Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Nov 1942, p. 5

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THE PUfcHJSRTON ADVANCE Wednesday, November 11, 1942 *-* V ' MEN'S Winter Clothing MACKINAW COATS. MACKINAW WINDBREAKERS MACKINAW BREECHES ALL-WOOL SWEATERS LEATHER MITTS and PULLOVERS HEAVY FOOTWEAR WINTER CAPS OVERCOATS STAXFIELD'S UNDERWEAR FLECE-LINED UNDERWEAR ODD TROUSERS. Our stock is full and complete at this season. Popular Prices. Tip Top Suits and Overcoats Made and tailored to your individual measure from your own selection of Wool Tweeds, Worsteds and Overcoatings. Fit and satisfac- tion guaranteed. Suits and Overcoats $29.75 F. H. W. Hickling FLESHERTON. ONTARIO i fRiCtV ll-i-t Mrs. H. B. McLeau spent over a week visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. and Airs. Chas. Tucker and family visited Sunday with the for- mer's brother, Mr. H. Tucker. ilr. and .ILrs. Bill Hill, .Fergus, Fte. Murray McMillan and wife of Brampton visited on Sunday at the home of Hector McLean. Mrs. T. Nichol returned after spending; two weeks with her daughter at Mclntyre. Mr. and Mrs. John McKechnie and Mary have moved to Durham. Mr. Innis McLean, Toronto, spent week end at his home. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered Sunday in St. Andrew's church, when Rev. Brown of Dundalk had charge of the service. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Williams had their little son, William Donald Ed- ward, baptised, as also did Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Stonehouse their daugh- ter, Flora Margaret Lydia. A memorial service was held at the war memorial immediately after the church services on Sunday. Both Rev. Mr. Cox and Rev. Brown took part in the service. Mr. H. B. Mc- Lean placed the wreath and Mrs. F. McKinnon raised the flag. Mr. D. Hincks is in Toronto for a visit. Many were frlad to meet Miss Anna Corm-le on Sunday, a former teacher here. Mr. and Mrs. H. Huston and fam- ily and Mr. Earl McLeod of Oshawa spent the week end here. Mr. Wm. McLeod accompanied them to Osh- awa for a visit. KIMBERLEY Pte. Maurice Fawcett was visiting friends for a few days. He reports his father, Guard Ezra Fawcett, as having the misfortune to fall, break- ing his jaw bone. Pte. Chas. Lincoln and Mrs. Lin- coln are visiting friends during the week. The W. A. met at the home of Mrs. E. Morwood on Tuesday after- noon, with a good attendance. Mr. Harmer of MoMaster Univer- sity took the service in the Baptist church on Sunday. Mr. Buchanan and committee held a Remembrance Day service in the Community Hall on Sunday night. Mr. Buchanan is a veteran of the last war and preached a very ap- propriate sermon from Daniel3:18. The wreath was unveiled by Mrs. Jas. Lawrence. Mr. N. E. Burritt has purchased what was formerly known as the Archy McCauley farm. Rock Mills Ladies' Aid Rock Mills Ladies' Aid will meet on Tuesday, Nov. 17th, at the home of Mrs. Harry Patton. A quih is to be completed. Word for missionary roll call will be a word of praise or thankfulness. Russian woman sniper to visit London. As far as bachelors go, all women are snipers. A traveller says that cannibals will not eat anyone to whom they have been introduced. We assume that he knows his cannibals. Department of Labour National War Labour Board GENERAL ORDER The Dominion Bureau of Statistics has found that the cost of living index number for October 1, 1942, is 117.8 (adjusted index 116.9) as compared with the cost of living index number for July 2, 1942, of 117.9 (adjusted index 117). The Wartime Wages Control Order, P. C. 5963, provides in Section 48 (iv): "the amount of the bonus shall not be changed unless the cost of living Index number has changed one whole point or more since the last general order of the Board requiring an increase or decrease in the amount thereof." The Index number not having changed by one whole point or more since July 2, 1942, pursuant to the provisions of P. C. 5963 as stated, the National War Labour Board orders that the terms of its General Order dated August 4, 1942, shall continue to apply for the period November 15, 1942, to February 15, 1943, subject to the right of employers or employees to apply to a War Labour Board for authorization of payment of such an amount of cost of living bonus as a Board may determine to be "fair and reasonable," under the provisions of the Order. , HUMPHREY MITCHELL Chairman, National War Labour Board Ottawa, Canada Novwnber 4, 1942 CEYLON Miss Catherine Stewart, Reg.N., of the Owen Sound hospital visited a couple of days this past week at the parental home. Mr. Albert Arrowamith -has re- turned to Niagara alter a couple of weeks visiting his brother, Mr. Geo. Arrowstnith, and Mr. and Mrs. P. Hunt. Sgt. Major Gordon Micks, Peta- wawa, is on furlough, at his home here with Mrs. Micks and little sons, Jackie and Bobbie. Mr. Herb Corbett, Proton Station, was a caller in the village last Wednesday. Mr. Harvey Archibald, Violet Hill, was a week end visitor at his home. Miss Weber spent the week end in Toronto. Mrs. J. Knox was a recent visitor with MarkdaJe and Port Elgin friends. Mr. Ernie Mathewson, Shelburne, visited his parents last Sunday. The sympathy of this community is extended to Mrs. Donald Camp- bell in the death of her mother, Mrs. McArthur, of Priceville, who passed away last Saturday. Mr. Ernie Lyons returned to Pro- ton Station, after relieving for Mr. Marshall on the section. Mr. Alex. McFadyen visited on Sunday last with Mrs. Archie Mc- Lean of Priceville. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sinclair, Dundalk. visited the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sinclair. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Jamieson, To- ronto, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stewart. Mrs. Walter Scrace, Todmorden, Mrs. Alex. McDonald and daughter, Isobel. of Weston were visitors last week end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cairns and Mrs. C Wikock. Miss Dorothy Sr.ell. Islington, was a week end visitor at her parental home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cairns have returned to their home after a re- cent visit with friends at Niagara Falls and other places. The Women's Institute met last Thursday at the home of Mrs. J. Kennedy and had a very good at- tendance. In the spelling match. Miss Weber and her assistants were the winners. Mrs. J. S. McDermid and Melville were in Owen Sound on Saturday. Mr. F. Marshall has returned from Roderick and also brought the veni- son home with him. Messrs. Grant Muir, Allan Camer- on, Angus McCormack, the pipers of Priceville Pipe Band, and the drum- mers. Jas. McDougall and Wesley Littlejohns. headed the procession in Durham on Sunday for the Remem- brance Day service. Miss Mary Muir and Miss Mc- Donald of Toronto were callers at the home of A. S. Muir. Mrs. Peter Muir is visiting her daughter. Mrs. Huston, of Oshawa. Mrs. Tretford of Toronto, Mrs. C. N. Richardson of Flesherton and Mr. and Mrs. F. Collinson visited re- cently with Mrs. Richard Whittaker and Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Whittaker. Mrs Victor Hall and little daugh- te.. Bonnie Marie, have returned to Sudbury. after visiting some time at the parental home and with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley White of Toronto were callers on Sunday with Mrs. Anna McMillan and Mr. Fred Chislrtt. Tpr. Lloyd J. Archibald of the 26th Tank Battalion. Camp Borden. was a recent caller a t his home. Several of our village folk attend- ed the special services held for Re- membrance Day at the different churches. L.A.C. Will Meads and Aircraft- man Jas. Showman of Dunnvffle and Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Whyte of Proton Station spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. John Meads. Mr. and Mrs. Fred LeGard. Hilliard and Miss Elsie Thompson and Mrs, C. Pedlar of Toronto spent the week end at the home of G. Fisher. Mr. Arthur Fisher is mitin? his stw. Mrs. Victor Hall, at Levack and also enjoying some hunting. VICTORIA CORNERS The ladies of the W. A. met at the church on Wednesday to *>mplete a quilt. Mrs Wm. Ludlow is visiting in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Rnssell Linton, Peggy and Douglas spent th fr week end at Owe n Sound. Miss Maud Acheson is visiting in Toronto. Mrs. Waher Allen is visiting her sister. Mrs. Walter Acheson. We are glad 'o report Mr. Allen is im- proving some. Mr. Robt. Fisher is staying with his daughter. Mrs. Chas. Best. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Stinson. Don- nip and Bert, spent the week end in Toronto. VANDELEUR A delightful Hallowe'en party and masquerade was held in the school house on the evening of Oct. 30th, under the auspices of the Junior Red Cross and the teacher, Miss Oawn, and pupils. There was an interest- ing program of choruses, readings, songs, plays, etc., and prizes were given for the best costumes. The affair was well attended and much enjoyed. Mrs. Geo. Shaw and Jimmie of Durham spent a week with the for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Boland. Mrs. Kirktown Sr. of Holland Centre spent a few days wth her daughter, Mrs. R. Sewell, and Mr. Sewell. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Haw of Swin- ton Park were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham. Mrs. Katherine Davidson has re- Tied after spending a few week* in Northern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Miller of Dun- dalk were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Buchanan the first of the week. The November meeting of the W. A. was held at the home of Mrs. Fred Boland with the president. Mrs. Geo. Buchanan, in the chair. The roll call was answered with a verse on "Peace."' and several readings were given on the subject. Miss Doreen Boland. Mrs. Fred Boland and Mrs. Will Swanton, accompanied by Mrs. Lundy Johnston at the organ, sup- plied the music. Arrangements were made to send a bale for Christmas to Northern Ontario, also a tea and quilting was planned for this Wed- nesday at the home of Mrs. Sam Fitzsimmons. It was also decided to have a quilting at the regular December meeting at the home of Mrs. Howard Graham. The contest was conducted bj; Miss Dora Boland. Prizes were claimed by Mrs. S. Fitz- simmons and Mrs. Johi Morrison. EUGENIA At tfai cliurch service here Sunday Rev. Dr. Mercer preached a very en- thusiastic sermon, based on Remem- brance Day. Mr. Ernie Proctor and Mr. Bates Fawcect went north on the annual hunting expedition. We wish them good luck. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hill of Orange Valley were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawler, 8th Line. Tpr. Doug. Cairns of Camp Borden was home over the week end. Married On October 31st, 1942, in tfce Carmichael United Church. Regina. Miss Noraia Lunam. daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Lunam (nee Flo Carr) to Mr. Wm. Albert Baird of Regina. Rev. }. E. Rams- den officiated. The bride's mother is a sister of Mrs. Geo. Lawler, 8th Line. We wish the happy young couple many years of success and happiness. L.A.C. Ariryle Martin of Dann- ville spent the week en-i at his home here. L-A.C. Jim. Sloman of Hazen- more. Sask.. and L.A.C. W. Meads of Priceville. who are also stationed at Dunnville. visited at the Martin home. Mr. W. Armstrong and sister oi Kimberley visited with Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. McMullen and family on Sunday. On Sunday. P.O. Arthur Law'.er. who is stationed at AyLmer. paid a ftying visit to the Stii Line, soaring over his home there. We wish Art good luck in his flying adventures. Mr. Jim. Harrison of Flesherton spent Friday evening at the Martin home. Mr. and Mrs. Morton of Ware ham visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mclntosh and family. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Park and Roy of Flesherton visited with the Park families here. Mrs. W. Sloan of Flesherton and daughter. Mrs. Leslie Ferris, and little daughter, Sheila, of New Lis- keard visited on Friday of last week with Mrs. E. Park and Miss Margie. Mr. and Mrs Alex. MacDonald and Miss Lsobel of Westcn visited th Cairns families here over the week end. Mrs. J. Cairns and Shirley ac- companied them to Weston and spent the first of the week. SE>ro IN YOUR RENEWAL. RADIO SERVICE W have in stock a nambr B- BatUriM tad Kadi* OAJt AM) ftABK) WTT BATTEMES Rrmj as TOW radia for a om- p!ew ck-op before wiatr, u ?ajt8 ire hard to get A. & A. Sher SOB PROTON STATION PhiM BAILEY'S MEAT MARKET Fresh AND Cured Meats PHONE 47 We save you money WOMEN TOO foin "that men may fly." Cana- dian women fill wu-.l job* in the R.C.AJ. Women* Division. re- leasing men tor air crew dubee. Recruits are needed, age 18 to 40. physically fit, with at leaat High School entrance. Many use- ful aad fascinating jobs await you. No experience ndd. The Air Force will train you quickly to tak your place with Canada's * airwomen. ? u ^ information at any R.C.A.F. Recruiting Centre, 01 writ* addreea below for booklet A Veteran at 20! Back from scores of bombing raids over a dozen countries, this young airman has found adventure in the skiesi Just out of his 'teens, an eager youth in years, he's a veteran in experience. He's a first-line fighting man, trained in the science of war at 5-miles-a-minute! He and his buddies in R.C.A.F. air crew are team-mates. Gunner, Wireless Operator, Bomber, Pilot, Navigator all work together as a smooth, swift "attack team" in a giant bomber. Their targets accurately surveyed in advance by daring reconnaissance pilots their flight protected by the blazing guns of fighter planes the bombers wing their relentless way to smash Nazi nerve-centres. The expanded Air Training Plan has room for more men who want to be with these fighting comrades of the skies. Right now applications are being accepted for air crew duty, at R.C.A.F. Recruiting Centres throughout Canada. If you are physically fit. mortally alert, over 17" _> and not yet 33, you are eligible. If you are over 33, but have exceptional qualifications, you may still be considered. Lack of formal education is no longer a bar to enlistment. ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE AIR C.RE W ft '*>* .^'iVMKt-.-... ff* FIGHTING COMRADES OF THE SKIES for illustrated booklet giving full information write: Director of M.innintf. R C.A.F., Jackson Building. Ottawa, or the nearest of these R.C.A.F. Revruitfnf Centres: Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Saskatoon, Regina, Winnipeg, North Bay, Windsor, London, Hamilton, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec, Moncton, Halifax

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