Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 Mar 1945, p. 2

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t Support ihm CANADIAN RED GROSS Complimenfs of "EXPORT" Cigarettes Scot Outscotched We hope no Scot will get mad at "uj, as we don't vouch for the yarn, through it comes from tbe hitherto reliable Emerson Journal: "A blood transfusion was needed by a lady k a hospital and a brawny Scot ToluMtecrcd. She paid him S25 for the first pint and $12 for the sec- ond. The third time, she had so nurch Scotch blood in her she just thanked him." â€" Ottawa Citizen RHEUMATISM Hai bfcn dfifinltely cured by an Intjxpensive homo treatment. Send on© ilollt'ir for fc>rmii!ii find full Jn- ItniotuinB to: AT.KX WII.KIi:, 7«» DuTfoT- n St., Toronlo, c.inddii. Relieve Neuritis . . • Neuralgia Pain Aspirin Eases Pain ^ Almost Itnmediately'^ Why Atplrht work* »o tat Instantlyl Yei.th* moment you drop an Aspirin Tablet In â-  glaH of water it begins to dis- integrate. And that same quick action takes place in your stomach. Tbu% you get relief almost Instantly. { tr Aspirin has proved Itsdf through fenerations to be quick; effeotivsj' above all; dependable. That'* why, Csuiadlans have corns to rely on this fcmous analgesic for relief from pain 4ue to headache, neuralgia or neuritis.' 1^ So protect yourself from neediest â- liaery. Just get a bos of genuia* Aspirin at your druggist's today and Jbllow simple directions, t^ NEW KBOUCarttKB NdMlBox of 12. .....now Its' r Iconatny BottI* of 24i. •••>•••• Ms ramllyiln ol 100..>t<l«<a.a«»)'V« Aspirin The Boysr cre|^ on eaih lofclsi Is yevr auerantss Ihaf H's At|rfito HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention â€" Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We sell our Koods only through your local Staco Leather Goods dealer. The goods are right, and so are our prices. We manufacture in our fac- tories â€" Harness, Horse Col- lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan- ket*, and Leather Travelline Goods. Insist on Staco Brana Trade Marked Goods, and you get satisfaction. Made only by: SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto RHEUMATIC SUFFERERS Accept This Generous Offer! Any diiiK ators will return your moiii.y, If one bottle of Ku-Ma does not fiive you relief from rheumatic •che^ and pafnii, sore, swollen and painful Joints. No matter how long you have suffered, you must get re- lief or "no pay." Try Ru-Ma and be convinced. Accept this generous offer now. Specialized Staff Ready To Handle Repatriation Job The fiist of 2,000 specialized workers â€" their number may rise to 10.000 â€" are being concentrated on Gerniany's borders ready to handle the greatest repatriation problem in history, U.N'RRA of- ficials have disclosed. The problem is that of return- ing home some 12,000.000 Euro- pean nationali taken into Germa- ny. So great ii the task, one UN- RRA official said, that one train every hour would be needed to move all the displacid persons within 18 months. Tliat is impos- sible, and it may require two to three years to complete tlie re- patriation. Ass-embly areas will be estab- lished at certain points in occu- pied Germany, and displaced per- sons will be brought to them for identification and questioning. You Will Enjoy Staying At The ST. REGIS HOTEL TORONTO Everj Itootn nitb IliHb, Show- er and Telephone. SInxli'. (2.nO upâ€" Duiible, aS-BO up. Good I'^oofl, Dining and Daae- IHK NIshtlT. Sherboume at Carlton Tel. RA. 4133 t^^^FSMA BSTTSRf HP BETAMIN VITAMIN B-COMPLEX Lianld A Tnhlet Forni At AH DRua sroKiS_ STUFFY NOSE? Moee plugged up? Head cold threaten- ing? Juit smear NOSTROLINI la each nostril. Feel clogged mucous loosen, itufHnaM vaniih, breathing fWMaget come clear. Relief is instant. KOSTROLINE clears head, stops discharge, relieves catarrh, head coldi. Convenient. Pleasant, Adults and children. 50c â€" idl druggists. JUMBO WAR EFFORT 04NTiViENT 'Burns. Sores. Gu (s Lie wllh Ks wnk, llrad fssllagsf If functional periodic disturbances males Sou feel nervous, tired, restless â€" at such mesâ€" try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegs- table Compound to relieve such symp- toms. Pinkham's Compound is one of tns most effective medicines for this purpose. Follow label diredtions. Buy today] ISSUE 10-1945 1 MAINBREAK GOLD MINES LIMITED , Located on the main break northeast of Keir-Addison and Chcsterville Mines. Map allowing location and information, upon request Mainbreak Gold Mineft Limited ySn I'rraoaal I.labllllr) 330 Bay Street, Suite 808 â€" A Del. 7»«3 TORONTO ^ Even elephants do their bit in the war effort and a big bit it is, as ore of the animals can do the work of five dozen native coolies in loading giant C-46 Commandos, which fly supplies from India to China over Himalayan "Hump." Above, elephant helps load gasoline drums on one of the giant transports VOICE OF THE PRESS CALL FOH ROSIE Stainless steel stockings are a postwar possibility, says a steel in- dustry spoke.snian. Plione the rivet- er â€" Mom has a runner! â€" Kitchener Record. RAILWAY TRAVEL Speaking of railroad travel â€" the more you gn the more you stop the war effort. â€" Guelph Mercury. WRONG LOCATION "Let right prevail. Let party hat- reds die. Let there be unity," said Prime Minister Cliurchill in Ath- ens. One might almost imagine he was speaking in Canada. â€" Windsor Star. ACCOIi.NTANTS A AI'OITOIIS INCOMF TAX REP0IIT8 COM- plete [iooUkeepIng Services. Small or I..3rfe'e Rusinesses. Travel any- â- wrhere. Albert IJrctt & Co., R Wclllnirtnn Rt. 10.. Toronto. Ont. a. BEACHES MODEL HOME OVERLOOKINO I,AKK ONTARIO. Toll m.Ty win this $10,000 model home for $1.00. Write for your sharps today. ($1.00 each) to Bearhr'B Bu.sines.'' Mon's Aasocls- tlon. Toronto 8. Ynur receipt will b« mailed promptly. Draw to be made Sfny 24th. Proceeds for war Charities. IIAHV CTIICKS â-  1.00 IKIOKS VOIIII UltURR ORDKR YOUR 194.'i CHICKS NOW. and not be disappointed. All chicks art from t;uiiranieed test- ed stock, and from 26 ot eggs or better. Barred Rocks mixed $12.00 per 100. While LeKhornn mixed $11.00 per lOll Barred Rock Pullets 419.00 per 100, white I.eKhorn Pullets 122.00 per 100. white Rocks mixed $16.00 per 100 whito P.ock Pullets $24.00 per 100. We guarantee 100% live delivery, balance paid C.O.D. Maple City Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario. 6000 BREEDERS ON ONE PLANT BOOK YOUR 1945 CHICKS NOW and get your chiolts when you â- want them. Orders are pouring Jn. Breeder Hatcheries are always â- old out early. Don't take chances on ordinary chicks. Place your order NOW. Pure Bred Sussex, Large Type I..eshorns. Sussex X N^w Hamps., Sussex X L.eKhorns, Rock X I.eghorn.s, Rock X New Hamps. Barred Rock.s. Send tor lar^e fllu.<!trated Catalogue and Price List. Lakeview Poultry Farm, Weln Bros.. Exeter, OnL MONKTO.V POULTRY FARM CHICKS FOR SUCCESSâ€" When buying chicks for success you must buy chicks with breading, llvability, and with proper care you will be certain of production for profit. Monkton Poultry Farm Breeders are all Government In- aperted, banded, and blood-tested. Write for 1946 prices and Cat- alogue. MONKTO.N POULTR^r FARM.S, Monkton, Ontario. k R ASSAR D'S BIXJOD-TRSTKD chicks. Wo Bpeclalize In one breed. Hollywood Strain White Leghorns, larjre birds and chalk •white eggs. Pullets $20.00 per 100. Ulxed $10.00 per 100. $1.00 books order. Brassard's Hatchery. Aults- vllle, Ont. DROAD nnr..\sTisD siiSNR.x cox THOUSANDS AVAILABI.E WEEK- ly, If you order at once. Our Broad Breasted Sussex cox bring top prices on the market. White aklnned, Inns rounded breasts. Also New Hamp. cox with fast (rowth and feathering. Sussex X Leghorns and Rock X LeKhorns make good roasters and grow fast up to 4-6 lbs. You can buy these for $4.00 per 100. Also mix- ed heavy cox $6.00 per 100. All from our well-bred. healthy, blood tested breeders. 6000 Breed- ers on ONE plant. T^Akeview Poultry Farm. Wein Bros., Exeter, Ontario. 6rDER YOl'R .S.-C. WHITE LKO- horn day-old chicks from a breed- •r hatclinry. Stock blood tested and b.indi>d by 0. B. S. Wllf A. Glaiirr, L'linton. Out. ' 100 CHICKS FREE WITH EVIOItY OUIjEB C P 100 PUU let chicks, we give 100 free chicks (our choice). Leghorn pullets $22.95 per 100, barred Rock pul- lets $111 fl.S !.er 100. White Rock Pullets $24.95 per 100. All chicks â- old backed by high egg: pedigreed stock, $1.00 books your order, balance C.O.D. Guaranteed 100% live delivery. Kent Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario. •a FRBB CHIt;K!« OUR FOUNDATION STOCK IS registered and pedigreed birds. Nothing better In Canada. Order now. Prices for mixed baby chicks, males and females: Bar- red Rocks, iX'lM per hundred; While L.eBhorns, $11.00; White Rocks, $15.00; Brown Leghorns, $1S.00. Pullet prices: Birred Rock.i, $19.00; White Leghorns, $22.00; White Rocks, $24.00: Brown LeKhorns, $24.00. 16 free chicks, our choice, will be flven for each 200 mixed chicks order- ed and 25 free chicks for each 100 day old pullets ordered, Qoddard Chick Hatchery, Bri- tannia Helshta, Ontario. A-1 BABY CHICKS FROM BLOOD- Tested f I neks. Barred Rocks, Urge typo Wliite Leghorns, Barred Rock X Whit* Leghorns, Suusx X New I^ampshlre, Red X Rocks. Write for price list to A. H. Switzar Hatchery, Granton, Ont BARY CHICKS AND POULTS. Barred Rock and Whit* Leghorns from Government approved and bloodtested stock, all eggs set from our own itnck. Also Whits Holland and Broad Breaitsd Bronze Turksy Poults. Send (or price list. The Wright Farm, BrockvlUs, Ont THIS WILL Bit ANOTHER BIO year for poultry raisers. Britain has contractsd for ths iiins â- mount of aRgi as last year. Her* at home thare'i no reason to ez- pact a drop In consumption of either eggrs or poultry meat, a* be prepared for a good year. W* offer for February dellverf: Light Hread cockerels 1.00 per hundred, heavy breed cockerels $.75 per hundred, non-sexed heavy breeds 11.46, light and medium breeds 10.45. Send for catalogue. Top Notch Chlckerles, Quelph, Optarlo. BIiOOI) TESTKD HYURIO COCK- •reis, Rock-Hampcross, 3c each durlnr March. 100% live delivery Karantaed. Phone 502 Rtormont altry. Farm, riaeh, Ont. IIAIir CHICKS WltlTK I'OK OUR NEW 1945 PRICE li.-it on Barred Rock, Itedrock, l.otjhorn and Legrock chicks. Liberal discount on early orders. <•. s. Dcebank. Moullnettc. Ont It.O.P. SIRED LEGHORN CHICKS, Hutch off every Wedntsday. Slat- tery's Poultry Farm, Altona Kd., R.lt. 2. PICKERING, ONT. THE PROOF OF QUALITY MER- cli.'indise Is repeat business. For niiirieen years Tweddle Govern- ment Approved chicks have bees the choice of old customers year after year. It will pay to start your chicks early. You will not onl.v make extra money with e.nriy chirks but you will save money If you take them In March. .^1 nd for March pricellst today. AVe are mailing our 1945 catal- o^ucK now, If you haven't re- ceived your copy drop us a line, we will gladly send you one. Ask for our .special prices on heavy breed cockerels. Listen to our radio programme over CKNX â- VVinghnm every Monday morning at 9:30 and every Wednesday eveniMU nt 9 p.m. Tweddle Chick ITatcherlcs I^lralted, Ferg-us, Ont NKED WE REMIND TOU MARCH Is here? What that means to the poultrykeeper â€" you know. All months may be good months but If you want to catch the beat market months, order chicks now. Most breeds and crosses. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton Ontario. ORDER YOtJR J^HICKS WOW AND YOU ARE GUARANTEED your chicks for next spring when you want them. Barred Rock mixed $12.00 per 100, white leg- horns mixed $11.00 per 100. Bar- red Rork Pullets $19.00 per 100, •white leghorn pulletn $22.00 per 100. Heavy Breed Ckls. $6.00 par 100, Leghorn Ckls. $2.00 per 100. All chirks hatched from 20 oi. eggs or better and from special mated flocks. Guaranteed 100^ live delivery. $1.00 books your order, balance CO.D. Rainbow Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario. DVFIXG AJfD CLEAXINa HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for Information. Wo are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H. Parker's D.vo Works Limited, 791 Tonga Street, To- ronto. BUSINESS OrPOnXUNlTIES SMALL COM.NTRY STORE, PRB- forably with Post Office or Oea Statioji hut not essential. Full partlpulara first letter. Box 10. 7.^ Adelaide St W., Toronto, Ont IIAIRDRKSSING LEARN HAIRDRE.SSING THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Halrdres^lnB Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. FOR SALE PUPPIES INTER.NATIONAL CHAMPION SIRED PEDIGREED - REGISTERED AT WESTERN ONTARIO'S L.\UGEST REGISTERED COCKER KENNELS CEE HAZE KENNELS {REGISTERED) 209 Pracdo Place, Kiverstde ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; belts, pul- leys, brushes. Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd.. 2326 Dutferln St., To- ronto. UUHNFOUD KENNEIiJ, COCKER spaniel puppies, red and black. Choice champion registered stock. 763 Giles East, Windsor, Ont AT STUD: SPRINGER SPANIEL Imported England, Beagle hound. Field Trial Winner. Registered, Trent Valley Kennels. R. 3, Peter- boro, Ontario. HEREFORD BULLS, REUISTER- ed, coming two, good type, low set, priced right Apply A B. Nokes, Manilla, Ont. ONTARIO GROWN 2 PURITY 1 Timothy Seed. Germlnntlon %i%. lOUc lb. Plnkerton. Bags fre*. Sold In unbroken 120 lb. bags only. Cash with order. Roy Cramm, Seed Merchant Plnkerton. ALLOWAY LODGE OFFERS CHOICE ANGUS BULLS of service- able age. Bred Heifers for Herd foundation. D. E. McEwen, R.R. 4, London, Ontario STRAWBERRY PLANTS, ASPAlt- agus, 'raspberries, peach trees, apples, pears, pluma, cherrUa, grapes, currants, abruba, hedglns. shade trees, wire tr** guards. Norfolk Nursery, Slmco*. (Jntarlo. ORDER YOUR PACKAQB BEES. OR nuclei, now for May dallvery. Roa nuclei, now for May delivery. Rosevlew Apiaries, Hawkeaton*. Ontario. NEW POULTRY PICKING MA- chlne, electric motor. 60 cycles. Picks chickens, turkaya, complst*. $260. Bleury Bird Farm. Iberville, Que. I BEAGLE FOX HOUND PUPS, 5 months old, 1$" high, good strain, $1,').00 each. S. Toungr, Duke St., BowmanvltU, Ont. RAY MARE "ANNE HANOVER" 10 years. Sire Knenlga. Mark ind. Flat * .lump racer. Sound condi- tion $250. Wm. H. Chamandy. Ml I'arlaw Ave., Toronto, GLadston* FOR SALE REGISTERED, CERTIFIED AND Commercial Grain and Crass Seed. Price List now ready. Write, phone or wire for copy Newfleld Seed and Nur.'^ery Farms, Nipawin, S.i.skatcbewan. BROODER STOVES â€" USE FUEL oil or kerosene â€" no wicks. J. S. Reading, C50 Dougall Ave., Wlnd- .sor, Ont. ONE .\0. 3 MONITOR CLOVER AND Timothy Seed Cleaning Machine in good condition, complete with 60 Sections of Screens. R. Cramm, Plnkerton. Ont. LU.MBERMEN â€" LOG SCALES, handy calculator, 25 cents post- paid. The Outlook, Middleton, .Nova Scotia. REGISTERED NO. 1 KISTG GOLD SEAL HYBRID SEED CORN 89 TO 120 DAY MATURITIES, VAR- ieties suitable for both ensilage and grain, also a full line of Seed Oats. Write for price list The King Grain & Seed Co., Pain Court Ont. TWELVE EXHIBITION DAHLIAS. $2.00 delivered. American and European varieties. List ready. Harley McCombs, Fonthlll, Ont QUILTING PATCHES COTTO.VS OR SILKS BY POUND. Make fancy silk petal Cushions from Satin Patches, colors Pink. White, Blue. Wool Remnants suitable for Boys' knee pants. La- dies' handbag."!, children's skirts etf. .\lso unhlonrhed cotton. Pub- lex Sales, 377 Parliament Street Toronto. M.AMMOTH AUCTION SALE OP 1000 HORSES 1000 ExbllfitlQB Barns, Reslna, Sask. April 11, 12, 13, l»4.'i , All farm raised, well broken and In fine condition. Some fine saddle horses and drivers, plan now to attend. OMAR CRABB, ilale Mar. Box 802, Regtna, Sask. ATTENTION FARMERS WE CARRY A COMPLETE LJNH of new and used Pipe and Fit- tings, Steel Stable Posts, BolUr Tubes. Ralls, Plates, Structural Steel Pulleys. Shafting, Hangers, Belting, llachlnery, gollera, Tanks etc. We ciB saVe yoU money. Samuel Blerstock & Sons, 25.'i Palmer Ave., Kitchener, Ont. FARMS FOR SALE $8500 BRIMLEY RD. SCARBOR- ough Township, I miles from To- ronto, 24 acres, good garden land, modern stable, frame house with six large rooms, hardwood floors, running water In house and stable, heavy wiring In both, about 1 acre of good orchard, TORONTO CITY REALTY, 2810 Danforth Ave., Toronto, Ont 200 ACRES, 2i4 MILES EAST OF Dundalk, on county road, 185 acres under cultivation, over 60 acres ready for crop, good build- ings, cement stabling, water In barn, good house with furnace, farm well feneed, possession any time. WILBERT GREEN, DUN- D.'VI.K, R. 4, or Geo. Duncan, Auctioneer, Dundalk. 190 ACRES MORE OR LESS WITH or without stock and farm Im- plements, dwelling house, etc. Township of Longueuil Prescott County â€" 1 mile from Town. School, Church, elcctrii'ity, running water. Apply .Tohn K. Woods, Solicitor, _H:i vvkesbur.w r)nt. MEIIICAI. STOiMACU AND rHKiiAD VVOlt.MS often are the cause of lll-health In humans, all ages. No one Im- mune! Why not find out If this Is your trouble? tntorest:ng par- ticularsâ€"Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies. Specialists Toronto S. GOOD ADVICE! EVERY SUFFER- er of Rheumatic Pains or Neur- itis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro'3 Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM DH- stroys offensive odor Instantly, 4I)C bottle. Ot'iK-a agent, Denman Drug Store. Ottawa. IT'S IMPORTANT â€" EVERY SUF- ferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 El- gin. Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED A BODDINGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges musical Instru- ments. 111 Church, Toronto 2. OPPORTUNITIES FOB WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity, Learn Hairdreaaing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful. Marvel graduates. Amet lea's greete;;! sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue :'-"(«. Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRES.SINQ SCHOOLS 35S BLQOR W., TORyNTQ Branches: 44 King gt, Hamlltoa. & 7< P.ldean Street, Ottawa. OITOUTUMTIRS IttEN * WOMEN THE POPULAR HOSTESa serves Maxwell House.** the superbly flavored coffee-blend with aB ihe stimulating goodness af fine Latin-American cof- fees. When you buy coffee, sav "Maxwell House". 3 LOW-PRICED STOCKS with Exi-fllrnt l'rofU-BI"W»« PniiHlltilines YOUNG DAVIDSON Mines (HolllnKer Controlled) STADACONA 1944 Min«» (Ventures Jianageraent) LOCHLAND â€" PERSHINO MINES (f. P. Norrie Supervision) WESLEY T. DAVIDSON & COMPANY no Worthms Ontarla Bl<lc. S30 BAY ST., TORONTO, OUT. â€" El.eln 7663 â€" Detailed infannatloa •â-  i««BMt '^VI,' ^SHORTHAND. PURCHASE the books and train yourself Id 10 weeks. Free folder lllustratea this easy system. Cassan Systems loronto. OFFKB TO INVRKTOIIH AN OKPCJIi TO RVKIiVlVvKNTOR List of Inventions and full infor- jnallon sent free The Ramsay 171 Bank Straat, Ottawa. Canada PERSONAL. NEW DISCOVERV. TESTKD. 8AVE» ih'io gasoline, guaranteed. Send stomped envelope for Information. S. T:rr,die. Viln.-t. Alta. RIGHTEOUSNESS. JUSTICB Ai«> peace. God will establlah them soon! Write for free cop7. "TI^ Kingdom of Ood. What is Jt?* Chri.'iladPlphlan Gospel Proclam- ation, 319 North Llnsmora Cra*,, Toronto 6. "patents fethkrstonuacgh & compant Patent Solicitors. Established Booklet of Information on re- quest. PHOTOGRAPHY TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION -c, your films properly developed and printed 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE RULX£ SS« REl'RINTS i ror 25o FINEST ENLARGING SERVICB You may not get all ths films yo» want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you destra by .sending your films to IMPRRIAI. PHOTO SBiRVlCa Station J. Toronto PHOTOGRAPHY FILM DEVELOPED, 8 PRINTS, one E X 7" enlargement, lEc. Ra- prints. Including 118, Ic each. Nelson Photo Service, Sault Sts Marie. Ont. TRY CANADA'S LARGEST PHOTO FINISHING STUDIO Get better pictures at loweat cost Don't take chances with your film rolls. You can't take "snaps" over ' pI^ompt mail service Any Size Roll â€" 6 or 8 Bzposursa DEVELOPED AND PRINTBD 25e A customer In Caps Breton says. "I have been sending films to rou for 4 or 6 years. Would not sand them anywhere else." SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style Album With PrlnU sizes 16-20-127 If tSo (4c extra) Is sent with film roTl.""-^ SPECIAL PRiges ON FR.\MING aM© COLORING Enlargements 4 x <" In beautiful easel mounts, 3 for too. Framed on Ivory tinted mats, T x 9", la Gold, Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, ISte each. If enlargement colored, 79e each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Name and Address Plainly oa Orders. PIANOS IS YOUR PIANO PROBLiHM 80LV- edf If not. write us. Factory; Mason & RIsch, 642 King St. West. Toronto. SEEDS THOPvUGHLT RECLBANBD Gov- ernment graded clover aasda, Tim- othy and Cossack alfalfa. Wrlta for prices. J. E. Mulr, Ceylon, Ontario. BAXTER'S SEEDS. BETTER QUALi- ity and value. Send for CatalORua "We sell everything that grrows." 335'J Yongs Street, Toronto. PEEL SEEDS ALFALFA, ALSIKE. RED CLOVER, Sweet Clover, Mi.xed seeds, Tim- othy and grasses. Wholesale and retail. Write for prices. Paal Seed Growers Co-Operatlva Limited, Box 1100, Brampton, Ont. GIANT MARIGOLDSI 2 VARIETIES OF OUSTANDINQ MERIT Marigold Mammoth Mum. 1944 ALL AMERICA WIN- NER, large Incurved yellow flow- ers that rival the popular CHRYS- ANTHEMUM; Mayling, named aft- er Madame Chaing Kai-Shek, In- curved petals of rich golden prim- rose colour; MISSION GIANT GOLDSMITH, rich golden orangs blooms 4 to S Inches actoas. One package of each, three In all (regular SOc) for 25c. Dept. W., W. W. Hick & Son Ltd., Lindsay, Ont. WANTED LINOTYPE WANTED, NO. I OR 8 Model, give full particulars to Wilson Publishing Co., 7J Ade- lalde St. W., Toronto. SMALL BUSINESS WANTED, WITH living accommodation, anywhere * In Ontario, about (800. Box 11, 78 Adela ide W., Toronto, Ont. BALD HEAD TUMBLERS. STATU price, color, sex. Shamrock L-ofts, 9 Wiley A ve., Toronto (. ALL KINDS OF POULTRY WANT- ed, live or dressed. Wrlta H. P. Malloii. 33 Jarvis. Toronto. HELP WANTBID 160 PER MONTH FOB OBNSRAI; Domestic or helper in kitchen of Hospital to live in. Whaa apply- Ing give full particulars. Water- ford Hoapltal, Box 402, Weter- ford. Ont. YOUNG WOMAN FOR aBNBRAU housework, good wagaa, laundry sent out, evenings, two half-daya off. Small adult family. Doctor's residence. Referencaa. Apply Ad- Tertlser, 264 Sherbouma St.. To- rofito. ' CHORE MAN AROUND DAIRT °*'""' abU to dp soiqe mllklnri good hajne, ilngjf man; separata house If mattred. Ddilala Arm- strong, Bram pton, Route I. !?00g dfeNERAU SMALL FAMILT, Pioaaant surroundlo«s, goo4 wages. References requlrad. Mr% Stanley Thomson. 40( Russall HIH Road. Toronto. 195.00 REG. NURSE. OENERAU duty, liv. In. Room and Board. duties to commence at onea. When. apply ng give full particular* an* experience. Waterford UatarnltX Hospital, Box 402, Wattrtort, Oat â- 4 â- * Jk -â- * a

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