â- w^^nnmaipMRP Wediiesda: . July 9, 1947 ♦4*****-M-l<( r'FV'l"!' w 50 New Cars For Sale- would be good news. We can, however, refinish your present car in factory Dulux or Duco cuid make it look like new. AUTOMOBILES, TRACTORS, TRUCKS, Etc. REFINISHED Body and Fender Work Simonizing and Polishing One of the most modem and best equipped Body Shops in the County is NOW OPEN for inspection. Write or I'hune â€" or droi> in at the Garage and let us give you a FREE ESTIMATE ON THE JOB Marlidale Garage I Phone 20 Markdale, Ont. >4. » .).4.^ .>.>J.<^^.A4.♦>i^M^.^M^..il4.4..;.â- ^..^.^^..f4.^.4..H^♦»♦4^^^^^^4^^'4^•^^^^^^^^^!^♦i^^^ TRAD E I N YOU R OLD TIRE S TODAY sm CQWf YOUR CAR WITH NEMf 1lre$fofte CHAMPIONS THE SAFEST, LONGEST-WEAIUNO mes EVER WILT "^91) Cctnac&L2L NUMBER Trade your old, worn, unsafe tires novr and get a most liberal allowance. Let us replace them with sensational new Firestone DeLuxe Champion Tires that give up to 32% Longer mileage and 60% more non-skid angles for greater safetyâ€" at no extra cost. Drive in and trade in today. YOUR USED riRES ARE WORTH MORE AT FIRESTONE HIGH QUALiiy T'iresfon* auto ACCESSORIES WILL REALLY "DRESS-UP" yOUR CARI SEAT COVERS They're tailor-made to fit your car. A combination of cloth and Fibre in colourful design, with seami double lock-ititchea lo insure jnaximum itrenjih. WEDGE CUSHIONS FRONT Sq AC SEAT '•'â- ' BACK $7 4Q SEAT '*^^ McJt^oldwUeeUUok GRILLE GUARDS Thf y "le sturdily built and beauti- fully finished in glcamlns chrome. The curved padded wedge shape gives full support. Aveilabic In various coloured fabrics or simu- lated leather. EACH FROM M.85 Wu 4ie44Al WHITE siDEWALLS METAL Dress up your car with these sturdy whlt« «namcl- I Anish tide walls. SET OF FOUR «9.80 PROTECT THE FINISH OF YOUR CAR AND KEEP IT SPARKLING BRIGHT ALL THE YEAR ROUND. SPEEDY CAR WASH Here's a soapleis washins compound that cleans quickly and easily, 8-OZ. TIN 30^ SUeefUiiMuU MGA44tA SPONGES These soft, durable and extremely ab- sorbent sponges will nakt c«r> washing a pleasure. EACH '2.00 ftreftone CLEANER & POLISH Brings out the orljlnai lustre on your car with little effort. 16^Z. TIN 70* Tir«fton« POLISHING PADS There's • convanlent hand ilze, two pads to • package. PACKAGE 30^ irleshek'ton, Ont. vn^ THE Ft JIBHERTON ADVANCE THE FleshertOM Advance I'ublished on Collingwood St., Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation 1,100. Price $2.00 a year in Canada, paid in aavance; $2.60 per year in the United Skates. F. J. THURSTON, Editor High Sthool ReMiltts Of Forms f To 10 Depairtment«l rtMilts In Grades 11 and 12 are •â- ibjtlot to approval by the De<partmont o(f Eduoation- Names listed ill alphabetical order. R indi- cates recomvmendation on tanm work, P indicates probationairy promotion, A«K. indicates granting of standing ' gc. R, Plestov, Oarman â€" Eng., Fr., H. & P.E. R, Math. P, Sc. P. xl. and PE. R, Soc- St. P, Math., 3c. P. EKxbson, Lawrence â€" ^Eng. R, Lat. R, 'â- i^. II. and P.E. R, So«. St. R, Math. R, Sc. R. Filcon.r Robt. â€" Eng., Lat., Fr., II. and P.E. R, Soc. St., Math., Sc. P. Genoe, Ga.yle â€" Eng. R, Lat. R, Fr. i:. H. ;,u| P.E. R, Soc. St., Math. R, Sc. Hcul'er. Joanâ€" Eng., Lat- R, Fr. R, H. and P.E. R, Soc. St., Math. R, Sc. R. John.ston. Donald â€" 'Eng., Lat., H. and P.E. R, Soc. St. R, Mlath., Sc. McKttehiiie, Keryeth â€" Math. (9) R. Sc. (9). 'MteLaohllaij, Mary<belile â€" Eni}., Fr. H. and P.E. R, Math. MacTavish. Dan â€" H. and PE., Math (9), Fr. (9), Sc. (9). Peebles, Kayâ€"Bng., Lat- R, Fr. R, H. and P.E. R, Soc. St. R, Math. R, upon medical certificate of illness. GRADE 9 Acheson, Emily â€" English, History: Geography, Poa-teou.s, Irene â€" Eng.. Lat. R, Fr-, H. and PE. R, Soc. Lit., Math., Sc. ,, ^u 4.- A cj . A ^ J Richardson, Will â€" Eng. P, Lat. R, Mathoniatics, Ag. Science, Art and p^ p „ . t, r- a el m /u ^ J.. ^ ., . ., , ilT. R, 11. and P.E., Soc. St., Math. French, Health and P.T., Crafts, G'uidance, Aeg. throughout. Akins, Joan â€" Eng. R, Hist. R, Fr. [R, Sc. R. Russell, Maurice'- â- Eng., Lat. R, R., H. iUKl P.T. R, Ge'og. R, Mafli. R, p^. r^ h. and P.E. R, Soc. St., Math. .Ag. Sc. R, Art »nd Crafts R, Guid- r, g^ r. ance R. Betts, Allanâ€" (Eng. P, Hist., Fr. P, H. and P.T., Geo., Math., Ag. Sc, Art and Crafts R, Guidance. Belts, Myrtleâ€" Fr., H. and P.T. R, Geog., Math., Ag. Sc, Art. Campbell, Dorothy â€" ^Eng., Hist. R, Fr. R, H. and P.T- R. Geog., Math., Sc, Art R, Guidance R. Davison, Phyllis â€" Eng. R, Hist., Fr. R, H. and P.T. R. Geog., Math. R, Sc, Art R, Guidance R. Dingwall, Loma â€" Eng., Hist., Fr. H. and PT., Math., Art R, Guidance. Fawcett, Beth â€" Eng. R, Hist. R, Fr. R, H. and P.T. R, Geog., Math R, Sc. Art R, Guidance. Genoe, Yvonne â€" Eng., Hist. R, Fr. R, Health R, C«oe. R, Math., Sc, .Art R, Guidance R. Goessel, Margot â€" iBng. R, Hist. R, Fr. R, H. and P.T. R, Geog. R, Math. R, Sc, Art E, Guidance- R. Hargrave, Russell â€" Eng. R, Hist- R, Fr. R, H. and P.T., Geog., Math. R. Sc, Art R, Guadace. Hawes, Winnifredâ€" JEng. R, Hist. R, Fr. R, H. aid P.T. R, Geog. R. .Math., Sc. R, Art R. Guidance R. Hebnkay, Gordon-â€" Fr., Math., Art, Guidance. Hill, Betty-,Bng. B, Hist., Fr. R, It. and P.T. R, Geeg.. Math. R, Sc. R, Art R, Guidance- Hir.cks. Mairy â€" Eng. R, Hist. R, Kr. R, H. and P.T., Gfog., Math. R, Sc. R, Art R, Guidance R. Hincks, Shirley â€" Eng., Hist-, Fr. It. H. and I'.T. R, G«og., Math. P, Sc. Art R, Guidance R. Ilodgin.?, lona â€" Eng., Hist. R, Fr. H, H. and P.T. R, Geog., Math. R, Sc, -Art R, Guidance. Ilolmps, Leonard â€" Eng., Hist., Fr. P, Geog., H. and P.T. R, Math. P, Sc, Art R, Guidance. Love. Glady.sâ€" .Eng. R, Hist. R,Fe. W. Geog. R, H. and P.T. R, Math. R, Sc. R, Art R, Guidance R. MacTavi.sh, Maryâ€" Eng. R, Hist. R Fi'. R. H. and P.T. R, Geog., Sc, .A.rt, Guidance. McCrat-ken, Robt. â€" H. and P.T., .\rl R, CJuidanca. McGee, Glonora â€" Eiig., Hist "^ Fir. R, H. and P.T. R, Geog. R, Math! R. Sc. R, Art R, Guidance.- McMullen, Eleanorâ€" Eng. R, Hist P.. Fr. R, H. ami P.T. R. Geog. pi .Math. R, Sc. X, Art R, Guid. R. McMullen, Fayeâ€" Eng. R, Hist. R, P'-. R. H. ami P.T. R, Geog. R, Math. It, Sc, Art R, Guidance. MiWiigan, Johnâ€" Eng. Hist. R, Fr. R, H. and P.T., Geog. R, Math. R. Sc. R, Art R, Guidance R. Morrison, G(u-<lonâ€" Eng. R, Hist R, Fr. R, H. and P.T.. Geog. R, Math'. R, Sc. R, Art R, Guidance. Park, Gwenâ€" Eng. R, Hist. R, Fr. R H. and P.T. R. Geog,, Math. R, Sc. R, Art R, Guidance R. Pattison, George â€" Eng. Hist. P Fr. R, H. and P.T. R, Geog. P, Math.! »c.. Aii-t R, Guidance. Porteous, GtAorgeâ€" Eng., Hist., Fr. H. and P.T. R, Geog. R, Math., Sc.. Art R, Guidance. Rutledge, Phyllis â€" Eng. R.,' Hist R, Fr. R, H. and P.T. R, Geog. R. Math. R, Sc. R. Art R, Guidance. Sparks, Moirielâ€" Eng. R, Hist R Pi-. R. H. and P.T. R, Geog. R, Math! K, Sc. R, Art R. Guidance R. Stauf>-er, Carsonâ€" Eng. R, Hist. R, F'-- ^, H. and P.T. R, Geog. R, Math. Sc. R, Art R, Guidance. Whitf, Gordonâ€" Eng. Hist. R, Fr H. and P.T., Geog. P, Math. R, a^. P, Art, Guidance. Whyto, Carman â€",Eng.. Hist. R, Pr., H. and P.T., Geog., Math., Sc. Art R, Guidance. Wlhyte Josephâ€" Ehig. R, Hist.. Pr. R, H. and PT., Geog., Math., Sc. 1!, Art R, Guidance. Wood, lonaâ€" Eng. P, Hist. P, Fr. R. H. and P.T. R, Geog., Math. R, Sc, Art R, Guidance R. Young, Ivanâ€" Eng., Hist., Fr. R, H. and P.T., Geog. Math. P, Sc, Art K, Guidance. Smith, Donaldâ€" Eng., Lat. Fr., H. and P.E. R, Soc. St. P. Math., Sc/ P. Smith, Ruthâ€" Eng. R, Lat. R, Fr. R, H. and P.E. R, Soc. St., Math. R, Sc. R. Tucker, Joyce â€" Eng., Lat., Fr., H. and P.E. R, Soc. St. P, Math., Sc. Turney, Robt. â€" Eng., H. and P.E. R, Soc. St. P, Math., Sc Walker Hazel â€" Eng. R, Lat. R, Fr. R, H. and P.E. R, Soc. St. R, Math- R, Sc. R. Wood, Maibel â€" Eng.. Lat., Fr. R, H. and P.E. R. Soc. St., Math., 6c. High School Bus Routes All students who wish Bus Transportation to the I, HIGH SCHOOL! IN FLESHERTON for the term 1947 - 48 must notify the Principal, K. G. Goheen, before July 17th. Notification should be in writing and include your place of residence (lot, concession and township, if rural.) Bus routes and schedules will be determined on the basis of this information. morning when hit by a falling beam while at work on the Caldwell farm, near Dromore. An old cowboy went to the city and registered at a hottj for the first time in his life. The clerk asked him if he wanted a room with running water- "Heck, no!" the cowboy yelled. "What do you think I am, a trout?*' Ejf- night it was very coJd, and the _.^ liehma,!! feeling it pretty badly, ca# / downstairs eariy next moiminir**^ get wajrm. At the same trapj>er, who had been out looking his traps, came in the door, were hanging from his mousi and with a pitying expression, Englishman looked at him and claimed: "By Jove, old man, room did you sleep in?" GRADE 11 Acheson, Evelynâ€" lEng. R, A.&M. Hist.. Alg., Hiy. Lat. R, Fr. R. Health and P-E. R. Adams, Frances â€" Phy., H. and P. E. R. Benson, Bryce â€" Eng. P, A. and M. Hist., Alg., Phy., Lat. P, Fr.. H. R. Bunnstead, Marjorie â€" Eng. R, A.& M. Hi-st., Alg., Phy.. Lat. R, Fr. R, H. and P.E. R. Campbell, Eric â€" Eng. R, A and M. Hist., Alg., Phy., Lat. R, Fr. R, H,R. Linton, Margaret â€" Eng. R, A. and M. Hist. Alg., Phy., Lat. R, Fr. R, II and P.E. R. fllacDougall, Reta â€" Eng., Hist., Phy., Fr., H. and P.E. R. McGee, Davidâ€" Eng. R, Hist., Alg. Phy., Lat. R. Fr. R, H and P.E. R. McKc^chnie, Laui-ie â€" Eng., Phv., Lat., Fr. P, H..and PE. R. Milne, Jack â€" Eng., Hist., Alg., Phy., Lat. R, Fr. R, H. and PE. R. Nichol. Haroldâ€" Eng., Hist., Alg., Phy., Lat. P, Fr. P, H. and P.E. R. Phillips, Ireneâ€" Eng. R, Hist., Alg^ Phy., Lat. Fr. R, H. and P.E. R. Pickles, Rhineâ€" Fr., H. and P.E. R Procttor, Eloanor â€" Eng., Hist., Alg., Phy., Lat., Fr.. R, H. & PE. R. Sparks, Eleanor â€" Eng. R, Hist., Alg., Phy.,* Lat. R, Fr. R, H. R. Thurston, Barryâ€" T'Ing., H;st., \Ig. Phy., Lat. R, Fr. R H. and P.E. R. Turney, Joan â€" Eng., Hist, Alg., Phy., Lat. R. Fr. R, Fr. R, H. R. AlE Lat., GRADE 12 Hincks, Betty â€" Eng., Fr., H. and P.E. R. Marshall, Barbara â€" Eng., Hi'-t. Alg., Phy., Lat., Fr.. H. and P.E. li McCracken, Shirley â€" Eng., Hist., Alg., Phy., Lilt., Fr.. H. afid P.E. R. Meads, Emima â€" Eng., Hist.. k\^., Phy., Lat,. Fr., H. and P.E. R. StaurFer, Marion â€" Eng., Hist., Phy Lat., Fr., H. and P.E. R. Stewart, Evelynâ€" Eng., Hist.. Alg. Phy., Lat., Fr., H. and P.E. R. Thurston, Bntce â€" Eng., Hist., Phy. Lilt., H. and P.E. R. Walker. Blanche' â€" Eng., Hist., Alg. Phy., Lat., Fr.., H. and P.E. R. Wliite, Gwen â€" Eng. Hist., Alg., Lat., Fr, H. and P.E. R. McLeod, Donald â€" Alg. PRICEVILLE .-VlxM-dein, GRADE 10 Enmaâ€" Eng. R, Lat. R. Pi-., n. and P.E. R. Soc- St. P, Math. R, Sc. Allen, Murray â€" Eng. R, Lat. R. Fr. R. II and P.E R. Soc St. R, '.?fllh. R, Sc. R. Betit«, Tosn â€" Cng, R. Lat., Fr. R. (Inte-nded for Last Week) Mr. Inins McLean of Toronto is sii)ending t\TO weeks at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Hincks and Mar- ilyn of Toronto are spending a week at their cottage. Mt. and Mrs. Brocklebank and two sons of Walkerton visited on Sunday -â- .vith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Frook. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Nichol and Mr. Ken Nichol of Ottawa are spend- ing a week with their parents. 'Mh-s. EMgar Patterson sipelit the past week with friends at London. Mr. Colin McLean went to Toronto Thursday to have an operation per- formed on his eye. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Sims and Miss Nellie McLean spent the Trp?S end at Fendon Falls. Mr. Jack McFarlane spent a fen» days in Toronto. Mis.s Frances Adams, Flesherton, spent a couple of days with her sis- ter, Mrs. Dick Carson. Miss Marjorie Meuse-r of Owen Sound is vis'iting her sister, Mrs. .-\j-cliie MoCuaig. Mr. Willis Saye-re has accepted a po.-iition in Owen Sound and spent the week etid at his hoonc. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Art l.eith in the sudden dc-'ath of hei lM-<>iher, K. Marshall, of Xormahby, who was instantly killed Tliuirsdav Sandy Simpson has been patiently improving his dairy herd. He saw his chance to buy a pure bred biiU â€" .and, the manager of his bank lent him the ready cash to close the deal. Now he's expecting great things of his new calf; already he sees her winning her class at next year's Fall Fair. A few more like her and he can also see his milk pro- duction rising â€" as well as a nice extra income from selling his surplus stock to neighbouring farnlers. Branch banks, in rural communities across Canada, help to build- prosperous farms . . . and at the same time help increase the flow of food to family table» both at home and in distant lands. /^ Â¥ ;* â- -^^^v|jri-^%- SPONSORED By yoUR SANK a.