mt- *. ><« ft "â-º, »- > 1* T • •»• fc-^ -sr >. "&â- -V ' 4>~ <*'- > !•' ^#Ju t/ > â- ^ A fit" > â- St- n â- â- ?: Classfied Advertising BCSINKSS Uri'UKTCNITIR!^ â- I HAVK u I'MV gMOd liiiallU'iiu i>i7ui-d, a 2 mura bloiK with auuitmema, A ivc.ddwnrll »ilil blachsmllh shon wilh Int. huuse niid hyiirn In cfMinli-.v villane Aloo iiuinbet of to. 111(1. ISO. 20« acre farma with h.vdro In Kuotl locatlnua wllh bush, priced rrom t;lOOO. uii. ,1 C. Loiiu, Ueul Kstale BioUer. IliUBsola. â- Oiuarlo A HU«1.NESS of youi- own for (Hils^ jl'iT Mitrnduce our revolutionary patptilMd houae- hold necesalty. Writo for full parlk'Ulara. Bo.\ 140. 73 Adelaide W.. Toronto HKI.i* WANTKI) ACKNTS H'ANTKU OILS. GREASES, TIRES, Ituiectlcidcs. Electric Pence Conlrollera House and Barn Paint. Roof Coatings, etc. Dealers wanted. Write Warro Crease & Oil Limited, Toronto. BAHV nilCKS TWO WEWJC old started Chicks: Barred ilocliH. Now Haninahires, New Hainoshire X narretl Hock. Llt-hl .Sussex X .N'ew Bamo- shirea non sexed 15.3.-,. nullels 18.95. cock- erels 14.90. Assorted Heavy Breeda 14 95. piilleti' 1" 'IS. cockci-els 13. 95. White l.ef- horn. White I^eshorn X Barred Hock. Black Alistralorp X White LeBhorn, W'llle Rock X. While LoBhorn pulleta 2.T.95, Assorted Medi- um and Light Pullets 22-95. Three week old add 6 00 per hundred. Shipped C'.O.D. Also Iiullels eight weeks to laying. Top Notch t' hickrrl-^H. (iuelph . Ontario. 11'" YOU want Seplember chicks, they should bu ordered without delay. Right now we still hnve chicks, dayulds, some started. In most breeds, for ininiediaie delivery â€" wo ,»d- vise early ordering. Bray Hatchery. 130 John .\.. Hamilton. (3nt. Prompt delivery on the fo'io.vintr breeds of two and three week old '.tarted chicks non- aexed. pulleta or cockerfjs: Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, New Hampshire X Barred Rock. Light Sussex X Xew Unnipshiies. Pul- lets in the following breeds: White Leghorns, White Leghorn X Barred Rock. White Rock X White Leghorn. Black Australorp .'C White L.eEhoril8. Also Assorted Heavy Breeds at rock- bottom prices. Also pullets eight weeks to laying. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcherlc-s Limited. Fergus. Ontario. OYBIMU AMI CUEAMNO HAVB YOU anything neeaa dyeing or clean- ing? Write to us for Information We are rlad to answer your questions. Department H. Parker'e Dye Works Limited. 191 roniie Street. Toronto. Ontario "l5XCHA?it;E~ WILL EXCHANGE natural Turltey Farm. 50 acres with ^utnnter home, trout stream, springs etc. $10,000 for Lake property, pre- fer Niagara or Windsor community. B. J. Whaling, Moorefield, Ont. FARMS FUR SALB GOOD 100 acres, well fenced and drained, young orchard beginning to bear. All build- ings in excellent condition. John McNair. Bi usselB, Ontario. HOUSEKKKPER. for modem farm homo, catiablu of taking -full charge; adults: state iigu and wages exi>ected. Miss 0. Uuncanijon, Uuttori. Ont. ^ MBOICAL WA.NTKD â€" Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains (ir Neuritis to try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 3a5 Elgin. Ottawa. Postpaid $1.0u. WHY SUFFER ARTHRITIC and rhouiiiQlic tdrment when Br^enatono of- fers proniL)! last inn relief. One monthk* treatmenl II 00 postpaid Indian Remcdlps. ^ox Its. Vaniouver. FltriT JL'ICES: Tho principal ineiedlenU In Dixon' a Remedy for Uheumilic Pains, N'euriiiu. - Munro's Drui? Stoi-e. 335 UlKln. Ottawa. L'ostpaid $1.0U. OrPORTUMTIBH FOIl WOMEN BE A HAIDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Greai Opportunity Learn Hnlrdresslng Pleasant dt^tHed profeBslon. good wfiBea. ihnusands aucce^aful. Marvel eraduatea America's Ki'imteat system. Illustrated cata lOKue free. Write or Call MARVEL (*MRDRTCSS1NG SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St W.. Torontn Branches 44 KlnE St.. Hamlltoa A 74 RUIeau Street. Ottawa NURSE EDUCATION The Sarnia General Hospital Offers (a) A thref* yearn course in riurmiijf, this in- i'ludes UV(» aiH'ciallies. (b) 3 months iif filiation in Piiedtatrica iii (Children's Hospital. Detroit, (c) 3 months experience in Psychiatry. Educational Requirements Complete Middle School Remuneration J25.00 . per month Write â€" Superintendent nf Ninses for School ayllal>ita. FOB SiiL£ AIRFORCE SALE New R.C.A.F. Leather dress boots â€" ST-DTi. R.O. A.F. new raincoats â€" $4.9ri. Arniy pants (new)â€" J2.95. Blankets â€" J3.96. Wiito lor Free Bulletin. Thrifty Sport Shop, 129 Church St., Toronto. ATTENTION rARAlVaS rOR sale: â€" Tractor Tires, made of rubber. suitable for boltins on steel wheels. S16.00 each, rear wheels; S7.50 each, front wheels. When ordering slate diameter and width ot wheels. National Rubber Co. Ltd.. I Wilt* â- blre Ave.. Toronto, Ont. BRANTFOUD Imperial windmill. Perfect cundiltqji. 40 ft. Reasonable. Alao bank barn 40 X 60. Mrs. J. Kurta. Tavistock. CONCRETE MACHINERY 2'/i Cu. Ft. Hand or Power-operated Mixers â€" ideal for small mlxlns Jobs on the farm, either cement or feed. 4 and 6 cu. ft. Power Mixers. Hand-lamped Block Machlnea for the small operator or farmer requiriuff blocks for his own use. Immediate delivery. Wett- laufer-Welker Industries Limited. 1290 Bay Street. Toronto, Ontario. CLETRAC caterpillar tractor with 8 fl. bull- dozer, hydraulic lift. Apply Geo. K. I'ol- lard. BrusselR, Ont. Phono GC r 13. FOR SALEâ€" Younsr bul! calves â€" Registered Aberdeen Angus â€" 4 months to 9 months of -aKt. â€" S75.00 to JS5.00 each. Six year old liuU â€" UeBJatered Ansus of proven ability. J 150. 00. FerKUson'Farm, R.U. No. 2. West Loine, Ontario. FLAGS ALL Sizes Union Jacks or Canadian IOn.Hi(;nH, sewn wool buntine. Special offering on Wi and t' foot Union Jacks. Fast dye sewn cotton. Discount for quantities. Brighten your com- munity ur homo by Hyint; a Koud quality lias. John Lcckiu Limited. 77 WelllnKlon St. West, Toronto. TIRES 600 X 16 â€" $9.00 V.'e aro overstocked at the present of sood used irado-ln tires teuaranteed to be Id ex-' cellent shape). .AIL orders shipped C.O.D. Special equipment for vulcanizins Truck and l-'arin Tractor Tires. BEACON TIUE corner Queen and York Sts., Hamilton, Ont. ONTARIO'S MOST MODER.N EQUIPPED TIRE SHOP Dealers Wanted FAK.>1.S FOR 8ALK 21t) ACRE FARM, clay loam, running water in iinslure year round, close to buildings, 150 acres tillable, balance bush and pasture. Frame house. 9 i-oums, hard and sofl water. In same frame bank barn, 30 x 70 piggery. machine shed, hen house and garnge. Tractor worked and coinblno threshed, hydro througli- out, sell wilh or without stock and imtile- nienta, Inimcdlale possession. C. It. Haimah, owner, Frankford, Ont.. R.U. 4; phone 7R13, Fl'KMTLRK CHESTERFIELD SUITES Cheatertield Suites absolutely new. full Hprlns filled construction, every style, finest Mohair, Velour, Krlze, Urocattele, Silks, Unmasks unO other fine hard wearing upholsiei ini; tabrks, 100 NEW CHESTERFIKLD SUITES TO . ClIUUSE t'RUM! I'UEE DELIVER! TO VOUR NEAREST STATICI.N. TODD h.1? been In the chesterfield S'liio bitslneds lor 30 years and is recogniza:.c in lhf» trndo as a specialist and Ihe most parliculur buyer In tho business. Listed below are a tew of our cash prices foi QUALITY CHESTERFIELD SUITES. $119 00 ^ i>\^<:q Period Suite â- â€" finest * cuaions covered all oven with fina quality voio'^r. $149.00 â- * ^^^^^ modein suite*!, B^'lloon mohair. 19.00 Deautifiil 2 piece Lawaon Sulta. Finoat 2 pleca Charles of Lon- don suites. Many other outsiandijis values. $1 $119.00 SAVE AS MUCH AS $100.00 nuy iibaolutely new nianufacturori factory â- huwrootu sample suites direct froMi TODD. S. J. TODD & sons. 745 WOODBINE AVE. (Rear), TORONTO. Phono GROVEK 4343 THE HOSPITAL for Sick Children. Toronto. offers a certificate course to yoimg women In the care of infants and young children. Length of cnurst â€" U months. Requirements â€" Applicants must be betwei-n eighteen and thirty years of age with one yi-ar of high school Remuneration providt'd i>Iub full maintenance and uniform. Applications are being received now for courses beginning August first and September first. Apply to Superintendent of Nursia, HoHpital for Sick Children. 67 College tSireet. Toronto. "BEAUTY FOR YOU" A wonderful instructive book of Heauty treat- ments you can give youraelf. Home far-ials. finger waves. Cnie of skin, Imnda. nails, eyes and hair. Send $1.UU. Free Height- Weight Regulation Chart. Reauty Cult. CSS K. 'IVJ St., New Vork C7. New York. OFFER TO iXVENTtmS AN OFFER to every inventor â€" List or lnven< tlons and full Information serii free The Ramsa.v ( o.. Reiclsiered Pat em A Homey s. :f73 Bank Street. Ottawa PATBNTS FETHKRSTONAL'GH * Company Patent Solicitors Established 18D0 U Kms Weal. Toronto lionUlel of information on reuuesi. PERSONAL OFFICIAL MacNab History by R. A. JelTery including Membership L>ne Dollar. Write: MacNab Historical .\ssociaiion. I''olyet. Ont. PHOTOORAPin NL WAY Photo Service offers you the latest in photo finishing. Films developed and one decklf cratt print Of eacii nogalive com- plete in snai)shot album oOc. Ueprinia 4c. For bettl-r oualiiy and faster per.sonal service send your rilnis to Nu Way I'holo .Service, Salion A. Dept. C. Toronto. PROMPT MAIL SEKVICE This big. relio-ble studio docs qualily work AT LOWER PRICES Don't risli vour tilnis. Send titem to Star Snapshot Service. AN) SIZE KOI.L <i or 8 Exposiii't's IIEVELOPEU ami PKINT£I> 30e Reprint 3 Irmn your nesatives 4c. 2 mounted enlargements < x 6'* 2&c. Wn- largemenis Iramcd 7 x 9" in Cold. Silver. Walnut or Black Krainea ~ic. If picture colored lUc. Prima and enlurgennnte made from prints of tost negn lives Dept. M STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE iiux vi\). PO.ST officij; a. tdkonto WING'S PHOTO SERVICE All prints wilh deckle edge, fi or 8 exposure rolls â€" 2Gc. Reprints Jc, each. Box 2. Station .1, Toionto. TBACHKRAt WANTED FKUTKSTANT teacher wanted for S.3. No. 8 Ruglan. Duties to begin Sept. 2nd. 1947. .\pply staling salary and qualifications to Daniel Budnrtrk. Scc.-Treaa., Palmer Rapids, Ontario. PKTERBORp .COUNTYâ€" School Area No. J. Twp oi Chandos re(|uirea teacher Septim- ber. Male preferred, Jljdtt.ou up. experience and (lualificationa considered, Walter Nelson, Secret at y. Apsley, Ont, HASTINGS CO. Four qualified teachers want- ed for School Area No. 1, Alonteagle and Herachel fur schools No, H and r.. MonteaKle: lU and 11. Herschel. Salary, (1501). Dulles to commence Sept. 2, 1947. Apply, stnttng QUnliticalioriM. to Trank Hinze. Sec. Treaa.. Maynooth Station. Ont. WANTED WA.NTEDâ€" All kinds ot dressed poultry. Top prices for top birds. Joseph Cooper Limited. Poultry Dppt . 2064 Danfortb Ave.. Torontc B. fWe do custom sradlnitt. LOGS REQUIRED WK Purchase Maple, Birch, Vsh. Cherry and Basswood logs, loaded on freight cars for caah. Write particulars it. Box 617. Hes- peler. Ctptario. DAIRY BUSINESS WANTED WImt hnve you lo offer? We have a Imyer for a (Iniry. irenniery. arid milli suDpiy dep6t, almost an.v IpcalMy will bo suitable. This comnnny wni purcliatie and \\m all the milk availal)le. Price un lo t50,000. to Include ffn business nnd bulldlnes. Bert Weir & â- '^.ns. Ue aUors, 13.T, ii D undnH .Street. London. I'.VHTY desires farm containlnff sood orchard, (JeorBlnn Bay district preferred. Now available J1.500 eiiulpnient. $1,UOO. other a.s.iel8. f'oulrt mnnaKe or run on shares. Uefcrenies. . S. A. t!.. no,\ 145. 73 Adolalde W.. t'oi'iMllo. Arabian Pipe Line Tho piiiicipal reason for an oil pipe line across Arabia to Mediter- ranean ports is the 3,000-inilc tanker route by way of the Persian Gulf and Ihe Rctl Sea, and the 18-cents-per- barrcl toll through the Suez Canal. HAIBDRKSSINO LBaHN Halrdresslng ths Koberlson method [nfurmatlon on rsQUeat regnrdinff da .;>ea Robertson'* Halrdresslng Academy. Ill Ave- nue Rond. Toronto. ' DXLF WANTED HOUSKKEKPERâ€" Middle .aged, capable of taking full charge. Write rtol>crt Binks. We st Lome, O nt. GENERAL DUTY NURSES For Markdalo r-rivate Hoapllal. HOC. 00 month nnd full maintenance. Apply Or. K. L. CarcfooU Markdale. Oak KIDNEYACIDS Rob your Rest.. Muijr people never teen lo get â- (eod nifhl'* mt Thej turn end ten hliMe it on 'nervet'â€" when it nuy be their IMiere. KeiJth* kidneys filter poiioni ind escaee ecidt Ml the Uoea. If they Ml mmI mtmfy* itay in th* lyg l e m di rt iafceJ N«t «ft«E fbiWwi. if yeu don't rest «â- â- &snd we Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodfo the ludneys so thst ye*.; esa tool Wlt-»«â€" and feel better. 134 On the Rocks , . . and Likes It â€" Apparently blissfully coinlor place, tills straw-hatted bather reclines ato]) some shore-line r table despite his hard resliiis ocks and enjoys a sun bath. Sports - And One Thing or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS "' ("A Sixbit Critic") - As these liiici arc written, the Brooklyn Dodgers arc leading the National League by a respectable margin. Moie than that, they have been in a coulcnding position ever since the start of the season : and their biggest gamble â€" bruiiet Jaclcie Robinson â€" has not only matle good on all that was predicted of him, but has also become the greatest draw- ing-card ill the senior circuit. * « * Thus, both fi'om an artistic and a financial staiulpoini, the Dodgers couldn't be silting much prettier if they had personally written the script. .\iid somehow or other we can't help occasionally wondering just what Mr. Leo Duioclicr's pri- vate feelings must be as he watches hi. former charges sailing so merrily along without his guidance. * M * MCE , PLAYMATE. l\.ss-.hly for 110 good reason, Russia's Mr. Mulolov keel's fittiiu) us in mind of a tnotniim's /•(â- ( uaiiieii Eddie, 11I' in Eerlh Cotiiily when ~vc nrre a kid. In Ihc baseball season, for inslanee, Eddie woidd alliiic Ihe rest of ns lo furnish bnis, halls niid all- oilier para- l>heriialia, as well as (icl Ihc diamond into shaf^e. Then, if lie felt like it, he'd eondeseeud lo playâ€"(<ro-i'idcd we let him qo In hat first and tossed him iiolhinti hiil easy f-ilelies. L * * * The case of race-m;iie running â€" and winningâ€" under the name of her sister is still far fioin being satisfactorily settled. The chances are it never will bi,^. Our lurC solons, who " are a law unto themselves, plastered two trainers and one owner with a sort of "Absolutely innocent but don't do it again" verdict. The owners of the steeds which ran second, third and fourth to WILLE- GIVIT will be tahoii care of, receiv- ing the portions of the purse that would have been theirs had lady stayed in the barn. But what of that other "forgotten man" â€" meaning the two .and five dollar piker who only pays the bills? Well, he's still forgotten, and serve him right. When you buy an article from .any reputable establishment, you naturally c.Kpcct them to make good if that article later turns out to be phony; but .Jockey Clubs, even with their wealth of impressive and highly-paid olliclals, are evidently difTereiit. By their own admission they are so easy to deceive that they can give you no guarantee the goods tliey are peddling are as repieseirted ; and if you get fooled, well â€" that's horse-raciug." A warning commonly seen on race-tracks runs "Don't Tear ITCH CHECKED inaJi/fif •or Money Back ' For (ittlcic rdlcf fram Itching caused by eczema, I »tli'«e'» foot, sciiUei, pimples and other itchina r conditions, use pure, cooling, medicated, liquid ; D. D. D.>IIUCIIimON. Greaseless and •tatnleaa. Sootliee, comforts and quickly -alms I Intense itchini. Don't suffer. Ask yourdraggill \ todar for D. D. D. PIICSCRIPTION. . ^ ISSUE 30â€"1947 Ll> Mnliiel Tickets Till After the OFFICIAL Sign is Posted." We hereby move that it be amended to road, "Save Your MutucI Tickets for at Least a Coupic of Ycais." * « * KEW DATA O.V Tlij; PROB- LEM or IIAIR-RAISING Idly scanninfi Ihc advertising columns of a daily paper on the way lo Fori Erie, one well-known Turf adviser (hustler to you) zi'as heard lo remark to a companion, "It says here that some scifniist claims a man's hair grows faster in summer than in win- ter. Do you believe it?' 'Lo which the other somewhat mournfully re- plied. ".All 1 knozv is thai nothing in the world will make a guy's liair grow so fast as being shy Ihe price of a hair-cut." * * * First call for football talent to re- port for training has already gone out and before the Dog Days have properly set in, no doubt we shall he having pre-season exhibitions, to he followed by league games, with play- offs and post-playoffs ensuing right up to Christmas or.if the customers hold out, possibly Groundhog D.ay. « * * Of course it isn't any of our par- ticular business and â€" .as you are probably saying to yourself â€" if we don't like it we always have the privilege of staying away. But wc still can't help feeling that an Ath- letic Commissioner might do worse â€" for Ihe benefit of sport in general^ than to apportion the year into definite segments and tell, for in- stance, the football folks not to slop too far over into hockey's territory, and \ ice vers.i. * « * WHAT WE U'A.WT 7.9 SER- P'lCE; Tales of hitch-hikers and Iheir agreeable ways are legion. Still, we rather relished this incident, as reported by a friend. Driving to his summer collage with his family re- cently, they stopped for this hiker, nianoc/ing to make room for him in Ihe back scat. After half a mile or so the nezv passenger spoke. "Mister," he said lo Ihe man silting beside the driver, "1 wonder would you change places so that I can sil in fronts" Lheu possibly feeling that a word of e.yplaiiation was in order, he added, ")'on sec, there'll be a pal of mine thumbing a couple of milcf further along the road; and I uanl lo be able to spot him in lime so that 've con pick him up too." Russia Listens Moscow radiocast said that more than 3,500,000 Russians have radios ill their homes. The radiocast said the figure was more tliau before the war, but gave no comparative figure. Total population of Russia is slightly under 197,000,0011. (The United States had (iO.OOO,- 000 radio sets in use last year, according to the 1947 World Al- manac. The total population is 1. 59,621,43 1. Progress Today, with the use of machines ;uid science, the average Canadian fariner can work about 85 acres of iui|)roved land; in 1911 he was able to ctiltivatc only 51 acres. To-day, the farmer can get about 00 bushels of hybrid corn per acre, where pre- viously he got only 50 bushels from standard varieties. Cows yielding .^,000 pounds of milk annually are average cows, as compared with less than 3,0(IO-pound producers at the turn of the incsent century. Play at Wai^ .\u Associated I'rcss reporter fell into conversation with Ger- man children in boinb-ruinei Munich. In the rubble they were building air-raid shelters, iniui»- turc West Walls, tunnels for am- munition storage. The gang li«d its little fuehrer, who was a!*so- hilc boss, with power to "court- martial" his "men." The fuehrer ordered a seven-year-old girl to sit in front of a hunker and pl»y the role of the civilian populs- tion. A boy threw sand in her face. That represented the civi- lians getting hit by a bomb. ^^"^ CSGARETTI PAPERS Famous Pce-Wat Quaiify ThconV Qgarslte Paper MADEIN FRANCE on tale in Canoda BLUE cover] PURE WHITE J Frae Bumtas Double Booh Automatic 100 Leaves For EASY ROLUNG u$t a ZIG-ZAG 25* CIGARETTE ROLLER For constant Smoking Pleasure ft EXPORT Cigarette Tobacco If i<^i^^^ ALSO AVAILABLE IN *A POUND TINS GeTlfiejump'on Compfete FOixiopusr Here, in a single product, is complete protection against most common potato pests, including early and late blights, Colorado potato beetles, flea beetles, and leaf hoppers. Widely acclaimed by professional potato growers everywhere, this combination insecticide-fungicide con- sists of a skilful blend of Uasi-Cop* and Micronized* DDT; 'Rcs'd trmie-mttti Look for the Green Crossi fhe sign of Modern Protectioa A GREEN CROSS FIELD LEADER PRODUCT MUTT AND JEFFâ€" Shows You That Jeff Has a Temper of His Own By BUD FISHER