wmm wm Wednesday, October 24, 1945 Thi:, i'LitbrtiiKiON ADVANCE Small Ads FOR SALE Number of white Wyandotte pullets, laying.â€" Frank Taylor, Flesherton. 21pl. :;OTICE â€" My Hereford bull is not for public service after this date. â€" D. W. Adams, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" 5 Yearling cattle and 5 two-year-olds. â€" Jas. Wilkinson, R. R. 3, Flesherton. 21pl WANTED â€" Aniinina sultab., i.. minli and fox feed.â€" Bert Mc. to r^ugeiiitt, pnou* fi'dii*"- i v â€" FOR SALE â€" 2 good horses or will trade for anything useful. Phone 20r34 Feversham, ~ Chas. Pocock. FOR SALE â€" Work horse or driver, 8 years old, or will trade for wood, also set single show harness. â€" C. Boyce, Eugenia. 21p2 FOR SALE â€" Piano, nearly new; set of bobsleighs ; 20 head of young cows, or will exchange for stock. â€" Chas. Tucker, R. R. i Piiceville. ' STRAYEDâ€" Suffolk ram from Lots 50-51, Con. 7, Artemesia. Finder please notify Levi Pallister, Flesh- erton. FOR SALE â€" Democrat in good condition; wood heater, nearly nevr; kitchen cabinet and other furni- ture. â€" Mrs. Katherine Morrison, Maxwell, phone Feversham lrl5. LOST â€" 2 Hounds, one black and tan, and one white with black m.-'.rkings. Anyone knowing their whereabout please write Box 462 or phone 412M Collingwood. FOR SALE â€" Oxford Down ram and ewe Iambs, purebred, can be regis- tered; also black Percheron horse, 5 years old, good looker, quiet and good worker. â€" Claude Akins, R, R. 3, Proton Station. 19c2 CAME ASTRAY â€" Tc my premises Lot 25, Con. 9, Osprey, brown gel- ding, white stripe on face, two white fetlocks. Owner claim pro perty and pay expenses. â€" Thorn ton Sayers, Singhampton P.O. FOR SALE â€" Several young pure- bred Scotch Shorthorn bulls from 6 to 12 months old, sired by the prize winning "Merry Sensation" by the twice Grand Champion "Rigfoot Sensation". Allso a number of young purebred fe- males, some bred to the above sire. All good colours and priced to sell. A few purebred Oxford Ram lambs. Howard I Graham, Mark- dale, R. R. 4. FARM FOR SALE Lot 35 and 36, Concession 8, Ar- temesia, containing 180 acres (more or less). Large bank bam; drive- shed and brick house; hydro in all buildings; water piped to bam and hog pens; soft and hard water in house. Lot 36 includes bank barn and brick cottage; both lots are well watered; all buildings are in a gooi: state of repair; stone foundation? and new roofing. Rural mail, tele- phone and hydro. â€" Mrs, Kditli Cameron, Eugenia, R.R. 1; phone. Feversham 5r2]. 18e1 I.T'^TTT^'-I''"'' V^'M ]"".r. \BF. DiSASTKOUS Consult GARNET MAGEE, Ageni EUGENIA AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, BU1;GLARY PLATE GLASS AND GENERAL 'NSURANCE Confederation Life Insurance BUSINESS CARJS DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN & SURGE;0N Graduate of Toronto University O.Tice: Kennedv Block Phone 77 Flesherton WALTER E. HARRIS Barrister and Solicitor Markdale, Ont. Walter E. Harris. J. Arkle Dunlop. Flesherton: Saturday afternoon. WM. KAITTING LICENSED AUCTIONEEH for the County of Grey Farm and Stock sales our sp -alty Terms: reasonable. Satisfaction U guaranteed. Dates arranged at T^v Advance oflfice or phona «w. C. J. BELLAMY VIIiLAGE CLERK A Conmiasioner for taking Airidavita Isauer of Marriage Licensee CONVEYANCING DEEDS, MORTGAGES. WIL^-3, Etc. Office: Toronto Street, Flesherton The United States army will stop supplying food to civilian.^ in Italy and in the liberated countries of Europe on Sept. 1. the U.S. War De- partment says. Lotai aid Pcfjuw. .Mr. Mack Duncan of Toronto was mme Mtl Sunday. .Miss/Dell Thurston of Toronto was home over the week end. .Miss i)lly McDonald of Toronto i visiting this week with her parents. .!i-. an(rMrs. John McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Stewart and liaughtcr of Toronto were callers on Sunday at the parental home. Pte, Emerson McKillop of North Bay is spending a week with his parents, Mr. and Mr?. E. McKillop. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKinnon of Toronto spent the week end at their â- attage in town. Marjorie Brackenbury has return- d home after visiting in KirKiu: l„ake. Rev. A. E. Armstrong of Meafora pent several days last week at th home of Mr. F. H. W. Hickling. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Patton and two •hildren of Toronto visited with Mi -nd Mrs. John McDonald Monday. Mrs. W. H. Thurston returned home Saturday, after spending the past nonth at Me^ford. Mr. Murray Thomson of Toronto University spent a couple of days last week with his parents, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. A. Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Smith, accom- panied by Mr, and Mrs. Wes Smitfi, Kenneth and Sheila, of Rock Mills .â- spent the week end in Toronto. Mrs. J. A. Kernahan of Toronto and Mrs. Jas. Leggatt of Orange- villc spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Kernahan. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Wright and children of Whitby are visitinn- Mrs, Wright's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Teeter. Mr, T. A. McDonald of Toronto spent the week end at the home of Mr. John Stewart. Mrs. McDonald and Stewart returned home with him. Howard Teeter has received his di^charsre from the Army and took a position with the Flesherton Wool- len Mills. .Misses Helen, Alice, Evelyn and Ruth Turney of Toronto visited dur- ing the past week with their brother, Wm. Turney, and Mrs. Turney. .Mrs. A. McRae left on Friday to 'iiend the winter with her daughter. Hattic, at Windsor. She was accom- panied by Mrs. Gordon Long, who 'â- 'turned on Monday. Mrs. M. Thistcthwaite left Tuos- â- '•IV for Toronto to spend the winter. Misc Beatrice accompanied her and := spending a coupe of days there before returning, Mr. and Mrs. Ted McTavish of Toronto are s;pending a month in town, the former assisting his father • I the garage while the Victory Loan i-- in progress. Miss Kate MacMillan will attend he wedding of Miss Mary Paton to Mr. John Petit Bridgman, which is tal:ino- place in Timothv Eaton Mem- orial Church, Toronto, this coming Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McEachnie and son, Pte. Ivan McEachnie, re cently returned from overseas, wer guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bes . and other relatives over the week 1 end. Mr, and Mrs. Mathews and family of Collingwood. Mr. and Mrs. .t. Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Taylor and baby of Portlaw were Sunday visitors of Mr, and Mrs, F. Brackenhurv. Mrs. Wilfred Lever and daughter, Donna Gayle, left Monday to visit her parents. Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Wolstencroft, at Ohsweken, who are leaving this week end for Thurso, Que., where Rev. Wolstencroft will he the pastor of the Baptist Church. Congratulations of his many old fri^?iids here are extended to Mr. Wm. E. Stewart of Toronto, who has been appointed as Assistant Superintend- ent of Ontario Branches of the Bank '>f Mnntronl. Bill is the eldest son )f Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Marshall and fii'.-.iily, Mr. and Mr". Gordon Dyer, "'i' •' â- ' "'â- ' "'- r.Ii-.-'-N/iali. all (.? â- -, '...'. W':.:. .'.'.er.ia.i a:.' f»''vM-t of Holstcin, Mr. and Mrs. W. •T. Woodland of Toronto and Mr. and "â- tr-;. Ivan Holley of Dundalk were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. .Alex. Aberdein. The Flesherton Mission Band mem- Hci'-, n'.i;nberir.'.-; 31. together with thi'ir leade:-s, Mr.s. E. Betts and Mrs F. Taylor, attended a Mission Band Rally in Duihani on Saturday nfl.'r- uoon, and presented two mumibers on the program. The speaker, Mrs. Menzies, a returned missionary, told nf i-fv '-op;-ic:ice in her work in India, which was very interestin"' and I're-it!-' cnioved bv all. MAXWELL On Monday afternoon a short course in modern dressmaking com- menced with an attendance of thir- teen under the leadei-ship of Miss Jean Begrgs and sponsored by the Women's Institute of Maxwell and will continue all week from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. Mrs. Telford Ferris visited ii. Toronto the past week and Master Wayne Fen-is stayed with his grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hunking near Dundalk while his mother was in Toroubo. Mr. and Hra. J. L. Morrison of Collingivood spent the week end with friends at Maxwell. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Marquis of Pickering and Mrs. McClary visited with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Meredith over the week end. Bdr. Elmer Meredith from B.C. is home assisting his father at the grist mill. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beatty are spending a few days in Toronto this week. Mrs. Bert Porteous visited in Toronto and Guelph for a few days last week. P.-ipfi't r'Mirch Nct»=» tlw BoA Mflk aid-week meeting is BOW bwiar Md followiiig the Ex- plorer (Junior) meeting. It com- mences sliarply at 8:00 p.m. and closes sharply at 9:00 p.m. The Junior meeting starts at 7:00 p.m. CEDARSIDE B.Y.P.U. will meet this week at the home of Miss El- eanor Williams. The night: Friday, the hour: Eight. ALL SERVICES next Sunday at regular hours. The Ordinance of BAPTISM will be administered at the afteffloon service at Rock Mills. Uncle Bob: "What are you crying for?" Junior: "Give me a nickel and I'll tell you." "All riffht; here's your nickel. Xnw, what were you crying for?" "A nickel." VILLAGE OF FLESHERTON COURT OF REVISION OF THE 19 «6 ASSESSMENT ROLL A C.Turt of Revision of the 1946 Assessment Roll for the Village of Flesherton will be held in the Town Hall, Flesherton, on Tuesday, Nov. 13th, 1946, at 7 o'clock p.m., for the nurposp of hearing and determining any appeals which have been pro- perly made against same. Dated at Flesherton this 15th day ALBERTA COAL COMING We hsT* bean Bsaured of one more carload of Alberta Coal to be shipped before the end of October. Please make sure of your supply by phon- ing your orders in good time. â€" D. McTAVISH & SONS. FARM FOR SALE Lots 6 and 7, Concession 5, Os- prey, 200 acres with large frame house, barn about 40x75, good bush, possession this fall. Farm must be sold by November 16th to close Es- tate of John Stephen, Full informa- tion from the Executors, Roy Fen- wick and Ray Pedlar. FARM FOR RENT Lot 38, Concession 13, Artemesia, 100 acres, good frame barn with new stabling, godd house, plenty of wat- er, 60 acres, under cultivatio'v For ful particulars, apply to P. Semple, R.R, 1, Eugenia. 20c4. IS winier .- *^-^^ let eaisierg siftihg;,ex|c| ^^fotefction^ iijrTinN ^}ii Extensive Clearing Credit Auction Sale, Wednesday, October 31st, at 12 o'^lock at the farm of Hunter Huxtable, Mulmur-Melancthon town- line, 5 miles east of Shelbume, in- cluding farm (100 acres, good high land), 8 horses, 9 cows, 25 young cattle, sheep and rams, 12 sows (bred), young pigs, hogs, poultry, deer and foxhounds, implements, cars and household effects. Nine months' credit at 6%. â€" Geo. E. Duncan, Auctioneer. "'-flHtO AHO wm }\mm m 40 HEAD OF CATTLE CECIL HAYES Lot 17, CONCESSION 4, OSPREY V/i Miles South and Wi Miles East of Maxwell will sell by public auction THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 1ST at 1:00 o'clock, the following: 18 Cows, supposed in Calf, due from December on. Dates and ages given day of sale. 12 Yearlings; 3 two-year-olds; Durham Bull; Hej-e- ford Bull; 6 Calves; Sow, with 9 Pigs; 17 Oxford Sheep. TERMS OF SALE Seven months' credit will be given on approved joint notes, acceptable at The Bank of Toronto. Feversham, bearing interest at the rate of 6% per annum. â€" GEO, E. DUNCAN, Auctioneer. IJ.'I'SH M,tB\CAK O"- Bectuie it I* free of hinnful wu and ha* an eiceptionally high V.I., Peerless gives easier starting on cold mornings and txUa protec- tion at runnin'g temperatures. Change NOW to Peerless Motor Oil at the sign of the big B-A. THE BRITISH AMERICAN OIL COMPANY LIMITED cL=^ HE trail has been a long dark way. At times it seemed we might not »ee the dayi But now at last the rising sun is ours And with it comes new challenge to our power*. Was war naught but a game to win by score And, having won, to cheer, and strive no more? If that be all for which our men have died Then we have lied. O Canada, most favoured of the lands. Review whereon our right to victory standsi Our vow to free and succour those oppressed â€" Provide for those who fought and are distressed. Who risked without reserve all they could give To break our foes that we might freely live. If we now stop to haggle at the cost Then we'll have lost. » If we play square with those who fought our fight. And work with them to shape our world aright Postpone our buying things we little need â€" Prevent inflation growing through our greedt Co-operate in peace as well as war By loaning to our cause a little more If we keep faith until the job is done Then we'll have won. BUY MORE VICTORY RONDS T :r ? f "t?" O-CLECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO \ to all hog ./producers in GREY COUNTY HOG MARKETING SCHEME UNDER CONSIDERATION ALL PRODUCERS MUST REGISTER C'l /4 / V '-,_:â- :i_ /S;\/ Asricultural Reprcscfntati' A proposed Hog Marketing Scheme For Ontario, under the Farm Products Control Act, has been submitted to the Farm Products Control Board by the Ontario Hog Producers Association. Before the Board will consider recom- mending the scheme, it must be satisfied that a fair representation of the Hog Producers are in favour of its . adoption. In order to obtain the recorded views of the Producers, a vote by ballot is being taken on the question "ARE you IN FAVOUR OF THE PROPOSED ONTARIO HOG PRODUCERS MARKETING SCHEME BEING BROUGHT INTO )RCE IN ONTARIO?" I \^^=^ Only Hog Produceis who are reslstered for the pur- unty >resc^htative ^-..1 be cr.t,:!cJ l> vou on the scheme. All Hog Pro- ducers arc therefore urged to register at once by mail or in person at their County Agricultural Rep- senlalive's office in order to be eligible to vote. When registering by mail, please forward name, address and township. PUBLIC MEETING TO BE HELD A PUBLIC MEETING Will be held at the i^cek bdow m KftWtttUWKV ?USIH^WW11 T. S' ,^^ARt COOPER -s^ At tills mcelins the icIicim will be explained fully and questions answered. Ballot* will be supplied at the maelins to producers who have tcsistercd. so that they mey vote then. Resistre- liORS will be accepted *t the mectins and also for ten days after it. All producers who are registered will receive ballots, either at the Agricultural Represent- ative'! offkc, at the neeting or by mail. Copies of the proposed scheme may be secured at the Agri. â- cultural Representative's office or at the public mcctinf. All ballots must be returned to the Agricultural Repre. scnUtivc before December 8, 1945. • • Any Belletl, received after that date will not be recorded. ALL HOG PRODUCERS ARE URGENTLY REQUESTED TO REGISTER, TO ATTEND THE MEETING IN THEIR AREA - AND TO VOTEI S^C^ftHlHJOL BOARD C. F. PERmM cmniMm DURHAM TOWN HALL, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 14 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. OWEN SOUND â€" North Grey Cheese Co-operative SATURDAY, N0^^ !^, ''» a .: »o C r - f\ \