Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Aug 1943, p. 2

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An < x-cart is u familiar Mt'ht throughout the Gaspe Coast region awl it one of the unique element* f local colour to be seen in the trips to ancient Quebec. Have You Heard! Police superintendent, using telephone: "Is that Mr. Joskins peaking? Good! 1 thought I'd riny you up at once and inform you that we have found your mlnxiii).' wife." Mr. Joskins: "Have you really? What does she say?" Police superintendent: "Notri- tar!" Mr. Joskins: "Then you've Bade : mistake. The woman oaldr.'t po'sibly be my w fir." "Did you hear about Bill lotting thot?" "No how did it happen?" "Oh he just went to the hardware store and atked for two pounds of It." SAFES i . .. jour HOOKS and CASH from I'lllt: nnd i mi \.i - We I v, . /, anil type of Safe, or Cabinet, fur uoj purpone. Vlnlt . ..r .v - :, for i r . Mr. to u TAYLOR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS Mr. I'roBl 81 R, Toronto .','.!. si .-.I I-'." ITCH STOPPER in a Jifft/ Of Money Gi-k ,,u> k rflirf from itrhinf nfceumi. pimpUi, Mb- .f..,i Kiln, vabira. rhriul . itlin riirr nail; akin inniblrt. UK tl-ai1in, conlinf, ami- '|i.iil l. t). D. PrMcrilltion. I .ir.i"lr-. i Sootlit* irritation and quirk)? atotii inu-ma 7 - i, i .. I l*,l I It iworet it, i>r mon< luck . Aak iii.fi todar for UJJU. FH ESCRUTIOJt Lawyer (slyly) : "As a matter of fact you were scared half to death and don't know whether It was an automoble or just some- thing resembling an automobile that struck you do you?" Defendant (calmly): "May I say I was forcibly struck by the resemblance?" " I li n. r. pleaste, how 1 should go about getting * tart in the great game of businefts?" "Sell your wrUt watch, nd buy an alarm clock." Subaltern: "I've been trying to see you for the last week, ir, but you've always been busy. When can I see you?'' Colonel: "Well, I suRKest you make a date with my secretary and . . ." Subaltern: "I did, sir, and we had a swell time, but I still want to see you, sir." "Can't tli: i cac be settled out of court?" "Well, your honor, that's what we were doin', when the cops came along." Woman on telephone: "I sent my little boy to your store for two pounds of plums and I got only a pound and a half. Your icales must be wrong." Fruit dealer: "My scales are all right, madam. Have y u weighed your little boy?"' Young and Inexperienced father (looking at triplet* the nurte had just brought out): "We'll take the .,. in i.'.r middle." Fuehrer's Fire Girl Hitler, who once said the duty of women of the Reich wa olely to bear children to grow up and become Nazis, hns evi- dently changed hw mind. Here a German girl helps a firiman with a hose as manpower shortage forces N T nzis to recruit more m) moi-R women for heavy jobs. THE NEIGHBORHOOD LEAGUE Sr GLUYAS WttLIAMS MOTHER ON 6UflRP IN "THE Ny.f ROOM 1b Sll NOfHlN6 INTERFERE? WrfH HIS TRACK 1^6, EPDlE ER MAM6EP 1b ?A5S Ollf SUNDRV IfO!^ OF Rft&EPAU EQUIPMENT THT fHE T^M NEEPEP TOR THE 6AME, WITHOUT MSSM A WE (OR,W IEK>T. NO MORE -MAN NORMAL) -ift- 4 J \t,-*~ > n. Many specimens of goby, on* of the smallest specie* of fish, live their entire lives inside sponges and larger fish. SOLDIERS, RUB OUT TIRED ACHif LADY HUNTER FEMALE PILLS For PainJul and Delayed Period*, Extra Strength, $2.00 PHONE LL. 3600 For City Delivery SKY'S DRUG STORE 1981 Davenport Road (Corner Uxbridge Ave.) TORONTO Relieves distress from MONTHLYs FEMALE WEAKNESS I. MIL E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound not only helps relieve monthly pain but also weak, nerv- ous feelings due to monthly func- tional disturbances. It helps build up resistance against distress of "diffi- cult days." Made lu Canada. Hou; Can 111 By Anne Ashley. Q. How can I clean ok fur- niture? A. For oak or walnut furni- ture, wipe with cheesecloth wrunj; out of tepid suds of white naph- tha soap. Clear but a small por- tion at a time and rub dry with a flannel cloth before going on. Finish by applying a little high grade furniture polish on a clean piece of flannel, and rubbing until the wood no longer feels greasy. Q. How can I remove diecoior- ations from the inside of an alum- inum kettle? A. Cut a piece of rhubarb into small pieces and boil it in the discolored utensils until clean; then rub up a little for polish. Apple peelings are also good. Q. How can I remove the odor of smoke from a room? A. Put a basin of water in the room, leave overnight and keep a window slightly open. The air will be sweet by morning. Q. How can I whiten yellowed laces? A. Add dissolved soap to equal parts of milk and water until a strong suds is formed. Add a teaspoon ful of borax for each quart of liquid, p..; in the lace HIII! boil for a half hour. Q. How can I remove white pots from mahogany furniture caused by hot dishes? A. Put a few drops of >weet or camphorated oil over them and let it soak in, then polish with a' oft cloth. COUNT IN? Count Dino Grandi, above, one of Mu&solini's original black shirts and a former Italian for- eign minister, is rumored .- a luceessor to Railo^lio If latter quits the premiership. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS AITOMOHII.KS IJSIOII US1CD CAHS U'lTH cAJOD TIliKS. See us first. Mount Pleasant Mo- tors Limited. Used Oar Lot nt 11,40 Vonsre .Street; Head OHi.-e. (32 Mount i'ii.-a. :,i.t Road. To- ronto. Telephone MY. 2181. AUTO PART!) NEW AND USED PARTS KOR ALL mi. 1. 1 1 of cars and trucks. Com- plete automobile machine shoo service. General Auto Supply. 12 Frederick St., Kitchener. Ontario. HAIIV CHICKS FJIKK RAM; K ITM..KTS M.\MY in. . .i-. find HKt'.**. Send for full part Irularw, alwo Btarttul chicks two and three weeks old. Fre nitiiloiiue. Twcddle 'h . Hutch- 'rl s l.id.. Ker^us, Ontario. \\nri-K I,KI;IIUHN ITI.I.KTS, TWO ivciks 1'dr. 3 wi'i'Us 'I'M, 4 weeks Slli'. Qoddard I'hiuk JIntchertes. llrltiuinia UtiKhls, Out. \\\-\ \VII.I. ll.\\ K I'MICKS KOU |iiiii|it sliiiimcni riKht throiiKh August; mder what ynu need to iii'i 1 A'ou throUKli 'hi- st-n.Hoii. Some Htnrt(><l also, itnniodiatr delivery. Hray Hatchi<ry. 130 John N.. Ham- ilton, Out. mi INI. & < 1.1 \\i\i. HAVIO YUU ANY'JlllNU NEEDS dyeing, or cleanlnc? Write to us for inform. num. We nro Klad to nii'wtr your <iuestions. Depart- inciil 11, I'nrkcr'n Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonse Street. To- ronto. roll SAI.K TIIHKSIll.Ni; OUTI-MT KOR SAI.K. Hill Heiuirntor, Itumely eiminr. Apply to I. G. Uniller. I'latts- vill<>, Ontario. t>l K TO I.AIJOU i-ONIMf IONS WF: am lur.-iil t<i ili.-posu of 103 or more f our i'ct;isti>ru(l I'alomino mill Tennessee Walking horses InrliulittK pleasure horses, brood iiiMrev, stall!on, yfarlnm.H and su'-Klum ruliK of prand champion lilntifl lints. SIMII! for our ilrscrlp- tivi- prici- list. h'ISIl Kit I'ALOM- l.VU l.'MtMS. Suml, it, in, IVnnsyl- vania. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS i SOMI-: liKH'i-: ^l>l NI; i:i-:i:isTKit- Ksliirn MI\VM In^l lind. nnd i-holc-i- yoiinn Ko^i.stered ah. nit rc.-ul.v for M-rviro. iii i. ni.;, i; it. i!. Aurora, I VttM I . i i I ,l \ I .'i i ' VSi: Tit M'TOI;. l.ll Ul'MLHV li.-i.lin. '.'ti-L'.' \Vatfi-loo Steam; IK-L'li \Vitti-i-loo Sti-ain: 3L'-5U \\ Inn- Si-pa i .ilor. L'S-;,ll While Sr|,.-,i.iii.i- n uyii i i ::.:- i., \\ au-r- lon Si-parutiii : -S I:' \\.il, -rloo S. p!irillor (Cuili r); 32-0(1 Hi-ll Si parntoi- (t.'utliM-) . Fiamc barn (Kolvanlied i>,,>rt. i:, ,,.- s. Smith. Din ham. 1IMII IIAI.M IIAI MIOKKA 1,'illlf oti.iua iiKc turi!. Oltnwu. HALM doalroy* ln':)-inih, <."u- lienmnn TO ACH10S. I>OT 18. CONi'ESSlON 8, DarllnKton. Oshawa 7 milf. New house, tfood wnter, si.im- bush. Box 47C. IIuntsvlHe, Or.t. FOH SALK 1UO AOItKS UOOIJ CLAY loam Mariposu Tuwnship, 1 ^ mile from nc-hool eood wati-r supply frame house, two KO<H' burn., Kood utaljlintr. Supply of kay and straw. Apply u. M. Di.\i>u, Woodvlll*. Ontario, U.K. 1. KI:KI. noun \\A.\ri:o MA1M.1-'. BIKCM A N 1> MIXKU cordwood. I'Mrst or second ^rowtli. AI.MI Millwood. State full partiou- larM and lowe.st pricfB. Walter SchlcsH. 19 Mt-llnda St., Toronto. IIAIKUIIKSSING ^i II. Mil, LKAUN HAIHUHESSIN(i THE Hobertson method Information on request regarding classes. Hobertson's HalrdresKim; Acad- my, 137 Avenue Iloud, Toronto. MACIUM'.HY FOR SAI.K 1 ADVAXCK-Kl'MKLY Oil I'ull, opi-rutos on fuel oil. .Muiinti-il on traction wheels and KroiiMiTs Hood 'ondltlon. Immed- iate di'li\ i-i-y. Kilm 1'aving Co. Ltd.. Itox 3tl, Oakville, Out. Ml I.I. (I POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Danish Hhe Tornu-iit tit I'ry I:,. :i in i. l;.i- In- anil \\iepint; Skin Troubles. I'ost's ICc-zi-nui Salve Will Not Ui- .ippolll t You. Hi'li.iiy. Soulinu, lIuriiiiiK Ke- zeina, Acne. Uiiinwurni, I'lniplea and Athlete's l''oot ivlll raapoild readily to thin tiaiiili'.ss, uliir- l,--s iiinimi'iit, ft na:'ilK".s >'f hnw ItUbbQru or ln.p,-|. -s ilii-.v may Main, IMtlCE $1 i,U I'l.T! JAIl Si nt IM,~I I'll i' on ,-.f -,.,|ii ,,r pri.-e POST'S REMEDIES SMt \'iif ii Si i;. vMiicr of l.oy.ni TORONTO MI:IIU XL, . i;i-:.\n:i^ ! - i>i: \!:i;itrr- is and Ivlii-iim: . I ir I'.nn.-. Tluui.^- mills satisllril. .Mllllio'.-. I>1' UK' Store, ::::.', umin, OK.IHU. I'ost- |, nl ;l.iiii. I'Vl't: > i-s FBTHEHHTONHAfQH *i COMI-ANV r. in-lit s.iin-iioi-s. (: i .- iiii- tn-ii IS'.'r. I I iv!i \, , r,, ,. ..... 1 Ii.t.l. l,'l ol I I- . .,' In.. I : I! ,ili i . III (Vylon liu-i-c Mft "'J-l r>ir.\l schools v\hcr,', li"-d,'s tin- ordi- nary school s'lh.'i'c'.s, the chlldri i nrc tau)'.!it |ir.-"i -a! a .1 ;-i.l.i:i\-. 11 ,-IK i.,..i eorpi Modern Etiquette By Roberta l-ee 1. What are the principal duties of the best man at a wed- ding ceremony? 2. How can an unmarried woman, living in a hotel, return the hospitality shown her by mar- ried friends who have entertained her? 3. Is it permissible to eat the lettuce on which a salad is served? 4. What is the correct way to hold a coffee cup in the band? 6. How far under the table should the chairs be pushed, when placing them for a dinner? 6. Should a secretary rise when an employer Introduces her to a business visitor? ANSWERS 1. The best man looks after the groom, generally driving him to the church. He takes care of the ring, giving it to the groom at the proper moment. He gives the clergyman his fee, and takes care of any tips incidental to the go- ing away, being, of course, reim- bursed by the groom at a con- venient time. 2. By taking them to dinner at the hotel or restau- rant. 3. Yes, if you wish. It is entirely optional. 4. The handle of the cup should be held by the thumb and first two fingers, the other two fingers being bent lightly towards the palm of the hand. -6. The front edge of the chair should be on a perpendic- ular line with the edge of the table. 6. Yw, if the secrtary is a nan; if a girl, no. Roll your owners! Go for Ogden's The Pony Express, in ths old days, of the West, ca.-'iod essential messages . . . He'o is one for you : For complete smok- ing satisfaction fallow the example of the olcltimers a"ci go for Ogden's a distinctive b'end. of choicer, riper tooaccos. Ogden's quality tot pip imolcen, too, in Ogden's Cut Plug a den's V FINE CUT 75 9c of the houses in-Valotta, the capital of Malta, have : ieen destroyed by air raids. 3 Pad* only 10' CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS I'lIUTOUKAI-HV DONT TRUDGE THROUGH Tke Heal. Rain, or Hall HAVE YOUR SNAPS Delivered by Hall Any 6 or (J exposure film perfectly developed and printed for only Die. Supreme quality and fast service (uaronteed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J. I'oi -rito PHOTOGRAPHY "I AM VERY PLEASED WITH YOUR PROMPT SERVICE . ." . . writes a customer at Water, N.S., who adds:*"! have told many friends about your service and 1 know that from now on you will ,.-t films from them for de- veloping .'Ml printing." Letters like this from all parts of Canada tell how well pleased customers are with -nir -.mi, o, ,.i ServU-e. Any Sixe Holl C or 8 Exposures. i i> AXU Boys and girls on active service enjoy letteru so much more when "simps" ure enclosed. You, too, will ^et better results from your camera if you mail your film rolls to Star >nii|>liot Srr\lre to be developed and printed. You'll set finer quality, sharper prints at lowest cost. And you will Kct the promptest service obtainable by mail in Keeping with >iuulity work. Ma, I us u roll for, trial. 3 MltrVI'KU KM.AIUifcMK.Vrs '.'.%. s .-I- 4 x ii in Itfuuu t ul h.i-i-l Mounts. Vou can have i M larui-niiMitH colour- til in hand (or a small additional char (, STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE llo\ i" :'. I'OMtal rrriniiial A. 'rtiruntu I'rint >our name and uddrv3 plainly on nil orders. FILMS DEVELOPED 25c COIN Two pi nils fioin each nvcalive. lt- _pi'ints :'c t-aih .Montreal 1'hotu. I'') Uo\ Hiu, Si all, ,n !'. Miiiitri'al. LKNI'Dl: TAIil. I : r l,'S, H AH.MI.DSS uml i-i;,'-ti\i. j i 1 1 wo i<iks - MIII- pl> ) :il all ill u; gists, ,ir |I,'-IIMK| llntn .Maltlfcv l:r,,;,. i 11,,, MI, 'l',i- niiito. Out. \Vl-: ll.WK r.l'Vl-;i:s w.MTINC! fur ' 'hi. K, n l-'.-i - in- . M.ti Ui ; ilar- ili-n- .MI,! luwii (,i- villa^,' housi-s in .'ill iiarls ,,f 1'rm mi , Sfllll lull parucularfl in -onfuli-iH-,' at i>! ..... . \\ iniUi' no i-h.-, ri; i. unless wo Ml). Piitti'll and 1'iiiiipaiiy 5 St. i'1-iii- l-:.-ist. Tor, .in. i Fii tin m ri:-\i'-i''ii! i-.Mfr.x N K \v AND i -<l lui 'ill nial.-i's of tinoiura ll-.'liotal A lit i .1:1,1 I', n I ,i Simply. 1.1 l''i I'dcricli Si Kii.'hi'iii i nut ft vnr.ri s n i'i:iMci!''::i \\'<;<I;A iii'i'KH l.ir If. M "" ii Anna 'I i - Aylmer, I; I!. 2, Cmmrli,. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 1 M'l \\ IHM STOMACH AND THREAD WOKMS often are the cause of Ill-health In humans all ages. No one Im- mune! Why not find out If thli Is your trouble? Interesting pur- tlculars Free! Write Mulvency'B Remedies. Specialists. Toronto S. Ont. __ TOBACCO 1-POfND SAMTLI; r.\cK.\...i:: vnt- Kinia. Burley, Zinimer .r I Prior leaf tobacco, with reci;);* and flavoring, $3 postpaid. P-ithven. Tobacco Kxchangt, Kutliv !, Out. Kill-HMATIC P. *.!>< REAH THIS EVKIiY .SITI 'J OliKTt of Rheumatic Pain? or NfUrllls should try Dixon's Hi in,-! Mtin- ro'fi DI-UK Store. 331 Kli'Ti. Ot- tawa. Postpaid Jl.lir. TEACHERS WANTED BETHANY; WA.NTKi'. I'l'.C'TIWT- ant teacher for Public iichool Section Eleven. Township of Manvers, County of Uurham. Du- ties to commence -Septemb-'t first. Apply, atutlny certificate mid salary expected, to U. M. T. Li;iv- 1s. Secretary, Uethuny, R.lt. No. ii, Ontario. PHOTKSTANT TKACHKR Vr'anted. S.S. No. 6 Hay. .Salary $!.'. <.<(!. 11 pupils. Apply Jacub M. ciingc- rich, 1!. No. 3. Zurich. Ont. TKACHEK 1-X'U S.S. No. U LuncasUr, <.-apa!->!o of, tc.ichitiK Eiiivllsh iitiil i-'ri'iirh. salary Jl.utlii J. V. Uaker, Scc.- T'cas.. I'.illnuis.e Mills, Out. \VA.NTKD A 11 1 LI . Ni.il.' A L Fl! ICiiKlish male, teacher lui I'mli'*- tant church school. Apply Kc-v. Allan S. Heid. 34SO McTuvish St., Montreal. for S.S. No. 1. South worth !ind Mailman distriit uf Kdivi-i. Slate salary i-xpcclcd: ilutica to tum- miin.-t> Sept. first. Apply to H. Zoccolc, Secretary, Could of Tuis- li-cs. ninorwic, Oiu, i-fiiuires teacher for junior rnoin, Vradc-s 1 to J, iMinaiicii, -:i;s Scp- ti-inbi-r. Salary J!i"U.iU aiul bonua ?l"il.UU. H. VV. liood fellow, Sec.- 'rrou-* ijl ALI I-'IH1> I'lJi )'l'i:.-'r \\T Ti-.n-li- il I in S.S. No. .'i, ' .ilalii.-; C :-ial- ai\ Sll.'i(i. Aiit>l.\ t,, Mr- iim,loii SfoU^hlon, l.':i l.ihnt i-. l.Jnt. w.\.vri-;i)- TI-: \<-III:K i.-i>!: s.K. No. ^ AiililYy. Stufi ijll.,!':' .-,'IiiillK. Salary J'.MMI fm <nialifii>d ti-nchCT. 1C. f. (!i iffiths. Oxilrift. (.nit. KI.S.1S I'l III.IC Si'HOOl, i ,.-;ll!l'5S li-:,i'lni. Salary sl.uui). Alli-nd- ii, - II I, nint, ini.i rtiT.i pruvld- ed. Apply .\i<i>un i;i.-i/.. >-i, Secretary, I.I. ill . Ontario. Tm\-\sini' .si'iiuoi. AISKA ;.ui;'rii Hurl- inli anil AII-I i ui!i, , . ivio.r- iin, "nii Ciuiiii > , ii miii.., i'\|ii-i - ! -nri ,1 I, ai-hi'i-s ill !, S>-|II,.>|H Kiliiiiicil mi hii-.liu.,v. -mall iil- ti inl.i i linn. Salnr.N Jl, 1:1'. |i'lt-Ht lust oei ilfic.ii .- i i. '< ,r,.,|. Write , - ''. A. u. .So-n .-, A; :}-. t>n- lario.

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