Wednesday, July 18. 1945 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE The Adventures of PeeA£e/i/i Pe^ by THE BRITISH AMERICAN OIL COMPANY LIMITED No.2 He gets a hair-cut" In this series our artist Rivef. his version of how the finest crude oil â€" symbolized by Pete â€" is selected and refined to make B-A Peerless. Ask for Peerless Motor Oil tomorrow. "It's Alloyed" to keep cars running longer. PETE ARRIVES AT CLARKSON Crude oils specially selected to give you better service, are first "topped". . . PETE VISITS THE BARBER IS RARIN TOGO ... by the process which re- moves gasolene, kerosene and also gas oils. From the "topped Crude" is now refined Canada's finest lubricating oil: Peerless I THE Flesherton Ad vance Published on Collingwood St., Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over ],100. Price in Canada $2.00 per year, when paid in advanoo $1.50; in U. S. A. $2.50 per year, wh-en paid in advance $2.00. F. J. THURSTON, Editor EUGENIA Mr. Walter McBride of Toronto visited 8 few days at the McMillan home. Mr. and Mrs. Will Campbell re- turned to their home in Toronto af- ter spending a fortnight's holidays at their cottage here. Miss Margaret McMillan of Owen Sound Hospital is holidaying at her liome and with friends elsewhere. We are pleased to report Mrs. Calvin Boyce recovering steadily af- ter having undergone an operation in Markdale Hospital last week. We are pleased to report Mrs. Ed Baker able to be around again after a few days illness. Miss Carmelle Martin of Toron- _ to is spending a week's holidays at ' her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Genoe and Di- ane accompanied by Mrs. Chas. Park and Gwen visited on Sunday at Wasaga Beach . Diane remained estate of the late Mr. Peter Mun- shaw) recently. Their daughter. Mis. Art Wright and husband will rL-si(.lf there, we wish them success. JMr. Will Harris of Kimberley is making alterations to the residence which Mr. Garnet Magee purchased from Mr. John Magee. Mr. Magee has vacated the house and is at present with Mr. Levi Duckett. Mr. Tom Tudor of Toronto is now residing with his brother, Henry and family. Miss Shirley Cairns is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous near Maxwell. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Fuller, grand- daughter, Nancy, Alfred Fuller Jr. and Miss Marjorie Woalger, all of Toronto, are the guests of Mr. and .Mrs. J. Tomlinson at Trout Lodge for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Shortt and sons of Toronto, who are visiting with friends at Feversham and Rob Roy called on friends here. Mr. Jim Harrison of Flesherton visited at the Martin home recently. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. (Jeo. Fields (nee Irene Martin â- ( who were recently married ia Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Purvis, Bobby and Joyce and Mr. Robt. Pur- vis of Toronto holidayed at their cottage near the lake. Saunders and Pat of Toronto were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Collinson. Misses Wilma Williams and Ver- na Genoe of Flesherton were first of the week visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Meads. Geo. McKenzie Passes CEYLON The sympathy of this community is extended to the bereaved husband (By Ceylon Reporter) Mr. George McKenzie, son of the late Donald McKenzie and Mrs. Mc- Kenzie of Ceylon passed away in his 85th year after an illness of nine months, part of that time was sipent in the Markdale Hospital and the deceased passed away in the hos- pital at Hamilton on July 10th. The birthplace of deceased was quite close to the village. Mr. Thos. Gen- oe now resides on the foniier Mc- Kenzie homestead. The late Mr. McKenzie was of a quiet, kindly disposition and was a Presbyterian in religion. One sister, Emily, (Mrs. Hyslop), of Eugenia, survives, one brother, Alex of Eagle River ia de- ceased also t\vo sisters, Jessie and Bella. Rev. Mr. Penman had charge of the service on July 11th at the Rich- ard's Funeral Home, Flesherton, and gave a comforting message. The pall bearers were, Messrs. Percy Hunt, Thos. Genoe, John Mc- William, Joe Stauble, Fred Chislett, and Percy Hemphill. Interment took place in Flesherton Cemetery. Mrs. J. S. Macmillan Passes After an extended illness covering a period of one and a half years, -Mrs. John S. Macmillan passed away at her home in Flesherton on Wed- nesday evening of last week, in her 76th year. The late Mrs. Macmillan was born in Egi-emont Township on January 16th, 1870, a daughter of the late Archibald Clark and Anne McCuaig, and was married on October 24th, 1894, at her home in Egremont to John S. Macmillan. She and her husband farmed near Swinton Park for 10 years and moved to the Six Corners, where they farmed for 22 years. They retired from the farm 18 years ago, spending two years in Ceylon and the past 16 years in Flesherton. She was a member of St. John's United Church and was active in the Woman's Association and Woman's Missionary Society. She had a pleasing personality and made many warm friends, a thought- ful and warm-hearted neighbor. Her ing of Mi's. Macmillan makes the fust break in the Clark family. The funeral sei-vice was held in St. John's United Church Saturday afternoon, July 14th, at 2 o'clock, with Rev. Keith McMillan, a former |)astor in charge, with Rev. Andrew Thompson, the miniister, assisting. Rev. "McMillan took as his text "Lov- ing kindness is better than life,'' re- ferring to the kindly disposition of the deceaised. Interment was made in Swinton Park Cemetery. The pallbearers were: Messrs. A. S. Muir, Wm. Gibson, J. Nichol, H. A. McCauloy, A. B. Ferris and F. W. Duncan. The flower bearers were- Gene- vieve and Jack Milne, Jean Duncan, Mack and Mrs. Duncan, Jack Ken- nedy, Stewart Muir, Betty Tucker and Betty Hincks. Among the beautiful floral tributes of love and regard were a spray from Humewood Public School. To- ronto, Ceylon neighbors and Flesh- erton neighbors. Among those who attended the funeral from a distance were: John Campbell, Herb Campbell and Miss Ethel Campbell, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Pearson, Toronto; Mrs. M. Rainey, Palmerston; L.A.C. Mack Duncan an£j Mrs. Duncan, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Storey, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Storey, Mr. and Mr?. Dou- gald Patterson, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Patterson, Meafor; and friends from Markdale, Durham, Dundalk and Berkeley. Mrs. Sid Stinson, Melancthon, a son, on Wed., July 18th, 1945. Bom BLACKBURN â€" At Mrs. Nuhn's Nursing Home, Flesherton, on Wed., July 11th, 1945, to Mr. and Mrs. El- passing is a distinct loss to heiJ ^°" Blackburn, Saugeen Jet., a son, family and friends. Leonard Guy Besides her sorrowing husband she leaves one daughter, Kate, who was teaching in Toronto and returned to take care of her mother in her ill- ness, one sdster, Flora, of Dromore, and three brothers, Findlay and Archie Clark of Dromore and Neil Clark of Swinton Park. One -daugh- ter, Annie, and two sons, Clark and Duncan, predeceased her. The pass- EAGLES â€" At Mrs. Nuhn's Nurs- ing Home, Flesherton, on Wed., July 11th, 1945, to Mr and Mrs. Wilmer Eagles, Maxwell, a daughter. HEMPHILL â€" At Mrs. Nu'm'-i Nursing Home, Flesherton, on Sun- day, July 15th, 1945, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hemphill, Dundalk, a daughter. STINSON â€" At Mrs. Nuhn's Nur- sing Home, Flesherton, to Mr. and • Don't 1ft one diiaitrooa fira wlp* out the renilts of yean of Ubonr. Let 01 (tody yonr property, ettlinat^ tbe protection yon need, and writ^ a Pilot Insnranee Policy Iq glrf yon adequate protection. We write Pilot Inrarance to cotw â- elected risks in AntomobOe, Fira^ Personal Property Floater, Bnr^ lary, Plate Glas^ Public Liabilit|: and other general Insurance ^ H. W. KERNAHAN Flesherton Representing PILOT # INSURANCE ^x COMPANY v^- ' for s»me holidays. I and daughter of Mrs. John S. Mc- Mr. Chas. Pedlar and grand- Millan of Flesherton formerly a re- daughter, Maxine of Manitoba are sident of Ceylon who passed away visiting his brother, Mr. A. F. Ped- lar and wife and other relatives. Mr. Ed Baker attended the Baker rcrunion held in Toronto recently and had a very pleasant time. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Davies of Winnipeg and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lehman of Toronto spent the week, end with Mr. Jake Williams. Mrs. Thos. Stewart spent a few days in Toronto last week. Mr. Wm. Fenwick of Tara, Mr. Lamlbkin of Owen Sound and Mrs. Murphy and children of Chesley vi- sited at the Haney home and called on other friends. Mi».s Lillian Magee has returned to Toronto after spending a few hol- idays at her home here. Mrs. Hass and Janette of Flesh- erton are holidaying with the form- er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pinker ton. We are pleased to report Mrs. Wilfred Magee continually recover- ing after an operation on her eyes in Owen Sound Ho.spital. We extend our sympathy to Mrs. Wm. Hislop and family in their re- cent sad bereavement (;aused by the death of her Itrother, Mr. McKenzie of Ceylon. We understand that Mr. Dan Fawcett of Toronto has pui-chnsed the property which was once owned by the late Elijah Paul, from Mr. Robt. Haney and will move there shortly. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Duckebt • have purchased the Eugenia House (the vaLt id SUGAR LOSS in /JyickU '7 Don't lose a single jar of those fine pickles this season, because of spoil- age by inferior vinegar. For sure results insist on Canada Vinegar â€" the choice of leading pickle manufacturers and ex- perienced home-canners. A favourite for over 80 years. Write for FREE Pick- ling Recipe Booklet to Canada Vinegars Limi- ted, 112 Duke Street, Toronto. CANADA Vinegars "aJleuttzetl recently, also to the bereaved rela tives of Mr. George McKenzie, Cey- lon, who passed away last week in Hamilton. Tpr. Levi Stafford arrived home Monday from overseas, his many friends are glad to welcome him home. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stafford and daughter, Eileen of Ceylon and Pte. Clifford Rowbotto"m of Durham motored to Toronto to meet Tpr. Stafford. Mr. and Mrs. Will Oliver, Mrs. Mark Holmes and Miss Phyllis Mitchell of Ferndale, Michigan, and Mrs. Doug. Bullock, Toronto were week end visitors with Mrs. Joseph Oliver and Mr. R. C. Oliver. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Forester of Hamilton were week end visitors with the former's sister. Mrs. A. E. Gocssell and Mr. Goessell of this vil- lage. Miss Catherine Stewai-t, R.N., of Owen Sound is holidaying with Mr. and Mi's. M. T. Hogarth. Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sinclair the past week were, Beth Beatty of Owen Sound, and Glenn Copeland of Salem. As we joyfully welcome our re- turning soldier sons we are even- mindful of those who are not return- ing to home and friends. Miss Rita Tobbutt of Owen Sound visited the first of the week with -Mrs. Will Stoddart and Miss Cath- erine Tebbutt. Mrs. Luther Duckett, Ceylon, and Miss Hilda Duckett, Toronto, are visiting friends in CoUingwood. Several of our village folk attend- ed the celebration of July 12 in Owen Sound last Thursday. Mrs. Thos. Genoe spent a few days recently with her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Goddard, Burlington. Miss Ruth Blackburn and Miss Shirley Burnette of Toronto, are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stewart. Mr. Thos. Genoe visited last Thursday in Owen Sound with his daughter, Mrs. James Pattinson and attende<l the Orange celebration. Mr. Clarenee Devereaux, Toronto, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Duckett. Dr. iSherman Piper, Toronto, spent last Saturday at his parental home here. Mr. and Mrs. H. Connell and daughter, Mary, of Holland CenUe, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cairns. Mr, and Mrs. M. T. Hogarth and little (laugliter, Mary, .spent the wwk end with Mrs. Hogarth of Jaivis. Mr. ami Mrs. Chas. Ottewell of Montreal, and Mis. G. Cairns, Cey- lon vicinity are spendiag a week at Ho'lH'a.vgeon. Muriel a4ul Eleanor Sparks of Fleshertoik are visitors with Mrs. Doug. Keid and Bc)<)i>ie. Mr. Fred Irish returned to Tor- onto last week en<l after two week's holi<lays with |.Miss M. Hemphill and .Mr. .S. Hemphill. Mrs. I'^lwanls and son, Murray were recent vi.sjtors at the 'i)un'ntal home at Kevorsham. Mrs. Patterson, Toronto, Is visit- ing lit the home of Mrs. J. Knox. L.A.C. Mac IVuncaii, Hrantfiml, Mrs. Duncan, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. TurnbuU Collin.i, Brnntford, Mrs. NORTHERN^IMOTOR SERVICE Prompt rewiiidiiiR Rervice on electric motors of all kinda â€" Domestic and Commercial, Split â€" Two and Three Phase. High Speed and Low Speed Electric nrills. Workmanship Guaranteed. J. MIDDLETON 753 - 2nd Ave. K. OWEN SOUND Phone 782 ^<ntc<miH^ M^ tic FARMCR 7^ FAifMeif % By collecting and turning in the coupons acquired against the use and sale of butter and the sale, of honey and rationed maple products. â- ". A,, # By writing fo the Local Ration Boards for application ^arm RB-77 as SOON as they know definitely that transient labour rations wi7/ be needed fo feed extra help hired for periods of less than fwo weeks. Rationing is not intended to add unnecessarily to ttie burden of Canadian farmers who, faced witli shortages of iabour, materials and machinery, have continued to respond to ropeated colls for greater production. «... â- ^. ^ It it o protocNon ogainst waste . . . shortages . . . inflation. i) â- ii ^ THE WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD ii-p ^