Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 Jul 1948, p. 2

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elopment Threatened â€" The big oil companies have the jitters. The Is are beneath the sands of the Middle East (above), where Arab coun- mericati support of the Jewish state in Palestine. Arab retaliation could of oil to the tanker loading pipelines on the Persian Gulf, and force the J.S. to share its own too-small domestic supplies. rCOESON IN THE VOfiLD ^^NormauBlalr is obscured. During the summer temperatures running as high as 105 degrees are common. Back in 1926 the first of some 2000 Mennonites arrived in this savage country. Searching for a land where they could live accord- ing to their peculiar religious ten- ets many of them had moved from Germany to Russia, then to Canada and the United States. Paraguay seems to be their last frontier. The life of the Mennonites in the Chaco' has been an unending struggle against nature- In order to reach their markets, products have to be carried first in carts drawn by oxen or horses, then transferred to a tiny railroad, then floated down the Paraguay River. But the Mennonites chief crop â€" long fibred cotton â€" has made them, if not wealthy, at least self suffici- ent. Before many weeks have pas- sed their ranks will be swelled by a notable addition. Toward the end of Juii« 1500 Mennonites left the Red River Valley in Southern Man- itoba and sailed from Quebec on the Dutch ship \oleiidam. Their dest- ination was the Paraguayan Chaco where the life may be hard, but where they hope to find the freedom from "worldly influences" that has been the goal of stricter members of the sect ever since it originated in Europe in the IGtli century. Russia During the past few weeks Rus- sian progress in Europe appears to have slowed dovvr considerably, and it now seems as if the policy- makers in the Kreniliir» had decided to turn attention toward Asia, at least for the time being. Reports from Burma sound as though the Communists had been getting in some of their best prop aganda work there, and there are many indications that this former British colony is definitely moving toward the Soviet orbit. Dispatches from China give in creasing evidence of real deteriora tioii in Nationalist circles- It is now a secious possibility that before many weeks have passed all of China down to the Yellow River will be in Communist hands. France is making no real head- way in its long effort to reclaim In do China. There is trouble in Mal- aya; and the Dutch have yet to establish anything hke a satisfactory relationship with the Indonesians. Just how much Russia is directly responsible for all this trouble and unrest cannot be determined with any certainty. But there is little doubt that chaotic conditions are increasing throughout Asia, and that such conditions are ideal for Russian exploitation. So it seems only reasonable to assume that Mos- cow is definitely interested in the possibilities that exist in that area of the world, and is not just sitting idly by letting i vents shape them- selves. So You Can't Sleep If you're troubled with insomnia, you're probably brainier than the average person â€" at least that's the opinion of a noted neuropsychiatrist, and any men who can tote a title like that around without getting a backache should know what he's talking about. This neuro â€" etc- etc-, maintains that an active mind requires far less sleep than a mind preoccupied with dull or unimportant matters. Auth- orities have never been able to agree on the exact number of houri of sleep required by the average per son. But lying awake at night !a â-  comfortable bed is rareljr danger- oui to ene'a hc«ltk. Greatest Known Oil Reserve On Earth Canada suffers from oil anaemia, producing only about a seventh of her needs from her own wellsâ€" says the Monthly Letter of The Royal Bank of Canada. Yet widespread seepages in favorable structures in the Mackenzie River Basin indicate the possibility of opening up new fields to supplement those at Fort Norman and in the Turner Valley. We also have enormous oil deposits in the tar sands of Albertaâ€" according to the Canada Year Book "the greatest known oil reserve on the face 'of the earth." Up to now the difficulty has been to find an economic method of reclaiming this oil. But it will be well worth- while to seek for such a method, as the estimates of the amount of oil varies from that of Canadian geologists of 100- billion tons to that of the United States Bureau of Mines, 250 billion tons. R«d Threat Is Ever Present There should be no complacency â- â- ^ver the fact that in the Ontario elections and the three recent Fed- eral by-elections, the Socialists mus- tered less than a third of the popu- lar vote, say* The Financial Post in a recent editorial. With far less support thaw'tfiat there have been plenty of woHd examples where totalitarian parties have been able to smother all resistance. In Russia and in pre-war Ger- many and Italy, the Communists, Nazis and Fascists never were in the majority, but they acquired complete control. Since the war we have seen the same thing happen in Czechoslovakia, .Bulgaria, Hun- gary and Romania. » * * It is all very well to argue that in the recent wins, the Socialists' gains have all been in urban areas or in urban-dominated areas; that farmers and other classes outside these areas will not be tempted by the C.C.F. bait. The Saskatchewan election of 104-4 knocks the props out from under that argument just as the subjugation of the kulaks in Russia by the city-trained Com- munists proves that wide-scale but unorganized opposition is no match against a ruthless and powerfully regimented minority. There is only one way to meet this divide-and-rule threat by the Socialists. It will not be met by outpromising them. For the man who wants complete state domina- tion of every minute of his life from the time he comes into the world until he departs, then Socialists arc best able to give it to him. ♦ * * The average Canadian does not expect or want Socialism from the non-C.C.F. parties of Canada, but he does expect something that the C.C.F. cannot possibly offer. That is freedom to develop his own individual initia- tive, to live his own life, to make his own future. Give him that in- stead of regimentation with its crushing taxation, and he will scorn Socialism. Man Saves Children In Path Of Fast Express WINS DOWAWAHD CHARLES AUGUSTE LEMAY OF LOUISEYILLE, QUE., restues boy and girl from railway bridge in aidt of time \Ja their way home from ao afternoon sports meet, the two Saucier children â€" Helene, 8 and Roger, 4 â€" decided to take a short-cut by crossing a 2S0-foot railway bridge. Chattering gaily about the day's events, and not thinking to look behind, they didn't hear the Montreal-Quebec express approaching in the dis- tance. lEMAY SEES DANGER Charles Lemay, walking along the track with a friend, saw the train and the children at the same time. Realizing that the youngsters would not have time to get across, he made a dash for the young pair. He had been about 500 feet from the bridge when he started and by the time he caught up with them they were about half way across. Without saying a word and barely stopping, he swept 4->-ear- old Roger into his arms and ran with him to the other end of the bridge. Then, speeding back, he grabbed the girl and repeated the wild dash . . . leaving the bridge just in time. In a matter of seconds the express roared by. Courage, presence of mind and quick thinking on the part of this young Canadian saved the lives of two children that Sunday afeernooo. We are proud to pay tribute to Charles Lemay of LoaisCTillc, Que., through the pMseotation of The Dow Award. THE DOW AWARD it a citation for outstandinf hero. iim dnd includes, as a tungible txpnstion of apprtciatioH, a Jioo Canada Savings Bond. WimMrt are seitcted by At Dow Award Committw, a mwp of editors of ladding Ba i wK ta n rteuitpaptn. Lemay knew that the chiMren would never reach the other end of the bridge on time. Quickly he sprinted the SOO feet to the bridge . . . deter- mined to save them at any cost. Slowing down just long enough to scoop young Roger into his arms, Lemay carried him to safety and then tetutped at full speed for the girl. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AUE^Ta WANTRD â-²GSNTS wantttd to Mil a fine quality men's diamond wool hoita. Newcoaat Axenclaa. BOS Trantfportailan Bulldtng. Montreal 1. OILS, GREASES, TIRES. lasectlcides. iSlectrtc Fence OontroUera. Uous* and Bam PainL Roof Coatlnsa. etxj. Deal- ara wanted. Wrlt» Warco Greaa* A OH Uml ted. Toronto BCSINESS OPPOBTCNETIEB MAKE MONEY at Home: Got 400 Success Diana. tilenu. schcmos, rare formutaa. Sxposeu Folio Free. International Hall Order Service. Box 921. Pawtucket. It.l. roi'R Own Business: Sell $1.00 Seller. Tou keep the dolliirs. Orders flUed free. Start- injc Details $l.no. William Trowbridge, 35-A9 Woodcrest Avi^nue. Dayton 5. Ohio. BABT CHICES 3L*MMER and Fall chicks booked to order, also started pullets two three and four weeks old and older pullets eight weeks to laying for immt-diate delivery. Free cata- logue Tweddio Chick Hatcheries Limited. Fergus. Ontario. BUY CHICKS nnw tor good eggr and meat market â€" started pullets for earlier eggs. You'll make money with Bray chicks bought now. Bray H.Ttchery, izo John N.. Hamilton, Ont. LAKEVIEW CHICKS For lune and luly. also Summer and Fall chicks. Prompt delivery If you act quickly, but book ahead for Summer and Fall 8 breeds and crossea to choo.se from Started Pullets 2-4-8 weeks to ready to lay BooU yours now â€" they will be very scarce and eggs wilt he high in price. Ready Made 4 week old Capons â€" Capons are more profitable than cockerels available dur- iUK Inly Buy Lakfview chicks from a real breeding plant for beat succes?. LAKEVIEW FARMS & HATCHERY PHONE 78 & 92 EXETER, ONTARIO SL'MMER and Fall Chirks booked to order. alto for immediate delivery started pullets In many oreeds. two, three and four weeks old. also older pullets eight weeks to laying. Free catalotnie Top .Votch Chick Sales. Geulph. Ontario. lie HEAVY BREED PULLETS 16c All Heavy Breed mixed Chicks 14c. Heavy Breed Pullets IGc, Leghorn. Rock x Leg.. Sussex X Leg Pullets 23c. Assorted Pullets I6c, Started Chicks & Pullets 2 weeks ndd fie. 3 wks. add 12c, 4 wks. add 18c, Assorted 4 weeks old PulU-is 32c. Order from and f nclo.se this ad with order or $1.00 per 100 deposit. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY LONDON ONTARIO POB tfAUe FAHM TralUra for Immediate deltvery. IIM to $176. Waverley Motors. 14S Albert 8t.. Ottawa, Ont. A RIDAL BUY. Men & Boy's Wriet Watch. Leather strap. Delivered C.O.D. all tazsa. postage paid. $5.25. Money back ffuarantes NewcoBst Agencies. 20S Transportation Build- ing. Montreal 1. BOSTON pups, pure bred, well marked, noted for best child's pal. Teddy Slvwart, Box 166. Picton. Ont ENGLISH Setter bitch, year old. BxcellenI foundation stock for kennel. Grove Kennets. Lak. fleld. Ont. 11^0 ACRES for sale, in Township of Scott. Gtb Concession, west half, lot 13 and IS. Best of tarm land, 3 barns, good stabling la each. Plentiful water supply. Stone housv> 8 n>oms, bathroom and toft water in house, well at door. Plowed winter road. Apply Sd. Vernon. R.R. 1. Uxbridge, Ont, GROCERY. meat market and equipment, 140,000 turnover, reasonably priced. Rest- aurant fully equipped. Both on main street of Almonte. Doctor's residence and olTlcs. Other houses and farms. Seen by appoint- ment. Albert Gale, Real Estate Broker, * Almonte. Ont. FOR SALE, new condition LeBlond T^tT 2 C.rinder Llpes Lathe, geared bead. Pratt Whl'ney No. 12B Vertical Miller and Pro- filer Write to Spelchake Machinery Co., lit Mar Donald Ave. Winnii»eK. Man. RAIRnRBMSINU 30.000 PULLETS 8. 10. 12 weeks old to Ready-to-iay. For de- livery in July. August. September, and Oct- ober. These pullets are not surplus. They have been definitely set atide to meet the big demand for this age of pullets. All floor- raised under the most Ideal conditions. Send for full particulars. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARMS WEIN BROTHERS EXETER ONTARIO Wanted to purchase pullets eight weeks to laying, pure breeds or hybrid crosses. Advise age, number and orice. Apply Box No. 12. 123-lSth St.. New Toronto. Ont. _ __ l>VEINO AM) CI.KAMN(> _^ Have you anything needs dyemg or clean Ing' Write to us for information We ar* glad ti answer your Questions Department H, Parker's Dye Works Limited 791 Ynner Street. Toronto. Ontario FOR SALE FEED & SEED STORE Long-establishtd Ffed & Seed busu^ess located in Weston consisting of store -^teider nine- year leate, two trucks, building, housing the mill and the equipment such as Mixer. Grind- er, etc. Employees will remain with new ow>*^-. Other interest onl.v reason for selling as this business shows good and steadily in- creasing ret'.nns. Full price $9800 plus ap- proximately SI. 000 stock. Exclusive agents. E. \y. Goulding Co.. Realtor^. 13 Atlelaide St E.. Toronto. Ont. BEEKEEPER'S Outfit 100 boxes queen ex- clud.Ts. G-sir:ictor. wax foundation. A real bni-qain. T. E. Schoen. Massey. Ont. â- ' FLOWER and l..iindscape painting, now by mail, thirty years experience. Write BertuI Corre.-'pondence Siiidio. Rox 74. Sinflon D Tnrnnto Onr COTTON TOWELSâ€" BAGS "^ Bleached and washed cotton bags Flour $.T 25 per dozen Sugar. S3. 50 per dozen TOWELS HE.MMER. ABOUT 17" x 34" Flour. $2.40 dozen : over 2 dozen. $2.25 dozen. Sugar. $2.65 dozen, oxer 2 dozen. $2.r>0 dozen, By-Products. !*.1 Ontario St.. Toro nto. Circular Sawmill Complete Jack Ladder Steam Kickers, Steam Loader, Steam Nigger. Heavy Duty Carriage with Friction Set Work. Metal Husk Frame. Four Solid Tooth Saws 55" to 6G". 8" Gunshot Feed 4 2' tong. Heavy Duty Edger. Slash Table. Turtle Back Chains. Trimmers. 1 Coval Auto- matic Grinder. 1 Hand Grinder. 1 H.R.T Boiler 7 2" x IG" Tube 1 Sidecrank Steam Engine 16 x 22". 2. 1938 Maple Leaf Dump Trucks Camp Eouipnient to accomodate 22 men Mill will be operating until Inst of July Last year's average. 25.000' oer day for thre* million feet RUSSELL .ICHN SON. MINDEN, ONT OWING to fire that destroyed my home, am forced to sell my Springersâ€" Trent Valley Breeding. Reasonable. Talbotcroft Kennels Reg'd.. Rockwood, Ontario HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Pans and Service Ben RJ Konm-dy 4 Sod 419 Cotlege SI., Toronco _ tN STOCK for Immedlata sale and dellvan Allls-Chalmera HD-7 hydrauHc angledoEer and rear winch approximately 600 hours: BD Clctrac with Sargent overhead loader and angledozer. excellent condition; CaterpUlar D-4 tractor with trascavator loader; General rubber tired tractor and front end loader; Hanson model 31 combination trench hoe and crane, rebuilt: Huber model 4 tandem grader, hydraulic controls and scarifier Also ''in stock, new Quick- Way, Hanson. Buckeye shovels, cranes and trench hoes. Minneapolis- Molina Industrial rubber tired tractors and loaders, conveyors, power units, wincbds. lift trucks, magnets, buckets, rubber tired wheel- barrows, mortar and cement mixers, cinder and concrete block plants. Contractors Machinery and Equipment Ltd.. 194 Barton St. K., Hamilton _^ WARNING!^" We don't 5ivo you anything free, but we do guarantee finer photoftnish- Ins at moderate prices. Laboratory controlled results will please youâ€" 54 hour service. Rolls developed and printed 30c. reprints 03c ea.. 3S for $1 00. Gnmm:> Photo Centre. Box 71. Chaplenu, Ont __ COLLIKS "Of Elslow" combine Quality, dis position Pum>103 available. Grown stock â€" studs Box 61. Dorchester. Ont. KLECTUICAL supplies sold at wholesale prices. Shlppe.1 within 24 hours. Write for catalogue and price list. Trans Canada Mail Order, 54.12 W.xverley, Montreal 14. HI-POWERED RIFLES Writ^ for new lists and prices. SCOPE SALES CO. .126 ijueen St., Ottawa. Ont. FOR SALE, newly built tourist camp. 60 miles northwest of North Boy In virgin country. For fuLher information writs to Frank Fllion. Box 4S4. Sturgeon Falls, Ont. BUY NOW. Whizzer motors, JX50. Complete units at t210, »216. »240, and the famous Schwinn unit at 1260. Sent prepaid to Tour nearest station on receipt of price. Buy now and whixa along. S. Chipperlleld Sales Agency. Hubbard, Saak. LEAR.N Hairor.-ssinB tt.e Kobertson method Infurmation on re^iuest regrirdins claj-sea. Kobprtson's H-ilrdressinB Academy 187 Av» nue Road Toronto HELP WANTED DIETICIA.N required by the Kirkland and Dittrict Hospital. Kirkland I-jike. Ontario. .\ppiy to. Supe rintendent UIETICIAN-Housekceper wanted for St. Helen'E School. Dunham, tjue. Applicant should nave training or practical exiieriencg.., Knt.wledge of French desirable. Apply Idiam H. Hagu e. Mens Beach. Qui-bec. NUUSES. General Duly and O.R. required by the Kirkland and District Hospital. Kirk- land Lake Onla rio Apply to S uperintendont- HOUSEKEEPER, with boy 14. for fan» home Apply to Laurence Browe. Dalkeith. Box 54. Ont. COOK-Generai of middle age, with experience, f(.r small club. Year-round position with pleasant uurroundings. Apply G. P. Dowe. Mapl e Creek Lodge. Maple. Ont., SCHOOL .SURSE wanted for St. Helen'e School, Dunhajii, Quebec. R.N. or Trained Attendant with experience. Some 8Ui)er\ME0ry duties with youngi-r children required. Applf .Miss H. Hague, Metis Beach, Q uebec. \IEI>I< Al WANTEDâ€" Every sufft^rer of Rheumatic Paine or Neuritis to try Dixon's Remetly. Munro'e Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Poalpaid 81 OO. FRCIT JUICES: The principal ingredients In Dixon's Remedy for Rlleumatic Pains. Neu- ritis. Munio 3 Drug Store, 335 Elgin. Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00. OrPdRTl'NITIE!- FOR CT'OMKJi BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Lesrn Hairdresping Pleasant dignified profession good tvngee. thouiapds successful Marvel gradualee. America's greatest system Illustrated est* logup free Write or Call MARVKL HAIRDRKSSING SCHOOLS 358 Blool St W Toronto Branches 44 King St Hamilton. & 74 R Idea'.i Street Ottaw SARNIA GENERAL HOSPITAL SCHOOL FOR NURSES Opportunities In nursing Apnlicatione will be given consideration. Date of class enteringâ€" Aug. 30. I94.S. Educational requirements â€" minimum requirements â€" 12 middle school papers, Sarnl a Is the Cherrlcal Valley of Ontario. PATENT* FBTHERSTONAUGH 4 Company. Pslent r Soiicllnrs. Established 1890 14 King West roronto (booklet of information on request. Like To Tinker Around Your Car? Car owners who like to take care of their own autos and tinker with them in spare minutes, are enthusi- astic about a new Httle business that has started in a suburb of Akron. The business now enables them to rent garage space and tools at a cent a minute on an hourly basis. Its proprietor knew how scarce tools were during and just after the war. He also knew that because of the housing shortase many persons do not have garages of their own tti work in. Being a "tinkerer" himself he decided to help his fellow tink- erers. He rented a garage and bun'? out a shingle, "garage space for work- ing and tools for rent." His enterprise is now open 13 hours a day, including Sundays. For 60 cents an hour, a home- made mechanic can replace piston rings and bearings, or wash his car. A hoist is available for lift work. Two high-school boys are tearing down a 1941 Packard there and in- stalling new rings. One customer recently put in new springs in 2% hours. Week-end business is usually made up of husband-and-wife team* who come tliere to wash the family car. "Somehow the women seem la think the men won't get the.insida clean enough, so they come along," he explains. SELL BY MAIL W.OOO-WORD BOOK SHOWS WH.-iT. WHKRK. WHEN .VNO HOW OF MAII, OKOEK Bl'81NBS8. GKT IT! RKAD IT! PBOI'K IT! 11.00 PMtoaid. GREEN'S, 115 Okford Street Toronto, OnC ITCH CHECKED •OP MoniK Back For qolt^ relief from Itchlnz caused by acMnu^ athlete's foot, nliies, IJmpTat and otfaier Itchtnt conditions, use Dure, coolino, medicmted, Uqiila D. D. DTHnCIHrnON. Cnuden ul stainlen. Soothe*, comforts ind quii^Uir ctlml Intense Itching. Don't s ttUer. Aakrour dnmUl today (o( D> D. D. MUCmmOM. FINKST Wood-burniii« brooders made in U.S.A. $30.00 delivered. Write for Free Circular. Flynn Importing Co., S307 De 'Vimy iVve.. Montreal S. Que. turkSy" Thanks to our niiffif enSTomora for facilitating^ our poult production by placing their orders early, and to thona who have written to us of their BVlcndid sticcess with our 1!I4S Poults. Limited Qtianlity still available for late July. Orders now accepted for Fall Hatched Poults. LAKEVIEW TURKEY RANCH EXETER ONTARIO I ISSUE 28 - 194«

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