Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Jul 1945, p. 2

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EACH YEAH before the war, more than 150,000 people thronged the Indiaiiapolia Speedway to witness tlia supreme test of tire mileage and safety, the annual 500- mile rare. Recently, under the supervision of the American Auta< mobile Association, Wilbur Shaw drove the 500 mile course at an average speed of 100.34 miles per hour in a race car equipped with STOCK Firestone synthetic rubber tires, (he same as you can buy at any Firestone Dealer's. Imagine the punishment those tires took as they pounded over the rough brick and grinding asphalt . . 500 miles at speeds up to 135 miles per hour . . equal to 50,000 miles of ordinary travelling. When you buy new tire-s, remember â€" Firestones are the only synthetic rubber tires made that are safety-proved on the speedway for your protection on the highway. nrABNING: The tire ailuatian il â- till critical. You should continua to observe the wartime speed limii and all other fundamental precau- tlofu for conserrinv the tires that are now on 3r«>ur car- PUBLICITY AGENT J. Hugh Campbell, newly appointed general publicity agent, Canadian Pacific Railway, Montreal. Mr. Campbell, who joined the company as press representative at Van- couver on January 1, 1828, succeeds J. Murray Gibbon, who has retired on pension. Since 1942, Mr. Camp- bell wag loaned by the C.P.R. to the government and was in charge of the War Information Board at Washington. Whooping Cranes To Be Protected Naturalists believe that only 17 whooping cranes survive. A de- cade or two ago this branch of thu crane family was pronounced on the verge of exllnclion. In spite Of Its extrnme rarity today, vari- ous wildlife organizations are making an effort to find the pos- ellili? seven or eight nesis, to guard them and ho start the grus aniorl- cana, to give tha whuoping crane Its scientific name, on tha road to survival, says. The Kdmonton Joiiinal. 'J"h9 bird is the largest known 1(1 the Dominion. It winhu's In Texas and nests In norllnMii marsh- lands of Alhwrta, Saskatcliuwan And Manitoba during late Miiy, June and July. The whooping ciano is pure While with black wing lips and H recognized l)y Its viTy long leg?. It stands four fi^et high. (.)nly those who frequent llii! north country are likely to find a nest- ing pair. If a nest ran bo found, a i;uiiril •yvlll ho placed ii«ar It to protect the birds from natural predators, buntors and marsh fires. <i»\iii)J;n'1'|-m. Kin'oici s dn CANADIAN GOLD .MIn's • I'ropiMlic;) ('ompiiiiii's ASCOT AGENCY I'niir I'lilliDrno .SIri'i't TOUO.STO, (J.NTAUIO riioiio KI.Kiii 4985 You Will Enjoy Staying At The ST. REGIS HOTEL TUnoifTO Bttrr nonni tvllb llmh, Shaff- er Had relrphOB*. * !«lnslr, t2.no -.IPâ€" llunbic, l.-|.aO up, » Uoad â- .â- anil, Dlalng â- â- Â« Daae- I** lftck«lr. Sherbourns it Carltoa Tel. RA- 413S Refrigerators Soon On Market Again llostriclioiis on the production of eleclric rctriserators in Canada have been removed and according to reports from the industry "a few thousand units will he on the market toward the end of this year," the |)rlce8 board has an- nounced. H. H. Foreman, co-ordinator of capital e'luipmeut and duralila goods, said that after the conver- sion of plants to the manufacture of refrigerators had been com- pl(j,ted by the Industry, production should increase rapidly. But It would take an extended period to stock all distrlbutor-s from coast to coast. Prici'.s for the now refrisorators â- would ha established at 1941 basic period lovels, tha iioard statement said. TIio board said that with pro- duction of electrio refrigerators being resumed In tha United States, Canadian manutacturara would get assistance in obtaining priorities for imported materials and component parts. Production of electric refriger- ators was halted In Canada in 1942. Limited numbers of units wiTo riileased to dealers during 1943 and 1944 from stocks built up before manufacturing ceased. Restrictions on the production of non-nipciianical Ice boxes were reniovi'd last May. Rise of High Heels Tho r(ni<-(nl of Louis XIV of Franco is responsible for the rise of high heels, it Is said. Tiie King was distressed over the fact that he was shorter than mo.st of the men who surrounded him. He or- (lt>red slioes made witli heels that added several inches to his height. The style spread throughout Eur- ope, though women, rather than men, adopted It wiilely. â€" Pageant, â€" that • 10c package of WILSON'S O.Y PADS will kill more niea than $S.oa worth of any otlicr fly killerlll Grocery, I>ruc, Hatdware and General Store* scU and recommend WILSON'S FLY PADS. CHECKED in a JiYft/ •or Money Back l*"or qtiick rcli''f frotn tt( liinKcau.^oil by ccrcma, iitttlelr"8l'»ol. m-.tt)ii"t. ptiniiicdunitollicrilctiinil lunditioni, w-w ptiti*. k^iIiiik, incttic alcd. liciuid D. D. O PRESCRIPTION, (.rrasclcia iiivl stainletH S»iilln--t. t oliitiirls und tjiiw kly c-alini Intense it< tunc. Duii't sillier. Ask ymii clrugsiut t.xlay fur D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. LydiaE-Pinkham'aVcgctal)leO)niix>tmd not only helps relieve periodic pain but ALSO accompanying nervous, tired, tiighstrung feelings â€" when due to func- tional monthly disturbances. It's one of the most cITective medicines for this pur- pose. Pinkhain's Compound AW/>s nnfurc/ Follow lalK-l <lirc<;tions- Try it! Jl^dim.C'0^l^>Mta/m!a comVoiKo ISSUB Mâ€" IMS BIG SHOT NIPS NABBED IN GERMANY Before Germany's surrender an important mis Ion to Berlin, tae 23 ranking Japanese military, naval and diplomatic figures pictured above are just prisoners of war nov/. Captured in Germany, they are pictured at Le Havre, awaiting shipment to the U. S. Among them are Hiroshi Oshima, am- bassador to Germany: Lt.-Gen. MItihiko Komatsu, top military attache; and Rear Admiral FTideo Kohima, chief of Jap naval mission in the Reich. Avoid Poison Ivy Like The Plague Learn To Identify The Plant Then Stay Away From It This is the season of the year when the Press warns people against coming in contact vvith poison Ivy. With the approucli of the vacation -season and the de- sire to get out into the open, t>oi- son ivy becomes a dang»'r which should be avoided, says The .Strat- ford Beacon-Herald. -\ccording to .Acting Health Commissioner Frank A. Calderono of New York City, no substance ha-s yet been discovered to pro- tect people from the poison if they come in contact with the plant. The only way to escape !â- ! to avoid handling it. Poison ivy Is easy to identify. It is a shruli or vine wiiicli us- ually twines around tree trunks or runs along old stone walls. The leaves always grow in groups of tliioe. Their color is a handsome reddish bronze In the early S-priiig, a deep rich green in tlie Summer, and russet in thi' Kail- Tho plant bears dusters of whitish, waxy berries. Don't Spread Poison It is often possible to prevent tho development of a poisonous- Bgick To Spanking 'Sjiank them when they need ft," is the advice lately given liy a profcs.sor at Xew York Unicersi- ty. Looks as thou.gh the psycho- logists had come full cycle- May- he it's just as well, too, agrees the Brantford K-xpositor. The num- ber of rather thoroughly spoiled. not to say ill-niannered juveniles broiiRlit up under the "child psy- chology" fads of the past few years Is already fur too high. plant rush afli-r contact if expos- ed portions of tiie skin are washed as soon as possil)Ie with three or four lathers of soap, then rinsed Willi hot runniu'.; water. Special atlention should be given to the finr^cr nails and the skin between the fingers. As an added precau- tion, the hair should be washed and then rul)l)ed down with al- cohol. If the skin turns red and blistery despite these precautions, a doctor should be consulted. Temporary relief may be oI)tain- ed by bathing the Irritated parts In hot wa'er or by applying milk of magnesia, calamine lotion or a solution of epsom salts (one tablespoon to one cup of water). An authority on this subject emiihasizes that cold cream and other ointments •should never be used. He claims they only spread the iiolsoM. Total Destruction Of World Possible? >»}*6 Tho Germans came within six moiitli.^ of splitting tlie atom and possibly destroying the world in the process, Herbert .Agar, special assistant to the American Am- bassador to Britain, said in a speech last week- '•If the war had gone on an- other si.K months- it wa.i quite pos- sible that this planet would have ceased to exist, because it was probable that someone would have learned to break the atom without controiiin? It," Agar said- "Tliere was a danger that the Germans would learn how to split It first, and our scientists gave the date as Aug- G of this year. "1 sincerely believe that in a very few years, the human being will know how to destroy the hu- man race." feeding London The task of feeding Uie millions of inhaliltants of London (Eng- land 1 is euuivalent to provision- ing nearly 500 army divisions. f]v- ery day 3,000,000 gallons of milk and about l,500,0f>0 loaves of bread are used. Respect the child. Be not too much his parent. Trespass not on his solitude. Have You Heaid? At tlie wedding,. Sandy, tbe groom, looked so. troubled that the- best man was moved' to enqtiire. "What's up, Sandy? Hae ye lost the ring?" "Nae." "Then hae ye tost the railroad ticket?" "Nae. mon, it's a niucfcle worse than that." "Hoot, mon! What is it?" "Ah hae lost ma enthu-slasm!" â€" o â€" Mistress: "I am sorry you are leaving us, Jane. But, of course, if you are gging to better yourself, I â€" " Maid: "Oh no, Madam. I am going to be married." â€"o â€" The Boston man, careful of his and other folk's grammar, asked the clerk for a man's comb. "Do you want a narrow man's comb," the clerk asked. "No," said the man, "I want a comb for a stout man with rubber teeth-" â€" o â€" "I don't like those eggs you sent me yesterday." "Why, what was wrong with them?" "Well, I thought they were rather undersized for their age." *" The manufacture of whole milk products continues to show in- creases over 1944, and in March, 1945, totalled 17 million pounds, as compared with 1.5-5 millioa pounds in 1941. ii.inv cliiCKS WE ".STILL, HAVK A I.IMITKI) iniinlii'i- iif -started cliii'ltM two woi'k.s olrl. ril.so free r;uii^u [nil- Ii'l.-< eight weeks up to liiyiiig. Also tal<ini; urdor.s for Au«;ust nn(J Fall tloliver.v- .Soiul for prlre- li-^^t and C'll.'ilnrtiie. Top Notcli < 'hii'l(,.i-i,>.s, iliielDh. Ontario. 1 WIJIOK OI,n .STARTKn CHICKS In many poimlar heavy l)reed3 in Mon-sexed, putiet-s or eoclcer- el.s. AI.so eifillt week old up to layliipr free raiitrn pullet.>i- Takint? ordor.-i now for Ausu.st and Sep- teniher hali-lied day old ehiekfl. l'"reo eataloi,-iie- Tweddle Ctiick ir iti-licrie.s Limited. FeiKu.s, Onl- WK HAVK LIMi'l*HI) QUAXTITl lO.S sl.arli'd rhU'Ifs for pronit>t -ship- ment, also day-old.s- Write for li.sl. Ordnr for dellvory l.'iter also. Bray Hatehery, ISO .Tolin N-, H.iniillon. Ont- DVIOING AND CI.RAMNCi HAVE rou ANYTHING NlilED.S dyelne or cleanlOK? Write to us for Information- We are glad to an.swer your questions. Depart- ment H. Parker's riye Works Limllpd 701 YonEO Street. To- rf.iitn I'AIIM ItlAI III.M'IIIV roil SAI.IO I .Sl';i> THACTOii.S. KlIKlSKIt AND Nieel. Willi luttivalor.s- tl-sed thre.sherH, eonihhie.'j, plow.s. dl-se li.'iiTows, and hay equtiiineiit, Cii.siiiiii-l'.iiili r.iriii wiigons- It- H. Moore, 'rilhlliy. "J. I. Ca.so Ak:- ent". phone -fil. (.:()I!N .SItKi.i,i:it. FOlIlt-HOi.K IN- tei iintionnl, ainio-st new. mount - eil on rulilier wlieel wagon, .lamo.i M.iir.s. llleiiliiliM, Out. ri;i[i'M;cTi()N' milkfils anh .sup- pliiH- J. F. Donaldson, JoyccviWc. Olil- lj-.|ii i-NT10I!\A'l'l()-NAI. TItACTOIt â-  111 sleel. I'lieo .$;t,'iO.Ufl. 13. Itcll. I!. It. 8, London, Ontario. .sKiii i':.\c;i.\i-; vzm MecoitMicK. in Kood i-oiidilioii- Vali.-ilile Speed CoN'i-nors for .MeCiinnleli 'i'rae- lor.s (oiil.vl, .\i'\v and used 'i'rae- tor iiarls. London Farm Kiiuip- 111. Ml I'll., :!::.', KiliK Slleel, Lon- lioii. Qui. I'OK SW.V. OKKIl AND I'D.X HOUNDS. ALSO eonihiiiation fo\ :\nK\ eiion lioiind. .Mniar <Ji;iiil, itiilsover, Otilaiio. VAH:AI!LI'! COlINTItY S'lVIlF III ii|iei i.\ . siiiialilu iil.sii for tourist liii.siiie-1-s; I'arry Sound di.slrlrt. K\\ Westmoiint Ave., Toronto. I.O. \\i\. Ki liTlMC MdTOKS. NFVV. I'SKD houirht. Hold, rehtiilt: lieltH, pul- le.vs, hnislies. .Mien Kleeliie C'om- piii>*^LId, -.Mi:!; Dufferln St. To- ronto. ui;iiisTii;i! FD I'F.MAI.F COCKIOU puppies, 14 weekfl old. Ileal heiillllos. 7(r. Indiiin nond, Wind- SOI. Ont. t;0i,l>IK-MeCfL1.0lK;il 100 HOIiSK power Sleani Fngine, iierfecl iiin- dllion. Olio Warren Steam I'liinp size 10 X i: X 12 t)ne Warren Stenm rump sine 12 x 12 x 12 One Smart-Turner Duplex Sle.im Pump -line 7H x 4H « 10. All In perfect condilioii. CROWN IRON & METAL CO, HAMILTON, ONT. I'OK s.\i,i>: GAINING WEIGHT ? SLENDEX TEA aid-i you retain .Slender Figure, turna your food Into energy instead HARMLESS, GUARANTEED composed plea.sant herba, no exer- cise.-! or drastic diet. Month's supply SI. 00 postpaid Dominion Herb Distributors I4'.!5 St. I.iiwroiiee lllvd., Montrrnl FAUMS FOH SALE WF CAN SKLL YOU ANY SIZK OF f'lrm you wish to buy â€" with or without .stock and machinery. For particulars appl.v at Dono- hue'.s Ciarage. Renfrew, Ont. TO CI,OSF AN KSTATIO WK OF- fer for sale a valuable farm In Franiosa 'l'o\^iiship i-ontaiiiinff about 120 acres. brick house, bank barn, sood well, situated .about five mile.s from Fercus, and twelve miles from rjuolt)h- l-'or full i>;irtii'ular.s apply to: The <:iielph Trust Company, Ciuelpli, Ontario. ;fJ.T-ACUIO FAR.M V'Olt SAI.F. 8.^ cleared; Kood shoreline, on L.-tke Manltnuwabin^; 2 barns, other oiitliiiildinKs, largre house, suit- able tourists, on K:ood hi^hw;iy: $11,000. Mark Whitniell, .McKollar. Oiit- 53 ACKKS, 25 FAUMINO, 4,600 FT- bordering hay of French river. 2,.')00 ft. frontage on main road to Uutter HiKWOod and faniou.s Biini^alow camp: new home: oth- er liuildinKs. Mr- A. Oaudcttc- Riilter. Out. ii*iiii>iii':.ssi,\o L 10 A R N HAIKDUFSSINi.i TlIF Itobertaon method. Information on request iei;ardln); classes. ItobertRon's Ilairdressing Acad- emy. 1-^7 Avenue lloiid. Toronto iMIOUlCAI. N.vii i;i:s iiiOLi'â€" Ki.xoNs ki:m- eily for Rbi'iini.itie I'aiii. .Neur- itis. Thousands itraisiiiu it. Muiiro'.H DruK .Store. 335 l':it;in. Olt.-iwi. riislii-iiil $1.00. S'l'IIMACII ,\.M) TIIRFAI) Wolt.MS often (ire the caii.oe of lll-he.Tltb in hnniaii-s. nil ages. No one ttn- nniiie! Why not find out if ihli" Is yoiii trouble? InlerestinK pnr. tieiilais â€" Free! Write Miilvenoy'" Remedies. Specialists Toronto S RAI'MFIOKA FOOT nALM HK- siroya offensive odor Instantly. lie bottle, Ottawa agent. Deninaii Drug Store. Ottuwa. tiOOD RFSOHTIONâ€" KVKRV Sll''- feier of Rheiimiitic J'ains or N.iirill.s should try Dixon's Hem- ed.i Monro's Drill; .Store. :t.15 I'MkIii. Ottawa. I'oslpaid tl.On. ttri'dU'i I i'vnii> Foil woMi'^iv BE A HAIRURliSSKR JOIN CANADA'S LKADIMi SCHOOL tireal Opporiunlly. Learn llairdre.osing Pleasant diKiilfied profession. Kood wiiKes. thoiitands siircesiifnl Marvel Uiadniies. America's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catnlngiie fret Wi He or call M.vnVFI MAIRIXIICSSINU Si Hi ioI.s X.'.SI lll.oii!! W. roKoNTO l!riii-lH-- II Kiiii! .St Mnmllton & 71 l<ldc;iu Stieel. Uttswa. MUSICAL lIVS'l'ltllMISNTS FRED A. BODDINGTON BUYS, sell.s. exchanges musical Instru- ments. HI Church. Toronto 2- I'ATF.NTS FETHERSTONHAUC.H & COMPANY Patent Solicitors- Established 1890: 14 King We-U. Toronto Booklet of Information on re- quest i'iiu'ru<:;it-\i>iiY "YOUR WORK IS WONDERFUL" CUSTOMER SAYS "... and the prompt manner In which you return work is greatly appreciated." Any Size Roll â€" 6 or 8 E-xposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25c Don't risk losins pictures- Send your film rolls to CAN.'\D-\'S LARGEST AND KINEST STUDIO Get Better Picturoa at Lower Cost Prompt mall service. SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style Album With Prints -sizes 16-20-127 it 2Dc (4o 8-Xtra) Is sent with filin roll .Sl'i:ciAL PRICES ON FRAMING AND COLORING Enlargements 4 x 6" In beautiful easel mounts, 3 for 25c. Framed, on ivory tinted mats, 7 .x 9", In (!okl. .Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Kboiiy finish frames. 5'Jc each. If enlargcnient colored. 7'Jc each OLD PICTURES RESTORED We c:in restore any old photograph or sii.iiisbot . . and make am number of prints or enlargeinciit.T desired. Tho process reciuires the work of skilled arllsl.s. but the cost IS leasoriablo. Send us your picture and tell us wli:it you want done and we will tell you the cost bcf.ue doiiiv; the work. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE llox 12:1. I'ostal Terminal A, Toronto Print .Name and Address Plainly on Orders. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Voui riiins 1)1.. pern tevelupra ami printed « oil 8 i;.KI'OSll:i'. Itol.lJI 25c RI'M-ltlNTS 8 tof 2Sc FINKST HNLAIiOINi. SKI!\ICF You may not get ull iht flliiM you want this year, but you can net all 'ha quality and service you denlrt by .tending your films to IIHITIIUt. I'llll'lll <<FI(\U'|i: Sutlon I Toronto 'I'FAl'IIFItS WANTKO It O S S TOWNSHIP â€" TEACIIi:i! w-inled for S.S. No. 2 on HiKli- wa.v 17. convenient tiain service. »aln> $1,200 per year, duties to euniinence Sept. 4- -Apply to Ed- win Foss. Sec--'P^ea»., R.U. .No. u. Cohden. tlnt- llltANT CO.; 5 Ml 1. 17s SOI I'll t)|. lir.intford. Experienied female Protestant leacher S.S No. \ nronlford Twp S.ilarv ll.50(i On ..Stste qualifications, also formei inspertor. Personal applicntior preferred If pos.slble. (.;nrdoii Kell.uii, See.-Treaa., U.R No " Uruiitford, OnL '.ACIIKItS WA^Ti:i> STJSTED I'OWNSHIP AREA require? three Protestant teachers for three one-room school.^ nar Huntsville. Solary 1,200. Please state qualifications, experience and last inspector. Duties to commence September 4th. Apply to George Tait. Huntsville. DyRSFIj _ Tg'VCHER CV ANTED (ProtesLint preferred) to teach grade 6 to 10. inclusivj (senior room), and act as principal or i 2-rooni .school with modern con- veniences, terra commencing Sep- tember. l',)15, salary $1,:!00. Apply, statinc iiualifications, to (Miss) Phyllis Clayton. Dorset. Ont. HFI.P WAM'FIJ TWO \i'OJIEN T9 VVASH DISHES and prfpATS vcKet.iWes In T^tF- ern Ontario summer resort for July and August. Exceptionally good wages- Apply bv letter to Pow-Wow Point Lodee, Hunts- ville. Ont. GIR[, t)R VOUNG WOMAN FOR housekeeper on a farm, good home. wages. Apply Lawrence Browe, Ko.-i 42, Dalkeith, Ont- AUTOMOniLE _DCMPERS AND Painters, experienced on repair work. Highest rate of pay, 48 hour week, best working conditiona. Apply ne.'ire.st Selective Service Office CI! 2fl25 FARM MANAOEU- MARRIED, 100- Acre Mixed Farm, good wagea. house and privilctjes. J Kee. Inglew-ond WAIVTFO PULLETS WANTED TO PURCHASE AM. Ai;i:s AND iiUIOKDS > months to Itiying -ige. Our prices are worthwhile- Box 411, 73 Ade- laide West. Toroia,!. WANTED IMM|.;i11ATKl,Y Lic- ensed gar.ige mechanic as part- ner. Fredi Chak. I'.urks Falls. Ont. l!ox 251. WANTED, P.I;FFAI,0 POWER sausage stuffer. comiilete, 75- 100-11). cip.icity;. 1 5-h.i). 25-cycle, :t-phase motor: pie nioids and cutter for small i)ork pies. Write, Horn's Food Market, Port Col- borne. Out. GENERAL -STORE. WITH (iOOD nt4|:ed clothing stock: will pay cash: confidential. Lit;htman aiid tompnny- .1270 Dinfoi ttt Ave I'oronlo, Onl- SARNIA GENERAL HOSPITAL SCHOOL FOR NURSES: APPLICATIONS NOW I'.FINC CON- sldered. Date of admission Sep- tember 4th. in45. Fdiicatlonal re- duirements Junior Matriculation. Remuneration after prellmlnarr term. $10 00 m $12.00 per month. WANTED TO PI'RCIIASK PUt.- lels all breeds from 8 weeks up to laying. Good prices paid. Apply to I!o\ SS 7H Adelaide W.. 'Wt- ronin V\ VA. WOOII W ANTKD COllinVOOD. MAPI,K. BIRCH AND Mixed. Also sinhs and bundled edgings. Hardwood and Soft, wood, (live full particular* »n/ best nriees 011 car. Waller Rot»le»«, 1» Mellnda Street. Toronto. V»

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