V- I A. X V ^>. •>. ».. A. A. A. A. ^ M lb. Ilk * 'it '4 m .M Ml A •b ^ » wKf THE Fj.ESHERTON ADVAffCB Wednesday, April 30, 1947 VICTORIA CORNERS Sparing weatlber conditional are womeviOxsiit impixyvied^ oMvougih verj cold winds still prevail. Snow feiwe baa been dismantled during the past ireek, mail-box posts installed and mail boxes attadhed, all lenling hope for Spring, follo^ng sone after a winter of much snow-fall. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bradley and Reg of Berkeley visited on Sunday mUih Mir. and Mrs. Geo. Moore and Mir. and Mrs. Walter Aciheaon. Mr. Walter Acheson returned Wednesday iroon Markdale bosipital and is maik- ing good progress. Mrs. Russell Linton was a recent â-¼iffitor in Toionibo. W« extend a hearty welcome to Mir. and Mrs. Brown and family, who leave purchased the former Meirritt MichoHs farm. ROCK MILLS Sawing commenced at the mill On Thurs'day of last week. Four new men were added to the staff, bringing the nUMtber eituployad up to 16- The Durham Furniture CJompany has over a million feet of logs in their yard and many more to be trucked in during the summar. â€" Tmcks 'f'^ori\ Dnrham will com- mence soon to haul luimiber from the yards here to their furniture factory in Durham. Miss Ruiby Dobson of Owen Sound spent the week end at her home. Mr. Bill Cameron of Singhampton la in this district buzzing wood for a nuaniJer of the famners this week. Mr. and Mrs. C3has. Newell visited Monday with friends in Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bailey and family are spending some time with lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Eiigliaih. No work has been done on the la&d at tnne of wiriting. Seeding will be very late. 8TH LINE OSPREY The weather keeps quite cold and backwaid, making seeding quite late thiB year. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephens and Mary spent Saturday at GoUingwood. We extend our deepest sympathy to tlie family and relatives of tih« late Mta. Fred Beatty in their sorrow Mr. and Mrs. Albert Williaims vis- ited in Toronto and attended the wed- ding of Mr. Murray Williams at Mt. Dennis. Miss. Lois Williams and friend^Mliss. Jean McCracken, of Flesherton spent the week end at the Williaima home. Mrs. P. J. Somers, Helen and Naomi, of Mildmay spent the week end at' Their home. 'Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephens and chdldren spent Sunday with Mrs. Alex. Foster and Mr. John Flynn, Vandeleur. "Joibnslcm is our best salesman â€" that guy could sell anything." "That so? Prove it." "Well, yesterday a widow came in to buy a suiit in whdoh to bury her iHisband, and he sold her one with two pairs of pants." SPIRELLA FOUNDATION GARMENTS A Spirella Foundation Garment of whatever type required, resigned in- dividTially and made from measure- .MMents taken by experienced corset- "»re. Demonstration no obligation. â€"MRS. A. E. BELLAMY. VANDELEUR Service in Vandeleur ohurcii was resumed on Sunday, April 20th, after ibeing withdrawn for several weeks, due to storms and road conditions. The annual congregational meeting will be held following the service on Sunday, May 4tih. Mrs. Lome Orrasiby and Mrs. Earl DVHorrison spent a few days visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wyville and family visited friends in Ohatsworth recently. Mrs. Wm. Summers Sr., the oldest resident of the district, who is in her 93ird year, is in very poor health at present. Maiple syrup maiking is finally over for 1947 and the season has been one of the best, as well asi one of the lat- est, in recent years. The Graham sugar bush was a centre of attraction in recent weeks. The teacher and pupils were there in a body one aitemoon and inumeroble questions were asked about the evaiporator, siphons, floats, tanks, etc. Each pupil has to write a composition on the subject, and some of the essays would be vrouthy of pulblicatioin. Rev. W. M. Lee of Marfcdale also ^ent a day in the b\idi and the Reiv- erand gentleman is quite at home in the sugar bush. GET YOUR FLATS FIXED CAR GREASED BATTERY CHARGED, OIL CHAN'GED, Etc. at the B-A. STATION Phone 63 Flesherton EUGENIA ^^^(f^isy LEAVE FLESHERTON To Toronto 9.05 a.m. b 7.40 p.m. b Sun. and HoL (Daylight Time) To Owen Sound b 12.05 c 4.05 p.m. g 8.40 p.m. c Sat. only g daily except Sat. BUS CONNECTIONS A,T TORONTO FOR OTTAWA - MONTREAL - DETROIT CHICAGO - ST. LOUIS And all U.S.A. points 3ee F^iture Events column for the advertising re play in the Eug«nia church on May 20tlh- Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Rowe on the arrival of another boy to join their family circle. Mrs. Thos'. Stewart had the mis- fortune to fall down the stairs in her home and receive some injuries to her limbs. We wish for her a speedy recovery. Miss Annie Tudor is assisting with household duties at the home of E. Kentner, near Clarlksburg. M't. and Mr. Lawson White, Flesih- erton, were recent vjsitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mage'e. We are sorry to report Mr. Ed. Breadner's health somewhat impaired buit hope it is sone restored. Mr. and Mrs. Allan McGregor o* Gait spent the week end with their little sons and with Mrs. MJcGfrogor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fawcett. MisB Irene Ptoillips spent the week end with the Harris family, Toronto. Misa Blanche Walker was a recent visitor with relatives at Shelburne. Visitors at the Stewart home over the week end were: Mr. and Mrs. Don Carson and three children, Mr. Gordon Stewart Mrs. Lewis ano Norman, all of Toronto. Congratulations to Mrs. Wm. His- loip, who celebrated her 91st birthday anniversary on April 25th, and to Mrs. Ed. Baiker, who celebrated the 84th anniversary of her birthday on April 25th. We wish these two aged ladies many more happy returns ol their day. Mrs. Russell Johnson, Maxine and Bobby, of Collingwood are visiting with the former's mother, Mrs. T- Stewart. Mrs. Doupe and son, Jack, Fles'her- ton visited on Sunday with her por- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R- Haney. We are pleased to report Mrs. Haney somewihat improvfed inihaalth. Mr. Delbert Magee of Kitchener is visiting bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magee. Messrs. Bates Fawcett, Cecil Ma- geee and Earl Magee, who are work- ing with the H.E.P.C. at Islington, were home over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Beatty and Children of Streetsville were recent visitors at the Phillips home. We are sorry to report Mrs. John MacDonald ill with pleurisy, and hope she is soon well again. The Y.P.U. meeting will be held in the Eugenia church Friday evening, May 2nd- Topic ir. charge oi Miss J. Patterson. PORTLAW STEPHEN'S CORNERS We extend our heartfelt sympathy to tMr. Fred Beatty and little son. Tommy, of Maxwell in the sudden passing of a dear wife and mother on Friday of last week. Our synipa- thy also to the mother, brothers and sisters. Mr.a nd Mrs. Ernie Mclnnis of Owen Sound visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Winters. Mr. Harold Bi-ownridge of Kirk- land Lake spent a few days during the past week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lance Brownridge. Mr. and Mrs. Geoi-ge Timson, ac- companied (by Mrs. Reg. Londry, spent the week end with fiiends in Toronto. Miss Blanche Priestley spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. Wm. HollingiFihead, in Colling^vood. Mr. and Mr. D. A. Winters and sons, Russell and Babbie, of Thorn- bury visiteil on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wlinters. Mr. arH Mrs. R. J. Moriison of IMlilditiay visited Sunday vith Mr. aii*i Til' 5. EniPrsoTi Wright. Mrs. E',iierjon Wright accompanied Mv. and Mrs. Geo. Morrison to To- i-onto on Saturday and visile i v.- â- friends there. FARES ARE LOW Rounti Trip â€" Tax Included T«rento - $ 5.35 x Detroit Ottawa - $17.55 xQiieago Monteral - $£0.80 x St. Louis X â€" Via iToronto $15.85 $31 « ROCK MILLS BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. A. White, ED. Pastor Worship sei-vice next Lord's Day, May 4th, at 3 p-m. Subject: "Why Were the ands Outstretche?" Text: Romans 10:21. Chuixsli School at 2 p.m. Every- one is welcome at our services. The annual business meleting of the Church will meet at the ohurch Thui-sday, Mlay 1, at 8 p.m. We are sorry to report Mrs. J. J. Boyce ill with pleuiwy. Mr. and Mr». Kenneth MoKee and daughters of Toronto spent the week end with the Boyce family and with Mr. and Mrs. John McKee. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jackson of Hamilton also were visitors at the McKee home. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Comfleld i Fleslhertom and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Morrison of Vandeleur spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Shier. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stewart an<j baby son of Ceylon visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ev. Blaakbium on Sunday. Miss Evelyn Fisher has returned to her home here for the summer months. Her parents motored to Owen Sound for her. Vernon McM'Ullen, who has been working in Toronto, Is ome for the Spring work n the farm. Mr. and Mrs. Fraser of Owen Sound were visitors with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shier, at the week end. Due to the storm the Hydro power was off on all the adjoining farms for two days and Harry Ffeher's tele- phone was also out of order. KIMBERLEY Mi's. S. S. Burritt, who spent the winter with Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Graham in "sunny Osprey", returned Sunday, April 20th, to her home here. Born â€" On Tuesday, April 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. C. Smart, a daughter. Born â€" To Mr. and Mrs. B. Hodg- Irinson, KiaMberley ,a son, at the nursling home, Meaford. Mr. Allen Ferguson spent Sunday with his mother here. Work started again during the week on the new creamery. Mr. Ira Harris and Mr. Bruce Hodgkinson are the carpenters and masons. Sev- eral men are employed, with Mr. R. Risk aS overaeer. The W. I. met at the home of Mrs. E. Morwood Thursday afternoon for the election of officers. The reports showed a good year. Mrs. E. Mor- wood was elected president and Mrs. Glen Jenkins secretary-treasurer.. Mi-. R. D. Carruthers is making his home for the present with Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Weber. ♦♦♦♦»»»»»»»»»»<»»»»»»*»<»»»»»»*»»»»»»»»*'>»»'>^'>**»*»» M % CREAMERY HOURS To safeguard against confusion â€" our creamery will be operated on Daylight Sav- ing time to coincide with your shopping hours. And for your convenience the creamery will cionmience "open evenings" for business until 10 o'clock, beginning Wednesday, May 7th, and Saturday, May 10th, until further notice. Flesherton Creamery Angus Avis, Manager Phone 66 FLESHERTON, Ontario PRICEVILLE The W.I. meets Thursday night at at the home of Mrs. G. Whyte. The Y.P.S. met Thursday night at the home of A. C HinckB. After the opening exercises Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Sims and Miss Marybelle Mc- Lachlan igiave interesljine readings, Betty and Shirly Hinks gave a musical number and Messrs. Ken Nichol and Grant Sayers sang a duet "I Belong to The King." A weed contest was conducted by Mrs. Campbell. The invitation of St. Gol- umba Y. P. to join with them this Friday night in St. Columba Ohuith, was accepted. Miss Margaret Simpson and Mis. E. Wright, who have spent the winter in Durham, are spending awhile at the home of Mrs. Dan Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Carson and family of Toronto visited with friends here over the week end. Mr. and Mb:^. A. L. Hincks visited Friday evening at the home of her sister, Mrs. G. A. Black, at Swinton Park. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Hincks and Mar- ilyn of Toronto visited Saturday at the home of A. L. Hincks and aP^st the week end with other friends. 3£r. and Mirs. Alex. McLean sad boys of Toronto spent the week «nd with their parents. Miss Beatrice Watters spent s week visiting her sister in Toronto. Brown: "When is your daugfatei thinking of getting married?" Jones: "Constantly." The doctor's little daughter watdu ed her father testing the heart and lungs of her youngest brotiier. At last she asked: "Getting any new stations, daddy?" I' ^*?oS ^^ for the SScOff^ JLOSING EorOntenanEntiies «25,aoo SMKL BMHEK CONIESr FOR ONTARIO WINNERS 96 Regional Cash Prizes 5 Provincial Cash Prizes 4 Inter-Provincial Cash Prizes Tickets and Information at the B.'A. SERVICE STATION â€" Reg. Boden FLESHERTON - Phone 63 RATION COUPON DUB DATES Coupons now valid are sugar pre- serves S26 to S50 and butter B36 to B49. The first five of the 10 Y cou- pons, good for canning sugar will become valid May 15. Each coupon is good for one pound of sugar of the S value for preserves. "Tell me. William.'' said the teach- er, "how can you tell *e approach of winter ? " "Easy, teacher," replied William. "It begins to get late sooner." Any bona fide farmer may enter, who agrees to plant at least 5 acres of one of these approved varieties: â€" Montcalm, O. A. C. 21 or Mensury (Ottawa 60). J^S/nU/ntUt^ ENTRIES CLOSE JUNE 1st Act at (HkCC^ For full details hnd entry forms see your Agricultural Representative, or write the Provincial Chairman, National Barley Contest CommiHee, c. o The Crops, Seeds & Weeds Branch, Deportment of Agriculture, Toronto. This contest is sponsored by THE BREWING '& MALTING INDUSTRIES OF CANADA to en-ouroqe the growing of ^-i. improved quality of nnolting byrlay, ond • -? -. the production of odequate lupplies of «••«), and »o sHmu'ofB gener<^l interest in lliis profitoble crop.