Wednesday, November 19, 1947 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE •f . A Message of Importance to Cream Producers Since Ceram U a^ exceptionally good price, it is worth-while to maintain the maximuir production of your dairy herd. ' Nothing will cut produrtion moix; sharplj' than the pro- ducing cows being left out during the unex- pected cold nights. It is, therefore, advisable to stable the milch cows at night from now on. CEYLON Poultry We are in the market for large quantities of poultry. We buy them ftlive or 'dressed, or do custom killing. DUCKS AND GEESE With the present high feed prices, we think is advisable to market your Ducks and Geese now, instead of waiting for the Christmas market. Our prices are good. Flesherton Creamery ius Avis, Manager FLESHERTON, Phone 66 no •***«>4~><>-XK«<»<^"KK":~x~x~K*<«***<~X'<":~:'<~:»<~:'^ THE flesherton Advance PnbUshed on CoUingwood St., Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation I.IOO. Price $2.00 a year in Canada, paid in advance; $2.50 per year in the United States. F. J. THU^RTON. Editor PRICEVILLE (Intouded for Last Week) An error was made in last week's itenis, it j:ead: Misg Alma Knox of Guelph and Mrs. J. McMurdo ol Owen Sound spent the week end at llr. Wm. McMurdo's, it should l^ave read, at Wm. Meads'. Mrs. E. Fumiss and daughter ot Toronto spent a week with her moth- er, Mrs Jessie Koertz, Mrs. Koerta and George accompanied them home for a week. Mr. and Mrs. .Alex McLean and family of Toronto spent the week end with their parents. Miss Isabel Karstedt o<f Toronto •pent the week end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Art Richardson and Janice- also Mr. and Mrs. .lack Car- aon spent the week end in Toronto. Miss Reta Whyte ol Toronto spent the week pnd at her mothers. Mrs. Elizabeth WrigrR wa« taken to the 0. and M. Hospital at Owen Sound On Friday to have an operat- ion on her eye- Messrs Howard Duxbury and Frank Wripht have Rone to the North country for a couple of weeks A Remembrance Day service was held on Sunday. Mr. Ken Matthews gave a fine sermon and also render- ed B lovely solo. Immediately after the sei-vices both congregations met at the Cenotaph, where a short ser- vice was held. Mrs. G. Whyte placed a wreath on the monument. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McFarlane and boys enjoyed a 'o^^l dinner at the home of his brothers, Neil and Chas. McFarlane on Friday night. Mrs. F. McKinnon reumed home after three weeks vacation with hei (laugrhter at Aurora. Mr. Jack McFarlane has porchas- ed a store in the Parkdale district in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. McFarlane and boys will be very much misscii as they took a keen in all the 'Afferent organizations. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Riddell and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Rid- dell and Mrs. Will Riddell of Hope- ville were visitors Sunday at Mr. Jim Sturrock's. Mr. George Sturrock of Hopeville is- spending a few dayg at the home of his son, Jim. Th€ November meeting of the W.L was held on Thursday afternoon in the basement of St. Columba church wfhen 25 wei>e present^ Mrs. Mal- colm McLean was in the chair and opened the meeiting by singing the Institute Ode. The roll call was an- swered by an ancestral relic, when a number were shown. It was decided to have a copper contest which is to lajrt three months. Mrs. Jim Stur- rock and Mrs. Ken MoArthur were !i(Ppointed as captains. Sides were chosen. It was also decided to buy an article and sell tickets on it. Mrs. Dan Campibell and Mrs, A' L. Hincks were appointed to make the purchase and tickets. It was grandmother's meeting and the program was turn- ed over to Mrs. O'Dell. Shp was dre.s«ed in an old fa.shioned costume and bonnet and gave a humours recit- ation, ''Johnies Opinion of Grandma" which was much enjoyed. Mrs. Wm- Moody also gave a reading, "A Plea- sant .Tourney." Mlr^. Joe Harrison gave a delightful piano solo, "The Wreck of the Titanic," Mrs. R." H. MoConkey gave a splendid paper on the motto, "It Takes a Heap of Lov- ing in a House to make a Home." Mrs. Joe McKee and Mrs. Joe Harr- ison sang a duet, "Silver Threads Among the CH>ld" which was v^vy . The many friends of Mrs. J. S McDerraid are very sorry to leavti of her being taken suddenly ill Sat- urday evening, when she was taken to, Markdale hospital. Her many friends' hope for a (luick recovery. Mr. and Mrs. John McWilliam. ac- companied by Mi'S. R. Campbell, Mrs. M. Irwin and Mr. F. C'hislett visited relatives in Toronto last Sunday. Mrs. Cranston returned to her l\onie last Friday at Dutlgannon after visiting a couple of weeks with her sister. Mrs. J. Knox. Miss Helen Balantyne spent a couple of days the past wc^k at her iiarontal home in Owen Sound- i , Miss Jean McMullen, Owen Sound. was a recent visitor at her parental home. .. Kindly remember the Ladies' Aid meeting this month at the home of Mi"s. D. Adams on Wed., Nov. 26. Mr. Kenneth Miuir returned Sat- urday to -has parental home from Holstein. The many friends of Mrs. Joseph Oliver are soiTy to learn that she js quite ill and hope there may be aji early improvement in her condition. Mr. Percy Stoneouse of Durham visited on Sunday with Mr. a"d Mrs. Jos. Suvuble. Mr. and Mrs. L. Duckett. Mrs. D. Doupe. .loan and Murray, and Miss Helen Duckett visited Sunday with friends at Stayner and Duntroon. Mr. Grant -AVhittaker of Tooi-nto was a recent visitor with friends in the village. Mrs. Wilfred Magee and Mrs.' Kil- bourne Magee of Eugenia visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cairns. Mr. F. Marshall Snr., Messrs. Fred Mar.shcill, Murray Marshall, Dalton Rutledge and Dalton Marshall re- turned th* past week end from a pleasant deer hunt in the north. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sincair of Dun- dalk, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Copeland and family of Salem visited Sunday with Mr. and Mr. Jas. Sinclair. Mr. W. J. Hincks was at Owen Sound last week on the Grand Jurv. Lady Alexander R 3 turns From United Kingdom Trip »^^jM^.»^.^~HM^^â- ^M^♦4M^^i♦♦»♦ ^ i♦â- ^ ^|»♦♦♦♦^â- ♦» â- W'4^^^^^^^**^^^^^^^^^»^^^M^'^â- ^•» WANTED FOR PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT BY LARGE PROGRESSIVE COMPANY LOCATED IN NEARBY TOWN (iood wages paid with* ideal workiuj4- conditions. .\p- plicauts must be willinj? to work on shi-fts. !>' larding accommodation av;iiUil)Ie. Reply giving- age, marital status and any prfvious e.xpfrience to: DOMINION WOOLLENS & WORSTEpS Hespeler, Ontario ^4V44j 4.4 H I 11 1 M 1 1 III I It rtt I It 1 1 f t-«*-«- «-«^-i-«.**'.'»'"'«.«> ^^+ (Intended for Last Week) Kemembrance Day. November 11 I is with us again and many sad mem- ories are brought to mind of that war and also of the war of more recent years. Let us remember that we do our part each flay as the years go l)y in honour of those gallant la<ls who sleep in death in many different l>arts of the world. Mr. Kenneth Muir of Holstien •spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. C. Hartley. * Mrs. J. S. McDemnid attended the executive meeting' of the Orangeville Presbyterial last week. ' | Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stewart ajnd little son, Gregory, visited with Mr. and Mi-s. Clifford Rowbobham ;of Durhaim. â- Mrs. E. Archibald was a recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. , Cliffoird Allan of Springhill. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McDeiTOid ;of Top Cliff visited on Sunday with A^r. and Mrs. McDermid. ' Recent visitors with Mrs..E. Arch- ibald were; Miss E. Ritz, Dundalk; Mr. and Mrs. P. J, Black and dau- ghter. Donna, of Gravenhurst. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McDonald, Mid- hurst, Mrs. Russell Thorburn and daughter, Kareu, of Eugenia visite<l Sunday with Mr. and MIrs. G. Cairns also with Mr, and Mrs, W. Cairns- Mr. and Mrs. Wim. Cairns' Colleen and Howard, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Halbert of Hark- away. , Mrs. Nopinan Huctwith and dau- ghter, Janet, of Watford, Mr. and Mrs. Efl Ferris and son, Donald, of Flesherton spent Siinday with Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair. Mi-s. E. C. Mitchell was in To- much enfloyed. Mrs- Wm, Aldcoi'n gave a historical research of - the old and modern d«ys. Miss Edith James also gave a very interesting paper on the Methodist circuit front lH7i! until Churci'. Union. There were S i-crandmothcrs present. Mrs. O'Dell won first prize for having most •.Vrandcliildroii, Mrs. Tonn Harrison foa- youn.uest grandmother present. Mrs. Aklcorn for eldest grandmothcl' present, Mrs. Shortreed for eldest rrrandm'ot.her in the Institute and Vlr.^. Whyte for great grandmother lioth in their eighties. Mrs. Malcolm Mel.*an made a birthday cake for Uh> '^randmotherii, Mrs. Prier found sinne money in lier piece of cake, whi'.e Mr:; McC(mkey four.d a ticket ff>|. \vhirh she received a prize donat- Oil by Mrs. Koertz. Mrs. M. Mc Lean wa» leaving to ^attend the eon.. veiition i« Toronto on Monday. "Blest be the tie that Binds," wa-; sung and the llizpali benediction was rapeat«d. Lunch was then served. His Excellency the Viscount Alex- ander of Tunis, Governor-General of Canada, is shown as he went abo.nrLi the Canadian Pacific Liner Eflmpress of Canada at Montreal to greet his wife on her return from a six-week visit to the United Kingdom. In the' group above, left to right, are Lady Alexander, James Muir general manager of the Royal Bank of Canada, Dr. Gaspard Fauteux, Speaker of th-e House of Commons- all passengers on the ship, and Ix)rd Alexander. ronto the first of the week. Mr. Laverne Parliment and Miss Bertha Young of Duntrooni Mr. and Mrs, Wm. McCartney of Stayner visited on Sunday with Mr. and ."Trs. L, Duckett. Mr. and Mrs. Geo Udell and son Jack of Toronto, Mr. Jack Gibson and daughter, Ruth, of Midland visit- ed (m Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Gibson. 'Mr. Oaverrit Parliment and Miss Bertha Young of Duntx'oon, .Mi-, and Mrs. Wm. McCartney of Stayner visited on Sunday with Mt. and Mrs Jas- Sinclair, Jliss E. Aitken spent the week end at her parental home at Holstien. '^'W I MOVIN(; IN THE VILLAGE- Mr. and Mrs- Frank Teeter and family have moved to the former Mark Stewart resident and Mr. and Mrs. Ted McCracken have taken up. residence in the buiding next Harold Fawcett's residence. Borrowers, like horses, .should jiidged On past preformances. b* J SHES SnaTAlKING ! Keeping conversations BRIEF is just OQC of the ways of practicing the master rule for the best tck-plione ser- vice . . ."Do unto others as you would like them to do to you â€" and do it first". • • • THt.? YEAR ALONB we are si>euding $3,500,000 so that more farms may have tele- phones with fewer people on each line. ^ FOK BEST RISULTS FROM YOUR TELEPHONIl 1. Ks«p calls brief. 2. Space your call*. 3. Avoid "listening In". 4. Give right-of-way to emergency cadi. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA % -â- 4 Should You Have Completed and mailed This Card? It you are entitled to repayment of the Refundable Savhigs Portion of ydur 1*)I2 Income Tax, ANDâ€" J Jc you live at a different address, or have changed your name due to marriage or other reasons since filing your 1912 Income Tax return, YOU SHOULD COMPLETE THIS CARD If you have, not yet done so please act now . . . All cards shoitlrl be in the Departnieiit by Nov. 30th Remember! There are complete details of what to do on the cards delivered to each household in Canada during recent weeks. If, for any reason, you did not gel your card or an insuflficieut supply was left at your address, go to your ucan'st district Income Tax office or your local Post Office, where card? are available. - If you have a change of nanie or address to report do U now. It will assist in the proper delivery of yonr cheque! DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL REVENUE Taxation Division Ottawa Hon. James J. McCann , Minister of !\'atii>nal Revenue â- ^ •* T A * + •â- * r