i >• ^ r * DECORATION DAY â- â- *^ m *" â- ' ^ H '* I ^ Rivalling the display of decorations that Hermann Goering used to spread across his ample front, is the collection of medals, crosses and ribbons worn by Russia's Marshal Zhukov at a recent review of Allied troops in Berlin. VOICE OF THE PRESS SURE CURE A Calkomla medico says that freezing a person will kill all dis- ease germs he may be harboring. No doubt It Is also understood that decapitation will permanently oure dandruff. â€" Kitchener Record. END OF THE PEDESTRIAN r 4 An automotive engineer says it â- will be possible to turn corners at 40 miles an hour with the post-war car. It so, the extinction of the pe- destrian Is just around the corner. â€" New York Sun. CAN'T BELIEVE HIM Hitler, boasting of being a vege- tarian and teetotaler, Is now re- Tealed to have liked liver and kept • stock of liquor on band. Why, the man must have been deceitful! â€" Windsor Star. THE PEACEMAKER ', Blessed Is the peacemaker who Is twice as tough and strong as the party to be pacified. â€" Brandon Sun. • iA Different Way Of Looking At It An Englishman and an Amer- ican were presented to the poten- tate of an eastern country. As the Oriental looked over the English- nan's passport, he said, "I see that you are a British subject." "I am sir,' said the Briton, swelling with pride. "And you,'" said the monarch, turning to the American, "are a subject of the United States." The American gazed at the rul- er in amazement. "Subject, heck!" ke exclaimed, "I own part of the United States." GET AFTER HEADACHE PAIH THIS WAY- I fflstaiifffle Tablet brings FAST RELIEF! Next time you suffer £rom a ample lieadache, try the Instimtihe 1-tablet- ttay to prompt relief. You may be surprised at ^e speed with which 1 Instanlineiabklcan Mngyoufast relief. It generally takes only one Instantine tablet to start bringing welcome relief 6om headache pain. You see, these bst-acting, prescription-type tablets go to work almost immediately easing pain, lessening discomfort. Instan tine's sdentjfic combination of three proven medicinal ingredients works ia these iways to bring relief: 1. Speedily ease the pain. 2. Prolong relief from pain. 3. Reduce "depression." Give miM, stimulating "lift." TYy Instantine â€" chances are you will Beyer' again resort to slower-acting preparations for relief of simple pain. Remember Instantine, too, whenever you suffer from pains of neuralgia and mturitis. Your druggist has Instantine. f •♦ A A ^ â- * *- â- 4, » ^ « â- * a 1^ ;» •* ♦ * • •â- *â- -* ^ t « -4 ^ <lnsbnline No Hope of Homes For 5,000 Orphans A spokesman for the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration disclosed the ex- istence of nearly 5,000 displaced orphans who have no place to go because they have reached the age of 16. They are in addition to nearly 8,000 under 16 in French, British and American zones of occupation for whom homes are being found in France, Switzerland, Britain and elsewhere. These countries will receive only children of "adaptable age" â€" under 16. "We have not been able to give tdiem any kind of hope," the spokesman said. Hove You Heord? A country lad, observing a city fisherman on the bank of a stream, asked, "How many fish ya got. Mister?" "None, yet," was the reply. "That ain't_ bad," observed the boy. "There was a feller fished here for two weeks and he didn't get any more than you got in half an hour." * » * She (reading sign over box office): "Oh, Phil, it says 'En- tire Balcony, 25c." Phil: "Let's get it so we can be all alone." Bill: "I hear they have taken the early morning train off your route. Do you miss it?" John: "Not since they have taken it off!" SINUS nuH Relieved Fast This Easy Way! Put a few drops of Vicks Va-tro-nol up each nostril and feel It go to work bringing quick, -a. ^-* soothing reUef ^v'^f^ from miserable VICICS \^ sinus pain. â- ^â- mi» -^ Improve Your Health by Correcting Sluggish KIDNEYS This Way k Swift, Economical Few conditions can wreck your health faster than disordered kidneys and Inflamed bladder. Your back aches miserably. Vou have restless nights. You â- uAer leg cramps add rheumatic paina. When these things happen your kidneys need help in filtering out acids and poisonous wastes that are undermining your health. Give them this help â€" quicltly â€" with GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. GOLD MEDAL Capsules contain accurately measured amounts of the original and genuine Haarlem Oil (Dutch Drops). You will be gratefully surprised >t the way they reUeve clogged kidneys and irritated bladder. Go to your druggist now and get a 40c box. Be sure you ask for GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. t RUB OUT THAT WITH- HEMORRHOIDS 2 Special RMn«di«s ky the Maken of Hflacca Olii b imi t Mecca Pil* Rsmsdy No. 1 is (or Prolradiiit BlMdlnc PilM. sod Is sold to Tubs, iritb |)iM (or iBterasJ sppliwUoD. PrKs* 7I)«. Mmo* Pill Rwnedy No. 2U let ExterniU Ilchlna Pilss. 8oM in Jsr, sod la for atornol tiM only. niM Wit 3rd«r by number from your DruMi*t> RECONVERTED BRITISH AIRCRAFT CARRIER Colossal Effort It is a significant fact, and one that speaks volumes for the British people, that their Government spent a higher percentage of the national income in paying for the war than did either the United States or Russia. It was a colos- sal effort, and one that reflects credit on the patriotism and devo- tion of the British people. â€" Brantford Expositor With a brave war record to her credit, British carrier HMS Implacable is ready to leave Sidney, Austalia, harbor to bring released prisoners home. The 30,000-ton vessel was launched by Queen Eliz- abeth in 1939. Her planes' first target was the Tirpitz. Play Santa Claus To Europe's Needy Millions of men, women and children in the over-run countries are today without the most ele- mentary articles of clothing, shoes and blankets. The enemy took eyerything they had, except what they were actually wearing, and, today, the rags that remain are in- sufficient to cover them. A call has gone out to the more fortunate countries of the world, particularly the United States and Canada, for serviceable used cloth- ing to be sent immediately to these heroic, suffering people. Let your spare used clothing, for which you have no need, be your Christmas gift to the war- torn people of Europe and China. Give them to the National Clothing Collection for liberated countries, October 1-20. Blankets and clothing for chil- dren, women and men are urgently needed in devastated war areas . . . WHAT CAN YOU SPARE THAT THEY CAN WE.\R? Great Britain's Workless Nest Egg Britain's "workless nest egg" â€" the unemployment fund â€" now to- tals more than $1,270,000,000. Just over $8,000,000 was paid out in unemployment benefits between March and June, as compared with close to $5,000,000 in the corresponding period in 1944. Contributions to the fund total- ed more than $70,000,000 for the three months ending June, 1943. â€" New York Times. HOTEL METROPOLE All Beautifully Furnished With Running Water. Rates: $1.50 up NIAGARA FALLS OPPOSITE C.N.R. STATION We recommend: FORBES YELLOWKNIFE GOLD MINES, LTD. (No Personal Liability) Bid 40, Ask 45 circular on request Alliance Securities Telephone ELgin 4104-4105 Four Colborne Street, Toronto 1, Ont. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS â€" lERRITORIES STILL open. Sell |5 gasoline saver and • uper chargrer: lOOTc profit. 5 minutes to Inatal. Write "Gas- oline S.iver", Box 52. 73 Adelaide West. Toronto. SONG POEMS WRITERS. RECOG- nlzed music writer, whose sonj^s are published by leading U.S.A. publishers, coast-to-coast, will write music to your poems. Free copie."?. now publishing in Canada. Write Songmaster Studios, Sussex. N.B. BABY CHICKS WE'LL H.A.VE A STE.'VDY WEEK- ly supply of excellent broilers available. Order now. also your fall and winter chicks. Did you get our Fall Service Bulletin? Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., Ham- llton. Ont. BUSINESS -OPPORTINITIES '41 BUICK SEDAN WILL BE SOLD FOR $1,001 TO holder ot lucky ticket at Picker- ing Rotary Fair. October 17. Send $1.00 for five tickets to Box 200, Pickering, Ont. *IT COULD BE YOURS" A. BEAUTIFUL MODER.V 5-ROOM Bungalow, now under con.struc- tlon. or choice of $10,000 In Vic- tory Bonds, situated at the corn- er of Lawrence Ave. and Scarlett Ed.. In Weston. This beautiful home or the bonds will go to some lucky shareholder. It is not necessary for the winner to be present at the draw. T'ickets SI each or 6 for $5. Mail your order for 1 or more tickets to Treas. Weston Lions Club, Toronto 15. Get yours now. $1 FOR ROTARY HOUSE SHARE TICKET GIVES VOU Op- portunity of owning this be.iu- tlful home or $4500 cash when lucky ticket Is drawn. Proceeds for Crippled Children and Com- munity Service Send today for one or more shares to Rotary Club, Box 428, EsseN, Ontario. $7,000 OPTIMIST HOME "MAY BE YOURS" ALSO PARTICIPATK IN $50.00 monthly Bond draw. Other prizes. Details on receipt. Shares $1.00 each or 6 tor $5.00. Send for shares to St. Catharines Optimist Club. Box •«4S-H.. St. Catherines, Ontario. 1942 PONTIAC TORPEDO SEDAN WILL BE SOLD ID HOLD- •r of winning ticket, to be drawn In Hespoler. Thanksgi.ing Day. Tickets 25c, 6 for SI. 00. Proceeds Kinsmen Service Charities. Send for tickets to Kinsmen Club. Box •428-C.Z., Hespeler, Otit. $10,000 HOME BUILT ANYWHERE IN C-VNADA to winner's specifications, or $10,000 in cash will be awarded lucky winner. Also chance on $100 monthly draw. Winner is â- tin eligible for house draw. All proceeds for children's welfare. Tickets 11 each â€" 12 for $10. Mail remittance to Sudbury Kiwanis Club. Box 53. DVEINO AND CLEANING HAVE VOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleanins? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 7fll Yonge Street. To- ronfc^>. FARM MACHINRHV KOII S.\I.E NEW BRIGGS & STR.XlTd.N .\1R- cooled ga.ioline engines. Most up- to-date engine made. Lowr cost. Dealers orders Invited. Scope Sales Co., Box 852, Ottawa. Ont. "VIKING" CREAM SEP.VKATOUS and repair parts are alway.o available either at your local dealer or direct from Swedish Separator Cb. Limited, 720 Notre- Dame West. Montreal 3, Que. FOR SALE QUANnTY OF LARGE WILLOW trees. Hanger Limb Company. 85 King Street West, Toronto, Ont. PIANOS. OUR SMALL NEW PIANOS â- win be available shortly. Beauti- ful In design and tone. Circular mailed promptly. Factory Mason and RIsch Limited, $43 KIngr Straet WMt. Toronto. FOR sale: GENERAL STORE O.N HIGHWAY. Hamilton vicinity, nice home sur- roundings; $9,500 complete, $6,000 cash required: owner retiring. Ask Worthington, 21 Main E.. Hamilton. FIVE PEDIGREED ABERDEEN Angus Cattle. Three Heifers, Two Bulls. Address Eckhardt, Prlce- vllle. R.R. 1. Ont. STALLION â€" O.N'E PURE BRED French Canadian Premium A, five year old. one two year old. French Canadian Stallion, one yearling Sorrel stallion of same breed. Priced reaaonable. Box 50, 73 Adelaide W.. Toronto. GREAT DANES HARLEQUIN AND BLACK GREAT Dane puppies, registered, best Canadian and American blood- lines. Mrs. M. Hopkins, cor. No. 7 Highway and 6th Concession, » Unionviile, Ont. STRAIGHT FOX HOUNDS: ALSO crossed with blood hound. One month to two years old. Good running stock. Hawkesbury Ken- nels, Hawkesbury, Ont. M U S C O V Y DUCKS. WHITE, drakes $3.00, ducks $2.00 F.O.B. Pnnin Farm, P.O. Box 101, Alder- shot. Ont. WEANLINGS FROM REGISl'ERED Yorkshires, over 6 weeks old. 8 for $50. -Also Registered breeding stock. Crates tree. Reg. Briggs, Clear Lake. Ont. BRIGHT'S REAL ESTATE WIND- Bor Ontario offer 160 acres Black Loam near Forest, Ontario. Tiled, Fenced, Price $49 per acre. Brick House. Barns, Concrete Silo. $3350.00 Down Payment. 20.000 BREEDING EWE.S. 50,000 Feeder Lambs. Rambouillet â€" Merino Corridale Cross. Southern Saak. W^ool Growers' .^.''soclatlon. Maple Creek, Saskatchewan. G. S. Herrlnger. Secretar.v. SURPLUS ARMY STORES Army Petrol Cans, capacity 2 Imp. gallons: with carrying handle and heavy brass cap. Just the thing for carrying extra gasoline. w;iter, anti- freeze or any liquid. Price 79c each. Used Land .Mine Boxes. SM x 8-14 x 28" long. Price $1.39 each. Used Ammunition Boxes. 13 x 11 x 18" high, double hinged cover. 18 ga. steel. Two heavy carrying handles. Price $1.76 each. All-purpose metal contniners. 17" high X lOM; X 5H, with slip-on cover and canva.s carrying strap. Price .79c each. 6' Folding Moss Tables, price S5.9S each. 6' Folding Benches, $2.20 each. C.O.D. â€" I'ransportation ch.irges ex- tra. Write The Alison Machinery Com- pany Limited. 208 Simcoe St., To- ronto 2B, Ontario. UP TO DATE DRUG SIORE equipped with Soda Fountain Service and Souvenir Shop. Good business all year round. Keply to Poltras Pharmacy. 210 Main St., Lachute, Que., 46 miles from Montreal. KLEC'i'KH. .\11J|'UH>. .NKW. LSlili bought, sold, rebuilt; belts, pul- leys, brushes. Alien Electric Com- pany Ltd.. 2326 Dufferin St.. To- ronln. ELECTRIC MOTORS REWliC.M' A.NU HEl'AI iil'Mi, E.\.- pert worltniiinship. Moderate prices. I.lovii M. Bctt.i;or. Monk- ton. Ontario. F.\IIMS FOR SALK 75 ACRES FOR SALE, GOOD buildings, 2 miles to Uarrle, 8 acres wheat. 12 acres clover, 25 acres ploughed. Plenty water: well fenced: hydro available. Possession Oct. 1: $270(1 down. Apply Earl Barron. B.irrie. Ont. NORTH BAY DISTRICT â€" 160 acres, free and clear deed. Good road to property. Good hunting and fishing. Total price $500. If you want a quiet property In a rood place to relax, give me a oall. Several more properties In â- ame district Geo. Wight. 103 Canada Bldg., Windsor. Ont. ISSUE a»-194S F.4.RMS FOR SALE 21 ACRES FRUIT FARM. 16 ACRES of fruit trees, new modern 6-room dwelling with space above for 3 additional rooms; large enclosed veranda, double garage, 2 wells. Hydro, modern conveniences, $12,- 600 terms to suit. A bargain for the shrewd buyer. S. Vujkov, R.R. 1. .School Rd., Nlagara-on- the Lake. Ont. 100 ACRES, GOOD BUILDI.NGS. electricity. 1 mile C.P.R. station. Kemptville. Ont.. 1 mile Bedell station, schools, agricultural col- lege. Mr.". E. Cotnam, 390 First Ave,. Ottawa, Ont. 150-ACRE F.\RM FOR -SALE â€" Gravel loam, brick house, good outbuildings, new silo, abundance of water. Half mile from high- way. Apply Box 1228, Smiths Falls, Ont. V.VLUABLB FRUIT FARM. IS acres of exceptionally well cul- tivated orchards, including pears, peaches, cherries, plums, prunes, grapes and apples: attractive 10- room brick home. electricity, bath, hot and cold running water, beautiful surroundings; tenant house, barn, packing shed, 2 gar- ages, chicken pen; all In splendid repair: half mile from school on good road. Price $25,000: must sell. Owner living on farm. D. E. Lightle. RidgevilJe P,0,, Welland vicinity. 140 ACRES. .\BOUT 10 ACRES bush, good house, barn and sheds. Apply Henry Weil, R.R. 1, Tavi- stock. FARM FOR SALE. NEAR .V GOOD town, on the cement high-.vay. lots of w.iter, good buildings. $3,500. Apply to J. H. Goodrich, Warkworth. Ont. 104 ACRES FARM. RICH LOAM soil. New steel barn In 1937, near- ly new 8 roomed frame house. Hydro, running water in both house and barn, 8 icres bush, driving shed and b<;n coop, good fences, 25 acre; Lay and pasture, the rest ploui.hed. drilled well $8,000. at least $4,000 in cash. 10 miles from Guelph. 3 miles from Rockwood, 5 miles from Acton, 1 mile to school. Mrs. T. Halcovitch, R.R. 4, Rockwood. Ont. 200-ACRE FARM. LOT IS. CON. 13. EnniskiUeu 1'ownship. one mile off No. 21 Highway. Eight-room brick house, full basement. Barn 40 ft. by 60 ft., finished off with cement mangers and steel stanch- ions. 12x40 concrete silo. Good machine shod and granary. Good clay loam, well tiled, 25 acres hardwood bush, -^pply Walter Clark, Wyoming, Ontario. HKI.I* W.VNTKU HOLSEKEErEH UNDER FORTY reliable, tiu.-<t worthy, for farm homo. AH conveniences, two male adults. Reply Box 234, Barrio, (lilt. UNO OPERATORS AND FLOOR MEN WANTED '.•IIMI-KTI'INT I.INO Oi'l':i!.\TORS and floor men wanted for tu-ws- paper printing office, permanent position, hiijhcst wages. Wilson Publishing i^o.. 73 .\dclaide W,. apply nearest Employment and Selective Service Office. Order N.i. 1, .MKDICAL N.VTURE'S HELPâ€" DIXON'S REM- cdy for Rheumatic Paln.-i. Neur- lti.«. Thous.inds praising it. Mun- ro's Drug Store. 335 Elgin, Ottawa. PusliKiid $1.00. STdMACH AM' rHKEAl) Wtllt.MJi often are the cause of lll-he-ilth In human.-'. rII ages.. No one Im- mune! Why not find out if this is .vour Ir^Hitile' Interesting par- ticulars â€" Free! Write Mulveney'? Remedies. Spectaiists. Toronto S RAI'MEEKA rtlOT HAI..M OE- stroys offetisive odor instantl.v 45c bottle. (liinwB nRerl Denmnn PriiB ^tore Ottawa GOOD RESOl.lTION â€" EVERY sufferer of Itheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin. Ottnw.i. Postpaid $1 iiil. H aiiii)I(I':>mm; L B A R N H AlHDRBSSINt; I'lll': Robertson method Information on request reuHrdinM •hi-sf.-- Robertson's HairdressiUK Acnd •mjr, 1S7 Avenu* Road, Toronto MUSICAL INSTRtMENTS FRED A. BODDINGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges musical instru- ments. Ill '''hurch. Toronto 2. 0I'rOKTtl!VITIE>l roil WOMCV BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANAD.AS LEADING SCHOOL G.-oat Opportunity. Learn Halrdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, tbot^sands successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue free. Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS SS8 BLOOR W.. TORONTO Branches: 44 King St. Hamilton & "4 Rlrteaii Street ottawa. PHOTOGI«.\I'HIC WINDSOR PHOTO FINISHERS give you better pictures. I'ry our gloss-tex finish and see the dif- ference: six and eight exposure rolls developed and printed 30c, reprints .03c each. Windsor Photo Finishers, Box 490, Wind- sor. Ont. CANADA'S LARGEST STUDIO STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Don't risk losing your pictures. Snaps can't be taken over again. Send your film roils to Canada's largest and finest studio. Get better pictures at lower cost. PROMPT M.ilL SERVICE Any Size Roll â€" fi or 8 Exposure* DEVELOPED A.VD PRINTED 25o "I get best results from Star Snap- shot Service" writes a customer In Nova Scotia, who adds that she has tried many places. SPECI.\L ALBUM OFFER New Style -Album With Prints sizes 16-2U-127 If 2'Jo (4c extra) Is sent with film rolL BNLARGE.MENTSâ€" COLORED AND FRA.MED Enlargements 4 x G" In beautiful easel mounts. 3 for 25c. Framed, on Ivory tinted mats, 7 x 9' in Gold, Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, 59c each. If enlargement colored. 79c each. OLD PICTURES RESTORED We can restore any old photot;raph or snapshot and make any number of prints or enlargements desired. The process requires the work ot skilled artists, but the cost is reasonable. Send us your picture and tell us what you want done and we will tell you the cost before doing the work. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129. Postal TermiiKil .\. Toronto Print Name and Address Plainly on (.irders TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films Diopei i.v ijeveU'iicd and pi in ted, t OR 8 E.Xi'OSURE KUl-1^ 25o REPHl.VTS 8 for 25c FINEST E.\'U\R(il.\G SERVICE You may not get all the films you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your films to I.MI'I<:RI.\I. IMIIlTd .«iKH\ ICE .'^(â- â- itioii I Tiiionl.i FETHERSTO.\HAU(iH «t (U.Ml'.A.N'X Patent Solicitors, FOstablished ISiUi; 14 Kins Ws,«t, Toronto. Booklet of I Tifi>rm.ition on re- '|ll,'St WA.N'l'KIl " WANTED KOI:- f ASHâ€" lANADl.A.N automobile licenr'o plates: .Vuto- mobiliana. Swigart Museum, Huntingdon, Ppiin. HAV HAl.EK W ANTE 11 IN COOD coiulition. Apply to W. H. M.irtin, (;i:iiiil V;ill.:-y, Out, WANTED TO PURCHASE I'ULL- ets all ages iind breeds. High prices paid Apply Box No. 51, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. WA.S'l'EDâ€" VtllK PERSONAL OR business assigtimonls. Alert rep- resentative will render efficient services for nominal fee. Write J. M. Sears, Jr.. 820 Oak Street, T>ec-;i f ur, Al;(b.'iin;i. HATi'iiiNG ictn;^; WANTi;i) for 19<C liatctiiiig sea.>.on. Fio,k« cull- ed and bloodte.'ited free of chnrge under Oovcrnment Supervisiuo. Gunr.inleed premium, plus hntch- nhiliiy premium paid. For full details, write Box 39, 7S Adelaide W.. Toronto,