r .1 i,u.:i,i a;,Mlnst any enemy attack on the wooded llritish Columbia shore art' these Pacific ^ .ast JIiii..a iJaiik'i'is. Armed with rifle, axe and map, these Canadian sharpshooters putrol the picturesque western wilderness where a foe might conceivably hide. They are also trained for guerilla warfare. VOICE OF I H E PRESS BEER PROBLEM One of the most amusing spec- tacles of this period is presented :>y the individual who A a- a rabid champion of all-out war a few months ago but who now threat- ens a revolution if he has to sacri- fice his normal intake of beer. Why should beer escape ration- ing when real necessities of life from, which it is most distinctly excluded are in such short sup- ply that they are distributed by coupon ? Brockville Recorder and Time* o . EXPERT SPOTTERS Women will be trained as air- craft spotters, in order to teach the art to male mi-mburt of the Koyal Canadian Air Force. They hould do a grand job. Anyone who can, after u two-second *lnce, tell the color, material. tylc, and even the prohnble price, of every stitch another wo- man is wearing, is just naturally ':ut out for tht sort of work. Windsor Star o THE THREE H'S ThU Spring and Summer it will be the patriotic thing to drop the three H's in favor of the thre H'i -- hoi-ing, hitching and hr- -Stratford Keacon-Herald o LOOKING AHEAD Travelling aboard the future ky-Uain, which. Is to eorwii.st of a trine, of gliders, an experienced wirewalkor ran easily pet back to the ditu-i. Winnipeg Tribune u REASON WHY A commanding officer cannot hve his wife with him at the front because he In expected to be the commanding officer. fti-andon Sun o R. A. F. PUN A young wife, was recently ccuscd of running away from *\r It. A. F. husband. A lvlt from the l.hic. - Monti-pill Star o ANALYSIS OF LIFE Every day more people find out that life Is what you make It rather than just what you imike. Kitchener Record Dutch Seacaptain Outwits Germans A higli otlli-ial ot ili. l';in -Aiai-r- tc-aii Linos vouches for this story at a Dutch nipt Ml n of a seaming luguout wlinsi) craft wan comnian- dnurud when tlie (ii*rnians look Holland, writes Waller U'inoliell. HIM task, tho Nazi* Informed him. would In; IK tow H siring of buries leaded with Cierninn snldlurs out into tlin liu-hulent f'linnnel oaeh lay HO 'hnl they could got us(sl lo .loaxlokncftft. In I'l-t'i'Hratlon for tho wining InvfiHlon of Kiiglaiid. Day Tier (lay IIP. cheerfully escorted hi* unhappy cm-Kit to the most rlolent pat-tn of the Channel, gut Mieni good and 111, liroiicht them bvk. I'Mu.lll.V Hid l-Ufll.lUl SIIKRCVtfld tO tint coiiiiiutiidliiK olflrei-H: "Why iiwt have tho soldlerx gt iiai-d to .< ' ,.i! Invasion c-on<lHlonR by Ink- * ilie-ni out at nklil in-t i,| of ID the daytime?" They mrreeil. N'ext nit-lit, the i-aplHin look out hlH -".MM- of nli i, ni, lowed Uiein near miough to the Hi it Is li MUM! ID i-tisiiiM iin-ir i ,i]ii .in< and ruit Hi, NI, loon*. Then ha made for tbe open "en HIM! i cached 11.- in ml H, wher li now unli'tly plleii )I|M titghont I-, ii!' THE WAR - WEEK Commentary on Currenl bvenls Europe Is Hitler's Fortress: Is It Impregnable To Allies? How strong U tho Ki;-tuug liur- opa that apparently plays BO prom- incut a iii ; in Oermuu defense Vlanu? What parts of it are nature- built and where had the "Organiz- ation T(>'jt" tO fill iU RUPS .'.Illl in. in in, i!- fortifications? \Vneru are its slopes and outposts that cau bo abandoned without, inviting ca- tastrophe, and h>- .- are Its main lines that in, - be held at any coat? A careful study of tho many complicated factors involved leads to thd conclusion tbat unless their resources are too seriously strain- ed iu Russia or North Africa or their war Industries aud inner transport lines too badly damaged by aerial attack Ilia Uurmaus huv at their command a "last-ditch" fortress t-hat will be abl to with- Bland everything but the fullest possible striking power of the Un- ited Nations. From behind Uieir far flung European battlements the Ger- mans will be able to make large- tcale military north.**, says Kniest 8. Pl8ko Iu the Christian Science Monitor. The plains of I-' ranee and Belgium, aud those at tbe foothills of the Alps anil the Carpathians leave ample elbow-room for am- bitious offensive-defensive mau- Huvers. Moreover, while a retreat to the FestuuK Europa would bar Hitler from the Atlantic aud Uie Mediterranean, It would keep Nitrlli Sea and lialtlc ports In Ills pos- session. The submarine warfare would KI> on. Forts Ruihed by Germans No particular knowledge of mili- tary strategy or tactics IM nere*- ary to know that only In the Soutb ;ind Southeast of Km ope does a natural defense line exist. This line, runs from S;ui Selmslian t the Simnish-KYeiicli frontier straight across the continent to Bulgaria's Itlack (Sea const. It U formed by file r.vrem;e, the Alps, the IXuarlc Alps, the Bulgarian nioiiiit;iins. and the nortliwuiil lieiit semicircle of tb,. Carpal biaiis, aud is Interrupted only along Mm :iO(i-mile slrelch of Franco's Medllen aniMii i-o:ist. However, Uie situation Is dilfcr- ent at the eastern, nortln'rn und western fiiiiK<>s of Humpe. Kxcept for lh<> lYipet M:irslu-s which make purt of the I'ollsli-l'lii iiinlaii frontier iiiiinissablf. tin- borders of the continent ,-ii-e r'-lall vely e:isy to Invadu unless pruleeleil liy man-built foi I Ificittlons. The German Hib Coiniiiund, In nrcpariiiK to meet an invasion from whatever direriioti It may come, has been building torlit'iea- tlons at. a frantic mice ti-oni the barren fjunls of Norway down to Kianci/H lovely Cote d' \xuiv. Norway ;md Low Countries In Norway, apart from tens of thousands of native labor con- scripts, some 200,000 Germans, 50,000 Russian prisoners of war, 11,000 Italians, and lesser numbers of 1'oles, Czechs, Danes, French. Belgians, Dutch and Serbs are em- ployed in the building of fortifica- tions. Kristiansand, Stavanger, lier- gen, T: mi !ii mi. aud Narvik har been strongly fortified aud U lias even been rumored that the Or- maiis bulk a defense line some- where across Norway. Tbe extent of anti-invasion pre- parations in Holland can be gatb- m-ed from the fael that during the last fow months almost the entire civilian population has been re- moved from the coastal area*. Larga nt-clious of fhe waterfront . -ii, ,i were torn down to makn room for mine-fields, tank traps, concrete pill-boxes and gun em- placements. Reports from The Hague indicate that the Dutch Capital looks worse now than Hot- terdatu did after the air bombard- ment In May. 1940. Pile coastal defense zone iu Uel- glum is said to be 15 to L'O miles deep. Here, too, civilians have been either evacuated farther iu- land or drastically restricted in their movements. New fortifica- tions have been erected In Uie Province of Namiir along the Mouse Uiver iu order to c.bck u possible Allied attack from -North- ern France. The Coast Defense! Tllie Channel coast and the At- lantic coast of France were forti- fied In Ilill and I'.ML'. The whole shoreline Is studded with concrete Kim emplacement of all calibers. After the Allied Invasion of North Africa the defense zone was ex- tended to the Mediterranean coast. Workers of the Organization Todt arc said to lie working on a defense belt some 300 miles long and five miles deep. A second line of fortifications was built between l.lllfi and Amiens, running south- eastwnnl along the former bor- der of unoccupied Fr.tnce up to Switzerland. There Is, in addition, still (ho old "Siegfried T.lne" or "West Wall," built In I!)3S-I99. which guards the (iermaii frontier ugainst attacks from French ter- ritory. In Italy, win-re the coast Hue Is too IOHK to be fortified propnrly in HM entire length, the main work was dono on Sicily and on the southeastern tongue, of the pen- insula guarding the entrance to tho Adriatic Sea. The second line of defense runs far up in tho north nloiiK the former Austrian Italian border. l''orlil'lc u ions- are being built iu so' t!i-,iii Greece, and Salonika, at the mouth of Uie Vardar Valley, has been transformed into for- midable streugpoint. Munitions and Fuel Stored Similar work is going on in Thrace, Macedonia, Serbia. Al- bania and ou some points of th* Dalmatian coast. Neither has tbe Nazi defense, program neglected such Kuropeaii island-outposts a* Sardinia, Crete, and the Dodeca- nese. Weapons, ammunition aud mo- tor fuel are being transported in large quantities to all strategic points. Except for gasoline, the .strain on the Reich's reserves IB nut as heavy as one might pre- sume. The booty from early Nazi conquests now comes in handy. Largo caliber artllle-ry pieces from tbe former Czechoslovakia!! bor- der fortifications and the French MaKinot I^ini,- are now In position at the fringes of Kurope. However, all this extensive work does not mean the German High Command contemplates de- fending Uie whole of Europe. Such a proposition is ruled out by sheer lack of manpower. Most of the newly built defenses are intended to delay rather than to stave off the altacker. Areas of Abandonment Moreover, it Is reasonable to assume tbat Ot-rmau plans en- visage the abandonment of con- siderable parts of Kurope. Iu thig fate-gory belong Sardinia, Italy with Sicily, the coastal region of Croatia, Montenegro, Albania, (In-i-ic, and oven some portions of Mul.euriii. In the North. Norway, Finland, K-touia, and about two thirds of I. iu via are likely to be written off. The same applies to a goodly por- tion of France and Belgium, while Holland and Luxemburg cau be ex- pected to be defende^i with ex- treme tenacity. Thus, the Innermost fortress wall, that is, tbe Hue where the Nazis will throw in every last bit of their strength, runs roughly from the Dutch-Belgian border region southeastward, protecting the Ituhr Valley, then southward somewhat inside France to lleg- niicoii, skirting the Swiss frontier, including Lynn, and from there taking a sharp turn to the Kast along the Alps, through Austria, then through the Yugoslav moun- tains southward to Nish. and northward aloug tbe Carpathians up to Cernauti and either via Brest -Litovsk to Memcl, or taking the Prlpet Marshes in its stride, up to the Dvina Kiver and to Higa. Lone Fighter Pilot Defends The Fleet Mighty Mediterranean Fleet Air Arm Grew From Single Fighter Pilot A sliiKle, fighter pilot was the sole air defence for the entire Ilrit- isli Eastern Mediterranoau fleet for a time during the early part of the war, the Admiralty disclosed recently. l-'rom such a humble beginning grew t.he mighty fleet air arm which, with a daring surprise at- tack the night of Nov. 11, 1940, struck a paralyzing hlow at the Italian fleet as It lay at anchor in Tiirauto harbor. The story was told for the first time by the Admiralty iu a book- let "Hast of Malta and . West of Sin-/." which detailed the work of the Ristern Mediterranean fleet in the Ilrst 18 months of the war. This fleet was without aircraft carriers for the first nine months of war, the Admiralty said. Then, in .May, 1940, the 20-year-old car- rit-r KaKle sjiice sunk arrived from tin- K:ist Indies. The Fleet Is Saved She had two squadrons of tor- pedo-carrying Swordtisli plmies and later acquired four Gladiator light- ers ns the basis for n fighter squad- ron. Hut there was not a fighter pilot 11 l>oavd. So for a while the- (lying tiiasier of the Eagle, Cmdr. 0. L. Keighley-l'eaeb. went up alone to defend tin- entire fleet. On one occasion hu went up with a bullet Htill In his thigh from a previous encounter and shot down an attacking enemy piano. Later Cmdr. Koighloy-Teach trained two of the bomber pilots ulioiird the, Kaglo as lighter pilots, the booklet, said, and between them they destroyed 11 enemy air- craft and "somehow contrived to Montgomery: "Forward To Tunis; Drive The Enemy Into The Sea" (By * Staff Correpondnt of The Chritian Science Monitor with the Allied Forces in North Africa) On the eve of the battle now surging along the Marcth line, General Sir Bernard L. Montgom- ery gave the troops the following message: "On the fifth of March, Mar- shal Erwin Rommel addressed his troops in the mountains overlook- ing our positions and sa'd that if they did not take Mcdenin and force the Eighth Army to with- draw, then the days of Axis forces in North Africa were numbered, "The next day, the sixth of March, he attacked the Eighth Army. He should have known that the Eighth Army never with- draws, therefore his attack could end only in failure which it did. "We will now show Rommel that he was right in the statement he made to his troops. "The days of Axis forces in Xorth Africa are indeed num bered. "The Eighth Army and the Western Desert Air Force, to- gether constituting one fighting machine, are ready to advance. We all know what that means; and so docs the enemy. "In the battle that is now to start, the Eighth Army will <!- stroy the enemy now facing us in the Mareth positions, will hurst through the Gabes gap, will then drive northward on Sfax and Sousse and finally Tunis. "We will not stop or let up till Tunis has been captured ami th enemy has either given up the struggle or been pushed into th sea. "The operations now about to beg-in will mark the close of the campaign in North Africa. Once the battle starts the eyes of th whole world will be on the Ei-rhth Army and millions of people will listen to the wireless every day hoping anxiously for good news. We must not let them be anxious. Let us see that they get good news and plenty of it every day. "If each one of us does his duty and pulls his full weight, then nothing can stop the Eighth Army. And nothing will stop it. "With faith in God and the justice of our cause, let os go for- ward to victory. "Forward to Tunis. Drive the enemy into the sea!" preserve the fleet from a major casualty." "In the eary days of the war oi>r naval forces achieved on sea the sort of thing that the R.A.F. did in the Battle ot Britain," It added. Nine Out Of Ten Say "Rash-uhn" With all Uie talk about ration- ing, says "Tho Pleasures of Pub- lishing," it is inevitable that peo- ple who say ray-shiilin should be irritated by bearing others say rash-uhn. and vice-versa. The note under "ration" In "War Words: Keconimended Pronunciations" by W. Cabell Greet offers comfort to both sides. The ray-shuhn group are follow- ing the tendency of shakers of New Euglaud and the northeastern sections of the country. The rash- uhn crowd are In a goodly com- pany which includes President it. .,.-.-' i . Winston Churchill, James F. liyrues. director of eco- nomic stabilization ; I,i-i> n Heuder- sou, Elmer Davis and Eddie Hick- enbacker. In fact, if you use rash- uhn. you are going along with probably nine out of ten Ameri- cans iu all walks of life, as well a with the British (whose dic- tionaries are inclined lo ignore vay-shulin); but if you prefer ray- sbubn, we can't call you wrong. It seems to be purely a matter of individual choice. Live and let live, we say. Bigger And Better Nazi Submarines The submarines Germany is us- Ing today are as far ahead of Uie I'-lioat that sank the Lusitauia in 1915 as the four-engine bomber is ahead of the Sopwith Camels that lumbered over tbe German lines 25 years ago. says ^he Cornwall St a nda rd-FreehoWer. They are better than 200 feet overall with a 20-foot beam and a submerged displacement of S81 tons. They carry 12 to 13 tor- pedoes plus a quick-firing gun of four-Inch calibre or larger. Carry- lug 45 men, they can cruise on the surface at 17% to 20 knots and have a range of 14,520 miles. They have a double hull with oil com- partments between to absorb tu shock of depth charges and deep water. This construction permits them to withstand the pressure ot 10O fathoms or 600 feet of water and makes It necessary to lay depth charge wlthlu 15 or 20 feet to send the U-boat still deeper on a one-way trip to the bottom. Ger- many Is turning out 25 to 30 ft month. Food Is Ammunition it'-, up to us now to get out and dig. The people of Brilaiu did. Cabbages grew iu the heart ot l<ondon. Lettuce sprouted on the tops of bomb shelters. Hands that swung the golf club reached to pick up tin' hoe. Nimble fingers that dauced over typewriter keys took on the task of weeding. LIFE'S LIKE THAT By Fred Neher "Now if I come in for any more chocolates tKis week, don't yo let me have any." Bluey and Curley of the Anzacs "Now he'* confessed up." By Gurney, (Australia) \ / i > 16U Ht M FIRST OF ALL., ..I JOIM6 UP. ABOUT UP. V4ITH A FULL KIT... I VJA* LOADED UP. U\ST FRIDAY ...I WAS BLOWM UP. \ .... NOVM I'M ftANDAGED UP, AND FLAMIN' VIELL FED *