V w* V > mm T 1 A â- * # «. * 6 4 ^ y â- ♦ p- * * %â- *' -* .•^ > 4 % 4 \ i * A •i>^ 3!- » V .« -* -^ f 4> Come Home for the Flesherton Old Boys* and Girls* Reunion August 3/ 4, 5 and 6 VOL. 68; NO. 3 FLESHERTON. ONT . WEDNESDAY. JUNE 18, 1947 W. H. Thurston & Son, Publishers,. R. E. JARICK MASTER PRINCE ARTHUR LODGE The instalation of officers oi Prince Arthur Lodge No. 333, A-F &.'V.M.t was held Friday, evening when R. E. Jarick was installed at Master, with Wor. Bro. W. G. Wat- son acting as installing officer- Fol- lowing is a list of the officers: W.M.â€" Wor. Bro. R. E. Jarick. I.P.M. â€" Wor. Bro E. Blackburn. S.W. â€" Bro. John McWmiam. J.W. â€" Bro. R. B. Heard. Chaplain â€" Bro. W. A. White- Treasurer â€" V. W. Bro. Hickling- Secretary â€" V.W. Bro. C. Bellamy S.D. â€" Bro. W. E. Betts. J.D. â€" Bro. K. G. Betts. S.S. â€" Bro. H. W- Kernahan. JS. â€" Bro. Ran Hutchinson. I.G. â€" Bro. P- S- MacDougall. Tyler â€" Bro. W. J. Chard. Trustee Board â€" John McWilliam, W. E. Betts and E. H. Best- Visitors wer; present from Owen Sound, Markdale and St- Catharines DOMINION DAY Tuesday, July 1 SPECIAL LOW RAIL FARES Between all points in Canada and to all United States border points. FARE AND ONE-THIRD For the Round Trip GO: any time from Monday. June 30, until 2 p.m.. Tuesday, July 1. RETURN: leave destination not later than midnight, Wednesday, July 2 Standard Time. MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE Adults or Children ... 30c ' full particulars from any agent. GoMXuSlcLM &CLCi^ O.D.R. PUPILS MADE GOOD IN LIFE THE HOME TOWN Many a little countiy schoolhous€ throughout Ontario is being closed. The children in the section are few and are being conveyed by buses to larger centres. How much that littl* school has meant to many I It raa5 have, in the past, been cold in wintei so that it was hard to keep wairo' away from that long bench beside the big box stove, and your lunch b€ frozen on the shelf at the back oi the room. The wails may have been held together by iron rods and the floor of rough soft wood, good forj Or what the month or season- pla\ing •'knife," but these little j The home town is the best, country schools have contributed moich to the education and upbuild- 1 ing of our country and none more j so than thi.i of the Old Durham Road 1 school in Artemesia Townsihp. j Agnes Macphail. our first lady MP.i in Canada, attended this school- as Old Home Week News Chat About The Doings For The Big Event Some folks leave home for money. And some leave h<wne for fame, Some seek skies always sunny, And some depart in shame. I care not what the reason Men travel East or West, RECENT BRIDAL PARTY Pri.icipals in the recent Partridare-Fawcett weddirvg are as follows: Mr. Ronald Harmer. groomsman; Mr. and Mi-s- Frederick J. Partridge, the grocni and bride; and Mrs. Jos.Little. cousin of the hi-ide- v.ho was brid;:m?.:d. â€" Photo bv "The Arts"'- Galt- OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY HYDRO POWER OFF THURSDAY 40 Years In Flesherton Hydro powe;- in Flese-rton will be : Recently Mr. W. A. Hawken ob- cut off this Thursday afternoon from j served an event that we do not wish l:vO to 4 o'clock. Hydro users will {to -miss mentioning. It was just 4C please take notice- | years ago that he decided the jws- tures in Flesherton were green for business and he took over the photo " business of the late Mrs. Buianer. ! Liter he built the fine store he now ixxjupies and then bi'anched out in the grocery business, which he has suc- i.'essfully conducted, along with his partner, Mrs. Hawken. We wish Avery many more years of useful- ness in the village, in which he is now the second oldest business man in point of continued service in the village- Mr- and Mrs. Mervin' MKillen of Feversihani in\-ite all their friends who wi~h, to C-.1II on them Saturday ever ing- June 21st, en tihe occasdon of their 10th wedding anniversary. did Farquhar Oliver. M.PP.. present' Liberal leader in Ontario; Dr- Frank Williamson, Rev. R. W. Paton. Rev. Robert Dingwall. Ralph Williamson and Bob Meads, druggists; Mary Paton, Almeda Hincks. Mary. Jennit and Lottie JXuir, nurses. As foi teachers they seemed to run in fam ilies: Christina and Susie MacKin- non. Ida. Alfred- Clifford. Beth and Jean Hincks, Alice and Maybelle Parskjw, Agnes and Lillian Macphai'. Lottie and Peter Muir, May and Mar- ion Muir- Emma Oliver. Few graduates in the section but attended the Artemesia Rural High School at Flesherton for one. two 01 three or more years. Ostranders coming from the toNvnline. MacKin- nons from the South Line- others from the Durham Road and Six Comers. Xo school bus!, but Old Dobbin and a good deal of perseverance making it possible. Nor in war-time were the pupUs from the Old Durham Road lax, but in both World Wars I and H- the?; destination, which still went forth sonvetimes two and three ; hundred miles ahead. The home town is the glad town Where something real abides; Tis not the money-mad town That all its spirit hides- Though stranger* scoff and flout it .\nd even jeer its name, It has a chann about it N'o other town can claim. The home town skies seem bluer Than s-ties atht stretch away, .A.r=d kinder through the day; ArA whether glum or cheery, Light-heared or depressed, Or struggle-fit or weary, I like the home town best. Let him who ^v^ll- go wander To distant towns to live. Ul' some things I am fonder Than all they have to give- The gold of distant places Could not repay me quite For those familiar faces That keep the home town bright. â€" Edgar A- Guest. Not long ago. I had occasion tr pass through the little village where ha'ppy years of my boyhood had beer spent. There had been several de lays during the day and already 1 was three hours late in reaching mj lav over a smOe cajne to my face as I bered some of our boyish pranks both in and out of school. I was glad to see that the building was nicely painted. It was time for me to start tke car, and we reached the bottom oi the hill, but instead of turning to tiie left in the direction of my destio*- tion- I turned toward the old home of my grandparents. Strangers own the place now. In fancy I could see my grandfather as he patiently er- plained to me some problem which I could not master myself- And my grandmother â€" only God will know what she meant in my- life I How often had she called me to climi) Ae the glories of God's sunset hour hill behind the bam with her, to »«< the glories of God'' svmset-hc-ur. Many times ha->/e I heard her slag softly, as we stood on thy hill, "Untr the hills around do I lift up my long- in? eyas." In spite of the lateness jf the hour, I went beyond the vi'iage. to tie little graveyard. Leaving the car on the road I walked up the ^hady paths to a quiet corner- and spent a pre- cious half hour at tlieir arraves. Soon, our old boys and girls will be comirtg home for a fe^v days. Memories, such as were min?, will also be theirs. from the one family, as the Meads. the Olivers and Whytes. .AJ'l honor to the Old Chirham Road School and all such little academies throug-hout the Province. Saunders - Thompson A quiet but pretty wedding took place in the Baptist Church- Meaiord when Rev. 'tMJ. A- Marden united in [ marriage Bessie Eleanor, daughter oi i Mr. and Mrs. £rnest Thompson ol ; DuiKan, to John Marshal Saunders, â- on of Mr. Samuel Saunders and the ' iiue Mrs. Saunders of Chatsworth. The bride, who was given in marr- j ikge by her father- looked pretty in I a gown of white satin with an over- OSPREY FAIR TO BE HELD SEPTEMBER 25-26 To one and all who have in the past contributed to the success ol the Osprey .Agricultural Society fail at Feversham. the directors again The sun wias setting and the scene was one of beauty. As the car reach- ed the top of the hill overlooking the little village I knew, that in. spite ol delays which had held me back. 1 could not pass hurriedly through that little village in the valley- I stopped the car on the hill-top, and drank in the beauty of the country-side- The beauty was enhaiiced as memories of childhood crowded into my mind. The little silver, winding river, so similar to our little stream. "The Boyne." held precious memories. How I intend to be at the Flesherton Old Home Week because I love the ohi town, and as only a few of my old acquaintances remain. I like w pay a visit to Dick Richardson, Fred I Hickling, George - MacTavish. Ghas. Bellamy and others, and reminisce cf the good old <fays when we cam^ ed at iBells Lake for a couple •f weeks 34 years ago Those -were the days! We all seemed to l»»Te such a good time. In fact, I hare come to the conclusion it is the Garden of Eden, minus the original sin. Sj) my family and I will be seeing you. â€" F. W. M-urray.. skirt of nylon, long sleeves pointed j j^^g ^ill be prepared, bet us have convey their appreciation and thanks , ^^^-^ ^^ ^ ^^^^ barefooted, with my Your patronage is again solicited for j,^^,^^,^^^ f^^y^- ^_an alder or the fair to be held September 25 and, ^ ^^^^ ^^.-^^^ ^ ^-^ ^f ^^^ ^^^ ^ dangling worm, waiting for a bite. I noticetl that the old mill was gone. then I remembered having heard that it had burned some years ago. But the old school house remained. -A 25. At a recent meeting of the boari in the home of Thos. and Lloyt Stephens, it was decided to make i canvass in aid of the fair, to be com- rleted bv June 19th. when the prize ^&£ i^^' Far bttt rasa/fs tnm ftm Uhpkmm 1. K««p calb bri«f. 2. Space your colU. S. Avoid "lbl«nlng In." 4. Glv« rlght-of-woy to •nwrgcncy calb. THIS YEAR ALONE we are spending $3,500,000 so that more farms will have telephone* with fewer people on each line. • • • For the best telephone service, remember the master rule, "Do unto others as you would like them to do to you â€" and do it first!" THI BELL TELEPHONI COMPANY OF CANADA over the hands, and trLmmed with pearls- Her finger-tip veil was caught \N-ith a halo of carnations and she carried a bouquet of red roses and fern. Miss Lois Thompson was hei sister's matron-of-honor. gowned in pdiik sheer, with lace bodice and short sleeves. She wore a shoulder-length veil and can-ied pink roses and feni. The groom was suppoi-ted by Mr- Glen Ceasor of Meaford. "Wiss Gwen Ellis of KLmberley played the we<iding march, also dur- '.i^ig the signing of the register- She wore a gown of pale blue, with net over-skirt and a corsii^e of roses. i Murray Thompson and Keith Ellis I acted as ushers. j .-A reception was held at the bride's jhome at Duncan for the immediate I relatives For travelling the bride â- dhose a rust colored suit with blue { aocesfsories. After a short honey- 1 mcon they will reside on the groom's f.'-.rra near Meafoixi. Mrs. Leslie Stafford of Dertoit writes that she is dreaming about how wonderful it will be to go to Flesherton for Old Home Week. Who is Mrs. Stafford? None other t'nan Maud Henderson, daughter of the late Newt. Henderson cd Flesherton and Winnipeg. It will be a pleas-ure to see you again. Maisd, and I hop« that there will be miuiy home at :hat time whom you will know. We wili be looking for you. In a certain city 250 pairs of ny Ai-ns were hnnded out to members at a club luncheon. Then this announce- .nent was made: "Cards have been r.T.i'.od to your wives announcing th's event." From the back of the room came this retiuest: "If that's so. change my size from 9^2 o 10"-2." CENTRAL LOCATION Our convenient location is readily accessible by the city's leading auto- mobile and street car thoroughfares. Bates and Maddocks FUNtRAL CHAPEL 124 Avenue Rd. KI.4344 your name and contribution. Thanks The following committees have been appointed: Horses: Jas. Ottewell, -A. Moore. Frank Hollingshead; Cattle Lloyd Stephens. Clayton SjiixHt, Dick Hallem: Sheep and Swine: Ken • Hawkins- Vic Wright: Poultry. Robt Bl.ikey: Hall: Alf. Hawton, FranV Hann-ah. Geo. W. Ross. Mrs. Jas Ottewell. M\Ttle Cambelll Mrs. F. Hallingshead- Mrs. Lloyd Stephens Mrs. Jos. Crawford. Entertainment Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Setphens. Mr;^ F- Hollingshead. Mrs. Jos. Crawford. Sport«: John Stephens. Jas. Haley Don Gi-aham, Bruce Hollhvgshead Jas. Hawton and Thos. K. Stephens .After some disc.cssvion reiranliiig some tangible expression for a com- ^ munity centre, the following wei-e j r.amed as a committee to make fur- ther study and arrangeinents to re port at an early date: Russell Haw- ton, John Stephens. J. W. Robinsoti Thos. R. Stephens. Geo. Sled. â€" Com .\ dietitian says that no mattei Due to a jump in tobacco tax. e^r- how spinach is cooked, kids are apt arettes are selliiig in Finland for ft4 to disJike it. Just an old spinach cents a pack, making it much easiei custom. I fiT some folk to stop smokinjr. 1947 1877 70TH ANNIVERSARY St. John's United Church FLESHERTON SUNDAY, JUNE 22 11 a.m. 7:30 p.m. BAPTISMAL FONT PRESENTED TO ORANGEVILLE CHURCH .\ lovely baptismal font was pre- sented to St. .\rKh-ew's Unite<i Church at Orangeville on Sunday by mein- bors erf the Macpherson family in honor of their parents- the kite Mr. and Mrs. Dugald M^cphei-son. Rev. .\. G. Ma«vthetsoH attendee!, along with three otjhier raemibers of the family, and preacheit the sermon- Mr. .\. D. McKitrick received the gift on behalf of the eongregation. ! i Guest Preacher â€" Rev. W. M. Lee, M.A., Markdale \ Special Music â€" St. John's Choir assisted by g^uest sin,a:ers. "God is Great and Greatly to be Praised" HEBLECT CAN Sl^Al YOUR BUSINESS Mills • Graafland (Feversham Re<xirter) A \ov^\y wedding was solemnized at the Gospel Workers' Chuix-h ii CoHingwood, with Rev. A. Mills offic- iating, when Miss Tnuis Graart;ind foiinorly of V,-vlland. was married U Sheldon" Mills, son of Mr- and Mrs Luthir Mill.'. FovershTm. The >-oung <( riM > roti'.me<)i to Fovorsham foi 'he weddinir supper- thcM left for tht honeymoiin to Barrie, QueensvilK atii! Niagara Fall?. * No botineM can afford to face rkka which thoold b« coTered by insop, â- nee. Let n* aBolyae foot needs, explain how ioMinuice can protect your basiooM tram loaa in many wajs and arrange plan. â- ed Pilot policiea to cover aU eventaalitiea. We write Pilot Iniofance to cover »el- •eted ritka in Automobile, Fire, Peraonal Property Floater, Burglary, Cargo, Elev* tor. Teams, Plate Class, General and Pnb. lie Liability, Fidelity and Surety Bonds. H. W. KERNAHAN Flesherton, Ont. Kenresenting liJlliiil.'lill!M.'H