Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Sep 1942, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE, Wednesday. September 23, 1942 H 4 S f I Rock Mill. Ladies' Aid The September meeting of Rock Mills Ladies' Aid waa held at the home of Mrs. Wallace Fisher on Tuesday last, with an attendance of thirteen members and four visitors. The meeting opened with singing "JQesus Saviour Pilot Me,' 1 followed by prayer and the Scripture reading. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted, followed by the missionary roll call. Mrs. Keys gave a short talk and Mrs. Dick Clark a reading. Dues were paid and collec- tion amounted to $4.95. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Harry Patton. The meeting closed by singing the hymn "Blest Be the Tie That Binds," and prayer by th president. MAXWELL VICTORIA CORNERS Mr. and. Mrs. Renfred Acheson and four hildren and Mr. and Mrs. Winters and two children of Chelt- enham visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ross on Sunday. Miss Shirley Buckingham return- ed to her school at Hawkeaberry last week. The W. I. held their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. M. Gould last Wednesday evening, with just a fair attendance. After the business was transacted, the men joined in with the ladies and a abort program was much en- joyed. Mrs. Buckingham gave a reading on "Gossiping," and Mrs. 0. Lawler gave a reading "Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary" by Ralph Gordon. Mrs. Meredith rendered a solo, followed by community singing. A very sociable evening was brought to a cl*e with lunch. PROTON STATIOI Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sherson, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Abe Sherson and Miss Ruth, spent Sun- day at Clarksburg. A number from here attended the wedding of Miss Dorothy Wraggett at Bethel Church. Our sympathy is extended to Mrs. Bert Sims in the death of her father in Markdale. Mr. Renzo Sims of Hamilton spent the week end at his home. Rev. and Mrs. F. nobbs, Mrs. Baker and Robt. Acheson spent a day last week at Clarksburg. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Dever spent Sunday at Holland Centre. Miss Marion Baker and Henrietta Sims go to Dundalk hrgh school this week. Mr. Ernie Lyons, relieving fore- man at Allan Park, was home over Sunday. Mr. Emmett Jackson and Harold Badgerow are working on the C.P.R. section here. Miss Marie Cook and niece, Miss Verna Allen, of Toronto, who have been spending a week at the home of Walter Acheson and with other friends, were called home on Friday by the serious illness of the latttrt father, Mr. Walter Allen. Mrs. Art Jackson and daughter, Jane, have been holidaying in To- ronto. Marjory Jackson returned from Alliston, where she has been working, and will remain home for a time. A number of the friends and netgWwrs of Mr. and Mrs: Bedley and Wilbert spent a pleasant even- ing with them on Friday, prior to their leaving for Toronto. The Evening was spent in dancing and cards and social chat. During the evening they were presented with an electric lamp. Laurene Talbot has been spending a couple of weeks with her sister-in- law, Mrs. John Talbot, at the home of Detbert Alcox in Markdale. The neighborladies met at the home of Mrs. Milton Bannon on Thursday and completed at quilt foi the W. I. Mrs. Milton Bannon is spending a few days with friends at Berkeley. Gordon McCauley of Owen Soand snent the week end with his parents. Chas. and Helen Moore, Mrs. Tom McKee and Miss Ella Oaborne o* Toronto visited the Moores. All of the boys around here have had their medical call. Some find they are healthier than they thought and some did not. Good health it much to be coveted, but it is too bad that it has to be required for ancb use. Doris Bannon is home for a coupk of weeks from camp at Bolton, be- fore commencing' social service work in Toronto. EUGENIA Rally Day will be observed in the United Church here next Sunday, when the Sunday School will take part in the service. The W. A. of Eugenia United Church is sponsoring a tea to be held in the near future, followed by a program. Miss Lillian Magee was hom from Toronto over the week end. Visitors at Beaver Lodge, the cosy home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Pinker- ton, the past few days were: Mrs. Haas and daughter, Janette, of Flesh- crton and Mr. and Mrs. Boahani of Gait. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee were: Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Linton of Portlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Linton and Bwo children of Victoria Corners. Tpr. Joe Little of Camp Borden spent a few days with his wife. Mr. Jim Harrison of Flesherton visited on Sunday with the Martin and Baker families. We are pleased to see Jim able to be out again after his recent car accident, in which he received a severe shaking up. Mr. and Mrs. Wellie Fawcett ol Kimtbeiiey visited on Monday with Mr. and Mr*. Ben Mclntosh and called on other friends. Mrs. Blais and Mi*s Hunter of Brantford are visitors with their nephew, Mr. W. Pinkerton, and wife. Miss Irene 'Martin of Islington was home over the week end, Mrs. J. Lyness of Flesherton is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gorley. Mis Dorothy Jamieson^ wa homi from West Toronto over* the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Smith and Mrs. M. Jamieson of Flesherton and sister. Mrs. Mueller, of New Jersey visited KIMBERLEY Our teachers, Mr. Holmes and Miss Myles, with a number of pupils, at- tended Clarksburg and Rocklyn fain during the week. We understand that Mr. Elmer Ellis has bought the 'arm of Mrs. Geo. Hutchinson and Milton. Mr. and Mrs. R. Phillips of Flesh- erton visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. Graham Sunday afternoon. Mrs. St S. Burritt received six copies of Rev. Dr. S. D. Gandin's book "44 Years With the Ow Ind- ians", which are finding ready sale. The friends of Mr. Gaudin apprec- iate the books very mch, as they are so full of missionary interest. 8TH LINE OSPREY Mrs. Dunning: of Belleville is visit- ing at the Hawkins home. We are sorry to report Mr. Jack Haley on the sick list, with an attack of pleurisy. All hope for a apeedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. N. Moisin and Miss Didg-e Madden of Collingwood were visitors on our line on Sunday. Miss Adeline Murphy has taken up teaching duties at Anten Mills. Mrs. Lome Ditson entertained a number of the neighbors at a dinner on Thursday evening, 10th inst, in honor of her father, Mr. Harry Heathcote, who celebrated his birth- day. The many friends here of Mr. and Mrs. George Saigeon of Hanover were pleased to have them and the children with them for a few days recently. Miss Joan Crawford has returned to Preston, after spending the sum- mer with her mother here. Mr. Wm. Moffatt spent a few days with his son, John, and family at Rob Roy. Miss Kay Somers is attending high school in Hanover. A number of the boys here enjoyed a corn roast at the home of Mr Earl Fenwick Friday evening last. Mrs. P. J. Somers, who is teaching near Mildmay, spent the week end at her home here. Chill permits surgical operations medical note. In the past patients have been chilled afterwards when they received the bills. GASOLINE IS LIQUID \\,s .X^vi-i. 1 * &JaEz Gasoline vapor is so highly explosive it has been aptly called liquid dynamite. Every year the losses of property and life testify to the gross carelessness of iiuli\ iduals around this most dangerous of fuels. The Ontario Fire Marshall has stated that anyone tak- ing an open (lame lamp or lantern near gasoline is trying to commit suicide! Don't drive a car, truck or tractor on the barn floor it is folly. Never use gasoline or kerosene to revive a fire. Don't use gasoline, benzene or other inflammable liquids for cleaning in the home. Never fill lamps, lanterns, stoves or heaters while they are burning. Gasoline kept in a building should he in an approved safety container, painted red and plainly marked GASO- LINE. Don't keep more than a gallon larger amounts should be stored in heavy drums at least 75 fee* from the nearest building. Be your own fire warden. Treat gasoline with all the respect with which you treat dynamite. It's dangerous stuff! THIS ADVERTISEMENT IS SPONSORED BY THE FOLLOWING COMPANIES: Farmers' Central Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Walkerton, Ont. Germania l 'arnu-rs' Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Avion. Ont. recently Margie. with Mrs. R. Park and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. HcLachlan of Orillia visited with the Park family on Sunday. Master Gordon Stewart, who is Women Who Aaid Britain's Navy The Women's Royal Naval Service give much varied assistance to Brit- ain's Navy. These girls drive trans- ports, cook, do secretarial work, etc., and leave naval personnel free for more arduous duties. This pictur* is of a "Wren" dispatch rider. taking a mechanical course in Owen Sound, spent the week end at his parental home here. Visitors at the Stewart home over the week end were: Mr. and Mrs. Russell Johnson and babe of Toron- to, Master Leslie Johnson of Spring- hill and Leslie McMaster of Maxwell. Miss Joyce Genoe spent a few days with her friend, Lois Williams, 8th Line Osprey. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Campbell, ac- companied by Mrs. J. Cairns and Shirley and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Genoe, attended the camp meetings at Clarkaburg on Sunday. Mrs. Jas. Fawcett left Saturday for Vancouver, B.C., where she will visit her daughters. Miss Shirley Purvis returned to the city on Sunday, after spending the past two weeks with Miss Marie Phillips. Mr. Bert Magee spent the first of the week in Toronto. Mrs. Virgie Graham and daughter. Ruth, returned to the city on Sun- day, after spending the past two months with her mother, Mrs. M McMullen. We are glad to report Mr. Thos. Gilliland, who is in the Markdale hospital, is progressing favorably. Tpr. Douglas Cairns of Camp Bor- den visited an evening with his mother and sister, Mrs, J. Cairns and Shirley. Little Miss Anna Tudor visited on Saturday with her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Magee. Misses Isabelle and Mary McKee and Mr. McCarthy of Toronto spent the week end at the McKee homo. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Genoe of East Mountain visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Chas. Martin. Mr. Roy McMillan is spending a fow days with his wife and family here. PRICEVILLE A number from here attended the Swinton Park anniversary services on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, with Mr and Mrs. Alf. Hincks and Marilyn, of Toronto spent the week -.nd at the Latters' cottage. Mr. and Mrs. John MoParlane and son and Mr. Innis McLean of To- ronto spent the week end at their parental home. A euchre party was held last week at the home of Mr. John Nicfa- ol Snr., when seven tables were in play. Mrs. McMeekin scored lie highest for the ladies and Bradey Irwin for the men. Mr. and Mrs. John Nkhol spent Wednesday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Carson spent a few days in Toronto last week. A sale of the household effe and implements of the late Sandy Campbell was held at his home on Wednesday last. John 0*Neil TM the auctioneer. Mr. Gordon Nichol spent a few days in Toronto. Flesherton United Church Rer. K. . McMillan. Pastor Services will be held as follows | next Sunday: 11.00 a.m. Rally Day Services in Flesherton. 2.30 p.m. Rally Day Services in Ceylon. 7.30 p.m. Song Service, Men's Choir. Next Sunday, Rally Day for Church and Sunday School, it is the aim of those in charge to have every family out to the Rally Service in the morn- ing. Do your bit by bringing your children , or your parents, as the case may be and tell your neighbors about it. And remember the Song Service planned for Sunday evening, when a men's choir will lead in the singing. Great Northern Exhibition COLLINGWOOD, Ont. September 24, 25, 26 FRIDAY Building open at 1 pan. CITIZENS' & CHILDREN'S DAY School Parade Ban Junior Fair Stock Judging. WALLACE BROS. -^ BIG MIDWAY Rides - Shows - Games SATURDAY Building open at 10 a.m. FARMERS' DAY Speeding Tkree Big Events Free-for-all 2.24 Trot - Light Horse Stock Judging and Parade FREE SHOWS Five Bi ff Acts 3 p.m. and 8.30 p.m. Both Days MARIE'S ANIMAL CIRCUS Dogs - Goats - Monkeys - Pony and Bear SENSATIONAL Lady Trapeze Act. Death Roll Juggling and Accordion The MAIN RUILDLING will be a treat. Everybody come. Don't miss this big Fair When two young people get their heads together they do wonders with the latest dance steps. Hardware TAKE CARE OF WHAT YOU HAVE. PROTECT BUILDINGS. FLOORS, IMPLEMENTS, etc. USE C-V PAINT AND SUNSET ENAMELS ROPE TWINE PORKS CBMBNT LIME BUG KILLER AND IMPLEMENT REPAIRS Frank W. Duncan PHONE 54 FLESHERTON Maxwell United Church REV. GEO. L. MERCER. B.D., D.D. Minister SERVICES OF WORSHIP Sunday. September 27th ANNIVERSARY SERVICES AT WAREHAM CHURCH Note: Next Sunday will be ob- served by the congregation of Ware- ham United Church as "Anniversary Day." when special services of wor- ship will he held at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. The guest speaker at the even- ing service will be the Rev. Harold O. Hutcheson. M.A.. B.D., Shelburne. At 2.30 o'clock a Sunday School Rally Service will be held in the church at Eugenia. We give a cordial welcome. FLESHERTON VXD ROCK MILLS BAPTIST CHURCHES Frank B. Keys Pastor FLESHERTON SERVICES Church Senrict 11 a.m. Sunday School 12 o'clock ROCK MILLS CERVICES Sunday School 2.30 p.ir< Chwch Service - 3.80 p.m. Solomon who had 1.000 wives and boars the reputation of the world's wisest man. advised young men to cherish one wife al! their lives, there- by justifying his reputation for the *reater wisdom. MEN'S ORDERED CLOTHING The new samples of Suitings and Overcoats are on display. Make your selection early while the assortment is at its best. Every garment made and tailored to your indi- vidual measure and satisfaction guaranteed. Suits and Overcoats from $27.50 Ready- to- Wear Suits and Overcoats "Biltmore" Felt Hats "Arrow" and "Forsyth" Shirts "Monarch" Sweaters and Pullovers Wind Breakers and Leather Coats Wool, Tweed and Worsted Trousers ALL REASONABLY PRICED F. H. W. Hickling FLESHERTON, ONTARIO .

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