Wednesday, December 19, 1945 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE Flesherton Advance Published on ColUnr^rood fit., Flesherton, V' ednesday of aack week. Circulation ever ',100. Price in Canada $2.00 per year, when paid in advai-"- 11.60; ia U. S. A. $2.£0 per year, wbea raid in advance •2.09. F. J. THURSTON, Editor STEPHEN'S CORNERS Fonner Resident Passes In Owen Sound On Monday iMrs. Margaret Anne Stewart, a roeident of thi^ city for over 30 yean>, passed away in the Owen Sound General and Marine Hospital on Monday mominif. Mrs. Stewart, who had been in ailing health for the past 10 yeasr, had suffered a broken hip about one week ago and had since then gradually declined. She was in her 84th year. The late Mrs. Stewart was bom OO July 17th, 1862 at flesherton, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Best, her aiother ibeing the former Jane Duncan. She continued to . live at Flesherton until four years after her marriap-e to Alexan- der Stewart on March t,i.h, 1883. The couple then moved to Teeswater where they resided for 20 yearfe, be>- fore coming to Owen Sound, where they had sinct made their home. Leit to survive are three daugh- ters, Helen, Olga and Margaret Al- ma, all at their home, 1268-4}rd Ave. Ea^t; one brother, J. T. Best, Sau- 8:een Junction. Her husband prede- ceased her in 1937. Two brothers and four sisters also predeceased Mrs. Stewart. The late Mrs. Stewart wate a mem- ber of Knox United Church, and when health permitted she was an active member of various church or- g^anizationa. She was well known and highly respected by her miany friends in this city and district. â€" Owen Sound Sun-Tnmes, Dec. 17. Merry Christmas to the editor staff and readers of Tho Advance. Miss Emma Meads of Priceville sipent the week end with hor friend. Miss Hazel Fenwick. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stephens and Helen and Mr. Tom Stephens of Fev- ersham visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous. A number from this line attended the Maxwell achool concert on Friday night. Much credit is due the tea- cher, Ml^s Marshall, and her pupils for the splendid entertainment. We are glad to welcome home an- other one of our soldier boys in the person of Sgmn. Seymour Londry, who has spent the past four years overseas. A reception lis being held in Maxwell Hall this Monday night for him. Mi^. Jack Stephen who has spent the past few weeks with her sister, at "Ceylon, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs Emerson Wright. Mrs. Stephen left on Monday for Perron, Que., where she will visit with her Son, Mac and wife. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Mac Stephen of Perron, Que., on the arrival o^ a young son. Mrs. I ^nk Hammill visited for a few days last week with friends in Toronto. V ANDELEUR Dies In New York City Mr. W. J. Oeswell, who is staying with Mb daughter, Mrs. Vernon Snider, in Waterloo, received the bad news of the death of his yoningest elster, Allie (Mrs. Gray), in New York City. This leaves Mr. Caswell the last surviving member of a large family of twelve. On Friday mom' ing, Dec» 7th, he received the new^ ol the death of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Riley, at Alliston. Mrs. Riley was formerly Jane Hales. The funeral took place to the Beeton Cemetery on Saturday, Dec. 8th. RATION COUPON DUE DATES Coupons now valid are sugar 46 to 67, butter 116 to 1.^4. preserves 33 to 67 and PI to P25, meat 1 to 16. The extra P24 and P25 may be used for one-half pound of sugar. YOU'RE WELCOME Whatever Make of Car You Drive Our Service Department is equipped, staffed and stocked to provide every operation on every make of car or truck. DRIVE IN TODAY McTavish Garage FLESHERTON Mrs. H. F. Raedy of St. Marys spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Buchanan and attend- ed the funeral of her sister on Sat- urday afternoon. Mr. Frank Davis, Mrs. Katherine Davison, MA. Lundy Johnston and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Buchanan were visiting at the home of Mr. Jea. Cochrane, due to the serious condi- tion of their sister, Rena, (Mrs. Jas. Cochrane) and the unexpected death of their sifter. Miss Florence Davis. Th-!jy returned with the remains to Vandeleur on Friday afternoon. Mr. Ed Lang, Pieldman for the Grey County Federation of Agricul- ture put on a good rtiowing of mov- ing pictures in the community hall on Tuesday afternoon and evening December, 11th. The Vandeleur Farm Forum was represented at the joint meeting of Forums of Artemesia Township, which was held ih the High School in Fle'sherton on Monday evening, Der. 17th. Mr. F. B. Keys gave an interesting address and a good dis- cussion took place on the work of the National Film Board. Two re- solutions were passed, one favour- ing the teetting up of a National Health Insurance Plan; and the other urging that Dental Clinics be .started in the schools of the Town- ships as soon as posfeible. Howard Graham pre.sided and George Little- johns and Harry Akins, Secretarys of Orange Valley and Springhill Farm Forums read the corrpfepon- dence and led the disournifvns. Joan .\kins gave two piano duets and re- citations were given by Mrs. G. Hutchinson and Rov<rard Graham. Grey County Forum News By Elwood Lemon On Mon<iav evening, Dec. 3rd, 1)2 farm forum's met to discuss whethei or not we, in Grey County, s-uffei from a hidden hunger for vitamins and minerals. Attendance for the evening totalled 1881 for the best at tendance to date of any county in Canada. Farm Forum^ in Grey County have now become an institution and art definitely here to stay. They fill s definite need of each and every com munity. If your community has rko forum it should have one and oan by simply inviting a few neigWboA in- to your home on Monday evening and sending the name and address of your secretary to the Ontario office of Farm Forum in Toronto. Pew groups throughout the county gave an outright answer to whether we suffer from deficiencies of vit- amins and minerals. Anwers were: lackng in vitamin C, fairly well fed but could stand a few more vitamins, more health conscious (due to Women's Institutes). School Lunches Nearly 20 per cent of the children have something hot for their lunch through the u'se of the thermos bottle. About 20 per cent think thai hot lunches are not necessary, too much trouble, etc. "Fairmount" for- um wants a dietician to give a course on the preparation of school Innchefe. Deficiencies in Soil and Water Goitre, tooth decay, arthritis, and rheumatism are mentioned a^ being the most common diseases with tooth decay leading. "12 Con. N. Sullivan" forum says the main need of that community is dental oare. "Bunnes- san" forum wants the water checked up for purity. Main Health Needs Forums in the county feel a defin- ite need for more doctors with Gor- ing sending a resolution on this matter to the County Federation ol Agriculture. The closest calling doc- tor for "Six Corner" forum is 45 miles. Other health needs are listed to their imiportance, dental clinics, municipal health services, soil analy sis, shorter hours, school nurses, re- creational facilities, and more in- come. How to Build Up Good Health Municipal health services with its program of disease prevention and control instead of waiting for the disease to strike is considered by most forums to be the way for a healthier Grey County. Fly control by the use of D.D.T., disposal of manure piles, compulsory innocula- tion, good meals, and recreational fa- cilities were also mentioned in con- nection with the building up of good health. Forum Quotes "Weltz Corner" forum wants prac- tical nursing courses for farm women. One forum wants their In Memoriam WHITE â€" In loving memory of our dear mother, who passed away Christmas day (Dec. 26, 1938. Sleep on dear mother and take your rest; They miss you most who loved you best. â€" The Family. baker and ail bakers to sell approv- ed bread. "Saufeen Valley" forum says educate the men on the ira/por- tance of family gardens. "Alsfeldi" forum says that most people of that community die of old age. "Both- well's Comers" forum is buying Canada approved bread on a co-op- erative basis, good' idea. Miss Florenre Davis Passes A large numher attended the fun- eral on Saturday afternoon, Dec. 16, of Miss Florence Davis, who passed away, as the result of a heart at- tack, on the morning of 'December 12, at the home of her silster and hus- band, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cochrane of Colbourne. The remains were brought Friday to the home of her sister, Mrs. (Jeo. Buchanan, where a short service was held Saturday afternoon, followed) by the public service in Ol- iver'^ Funeral Chapel, Markdale. The local, pastor. Rev, W. M. Lee, MA., preached a very comforting sarmon, and the many beautiful flowers paid silenit tribute to the worth of the de- parted. The pallfbearers were: F. R. Boland, W. Ratclifife, H. Magee, Lou- is Teeter, Sam Fitzsimmons and Victor Brodie. The deceased was the eldest daughter of the'^ate Mr. and Mr^. J. M. Davis and was born and lived nearly all her life in the community. About a year ago she went to live with her sister, Mrs. Cochrane, who recently underwent a critical operation in Bellville Hos- pita and is s'till unaware of her sister's death. The relatives have the Sympathy of a large circle of friends in their bereavemeint and anxiety. SEND IN YOUR RENEWAL. NORTHERN MOTOR SERVICE Domestic and Commercial, Split â€" Two and Three Pkasa, Hifh Sp««d and Low Speed Electric Drills. Workmanship Gnaranteed. Prompt rewinding service on electric motors of all Unds â€" J. MIDDLETON 7SS • 2nd At*. B. OWEN SOUND Phone 781 8TH 1 INE OSPREY A number from this line attended the euchre party at Eugenia, Friday eveming la(st, sponsored by the L.O.- L. A good time was enjoyed with Mrs. Dick Clark as winner of the lady's prize and Mr. Bill Phillips as winner of the man's prize. 'Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ottewell, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephens and Mary visited with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur White and family, Collingwood, re- cently. Mrs. J. Crawford has returned to her home, after spending a few days in Preston. Master Billie Hanley, Third Line, Osprey, is visiting hith his grand- parents, Mr. and Mr^. Chas. Hanley. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephens and Mary visited with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hudson, Peversham, on Sun- day. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mts. Mervin Davidson on the arrival of a baby daughter last week, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. J. Ottewell vis- ited with Collingwood friends last Thursday. Miss Evelyn Hale, Wareham, spent the week end at her home here. Messrs. James Murphy, Pat Hail- ey, Peter Somers and Thomas Bem- rose attended the funeral of the late Neg. Moison, at Collingwood last Wednesday morning. Mrs. Peter Somers of MiWmay spent the week end at her home. Mr. Joe Moison of Buffalo and Mv. and Mrs. Will O'Brien of Mildmay called on the Murphy family la^t Wednesday afternoon. A SUBSCRIPTION TO THE ADVANCE IS IDEAL FOR THAT BOY OR GIRL AWAY FROM HOME $L50 PER YEAR Many Thanks To my many Friends and Customers who have had so large a part in the upbuilding of my bus- iness, as well as to those 1 hope to serv'. in the future, I extend my sincere wishes for a MERRY CHRISTMAS AND PROSPEROUS YEAR IN 1946 Keith J. Parker Electridal Contractor Phone 32 r 2 Flesherton, Ontario Appreciation of your friendly co-operation during the year and Our sincere wishes for Peace, Happiness and Prosperity in the New Year. E. J. Fisher 5c to a $1.00 Store FLESHERTON T^ ..»»»*» ..â- -â-º. Week End BUS^SERVKE Toronto - Flesherton - Owen Sound Now In Effect LEAVE FLESHERTON B â€" TO TORONTO B â€" 7.30 p.m. Sundays and holiday^ TO OWEN SOUND C â€" 4.06 p,m. C â€" Saturdays only Gray Coach Lines 4 *, % i. > A. % *^ % % s & J, i ^ ">. H A. 41 A *f )«*- ^ "A At ^^ h A Christmas Greetings May the spirit of Christmas stay with you throughout the coming year, and guide you to greater, health, wealth and hap- piness than you have ever knonw. That is our Christmas Greeting to all. C. J. Kennedy Groceries and Men's Wear FLESHERTON Our Appreciation At this season of goodwill we extend our sincere thanks to our many customers, one and all, for an- other year of happy business relations. May they long continue to be a source of mutual satisfaction Our cordial wishes that the Year 1946 may bring deep and abiding happiness to you and yours. Flesherton Meat Shop Alex. Henderson, Manager To Our Friends and Customers : The Holiday Season brings to us a keener appre- ciation of old associations and of the value of friendships. In this spirit we hope that you may have a vei Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. F. H. W. Hickling General Merchant FLESHERTON M it a 2 A Ik. M Ik K 'M «k. itt. it ^S?»}Sj^^^^?^;^j:^?^^j^5>,^j-^h^j^^^j^^;^ h 'A 'A it. % 'A â- M, « 'A >1 •9^ *. * A. ».*..Mi«i*S«?»«lt.'1'>*v.I. ^ wmm