Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Sep 1948, p. 8

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iWednesday, Septtmber 8, 1948 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Small Adsi FOR SALE â€" Fox hound pup.â€" Wei fiknith, Flesiierton, phone 5>©w4. FOR SALE â€" Barn B0x54 feet, in first da*g condition. Write Box 260 The Advance office. 14pl JfAiTTED â€" KsuKamTiM raitable fo; mink and foi t»«d. â€" Bert Mclntost Eu<«iti«, â- phoa» Fevvrshr i 5r2C FOR SALE â€" lOO Leghorn pullets 4 months old. â€" Norman Williams, Singhampton. FOR SALE â€" Black and tan fox hound, 6 years old, well broken.â€" G. B. Welton, phone 3 Fleshcrtoi). NOTICE â€" Custom plowing and discing. â€" Grant Sayers, R. R. No. 1, Pricea-ille, phone Durh'f.m 273J1. FOR SALE â€" 58 Light Sus^-ex pul- lets. â€" Mrs. Wm. Campbell, Ceylon, phone l04w5 Flesherton. 15c2 COAL YOUR FAVORITE FUEL PROMPTLY DELIVERED Sam Wright & Son Phone 170 MARK DALE ROCK MILLS The harvest is amost all gathered ijj throughout tlhis diistriot. Fall wheat has been sown and the farm- ers are now fall plowing. Our lichool did not open this week, owing to the intcrioj' being painted, but will open next week. Mr. and .Mrs. Frank Leavell and Mrs. Robt. Clark of Collingwood were visitors at the Clark home on Sunday. Mrs. Clark remained for a • longer visit. , Ml-, and Mrs. Fred Partridge ol Gait spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Partridge. Mr. Maimit Dobson, Miss Marg- aret Park and Mr. and Mt-s. Dii'k Clark motored to the north and spent the week end with friends neai Burks Falls. Mr. and Mrc. Henry Martin and fcvvo ehihiren are holidaying for a v/i'ek with friends in the north. Maid: ''I'm sorry, but she said to toll you that she is not home." Caller: "Oh, that's all risht; just tell her that I'm glad I didn't come." LADIES: READ THIS! FOR S.\LE â€" Pony, 10 years old, weighs about 500, quiet; also har- ness and saddle. â€" Robt. Ward R. ., R. 4 Flesherton, phone 74J3. FOR SALE â€" Aberdeen-Angus bull, 8 months old, eligible for regis- tration. â€" Jos. Hawkins, R. R. 4 Flesherton. 14p2 FOR SALE â€" 29 Oldsmobile c^ch. A/pply to Mrs. Eldridge Boyce, Collingwood or Boyce Garage, Eugenia, phone 119Jl Flesherton. 1X>ST â€" Black and white collie pup, eliort tail, answers to name "Pat." Finder notify Ken Wickens, phone 20r4l Feversham. 14c3 FOUND â€" In Flesherton some time ago, purse with small amount of •money. Owner can secure same at The Advance office. FOR SALE â€"''1931 Model A Ford sedan, heater, deluxe horns, double windshield wipers, sunshades. Ap- ply at 369-6th St., Collingwood. FOR SALE â€" 1938 V- Fordor Sedan, good condition, good tires, reasonable. â€" Harold Fen wick, Eugenia, phone Feversham 9r21. FOR SALE â€" Cockshutt 3-disc trac- tor plow in good condition, also a quantity of dry <-lm and spruce lumber, 1 and 2 inch.. â€" Laverne Morwood, Kimiberley. 15p2 Unwanted hair removed instantly from face arms, legs, with Flash Hair Remover. Harmless â€" leaves skin soift and smooth. You can't lose. Money protmptly refunded if hair gi"Ows back after third appli- cation with no questions asked. Com- plete treatment $2 postpaid. (CO. D.'s â€" Postage extra). KAPEX PRODUCTS (Dept. 335) Box 22, Station B, Montreal, Que. FOR SALE COTTAGE LOTS GEORGIAN BAY On Colpoy Bay in Bruce Peninsula, bii-ch tree sites, good fishing, spring water, ideal lots at bargain price â€" Wjb Mallory, 71 Burton Avenue, Barrie, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persoqs having claims against tTie Estate of CHRISTOPHER THOMSON of Flesherton, Ontario, Retired Farmer, who died January Twelfth, 194i8, are required to file their claims with me prior to Sep- tember thirtieth, 1948. â€"J. H. McQUARRIE, Durham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executrix FOR SALE â€" Kitchen or' dining- room -suite, walnut finish, buffet taible and 4 chairs, practically new. â€"Mrs. Walter Russell, R.R. 1 Fle- sherton, phone 75w5. 14«2 FARM FOR SALE â€" lOO acre farm Lets 106-167, 1 S.W., Artemesia, 2 miles .=outh of Flesherton on No. 10 Highway.â€" L. R. Thistlethwaite 38 Roosevelt Rd., Toronto. 5t.f. FOR SALEl â€" Cows and young cattle Apply to ElJis Weber, phone 78J6 Flesherton, or Gordon Wilson, Kimberley, phone C27rl3 Thorn- biiry. 14p2 WOOD FOR SALE â€" Hardwood slabwood $25.00 for truck load de- livered; mixed so'twood .$20.00; approximately 8 cords per load.â€" Walter Playter, phone 146J at Markdale. 12p8 FARM F-OR SALE 100 acres. Lot 7, Con. 5, Artemesia, owned by estate of the late John K MacLeod; wimlmill, deep bored well, water pumped to house; soft water and Hydro in house; 18 acres hard- wood bush; medium size barn. Apply at farm to E. J. Clenister. 15p4 VALLEY ROAD SOUTH nnten(le<l for Last Woek) Threshing is the order of the day. .Mr. Fred Wickens, who spent the past six weeks in the West, returned home on Friday. Mi's. .Alfred Stackhouse and daugh- ter of London visited at the home of W. A. Weber over the week end. Mr. Clifford Ward had the misfor- tune to have one of his best lambs dro^vned in the spring. Mr. Pat Weber and his mother vis- ited Mrs. Welber's brother. Art Shepherd, at Meaford on Sunday, where the stork had left a pair of fine boys, Ronald and Donald. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gibson of Price- ville called on the Wickens family on Sunday, while going to Meaford. Consider the tack and the auto tire I â€" and don't go around blowing your.self up. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the Estate ot Lome, Turvey, of the Village ol Flesherton, de<)eased. All persons having claims against the Estate ot Lorne Turvey, late ot the Village of Flesherton, in the County of Grey, deceased, who died on the 5th day of August, 194i8, are hereby required and notified to send prepaid to the undersigned Solicitors to the Administratrix, on or before the 13th day of September, 1948, full particulars verified by sta- tutory declaration. Immediately after the said 13th day of September, 1948, the Estate will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the Solicitors shall then have had notice. Dated at Markdale this 21st day of August, A.D. 1948. â€"HARRIS & DUNLOP, Marktfale, Ont. Solicitors to the Administratrix F. T. HILL & CO., Limited j FOR SALE â€" Modern furniture, I good as new; 6-piece breakfast i tsuite, chrome; 2 occasional chair?, i chrome finish; baby bathinette.â€" i Mrs. Mei-vyn Crane, Munshaw House, phone 3. 14p2 ; WANTED â€" Man for uteady travel among consumers around Flesher- ton. Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only reliablo hustler considered. Write Rawleigh Dept. MLâ€" 1-206-131, Montreal, Que. ]4c5 HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRISTERS, SOLKITOKS. Etc Phone 38 MARKDALE Mr. Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:30 p.m DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN A SURGEON Oiadaate of Toronto UnWeraitj Office: Keniwdv Bloek Phone 77 FlMhert<« Back-to-School Need AT PRICES YOU CAN AFFORD TO PAY Boys' Long Tweed Pants ., $2.95 Boys' Shirts plaid and plain, long and shor sleeves Boys' Sweaters long and short sleeves WincJ Breakers $L95 to $4.95 .All w.'intcd sizes and colors Local aod Personal Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Kennedy are on a motor trip to Marmora this week. AJr. and Mrs. Claude Akins are {spending a few days in Toronto. Mrs. Russell Park and Roy speni a week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hawken were in Toionto on Thursday. Mr. Geo. Jamieson of Timmins was in town for a few days this week. Mr. Bruce Thurston spent the past week picking fruit at Winona. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fisher and Eldon Fisher of Toronto holidayed with their mother, Mrs. Ed. Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Boyd left last week on a moath's motor trip to Western Canada. Mrs. W. Kaittine is visiting hei^ daughter, Mrs. Stanley Menzies, at Chatsworth. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Andrews and two sons spent the week end and holiday at Alton. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart MacTavish and son, .Aillan, of Oshawa spent the week ond and holiday in town. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Fogg of Winni- peo- called on Mr. and Mrs. Russell Park on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Banks of Toron to and Ted Banks of Ayr were holi- day visitor's at their parental home. Mr. Frank Bunt and Miss Florence Bunt of Toronto were week end and holiday guests with Mr. and Mrs. C. S. MacTavish. Mr. Robt. Banks and Miss June J Hardy of Ft. Erie and Mr. Don Banks ' of Pickering are holidaying: his week with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Banks. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Jordison and Thelma of Lake St. Peter visited ovei the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Duncan. Rev. A. G. Macpherson is to con- duct Morning Devotions over CFOS, Owen Sound, this Friday, Sept. lOth, at 9 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Johnston, re- cent groom and bride, returned to town last week and have taken up residence in Mrs. W. Boyd's resi- dence. Mr. Johnston is on the staff of the high school. Mr. C. B. perigoe, Mary Kay, and Miss Katie Butler of Malton, Mr. and Mrs. Howard McKeee and Mrs. H. Alexander of Feiversham and Mr. Harry Stewart and two sons, George and Ken, of St. Pauls, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ab. StewarJ. The following teachers left Mon- day for their schools: Evelyn Mac- Tavish, Laura Boyd, Kate Maemillan and Dell Thurston, to Toronto; Anne Akins, to Rouge Hill; Margaret Tur- ney, to Port Colbome; Beatrice Thistlethwaite, to Brighton; Jeanette Hass, to Rock Mills; Marion Stautl'er, to Wellandport, and Lois Sparks, to Colbeck. Mr. John Milligan returned to his home on Monday after spending the past two months with his uncle, Mr. Whi. Milligan, near Cookstown. He was accompanied by his uncle and his gprandmother, Mrs. Thos Milligan. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eagles over the week end and holi- day were; Mr. and Mrs. Vern Bowen o) St. Catharines^ Mr. and Mrs. John Loufrheed of Fergus, Mr. R. E Loughei'd of New York, Mr. and Mrs I). J. Toiey, .Ann and Jackie, of .\ew Hamburg. Sundav visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mairee, Eugenia, were; Mr. and Mr.-. Jof PorteoHs, 4th line, .Mr. and Mrs. Lawsim White and Wayne of Flesherton, Mr. and Mrs. Joe" Little, Itonna ;ind Darlono, of Proton Sta- tion, Mr. Karl Mageo and Mr. and Mrs. Kilbourn Magee of Victoria Corners. Banks in England employ nearly 15,000 women, but who would dare accuse them all of being telllers? STORE CLOSED Store closed from Monday, Sept. 6th to Sept. 10th C. J. KENNEDY Phone 37 FLESHERTON r NOTICE â€" FARMERS 24 Hour Service WE PAY AS HIGH AS $10.00 FOR DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES and COWS According to size and condition â€" Small animals removed free. We do the loading. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR OLD HORSES Phone Dundalk 146 â€" Reverse Charges NICK PECONI, OWNER F. H. W. Hickling DEPARTMENT STORE SCHOOL DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN WE ARE WELL-PREPARED TO FILL YOUR WANTS FOR SCHOOL WEAR Boys' and Girls' Sweaters Shirts and Underwear Boys' and Girls' Jerseys Students' Suits^ "" Leather Footwear Tweed Caps Canvas Footwear Odd Trousers Hosiery Wind Breakers Smart Patterns in Dinner Ware in Eng:lish Oinner Ware. Dinner ware has been in .short .sui)])ly ior a long time, and we were fortunte Just novv we have a nice assortment of smart patterns to secure these. 50 Piece Sets $15.50 40 Piece Set „.. S19.50 53 Piece Set S24.75 53 Piece Sot $39.50 66 Piece Stt $39.50 97 Piece Set $39.50 A new assortment of English Bone China Cups and Saucers now on display J i I SCHOOL SHOES â€" Scampers and Running Shoes i I I CHARLES J. BELLAMY y»- MUNICIPAL CLERK Inner of Marriage Lieensea CONVEYANCER WiHg Mortgagee, etc. Deeia Agreeonents A conunisBiamer for taking affidayiU Office, Toronto Street, FtoahertoB .'\ Uirj^o selection of BOYS' SUITS Worsted and 'rweeds for .Ml Sizes Misses' and Children's Washable Print Dresses Wool Jumpers, sizes 3 years to 14x Girls' Navy and Brown Alpine Tunics Misses' and Children's White Cotton Blouses Girls' Cotton Plad Dresses, 4 to 14 'TEEN-TIMER ALL-WOOL SUIT Regular $10.95 to $12.95, Sale Price $8.95 LARGE SHIPMENT OF FLOOR COVERINGS Inlaids, Moires, Jaspes, Felt Base Many patterns to choose from. F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. Phone 7 Markdale '^ EXHIBITION AUGUST 28 to SEPTEMBER 11 (Except Sunday) Reduced Fare $5.05 Children â-  $2.95 Round Trip includes Exhibition Admission and Bus Titeiȣer direct into and from the Grounds Leave Flesherton 9.07 a.m. b8.27 p.m. Leave Toronto , b9.05 a.m. al2.45 p.m. c 5.20 p.m. a : Saturday only - b : Sunday and Holiday Tickets and Informtaion from . . R. Boden c : Daily except Saturday Flesherton Phone 63

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