Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Feb 1948, p. 4

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'At ;y cducsda} , I-ebruary 18, 1948 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE -4. < A THE nesherton Advance Pubiiahed on CoUin^rwood St., Flaaherton, Wedn«sdm]r of esch we«k. Circulation 1,100. Price t^M m year in Canada, paid in atiraaee; $2.60 per year in tha United Stataa. r. J. THURlvrON. Editcr EUGENIA la fltpring just around the comer? Quite a number of people in our ftrnvRUUiity have been or are on the •ick list. The influenza epidemic is yre^ent. "We are pleased to repoit Mrs. 1 Bait Magee feeling somewfhat better. Her daughter, Mrs. Joe Porteous, of Maxwell spent a few days with her. Kenneth Magee, young«r son of |Ir. and MVs. Percy Magee, was seized with an attack of appendicitis while ill with tbe measles and had W be rushed to Markdale Hospital (tm Wp<?nesdny evening of last week. The following evening an operation w»* performed. Ken also had pneu- monia in one lung, which added to the dang'er of his illness. We are yleased to report him progressing toward recovery as well as can lie •Kpected. Mrs. Thos. McKee spent last week with friends in Toronto. Mr. -I'hn Phillip? is progrcssinjr favorably after accidentally break- ing a bone in one of his legs while •kating a few weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magee .spent a few days recently with their llanghter and husband at Stamford CSentre. Miss .^ice Tudor has returned home from Owen Sound. M'-?. W. Pinkertnn and Mrs. Fred Jamlesnn spent a week with friends In Toronto. Mr. Ed. Breadner has returned home, after a week's visit with To- ronto friends. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Cairns are mWe to be around again after their fllness. Shirley Cairns and Billy .McMillan have recovered from their utt4tck of measles and Stan Teeter from mumps. Wu are glad to hear tltat Mrs. Lawson White is improving nicely, after her second operation in Mark- lialu hospital. Mr. Percy iMkge and son, Bill, Mr. ami Mi-B. W. Pinkerton and Mn. (larnet Miigee are all on the sick list at present. Afiss Mary McKe and Mr. F. IVTc- Carthy of Toi-onto visited at the former's parental home last week and enjoyed ski-ing on the Eugenia hills. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Burton visited iiecently irv Owen Sound. Mrs. Kathlen Hawkins of Flesh- eVton spent the week end with her I parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Pedlar. Mr. Cecil Magee was home from Islington over the week end.- Mr. and Mrs. Kilburn Magee were delighted with a telephone call from their two daughters in Aneroid, Sask., about 9.30 Thursday evening of last week.. It was the bii-thday anniversary of iMrs. Magee and urcetinifs -wore voiced over the wire. Both parents had a little chat with the two daughters. United Church Notes Kev. A. C Macpherson, Minister "The >veed for Conversion" is the sermon thenu- for Sunday, Feb. 22, at Eugeniu. Proton and Flesherton. St. .lohn's choir practice Thursday, Fob. 10th, 7.4.'5 sharp, at the home of Mrs. Mac Park. St. .John's W.M.S. meet on Friday, Feb. 20th. at .3 pm., at the home of the president. Miss Kate Macmillan. !\rembers are asked to bring good clothing for European relief. Visit- ors are welcome. Eugenia Young People's Union meets Friday at 8 p.m. For place of meeiting see Art Proctor, presi- dnt. or Irene Phillips. Secretary. Don't forget the Canadian Appeal for Children. It is an investment in Christian love and world peace. Contributions may be left at your local bank. FRB SERVICE TO FARMRtS WE WILL MCK UP ALL DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM STOCK FREE OF CHARGE HIGBE8T PRICES PAID F<« OLD HORSES NICK PECONI, Owner PH<mB 14«, DUNDALK RETBRSB CBABOB ^ou^SfT^! LEAVE FLESHERTON (Standanl Tfane) TO OWEN SOUND To TORONTO d 12.05 p.m. g 4.05 p.m. 9.05 a.m. d 7.40 p.m: i 8.40p.m. d -Sunday and Holiday only i - Daily except Sat. gf - Saturday only. Bus Connections at Brampton for London and at Toronto for Montreal, Ottawa and North Bay FARES ARE LOW Rounat Trip • Tax Included - $59.65 WINNIPEG 29.60 REGINA 46.70 CALGARY TOOKEra AND IMVORlf ATION AT FIRESIDE LUNCH . R. BODEN Phone 63 Flesherton, Ont. QUEBEC HALIFAX ar. JOHN $50.05 61.30 ».35 John McWhinney Died At Gravenhurst Home An old and hAjrhly este.Tied resi- dejjt of Artomesia Township, John McWhinney, died at Che home of his daughter, iVIrs. Pat Black, West Gravenhurst, on Thui-sday, Feb, 12, in his 90th year. Mr. McWhinney had been ill in bed only two weeks, although he had not been in the best of health for some time previous to his deatih. The late Mr. McWhinney was a son of the late James and Frances McWhinney, Bruc« County pioneers, and was born on the 2nd Con. of Brant, where he grew to- manhood and fanned for a number of years. He moved to Artemesia • aboat 30 years agx), to the farm now occupied by Pat Sweeney of IrisTi Lake dis- trict, later moving to Gravenhurst a;bout six years ago to be with his (iaugthter. Deceased was married to Margaret ."Vlorroll, who predeceased him by 28 years. Left to mourn the loss of a kind and loving father are four sons, Clayton uf Markdale, Albert of W^dsor, Willaixl of Gravenhurst and William in the West, and two daughters, Olive, Mrs. Will Maycock of Toronto and Ruby, Mrs. Pat lihu'k, of Gravenhurst. One son, Ivan, an<l one daughter, Daisy, pre- (Iweased their father. Four broth- ois and one sister are now deceased,, the only surviving member of his family being the Rev. William Mc- Whinney of Sa.skatoon, Sask. In ri'li^on he was a member of the f'lesbytoi-ian Church and years ago took an active part in the Loyal Orange Lodfie of which he was Mas- ter :tt Hanover. He had a kindly (li.sposition and was a ^^w^\ neighbor and friend, in every sense of the word. Ho will be much missed by a wide circle of friends in the Arte- mesia district and in Bruce County. The funeral was held on Saturday Feb. 14th. at 2 p.m., at Richards Funeral Home, Flesherton, where friends and neighbors assembled to pay their last respects. Rev. A. G. -Macpherson gave a comforting mes- sage to the bereaved family. The lovely floral tributes were silent messengers of sympathy and respect to the deceased. The casket bearers were: Thos. Sweeney, Patrick Sweeney, William Sullivan, George Cairns. Elwood Bowles and WUl Switzer. The service at the Flesherton Cemetery Ohapel was taken by the L.O.L. brethren. Among those from a distance who attended the funeral were: Mr. and Mlr^. Albert McWhinney, Georgina and Earl, Windsor; Mirs. Olive May- cock, Toronto; Mrs. Cliff Dale. Bur-' lingion; Mr. and Mrs. Pat Black and Willard McWhinney, Gravenhurst; Mr. and Mrs. Clayton McWhinney. Markdale; Mr. and Mrs, Will SwHtcj. and son, Harney, Hanover; Mr. Earl Maycock, Dundalk; Mr. Harvey Archibald, Lansing. iVirs. Thos. Taylor Pasaes A life- long resident of Artemesia Township and a resident of Flesher- ton for the past 18 years, Mrs. Thos, Taylor passed away at her home on Tuesday afternoon of last week, in her Kith year. Deceased had been up and aiound her home until a week prior to her death, when she suffer- ed a slight stroke and failed to rally. The late Mrs. Taylor was former- ly Agnes Jan« White, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John White of Artemesia Township. She taught school in Artemesia and Glenelg: prior to her marriage, to Mr. Thos. Taylor. They farmed near Portlaw until' they moved to Flesherton 18 years ago. The couple had marked their 60th wedding anniversary on February 1st, the day after Mrs. Taylor took ill. Last fall the family celebrated the event when members of the family could attend, and it was fitting that she lived to see that important day arrive. The late Mrs. Taylor had been a staunch member of the church and was most active in her early years. She bad been a member of the Methodist Church and later the United Church. For 20 years she had been superintends ant of Mlt. Zion Sunday School. Besides her sorrowing husband. Mrs. Taylor leaves to mourn her passing, two sons, Fred i/f Portlaw and Frank of Flesherton; two bro- thers, .lohn of Markdale and David of Toronto, and one sister, Miss Mhrgaret White of New York. Sur- viving also are seven grandchildren and three gi-eat grandchildren. The funeral was held Tliursday afternoon with service at her late residence conducted by Rev. A. G. Macpherson, pastor of St. John's United Church. Interment was made in Flsherton Cemetery Chapel. The pallbearers were: Messrs. R. J. Fisher, Geo. Cairns, W. J. Chard. Leslie Chard, Sam Phillips and C. .Akins. Among those /who attended the funeral from a distance were Mr. David White, Mrs. Herb Dorie, Mrs. Russell Lee and Miss Arlene Taylor, all of Toronto, Mr. J, J. White of -Mapkdale and Mrs. Norman Steven- son of Shelburne. Father: "Didn't I hear the clock strike three when you came in last nigU?" Daughter: "Yes, daddy. It was goin«r to strike eleven, but I stoipped it so it wouldn't waken you." BBND IN TOUR RENSWAlb SEWING MACHINE SERYICB AU makM. Woric Guaranteed. Machines El«etrjfled Needles and Belts Can DUNCAN'S HARDWARE Fbone 64 More And More Money Thfo market can stand much more butter than is being produced. Tke price is good Add to your milk-produciing herd and profit by It Poultry We have a good market for poultry. By culling out your non-laying hens, you will save feed. We pay a good price for hens and chickens, and custom-kill. The creamery will be closed Saturday nights until further notice. Flesherton Creamery Angus Avis, Manager Phone 66 Flesherton Ontario Funeral of Dr. A. £. Roszell The funeral of late Dr. Austin E. Uoszell. who died at Caledonia on January 26th, was held on Jan. 31st, and the large Miller Funeral Chapel could not accoimmodate the many friends who wished to pay tribute to one they had come to love and respect. Rev. D. A. Brydon, pastor of Grace United Church, had charge Of the seivice, assisted by Rev. J. M. Ccpeland, life-long friend of the Raszell family, and closelj assoc- iated with thean. Rev. James A. Gale, a former pastor of Grace United Church at _ Caledonia, now of Ridgeway, who was a close friend of the Doctor, took as his text "We spend our life as a ule that is told," showing the close association of the work Of miniaiter and doctor in a immunity. Douglas Soott was at the organ. Interment was made in Caledonia Cemetery. Beautiful floral tributes, besides those of the family and relatives, were received from Sisters of St. Joseph's Hospital, St. Andrew's Lodge A.P.&A.M., Hamilton Acad- emy of Medicine, Seneca Township Council, Haldimand Medical Society, Majiager niid Staff of The Canadian na'.l-- of Coii".i(icc Cal-dcnia f. iwi. Howl'ng Cl'ib, Caledori.i Lad.v' Choir, arwo Uuiton Church Choir, Siiles and Service Staff of Ford Mo- ior Co. of Toronto, Ontario Bsaul; Supply, Principal and Staff of .Vor- thern Vocational Jlchool of Toronto, The Mr. and Mrs. Club of Mt. Hope, Hamilton Civic Oivheatra, and over thirty other floral tributes testified to the high esteem in which he was held. The palll)carers were six nephews Paul and Bill Roseell of Toronto^ Dr. R. C. Topp awd Jack Pennell of amithville, Audrey Topp of Silver- dale and Dana Workman. Sywcuse. With Parliament sitting again there should he le.>*8 trouble about a natural pna shorta)?«. ROBINSONS SPECIAL SALE Friday, Saturday, Monday FEBRUARY 30, SI and S3 GROCERIES DRY GOODS 50y^pS FANCY ASSORTBD PLAID Oxydol Med., Rinso Med., Ohipso Med. MEN'S WINDBREAKERS Super Suds, Ivory Flakes AU sizes; colors: blue, green and brown; Regular S4c Regular f6.96 to 18.26 Your choice 30c Sale Price $6.25 to $6.75 TOILET SOAP Men's Overalls, 8 oz. blue duck .... $3.95 Camay, Lux, Odex, Lifebuoy, rejrular 9c d« „' r\ ^ ii o n • *i as ,. , -^ Boys Overalls, 8 oz., all sizes |U5 3 for Z4c MEN'S ALL-WOOL TEAS SWEATER COATS Orange Pekoe, Salada, Bh.e Ribbon, Lipton', ^^.^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^. ^^j^^.^^ ^^^ ^^ Mother Parker's, Palm Garden ^^^ g,^„. ^^^^^ ^ . ^^ Regular 58c Vi lb. Your choke 56c V, lb. S«le Pric. $4.3J . $S.SS MIXED SOUPS-ALL VARIETIES cOMBINATOn"uND^WEAR Your choice, 3 for 29o 00^..^,,,.^ » Sizes 36 to 44; Regular 14.89 Smart's Choice Tomatoes, 20 oz., re«r- aSc .. 2 for 53 C i p • « j en Diced Beets and Carixrts, reg. 12c 2 tins 19c ^*>e fnce ♦4.b9 Napei-ville Cut Waxed Beans, reg. 16c .... 2 for 28c Men's Wool and Cotton Combinations, all sizea. Choice Yellow Corn, reg. 25c 2 for 48c q . p . *o or Smart's Tomato Juice, reg. 15c 2 for 2Pc •'*'® mce >4.05 Royal York Tomato Juice, reg. 15c 2 for 29c Men's Fleece-lined Coimbinations, all sizes, r««. $3.10 Aylmer and Libby's Catsup, x«%- 25c 2 fOr 45c ok p • ^« »- Lynn Valley Peas, reg. 16c 2 for 29c '^"'* '^"*=® ♦*-°* Gold Medal Peanut Butter, reg. 48c Sale 39c Edwardsburg and Beehive Corn Syrup: MEN'S SOCKS 5 lb- tin 69c Men's Lumber Socks, red and blue check, reg. |1.19 10 lb. tin $1.3& « I , ^- -_ .Assorted Brands Grapefruit Juice, 20 oz. tin u/nDu- o^r-tro ^*'® ^l.US 3 for 39c ^^"^^^ »»« t» »«« Mitchell's .\ppie Juice, large size 25c Mcii's and Bovs' Rubber Boots all sizes 20 oz. tin a for 25c ' ' Australian No. 1 Raisins 5; lbs. for 98c California Currants 2 lb» for 89c LADIES' HOSE California Prunes 3 lbs. for 5»c Ladies' Full-fashioned Crepe and Lyle Hoae Sunkist Oranges, size 288 2 doz. 47c Regular ID.ao per pair Texias Grapefi-uit, size 96 6 for 2r7c . AM C{,^. ei lA New Oahbage 2 lbs. for I5|c '^' ^'*** ♦^'^^ • Crothers' So<las, 1 lb. pkg 23c Ladles* Cotton Hose, fawn shade, as long Weston's Sodas, 2 lb. pkg 49c as they last Christie's Bread 13* 35^ ^^ p^j^ J. W. ROBINSON Phone 14J FEVERSHAM, Ont. ; «. 4

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