Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Jul 1946, p. 3

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' 4 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING IIAIiV CHICKS J « 1^ .S 2 t » it- « V •» â- Â» t f 8KNI) I''((l« SI'I'ICIAI. I'KIC'KS OX two and three wi'i'k old st.icled chicks. VV.> have them lii all the popular pure breeds and hybrid croKSes in iion-sexed, pullets or cockerels. Also day old and eight week and older yuilets. Top .Volch Chlckcrle.'^. Guclph, Ontario. .â- WE'LL HAVIO lillMMRR CHICKS available. This month and August. Dayolds. Pullets, non-sexed, cock- erels. Contact us soon for prices, breeds Hvailable. delivery dales, and get your order in Bray Hatch- ery, nil John .N. Hamilton, Ontario. FOR THOSK WHO DO NOT WANT to fuss or bother with day old chicks we can give immediate de- livery on two and three week old started chicks in all popular pure breed.') and hybrid crosses, mixed, pullets or rotrkerels. Also day old.s and eight week to laying pullets. Reduced prices for .July. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited. Fergus, Ontario. LAKEVIEW CHICKS Specialized Breeding Plant Of 5,000 Breeders Book your order for July. With the .'icarcit.v of meat, there will be a big demand for Poultry and Eggs thi.s Pall and Winter at attractive prices. It will pfiy you to put in an e.\tra brood of chicks this year. Pruniiit IJfUvery â€" With a capacity of 80,000 Lakeview chicks week- ly, we e.xpect we can (jlve prompt delivery, but to be safe, book your order at once for July. Grade A â€" Large Type White Leg- horns, Sussex X Leghorn, Rock X Leghorn. Leghorn x New Hamp. mixed lH4c., pullets 20c.. cox (ic. B Rocks, Rock x Hamps., New Hamps., Sussex, Sussex x Hamps. mixed $12.75, pullets $17.00. cox $14.75. Send deposit of $1.00 per 100. We guarantee 100% live de- livery. Order from and enclose this ad. Xnr;i;c White LeffhornM â€" Day old and started up to 4 weekM old. Lakeview Leghorns are the largo type mated with cockerels from Pd. stock â€" "Real Kgg Machines.'' Send for Weekly Lint â€" of special prices on day old chicks, pulleta, and cockerels and started chicks. July and Knit Hatched â€" Book your order for July or Pall Hatched chicles now. Slieeinl Started Chicks â€" All two weeks old heavy breed mix- ed chicks. 17c. pullets 22c., heavy breeds, cockerels 17c. also 3 to 4 week old pullets and cockerels. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM, Wein Bros., â- â€¢Exeter, Ontnrfo. PLLLKTS HAISKD OX CLEAX range, eight weeks to laying. Prompt delivery. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergu.^, Ontario. LARGE TYPE LEGHORNS 10c. Leghorn pullets 21c. All Breeders double bloodtested and backed by high pedigreed foundation stock. Many Hurondale customers report best chicks 1 ever had. Walter Morton. Dryden, â€" We were well pleased with the pallets we re- ceived last year. Pullets laid well. Heavy Breed Pullets 17c. Sussex X N. Hamp.. Kock x New Hump., Barred Rucks. Pure Sussex and New Hampshire pullets 17c. Pure Sussex mixed 13c., Sussex z N. Hamp., Rock x Hamp., Rocks and New Hamps. mixed 12c. Sus- sex x Leghorn, Rock x Leghorn and Letfhorn x New Hamp. mixed lie, pullets 2Uc. Assorted pulleta 15c., assorted mixed He. Cockerel and started prices on request. Order from and enclose this Ad. $1 00 per 100 deposit. HURONDALE CHICK • HATCHERY, London, Ont. WK CAN <;iVE IMIOMIT UE- llvery on pullets eigrht weeks to laying in Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, White Lt;«.horns. Kree catalogue. Top Notch Chickcrles, Guelph, Ontario. â-  HEAVY BREED PULLETS 17c. Sussex. Sussex x Hamp., Kock x Hamp., New Hamp. and Barred Rock pullets 17c. Book your order NOW. tl.OO per 100 deposit. Order from this Ad. Hurondalo Chick Hatchery, London. Ontario. REUABLE CHICKS JULY PRICES OM BABV CHICKS, Barred Rooks $9.75. Hamp X BR. $10.25. STARTED CHICKS, up to 8 weeks. Sussex, Barred Rocks, Leghorn pullets. HYBRIDS Leg- horn X BR. Hamp X BR. Prompt shipment Miller's Ch|c:k Hatchery, Fergus, Ont. iii'MNijs.'s oi'i'«>nTrxn'ii!;«i AX PLVClSi'TIONALI.Y ATTilACT- Ive commission sales proposition is available to all bread, milk and other delivery salesmen, students, vacationists and others desiring part or full time employment. Please forward name, address and telephone number to P.ox 101, 73 Adelaide St W., Toronto, Ont. ilVI'lING AND Cl.i'IAIViNtJ HAVK vol) ANVTIIilVt; KI''.I<:DS dyeinji or cleaning? Write to us for Information, We are glad to answer your questions. Department H. Parker's Dye Works Limited. 791 Yonge Street, Toronto. Ontario. ^'^>H sAl,i<' h'tm SALE ATTENTION FARMERS For Sale: Regular Tractor Tires, lug treads, suitable for bolting on .steel wheels, front wheels â€" $5.00 each, rear wheels â€" $10.00 each, V. o. 13. Toronto. When ordering, .state height and width of wheel. National Uubber Co. Ltd., .t Wilt- shire Ave, Toronto, Ont. OAlll'i'I.N'i'UY â€" NIOW ilUUIi. Comi>lete data on framing walls, stairs, rools, trusses, interior and exterior finish. A mine or Inform- ftt'on fpr^ 'hos? Interested In con- struction. 'Sent postpaid. Three dol- lars. Maslerprint Pomp.mv. Toron- to 14. Canada. niCK HAKK 0\ :t.-. HKAVY DVTY Chev. truck chassis. Motor recon- ditioned ready to go, CJu.v Steven- son. Brooklin, Ont. Phono 63. DIKKKI, KXCilNK, 50 h. p., KAIR- banks-Moi-se, t.vpe Y, single c.vlln- der. Kxcollent condition. Installing greater h. p. Ayr District Co-Oper- :ativo, .\yr, Ont. .^â€" i KLK«:"rni(: MOTOIIS KV.W. USKD bouRht. sold, rebuilt: belts, pulleys, brushes. Allen l^lcctrlc Company Ltd., 2.1211 nufferln SI , Toronto. Ont. K.\TRA( TOII. SIv llllNkrt. Vavift Driv<>n. Itiuldv I'ncapping T«nk, $85. T,:irk'". Double Uo.trded Puppy Kennels $5. Kxcellent Value. S, Woods, Mono Uoiid, Ont. l.'Olt 'I'HIS |.-A1,I,'.S HIIN'i-INCi. ilK- glslcrcd poinler puppies. Perfeition Pointer Kennel, 1579 Vnrli .'J|., Windsor, Ont, F()K SAI,I-: â€" MI.VIOIl KOK ill.OCK, iniii'tar or com-rete, one third cu, yd., gasoline driven, on steel wheels, avaihible immediately, Peterboro area. Box 102, 73 Adelaide W. Tor- onto, Ontario. FOR SALE â€" HOUSE Oi\l:- .STOUEY li-KAMt: HOUSR near .strathrov, Ont., size 24 x 18, and 22 x 14. Write Box 2, Glencoe, Ontario. Mouin. x- CI.IOTHAC th actor, power take off and starter, 45 horse power, 12-Inch tread, ex- cellent condition. $1,800. W. C. Coles. 25 Ontario St., St Catharines. Ontario. i'iSitl.'iiCTlON "MILK - MA.STISR'" Milker will operate on any line pips installation. Single unit with 60 lb. capacity, stainless steel pall, $110.25. Immediate delivery units and vacuum pumps. Box lis. Ter- minal Station "A", Toronto. SILVER I'LATlNfi FLUID. RA.SILY made and sold. Vast market. For- mula and sales plan One Dollar. Db- talls free Krysto Products Co. SANT.V cpa:z, Cal. THE NEW IMPROVED HAY DIVIDER Can be fitted to swath board oi any mower Will replace help usually needed to fork hay behind mower In heavy crops. Also save time, aa there is no clogging of knife or knife guard. Guaranteed satisfac- tion. $7.50 f.o.b. Bristol, Que. Sola Mfgr and distributor for Canada and U.S. Local Spare Ime Agents Wanted. A. Arble. BrlHtol, Que. TIDES .AND RADIO PARTS HARD TO UET ULECTRICAIj Electronic supplies of all kinds; list tor stamp. Economy Distribut- ors, Kingston, Ontario. TWO WALKER FOXHOUNDS guaranteed on fox. one $50.00 ono $25.00. Two pups three months old $10.00, female $8.00. One trig rabbit hound $15.00. A terrier guarantead on mink rats and skunk $30.00. All F. O. B. Huntingdon. Alfred Goy- atte. Box 348, Huntingdon, Que. TARMS FOR SALE large: DAIRY FARM IK VILLAGE! 85 miles from Montreal. 40 head of cattle. Large quantity timber pulp and wood. Price $30,0(r0.00. Box 99, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. A KLMBEIl OF GOOD lUO-ACRK farms with hydro, good buildlnsa and also bush on these farms; a number of 50-acra (arms $2,000 and up, a number of lOU-acre farms $3,000 and up, a number of 150 and 200acre farms $4,0OU and up: thesa farms have all got good buildlngrs and also some with bush and hydro. These are all good value that should be picked up at once. J. C. Lons, Real-Estate Broker, Brussels, Ont. HAIRDRBSSINC LI3ARN UAIRDRBSSING THB Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robert- son's Halrdressing Academy, 1S7 Avenue Road. Toronto. HELP WAirrsD WANTBDl E.XPERIISNCED SINGLK dairy barn is'lstant. Uood wagea, board & working conditions. Apply Don Head Futv 9, Richmond Hill, Ontario (fiione Maple 65W), DIETITIAN Wanted at Muskoka Hospital, Sal- ary $166,50 per month or $140.00 per month with full malntenanca. One month's vacation with pay at the end of one year's service, Blua Cross Plan available. Permanency for the right person. Apply to Sup- erintendent, Muskoka Hospital, Gravenhurst, Otit. WANTB5D TYPIST "WITH UOOK- keeping experience. Give full In- formation and wages expected. Apply Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. GENERAL STAFF NURSES Operating Roonn Nurses 9100.00 PER MONTH, PLUS Fi;L.I< maintenance, 3 weeks' vacation with pay and a $50 bonus at tha completion of each year of service. Pension plan. 1 day sick leave with pay per month, accumulative. Bua service to city street car lines. Ap- ply: Superintendent of Nurses, Tor- onto Hospital for Tuberculosis. Phone JU. 1103. MEDIC AJb fJOOD ADVICE! EVERY SUFFEIR. er of Rheumatic pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Mun- ro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of III health In humans, all ages. No one immunel Why not find out If this is your trouble. Interesting particulars â€" Free! Write Muiveney's Remedlas Spclalists, Toronto 3. ARTIiUiPS ECZEMA OIN'l'MKNT. Try it. it works. Arthur's Eczema Ointment, ono of the most effective ointments known for the relief of eczema: 50c.. 90c. and $1.75. For In- formation write Charles Arthur, 82 Spruce Hill ltd., Toronto, Ont. IT'S IMPORTANT â€" EVERY SUF- ferer of Rheumatic Pains or .Neuri- tis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 336 Elgin, Ot- taw.T. Postpaid $1.00. IK YOU SI Ki'MOR FROM ARTHRI- tic. Neurillc or Rheumatic pain, write us regarding Colchina the re- med.v that is helping hundreds. $1.90 pays for seven weeks supply. International Agency. 22 College Street, Toronto, Ontario. IF YOU'RE BALD READ THIS! Do something about your baldness now. Hexonlcin Scalp Preparation . . . the new, remarkable treatment for baldness . . . has grown hair In case after case professionally con- trolled and supervised. New hair has definitely appeared In moat cases after treatment with Hexonl- cin Scalp Preparation. Effective also In feminine baldnes.i. Start this new treatment for baldness now. Remember, if Hexonlcin Scalp Pre- paration does not produce results after following directions YOU GET YOUR MONEY BACK . . . every .lar sold Is Insured with a lending Canadian Insurance Company. Don't postpone. Send $3.00 (cheque or monev order) todn.v for trial Jar to Hexonlcin (Canada) Limited, Dept Gl, 216 Ossington Ave., Toronto I, Canada. MI SICAI. INSTRIJMIONTS FRED A HODDINGTON itUVS sells, cvchuiiKes musical instru- ments 111 church, Toronto 2, MtSiCAl, INSTRUMKNTS RE- paired and refinished. Violins, Uke- lele expeitly repaired. Minor re- pairs on Bunjos, Mandolins and Guitars. For particulars write A. C. McGarvey, Orrville, Ontario. OPI'Oit'l'lINI'riES FOR WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN C.V.NAOA'S LKADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Halrdressing Pleasant dii;: Ified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel gr:i(luate.s. America's greatest sys- tem, Illustrated catalogue free. Wrile or call M.VRVEl. HAIRDUESSING .SCHOOLS 368 nioor St. W., Toronto. Branche.i: 44 King St. Hamilton & 74 Ridenu Street, Ottawa. PATENTS FETHERSTONHAPGH <ft COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 King West. Torontfj. Booklet of Information on request. IMIOTOGRAPHY FILMS OKVELOPED aS CTS. GUA- ranteed one day service. NO WAIT- INC. Bay Photo Service, North Ray. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films propeiiy developed and printed 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 26c. REPRINTS 8 for 25c FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE!. Tou may not get alt tha films you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you deslra by sending: your films to IMPERIAL PHOTO SRRVICBl Station 1. Toronto. ANY SIZE ROLL II or 8 exposures DEVELOPED A PRINTED ISe. t MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 2Be Size 4x6" In Beautiful Easel Mounts Enlargements 4x6"" on Ivory tinted mounts 7x9" In Gold, Silver, Clreaa- slan Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, 59c each. If enlargement coloured, 79c each. Reprints Made From Your Negatives 3c. Each DEI-T. M STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box I2I>, Pom Office A, ToroBlo. Print N'ftme and Address Plainly. SUPREME SATISFACTION Can only be att.ained by having your films processed by highly skilled technicians using the very best materials and modern ma- chinery. All is obtainable at lowest prices. Roll developed and 8 prints 25c, reprints 3c each. All work jjuaranteed. TRANS-CANADA FILM SERVICE Toronto i:i, Ont. rKACHER.H WANTED PROTESTANT TEACHER FOR S.S. No. 1, Dayton. Apply stating salary and qualifications and phone num- ber to Leonard Cameron, Sec'y, Dayton, Ontario, TWO QUALIFIED TEACHERS wanted for S. S. No. 6 village of QuadevlUe and Extension Bruce- ton. County of Renfrew. Duties to commence Sept. 3, 1946. Salary $1,200. Apply to Mack Kennelly, Quadeviile, Ontario. GLENVALE, ONT» TEM. CO. RK- quirea Ist class teacher for public school, Protestant, duties commence Sept. 1. State qualifications and salary expected to S. P. Peterson, Glenvale. Ont. THREK TEACHERS REQUIRED for Schreiber Continuation School to divide English, History, French, Science, Junior Math., Art or Music, P. T. nnd Cadet Training. Appli- cants to state qualifications, salary and experience, also Inspectors' re- ferences in first letter, to Chair- man L. R. McCualg, Schreiber, Ont ISLAND FALLS, NORTHERN ONTARIO (North of Cochrane) A Consolidated one room, grade school, requires Protestant experi- enced female teacher for grades 1 to 9. Number of pupils 18. Music and social service, including chil- dren's Sunday School class, helpful. Salary $1600.00, starting September 3rd, 194G. Apply in writing to Her- bert L. Sanborn, Secretary, 408 Unlver.sity Avenue, Toronto 2, Ont. WANTED MILLER. REAL ESTATE, 186 Oshawa Boulevard, Oshawa, wants resort property, unimproved, wood- ed, good bench, near highway. WANTED TO PURCHASE PULLiOTS Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, White Leghorns any age from 8 weeks up to laying. Good prices paid. Apply to Box No. 95, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. CASH FOR YOUR USED CHEMICAL TOILET BOWLS Kaustino and other makes urgently required. Highest prices paid. Write 194 Galley Avenue, Toronto. SAFES Prated yoiu BOOKS and CASU (roni FIRK and THIEVES. Wc have a «iae anil type ot Safe, ar riibinrl. for nnr purpose, Viall iia, or trrlte for prieea. eic*. to llepi n J.6CJ.TAYLDR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS I4» Front St. IC.. rnroDio Eatnhlislied ISM Hew to Combat RHEUMATKnUN Rhaunutic pains majr often be caiued by ezcesi uric acid, a blood impuritj that should be atlracled by tha ladneyi. If kidneji fail, and excess uric acid lemaint, it may cauae tarara diicomfort and pain. Treat rheumatic paint by keapinf your kidneya in |ood conditioa. Gat and uaa Daiid't Kidney Pillt. Dodd'i halp yaw kidneyi (et rid of traubla-nukinf poiaaos and aiceta acida â€" halp yon feel battar. Sea what Dedd't can da far you. 11/ How Great Britain Paid For The War Large Amounts Of Suppliei And Money Provided By British Commonwealth The Second Spiral Begins To Unfold The first price-waije spiral in the great automobile industry of the United States already has al- most run its course. Another spi- ral already is in piospect, com- ments the Winnipeg Free Press. When the workers of the auto- mobile industry won increases in wages last winter to compensate them for the rising cost of living, it was supposed that they would be satisfied at least for some time to come, that industrial peace would be restored and that the largest enterprise in the country could get on with production. Now the United Automobile Workers are preparing to ask for another wage increase because, they say, prices have gone up again. In some automobile plants the UAW already has given notice that it must liave higher wages to cover the advance in living costs since the Ir -.t increase was granted. Here in simplest form is the in- flation spiral at work â€" higher wages which produce higher prices; then higher wages to com- pensate the worker for higher prices; then, inevitably, higher prices again cancelling out the wage increases. HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention â€" Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Barne.ss Supplies. We sell our goods only through your local Staco Leathei Goods dealer. The goods are right, and so are our prices. We manufacture in our fac- tories â€" Harness, Horse Col- lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan- kets, and Leather TravellinE Goods, Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and you iret satisfaction. Made only by SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 42 Wellington St. F... Toronto NEW HEAD OF ITALIAN STATE New figures on the cost of the war to Great Britain have been given out in London. Hitherto, presumably because Lend- Lease and Mutual Aid were so lavishly advertised in public discussions, it has l)ecn assumed that these formed the major part of Britain's war finance. But, ac- tually, it now turns nut that, apart from the United Kingdom's tre- mendous financial resources, it was tlic financial power of the British Comnionwcaltli, joined to that of the so-called "sterling area," which provided the British Governnicnt with the larger share . of the money, supplies, and mutual aid it required for the most costly war ever fought, says The Strat- ford Beacon-Herald. Here are the figures: The total cost of the war to the United Kingdom was, in dollar equiva- lent, $88,800,000,000. The net United States Lend- Lease, loans and purchases of British securities, less the Reverse f-end-Lease and Mutual Aid trans- actions, totalled $12,300,0000,000. But the loans, supplies, pur- chases of Britisli securities and other assistance given by the Do- minions, India and the colonies came to $5,10.3,000,000. and the balances of the "sterling area"' countries left in London brought the total up to $17..i5rt.OOO.OOO. CHECKED /Vr a »///9V -or Money Back For quick relict from itchinff caused by eczema* athlete's foot, scabies, pi niplns and oi her itching conditions, iipe pure. cooiinK, nicdicited. liciuid D. p. D, PRESCRIPTION, Grcaselcss aiiU Rtainless Soothes, comlortR nnd quickly calms 'ntense itching. Don't stitfer Ask vourilriiggist Uniiiv for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. roo WEAKTO DOAMYTHIHe On 'CERTAIN DAYS' Of Month? Thia fine medicine is very effective to relieve painful distress and tired, ner- vous, irritable feelings, of such days â€" wlien due to female fuuetioual moutlily disturbances! lYOIAUmHAM'S '^^l^^ Enrico UeNicuia, left, smiles a:; he talks with friends in Naples immediately after his election as Provisional President of the New Italian Republic. Former presidetit of the Chamber of Deputies, DeNicola was supported by major Italian political parties in â-  compromise vote. SPOTS OF SPORTS By FRANK MANN HARRIS f'A Six Bit Criric") â-  S > â-  » â-  â-  I ••••â- â€¢â€¢ssei I â-  > • > > As some philosopher once so truly said, it isn't absolutely necessary to be a screwball in order to be a real sports fan; but still, it helps. And even when sports themselves become bore- some, there is always real pleasure in observing tiie mental processes of those who play them, those who promote them, and those who follow them. * . * * Like, for instance, the elevator operator in a big down-town of- fice l)uildinB who confided to us, the day before the fight, that she was betting ten dollars on Billy Conn to beat Joe Louis. Purely out of the goodness of our heartâ€" (she wasn't a bad-looking little thing, at that) â€" we told her that she was making a very grave error, and that she could get far quicker action and just as speedy returns by tossing her money out of a top-storey window. But she wasn't convinced. "Maybe you're right," site said. "Maybe Conn hasn't got a chance â€" but still, 1 believe in supporting, the., white man every time. « * * Just exactly how she figured losing ten dollars on Billy Conn was going to help uphold white supremacy is more than we can fathom, so what's the use of try- ing? Still, don't ever start think- ing it is only the feminine mental- ity, Heaven bless it, that can come up with that sort of un- r asoniiig. I'or while the female of the species may be, as the poet said, deadlier that the male, it cer- tainly can't be any dumber. * * * Take, for e.xaniple, the highly authentic case of the very angry hockey fan â€" an incident which, al- though paralleled many times in the past, happened only within the past few weeks. This particular fan was discussing with a friend the matter of the Toronto Maple Leafs getting rid of Babe Pratt, and was highly indignant over the whole thing. "Tieing the can to Babe like that is a dirty shame," he said, "and the fans shouldn't staiul for it for a minute; in fact I think tli.it all of us supporters of the Leafs should get up a petition protesting against such a raw deal." * * * The fri-nd, only mildly inter- ested, at this point said .soniething about not knowing that the other was such an ardent Maple Leaf supporter. "Well, I sboidd say 1 am," retorted the irate one hotly. "Why, I'll bet I haven't missed one single broadcast in over five years." But it isn't only among the fol- lowers and onlookers of sport that you find viewpoints and out- looks that arc, to put it mildly, slightly off-center. For it was neither fan nor player, but a very noted and successful sports mag- nate who was recently reported as deploring, not for the first time. Automobile Mechanics Wanted 8 -HOUR DAY â€" TOP PAY SPLENDID WORKING CONDITIONS WRITE OR PHONE MOUNT PLEASANT MOTORS, LTD. CHRYSLER, PLYMOUTH DEALERS 632 Mt PIea«ant Rd., Toronto HY. 2181 certain trends and tendencies ob- servable among the youth of our fair land. * • * "There isn't the slightest doubt about it," he mournfully said; "What with one thing and an- other, the young fellows nowadays all seem to be getting hard-boiled and utterly blind to the finer things of life. A few years ago young lads were just crazy to join our team on any terms â€" they could see what an honor it was, not only to themselves hut to their families as well. But now â€" well. all they seem to think about is money, money, money! ! ! " * • * .\nd he was so sincere and path- etic about it that, with a little ap- propriate slow music, he would have brought tears to his listeners' eyes. In fact some of them were ob erved with handkerchiefs to their faces, but whether to wipe away the vagrant tear, or to hide the fleeting grin, we cannot be certain. But probably the latter; for, boiled down to essentials and stripped of flowery verbiage, all the magnates squawk amounts to is this â€" the kids itowadays cannot see that the honor and glory of wearing a certain colored sweater is great enough to be worth them accepting a thousand or so dollars less salary than they can get else- wlicre for similar services. * * • Yes, as we said before, a certaitt amount of wackiness is no real handicap to a successful partici- pation in sports, either on the side- lines, on the managerial bench, or in the arena itself. Especially the latter. We. are thinking now of a young apprentice jockey who had been riding in somewhat sensa- tional fashion one season, and who we had been commissioned to interview for a certain publi- cation. In the course of our talk we told th? young punk, as a real COhipiimeut, that his manner of silting on a horse somewhat re- minded us of the great Earle Sande. * * « The kid didn't bat an eye. "Is that so.'" be casually replied. I'licn, after a moment's thought, be added, "I guess Sandc was prolty good too." Britain In Race For World Trade I'or every five dollars' worth of imported goods, the United King- dom now exports four <loIlars' wiirth. The export driv., backed by the high measure of self dis- cipline accepted by the British lieopic, suggests that the volume of goods sent abroad by the end of the year, will reach tbe figure which the labor govermnent has fixed as imperative for economic recovery, says The Ottawa Citizen. Before tbe war Great Britain bought more from the rest of the world than any other country. If she is to maintain her position in the post-war world, she nnist sell overseas on a far bigger scile than ever before. ConsequetUly. apart from essential foodstuffs much of which is exported to Kurope, her main imports to-day are raw ma- terials and er|uipment for the manufacture of goods to be sold lo the rest of the world. l.uxmics must wait until she has stepped up her export trade to al- most twice the pre - war level. Pbere is still a shortage of a mil- lion men and women workers in industry though the total now in cmploymeut exceeds 1 .\t)6S,000, h'oirtunatcly. in the export trade.1 tlic man-power total of tbe pre- war years has already been sur- passed. Strikes arc few and negligible.

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