Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Jun 1940, p. 4

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/ TVednesday, June 12, 1940 / THE f USlkHBRTON ADVANCB ...buy GOOD>^E/tR ^aS^W^ A LONG-WEARING BIG MILEAGE TIRE ... of /ower cost/ • It's Canada's most popular tire . . . Improved! A new "G-3" at a lower cost designed to set new records in performance and popu- larity. "G-3" has the famous Goodyear All- Weather centre traction diamond tread for long non-skid mileage . . . quiclc starting and stopping in all weather, on all roads. In every way "G-3" is a great tire ... a tire built to give you extra miles of service. Drive in and see this popular lower priced tire today! New low cost Goodyear tubes will add to the life of your tires. Get them when you buy new tires. D. McTAVISH & SONS fLESHERTON. ONTARIO Salmon Red Seal Salmon 27c Pink Seal Salmon 17c & A. Co-operalive Company, Ltd. FLESHERTON, Ontario WHY NOT ? THE FLESHERTON ADVANCL PublialMd oa CoUinc«oo4 StrMt, FlMberton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1,000. Price in Canada $2.00 per year, when paid in advance |1.60; in U. S. A. $2.60 per year, when paid in advance $2.00. F. J. THURSTON, Editor. PRICEVILLE The reunion of the Clarlu, McLeods, MacCannells and MacCuaigs is to be held in Flesherton Park on Saturday, June 2'Jth. Miss Kate McMillan of Klesherton is the secretary and Mr. W. J. Hincks is the president. Rev. McDonald of Belleville occu- pied the pulpit in St. Andrew's church on Sunday. Miss Monica Lambert is spending a few days in Toronto. Rev. and Mrs. Sutherland and fam- ily moved into 'Wm. McLeod's house in town. Mrs. G€0. McLellan of Niagara Falls spent last week with her sister and mother here. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Mclnnis and Esther and Mrs. Mclnnis of Toronto spent the week end at the home of C. A. McLean. Mrs. Mclnnis remained for a week's holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McArthur have moved to Collingwood, where he has secured a position. Mrs. Angus MacCannell of Swinton Park is spendinrf a week with her daughter here. Mr. Alf. Hincks of Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tucker and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Petrie and son of Don- egal and Mr. "'m. McLeod of the South Line visited with the Hincks. The District annual convention of the Women's Institute was held on Friday in St. Andrew's church, when over one hundred were present. The ladies of both local churches provided dinner and supper. Mr. David Hincks and his aunt and uncle, spent Fridav in Lisle and was accompanied home by Miss Jean Hincks for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. McLean and Innis were recent visitors in Toronto. Congratulations to Mr. John Mc- Vicar, who graduated last week and received his B.A. degree from Toronto 1 University. WAREHAM WAKE IT A HABIT TO DELIVER YOUR CREAM DIRECT TO THE CREAMERY. It will pay you well. Because, you are getting more money for delivered Cream, and deliv- ered Cream stands a better chance for a for a higher grade. For those who find it inconvenient to deliver their cream, our trucks will give you the usual courteous, satisfactory service. Open Wednesday and Saturday Nights In order to help support the Business Men's Assoa, we are offering a special prize, which will go to the I I holder of the first ticket drawn if he has delivered , cream to the creamery any time Wednesday. The ; amount of the prize will be equivalent to the amount of money received for their cream. Flesherton Creamery & Produce Co. AnRus Avis, Manager \ \ Mr. Hugh MacArthur and grand- son, Junior, of Flushing, Mich., visit- ed hi.'! sisters and aunt."; Mrs. A. Mc- Arthur and Mrs. Donald McLean, South Line. Messrs Jos. Turnbull and Noi-man Barker and their wives anil the ladies' mother, visited at the home of Mr. Walter Turnbull. We had a pleasant trip on Frida'- to Conference at Owen Sound with Mr. W. G. Watson. In the company wore Mossi-s. McBride, W. G. Watson, P. Muir, Dr. Milne, Thos. Hiirrison, Wm. Mather and yours truly. We also had the plea.sure of meeting a pleasurable old-timer from here, in the person of Rev. A Leece, now of HuttoMville, pleasant and fiee as ever. BUCKINGHAM Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Elliott of De- troit visited recently with rcliitives here. Ml', and Mrs. W. J. Conn accompan- ied Mr. and Mrs. Rozzell Conn to To- ronto on Saturday to visit their son, Mansell, who is in hospital there, preparing to undergo an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Schultz, Marilyn and Larry of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hudson. Quite a large number of members and several visitors enjo.ved the hos- |)itality of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fergu- son at Portlaw on Wednesday last, when the Club accepted Mrs. Fergu- son's invitation to hold the June nieetin- at her home. The meeting apened by the president in the usual manner and the afternoon was spent in sewing. It was decided to have another meeting on June 2(!th at the home of Mrs. J. Brown in order to I'omplete work on hand. The date of the annual picnic for the Club mem- bers, their families and friends was set for June 22nd at ?unset Point, provided satisfactory arrangement.s> can be made for accommodation for that (lay. Several other matters were discussed. Mrs. J. E. Elliott and Mrs. Marv Klliotl spent a dav "recently \v5th their sister, Mrs. Skelton. Mr. Stewart McMuUon visite<l with .Sergt. and Mrs. Herb McMuUen at .Allislon. Jack Thompson â-ºepdrts a sheep clip {A seven hundred this year. The trees are out in full leaf at last, but "only just." Seeding is nearly done and summer in swing. A car load of Junior Institute members attended the District annual meetini' at Priceville on Friday. Those going were: Elva Russell, Grace Cole, Mrs. W. Inkster, Mrs. J. Thomp- s(m, Doris Fisher and Hazel Mc- Millan. 'Wareham had the only Junior Institute Club in attendance and dur- ing the proceedings Miss Hazel Mc- Millan was given hearty applause by the convention on the completion of her sixth Club project. Hazel now has County honors and was the only one in the District to receive this distinction. Mr. and Mrs, David Jamieson and daughter of Toronto visited over the week end with W. Davison. Both Mr. and Mrs. Jamieson are still suffering from their recent accidents. It will be remcmibered that Dave lost his arm in Februarv and Leta broke hers later. Mr. R. Davison, who resides with his son, Wm., on the old home place, has been seriously ill for the past several days. He was some better on Saturda.y. The girls who have been taking the Institute project "The Club Girl Entertains," entertained their mothers at an afternoon tea on Saturday. This was the final meeting of the course, and was much enjoyed by those present. Anna Fisher has returned to her home here from Maxwell where, she has been with Mrs. Chas. Weatherall. A couple of quilts are to be put in the frames in the church basement on Thursday, to be worked for the Red Cross. (Intended for Last Week) Rev. Peacock of Toronto spoke on Sunday in Wareham church in the interests of temperance. Dr. Mercer, unfortunately, has been suffering with a sore throat. Rev. Bushell, a former popular pastor on Maxwell circuit, visited in the neighborhood on Monday. Mr. S. J. Arnott led a discussion of the lesson in the Bible Class at the Sunday School last Sunday. Miss Viola Gordon is to take charge next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Baird and fam- ily of "Toronto, who have been visiting Mrs. Baird's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Arnott, have returned to their home in Toronto. Miss Clara Barnes of Geneva is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. Arnott. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Mc- Cutcheon, our newest groom and bride, tendered them a kitchen shower on Friday evening of last week. Miss Grace Cole read the address, and a very complete set of enamelware, in ivory and red, was presented on be- half of the community by Lloyd Little Arthur 'Wright and Robbie Thompson. Both Mr. and Mrs. McCutcheon have been active in the societies of the young people in the neighbohood, and "the best wishes of their many friends are with them in their new life. Mrs. W. Inkster made the rounds of the neighborhood last week, col- lecting for the Red Cross.. The com- munity has, perhaps, been a little slow at getting under way in this service, but will no doubt play a creditable part in the war effort. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Walker drove from Toronto to spend Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. Weatherall, Mrs. Walker's parents. Mrs. John Lane, also of Toronto, came with them to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Armour. Mr. and Mrs. Byres of Dundalk spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ar- nott Menzies. Miss McCullough and John Lough- eed spent Sunday at Lavender, where Miss McCullough taught at one time. Miss Elva Russell spent a few days at Wm. Cameron's, Mclntyre, Wareham is the proud possessor of a community garilen. Several years ago the church stood about a mile to the east of its present location and when the old building was razsd. the stone foundation remained an eye- sore. So, men and women filled the rectangle in with soil and planted shrubs and flowers. Once a year at the call of a special committee, tho<o who can. meet at the garden and hold a spring clean-up. For the current year the work was done on Tuesday ! of last week, under the direction of Mrs. Wm. Wright. There is a small cemetery on the gi'ounds and, al- though it is not kept in firsjt class shape, is made more attractive by the garden. Phone 66 H i|il»H>I MOM > H >>l<l<I M «I M <i MM >»t M < M »WI M < Only two women have been interned as alien enemies in Canada since the war started. The women may be un- usually discreet or we may have an overblown sense of gallantry. Eire is nother country that has sud- denly awakened to the fact 'hat to be without adequate defences when mad dogs are running around loose is to nsk for trouble. •'wmof^ ROOFING lirantford Roofing-, .\sphalt Shinpflc.'^, Metallic Roofing-, \\'(i(((l v^hiiij^lcs. Cockshutt Farm iiiiplonu'iits. T.i^-litnin^- Rods. All roofiny sold dtdiv- orcd or laid on roof at reason- able prices. JOHN O'NEIL Priceville, R. R. 2 IMione Durlianif'^O/ r 4. Rock Mflls Ladies* Aid Rock Mills Ladies' Aid will meet at the home of Mr? I>iiurie Betts on Wednesday. June lUlh. Roll call with the word "Father." Missionary hymn "From Greenland's Icy Moun- tains." Lunch committee â€" Mrs. Wes Plantt and Mrs. Earl CiX)ft; Sandwich, Mrs. Albert Blackburn and Mrs. Wallace Fisher. S. S. NO. 8 (PORTLAW) 8 â€" Chester Plantt*, Donald Shear- down*, Victor White abs. 7 â€" Gordon Nicholls*. Evelyn Shier*. 5 â€" Alvin Sheard*, Doris Shier, D. A. Fisher*. 4 â€" Gwendolyn White, Evelyn Fish- er, Mary Nicholls*, Winnie Shier*, Herb Shier*. ;i â€" Lloyd Shier. 2â€" Mildred Shier*, Gordon White*. 1 â€" Francis Ferguson*, Ruth Phill- ips*, Isabelle Croft, Eleanor Shier, Loreen Shier. Pr. â€" Hartley Watson. Marie White. * denotes perfect attendance; most stars in month, Ruth Phillips. â€" F. E. Hodgkinson, Teacher. Bicvrle riders who frequently use the sidewalks are warned that this prnetisc is illegal. SUPERIOR STORES Specials on Groceries Fresh GINGER SNAPS per lb. 10c Maple Leaf PURE LARD 1 lb. pkg. 10c Jiff SOAP FLAKES large pkg. 25c 2 Fruit Nappies Free CORN BEEF LOAF 1 lb. tin 15c Kita SALMON, tails 2 for 5c Superior No-Alum BAKING POWDER 23c MEATS â€" FRESH, CURED and COOKED Reasonably Priced Electrically Refrigerated Go«d Supply of Mien's Work and Fine Shoes PHONE 37 C. J. KENNEDY WE DELIVER n N '^ Circimutances make farmers good risks for automobile insur- ance, and our Pilot policies give the fanner the ad- vantage of lower rates â€" and we give him extra-good, extra -fast service. W. KERNAHAN Flesherton, Ont. REPRESENTING I'-JU'iill^ll!â„¢ Writing selected rigkt in â€" Automobile, Fire, Plate Glass, Burglary, Public Liability, and other general insurance. Head Office, Toronto. COMPANY VANDELEUR Rev. W. L. Cullis of Kirkland Lake who has been attending Conference ill Owen Sound, occupied the pulpit in the church on Sunday afternoon, and preached an able sermon. W. L. is an old Vandeleur boy and his many friends were pleased to see him. The June meeting of the Woman's Association was held at the home ot Mrs. Will Johnston Wednesday after- noon of last week with a good attend- ance of members. An interesting program was provided. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kelso and daughters visited friends at Coll- ingwood. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham and Ruth visited friends at Massie on the first of the week. A number from here attended the Shorthorn breeders' sale at Chats- worth on Thursday of last week. Father: "Are you going to marry that insignificant little fellow, Percyl Why you used to say you would never marry a man less than six feet high. Daughter: "I know. Dad, but I de- cided to take off 20 per cent for cash." Number of young men sailed from New York for Europe. They want to drive ambulances or do anything else to help the Allies. When the young folk feel that wav about it the iso- - lationist theory is going to find sur- vival difficult. ^ 'Rush all deliveries, Jim b€irked the Chief • The Chatham News firds that Hit- ler's irk>a of expansion is to invade the most den.<dv pop\ilated areas an(k, kill (iff the natives., thus making more room for OermBrm. And every LOmG DISTiUVCE > *r^^^»^^^ ... for immediate reports on aU contracts!" Yes. TIME is the essence of all contracts these days! Efficient, fast and private in War or Peace, Long Distance Telephone Service is doing its bit on the Home Front. Day and night, Long Distance stands ready and waiting. # Â¥or economy^ special low rates apply after seven p.m. and all day VutCcUiy, Jmm MM

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