Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Apr 1948, p. 1

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V f * yOL. 67; NO. 47 ®l)je /ljesl)MM ^^irtwmc^* FLESHERTON, ONT., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 1948 W. H. Thurston & Son, Publishers^, â- A •4 '4 ^ Flesherton branch of the Canadian Legion held an "A.t Home" for their niembers in the Legion r^oms on Monday evening. Future Events TENNIS MEETING Everyone interested in tennis is urged to attend a meeting of the Flesherton Tennis Club at the Mun- ahaw House on Monday, April 26th, at 7:30 p.m. DANCE AT FEVERSHAM Dance in Robinson's Hall, Fever- fUtaaa, on Thursday, April 22, under aioqpioes of the Athletic & Improve- ment Assoc. Grove's Orchestra. AUCTION SALE Mr. Harry Patton will hold an auction sale on Friday, April 30xh, consisting of faiin stock, imple- ments. Etc. See bills for full list. â€" Geo. E. Duncan, Auctioneer. Maxwell Post Office Now In Chester Cameron Store Inspector Dearie of the Post Office Department, Toronto, arrived in Maxwell Friday and traaeferred the post office from the home of Chas. Brodie to the store owned by Mr. Chester Cameron. M/r. BBodie, who has been acting postmaster for the past three months, following the death of Chas. M. Hew>n, is very grateful to the public who co-oper- ated so kindly in helpia^ him to carry out the postmaster's duties during that period. AUCTION SALE An auction sale of furniture will be held by Stewart Muir at Dundalk on Saturday, April 24th. â€" Geo. E. Du.ican, Auctioneer. DANCE IN MAXWELL Dance in Orange Hall, Maxwell- On Friday, .\pril 30. under auspices of Maple Leaf L.O.B.A. Music by Priestley Orchestra. Lunch will be served. Admission: 3'5c. DANCE AT EUGENIA I>ance in Eugenia hall on Friiiay. April 23rd. sponsored by 8th Line Farm Forum. Good music; free lunch. Admission: 50c. DANCE IN TORONTO Come one and all to the Fairbank Orange Hall, corner Lauder .Ave. and V'aug'haii Rd., on Satui-day night, April 24th, and e'ljoy our last old- time visit and dance of the season with the Pedlar orchestra. â€" Kenneth McKee and Dave Janiieson. PLAY AT EUGENIA Comedy 3act play "Keep It Under Your Hat" will be given by VVestside Church choir. Owen Sound, in the Eugenia United Church, Tuesday. April 2", at 8:00 pjn., under auspices of Eugenia W.A. Admission: 35c and 20c. Come and bring your friend. United Chursfa Notes Rev. A. G. MacphersoB Minister "What Does Sunday Mean to You?" will be the sermon theme on Sunday, April 25th, at Flesherton and Eugenia â€" 11 ajn. and 8 p.m.. Daylight Saving Time. Special re-opening service at Pro- ton this Sunday at 2.30 and 7.30, Standard Time. The Proton church has just been attractively re-decor- ated. Rev. A. G. Macpherson will be in charge in the afternoon and Rev. H. Dean of Dundalk in the evening. Everybody welcome. St. John's Junior Choir practice on Thursday. April 22. at 345 pjn. Watch The Advance for details of the play to be given at Eugenia on Tuesday, Apirl 27. Mrs. L. A. Fisher Re-elected Flesherton Creamery S<^d As President Of W. I. ! To C. M. Norris Of Barrie In Memoriam THOMPSON â€" In ever loving memory of our desir son and brother, Laurie, killed in action in Holland. April 24th. li)45. Our thoughts wander as daylight fades, To the land of long ago, .A.nd memory paints the scenes of old In the gold of the twilight glow. We seem to see in the soft, dim light. A face we love the best. -And we think of him when the sun's last ray Goes liown in tiie far-oft' West. â€" Fondly remembered by Dad, Mom. Brothers ami Sisters. Card of Thanks \\\' wiili to e-xpi\ss our sincere thanks to friends and neighbors for I flowers, letters and oai-ds of sympa- ' thy received .during our recent bor- eavoment. They were all greatly appre<'iatod. â€" The .\lliion Family Like Home Baking PIES CHERRY DATE RAISIN FRESH APPLE COOKIES OATMEAL SUGAR ICE-BOX CAKES LIGHT CHOCOLATE Specials This Week Fresh Banana Cake Cherry Cream Cake Snow Balls also Apple Sauce Turnovers Date Turnovers Date Squaers Cocoanut Squares Cream Puffs Sugar Do-Nuts Tarta, etc Scarrow^s Bakery Phone 60 FLESHERTON Mrs. L. A. Fisher was re-elected as president of Flesherton Women's Institute at the annual election of officers, held at the home of Mrs. Wallace Hamilton on Tuesday even- ing of last week, when 22 members and two visitors were present. Mrs. Wm. Pinkerton of Eugenia conduct- ed the election, with the following being appointed Co office: President â€" Mrs. L. A. Fiaher. 1st Vice-Pres. â€" Mrs. E. Hass. 2iid Vice-Pre3( â€" Mrs. G. Lawler. Sec.-Treas. â€" Mi-s. J. 0. Dargavel. DisU-ict Rep. â€" Mrs. J. W. Cook. .Auditors ^- Mrs. T. J. Fisher and Mrs. W. A. Hawken. Organists â€" Mi-s. Hickling. Mrs. M. McFadden. Mrs. J. McKinnon. Press Reporter â€" ^iPrs. X. Stoddart. A committee composed of Mrs. H. Milligan, Mrs. E. Fisher and Mrs. Hass was appointed to plan the program for the coming year. The W. I. will be responsible for the tag Jay in Flesherton for the Canadian National Institute for the Blind on Saturday. April 24th. with Mrs. C. J. McKechnie and Mrs. Stoddart in charge. Mrs. H. Fawcett and Mrs. J. McKinnon were in charge of the progi-am, which consisted of piano selctions by Ruth Fawcett and Donna Jean Hamilton, the latter also rendering a solo with Ruth ac- companying. Following the close of the meeting, a delicious lunch was served by the hostess and the lunch committee. He Fleaherton Creaanery, along with the Markdale Creamery, has been sold to Mr. Cecil M. Norris oi Barrie, the sale taking effect with tlie opening of business on Monday. Mr. Norris has been a successful operator &f the Barrie Creamery for the past la years a^-d his butter has received the grand championship foi- highest quality for the past three three years. Mr. Xon-is has assoc- iated with him in the business his son, Fred, and son-in-law, Mr. Ken Treadwell. It has always been the policy of Mr. Norris to try for per- fection in the manufacture of butter and with theii- relationship to their customers. Mr. Norris purchased the Dundalk Creaanery from Bor- insky & Rapp last fa!! and sold to t!ie Dundalk Co-operative on the first of February this yei^r. Messrs. Borinsky & Rapp, who have operated the Markdale Cream- ery for the past 26 years and the Flesherton 'oranch for the past 10 years, which they built, have always given their cream suppliers a good deal and they always htid ti-.e con- ridence of their cream ptitrons at aU times. Their outlets for butter and poultry brought in extra dollars, which they passed on to their pat- rons with higher prices. Their many friends throughout this district will wish them the best. United Church Boundaries Feversham Fair Dates Set Considered At Local Meeting Earlier For Sept. 13-14 Premier Drew Announces Ontario Elections June 7 Flesherton, Priceville and Dundalk ^-:istorT! charges of the United Church were well represented at a meeting last Wednesday evening tc consider re-ari-angement of bo»md- aries. The m«reting was held in St. John's, Flesherton, and consisted of leading members of all ten congre- gations affected. Rev. 0. W. Holmes, convener of the Bou.-'.daries Com- mittee of Grey Presbjtery. presided. Several plans were suggested as a means of reducing the present un- wieldly size of the Flesherton charge with its four appointments and 300 families scattered over too wide a territory. One plan would link Priceville with Salem and Hopeville. Dundalk with Bethel and Inistioge. Flesherton with Eugenia and Proton. A second plan would link together Flesherton. Eu- genia and Priceville. .\ third would re-establish the former student field of Inistioge, Proton and Hopeville. reducing the Flesherton charge to Flesherton and Eugenia. Opinion was divided as to the wis- dom of closi::g Ceylon. Some felt that, being a separate community, it should be a preaching point. Others felt that it was too close to Flesher- ton to justify a separate sei-vice. The final decision lies with Presby- tery, aP.d is to be made -.vhen the Pi'esbytery meets on .A.pril 27th. Daylight Saving On Sunday Daylight saving comes into effect this Sunday, .A.pril 25th. in Flesherton and ther near-by centres, so be sure and turn your clock ahead an hcur when you retire Saturday iiighl. sc that you won't be late for church in the morning. Commencing Thursday. .\pril 2yth. the retail stores in Flesherton will be closed all day. cut will remain open Wednesday nights. The Late Mrs. Wm. Wright The funeral of the lato Mrs. Wm ! Wright, who died in Toronto on Sun- j day. April 11. was held at the home i of her son. Mr. Jos. Wright, Max- j well, on Tuesday afternoon of last week, with Kev. 0. W. Holmes, pas- tor of Maxwell United Church, con-' ducting the service. The choir rend- ered "Have Thy 0<wn Way, Lord." Internumt was made in Maxwell Cemetery. The paUbearers were: Messrs. Roy Fenwick. Emerson Wright. Bert | Porteous. .\ndrew Pallister. Chas. i Brodie and Geo. Long. The flower bearei-s were: Ronald an;i Don Wright, Lorene and Xor- ine Wright. Tht; late Mrs. Wright was form- erly JIar.v Margaret Stafford, a daughter of the late Charles and Hananh Stafford, pioneers of Arte- mesiu Towniship, and was Horn on the 4th Line, .\rtemesia. SO years ago. About 5o years ago she \\-as mairied to William Wright of -Max well and afte^ their marriage resided on the lOth Line. Osprey, for a couple of years and then moved tt a farm at -Maxwell, Mr. Wright passed away four years ago. Foi the past seven months Mrs. Wright had been residing with her daugh ter. Mrs. R. C. Bicknell. in Toronto. and had only been taken ill on Sat- urday, death coming suddenly the ne.vt day. Deceased was hijj'hly re gaixled and was a woman of sterling character ^^nd a member of Maxwell United Church, in which she had bee:- very active in earlier years. The late Mrs. Wright leaves to mourn two sons and one daughter: .A.rtle (Mrs. Bicknell). Toronto: Joe at Maxwell and Mervyn of Weston, also one brother, Mr. Chas. Stafford, at Hol-stein. One daughter, Bessie (Mrs. Bryant) predeceased her bv twelve years. Two sisters a"d three brothel's also preiitveased her. namely: Mrs. J. P. Ottewell, John. Joseph. James am. Mirs. L. Whewell. As the Legislature came to a close •>n Friday last, Pi-eniier George Drew announced tiiat 0;itario would have an election on Monday. Jufie 7th- a'ld he would seek the support of thv people on the policy of the Hydro in changing the 25-cycle power to l^O- cycle. The announcement came witii startling suddenness, as no one sup- posed an election would be held so soon. A nominating convention has bee calleti by the Progressive-Cten- servative party to be held in Dtirbiim next Monday evening, April 2(>. when a candidate will be chosen for the > South Grey riding. Xo date has yet been set for the Liberal or C.C.F. conventions. Hon. L. R. Oliver, pre- sent' Liberal member for South Grey and leader of the Liberal party in the election will, without doubt, re- ceive the nominatin. Tag Day For The Blind In Flesherton On Saturday On Saturday. April 24th. the Can- adian Xational Institute for the Blind will be holding its annual tag day in Grey and Bruce Counties. Vour support at this time is essent- ial to continue the many services of this organization on behalf of the So blind persons in this district. GC\'E GEXEROUSLY to this work for the Blind. District Softball League Organizes For Season ft g A t a ovy CENTRAL LOCATION Our aonvvnitnt location is readily •cctMlblt by the city's leading auto- mobila and ttrtat ear thoroughfares. lates and Maddocks (UNERAL CHATEl l?4Airnu,;Rd KI.4344 .\.: enthusiastic meeting of South Grey Softball League was held in Flesherton on I'uesday evening oj last week and the following officers were elected: Hon. Pres. â€" F. R. Oliver. President â€" D. G. Mac.\rthur. 1st Vice Pres. â€" R. Springgay. 2nd V'ice Pres. â€" Vic Ward. Secretary â€" Geo. .-^.rmstrong. Treasurer â€" Jas. A. Davidson. The following rules and regulations were adopted by the League: The score cards and rule books he sent by the League to each team, to be signed by the umpire at the end of each game. $2.00 is the entry to be paid at the first of the season: S2.50 per game in the semi- finals and So. 00 per game in the final games. .•\ representative is to he appointed by each team at the first of the sea- son to vote in case of a disput; in a tie vote the president has the decid- ing vote. The Secretary and Treasurer are to be paid $5.00 each for the season. In the semi-finals and finals the top team has the decision how the games are to be played. Team members present were from niinihilk. Flesherton. South Line. Feversham. Marktlale and Rock Mills. Only six teams will be entered. \n entry was sent by the secre- taiy to the Ontario Rural Softball .-Association. The top team will be eligible. nie next meeting was set for .Monday. May 3rd. If as much interest is shown dur- ing the year as in the first meeting. Softball will be of real interest in the district this season. Flesherton Service Club is going to have con- siderable work done on the grounds. Dundalk team expects to play all their home games under the flood this year. Bom BATCHELOR â€" A; .Mrs. Xuhns Nursing Home. Flesherton, on Tues.. .A.pril 20th.. to Mr. and Mrs. John F. Batchelor. Dundalk. a daughter. EBBELS â€" \z Regina. Sask.. on Thursday, April 1.7th. 194S. to Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Ebbels i nee Ruth Hutchison) twin sons. HUDSON â€" Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson (nee Bernice Poole) art- happy to announce the arrival on Thursday. .-Vpril loth. 194S, of a son at the G. and M. Hospital at CoU- iiigwood â€" Lonnie Dale. WRIGHT â€" Mr. and Mrs. Aithur Wright (nee 'Violet Duckett) of Max-ivell are happy to a'lnounce the arrival of a son, Arthur Waynt> Henry, in Markdale Hospital on Thursday. April Lith. IMS. The Bc»aixi of the Osprey .-V^tMut tural Society met in the Orange Hall at Feversham to lay plans for kiM 104 Fair, with the president, Ite Victor Wright, presidn^. .\*er • few appropriate remarks by '.he pre- sident and also the vice-president, Mr. Kendal Hawkins, relative Ua th« welfare of the Fair, the foll«wuH{ crmmittees were appointed: Horses: Albeit Moore, Archie Btii« and John Weldrick. Cattle: (Jlayton Sprott. Rwss*!! Hudson and John McLean. Sheep and S^vine: Kendal Hawkiaa and Russell HavstoB. Poultry: Thos. Stephens and 6e«i> W. Pu)ss. Roots and Vegetables: F. Hannak and J- W. Robinson. Hall, Ladies' Wark: Mrs. TrviM Hannah. Mrs. Jos. CraAvfori, 3Sias Miible Ross. .Mrs. Clayton S^nvtrt, Mrs. Telf. Ferris, Mrs. Archie Bnie, Mrs. Arch. Priddle. Mrs. W. Inkster. Booths and Attractions: Albert Moore. Frank Hannah, J. Robinson. Finance: President. Victor Wright, and secretary. D. Stephens, witS twwer to add. Concert: Mr. and Mi-s. Clayton Sprott, Mr. and MVs. .\i-chie Buie, Mrs. Archie Priddle and Albert Moore. Calf Club: Kendal Hawkins, D. Stephens. Thcs. Stephens. The Fair dates were set for Sep- tember 13 a:'d 14. A motion mM passed giving the Athletic and Im- provement Association the us« vi. the hall, with the privilege of lal- fiUing their plans for improvement of the hall. Some discu&sion- followed vogarir ing the duties of the directors. It is hoped that all will put f-jrth thett best efforts, especialy on their par- ticular committee. Start today and visualize the 194S Fair. Take note of your particular committee and. if possible, be at the next Rsard meet- ing in the Orange Hall. Feversham. Thursday evening, .-^.pril 29th. MOTOR BiKI Enjoy Life Outdoors /lO Here's hopintr the coming sun- burn season will stop some people from giving themselves so many pats on the back. America s thrtfiiett powur Irvn^orta- tion. You'll go 1-5 mite* on a gallon of gus; It s a frantportotion Treat that s hard to beot. Whizzsr Motor with ail necessary ottachments SI 69 .00 Complote Stantiaid .Motor Bike - 5249.00 Semi Deluxe with spring fork - S269.00 Remit with order â€" or iend lO^'r deposit, botonce COD. PEERLESS BICYCLE WORKS 195 Dundas St. \V Toronto COMMENCING SUNDAY. APRIL 25 Grey Coach Lines Buses WILL RUN ON DAYLIGHT TIME -rime Table on thi.>^ route will reuuiin unchanged GRAY COACH LINES Net $53 At Party And Danoe .\ good crowd attended the cai'd party aiui dance conducted by the Service Club Friday evening, when $53 wore realized for Club work. Mrs. Wm. Gibson won the prize for ladies \v. the euchre and Mr. .-Albert Williams for the men. while Mrs l>. 0. .'^tac Arthur r«.>ceived the con- solation priie. E\'erybody entered into !ho sp :â- â€¢( of tTie evening and greatiy enjoyc the old time ,iancing. The Sei-vice Club greatly appreciat- ed the supi>ort of the public. St. John's United Church Woman's Association Invite you to hear Group Work and Program Suggestions BY MRS. LEREINE BALLANTYNE FLESHERTON Thursday, April 27th Come and bring a friend â€" A free Recipe booklet for Everyone. This advertisement is bv courtesv of Robin Hood Flour Mills

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