Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Feb 1947, p. 5

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V > 4 4 >• k. « w V THE FLESHERTGN ADVANCE Wednesday, February 19, 1947 EUGENIA lAsB Isobel McKee and Mr. Mc- Carthy of Torojito were week end visitors with Mr. and Mis. T. Mc- Kee. Miss Mary McKee, with some firirl friende, have spent the past few weeks touring in the United States. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Heeney and Judy have returned to Tott'onto, after sipendinisf a week at the Burton bomne. Mr. and Mrs. Burton spent a few days in Toronto. Mrs. RiuBsell Johnson, Maxine and Bablby, otf Collingwood spent sevenai days at her paretal home here. "Mr. Percy Graham spent fWe days in MarWale hospital recently, suf- fering with a attack O'f blood pois- oning in his hand, oaused by a sliver. We are glad to know that Percy is well again. Mr. Eldridge Boyce was home from Owen Sound for the week end. We extend our sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Goddard of Burlin?:- ton in their siad bereavement. Their littJfe one and a half year old son, Maurice, took , suddenly ill and passed away. We are sorry to rejwrt Miss Mary Stafford on tbi sick list. Her niece, Miss Miyrtle Stafford, of Kimiberley has been with her during the pa«t week. The Y.P.U. had a sleigh-ride i)arty 1^2dnesdas evening of last week and h«d ;3 pleasant time, after which a hot lunch was served in the church basement. ROCK MILLS Mr. Bob Clark spent the week end â- with friends in Toronto. Mrs. Mary La'ig'h'iii! spent three weeks with frienrl" near Feversham. Mr. Good his returned, after spending- two veaks at his home at Wingham. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Robt. Clark has been very ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Leavell, in Collingwood. Mr. Dick Clank was called to the bedside of his mother a few days ago. We hope to hear of sonve inijpro-remenic in her condition very aoon. Mr. Mannie Dobson made a b^us- incss trip to Meaford, having some machinery in i-eadiness for the open- ing of the saw mill for the season's sawing. Mrs. Andrew Fawcett of Vande- leur is convalescing at the home of her sisfer, Mrs. Cecil Betts, after her recent opea-ation in Markdiale hospital. We wish Mrs. Fawcett a con^plete recovery to good health again. Mr. Harold Clark returned home Saturday, after spending a few days in Toronto. Harold bought a car for himself while in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Phillips are putting their new home in Flesher- to in readiness to move thereto shortly. Miss Helen Betts of Owen Sound spent the week end with her par- ents, Mr. nnd Mlrs. Frank Betts. Master Murray Betts spent the week end with his cousin, Bobbie M'cMulleni, at East Moutanin. VANDELEUR Mrs. Morrison received' wc-i on Monday evening that her father, Mr. C. B. Boland, had imet with a painful aacident while at work. He is a pa- tient in the Walkerton Hospital with a broken jaw and other injuries. iMrs. Gordon Wyville spent a few days at Meaford and attended the funeral of her cousiin, Mr. R<>y Chappie. Mr. Lundy Johnston, a patient in Markdale hospital, is gradually im- proving from tihe effects of his re- cent stroke. Mrsv Andy Fawcett is spending a few we^s with her siiter at Roc!< Mills, convalesjcing aitar her recent operation at Markdale hospital. Mr. Alex. Gilray and little son. Barry, spent a few days with rela- tives at Thorrtbom-y and Collingwood- The W. A. held their February meeting at the home of Mrs. Will Bowles on Wedinesday afternoon of last week. EXCELLENT USB FOB SMALL SOFTWOOD TIMBER We are in the market for PEELED PITPROPS 3 in. to 6'/j in. tops, iVj, 6V2, 9 feet l«mg Spruce, Balsam, Pine and Tamarack to be V-hipped during Spring and Summer, 1947 Attractive Prices - Prompt Payment Write for particulars to: H. J. SEMLER, 60 Front St., W., TORONTO <*^<^X*<~M~><K«<«>4">»>0<KK»<"X~>2~X»<K'<~><"XK'<"J~I~X~K~X«*>*^ CREAM At all times â€" the foremost thought in our minds is to give our customers the best possible deal. Whether the cream^is idelivered by yourself or sent in by truck, you can be assured you will re- ceive square treatment. We are most anxious that you receive the best possible grade for your eggs, so that you will re- ceive more money for them. In order to obtain a higher grade, your co-operation is necessary. Y I t ? •f '? T ? I I Esgs I I I I 1. Eggs must be spotlessly clean. 2. Eggs must be kept cool â€" around 40 de- F. (possibly keep in basement). 3. Particular care must be given to the feed of laying hens. Too many roots causes dark yolks, hence B Grade. 4. Market eggs regularly â€" twice a week if possible. Most of the eggs are now being exported. In order to hold this market me MUST supply good eggs. Try the above suggestions for "more egg money." 12th LINE, OSPREY Your correspondent hi.d a very welcome viisiior last Fjuiay fro<m Macrorie, Sa.-k., in the puisyn of Mr. MeLviille Hoh-oydv one of our i:ith Line boys \vh:. went to sichoil at S. S. No. o, and latei' moved to the West to seek his fortuo',; ..u th« prairies. He farmed there success- fully and later married Miiss Alicf Holniian of Portlaw. I enjoyed h\s visit very much, talking over old tinies and old ways of farming hfire and in the We'it. The new methoa of farming in the West is doing away with horses and states that he hasn't a horse around his pLace. H* does all his own work on three-iquar- ters of a section, coimibines instead of the old steam threshers. Mr. and Mrsi. Chas. Turner and Mr. and Mrs. George Clark and hahy of Eugenia were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Victor McKenzie. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bad^rerow andl tjwo children of Singhampton were visitors at the Victor McKen- zie .lome. Mr. Ken Wiokens, our popular man for buzzing wood, is very busy in the neighborhood at present. The Ladies' Aid of Providence is busy. Last week they journeyed to the home of Mrs. Frank Short and had a very successful day. Mr. Jas. McKenzie had the pleasure of driv- ing those talented ladies to their place of business, in the lanes and out. The president, Mrs. Lome Tup- lin, was present. Miss Shirley Maxwell of S. S. No. 16 visited over the week end at her parental home. Good luck, Shirley! Mr. Hlilwtood Dobson is a vei-y buiy man doing the barn work for Mr. Cyrus Short and hauling the wood for S. S. No. 6, he having re- ceived the contract at the annual school meeting. VICTORIA CORN.ERS CEYLON (Too lat° for Last Week) Mr. Josh Dobson and motlier, Mrs. John Dobson, was over to the let- ter's brother-in-law, Mr. Joe Do.b- son, of Ravenna, who is very ill at present. We hope for a ' complete and speedy recovery. .; /f; r Mr. and Mrs. MelvilTe-'^lijUilroyd of Macrorie. Sask. is vigiiiiii: at the home of Wm. Poole. Mr. Htolroyd went to S. S. No. 6, 12th line. He married Miss Alice Holman of Portlaw and moved West. We wisi. them a happy visit and a liappy re- turn to their home. Mr. and Mi-s. Sherman Ottewell, Meivin and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Izard were visitors at the home of John Weldrick Satui-day evening. •We are sorry to report Mrs. John Tyson on the sick list. She has seen many years in Osprey township, ana we hop© she will be up and around again very soon. Mr. and iMlns, Melville Douglas visited friends in Collingwood Sat- urday last over the good roads, bu oh, the storm Sunday! L.O.L.10S5, Feversham, met their hall last Monday nigiht for their annual meeting. There was a good attendance. It is very encour- aging to see 1085 back in its ola strength of over 30 members, all with the go-ahead spirit. We ait sorry to report that while C. N. Long of Feversham was- jour- neying to his farm on the 12th, on.' of his horses dropped dead. Tough luck, but C. N. always looks on th-_ bri;rht side of things. We tender our sympathy to the Chard family in their bereavemen by the death c»f their brother, Francis J. Chard. Miss Ma.'vory Stevens wa& a recent week ei.d f pst of Mr. j.id Mrs. Ray Honv,, »;.â- ., jTvuham. iVe are glad to report Mr. Wilfred Gallaugaer' " condition considerably impro.vt.a Gutsl? in the home dui-- ing the past week have been Mr.=!. Jf..s. Batchelor, Inistioge, and Mr. ricrt.i Gallaugher of Hornings Mills, tioth remaining seiveral days, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Batchelor, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wiltshire, Bethel district. The teacher and pupils of S. S. No. 4 enjoyed a Valentine social on Friday aftei-noon. They had as their g-uests little Misses Gail Betts and Fayroe Foirbes and Master Edgar Puncan. All enjoyed this a good deal and many Valentines were distributed. The W.P.U. lof Ihistioge held a social evening on Valentine day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Dun- can. There was a good attendance and a splendid time was enjoyed by all. The next regular meeting of the young people will be held in tihe home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Walker and Hazel Friday evening, Feb. 28. The funeral of the late Allan Montgomery was postponed from Monday afternoon until Tuesday, due to the bad weather conditions. A number from here attended the ser- vices held In the undertaking par- lors, Dundalk. Many from here attended the funeral in Dundalk Saturday after- noon of the late Robert Lee. Mr. Lee, his wife (the former Laura Nicholls) and son, Russell, farmed in this locality for a number of years. Deepest sympathy is extend- ed to Mrs. Lee and Russell. Mr. Les. Batchelor has entered in- to partnership with his brother. Bill, in operating a chopping mill at Pro- ton Station. The brothers have in- vested in new machinery, thus enaol- ing them to give good service with their customers' grain. Good luck, boys ! Several from here are interested in the procedure of U.S-S. No. 15, Proton Station. A meeting was held again Saturday afternoon, when it was agreed that a new school would ibe erected on a new site â€" the land being purchased from Mr. Russell Acheson, whidh lies alongside the Chas. Lyons home. Erection of the new building will be commenced as soon as possible. FEVERSHAM I X Y X X I I I PORTLAW Creamery closed Saturday nights until further notice. | Flesherton Creamery Angus Avis, Manager Phone 66 t FLESHERTON, Ontario I •' Miss Evelyn Fisher of Owen Sound spent last week end with her par- ent;, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Boyce has re- turned to their home, aftei- spending Bome weeks with memhers of their family. We are pleased to see Earl Croft able to be out again after having a heart condition, also Karl Talbot who had the cast removed from his leg last Wednesday. Mrs. Lougheed and three sons spent a day with her daughter, Jan- et, at the home of Mrs. Wes Plantt. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Pedlar vis- ited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stew- art at the Stewart home, Flesherton. Friends here are very sorry to hear of the serious illness of Mr. W. A. Morton, a former resident here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Plantt and son, Del'bert, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Plantt recently. Mts. Wee Plantt has not been en- joyin^f good health tht« winter and friends hope to hear of her being better soon. A Valentine social was held in the senior room i>f the school, with pupils and guests enjoying an eveJi- ing of fun. Feversham Black Knights held their regular lodge meeting Mon- day, Feb. 17th. ilr. ajid Mrs. Ivan Alexander and family of Creemore visited Thurs- day with the Alexander and McKee faanilies. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Wm. Davidson was taken to Mark- dale hospital las*t week. Bert Davidson of Toronto spent the week end at the home of his father. Mr. Howard MtKee of Hamilton spent the week end with his family- A euchre party was held in the Orange Hall on Wednesday night, with quite a few in attendance, in spite of the storm. Mr. ad -Mlrs. Torrence Williams of Mr. and Mrs. Torrence Wiliams of lattei''s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tyler. Miss Maude Smith has returned liome, after a few months nursing. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Eby enter- tained a number of friends at Valentine euchre party. Mr. and Mrs. G. Bby of Waltei-s Falls sipent Monday of this ween with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Eby. We are sorry to hear that Warren Hannah is on th sick list again and hope for a speedy recovery. Miss E. Aitken and the pupils of Ceylon school enjoyed a pleasant Valentine iochil last Friday after- noon ill the school. Mr. Fred Irish f Toronto visited on Saturday with Mr. S. Hemphill and Miss Maud Hemphill. Miss Lottie Whittaker, Priceville, and' brothel', Robert, of Dundalk were recent callers at the home of S. P. Hunt. Mr. and Mrs. John McWilliam en- tertained the young people to a pleasant Valentine soc'il at their home Friday evening, when 18 were present. The young people apprec- iate the efforts that ai-e being made to entertain them eiach Friday. Miss Man' McDonald of Oi-ange Valley spent the week end with Mt. and Mrs. Joe Stauble. Miss Agnes Maophail went to To- ronto the first of the week. L.A.C. Joe McWilliam of Edmon- ton is enjoying a month's leave a the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McWilliam. Mr. George Mathewson of Ham- ilton and Mr. Chas. McWilliam of Toronto were week end visitors at the latter's parental home. Mr. Mathewson remained for a week. The Ladies' Aid will hold their Febi-uary meeting at the home of Mrs. Robt. Rutledge on Wednesday, Feb. 26t'h, at 2 p.m. Kindly keep this in mind. Mr. Dalton Rutledge of Toronto spent the week end with his parents. Mr. adn Mrs. Robt. Rutledge. Mr. Jack Comtoer of Holland Centre spent the week end at the Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Rutledge. Mr. Murray Marshall of Toronto spent the week end with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marshall. Mr. Wm. Turner of Lock%vood, Sask.. and Mr. Jas. Turner of Shel- burne are visiting frijCnds in the Old Durham Road vicinity. The symipathy of this community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Cha-. Gaddard (nee Hilda Genoe) of Bur- lington whose infant son, Maurice Irvine, passed away recently. Mrs. Thos. Genoe spent the week end at Burlington and attended the funeral of her grandson. Maurice I. Goddard, hold on Saturday. Mrs. M. T. Hogarth and Mary, ac- companied by Miss Catheinne Stewart Reg.N., of Owen Sound, were in To- ronto on Saturday- Miss E. Aitkeii visited on Saturday :it Cataract. We are sorry to repoi-t the serious illness of Mrs. Kew. mother of Mrs. I. B. Whittaker. We ho|)e that she will soon be wedl. KIMBERLEY The teachers and pupils of Kim- berley school held their annual Val- entine party in the school Friday afternoon. Following a program of songS', piano solos and contests, Valentines were exchanged and lunch sewed. We are pleased to see Mr. Ted Weber home again. He has spent the past few weeks in Christie Street Hospital. We trust he will soon be restored to better health. A large num/ber from here at- tended the Markdale-Dunadlk hock- ey igame at Markdale on .Saturday night. Miss Lois Thompson of East Mountain spent a few days this week with Miss iShirley McMullen. Friday night, Feb. 14th, the W. I. held a progressive euchre in th« Community Hall, when a splendid time was enjoyed by all. Mts. Fred Jolley won the ladies euchre prize, while Mr. Harold Fawcett carried off the honors for the men. Mr. Wan. Haines has purehased the Turner property in the village, which has been occupied for some time by Mr. John Press; We are sorry to report Mrs. Jas- Lawrence under the doctor's care. We hope for a speedy recovery. The Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. T. Soul Wed- nesday of this week, a week earlier than uiiual. to take part in the special anniversary of the Women'a Institute, which was founded 50 years ago at Stoney Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson of .Aus- tralia are visiting the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Weber. It is said that "when the sun goes down, automobile accidents go up." -Also when the alcohol goes down. A missing shirt button may mean that a man is single; three or four buttons missing means that his wife is a bridge fiend. NUT COAL TO ARRIVE One car Hard Nut Coal should arri^'e in Flesherton, Fob. 25th. Phone your orders now to make sure of your requirements. This coal very suitable for brooder stoves. D. McTAVISH & SONS Phone 9 Flesherton, Ont, ^S^/o^ LEAVE FLESHERTON Wbrtime housing â€" what of it ? The war is over and there are almost no housen. STH LLNE OSPKEY Farm Forum met last Monday veiling at the home of Doug. Steph- ens, with a good attendance. Quite a lively discussion took place on the subject ".Are Farm Prices Compar- able to Industrial Prices?" The topic of discussion thi Monday eve- "Mng will be "The Future Farm Price Program." The program of con- tests and readings was enjoyed. The meteting tonight will- be at the home of Hai-old Fenwick. Mrs. P. J. iSomeis, Helen, and Naomi, of Mildtnay spent the week end at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Laiwler en- tertained their neighbors to a euehre p«iiy FViday evening. Totn Stephens and Gerald LawVer were the lucky winnei-s. Mrt Gforge Foster is a.<isi9tin?r Mr. Tom Stcipheng cuttin i loft's. (STANDARD TIME) To Toronto To Owen Sound 9.05 a.m. b 12.05 7.40 p.m. c 4.05 p.m. yr SAO p.m. b Sun. and Hoi. c Sat. only g daily except Sat. BUS CONNECTIONS -A,T TORONTO FOR OTTAWA - MONTREAL - DETROIT CHICAGO - ST. LOUIS And all U.S.A. points Toronto Ottawa Monteral FARES ARE LOW Round Trip â€" Tax Included $ 5.35 -K Detroit $17.55 X Chicago $20.80 xSt. Louis X â€" Via (Toronto $15.85 $31.4t Tickets and Information at fehe B..A. SERVICE STATION â€" Reg. Boden FLISHERTON - Phone 63

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