDE with RAMSAY'S Paints and Enamels E. J. FISHER 5c to $L00 Store FLESHERTON MAXWELL SWINTON PARK A stitch in time saves embarrass- iii'j; exposure. CEMENT GRAVEL, SAND DELIVERED OR LOADED IN YOUR OWN TRUCK H. A. McCauley Phone 24J FLESHERTON Visitors at the home of Fred Knox on Sunday were: Mrs. Wm. Meads and Glen of the O.D.R.; Mr.-,. .lean McMurdo, son. Hector, and srrand- son, Jackie McMurdo, and nephew, Billy McLean: Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Turnback of Mt. Forest and Mrs. J. H'll and son, Ross, of Dundalk. Mr and Mrs. Geo. Porte- visited Ravenna friends on Saturday. â- Mi^u Rpt.i Porter and friend of Toronto .spent tiie week end at the home of Geo. Porter. Mr. and Richard Lawrero? of De- troit and Mrs. Thos, Phibbs and son, Franklyn, of Windsor. M-'. and Mrs. J.cl: Parslotw of Tho.nbinv spent Sunday at the Hardv home. Mr. Wallace McCoi-vii, ic and Lome Wright have rented fclie Alex. Knox farm. Mr. Andy Wright has treated him- self to a new car. Happy motoring! Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Parker and little son of Detroit, Mich., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Sled on the week end. Mr. and Mtrs. Jack Beatty and two children of Owen Sound visited with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Fenwick Sunday. Mrs. Mel. Sletl, Mrs. Gertrude Seeley and Mrs. Wm. Benson snent Friday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Morrison and children spent the week end with Toronto relatives. Ma»^vell ball team played a winn- ing game of ball at Feversham on Monday evening. iMr. and M!rs. Harry Parkins ot Bognor and Miss Eunice Plummer oi near Red Wing visited at the fiomc of Geo. Ross on Sunday. Mr. Jack Monaighan of Listcwei spi-nt a few days with his parents, IMr. and Mrs. Cecil Monaghan. Rent.v your subscription now. PAINTING & PAPERING done by J. TOMLIJJSON Phone 5r42 Feversham. Eugeni" Some people are born great, others make thenLf^lves great and the rest of tlieni .uTate upon others. NOTICE â€" FARMERS 24 Hour Service WE PAY AS HIGH AS $10.00 FOR DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES and COWS \ tcwrdinK to size uid wndition â€" Small aaimals removed free. We do the loading. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR OLD HORSES Phone Dundalk 146 â€" Reverse Charges NICK PECONI, OWNER -:. , ,iK?i.i %fl^^w^^ ^' >&& %d ^ J' &-^ ikmv'^ ,1 i I You Con Defeat Your Biggest Tax Problem .... That is the 8% '^•ile.s tak. The one the budget mis.sed. The one thuit hits yqu hardest. This quotation "... This tiix costs the Canadian taxpayers .^0 cents for everv dollar of processed material" from a Liberal member of Parliament shows what the government is doing to keep taxes high . . . despite the "bribery" reductions in the budget. So that you may have a sure, adequate income, the Progressive Conservative Party will • Reduce sales taxes. • Reduce income tax rates and increase exemptions. • Provide deductions to farmers for mem- bers of family who contribute to revenue. • End the administrative persecution of farmers bv tax collectors. lor your protection the Progressive Conservative Party will take these steps: PRICES â€" Permanent floor price legislation based on these principles: • A definite formula in the Farm Prices • Floor prices will be announced well in Support Act for arriving at floor prices. advance of production period. • The formula will allow for variations in • The floor price formula will be arrived production and demand for individual at in consultation with representatives products. of producers. EXPORT MARKETS Restoration of the Canadian Wheat Board to serve its original purpose as a Marketing Agency for wheat producers . . . and its extension to include the handling of coarse grains. Inclusion of representatives of farmer's organizations on all Boards dealing with farm matters. Aggressive and immediate action to recapture lost markets; the development of new markets; to achieve security of export markets through foresighted negotiations. Dominion marketing legislation based on the principle of democratic producer control. PRODUCTION Reclamation and conservation of existing soil resources; development of new producing lands through irrigation; greater accessibility to domestic markets by improved transportation facilities. VOTE FOR FRANK D. SAWYER YOUR PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE PubllthMl by Hw Pr«gr«t»lva Coni«rvoHv» Party of Conoda, 141 Laurior Av«. W., Ottawa

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