> 7 - ft Wednesday, November 19, 1947 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE / .-:-^^. -r * -k it A «k A ^ « »- .h M. T â- *^ A h. -^ <» â- * » + % ••K fc 4 1*. ROCK MILLS Mrs. Pitanlc Bettys visited (for a week with her sister, Mrs. Norman Huctwith at Watford returning home this Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark and Mrs. Newell spent a day with Mrs. Jas. Park and Mrs. Geo. Patton and family in Owen Sound. Mrs. Clifford McMaster, Miss Dor- othy Brethaner, Ken Walker and son Donald of Gait spent the week end with their mother, Mrs. E. Partridge. Mrs. Harry Patton underwent an operation for Goitre in Markdale Hospital last week, and we are pleas- ed to report she, is progressing very favorably. Mr. Arthur Bailey had the mis- fortune to sprain his ankle badly while working in the saw mill here last Thursday. â- A special service was held in the Baptist Church here Sunday after- noon, wl?«n special music and songs were presented by The McMaster University Women's Sextette which was greatly enjoyed by all present Miss EHva Russell spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs- Stanley Lep- pard of Wareham. Mr.' Geo. Jackson of Wiarton was a caller at Chaa. Newell's on Wed- nesday last. Mr. and Mrs Chas. Turner of Eugenia are spending a couple of weeks at the Dobson home, IMlr. and Mrs. Geo Hargrave of Markdale visited recently with hi.s uncled Mr. John Hargrave, and with .Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hargrave- Most of the farmers around here are now sending their cream to the new creamery in Kimiberley which ripened last week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wilkinson and daughters, Florence and Dor- othy, spent Saturday at the home of the foTOier's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parkin. Bognor, it being their 2Sth wedding anniversary. Her niece, Miss Florence Wilkinson was one of the waitresses for the evening. VICTORIA CORNERS Keep Ontario's factories and farms producing at peak levels . . . keep pay envelopes full. Hydro Is building new power plants at top speed, but It takes years to com- plete new generating plants. in the meantime, do your part, avoid waste of elec- tricity . . . please save all you can. EVERYBODY SHOULD SAVE ALL THE ELECTRICITY THEY CAN THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO Mr. and Mti-s. Wilfred Callaugher- visited on Monday with. Homing's M'ilis relatives. On Wednesday afternoon Inistioge W.A. were hostess to the Wareham W.A. A good attendance was present to partake in the Rememibrance Day and Missionary Thankoffering meet- ing. Mrs. Walter Acheson, Blrs. Mer- ritt Nicholls of Inistioge, Mrs, Ink- ster and Mrs- Wm. MeCutcheon. Wareham brought messages suitable to the occasion thix>ugh readings. Mrs. Geo. Moore and Mrs. Russell Acheson were soloists- Greetings from Wareham Society were extend- ed by their president, Mrs. Renfred Acheson, who also gave n very im- pressive true story of remembrance. Guest speaker for the afternoon was Mrs- A. G. Macpherson who very exceptionally illustrated different points of home missionary work. Lunch was served by the home soc- iety, bringing a very happy and in- spiring afternoon to a close. The neigWxirly h.nnd of "wok-mt? home" is extended to Mr. and Mrs. E. .A. Stinson, Don and Bert, w^ho returned Thursday from CookbuiTi Island, where they spent the past six montlis at their bush lor. Mr- and Mrs. Geo. Moore and Garry visited on Friday wih Mr. and Mrs. Ren Acheson, Wareham, the men attending the sale of Mr.'Henry Arn-ott'j estate in 'the afternoon. SEWING MACHINE SERVICF. All makes. Work Guaranteed. Machines Electrified Needles and Belts Call DUNCAN'S HARDWARE Phone 54 Fleshetron ^'^C^ LEAVE FLESHERTON (Standard Time) TO OWEN SOUND To TORONTO d 12.05 p.m. g 4.05 p.m., v 9.05 a.m. d 7.40 p.m: i 8.40p.m. d -Sunda>- atid Holiday only - - . i -.Daily except Sat. cr - Saturday only. Bus Connections at Brampton for London and at Toronto for Montreal, Ottawa and North Bay FARES ARE LOW Kounut Trip - Tax Included - $59.65 W'lXNiPEG -- 29.{^) REOIX.A . 46.70 C.XKOARY TICKCTS AND INFORMATION tfy FIRESIDE LUNCH - R. BODEN Phone 63 ~ Flesherton, Out QUEBEC HALIFAX ST. JOHN $50.05 61.30 81.35 MRS. M. THISTLETHWAITE DIED IN TORONTO TUESDAY Just as we go to press this Wed- nesday morning we learn of the death in Toronto Tuesday evening of Mrs. Myles Thistlethwaite- We under- stand the funeral will be held Friday at 2 p.m. at the Richards Funeral Home. KIMBERLEY On Friday aicemoon, Nov. 14 the official opening of the creamery took place in the Community Hall when over 230 shareholders and others were present. Reeve Harold Dawn, president of the co-operativs board had charge. There were u num- ber of speakox's who took part; P. S. McDoU(gal, creamery inspector; T.. S. Cooper, agricultural representative for Grey County; Mr. W. Mag\vopd of Hanover, .--ecretary Grey Coun/ty Federation of Agriculture and Hon. T. L. Kennedy, Minister of Agricul- ture ajid others. Hon. Kennedy said the farmers were taking a step in the right direction and encouraged all to stand together. He also said 10 years ago there were only 1.000 c'^- opei-atives in Canada with 926.000 shareholders and with $163,000.00-00 assetts while at the end of 1946 there were 1953 co-op's, 926,000 share- holders and with a total business of 8554,000,000.00. Mr. Magwood gave a splended and helpful address stressing the point of true co-operat- ion for every man and woman in any -way conected with the project, be- cause it is up to them to make it a success. The building is 70 feet by 60 feet and is made of cement blocks with 218 cold storage lockers and an z%% grading room. The staff at pres- ent is; Manager, F. Draper, book Iteeper, Joy Ellis, truck drivers, W. .Armstrong and R. Hutchinson- Two showers took place during the for newly weds. Mr. and Mrs. Ver- non Cornfield, who have moved to our commiunitv were showered the rJ*.. .. ~' Better order now -there's a big demand for TIP TOP TAILORS MIRACLE OVERCOAT TAILORED-TO-MEASURE - ANY STYIE YOU WISH Rememberâ€" ff's bound to get co/derâ€" ORDER NOW! QUICK FACTS ABOUT CRAGMOORi 1. Tailored of ail-virgin wool. 2. Finer, softer, lighter feel. 3. Plenty of warm protection. 4. Wears exceptionally well. 5. Several smart colors. $ 39.50 WORTH MUCH MORI Additional fine overcoatings in nevi/ patterns and colors. F- H. W. Hickling General Merchant FLESHERTON, Ont EXCLUSIVE DEALER FOR Tip Top Tailors Ltd. CANADA'S GJiEATEST CLOTHING VALUE m-ra first of the week and were given an end table and several other useful articles. Mr. and Mrs. Sproul (nee Dunita Lawrence) who spent a coupU' of days with M'r. and Mrs- H. Law- rence were given a pressure cooker and a number of other thi.igs. They will reside in Toronto. We wish both couples much happiness. The W. A. had a successful bazzar on Saturday afternoon, making about -?15.00 A doui)le chin develops when ft couple of women meet. \o drop in clothing prices is «X- pected for some time. This is where our old suit willl shine. hcnnajd^OMS dW/kv fvl^dj/njCi yninJj I That's what may well pop into your head the first time you curve your haads around the wheel of a new Chevrolet and drive smoothly and smartly down the street. forâ€" short of mind reading on somebody's partâ€" how else could a car have so many features you want? How else could it be so personally and particularly yours? THE STYIIST IN YOU will spark to the lovely lines and colors of that exclusive-in-the-field Body by Fisher- You'll appreciate and applaud the exquisite workmanship, the fine fabrics and interior littings. Particularly for you, there are such special conveniences as the .^..^^ handy little cranks that control the No-Draft Ventilation and the push- buttons that lock the doors. YOUR PRAaiCAl, PENNY-WATCHING SIDE will give you the "go-ahead" when you discover that Chevrolet's the low-priced line that makes pas and oil go tacthest. You can revel in Chevrolet's BigCar .style, ,„, ^ comfort and performance with a clear / , ", conscience . . . for C^hevrolet brings vou BIG-CAR QUAIITY AT lOW COST. YOUR INSTINCT TO PROTECT those you love will be gratified by the all-steel safety and ease-of-handling of the new Chevrolet. Your gentlest foot pressure brings swift, sure response from the brakes. Steering is amazingly easy and shockproof. And you don't even have to take a hand off the w heel to operate Chevrolet's exclusive vacuum-power gearshift! Be wise! Keep your pressnt cor in good running condition by bringing it to us for skilled service, now and at regular intervals, until you secure delivery of your new Chevrolet. Come in for a complete service check-up focfoy / BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOW COST A PRODUCT GENERAL MOTORS D. MacTavbh and Sons Flesherton, Ontario