I Wednesday, October 15, 1947 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE i A Message of Importance to Cream Producers Since Ceram is an exceptionally good price, it is worth-while to maintain the maximiun production of your dairy herd. Nothing will cut produrtion more sharply than the pro- ducing cows being left out during the unex- pected cold nights. It is, therefore, iadvisable to stable the milch cows at night from now un. Poultry We are in the market for large quantities of poultry. We buy them alive or .'dresseid, or do custom killing. I Flesherton Creamery A > us Avis, Manager Phone 66 FLESHERTON. • rio '♦00 »»»<'<K~;»»fr»<«'>»»»»»->»»'><'<>'>»>«:»-:»v»»'V;"? «»X'~X'»m>4»><'><^^:*<^ ' ors with Mr- and Mi^. John Meads and Mr. and Mre. Jai. Sinclair. Miss Muriel Shaw of Wiarton was a holiday visitor with her mother Mrs. K. Shaw. Recent visitors and callers with Mrs. C. Archibald were; Mrs. G- HoaUh of Owen Sound, Mrs. Fen- wick of Proton Station. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Black and daughter, Donna ol Graven'hurst and Mr H. Archibald oi Agincourt. !W"9" VICTORIA CORNERS THE Flesherton Advance Pabliihed on CoUin^rwood St., '^asharton, Wednesday of eaoh ^•â- Mk. Circulation 1,100. Price S-'.0O a year in Canada, paid in u ifBiee; $2.60 per year in the United States. P. J. THURSTON. Editor CEYLON â- nmnksgriving and Harvest Home service was observed in Ceylon Unit- ed church last Sunday evening with Rev. Gandier as the sPeaker for the evening. The Young People and their assistants d^^^rve great praise for tbe decorating of the church with ft^it, vegetables and house plants. They also took the parts of th^e choir with Miss Helen. Balantyne as org- l»t. We are glad to note several visit- ors present. The Thanksgiving Day services brings memories and also makes us realize that although we have many disappoiiitnient.s we also have much to be thankful for. Ceylon residents and the commun- ity folk assembled last Friday even- ing in the school to honour Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Plester and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Plester, sons of Mrs. Plester of tills village and who are recent newly weds. An addrees was read by Mr. Ken Stewart and fche present- ation of a set of dishee to each cou- ple and a pair of blankets alio, were nadr? by Mr. and Mh-s. Robt. Rut- ledge and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Niohol, Bob and Earl thanked the foJk very kindly for their love^ glKts and ak Joined in singing "For 'they are joHy good fellows" Ihe »ver>ing was spent in cards and danciag. Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John McWflliaim were; Mr. and Mrs. Ohfafl. McWillia,â„¢ of Toroito and Ifiss Nancy McWilliam, Nurse in training at tihe G. & M- Ho«pital, O^en Souind. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fleeter of Tor- onto were bpliday tisitors with the fopmerB mother, Mrs. Pleader, and other relatives in the village. Miig E>thel Irwln of Toronto was a holiday visitor with her mother Mrs. M Irwin and grandrmother, Mrs. W. Burnett. Me.ssr« Grant Whittaker and Arthur Wliittaker oi Toronto spent the holiday with friend's in tfie viU lage. Mt-u. Lanverence of ^Albeirba haa been visiting the (>aBit week with Mrs. Anna McMillan and Mr. Fred Chijilett. MisiS B. Aitken, teaeher of Ceylon pvtblk school aipent the holiday at her home at Holstein. Mrs. E. Doupe, Joan and Murray, and Miss Helen Duckett vis^tsd on Sunday with friends at Nottawa. Miss Hilda Duckett and Mr. Irwin Wani returned to Toronto on Sunday after visiting with the foi-mer's par- onts, Mr. and Mrs Ijuther Duckett. Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stewart were; Miss Grace Blaek- fcwm. Mr. and' Mrs. Hanold Clark, Mr. and f/hv. Les Jamieson &nd son Ra^, Mr. and Mrs. timer Jamie- Con and dftUKhter, Mlarlene, UIm QlBdice Jamieson of Toronto, Mr- Mrf Mi-8. Vernon Stewart and family of BrMviPtoti and' Mr. and Mvs, T. A. iiald and sen, Steiwart of Tor- John Oliver and two children of Det- roit spent the holiday with Mrs. Joseph Oliver and R. C. Oliver and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Will Oliver and two children of Detroit, Mrs. Joseph Oliv- er and Mrs. Stethenn were visiting on Saturday at Wiarton and on Mo.i- day at Collinigwood- Misses Hazel Oopeland and Marie Meads of Toronto were holiday visit- Anniversary services at Ini*tioge on Sunday lafltetrrtoon and evening were well attended with Rev. Jas. Dudgeon of Woodbridge taking both services and Rev. A. G. MacPherson assisting. Mr. R. J. McMillan, To- ronto and Miss Jean Lyons, Ware- ham assisted the choir. Mr. and Mrs. MUtoa Bannon and 9(m, Jack, motored to Torento Sat- urday and attended the wedding of Miss Maisie Reigian and Mr. John Lehman. On tiieir return Saturday they were aocoonipanied by Miss Doris Bannon, who spenit the Thanksigiv- ing week end at her parental home. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Dever, Markdale took charge of the Bannon home on Saturday- Mr. and Mrs. Wiltour MlacMillan and baby, of Owen Sound, were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Archie MaoMillan. Week end guests in the home ol Mr. and Mrs. Russell Linton were; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hoath, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Biggar, Mrs. Edith Hall and Donna, all of Owen Sound. Mrs- Wim. Ludlaw has been stay injg with Mrs. IMnes, in Dundalk. since the death of the latter's moth- er, Mrs. Rowe. Mr. and Mrs. Ehrin Mbore, the former (Ruth Sherson.) are happy to announce the birth of their baby diaughter. in Maitkdale hosipiital, on Friday morning, October 10, 1947 Thanksgiving week end guests with Mrs. Jas. Linton and Mr- and Mrs. Ernie Linton were, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Linton of Gait. Mrs. Jas. Linton has Just returned from a visit with different members of the Russell family. Miss Marie Cooke, Toronto, has keen visiting her sister, Mrs. Walter Acheson and niece, Mrs. Geo. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Ivan (Oopeland were week end guests with the former's parents. Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Capeland. iM'r. and Mrs. Art Jackson enjoy- ed the oOTipany of all memibers of their family on Sunday, including, Mr. and Mrs- Glenn Jackson, Brant- fott-d; Mr. Harold Jackson, Misses Marjory and Hazel Jackson of To- ronto; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jackson, Dundalk: Bill and Jane at homde. The Y. P. U. held their meeting in the school house on Friday even- ing, with a good attendance pres- ent. Mrs. WaddeU, Dundalk, nrasic supervisor in No. 4 school, was guest speaker, she gave a music demon- stration and taught those present a two part song. PORTLAW Miss Mary Shoardow of Toronto spent the Thanksgiving toliday with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank EHllon and Arthur Betts of Toronto visited with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Betts. * Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fisher, Amanda, Harry and Gloria were visitors rec- ently with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lyons. iMr. and Mrs. Oscar McKee and Barbara of Hamilton, Mr. Kenneth MoKee and June of Toronto spent the holidav with Mr. and Mrs. John McKee. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Turville of To- ronto holidayed with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Boyce. Mr- and Mrs. Russell Fatten of To- ronto spent Mionday with the for- mer's brother, Mr. Stanley Fatten. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Jiackson to our neighbourhood They are residing with Mr. and Mrs. John McKee. Mr. and Mrs. D. Jamieson, Harvey and boy friend and Mr. and Mrs. E. Jamieson of Toronto called on friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Petri and sons of Toronto were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Blakey. The Weather Man must be a Wea- ther Woman, the 'way he changes his. or her mind. FLESHERTO.N Cedarside Baptist Church REV. W. A. White, E.D., Pastor 65th ANNIVERSARY AT 11 A.M. and 7:30 P.M. NEXT SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 Special jSpeaker REV. T. B. McDORMAND, B A., B.D. OP TORONTO I You will be welcome. Come and worship in the I i » â- â€" â- ' Little Church by the Side of the Road ROCK MILLS BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. A. White, E.D., Pastor Annual Harvest Home AT 3 P.M. NEGT SUNDAY 19th October Special Speaker REV. T. B. McDORMAND, B.A., B.D. OF TORONTO «..»> 4 •n T "Teacher, remember that problem you gave us for home work â€" ihe one that asks, ''If one man can build a house in 12 days, and 12 men can buiJld it in a day, how many men can build it in an hour?" "Yes Johnny." "Well, my dad says it's not a sound guestkm; he says the unions would never allow it." Always kicking about something Or otiher is jast kickinsr yourself about. A judge had given his dedsioa fa a case, and coucil for plaintiff mm and questioned it. ''I cannot allow you to reopen His aifter I've given my decision," laid his honour- "Then, Judige. I may as well sit down," returned the lawyer. "It's iw use knocking my head againaC a stone waU." Ketumed the judge, "I koinr as other wly> eould perform ha opaP" ation with less personal injury tfMn yourself." X < Mr. and Mw. Oliver Smith of To- MMIo spent the week end with Mm. Mm Oihson and other friends- Mr. and Mrs. Will Oliver, Mrs. STATEMENT OF POLICY by the General Motors Dealer handling CHEVROLET . OLDSMOBILE CHEVROLET TRUCKS Shortly after the war concluded, and because it was of timely impor- tance, we â€" your General Motors dealer â€" issued a statement outlining our business policy. in the interests of our customers and the community as a whole, we have decided that this policy should now be reaffirmed. It will be our continuing purpose, therefore, In all our dealings with you to adhere to the following principles: â- ^ We will abide firmly by delivered prices on all New Cars and Truoka, as recommended by the mamifacturer. '^We will do our best, having the responsibility of being the sole distributor in this area of new General Motors Passenger Cars and Trucks, to allocate them as fairly as possible with proper regard for orders placed with us and dependent upon the availability of models. •^ We will ask only reasonable prices tor all Used Card and Trucks â€" based oo an equitable resale valuation. lAr ^<^ will make allowaaoes based on proper appraisal and a fair valuation to purchasers who have cars or trucks to trade. -^ We will give purchasers the benefit of those acces« sories v/hich are available, but delivery of a new car or truck will not be conditional upon the acceptance of accessories other than those desired. if We will charge only the established prices for parts and accessories, and not more than equitable prices for all types of services. When requested we will gladly provide the customer with advance estimates. if We will, at all times, strive to be considerate of our customers' needs â€" and to serve with efficiency, satis* fiurtion and courtesy. < .* ^ # i â- If â- at w â- * r * a *