Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Sep 1948, p. 4

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M««k«Mb«IM-M^ Wednesday, v'^eptember 15. 1948 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE Flesherton Advance Published on CoUioffwood St.. FlMherton, Wednesday of eaek week. Circulation 1,100. Priea 12.00 a year in Canada, paid In . xdvanee; $2.60 per year in tha United States. J. THUB.TTON. Editor SWINTON PARK Those who alieiuied the ONE from lierc were: Mr. Dolbert Haw, Watt Knox. Carlylo MoMilli-n and Howard WatsoB. Mr. Wni. Wat.son of Dt'tioit is sin-ndinK- a few days at his home. A few from the viciniy attended the Duihani Fair on Friday. Mr. Wallace KinncU of Detroit visited with his brother and sistei for a few days. Mr. and Mr.s. Jay. Hardy and Elea- nor, accompanied by Miss Muriel Martin and Mr. W. Hutchinson, vis- ited Kora friend.s on Sunday. (Intended fcr I>asl W.-eki .Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McLeod spent the week end in the Park. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Porter and babe of Hamilton and Mr. and Mr.s. Wes- ley Porter of Pit'stort. Mr. and Mrs. | Art Cameron of Dundalk spent Sun- d.-.v with Mr. and Mr.«;. -Tohn Porter. ' Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Crowhurst of Toronto spent Sunday at the home of R. S. H.Trdy. Miss Ari'.vs Hrard of Toronto is visitinjr at her parent.-il home. , Mr. Fred Fell and Andrew Dow \ left for the West to spend a few , weeks. Mr. and Mis. Milford C<irbett and baby snent the week end with K\> parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Corbett. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Caniii>bel! and baby of Stevensville spent the week end with the foi-mer'.s parents Mr. and Mrs. Neil Campbell and also with Dundalk friends. Mr. and Mrs. .^lex. Knox have re- turniid to Toronto, after spending the r-ummer at their farm here. north of Ft. William. Jack expects to coniiplete his enKineerini; course at Toronto University tliis year. Mr. Dickie Pedlar returned to To- ronto, after spendincr the past two months with his uncle, Dick Carson. Mr. and Mrs. Art Idle and Mr. and .Mis. G. Wiley and Devona visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Wickens near Kinibciley on Sundu.". Misses Prisc'lla Underhill i#id Ktlfel .Mkens of Uutr«lo spent the week en<l with .Mrs. Shortreed and family. Mrs. Joe MeKee was also a truest in the same home Sunday. Miss Florence McPhail and friend '>f Toronto spent the week end with Mrs. Blwood Kinsman. .Mr. Grant Muir, who has spent the .summer preaching at Sowerby is vis- itinir at his homo and will return to University to complete his theologi- cal course. Miss Lou Gibson and father of Toronto spent the week end at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Cha.s. .Aldcorn and babe, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Aldcorn, all of Toronto, snent the week end with their mother here. The W.I. was held Thur.sday after- no(m at the home of Mrs. Angus MaeArthur, with a larRe attendance of members and visitors After the business period, Mrs. Joe Harrison irave a splendid paper on the motto "If you have patience, give me a share; if you have doubts, keep them* I have lots of them," which was cn- jovod. Mrs. Stanley Mead of Royal Tide W.I., Durham, was the puest 'â- noaker and spoki' bricflv on home ' cnnomics -nd demonstrated by card- ine and spinnintr wool. .She also disnlayed several pieces of china, which she had painted, a woo] rup: and angoru mitts and trloves she hud made. Mrs. Mead also rendered Ji solo, which was also enjoyed. A nuisical nUimber waa given by Mrs. J. C. Harrison, Mrs. Campbell and .Mrs. A. L. Hincks. Mrs. Mary Mc- l.achliin was presented with a lovely ifift, prior tn leavin>f foi- her new liunie in Durham Mrs. McLachlan voiced her appreciation and invited alU to visit her in her new home in Durham. The president moved a vote ol tlianks to Mrs. Mead for her most helpful and interesting talk and demonstration. V A N DTELirU R .Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Harbottle and family of Gognor were recent visitors with the former's parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Jas. Harbottle. Miss Kathleen Wyville of Toronto spent a coupe* of days with her fa- '.her, Mr. Wes Wyville. Mrs. Ethel Hutehintion and Miss .Myrtle Fawcett visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lougheed, near Mea- ford, recently. CEDARSIDE B.APTIST CHURCH Rev. Wm. Alton White. E.D. Services next Lord's Day â€" Wor- ship at 11 a.m.; Church School at noon. The mid-week Prayer and Praise Sei-vice on Wednesday even- ing at 9.-M o'clock. The B.Y.P.U. on Friday evening at St.'JO o'clock at the home of Mr. Emerson Beaton. ROCK MILLS Baptist Church Ser- vices next Lord's Day â€" Worship at :; p.m. and Church School at 2 p.m. The mid-week Prayer and Praise Sei"vice on Thursday evening at •â- <:'X0 o'clock. Car Kills Flock Of Birds (Paisley Advocate) We witnessed a rather curious inci- dent last Friday eveninf; as we drove to Southampton just before dark. A car swung past us, going probably 50 miles an hour, and ,iust as it swung back into the centie of the road ahead a lai'ge flight of small brown birds swept down and acro,ss in front ot the .speeding machine. There were probably about two hundred birds in the flock, and the majority of the feathered creatures appeared to fly blindly into the path of the car. Many were hit, and little bodies flew all over the place. As we were close behind the preceding machine, our car was struck by a number of the birds â€" some of which had been hit by the fii"st car. Curiosity prompted us to stop and back up to the point of original contact, and we counted thirteen of the birds dead on the pavement, which does not take into account some of the dead and injured which fell in the grass of the adjoin- iner fields. Whether the birds mis- judged their line of flight, or flew blindly into the path of the car we shall never know, but to' us it was a «ui-i)ri3ing incident. *♦•:'*♦• .<r^f^^ir>^^^^f^f'yf^f^^^^^^,f^yfr^fKf<^^ \ X I I I y Y ? Y X X .s. Hoivcy Special No. 1 Grade AMBER Honey 19c per lb. IN YOUR OWN CONTAINERS OUR FLESHERTON PLANT will be open to serTe you September 13th to Sept. 18th, each day and each evening, jintil Saturday, Sept. 18, at 6 p.m. W HITE HONEY, 8 LB. PAIL |2JS PARKVIEW APIARY ; PHONE 94 J Believe all you hear when an en- gineei- whistles for a crossing. One debt some folk are not anxious to collect is from relatives who say, "We owe .you a vsit." .Somebody should tell Mr. Taxpay- er that the only money the govern- ment has to give him is what it takes out of his pocket. FLESHERTON, ONT. """" 'TTTtfttif iiiim i nin i M iiii n i ini A- Next door reminds us that ong. of our crying needs is more spankingrs. The average modem apartment is no place like home. .^ wisp of hair will oft 'recall Sweet memories like a flash, But it calls up lots of other things When you find it in the hash. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC REFUSE DUMPING ON ROaDS rN ARTBMBSIA TOWNSHIP All persons are hereby notified to cease diimping tin cans, rubbisb > anything on the roadsiBes in Arte- mesia Township, under penalty of prosecution. â€" By Order of the Road Supt. PRICEVILLE (Intended for L^ist Week; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tucker and family visited on Sunday at Atwood. Mr. Jas. Stunock visited with his father, Mr. Geo. Sturrock, at Hope- ville . on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wilson, Kenneth, Donald and Merna, of Cornwall, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Carson and Mr. Vin- cent .Archer of Bowmanville were visitors last week with the Carson families. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Harrison and famih- were recent visitors at At- wood. Beth remained for a visit. Mr. and Mr«. J. ('. McLachlan and IWTiily of Orillia spent a few days at the h.->me i>f Mrs. Mary McLaeklan. Rlr. iMarshall of Homings Mills was a visitin- last week with Mr."?. Wright and Ilowanl Duxbuiy. Mrs. Ferguson, Miv. NeJl .McLeod and Marjoi-ie of Swinton Park. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McLeod of Toronto were visitors Saturday at the homo of Jas. Stunock. On Sunday, Mr. â- and Mrs. Geo. Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fisher and Miss Mary Mc- Donald of Holstein were visitors at the same homo. Mr. and Mrs. F^arl Siegner and family of Walkerton were Sunday visitors at the home of Wm. Brown. Miss Betty Hincks loft last week to tench at Glencaim school. Mi.ss Isabel Karstedt left iMonday for her school at Toronto. Mr. Ross McConkey of Toronto •pent the week end at his parental home. .lack McConkoy is visitinir at Ma home, after spending the summer DELL Theatre DURHAM "South Grey's M.ost Modern Theatre Thursday - Friday Saturday September 16, 17, 18 "THE THIEF OF BAGDAD" SABI Starrirjf JUNE DUI'REZ ''It Can't Be Done "SUp Happy Lion" .JSaturdny .Matinee at 2:30 pjm. Shows at 7 and 9 Monday Tuesday Wednesday September 20, 21, 22 VAN JOHNSON and JINK AM.iaON "THE BRIDE GOES WILD" Addvd "South of Monterey" hi TecknicoUr ••A<R.M»ATTY ItUNNY" YOUR HYDRO CHAIRMAN REPORTS i â- 4 T % ^ on the Power Shortage r+-f * :o«««S>OHO.O.T««0^^^^ ..â- Â«"';: „.«t - YJ."°'"" >eNuC 4 Sep^ . the consMii^^y T^« ^'"Tindustries - f ^jor increase"^ P^o^^^ with^^« farms and ^^'^'^.^le demand iot ging \°^ .^^^s ^o ^^^*^ ' ^°"^!U S^g ^^^^n'e a^d industry i^^^^tion and more i ^r/teaday rrtSi'm'an greater V^o^ 'Jct^Uon,^-^:^ , increase in d-SiorSlowatt fv^fclrio prospero ^^^ ^^'^ „f four ^n^r^^to effect " ±Xf%^^ '^irii^'.Wj -toft t'^.°?'JSX» ^^'^'^ >â-  ,our9 P«' -TL' septemo"" "...ge ll-8^*'^"*„^er >*ay*\,^ttt bours P®*" "^.^^^S -^^» -?.^'- --^^ ''^"'' bannit^e ^''T^ons we ^^^^^^^^d have a hamp- these reduction ^^^e v^ you •^ then c«n '"6 in Ontario- „„ every 21* "_„n*.. »^* '^^'S ^t electric l«^P^ ^ a ^f/ ^^'ontario ^J}'Z no need lir^enrlr -at -c. exec ,, ^.uXd .. a^^.^ for cut off. . ^,^ ,^ v.er P^'^tv motor or appii^^^ ,- of the '^•'lectricity Si5=- â€" :f every -^;j\nat auch elec ,. ^e a 2U hour jQuivalent Ol ^ ^uld ^ *_viance the V â- Â» .A ' »i. ,£Cort.-^^y';V needed. ^-'- : ^^st be main- the Hydro .Electric CY*ir«Mn» Po>«r CoK»ission of Ontario. •^^^ ^ it-

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