^ % PULLS OIL COUP Harry F Sinclair, above, presideni of Sinclair Oil Corp., has won from Emperor Haile Selassie an exclusive oil concession covering the entire 350,000 square miles of Ethiopia. Sinclair, in addition to paying royalties, will build schools and hospitals, clinics and research foundations in Ethiopia and fin- ance education of Ethiopians in the U. S. FILIPINO QUISLING "Ambassador" to Tokyo, from the Jap-sponsored Filipino quisling government, is Jorge Vargas. He's pictured in the Jap capital, during meeting with press correspondents. TOKYO ROSE American-born of Japanese par- ents, Iva Ikuko Toguri, above, is one of the five young women re- ported to be "Tokyo Rose," who broadcast Jap propaganda to Allied troops. She is pictured in the cap and gown she wore when she grad- uated in 1940 from the University of California at Los "Angeles, where she was described as only â- lightly above average as a stu- dent. She was born, ironically on July 4, 1914, in Los Angeles. THE WINNER in coffee popularity is Maxwell Bouse. More people buy it than any other brand in ihe world ! It's All Purpose Grind suits any type of coffee maker. Good Way To Treat Sore, Painful Piles If you Biiffrr iiKnnizlru'. torture from Bore, p.iliifiil, ItchltiB piles, here lp n chittue to try n simple, home trenlnicnt with the promise of n rclliilili' firm to refund the cost If you fare not sntl-oflcd with the resuitR. Simply net n hottle of Hcm-Kold from nny druKxlKt. This 1r «n In- teirtiil trral nifttt wh'-he inodica' lion I* dlrerted to the remiivul of the ciiu.*<e at plk-K. Flem-Itoid Is a small tnhlfi. <:ifv onrt plensnnt to use iind plf'.ifiiig re.ouliR (ire (lulck- ly Hhowii MchliiK iind MorcresR are relii'VPil, pnin sul>Rldeii and ns Ihe Ireatmeni Is <'oriliniied the swell- liiK ntid Itiriainmiitlon are ifduced and the sore, piiliiful pile tumors heal aver, leavinw the reclal mem- hianrri rieari and hen. thy. <ict a bottle of H»m-Iliild today trrt iee for ynurRrlf tvhat nn easy plensanl way Ihl^ ip to rid yuurseir of pile fniprry 'WOTI<:i I'lir siMinsnr of ilila notice la n rellnhir firm, diilnK bitalneaa In Cnnartn fnr over M years. If Foa â- re Iroiililrri with aarc, ltehla|r> unlnfiil piles. •Irm-ltaM mna< hel|> ynu qnlrkir nr Ihe small pwrehnse nrlrc will be cinillf refuadeil. ^1 »4 ONE OUT OF SIX IN ISLAND OF ST. PIERRE FOUGHT FOR THE ALLIES % â- r*) Three centuries old, the craggy, treeless spot of land 18 miles from Newfoundland Is â- hown here in panorama. Once the die was cast in favor of De Gaulle, 630 citizens went into the armed services-an average of almost one out of every six. St. Pierre had :. heard of women in uniform, but 40 girls got into the f.ght. Fifty of the Islands received decorations. 3ver sons Governor of the island is Pierre Garruste, who came from Madagascar to take ^^^ j; j^j^ . ^^ principal means of livelihood on the island. Barrels of cod liver oil are charge. He is shown here demonstrating to his wile the operation of a rifle. . , =â- , *, "^^ „ ,„.^« ,., j ^ j ^ui ... ..u »u^_ -For an old-fashioned, conservative island, with no factories, our war effort has • shipped out regularly to France. Some 10,000 litres were donated monthly to the mother been good," he says. country to aid in rebuilding the health of her people. Fishing is a $500,000 enterprise. ARMY GOLF TOURNAMENT IN ENGLAND Golfing enthusiaits from Canadian Mihtiry Headquarters, London, forget the tribulations of army pro- blems for awhile as they hold a golf tournament a. Sandy Lodge Golf Club, Moor Park. Lieut-Gen. the Hon P. J. Montague, Chief of Staff, C.M.H.Q., (near centre of picture with white shirt and white golf bag), was a guest player for the day. R.S.M. W. Leitch of Hamilton, Is chairman of the club. T. C. A. TESTS RADAR TO INCREASE EFFICIENCY First civilian installation of radar in Canada has been made by Trans-Canada Airlines at Winnipeg, Man. Helen McGuirk here watches the approach of an aircraft shown on the cathode ray indicator, resembling a television screen. The equipment was borrowed from the R.C.A.F. It is effective for a radius of 80 miles. L...i.iiiii)awrw*» iniiilm â€" nfriir m-" <'t, »•'»* Radio waves are sent out by this large semi-cylindrical rotating antenna and it catches the returning echo. At any given time the operator of the cathode ray indicator can calculate the exact posit'on v' the aircraft even though the puot may not know exactly where be i% THEY'LL BE FARMERS An American-born Japanese mother and young son mug for camera while other children sleep. They are a few of 167 American Japs to arrive in Philadelphia from relocation center. They will work on farm at Bridgeton, N. J. ^1 as?! High in the picturesque Laurentians! In the age-old Laurentian Mountains, only 45 miles from Montreal, nestles one of Canada's most distinguished hotels, the Chantecler . . . and on its 400 acre private estate you can enjoy unlimited play facilities . . . tennis, riding, boating, etc. Luxurious ac- commodation â€" accepted leadership in service and cuisine. See your local Travel yi^ent or write/or booklet, rates ami full iiiforntatiott. \ Ik- / â- * » •4 â- 4 YOU DON'T NEED YOUR CARI Only 45 mitej North of Montreal by Canadian Pacific Railway (Monl Colland Station) i i *ff;#c«MP"