4 WSW^ %Uj^ gk^\)cxicn %pnmc.t. •* VOL. 65; NO. 28 FLESHERTON. ONT.. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 12, 1945 \\. H. Thurston & Son. Publishers In Memoriam ^ THOMSON â€" . In loving m«mory _^ of my only broth€r, James F. Thom- •on, Feversham, who left us so aud- ^ <lenly on Dec. 10th, 1936. 'â- *^ "^k^* "^^""lot, Lord, Thy purp.<se see, ^^nt all is well, that^ done by Thee. â€" Sister, Lillian and Frank. Future Events ^ SKATD.G IN MARKDALE ^ Skating in Markdale Arena, com- mencing Saturday night, Dec. 16. GLASSES SUPPLIED OPTICAL â€" D. Campbell. Optom- etrist, will be in Markdale next Tuesday, Dec. 18th. This will be a good time to order your glasses for Christmas. DANCE IN FLESHERTON Dance in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, Wednesday, Dec. 19. Music by Murray Simmon's Orches- tra. Admission: 50c. DANCE LN SINGH AM PTON Dance in Hammill's Hall, Sing- hamtpon, Friday night, Dec. li. Music by Dermott's Orchestra. Dan- cing from 9 to 1. Admission: 50c. EUCHRE AT EUGENIA Progressive euchre will be held in the Orange Hall, Eugenia. Friday, Dec. 14th, at 8:30 p.m., under the auspices of L.O.L. 1118. Admifesdon: 25c, lunch Included. SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE Good crowds are attending the Saturday night dances in Fraternal Hall. Plesherton, with th« Golden tfest Mountaineers supplying popu- lar music. Be on hand to enjoy your- self, too. 4 * A K Seek Employment For Army Perwmnel The National Employment Office at Walkertoa informs this newspap- er there i's a decided increase in the number of residents in the local of- fice area registering for employment for whom no apparent jobs are avaii- abl-e. At the end of November there were, on the live register of the of- fice, 97 unref erred males and 36 un- referred females. Claims for bene- fits from Unemployment Insurance have increased greatly a's a result, and approximately 100 have qualified for such and are receiving weekly benefits which are paid by the Lo- cal Office by Government Warrants. A large nurmber of these are in a locality where certain w«r work was discontinued and for whom no other employment is readily available. To these individuals. Unemployment Ih- surance ha's amply justified itself and has been a most desirable pro- tective medium during and for an unemployed period. Four statutory conditions must be complied with when registering a claim, viz: one hundred and eighty days contribu- tions in the two year period imme- diately prior to registering for claim; must be capable of and avail- able for employment; register in the proper manner for such claim: and has not refused to attend a School of Training if so requested. CEDARSIDE FIRESIDE A pre-Christams Carol and Candle Fireside will be held at Cedarside Church this Sunday evening at eight. A delineascopic re-presenta- tion of the much-enjoyed and discus- sed diorama of the nativity in full color will be thrown on the glass- j 'â- - ead screen while the "Three Franks' Trio" o^ers by electrical; transcription, the number they sang; at la^ year's Christmas Fireside, "We Three Kings of Orient .\re". Two ace story tellers. Miss Inez ill Memoriain DITSON â€" In loving memory of our son-in-law, Lome James Ditsion who passed away suddenly, December 17, 1944. No one knows how much we miss you No one knows the bitter pain We have suffered since we lost you. Life has never been the same. In our hearts your -nemory lingers, Sweetly, tender, fond and true, There is not a day, dear Lome, That we do not thinks of you. â€" Sadly missed by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Heathcote. Sailor Saw Action In Front Lines In Italy | The Advance editor had a pleasant call frona a young man on Monc^. who has had quite an expent-c during the past year and who travelled as far away as Austraii^i This te Jim Williamson, son of Dr and Mrs. Frank Williamson of Wiarton and nephew of Mr. Walter Williamson of the Old Durham Road, with whom he is visiting at the pre- i sent time. A ytar and a half ago Jim joined the Canadian Merchant Marine as a seaman and besides making several trips across the Atlantic, spent some time in Italy and northern Africa. It was while at Cassablanca that he met his cousin, Matthias Williamson, who is a stoker on one of the ocean freighters. This summer both of them were working on the *ame ship on one trip to England. He has jusi returned "rom a trip to Australia, travelling through the Panama Can- al and enjoyed the trip greatly and also the time spent in Australia. He visited at Melbourne, Sydnney and Brisbane. Jim had quite an experience w^hile his ship w«s unloading in Italy, when he and a chum hitch-hiked up to the front line in the Po Valley and was i.i the front line with the troops Thfs he found out by. the amount of action which was taking place, shells exploding and bullets whistling over- head. He claims that he was cer- tainly scared. The Military Police found them and returned the boys to their ship. The Canadians had al- ready left for France when he had that e.xperience. and British troo<pte were doing the fighting in the -area where the Canadians had been. Jim has put in his application to join the Canadian Navy and is now awaiting his medical e.xamir*ation. He loves the sea and will be glad to get back on the job again. We wish him the best of luck. Two of Three Brothers Who Served Their Country , Apahy Of Electors S£RGr. FRANK GRAHAM Sons of Mr. a.nd Mrs. Ar LAC ARCHIE GRAHAM I Recently The Advance published an article in regard to the apathy o£ :he electors in not attending the nomination meetings. The Tara Leader also discusses the problem, a's follows: ' Lack of interest in municiapl elec- i tions is not confined to Tara, as ia shown by reports of many nomina- tion meetings throughout the dis- trict. In quite a number, acclama- tions were the order of the day. re- ! tiring mayor^, reeves, eounciUoirs, I etc. being returned to office withotrt : opposition. Perhaps the answer to this prol^ I lem lies in the fact, that the busi- j. nessmen and others find the job [ takes op too much of their valtiable time, and in many cases there is no remuneration for services rendered. The day is long past when the honor :i being elected to municipal offie* attracted citizens to aspire to th« mayorality. reeveship. or cotmciQor. Sergt. M. Piper Honored 'Calling All Citizens" Post Office Service On Christmas And New Years . , . , , , =-^-^' ^-- "^^''^' ,^'"^ ^'' '^^"'^^ 'i""^, P*'- . All they get out of it now is the sat- ham 01 Livelong Sask.. formerly ot ents at tne present time. Gordon ts ; .^^^^^ -^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^.^^ ^.^ tlesherton. who have been with the still at an east coast p<irt with the - , . „,.,.. „„j . ,.._ . „ .. .â- ^ T-u â- L. izen« to the best or tfceir ability ana .A.rniy and .\ir Force tor over three: Roval Canadian .-Vir Force. The boys , „jj^j .^„ ,..^„, »., ^ : , . ,. ^ T r. ,1 -0 this IS often added, we regret to years. Another brother. Gnr. Gordon areh nephews of Mrs. C. J. Bellamy „k„.., --j â„¢;^„; _ , , , , , , say. a lot of atmse and criticism. Graham has a so been overseas. Gor- ; of town. j^ j^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ „^.^ however, that don and Frank have returned from, ^ ^^5^^ ^ ^^yj^ ^^p-^^^ ^^^ ^^^ â€" "â- â€" "~ also a few women, assume thfe re- , sponsrbility and carry on for a num- ber of years, but we think the tim« (By Ceylon Repo-ter> \ -FUsherton Old^Boys Reunion- ^^^^ ""^^.<^ T^'^^/^^^:^ ^^'^ '^-^â- ^** Last Friday evening, irienaS anu I and "Youth in Crisis-', twc mm. the ''.^ '^''^^^ ^""^ ^'^ ^" ^^ ^^* neighbors assembled in Ceylon j latter, a sound film, wUl be shown j <="i^«°* ^°«™ ^°-^y s*'^^- school to uonor bergt. Miuord riper.! Wednesday. Dec. 12. (tonight) in the: recently --eturned from overseas. | Town Hall. F.esherton. The show- \ Calf Bom Without Hair Mr. John McWilliam welcomed Mil ^ ing will commence promptly at S:00 ford home m a few well chosen j p.m., since the operator of the sound Harold Barber of N'ormanby Town- words and Mr. Isaac Sneli presented | track machine must return to Owen | ship, about si.x miles south of town a sum of money on l)ehalf of Ceylon | Sound on the 9.25 p.m. train. j on Provincial Highway No. 6. has a and community. Milford replied .\11 citizens are invited to co-oper- 1 freak calf two weeks old that he has thanking them in a very appropriate ate in making this "town meeting" ' invited us down to ee. but in the manner for the kindness shown to i a success. The cultural and recrea- meantime we shall take hfe word for him. There were 16 tables of euchre. | tional needs of the community will j it. The lady's prize went to Mrs. E. C. j be discussed and opportunity will be 1 The calf, a Durhaan. was bom Mitchell, and the gentleman's prize | provided for the forming af a without any semblance of hair ex- to Mr. Frank Thurston. Messrs., "Community Club", having in mind Howard McAuley and Snowden Mc- i the interests of all age groups. citing _ a bit of fuzz about the shoulders, and while it aooears m i.lemortema DITSON â€" In loving memory < my dear loving hus-band, ^^^ ^~ , James Ditson, who passed away sud- '. denly, December 17, lt>-t4. '. His faint last wish | We should like to have heard, \ And breathed in his ear 1 One lafet parting word. | Le^td, both former veterans, also ad- 1 Adults of Flesherton and the sur- .; healthy enough and feeds well, it is dressed those assembled in the school ' rounding area will never again be | more or les,s a nuisance as Mr. Bar- and a pleasant evening was enjoyed able to say that they were unaware . ber ha's to keep it blanketed all the Nichle of Markdale and Mrs. F. B. \ Only those who have lost are able to Keys will have story spots en the program. Everyone will sing the old favourite carols of Christmas by soft candle light in the homey atmosiphere oi the specially decorated Fire^icTe room. Instrumental and vocal num- bers will add to a haopy hour ot story and song. tell The pain of not saying farewell. But you will watch and wait my cming. Lome When my lonely life is o'er. You will come and meet me. Lome When I reach that golden shore. â€" Sadly missed by his Wife. Both the lobby and wicket at the Flesherton Post Office will remain | Lome j closed all day Christmas and Xew Y'ears Days, according to orders re-; c;ived by Postmaster Banks fromi the Post Office Depa>rtment. Mails! will despatched to trains as usu«al i b:th days, btu incoming mails will' not be sorted. In former years mails j were sorted' as uiual. but the Posti Otfice I>epartme(nt is giving their j pest office staffs a break to spend! the holidays with their families. by all pi-'sent. This Mesuis You of the trend of the teens, and the time to keep it warm. â€" Durham needs of modem youth, after to- j Chronicle. night's meeting. .\s a public-spirit- j ed citizen or parent you are asked i to attend. Y'our presence puts you A coll- • under no obligation, come! ection will be taken to defray ex- : i Business Change \\'e are plea.sed to announce that Lieut. Fred L, Gorrell and Cpl, R, G, Richards are now active partner? in the firm of J, A, Richards, ami wH! continue to operate the Funeral Home. Ambu- lance and Home Furnishings, and in addition will operate an Electrical Store on the premises of the Flesherton Post Office immediately upon its vacation. In Memoriam L.\UGHLIN â€" In loving memory of Spr. .Archie Laughlin, who was killed in action on December 14, 1944, However long our lives may last. Whatever lards we v'v. Whatever joy or grief be out%, We will always think cf you. â€" Ever remembered by Mother, Krothers, and Sijters. You are interested in the cultural and recrtsitional needs of your com- munity. Y'ou will therefore SEE two films described elsewhere in this is- s%ie, to be shown (tonight) Wednes- day, Dec. l2Th, at 8 pjn. in the Town p^iceville Women's In-titute Hall. Y'ou will want to discuss the. organization of a Society, Union, or xhe December W. I. meeting was' club that will have the responsibility J held at the home of Mrs. John Whyte of leadership in these important in- j with a siplendid attendance of 1" terestS of all ages, especially those 1 members. si.x visitors and eight wee Baptist Church Ncie* of the youth of our district. Bom folk. â- FIRESIDE PkaSe see Future Events column j for advertisement concerning this ! unique, home-like fellow^ship houi. Don't miss this p re-Christmas candle and carol Fireside. B. Y. P. U. The Cedarside 'f^ua^ people will hold a work meeting', Friday. 7:30 p.m.. for the purpose of decorating :he church for the Fireside service. The meeting opened in the usual -^^ Stewxirdship commision will be manner. The roll call was answered in charge. .\11 han^ will be needed. by the exchange of Christmas giftfe. [ ^-^^^i A letter was read in rezards to the \ special ha-.f hour broadcast each Fri- ; R^X MILLS CHRISTMAS P.\RTY 1 dav afternoon at 2:30 over CFOS foi ', -^ family night will replace the i DAVIDSON â€" Mr. and 'Mrs. Mer- vin Davidson of Feversham are pleased to announce the arrival at , , . .,1. - , ,.. , Markdale Hospital on December KHh ! ^^.* ^'"^•^'^'^l ^^ broadcasting activities ; annual concert this Christmas. Wed. U*-t5. of u baby sister for Billie J. A. Richards Fred L. Gorrell R. G. Richards - :: - :; In Memoriam H.'VWKNiS â€" In memory of our ! dear father, William Hawkins, who j F'.Uied away. Dec. 13. VMi. I Mem-ries are treasures ! No one can steal. ! Death is a heartache Nothing can heal. I Some may forget you Now you are gone, r-,:t we still will remember, Nj matter hnv long. ; â€" Ever remembered by his Wife I and sons, Rdbert and Joe, Margaret â- â- ,nd sister, Su^an. HY"SLOP â€" To Bill and Nora Hyslop (nee Nora Holley> of Flesh- erton. at Owen Sound Hospital on Monday. Dec. ICHh. 1945. a son. William Kent. McLACHLAN â€" At Queen Mary Hc'spital. Orillia. on Friday. Dec. 7. i;'45. to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McLach- lan cf Orillia. a son, Robert Charles. McMASTER â€" .\t Mrs. Nuhns Nursing Home, Flesherton, Friday, Dec. 7th. 1945. to Mr. and Mrs. Wni. McMaster of Flesherton. a son. Wal- ter Archie. NICHOLS â€" At Mrs. Nuhns Nur- sing Home, Flesherton, to Mr. and Mrs. Ljrne Nichols, Corbetton, on Thursd-sy, Nov. 39, 1945. a son, Harvey Lome. of Grey County Institutes. It was i nesday. Dec. 19. S:00 p.m.. sharp. The decided to co-oepate with CFOS ' showing of two snapshots or p'noto- staff and -end in reports of Price- 1 graphs from each" family, one people viilc W.l. A motion was carried to and one ^cenery or comic will high- the effect that the present press re- . light the unusual evening's enjoy- pcrter. Mrs. Thos. Currie. send in all ! ment. Christmas pictures will also reports. Members of the Blue Cross j be shown by the Delineascope on a Hospitalization plan were given the j Da-Lite screen. .\11 snapshots must I privilege of paying their dues for an- ! be brought to the church Sun.iay md r other three months. A pre^sentution ! handed in to the pastor then, Y'ou ' of cash donation was made to the : will want to share your family Secretary Treasurer. Miss .\.nna \ treasures with others and see these ' Shortreed. en behalf of the Institute j on the scre-n. I for the efficient work she fe dcins in Games and refreshments, as well that office. The hospital plan has addeii many more duties to her work. Miss Shortreed thanked the ladies for their thoughtfulnesS. Mrs. .\. L. Hincks was program convenor and gave a splendid paper. '"Marching 1 On' , Mrs. Boyee gave a reading. WILLIAMS .\t Mts. Nuhn's,"How Christmas Came to the Poor- ST.Ci,» >W AVE •^555^2 BtOOB «T. CENTRAL LOCATION Our convenient location is readily aecessible by the city's leading auto- mobile and itreet car thoroughfares. Gates and Maddocks FUNfRAL CHRPEl l24AvBnueRd. KI.4344 Nursing Home. Flesherti.n, on Tues- day, Dec. nth. UH5. to Mr. ^nd Mrs. Ernie Williams. PriceviUe, a son. house" Rev. Mr. Halliwell of St. Friendships "The friendship of the good and true Is more to me than gold; .4nd while I welcome one that's new I'll treasure well the old. Old friends are like the goodly tree Whose leafy branches throw .A greateful shelter over me. wv,^.,, adverse winds nia'. *.^'.''- T!m,->o wstiinsT Cbrstmas i^reetins? cards in next weok â- ; issue, kindly have the co bv this -Satiirdav. .ArKirew'% Presbyterian Church, PriceviUe. w>as the guest speaker, and gave 3 very interesting and ed- ucational talk, using as hi? theme, "To-day and To-morrow.'' Following his talk he a^ked for a discussion, if any of the ladies wished to ask ques- tions as' the stripping of the Christmas tree will round out the evening's ac- tivity. DIORAMA The EHorama of the Nativity and a Christmas Sunday evening set=vic« will be held one week from Sunday, Dec. •2A. at S:00 p.m. RATION NEWS R.\TION COUPON DIE D.VTES Coupons now valid are sugar 46 to 67, butter 116 to 13i3, preserves 38 to 57 and PI to P21, meat 1 to 15. On December 2,. coupon* 134 for Prayer by Mr. Halliwell : ,,^tj„ ^„j pgo t^ p^g inchisive and brought the meeting to a close. ^^^^ ^g i^,^^^ y^,^^^_ ST. ANDREW'S CHIRCH NOTES St. .-Andrew's Sunday School Christ mas prosrram Wed., Dec. IS. at S p.m.' Ill'.isttnted aiMress "'One Night Card of Thanks I wish to thank the kind friends in ' for all the cards, kind letters and Rethtehem" by Mr. W. D. Hailiwell.' lovely treats sent to me during my -'"' minister. Carols will be smig. 1 illness in the Markdale Hospital, and Service this Sunday at 11 a.m. and ' since my return. Sunday School at 12:15 p.m. •! â€" Mrs. Wm. Kaittin».