Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Jan 1946, p. 8

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/ Wednesday, January 30, 1946 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads WANTBX) â€" Aniim»'ui suitable fo mink and fox feed. â€" Bert Mclntoai Eug«nii>, phon« fe'^ahr-i 5r2& FOR SALE â€" Shorthorn cow, 4 yrs. old with calf at foot.â€" Wm. Cairns, phone 44r4 Flesherton. 33c2 FOR SALE â€" 9 pigS, average weight about 125 lbs., also black heifer with calf at foot. â€" Joe Porteous, Maxwell, R.R. 1. Farmer^ â€" Agent for Agrico Fertil- izers. Order early. Make sure oi delivery. â€" Dick Carson, Price- ville, Ontario, phone 2r6 32p8 FOR SALE â€" Shorthorn, registered bull, 16 months old, dark red. â€" T. J. Parker, R. R. 3, Proton Sta- tion, phone 32r2. 32p2 LOST â€" In Flesherton on Wednes- day, Jan. 23rd, Ronson lighter in cabe. Finder please leave with F. Harrison, c.o. W. G. Kennedy, in Flesherton. 35rp2 WANTED â€" Pair of hoifees, 3000 lbs. or better, good workers, al- so team around 2800 lbs. Com- municate with Gordon Stuart or Elmer Ellis. LOST â€" Monday evening between post office end my home, purse with considerable sum of money. Finder please notify Jos. Sewell. Reward. LOST â€" In Flesheron Friday, Jan. 25, Parker fountain pen. probably on main street. Finder please notify Ken McKe«hnie at the Hig'h School or phone 49rl.3 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Frame house, about 48 by 22 with 14 foot siddng. Will sell in two esctions, good sound hemlock Sheeting and lumber. House on lot 161, 1 S.W. â€" Apply to E. J. Parker, phone 32r2, Flesh- erton. 32p3 JACK W. TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Grey County R. R. 1, MARKDALE When planning for your sale, my services mean satisfactory returns for you. Phone 58 r 2 Markdale FRASER M. RAMAGE LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Grey County My Motto: "A Fair Deal to the Buyer as Well as the Seller." CORBETTON, ONT. Phone 47r24 Dundalk. WM. KAITTING LICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of Grey Farm and Stock ikales our sp alty Terms: reasonable. Satisfaction It guarantee. Dates arranged at l^' Advance office or phone *w. FARMS FOR SALE Spoke To Canadians While Crossing Atlantic Ocean Canadian ser\'ice personnel return- ing on the Queen Elizabeth wen. privileged to hear a talk by Mr. Win- ston Churchill, who was also a pas- senger. In part he said: "What a strange, fearful, yet glit- tering chapter this war has been. What changes it has wrouglii throughout the world and in the for- tunes of so many families. What an interruption in all the plans each of us had made. What a surrender of the liberties we prized. What a cast- ing away of comfort and safety. What a pride in peril. What a glory shines on the brave and true. For the good cause has not been over- thrown. Tyrants have been hurled from their place oif power and those who soug'ht to enslave the future of mankind have paid, or will pay, the final penalty. "You Canadians, many of whom served in the 5th Canadian Division, no doubt have your mindis filled with the victorious war scenes of Italy and the Rhine. But we Englishmen al- ways think oif the days of 1940 when the Canadian Army Corps stood al- most alone in Kent and Sussex and when the Germans had 25 divisions ready to leap acrofes the Channel and wipe Great Britain out of life and history. I think about those stirring days, too, sometimes and how fine it was to see everyone, at home end throughout the Empire, moved by the same impufee, so simple, so sublime, 'conquer or die'. Victory in arms, or in any walk of life is only the op- portunity of doing better on a larger scale and at a higher level. "Do not be anxious abouit the fu- ture. Be vigilant, be strong, be cleer-sighted but do not be worried. Our future is in our hands. Our livefe are what we choose to make them. The great British Common- wealth and Empire, emerging from the fire once again, glorious and free, will form a structure and an organization within which there will be room for all and a fair chance for all." MAXWELL CHURCH HAS BEST REPORT IN YEARS The best report in many years was presented by St. Mary's Church, Maxwell, at the annual meeting. The rector. Rev. W. Bradbury of Dun- dalk, presided. Extensive rapaii^ were made to the cTiurch. Clinton McGee was named people's warden and John Broderick rector's warden Other ofificers include: sec.-treas., Mrs. G. Seeley; select vefe.try, Frank Seeley, Reg. Londry, Fred Hargrave, Alvin Grummett, Wm. Seeley, Leslie Chard, Clarence Chard, Mrs. Wm. J. Seeley, Mrs. Pinkerton; lay dele- gate, Frank Seeley; auditors, Frank Seeley, Mrs. Geo. Long. , The twinte had been brought to be christened. "What names?'' asked the clergy- man. "Steak and Kidney," the father answered. "Bill, you fool,'' cried the mother, "it's Kate and Sidney." In Township of Osprey, Lots, 11, 12, Con. 12, 200 acres, 90 acres under cultivation, 10 acres of good bush, balance good pasture, never failing creek, bank barn 54x40 with steel roof, garage. goo<l dwelling, hard j and soft water inside. Also for sale ' is farm Lot 12, Con. 1.'!, Osprey, 09 acres, school on corner, 35 acre's un- der cultivation, 40 acres of good tim- ber, remaidor pasture, 42x60 burn with good roof, drive shed, good dwelling, with hard water inside. For full information communicate with Jas. McKenzie, Feversham, Ont., phone 10rl4 Feversbam. 35p4. BUSINESS CARDS " BOWL DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Graduate of Toronto Uniyersity Office: Kennedv Block Phone 77 Flesherton C J. BELLAMY VILLAGE CLBRK A CMBBlMloncr for taUiic AffkUTUa iMHcr of ManlAgo mcomw OONVBTANOINO OBBOe MORTOAaiS, WIL^48, Bts. Offko: IWMitofltffMt. WALTER E. HARRIS Barriater and SoHdtor Markdale, Ont. Walter E. Harris. J. Arkle Dunlop. Flesherton: Saturday afternoon. Olive trees in Australia have not been profitable because of slow growth. Now a plant breeder from California is applying in Australia a formuki which i's suid to have pro- (lucedp olive-bearing trees 14 feet hish from year old slips within three years. LOGS WANTED Wc are in the market for logs and standing timber, and have i-aised the price paid for No. 1 logs. â€"DURHAM FURNITURE CO. M. Dobson, Manager Rock Mills AnnouncemenI We wish to announce that the firm of SEELEY BROS. & ARNILL comprising the following members, D. E. Seeley, J. W. Seeley, Selby Seely and W. R. Arnill, have pur- chased a NEW COMPLETE CRUSH- ING PLANT, including Cedar Rapidte crusher mounted on single chassis on rubber, and a caterpillar D-4 bull- dozer with overhead shovel. We are prepared to tender on township gravel contracts. Inquiries Invited. SEELEY BROS. & ARNILL Dnndalk PX). Box 198 UQBTNIKe AND Wmt ABB DISAOTROUB Consult GARNET MAGEE, Agent EUGENIA AUTOMOBIIiE, FIRE. BURGLARY PLATE GLASS AND GENERAL 'VSURANCE Confederation Life Insurane* HYDRO ECONOMIST Hello Homemaiters! It's February ary â€" the shortest and often the chil- liefet month of the year. But it brings us St. Valentine's Day and we may comifort oiu^elves and our guests with a Valentine party which calls for an evening of indoor games. Hearts set the theme, and red the colour scheme. Refreshments served on tables gaily decorated with red centrepieces and .musing favours will please our guests. Your menu, too, can be planned to carry out the Valentine spirit. Here ar? two meus we think you will like. The dishes are quite easy to prepare and good to eat â€" they will make your party complete. PARTY MENU (1) Jellied Tongue Potato and Parsley Salad â€" Pickles Cheese Crumpet^ Red Raspberry Sherbert Love Birds PARTY MENU (2) Wedge Salad Bowl Bread Sticks Maraschino Pears Sweetheart Cakes JELLIED TONGUE 1 can tomato soup, cold water, 1 green peper (chopped finely) or 2 thspfe. parsley, % tap. mnced onion, 1 boiled tongue (diced), '£> tsp. salt, 1 tbsp. granulated gelatine, Vi cup of canned peas. Combine soup, i cup water, green pepper, oniort and salt. Simmer 5 mins. then add gelatine ^yhich has been isoaked in % cup cold water for 5 mins. Stir until dissolved; then add peas and tongue. Pour mixture in mould and chill in electric refrig- erator. When partly set, stir to dis- tribute meat and vegetables. Chill again. BREAD STICKS 1 cup milk, 4 tbsipb. shorten- ing, IVi tibsips. sugar, ^/z tsp. salt, 1 yeast cake dissolved in Vt, cup lukewarm wa;ter, 1 egg, 3% cupfe flour 1 tb&ps. caraway seed. iScald the milk and cool it. Cream the shortening and sugar, add the milk and salt. Add the dissolved yeast, the egg-white, well beaten, and the flour. Knead and let it rise. Shape into sticks about the feize of a lead pencil. Place them far apart in a floured pan â€" about 4 inches. Sprinkle with seed. When light, put into an electric oven of 400 degs., then decrease the heat so that the sticks may become dry and crikp. RED RASPBERRY SHERBERT 1% cu/ps boiling water, 1 cup ra&pberry juice, 1% cups sugar, 1 tsp. gelatine, V4 cup water, % cup pears, 2 oranges, */4 up deed- ed raisins. Pour boiling water over sugar ani boil 7 mins. Pour hot syrup over gelatine which has been soaked in % cup cold water for 5 minfe. Cool. Add juice of oranges, lemons and rasp- berries. Stir in fruit and put in freezing tray of electric refrigerator. TAKE A TIP I l.Tart jelly stirred into stiffly-"beat- j tn egg white makes a frosting of j sweet smoothness in a lovely pastel colour. 2. Sweet potatoes have more natuml sweetness than other vegetables. Let them add sugar to your meals. 3. Here's an eaViy way to speed the process of making a large quantity of siandwiches. Stand the entire loaf of sliced bread on end. Spread filing on top buttered slice and set it to the side of the loaf. When the Second slice has been spread set it and the slice under it on top of the loaf, then set two slices on the "filled" pile. You will only butter the one side of the slice uipon which the filling is spread, but if filling is moifet they will be tasty. 4. Minced veal moistened with con- centrated celery sonp makes a very good 8«ndwich filling. THE SUGGESTION BOX (Many thanka to our Criends in Northern Ontario for their feplendid ideas. (Mrs. J. W.) Valentine Party memos: Put your valentine cards on the service plates, cut circles of cellophane the size of the inner circle of plates and cover the cardb. Your glasses of tomato juice will Local and Persoudi Miss Hazel McKillop of Tcronto spent the week end at hr home. Mrs, Wm. McMa'ster is spending v. fi'w days in Toronto. Mr. Jack Adams has taken a pos- ition with the Bell Telephoie and is woiking near Barrie. Mr. Waltea- Russell of Toronto was a week end visitdr with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J'red Rus'sell. A number of ski enthusasts from Toronto took advantage of the fine ski conditions in this area over, the week end. Mrs. Wm. Patton and son, Garry, of Toronto spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald. iMts. M. Taylor ocf Windsor spent the past week with her brother, Mr. Al. Duxter, and Mrs. Duxter, at the Park Hotel. Mrs. Elmerson Adams of Barrie attended the presentation Thursday evening for her nephew, Gnr. Jack Adams. Mr. Emerson Thomson returned to his home Friday, after s/pending the past mont^ in northern Ontario, in Patricia Hisitrict. Mr. Geo. Solomon of Grand Valley, son of Mr. Harry Solomon oif town, received injuries in a motor accident in Toronto, when one member of the party was instantly killed. The Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. T. J. Fisher on Wednesday, Feb. 6th, at 8 p.ift. Roll call: exchange of Valentines. Visit- ors welcome. Dr. and Mrs. Thomson expect to be in Toronto for the first half of next week. Dr. Thombon will attend the convention of the Ontario Temper- ance Federation in High Park United Church, Toronto. Time To Put On The Curbs «^,>^<,^«*«^^*<Mfr<><>*<M'*«*«**«K^M'*******'^**************f I ENGLISH DISHES 65 piece Set $19.75 piece Set $24.95 I 32 piece Set $7.95 GALVANIZED CLOTHES LINE 70c per 100 feet GOOD CHEER and EJM'PIRE coal and wood GIRCULATOBS, ateo | good variety of RANGE STOVES |79.00 and up. *' BEATTY PRESSURE SYSTEMS (on hand) $95.00 and np 1 h.p. Aircooled Gasoline Engines ^6.00 WELL PUMPS â€" Various kinds and prices. WARNER ELECTRIC BROODERS 500 "Spacemaker," a dependable electric brooder that will do the ;| job under all weather conditions $42.50. MASONITE PLYWOOD We have a quantity of this on hand which we will dispose of quite reasonably. HARNESS 2 Set of Single Driving Harnetes $34.00 Team Harness |3i5.0O and up Good stock of Horse Collars and Harness Parts IMPLEMENTS ON HAND 4^Sectitfii set Drag Harrow with Eveners $33.60 per set Sections only $6.86 each. New Turnip Pulper $27.76 J. M. STAFFORD I MASSEY-BARRIS FARM MACHINERY HARDWARE FEED % FEED ROOFING CEMENT Phone 4 r 22 FEVERSHAM, Ont. '♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*<>«<<'«**<~XK~:~X"KK~><":«<K~><KKK"MK««<>^^ SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES Take notice that the sale of lands for taxes In the Township of Arte- mesia will be held' on Mondiay, Feb. 11th, in place of Tuesday, Feb. 12th, 1046. Tho^e interested will please make note o'f the date. â€" Aubrey Foster, Treasurer. On one or two occasions recently there have been comiplaints voiced that several of the young boys and girls attending local danced have shown the effects of excessive drink- ing. The tendency seems to be for a few of these young "^mart Alecs" and "Annies" too, to spoil the fun of the majority of those who attend and conduct themselves in a respec- able manner. This practice, which Seems to be fairly general all over, is one which should be curi)ed and the authorities, have a clear duty before them. The law provides for dealing with such cases. It should be enforced. â€" Southamipton Beacon. TAKE IT EASY Don't go at this business of shov- eling snow as though the whole walk had to be cleaned in a couple of sec- onds. Take the job in stride realiz- ing that it does not take long, if the shovel works feteadily. So many men farget they are not OS young as they used to be. They see the sparkle of the snow and feel the tang in the air. They take it as a challenge to their physical strength. They want to make the snow fly just as. they used to do when they fired snowballs at their pals, or postsibly tried to knock off the derby hat of the town dude. Take it easy. Far better to do that shovelling slowly and have a nice clean walk, than to make too great haste and to have someone else clean the walk 'so they can caiTy you out feet first to the hearse for your last ride. â€" Windsor Star. Harry â€" "Maybe ii's all right marrying a girl with money. But think of the things you'll have to give up, drinking, smoking, running around.'' Jerry â€" "Yeah, but if 1 don't marry money I'll have to give up eating." look very effective. (Mrs. P. K.) Discarded adhesive tape spools are gr.od candlehold&rs for Valentine arrangwinents. The bases may be painted or simply covered with paper. (Mrs. R. Mc.) If you have num- erous leftover candles, melt them, pour the melted wax into individual gelatine mouldfe, and msert soft string wicks. Set these on fancy plates and burn the candles in the moulds. CD.McARTHUR GENERAL INSURANCE I fafKTe taken over the inmimnoe business of Mr. Wm. Myera and am prepared to give the public first claSa .service on their fire, accident and au- tomobile insurance policies. Consult me before you renew. I can place you in any of the better known com- panies, at the lowest rates obtain- able. Sitting in concert hall waiting for the concert to begin, a man, seeing a little boy in front of him looking at his watch, bent forward and asked: "Doeb it tell the time?" "No", answered' the little boy, "you have to look at it." SEND IN YOUK RENEWAL. I F. T. HILL & CO., Limited Look to Us for the following Early in February 3 CARLOADS of Oil Space HEATERS This Heater (in two sizes) was used by the American Government in the builling of the Alaska Highvray. Operates simply and with maximum efficiency. We will also have early this season: ELECTRIC RANGES ELECTRIC SPACE HEATERS ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC WASHERS RADIOS OF EVERY KIND TABLE MODEL RADIOS RADIO-PHONOGRAPH COMBINATION ELECTRIC PHONOGRAPH â€" With Automatic Record Changers ELECTRIC IRONERS AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC TOASTERS AUfTOMATIC ELECTRIC IRONERS ELECTRIC AIR CONDITIONERS ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS If It's Newâ€" W«1I Have It I F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. Phone 7 Markdale > ♦ -4 4 -â- * -A. A A W<»***<''><^<*<«*>"K~h<<«<»<»<&4>«X'<"X'^<k»<~^<'<"Kk«<»*<«<''>*<~:«<»<«4m5h^ 4 A »« <» J M » W l f l. ». ' !')«â-  .< I» HW

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