r Wednesday, April 23, 1947 THE F( .tSHERTON ADVANCe: r FARMERS, NOTICE Meetings for the discussion of organizing Grey County Cream Producers j ! will be held in the Township ot Artemesia April 22nd Thurs, April 24 Fri., April 25 Sat., April 26 Mon., April 28 ; DUNDALK ; EUGENIA Mrs J. Cairns' Store. : CEYLON P Hemphill's Store. ? FLESHERTON Town Hall. ; PORTLAW PreJ Taylor's Store. ; PROTON STATION Tues., April 29 Cecil Trask's Store. Speakers for and against will be given an opportunity to express their views .at all meetings. Ballot Box fill be taken to all meetings for the receiving of the vote. One person from each farm unit may vote. â€"GEORGE CAIRNS, Asat Deputy Returning Ofificer, Ontario Farm Marketing Board. ; »♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦ • ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦'»********* »»niii!"i"> - > » â- .+**! 2 - 6 p.in. 2-6 p.nia 2-6 p.m. 2-6 p.m. 2-6 p.nii 2'- 6 p.m. THE Flesherton Advance â- Published on Collingwood St., ^ itesherton, Wednesday of each ; week. Circulation 1,100. Price $2.00 a year in Canada, paid in •Branca; $2.50 per year in the * United States. ^MEMBER OF THE CW.N.A. f F. J. THURSTON. Editor ORANGE VALLEY We extend our sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Lome Buimstead and fam- ily in their recent bereavement of the former's father, the late Fred 3uni-.tead. The funeral was held in Meaford on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McFadden, Mrs. C. Alcox and Mrs. G. W. Littlejohns attended the funeral. Miss Mary McDonald, who has been teacher in the Orange Valley school for the past year, has had to Ifive up her teaching duties, owing to ill health. Mrs. Walter Eiagles has been engaged as teacher and commenced her dtuies on Monday. Messrs. Wm. Sprung and Raymond McFadden of Toronto were home for the week end. Miss Marie Bumstead was home from Durham and attended the fun- eral of her g4-undfather in Meaford on Saturday. Messrs. Burton Russell and Gor- don Miller have purchased cars, so look out, girls! We have got the conveyance. Mrs. Edgar Bowles spent the week ^nd in Owen Sound vtrith Mr. and ilra. Alfred Down. (Friday evening a party was spon- sored by neighbors and friends foi Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hill, who were receiitly marriedf Congratu lations, Harvey, and best wishes and welcome to your wife. CEYLON The many friends of Mrs. John McWilliam are sorry to learn of hei illness and hope she may have a speedy recovery. She is a patient in the Markdale hospital. Mr. Fred Barnes and daughter, Lois, of Calgai-y, Alta., and Mr. Findlay MacRae of Toronto visited on Saturday last with Mr. and Mrs S. P. Hunt. Mrs. J. Knox retm-ned to' hei home last Friday, after spending the winter with her daughter, Mrs. J. Gillespie, at Hopcville. Mr. Clarence Bartley left last Week to take a position on the boat the "Alfred J-" for this season. The Young People's held a very l)leas.ing bazaar recently and realized a tidy sum of money. Mr. A. E. Goeseel and son, Keith, attended a Britiah-American dealer';^ meeting in Hamilton last week. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Black and daughter. Donna, of Gravenhurst and Mr. Harvey ArcAilbald of Agin- ooiirt spent the week end with Mrs. C. Archibald. Tlie Ladies' Aid held a very suc- cesaiful meat pie supper in the school last Friday evening. safely landed below we looked out the window and saw the roai^faad sidewalk going by. Imagiuie tbem being out together in daylight! Mrs. Goheen said "We'll have chemistry in the "lalb," but when we reached the door we saw the lab. sink. So we had to go into Mrs. Goheen'a class room for ehemiati-y. There was a great noise and we looked out the paned windows. In a farmer's pas- ture field we saw a bulrush. Further in the pasture we saw a cowslip and a horse fly. Doug. Falconer took ill when he saw the bulrush and Wes Lawler When he saw the horse fly, so the nurse of the class, Betty Tucker, said "We'll give you some teaâ€"bag, or a good fruit punch will help. Doug, and Wes were soon better and Don McLeod ended our misery by leading in prayer. RATION COUPON DUE DATES Coupons now valid are sugar-pre- serves IS26 to S4S, butter BSS to B49, â- Three sugar-preserves coupons will become valid during May, the first on May 1st. DID YOU KNOW? Brack - Whiteoak Wedding At Collingwood The above picture is of the prin cipals of the Brack - Whiiteoak wed- ding, held recently at Collingwood. Those from left to right are: Mr. Lawrence Crowe of Oshawa, best man; Mr. and Mrs. Robert John Parry Brack (Roma Mary Evange line Whiteoak, elder daughter of The groom is the elder son of Mr Mrs. Harold A. Cox and the lat» and Mrs. W. J. Brack of Oshawa. Robert J. Whiteoak of Feversham) , The wedding took place in First Mrs. E. A. Wheeler of Montreal matron of honor; and Miss Helen Whiteoak of Collingwood, sister oif tile bride, bridesmaid. Ba,ptist Ohuroh, Collingwood, on Saturday, March 29th, and was p double ring ceremony. High School News (THE ASTONISHER Life is mostly froth and bubble, Tw(, things stand like stone, Kindness in another's trouble. Courage in your own. WE'LL IRON 'EM OUT You don't wear patches on your clothes be- cause people would notice them. The same thing is true of dents and scratches on your car. They spoil its appearance and create a poor impression. But the dents can be "ironed out" and the scratches touched up, to that no one would think they ever existed. It's worth while to come in for an estimate. Our prices are reasonable and our workman- ship is top grade. Bring in the car, we'll tell you all about our BUMPING and PAINT- ING SERVICE. Come in tor Free Estimate D. MacTavish & Sons Phone 9 FLESHERTON, Ont. BDITO-RLAL A question engaging the at- tention of many Artemesia farmers today i.s, whether or not the type ol education offered by the High School :.s really able to fit their sons or daughters to farm life. Of what use is learning to the man behind the plow? Some will say that it fogs his mind and makes him discontent- ed with his lot. Others will say that it sharpens his wits and makes him the intellectual equal of the shrewd and flashy business men with whom he has to deal. But the signs of the times are telling something else- They are telling us that thei-e is a ne^v trend in Canadian society which' is rapidly dividing us into two class- es, the learned and the unlearned. It used to be the haves and the liave-nots. Now, then, is the time for agriculture to rise to its proper position at the forefront of the na- tion. Can we think that F. H. S. i.s the way ? GRADE 9 All ympathy is extended to sick students on the Thursday afternoon school stopped. Now that the roads a^e open, Gladys sees more of her "wee" man. We'd like to know how Muriel manages to get wrecked. How is your eye, Muriel? John Milligan finds it hard to sitand up in school. More sleep if advised. Anybody knowing of a strong paii of braces .please notify Pat Stauffer White knew enough to stay away from school when he didn't have hia Algebra done. All knowledge of algebra not need- ed please return to Ivan Young. First Form certainly isn't going to have a nice week end, studying for their geography exam on Wed- nesday. Maybe we'll behave after this, eh! The brain â€" Joan Akins â€" is laying the girls all flat, especially on the man situation. Marfrot Ann and Phyllis seem rest- ed up after the holiday. Maybe It was the "fresh air" rides. School and late nights don't mix for Shaw. That's why he quit school. He'd rather have late nights. GRADE 11 Frances, these week ends must be hard on you, the way you return to Bchool Monday. It is convenient for you, isn't it Eric, to have your spares alone with Jean? Blaine seemed haippy after Easter. I wonder if it was "Pop." We nil wis/h Delores would come out of her shell and reveal the beau. Wo can hardly wait until we sc(^ Joan in her "hell bottoms." espec- ially when they com'e from Owen Sound. It really gets to be a very had thing between Jack and Evelyn when Jack's dof come» and calls for live- lynn to walk to school with her. Irene really has it bad â€" besides a letteir a day, sihe gets a letter from his mother for more encouragemen: Frances really means it when shi sings "I'll close my eyes to everyone but you.'" Red heads ares till the pick oJ part of the Turney family. F Eleanor? GRADE 12 Shirley is kept quite busy thesc (lays with all those bistorj' note? :ind she must keep up her corres- pondence. People in hospitals must be 'fiumored, you know. Bruce doesn't know what he will do now that Bud is working in Owen Sound. Cheer up, Bruce, maybe he'll bring home something blonde from there. We wonder who is the artistic carver of Fourth Form. There seems to be a great number of back desk.' adorned with hearts and initials. I guess it must be Bruce, as girls don't do such things. Or do they? Irene has decided that variety i> the apice of life- Guess what? Her favorite recording is "Stardust' again. Blanche left u.s all last week end. One must agree that Shelburne has its attractions. Barbara loves to untie shoe laces, but she doesn't like tieing them. GRADE 13 We, Fifth Form, were really aston- ished the other day. We tried hard to get downstairs, but the steps were coming up. Mr. Clement solved the problem when said "Slide down the banister. So we did. When we Many people believe the reddish brown color of iodized salt blocks is due to their iodine content. This is not true. Potassium iodide, not io- dine, is used for iodizing, and it is as white as salt itself. A harmless red pigment is, therefore, also added during manufacture, so iodized salt blocks may be easily distinguished from plain salt blocks. TIME TABLE * CHANGES Effective Sunday, April 27, 1947 Full information from Agents CANADIAN PACIFIC ROCK MILLS BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. A. White, E-D. Pastor Service next Lord's Day, April 27, at 3 p.-m. Subject: "The Outstretch- ed Hands of Jesus." Text: Luke 24 : 40. Church School meets at 2 p.m. ev- ery Sunday. The annual meeting of the Wo- men's Missionaiy Society will meet at the home of Mrs. Harry Patton on AprU 29ith, at 3 p.m. All time in this notice is Daylight Saving Time. To Cream Producers Let me demonstrate a new Renfrew Cream Sapetaor in your own dairy, and prove to you that it pays to have a good separator now, when cream prices are at a premium. Hand & Electric Separators in stock W. E. BEITS Phone 46J FLESHERTON SPRING HARDWARE Paint, Poultry Supplies Superflame Oil Brooders $29.50 Sherwin -Williams Paints, Enamels Electric Brooders 26.50 C-V Quality Paints and Enamel. Coal Brooders, from 16.75 , ^, Floor Wax, Polishes, Cleaners Brooder Thermometers ' Founts Feeders P*>"' Brushes, Roller Koters Royal Purple Stock and Poultry ^*="""^ Brushes, Mops Remedies Pails LADIES â€" We have BEATTY and EASY ELECTRIC WASHERS Farm Fence, Barbel Wire, Rolled Roofing, Asphalt Singies in stock. DUNCAN'S HARDWARE Coal - Cement • Electrical Appliances Phone 54 FLESHERTON, Ont. r i 1 1 f»it 1* Of im *. >