m :s=:m: * r JP. Jl y > V CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED A T:USINE33 ot your ownl Want a rom- fortablo yearly incomo? John R. <'rei«y Company, manufacturfra of food •pectaUlea, t flavuurinir ex tr acta. pacUatf^d drug-i. soaps, pattnt medicines, etc., hava an atfractWe rropositlon for those who can qualify for one of tlie exchJHive CYesiy dealership* which ars now available. Thla la a pleasant, profitable occu pat ion for proff reasi ve. i ndiistrlous men «nd womtn. Write today for full particulars, «ivinff a few dctaila about yourself, to: John R. Creasy Company, 'IGSS W, Uundaa St, V'tst. Toronto 3. Ontario. BAHT CHICKS BABY CHICKS AND STARTED CHICKS Our pricts for Baby Chicks and started Chicks Will surprise you. All Chicks from blood tested stock. Carleloo Hatchery. Britannia Heichls, Ont, you CAN still Ket Tfteddle Chltka. we will have resula r hatches every week up until July 14th. and they will be the same visoroua. thrifty chicka that have been dolnj ao wrell for so inany i>€ople. Vigor, fast growth, early Fall development are double Important In the chitkt. you start front now on. They help you catch up and cash In. Ask anyone who has raiflfd Tweddie chick.s how they can take hold <row and develop. We have 12 pure breeds and 12 hybrid crosses In non-aexed. putlets and cofkerels to choose from.,. Prompt delivery on day old. tw^o and three week old and older pullets eight weeks to layine. Bend for rs- duccd prices for June and free catalosue. TTwcddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergrus, â- Ontario. 9c HURONDALE CHICKS lie Sussoi X N»w Hamps . Rock X Hamoa.. Barred Rocko, New BAmpa. . Rock X Leg- â- horna. Sussex X LeeUorns. New Hamo X Leehomi and Pure Leetiorns lie, Pure Sua- •en i;c. Asserted Miied Chicks »c. iHURONDALE PULLETS i9c AH heavy breed pullets 13c. after June I at 17c. Medium Breeds and t-cehorns 21e. As- sorted Pullets 17c. Heavy Breed Cockerels â€" 3000 CItlCEDERS All double bloodtested. banded and culled ^> Inspectors, backed bv hieh pfdigreed founda- tion stock. hfany customers report wonder- ful success. "Best Chicks I f>er Had â- " STARTED CHICKS AND PULLETS « WEEKS TO WEEKS OLD. t weeks add 4c. 3 weeks add 10c, * weeks «dd 15c, 6 weeks add 2f>r. 6 weeks old pul- lets 50c. 100% live delivery .Buarantcfd, $100 per 100 deposit on diy otds. 10^^ â- on start-d crdtrs. Order from an3 ENCLOSfcl " HEAVY AND MEDIUM COCKERELS Mfat type New Hampa 6c. all other heavy t>reeds 6^c. Assorted heavy Cox BVic. Rock X Leehorn Sussex X Leehorns 2\ic. Day old Cox only Hurondale Chick Hatchery, LONDON. ONT. "W.-VNY al.irted chicka? We have pulVIa. tion-aexed aiid cockerela. prompt shipment. Also soma started. Most breeds, but write what >oii need, and R«-t our list. Bray Hat- chery. 1-0 John N., Hamilton. Ont, E/SY to r«l&e pullels. No hroodinff heat re- ouirotl. Two to finir wet-ks old. Spetlal IJrices $-<.75 to tilO.TS. FiraL class healthy «U>ck. Also day old chicks any time. Write foi prices or aend SI. 00 deposit for earlj' «htpmeni. Fis«her Orchards. R.R. • Xo. 2, Pffeman. Ont. LAKEVIEW CHICKS 12c 4Same high quality at these low prices. Keren's your opportunity to cet this hlsh quality stock *t those reasonable prices. Pur« Sussex, Sus- sex X Kew Mamp.. Barred Rocks, Rock x Kew Hamps.. New Hamps.. Sussex X Leg- horns. Rock X Learhorna. New Hamps. X I^RKhurns. Lnrite Type White Leghorns mixed 41 :! CO per 100. Assorted Mixed 110 00 p«r LAKEVIEW PULLETS 20c All d:iy Old pullets 20c. Staripd PiiUets and mixed chicks. Two weeks oM add 5r. 3 weeks »•' 1 nd-l 1f»r. 4 weeks old sfld 18c. C week olii Pitllels 45c e.Tch, 6 week oM PuUeta â- 60c e.Trh BREEDER HATCHERY OF 5000 Breeders All double blood loate*. handed and culled fur body tyi>e and ruffsednesi. Hatched tinder Ideal conditions. "Best Chicks we ever tiad: Pullets are laying swell, cockerels cood â- Ize,'* rroni IJnroln I..ue(?ke, E.len Grov^, Ont. "Never had Euch cood luck with pul- lets." reports Ernest O. Rarnbardt, Hawke- Mtone. Ont Order from this ad. or send fnr Price List and Calaloeue and full part'culars. 'To receive these prices enclose lh!s sd. with your order. Lakeview Poultry Farm Weln Bri.9.. Exeter. Ontario. BAlUJAINS in chicks for ihi-* week snd next: rirurt-d Hnck. New Hampshire. White Ilock. T.isht Sussex, New Hampshire X Darred Rock. Bar^f^J Rock X New Hampshires. IJght Sus- sex ,K New H.^mpshirp-*. Ltffhl Sussex X Bar- red nock non sexed 9.9:1. pullets IS. 95. cock- erels !i sr, Assorted Hfnvips non-sexM 8.9i. pulhMs H.Sr.. rockereN 7.9.'.. White Leehorn X Biirred Uock. Auslra While 8,93. pullets ;8.95. cockerels 3.9:.. While Leghorn 8.95. pullets IS. 95. cockerels 1.00. Assorted Llcht or Medium breeds non-s*-xed 7.93. puUeta 17.95. Two week old add C 00. three week old .idd 11.00 per hundri?d. Shipped CO D. Ihis adverlisement must accompany your ordfP to receive these speci:il oricen. .\1so pullets eight \ve?ks to lavitig. Top Notch ChiikiTtcs. Guclph. Ontario. READY MADE CAPONS It pays (n la'so Capon.s. The price ot Capons la approximately Sc lb higher Ihar the price of cockerels. We caponizo the cockerels at Z weeks and send the ready mads Caimns out at 4 wef ks. no fu.ss. no (roublfl. Send for Price List and full parllculars. Prompt <lelivcrv tl vou act nuickly. Lakeview Poultry Farm Weill Bros. . Exeter. Ontarin . S.Wi: TIMK. fuss and feed with these two and tltieo week old started chick.-'. We have thf foMnwintT breeds t<» chosa fiom l» non-aexed. pullets and cockerels: »arred Kocks. New Hampshire X Light Su3s.*x. New Hamp- â- h i 10 X IJa r red Hocks. Wh i I o Leghorns. Black Austral. irp X While Leghorna, Barred Rock- X WhiU- Letihiuns. New Hampshires. Whit-j notkn. r.icht Su«e"C X Barred Rocks. I.iiiht Sussex .V Ni-w Hampsh res. Lisht Sus- sex. S*nil for "Bpcclal priceKst slU» t>ullets •Ikht weelc.M to l.iyini?. Tweddie C'iiick Hat- ol'-rici* Limited, rei-gus. tuit.trio. '~2. 4r&~6~Weeirbld"'PulIets Alsu mixed chitks and cockerels. All raised In bi ani Ptw H-r-conditioned brooder plant under Ideal cnnditiona. Send for Weekly Special List of siaried chicks. Lakeview Poiillry Kami. Kxeter. Ontario. DATIinOO.M OVTIITS CARTLOAD or lni)>ortetl lUtliroom Outfitt FIRST QUALITY BATHROOM OUTFITS COMPLETE <'nnsist!nir mt: Tilt: r»' rrcets. «'n?»t Iron i*orcel«tn wUh ehrnine ritliii;rN. S^hnwer unit Kliovvrr Koil. TOII.LT: THo-i»iece fcUrcous ch'n;i wllli si-nt nnil cevcr. BAS'.N: \ilr('oiis ur east Iron, rhronie rvntre. Hiti'.r supply Hn;l fittings, t-outiilftp. AV VIL.MII.K In Io.a of one t* leu nutlUv ( >-.-f;t cc unttht nr Tubs nnil lli»i*liiv (with t'.' f n-.^J teparii(el> . BIN(;i.i: unit iniiiiir>« will be handled Ihroiigli M r. liulite lieatrr in >otir dUlrti-l. H. J. PARr"& COMPANY luMH(*-|i-r<i â€" U'hoir ale l>i<vtrib;tti>rt l*.(l. Il.ix CM. L!in,lnn. Out. ""' l>VKIN<t AM» ri.tAMNti FAK.Hl!l FOR SALE 100 ACRKS. 75 acrea under cultivation. 25 bush, •xcellent clay loam, nalurnt dralna««. P.fHsonabU terms. Mrs. O. McHaffiA, Mor- rlsburff, Ont. 300-ACRK farm for aale. 75 tillabU. wall watered, banlt barn, frame housa In cood rf-palr, possession any time. Archie Simpson, La van t Citation. Ontario. FOK SAI.K ATTENTION FARMERS! Savs that hay. Grain feeds will b« In short supply. Insura the maximum v.ilua from your hay crop by usins the ROANOKB HAY BAILER â€" made especially for tha farmer. light In weight â€" mounted engine driven or power take off attachment â€" steel or rubber 1 1 res â€" proven In performance, f a : r In price and available for Immediate delivery. Write nr phona now for full particulars. GREENWOOD AND PLAUNT 55 Darling St. BRANTFORD. ONT. ATTENTION rARMKBS rOR Sale â€" Tractor Tires, mado ot rubber. suitable for bolting on steel wheels. IK 00 each, rear wheels: S7.50 each, front wheela- Wben ordering state dlaraeter and width of wheels. National Rubber Co. Ltd.. t Wilt- shire Av«.. Toronto. One. BILLFOLDS, senulne blatk leilher. four windows, chance purae. slamo pockets. R[l>' [>er closing $4 Of) deliverM. Money refunded fiu.arantee. WilTama Mail Order 'House, Box 336. Toronto. MEDICAL WHY SUFFER ARTHRITIC and rheiiiiiatic torment when Breenatone ef- fers prompt last Ing relief. Ona montha* treatment %l 00 postpaid. Indian Remedtea. Box lis, Vancouvf r. GOOD RK.SOLUTIOM â€" Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try B;xon's RemfMjy. Monro's Dru( Store, tH f'.iit'in, Ottawa. Postpaid SLOQ. OrPORTCNITlEa POR WOMEN BE A HAIDRESSER JOtN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Oreat Opportunity Leara Hairdresslng Pleasant dlgnlfled profession, cood wasea. thousands succe^sf u 1. Uarvel craduatea. America's rreatest system. [Uustrated cata- lomie free. Write or Call MAKVEL HAIRDRBSSINQ SCHOOLS SSS Bloor St. W.. Toronto Branches 44 Klnr St.. Hamilton A 74 Rldeau Street. Ottawa OFFEK TO INTENTOBS AN OFFER to every Inventor â€" List of tareB- tlona and Cull Information aent free. The Ramsay, Co.. Reclsrlared Patent Attomeya. t7S Bank Street. Ottawa. PATKNTa BUY DIRECT AND SAVE Aerricultural (nseciicldes. sprays. powder*. dtstnfectanls. deodoranta. scientifically for- mutated for best resulta. For Informailnn and pricea write Canadian Distribulore Ltd.. 254 Niaeara St., Toronto. FAST SELLING Oil Burner, Electric Blower Type, cmn burn wood, coa! or oil anytime. ni chatiK-<ne necessary, all terrltortea open. Also T»i>imbinK fixtures available. Informa- Mon for stamp. Economy Distributors. King* sfon, Ont FLAGS All flizea Union Jacks or Canadian Enslms. sewn wool buntinff. .Special offerinff on 4^ and 6 foot I'ninn Jacks. Fast dye sewn (ouon. Discount for quantities. Brlsbten j'-iir community or homo by flyine a «ood (pialiiy flaif. John Leckie Limited. 77 Wel- l iitKion S t. UVar, Toronto. FANS Our stock la complete. We now h.ive for im mediate d*»livery 8" and 10" desk fans priced from J7.95 Up. 8" Kitchen f.ms S21.&0. IK" Kitchen Pans J25.00. 12" In 24" Kx- tiiUi.st fans for real. lu rants, hotels, banks. fa( lories, etc., all guaranteed. IS", IS", 20", and -4" pedestal fans In both bench. Cfilmic, and floor models. When ordering, please atata whether 25 or 60 cycle. Order now to assure prompt delivery. Motors all si^ea. 23 and 60 cycle. Write now for your MILGROM ELECTRIC LIMITED 79 King Street West Hamilton, Ontario. FOn SALE â€" Used Heatms Plant for sale In fust class condition â€" Taylor-Forbes Victor Boiler No. 609A. also stoker and pumpâ€" only heen In use a few years, suitable for fairly large building. 1-200 Grallon hot water tank and a number nf shi^wem with all connections with Indi- vidual cabinets. For particulars write Robert Chapman. Mitchell. Box 2€2. H.ARN'ESS and shoia repair shop and equip- ment and also belt apliclnff equipment for sale and alao a 7 room 2 storey brick house. in-mediate possession. For particulars write A. C. Irwin. Gorrle. Ont. HEAVr MILITARY farm wsBons. send for circula r. Percy J. Borbridce. Room SOS Plaza Bld5 . Ottawa. Ont. IP.ON AGE Potato Planters â€" one or two row. On steel or rubber. immediate delivery. H. AL Fleming it .Sons., Blenheim. Distributor. FEATHER TAIL Irish Retriever puppies two months old. Paren;s wonderful hunters. Males %-~0. Kemales $10. Thos. Ch;nnick. Chatham. U.R. Nu. I. L.ARGE White Pek.ii Dudilinga. broad breast- ed bronze Turkey Poults. yualiiy Electric Hatchery. Kitchener, (\V.>, Ontario. NEW BED OUTFIT New Simmons Panel t>ed. non-sac spriuir and maiircBs $14. Si. Write for free cataloRue. Mailorder Furniture Warehouse. 179 Parlia- nirnt Street. Toronto. FETHERSTONAL'GH ft Company Pateot Solicitors. Established 1880. 14 IClas W«^ Toronto Br,oklet of Information on reanaat. PERSONAL LONESOMIi: â€" I>o you desire respectable friendship? Hurry, time la fleetlnr. Some- where your future sweetheart seeks acquaint* anc. Splendid positions: means. Information -free. Canadian Friendship Society. Box 118, Durham, Ontario. PHOTOGRAFUT COAST to coast â€" Rolls nnished 8 prlnU tSo. S X 7 enlargements Mounted SOc. Prints copied 40c. Reprints 3c. Ideal Snapshot Ser- vice, Kmsaton, Ontario. GET BETTER PICTURES from this bie. reliable studio AT LOWER PRICES Don't risk your films. Send them la Star Snapshot Service. \SY SIZE ROLL 6 or 8 Exposures DBVKLOPKD and PRINTED lOs Reprints from your nevatlvea 4c. 1 mounted enlarsfmeoti 4 x C" ISc. Ba- larKements framed T z 9" la Qold, Silver. Walnut or Black Frames 74c. If pictures colored 94c. Prints and enlargements made from prints of lost necatives. Dept. M STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE BOX i;9, POST OFFICE A. TORONTO ROLLS PRINTED AND . DEVELOPED 25c Reprints 3c each By CANAD.VS MOST COMPLETB PHOTO- GRAPHIC SERVICE AN3C0 COLOR ROLLS PROCESSOR 81.20 each Prlnton Color Enlarsemsnts â€" prices on re- quest. Full stock of Ansco Film at regular prices. COMET PHOTO SERVICE BoK. C. Station D., Toronto. TCACHFJtS WANTED MINAKA .S.D . No. 1 TMUires teacher with first Class certificate effective September la^ Salar.v ll.SOO year, rurnlehed teacherare, fuel. Apply atatlns: marital atatua ana qualiRcatloas to M. G. Held. Sec.-treaa.. Minakl. Ont. w.«jrrED WA.VTEDâ€" All kinda ot dreaaed poultry. Top prices for top t>irda. Joaeph Cooper Limited. Poultry Dept . J05< Dantorth Ave.. ToroDto I. (We do cuatom iradinri. Push-Button Rain 0IL3. Ureases. Tlrifs. Inseet'cides. ElectrU F.Tice Controllers. House and Barn Paint. Roof Coatinss, etc Dealers wanted Writ' Wat CO Orea^e A OH Limited. Toronto TIRES We are overs tooKed at t^e oresent of rood used trade-in tires tcuaranteed to be In es celleai shape' 600 X 16 ~ $5.00 All orders ohipped COD* Specisi equipment for vu leant sine Truck and Ferm Tractor Tires. 8EACX»N TIRE corner Q-ieen and Jerk Sts., Hamilton. Ont. ONTARIO'S MOST MODERN ETQUIPPED TIRE SHOP Dealers Warned TOILETS For Summer Cotlasea. Farms. SrhooN. and Camps. Can be used with or w^tlioiii ronnine water. Caustic .S.initation. L'.d.. Jl Kidley B lvd., Toronto. Onlario . TYPEWUITKR. Inderwnort SiinJard %ii DO and Portable wilti case iti. Both excellent condition. Will ship »".O.D. Write S37 Bes- ser.T St.. Ottawa. Ont. I:" W'ttOD l*'aners. .lotnters. WoiiJ Sitauers. 14" Band Sawa, Drills, portable t^.inders. If you need one write: Oiffiu Machinery. PO. Rot 273. Toronto. Ont. It is reported that Soviet scientists, who have had pretty good hick in persuading clcids to produce rain, are now working on a scheme for making it stop raining. The idea, says a Russian newspaper, "is ap- proaching reality." Well, perhaps the elements may thus be rcmo\ cd from the class ot uncontrollable things. Possibly, in a short time, the rain will no longer fall on the just and the unjust alike. W'onderi'ul ! But it is hard to keep the enthusiasm from Oohig touched with melancholy. Is it not a pity that Science so far has made r.o headway in control- ling huma,n contrariness? Somehow it seems a lot more important to pre- vent push-hulton war than to pro- duce push-button rainfall. llRMTlKi; CHESTERFIELD SUITES rheaterfi?l<l Suites absolutely now. f;ill sprintc filled construction, every style, finest .Mohair, Velour. Fri«e. Itrocnttele. Silks. I»:tnia8'c8 .ind other fine hatd wearing uph.ilsie. ,ii^ tul.il-s lOO .>KW rilF.STKRFIKI.D 81 ITKS TO CHOOSE FROU: FHEE PRI.lVKitV TO Vi.>L II M^.vaEST .SIATION. TODD baa TK»en tn the tlioatPrfielJ suile busineds for 30 years and l» rwocnixant In the trad- ai n. HiHH-fulist: and llie moat pari'LU'.ar buyer ill th« t)uaute.'*3. l.isiwl h-'Iuw ftr.» n few or our rash pricea for yl'AI.ITV C HKSTKIUMKI.D SUITKiJ. 3 im'cd modern suites. Balloon (usloti* rovereil all over wilb f=no yiiality velour. S pier4 PerioJ Suits -^ finest ntohuir, B<^auiirul t piece Lawson Suite. $119.00 $149.00 $119.00 $119.00 l*'.neat Z pieca Charles of L.on- d<*ti suitrs. M;iny other (tuistandinr values. SAVE AS MUCH AS $100.00 Buy nt>H(»Iutely newr msnufacturers fseiorr stioWMKiiu aaniple suic<^ direct from TODD S. J. TODD & SONS. 745 WOODBINE AVE. (Rear), TORONTO. Fbone (IHOVKK rUt NOW AVAILABLE For Immediate Delivery SNOW PACS Tough, \voteri>roore(J K-avlicr uppers seiurp.y aiitched lo nll-ruuber boHoi^i Mri'le under risiJ I' S. t;nv't sppcl- tio;itons. Come wnh Inncrsol.'s and rawhide laces. Bi'st weather re- s.sui'U fi>r huniera. Iunibeim(»n. f.-irmt-rs. . etc. SiT-i's fi to \?' Or- ^ler retular shoe sixe ^ $8-98 nm.^S HION ^ ^â- ^â- ^ rt»i I x t D Ordrr h.v M«ilâ€" .NO\l : KllMlNK .S. kI.ES CO.. IMIV 5887 (IIK.VI.U. II .L. K:: lo.-.M Is ( ) rnKcK ( 1 MOSKT ORDI-.R (, r |,is SNOW IWCS . •./.» 9 l> 98 each. NAME ADOIU-.SS flTt PROV ri.8 Yugoslavs Leave Canada for Homeland â€" Departing Canada, their adopted home for some years, 1,500 Yugoslavs have re- turned to tlieir native land to help in its reconstruction. These three troubadours seem happy at the tiiought of being united with loved ones. There -were so many musicians in the first batch which left Montreal a fortnight ago that two orchestras were immediately organized on shipboard. Sports - And One Thing or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS â- ("A Sixfait Critic") â- ISSUE 25â€"1947 Those hard-working Intorn,itional .\thletic Federation lads have been doing a bit of pre-OIjmpic butt-end- ing and gouging, their bone of con- tention being the old one of just how much money an athlete may accept and still take that amateur oath without the tongue in his check showing too plainly. Over the years we have heard this question of "What is an amateur?" discussed countless times and the definition we always like best was that of an old friend â€" "An amateur is a guy who can't play well enough to get dough at it, or else is too dumb to ask." « * * That definition is, perhaps, a trifle on the cynical side. For there is a third kind of amateur â€" the type who play tennis, golf and other sports we might mention for the sheer love of it, and who scorn all offers of money for their efforts unlii, of course, such offers get so big that nobody with common sense can turn tliem down. But these, it miyht be noted, usually ha\c sufficient incomes that they don't need to worry about the weekly board and room-rent â€" like the great amateur polo-p!ayer who said that the first essential towards exccllipR in that sport was an easy- going millionaire f.illicr. • * • A::d. not that il has any canneclion tvith llw )\'rcijoing, X\C r^o.iild like to record here the remark of a small girl of I'lir aiquaimaiue, made at the time -Lihen all Canadj 7vas ringing tt'tV/i the e.vfli^'ili! of Miss Barbara Ann SiOlt. "If Barbara .Inn has been praetising eight hours a day ever sitiee she tvos thirteen, like they say." mttsed the little maiden, "I guess r:o\l<e slu- didn't have tj hell> her tiianiina i.ilh the dishes ar.d hotisez'.oik as miuh as I do." * ♦ » r.xniiiples of fuie. slcrli'ig sporls- maiisbi]. arc iih\a\s wonliv of note; and llic latest to come to our slarllcd attent:i>ii was that of Mr. Fddie .^rcarr> â€" I'ai'rd, in some quarters, as "the world's scatc^t jocki-y " As perliap.'s you v. ill retail. Mr. /Vrcaro had the n» 'nt on the favorite rilM.WX m I'oili the Kentucky Derby and Prcakness. failing to get down in fiont either tMiir, to tlie ccinslcrnaiion of many investors. Tluii, iii t!:i Uelmont Slakes, the coinp.irati\c!y unknown llonoso was in the saildle. and won in handy style. .\iKl did Mr. .\iraro. who only makes sevcnty-fue ihousatnl or so a year, rush to couRvalulale young Donoso on his wimiint; eflort? Mr. Arcaro rose to the occasion in a manner worthy ot the best traditions of The Turf. "Any one o£ the fifteen guys in this- jockey-room," snarled Mr. Arcaro, could have won that rac^ on PH.ALANK just as easy." Just a pint-size Galahad! m * * UTTER IGSO'rAS'cE NOTE.- Var\ous American columnists are in a high state of agitation over the neus that Russian children are being taught that the Red Forces ivon the recent ll'orld II 'ar practically unaid- ed. If those poor Russian kids only had the advantage of reading certain largely-circulated American periodi- cals they zi'ou'd understand, of course, that this particular honor be- longs strictly to the (nited States Xavy, Army and Air Force. « « « You may have noticed photographs of the English Derbv winner, PEARL DIVF.R, wearing what looked like a thick white muffler on his aristocratic snoot, this being al- most invariably tabbed by the news- paper caption-writers as a "white nose-band." Not that it niaiteri a linker's dam, but just to show our superior fund of useles information, we may tell you that it is not a nose- band, but a shadow-roll The idea is that some high-spirited steeds, when they see a shadow on the track ahead of them, get nervoifs and try to leap over same; and the shadow-roll is supposed tl) prevent this. We might add that llic kind we have wagered on lately need nothing of the sort, not having enough life to hop over a rattlesnake, let alone a shadow. Lucky Seals The fur seal, says a naturalist, may have as many as 150 mates. And all of iliem sporting beautiful seal coats that didn't cost him a nickel ! â€" Stratford Beacon-IIcrald. Look Firtt "Where you going?" asked th« farmer of his hired man, who had just borrowed a lantern. "Courting." "Carrying a lantern is a waste of money. When I went courting I went in the dark." "Yes, and look what you got," DESTROYS HIES. mOTHS mosquiTOES ROHNES, lit. Stainlau fconomlcof rou* Gv»ti»nni iml M«4 OM rw uait. oiaraiauTOitfl â€" MAtoto r. nrcM^ COMFANV LTO. llO-tK^ CIGARETTE PAPERS famous Pire-War 1h» only Qgorstte Papar MADE IN FRANCE on sole in Canada Qualify BLUE COVER PURE WHITE ^ER I ITG I Frtt Bumlag Doubl* Book AutomoMe lOOLaavss For EASY KOLUNG wf • a Z I G - Z A 6 25^ CIGAiiEYTE ROLLER Headaches? ^.=i<:^~s^.~_>-i'yr \ Don't you i-/^ \««5,i*;'^ envy people / "^ â€" â- c^'.'^'^^^K wlio never \i <tr\t ^^^^ have bead- aches'? Tha fact that some folks ara free from them shows that thera must be a reason why you get them. Very often the causa of headaches ia (bund in faulty elimination. Poisonous waste Bubstances accumulate in the system and the result is headaches and depressed feelings. And that's your cue t(> try Krua!:heu. Stjirt tomorrow lutN-mn^ with a small dose of Kniacheo ia your tea, coflee. hot water or fruit juice. Your organa of eliniinalion will aooil reapond and your body will Bralefuny eaperieoce a cleanlioeas from the-=p iHfiaonous wastea. Kruacheii ia helping thousands of headiicliev. Uveriah people to feel Iwiier ami l(»)k brighter. Let HrtLicheo help \uu. At all I trufigistj; 20c and 7.',c. KRUSCH^ Helps keep you vp to f/ie markl ROLL YOUR OWN BITTIR CIGARETTES WITH CIGARETTE TOBACCO MAIRORKSSINO LKAttN Halrdreaalni lh» Roberlsun nieihort tnrot matxMi on rfquent rc»cnrt1Uitc riassei tC(Utiftoi)'« HafrdreMlnK Acadisiiy. 137 Kv*- »me Knnrt. Toronto HKI.P IVANTEll HaVR you flnyih>na nfs-ftn rtvri?i« oi clenn Ing ' \V ni^ In OR )'»r trirm mnitmt W» nr* •trevi, loronut. Ont«rl«. MI|tDLK.\(iB Woman f»M- hana^keeiwr. aocl ultle. lietfipnctf. u'li.ihle. ('liiiAimn, fru'.i f.iini. I.eii Huu«.4>*r. tKiniitville. Out. W.VNTKO lmine<lm('>ly. L>ocior for Bi nek en an'l trntrict Health I nit nunibftr one. Keen Buuranuvil. "Wiiiii or witt? Mra. J. 8. Ut>rtn*->. Sw reiarj-. Hi «cIecii Hoapilal BoarJ. Brackoti. _' _ WKDU Al. N-VrrnK'^: HkT.I* - l».;;on*a Remedy for l;l|t*Mnai r I'.-^iuji. Ncttritis. Thiii>!wn<1a MUTT AND JEFFâ€" And That's Not All. No Rudder Either! SO ON.' you DON'T • KNOW .How To ROW.' 7 1 Do Too' By BUD FISHER Trr- r d