SHELL GAME ON ATTU ti-.e fasf -tiring crew of a I". S. Army field piece popping away at Japs on A tin Island keeps the ariiiv.Lnition oearers busy passing. up "refills." At left the bearers are unpacking shells, while th pile of empty shell cases in the foreground tells its own story of headache* for the Nips. Have You Heard! Two Scotsmen were discussing the domestic unhappiness of a mutiiai friend. "Aye, aye," Jaid one, "Jnmie ThoniJsoi. has a *air time w.' that wife o' his." "What ele can ye expect'"' MiC The other scornfully. "The puir :re.;ure marit after coortin' for f>r,.\- j~even years., he had nae ei.;.T.;e to ken the woman in ic a snoit time. When I was ooort.i:.' I coorted for 20 years. ' Ar. a.' ..fid listener to this con- vers& ventured to ask if thil long I'o-rtship had ensured con- nub jfc": : .-s, whereupon- the old eotemai: replied: "I ti'.l ye I coorted for 20 year an*, .r. that time I kent what woman. < as, a-vi so I didna marry.' 1 Farmer: "I've never een luch a icaion. My corn isn't an inch high." Neighbor: "An inch 7 WKjr ttr parrows have to kneel down to eat mine.'* A .* tioy in school refund to *w. thinking it beneath the dig- nity <vf a 10-year-old man. ? Washington sewed," aid tix principal, "taking it for granted that a soldier must; and do yy\: consider yourself better h*r George Washington'.'" "I don't know; time will tell," aid the Hoy seriously. Foreman: "Now, Murphy, what about carrying torn* brick*." Murphy: "1 ain't feelin* well, guvnor. I'm trernblin' all over." Foreman: "Well, then, get buiv with the >ieve." A Chinese recruit being ex- o by an Knilish officer was h's name. "S"oeze." he replied. T* it ,e officer was unconvinc- ed arc a^ked for an explanation. "M very intelligent." the Chinese said. "Me. translate into >ur language my i-.anie Ati "Soanto is ona of those fellows who hat more money than braini, if ha not?" itk<i Brown of his friend, Black. "Yes: and he ii not rich either." replied Black. Magistrate: "You're a danger to pedestrians. You're not allow- ed to drive for two years." Defendant: "But, sir, my living depends on it."*rvate: "So does theirs." Mike: "I haven't -n my Uncle Pat for 10 year*. Tell me what he't been doing all that time." Ike: "Ten yean." Soldiers Like Radio News Minus Frills There is a radio here, too, rlte Quontin Reynolds in Col- ller'e from U. S. Air liase in -'s Although tlio boys get no rs they are strangely apathetic toward our American nwe .'oinineiitators and shouts ot' "Take him off" usually greet the pontifical tores of some men to whom millions of you at home listen intently. The boys seem to prefer the BEC, which merely oroa<ii*.ta the communiques with- out comment. MALE HELP WANTED Linotype Operators and Com- positors apply to your nearest Employment and Selective Ser- vice Office. RKr'KU TO F11.K No. R0675. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. If an invitation is received the phone or verbally, may one say that he will let the other person know later whether he can accept'.' 2. Js it correct to have a wife' card appear on the letter box of an apartment? 3. What is the correct wuy to hold a glass in the hand? 4. If one wishes to attract the attention of an acquaintance who is standing near, should he uo so by touching him'.' a. Which is the. larger of the two, the dinner plate or the serv- ice plate? 6. What is che customary way to mark the bride's wedding ring? ANSWERS 1. No; in this instance uo .-otiie quick thinking:, and give an an- swer one way or the other. 2. It is customary for thj husband's card to be placed in the space provided for this purpose. 3. The class should be held slightly be- low the centre, with the thumb and first two fingers. 4. No; many persons resent this. Merely call his name. 5. The service plate is usually one or two inches larjier in diameter than the din- ner plate. (>. With the initials of both the bride and bridegroom and the month, day and year of the wedding:. Substitutes Found For Manila Fiber Hops May Be Mads From Jute, Cotton, Hemp, Nylon Along with siik, camphor, ruij- her, and other items, matula fiber, best of rope-making materials, be included in the list of Japan-caused shortage*. Hope, moreover, ia quite an im- i' article. Without rope, tugboats couldn't p4y then trad; tiiercliant ships and war vi-sseli couldn't sail; ranyera wouUl have to do without scaling nets. eu. Perhaps next beat on the list of ropa fibers, is the sisal, ar a;rve, which may be obtained from Afrii-a. Another agave, henequen (principally ustd in binder twine), is o-btainabia from Mexico and Cuba. This sisal rope ia only about 75 per cent, aa strong, gizs for sue. as rope made from nianila fiber. VIene<iueu rope has only about 60 per cent, of the sttenirth of -MI ,1.1. 185,000 Acres In Hemp Hope also may b made from such fibers as jute, cotton, and hiMup. Hemp ia a familiar rope fiber. The old sailing vessels, be- f'>ro the introduction of inanila to this country in 18^0, were hemp- rope equipped. And hemp will soon be a real addition to the domestic rope fiber supply. Phi* spring 185.000 acres of Corn Belt land are to bo planted in hemp for fiber, and 50,000 acres, more for seed. And in 1940 the entire li..>mp acreage in the United States wad less than 2.000 acres. Various other natural fibers axe being- experimented with for cord- iiirv. Anioiijf these may be mcn- tioned the yucca, *crub palmetto, and such plants as caroa of Brazil, fiijue- of Colombia, ami malva blaiica of Cuba. Nylon Too Covtly Not all rope fibers are obtained from plants. Rope spun from man- made nylon fibers ia proving in- valuable for irlider tow-ropes and lias been an important factor in making practicable the flying pick- up of motorless craft. At present tha matter of cost stands in the way of the general use of nylon fibers for rope, but it i thouarht that the cost niay drop consider- ably under <|iiantity 'iroduction. Resep.rchers are also experi- menting with other substances from which rope can be made, and viscose and acetate rayon fibers show promise. WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING WOOD OF GROWING TREES CAN BE DYED The. staining and dyeing of finished lumber ia a process Tn which, in most cases, thi color does not extend very deeply into the body ot the wood, write* W. P. Keasbey in The Christian Science Monitor. An experimenter, however, claims to have developed a means of coloring the wood of living .rees in auch fashion that when the treated trees later ar felled and sawed into lumber, the wood thus obtained will b uniformly and beautifully colored froi-i heart to bark. The color thus introduced into the ttiM-1 i- <aid to be practically indelible, beintr resistant to the bleaching action either of acid or t> f water. Tins inventor of the process maintains also that the uw of dy does not injure the tree. '!'!> trees dyed experimentally Incl : ie small beech, birch, and maple trees. The treatment in- H first, the borinir of several holes at the base of the trunk. Next, the holes are fitted with hung from the tree branchr.i .i:l serving as reservoirs for the dye. The liquid flows through th tube* :\v gravity into the holea in the trunk, where it mingles with the circulating sap of the wee. The iiMVi-ment of the sap carrie* the coloring matter I the composi- tion of which is kept secret by the inventor I to every part of tha tree. The tune required to com- plete the dyeing process ia given as two days for small trees and four days or more for larger one*. By means of this dyeing system, natural wt>ol ha* been colored lavender, blue, yellow, and or- ani;e. Test* indicate that dye- treated treea have harder wood than untreated tiees of the same- variety, which, for some wood- working purposes, may be an ad- vantajrr. This new dyed wood has been made into colored umbrella han- dles, candlesticks, buttons, etc. These products neeii no staining or paintinsr on'y polishing. How Can 111 By Anne Ashiay RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE TORTURE QUICKLY RELIEVED It jou are troubUd with Itching piles ui rectal soreneae, du not delay treatment and run th nsk ot lettlnfl this t-onditloD become chronic. Any Itching IT soreness or painful pass- ate* of stool Is nature'! warning and proper treatment shou d be secured at one? For thla purpose get a package of Hem-Hold from miy druggist and usa as directed. This formula which is used Internally Is a small, easy to take tablet, will quickly rehi-vti trie itching and soreness and alii in Ueailng the sore tender spots. Hom-ltoiJ Is pleasant to use. Is highly recommended and It seems ih* h?!gh: of folly for any ono to risk a painful and chronic pile condition when such a fine remedy in iy b had at such a small cost. If you try Hero-Hold and are Dot entirely pleased with the results, your ilrusRist will gladly return vour nioni-v -AGE WOMEN HEED THIS ADVICE!! If you're cross, restless, NERVOUS suffer hot tlnshcs. dizziness en used by this period in a woman's life trv Lydla . Plukhiim's Vegetable Compound. Made especially for iromi-Fi. Hundreds of tnounsnds re- mnikably helped. Follow label dlrec- : i 1 :' .. Made lu Cnuadn. HOW CAN I? Q. How can I pres^rva a thermot bottle when storing it? A. Do not put the therruoi bot- tle away with the cork inserted, aa the bottle will become musty. Keep the cork elsewhere, but do not forget the location when the bottle ia again required. Q. How can I keep the bathroom disinfected? A. When cleaning clie bathroom add a few drops of disinfectant to Hie water. Itwill give the room a clean smell and will kill any germs that may be In the bowla. Q. How can I easily stem straw- berries* A. It la much easier to stem trawberrie/9, raspberries, or any other kind. If tha berries art poured out on a ta-ble, or other flat surface. O. How should blankets b laundered? A. Do not handle blaukdti roughly when wishing tiiem. Allow the water to soak through 'ham, then pat or sque&ze until saturated with water, and use the same method for drying. This will keep the fibers soft. Q. How can I keep -inn from losiiie its shape wheu boiling; It? A. Place a wire rack in che kettle tn which the fish is 10 be bailed, plac the fish carefully on the rack, and U will aToid tha necessity of wrapping It in cheesecloth to retain ' shape. Picob IT DOES TASTE GOOD IN A PIPE I GROWN IN SUNNY, SOUTHERN ONTARIO Nazi 'Blonde' Shot Down In Bomber Food For TunU The first train carrying food for civilian* of Tunia sine* the Axia defeat arrived in that capital of Tunisia recently amid cheers from crowds gathered at tha sta- tion. The cars were draped with flags of the Allied nations. The city was .tripped of food by the Germans. Because serious sabotage re- ulte<i. Uermany has stopped the use of prisoners of war ir load- ing railway cars and ships. A story of girl gunners in Nazi bombers is being told by Ameri- can, soldiers wounded in Tunisia. "One of the girl (runners shot down near us," aaid Sergeant Vic- tor R. Woodward, of Seymour, Ind., "was a very pretty blonde. Girla are small enough to fit int# the tail position of German bomb- ers, and there is no reason why they can't shoot as well as men. Faint brush bristles for essen- tial war purpose* come from China, and are flown out of that country by returning Allied fliers. PELANGIO LAR-ADD MOOSEWOOD EASTWARD SHELDON Bought, Sold and Quoted Unlisted Mining D-.r C. C. FIELDS & CO. Members Toronto Stock Exchange 200 8AV ST. TORONTO WA. 4731 TORONTO CITY POLICE FORCE TEMPORARY CONSTABLES WANTED Agea 29 years and over; Married; Ph.-x-aliy fit; at least 5" 9" in stocking feet; 160 Iba.; of good ch.iracter ar.d fair education. To be available for appointment imi: < iatfly. Uniform clothing lupplied. Apply Nearest Employment and Selective Service Office Refer to File RO-591 CLASSIFIED ADVEBTiSlMENTS n.t.vr* w \Nrt;ii IF YIII i: lirSBAN!' IS ut.: . .' '. fjr boiidii in : : rant to h'up f-irti b>idx?l .iis.l '-in 'levoto u faw spare hoars d:iily tj a pusi- tlon with <ood p.iy. -.vr'.'e Av^n Proi'i.-< at i'i::ij.i. !..m!td. li)15 St. iV>\:itidar it . M jiiLreal. Que. At TOMOBII.ES I'SED CSEJi I'AI'.S \V!TH UOOD TIRES S. - :: t ' , s* V < :! ':' >ts:iMt M.'- tors Limited. t's^J i"ar Lx>t at 2040 \ i'tiK6 Street: Head Office. 63" M u:r. P!eH".irr Rond. To- rontx Telephone HY SHI. AtTO PAUT9 HEW XV P I'SED PARTS TOR AM. makes of r.irs and trucks. i">m- plete a\r unjbiltf machine shop servi.-e i;...ncrnl Auto Supply. It Kr-.|er:.-k S' . 1C h. - . iintarlo. IIIUY Clllt KS HTUKIUS KOR liXTI'.A VIUOL'H alHo popular purebreds. Cornpidte list, all ags. F!i!r%-iew rTarras. St_ Marys, Ontario. CHK'KS VVKLJ^BOl'iJIIT I.KS.SKN nsk<. V !'t of tlie things that can happen to fhii-kn t)'w.>^n hatrhini; and prodiieinir would fill i i sized book That'i why It Is the height of ool fiiiltcm^nt t i< i't with ohiik of known b: .!-: .-hicks fiat ir >;ur- an' ..... 1 t,i re.ich ymi fiill of Hfe brlttht a. 'tive and l-.-ilthr rendy to thrive from th f'rM day on. The iiuallty of Tweti.ile ohli-ks has been know:: in i ' UIH Jm for a fifth of a century. They'ra from Government Appr.n.vl. blood- tested an.-es' <;s. \Y are (till able t> supply day '>il '-hicks and older pullets <o.-k"i-els for roent proilu.-tlon :ii:J line, l-Mic -all the most popular K r.>. l> nn<l cr-jss- i>ree,ls all at prices that permit fair profits. \V- .-in dve immi1- iate .|elf,Vely oil Wh:t l,e-horn.s, White I.eKh.irn X Rarred Rocks. \Vh-e Rock X Wh'te Leiihorns ami inatiy other pur breeds ind hybriils. Send y uir ,'t-.|er today. Twed.ll.. I'hl.-k Hatcl er I.ltn- Itcil. Kel'Klls. Ol:' DON'T ITT OFF YOl'R Sl'MMKIt Hrny order for '-hlrks. coclcerels. pullets. A few late June chicks available "The L'-Hoiir Poultry Short i\"ir*>.>" !< iom>>trilnar you should h.ive, It's free. Pray Hsti-hery. 130 John V. u v : itnm ~MNI. -i rt<<> L E A H N HAIRDKESSIXO THI Robertson method. Inform on request regarding <-!>> Robertson'! Ha'rdressing A. . 1 emy. 137 .\vunu* Road. T LIVESTOCK KKMLIMKS RED Bi A 10 D vJL'lOKLV atop Whits diarrhoea tn chick* Turkey poults, also calf icouri- and [i . :; ours, coati > chick lo pouit. l"c pig-. 5i<c calf. Trla .tain;; Ji.'JO; guaranteed riwultt or nioiiny bu>jk. R. A. Finn % Co. On'.a.-u. HBDICAJL ALVli-K: KVKRV 3UFk'h!K er of Khumu':e Falna or ,Nu I tin sliuii.d ; r> Dixon 's Kme.i Mu:in< a Oru ; S'. ire, U35 Bljt OlmwH. ('.is; paid (1 J" VU>It.O STVdO.MHMY STAMI'K!' \\ '.TH YOUK NAMB OR moil '->-': njii 1:1 ^i'ij. 24 9hU und H en\ i?I'jpi;3. i.'huioa of WUITK. BLUE vir <REY pay..T Trani- *.'aimda Mill Order Box J6J Sta- tion H Montreal. Coatpali Tie box. "WORK IS UNEXCELLED- SAYS BRITISH AIRMAN v rlc li - I by any t -..raj. and ott .ire the .:i---i 'I'll-,!! a '. ' j >;re*t i in 1 .in :h I' !. Your i ur.hen :>>." Thle -er . j Itmr *aa- -:>m oirvlre :ir:i fr ^m i Britlaa .-! in i"- YOU ANYTHING; dyeitid or cleaning? \Vrile to us for Information. We are ulad ti answer your question* depart- ment H. Parker's 1 'vo \Vorks LJmltpd. 791 Y,'?n:o sv-eet. To- ronto. KEATHKIt* W A XT BO WIIJ, 1 A Y THE KOUX> WIN'O prices for Uoose and Dink fe-ilh- ers Ciooiie fenthors. (!<c Ib. : DUCh fmilhers. 4So Ib. t'anada Comfort- er i\>. Limited. 7M ,<t.> Ti'imnti). Om. _ . MOI WANTKI) WANTKIi. S.MAM. FARM (IN LAKE front, suitable for summer camp. bout thousand Jollnn. Wtn. Campbell. lt Ave.. To- ronto. K1IOT HALM BAT.MKKKA FOOT HAI^M destroys offanslvo odor instnntly. 45c bottle. Ottawa nuent. Uenraun DniR S;oro. Ott.iwM. II VIK l.tlllll-* Only firm in (." inanufac t uiiinz Indies' an. I u-entlelnen's hair i:o,>d- oxcluslvcly. Write us for pniiioii- la rs. III i l ^ H VIK 1. 1 HI ii -'.-.> \llnKf t. I Mr, nil .. 11,1: .,.., ISSUE No. 2543 M ut; ilRAHfATK NL'KSt;.S FOR TU- berculoill sanatorium of TOO beda. Oojil sMlsr.v with full mainten- ance. Kxi-aliunt living quartvra. 8tat previous exper! -no*, ac* tc. Adilri'Mi Application to Mlu B. ]&w.irt. -^ i,'r !- Isnl of Nuri>-. Mountain sanatorium. Kami;:, HI. iitr.arlo. 1 Vl'KWOHM STOMACH ANP THREAD WORMS often are !h cause of Ill-health In humans all ages. No one Im- mune' Why not find out If tbli la your trouble? Interesting par- tlculsrn Kr<?e! Writ? Mulvney' Remedies, tfpivisltiia, Toronto I, Unt. HATKJIT9 KETHKHSTOMI.M i;H * I'UMt'ANY Patent Solicitors. astabilah*.' ISSi): M S"i,< West. Toronto booklet of I r'f.'rm;it : ,>n on re- quest. r.i i >n.ii vi'i DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH Chv Heat. Rain, ur liill H.AVE YOUR SNAPS Ufllvered h > Mull Any 6 or H oxpo^ure rutn perfectly and pnated for only lie vjni. ... and .'is; lervlc* gtiurauteeil. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE SUuen J, I'oi.'Qlo FILMS DEVELOPED 25c COIN Two prints (rum each :-; i vi>. Ke- prin; ;c each. Moiitruul 1'tiolo. P.U. Uo.x 16", S--i;.,)ii I-', Montreal. OILS AM) I.UKASI.; ""TRACTOR OWNERS SLIM' KUK OL K N K\V l:M.I I'KtOK lint oil mis ;uid KI i ':io L'n-Upor- ativo Oil i'i.>inti:iny. 3J70 Duiidai St. W., T..;-i/iito. Hill- I M UK l'Vl>s IT'.S IMl'OltTAXT -- KVKK\ SL'K- ferer i'f Khi'innMtn: IViins or Nunti.i ulinuld try IMXHU'S Rem- *il> Milnr-.i s I'MIK Sti'fi.'. ;I3J Hi- Rill, Ot'.'iw.l. I'l'Sipnld Jl.lll). in-:\K i: .vsiH.iM-; SAVIM: i>KVK'K. is <:unts. Sl:ito year anil tTiuke of the oar a:il r;i rtnn ( v. Mtku iKnnsh. ail OlndxU'tie Ave.. To- ronto. I'm. i>; \ Kl.oi'KU A.JTD PfUXTBD M* i" I i .- up i ..-.- snrv.ce . rnire wh*a i ' i - :'. )Sd. . - i w.:: -.>. -:i.-iphi.)U that wlU : at lowest cofll i -m ; y -ur f'.'.m :!!'. te ^cir HnHpnhot service for develop* ;..! ;>r T v^ Vnd you wtll yet ser-Tlce .-bri n^bie la . ^ vtth ; : i'"y w .^k Sand t < !f ar ^rtnp^hot irnlt-r : T t :rla!. S SOI M'KD KXI.AKtJKMr^Tt IB* i 4 X 6" 1:1 B(aut!fu - -. Mounts. V i .i- - i r-< ni.'!!'3 i-oloiir- I ' i ' - .1 m i '' i 1 I " inal STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Uuv l-ii. 1'ii^lal rrrmlnnl A. Troa>< l'r::ir your : imu s.nj d lr.."-s pUlnlf. m -i ! _ TEACHERS WANTED M U: FKK WANTKli. I'Ri iTEST- Hit '.-.i. h. r for SS. Nj. ! Marter. .! Krii l t 'h ir-. U i>ii|>::. < \~Y 11.000. Anpty L. Wrln'r. S nry H.K N . I \V\\ rRn KXVKRIRNVEP I'KO- i::' te^rher with f'.rst claae ..,.,,-.. ',- j .; \- i r> a (. l*i" irU '"ourKy. salary J ' ;>. riri:ini Api>i> - i' n< he.- qua If I t .:is f ' Raymond R.R \ -. t. irU. tint KMIT.Y T" i\V\SHH % . S.S N : ). : int ' ^-hl' '.vir:*el. du- !'< eomnieni -m; S.-p! S'ate - i' i:". c\;i ..... ..... . ! : i .=, ho.' 1 - i i-...| ,,ti . | .t\e m le of' li :_'!! i \ Ka'l!^. Secretary, iim.'m-e. R !:. 1. Ont PROTESTANT TE Vi'HKl: FOR S H. N 7, \ipti , ; -'..rouith '"ounty: .lutios tn , inmeT',- Sen -st. .\i>;.,i |".>I >:'i:i ton i r.i oil. Ont^ Pi.l'MMKR \\ \\'TI-:!i 1'KilTKS- a-r lencher for s < \,. i rium- mor. liur.e r,,.., ,-,. sept. lt. Apply. s; r,,ix \.i<.'roti.-e and mii.ivv rtpoeted M M-->. f-'oe S!r.i':'...\ .M-:h. C: -^Miner, i . - , : .,. TKv.'HKK I.-IIK i;i;Ai'Ks : : AT Ho Si-h.'.'l on H j'i\\ -iy t. Slate -alarv i- \i>e, I ..! vopu T iiispiti. < '.' < '.illioriui St. ml TttAL'To!! I'A UTS .NIOVV AND used, for all tnikcs of tnctors, (.'.onernl Auto -ind Tractor Supply. '. l''-iMlerirli St. KMe'ierir-r <>nt TH \t_IIMH WA>THI> 1'Tl.l.Y 'Jl'Al.ll-MlOl.i HOMK Mr(N- imios fo.ieh.T for rM:h riass. '' ' staling salnrj . .M ; ifii-atce and .ur.-nle ub.ieols pr . p i ! ti> e:ieh in inoriniii; periods, lo A. ' ('."li-iu-. So. ! e[:i rx'-Tr .- i.-u-cr, ':' ersiil . i i:r i:'.... _ \\II.IDI N u \KM<:X> r VI:MI:I:S - u i-: M LKUFACTOIUi fvniu (itl.idi-m llarilwooil. M:illd- 11 I -i ..... f V<>okyk.'<. . i. h KSr- W hirn Tl . -. r.i, h mi. I MI,I, i, Trees, i u h 7flr T .i-n.-.-li- yokes, i . h :'.'.o. i-iu-nuojilly tl.-i'..,l -111,1 i.. time. I veil but with- out hardware. OHI.T.S <>r not lesa Hi in }:..iin. shipped -inih.-re t>y V'rci^ln coll v PixhiM- Nur- land. Ont.