Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Apr 1940, p. 3

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UPTON'SF itiprvi»uAt TEA BAGS Convenient â€" economical â€" easy to dispose ofâ€" madeof absolutely taate- less filter paperâ€" each bag makes two cups of Lipton'a Yellow Label Tea â€" Lipton's Finest â€" an Empire Tea 'fit for a king'. Packed jn cartons of 20 and 100. u, >•♦•♦» •â- ^ < Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE 1. Is a dignified person ever •ngry? 2. When one is eating in a «rowded restaurant and a strang- •r wants to sit in a vacant chair «t your table, and asks "Do you mind," what should one reply? 3. Who should be the last per- son seated at a church wedding, before the bridal procession starts down the aisle? 4. Isn't it poor manners for two persons to lean across a per- son who iS sitting between them, to eaiTy on a conversation? 5. What does a la mode mean? 6. Should a guest at an affair make introductions among the other guests? . Antwerk 1. Yes but when he becomes â- 'iS'Ti be Surely loses all dignity. It lias been truthfully said, "A fit of anger is as fatal to dignity as a dose of arsenic to life."' 2. "Not at all." 3. The mother of the bride. 4. Yes. If they persist, the third person may offer to change seats with one of them. 5. Accord- ing to the fashion. Whajn we â- jpeak of "pie a !a mode," it means served with a mound of ice cream, because tliat is the fashion. 6. It is better to leave this duty to the hostess, unless the latter ha^ asked one 'o do" so. high heel of a. eleverl/ styled pair of shoes shorten the leg muscles and eveutuftlly cause pain?" UNHAPPINESS RUINS IT Social illness, a uew medical term which describes persons who are sick for no other reason than unhappiness over their environ- ment, was recognized last week by the American College of Physic- ians. Dr. EMward Weiss, of Temple TIniverslty, Philadeipbia, said that a third of those who see a doctor do not have any definite bodily dis- ease to account for th.-ir illm-ss, and another third seem to have symptoms that are partly due to emotions. "The Ill-health," he salJ, "arises from- long-standing dissatisfaction in the business, social or home life of the Individual and this failure t>f adjustment to environment la manlfesteil by a disturbance in some part of the p.v.-sonallty, either ;us bodily symptoms of various kinds, capable of mimicking almost any disease, or as affections of the spirit. " These Three Kings Made Peace Efforts In Vain t' • HAVE • \m HEARD? A placid old lady, who took lif« ]^oso9hie*liy, ut knitting in the •Srmwinsr-room. To her came rnsh- JBg her ten-year-old granddaugh- t«r. "Oh, granny," cried the girl, "father's just fallen off the roof 1" "I know, ray child," replied the «ld lady, without even raising her lyes, "I saw him pass the win- dow." "What U the mo*t pathetic picture in the world?" "A horse fly sitting on « radiator cap." Mark Twain once talked of gratitude. He didn't much care, he said, for gratitude of the noisy, boisterous kind. "Why," he fxclaimed, "when some men dis- eliarg:e an obligation, you can kear the report for miles around.'" â€" â€" Seme men tmile in the evening. Some men imile kt d«wn, Bnt the man worth while la the man who can tmilc When hi* two front teeth â- re gone. â€" â€" The identity of the young lady b withheld, but the memory of her answer lingers -on with the science instructor of a large high •eltool. On a written quiz he had asked the (lass to define a bolt and a nut, and explain the difference between them. On her paper the young lady wrote: "A bolt is a thing like a stick of hard metal such as iron witlv a square bunch at one end and a lot of scratching wound around the other end. A nut is similar to thi bolt only just the oppo.«!to hoing a hole in a little chunk of -L 1 u TOPICS ^ ♦ * • ♦ •-« â-  >«^ WHY HAVE " SORE Â¥EEJ? AROS I The desperate efforts of this trio of monarchs to keep Sca;iua)avia tSrom becoming invelved in the war between Germany jind the Allies failed as Germany invaded Denmark: and launL-hed a lightning attack on Norway. The monarchs of the ill-fated Scandinavian countries are pictured LEFT to RIGHT, King Christian of Denmark, King Haakon, of Norway and King Gustal, of Sweden. iron sawed off short with wrink- les around the inside of the hole." The startled instructor mark- ed that "first class honors." There isn't muck to be seca in » little town, but what 7«u hear malces up for it. FASHION AND HEALTH Comfort rather than a fashion- able figure is recommended as a guide in wearing apparel for wo- men by Dr. D. R. Deyoe, assistant medical advisor of Cornel! Univer- sity. "The women of Queen ElUa- beth's time," he said, "were not squeamish; they did not faint at the slightest provocation but from the pressure of their foundation garments on tho nerve centre, the solar plexis." Dr. Deyoe said he isn't trying to scare the women, but urged them to look behind wome'U's fashions and to consider their effect on the health. "Will a new fashion bring pressure on the waist and other parts of :iie body and result in shortened breattiiug and. nervous disorders?" ^le askp'l. "Will tlie How Can I? | BV ANN£ ASH' EV * Q. How can I cause butter to stay fresh longer? A. If the bucter is packed in a crock containing charcoal, it wiil .stay fresh much longer than o"- dinarily. Q. How can I stiffen the brush- es of the sweeper? A. Take the brushes out of the sweeper, put a little commoa bak- ing soda into some hot water ani dip the brushes into it several times. -Allow to dry in the sun. Q. How can I lubricate the meat (.'hopper and egg be;iter without allowing any taste of the lubricant to be imparted to the food ? A. Uie glycerine as a lubricant, and this will eliminate the possi- bility of any taste being imparted to the food. Q. How can I' clean grease- stained overalls? A. Rub them well with iard, then scrub with a stiff brush, us- ing a iittle ammonia in warm soapsuds. Q. How can I cause curtains to hang evenly after laundering? -A. Slip cu-cain rods through the lower hems and leave them there for a few days. T'aey will straigh- ten the curtains. Q. How can I make use of the spiced vinegar from cans of peaches? -A. This spiced vinog.ir makt\s a delicious flavoring for minced meat. It also makes a savory sacce for cabinet pudding. What Science j Is Doing i POWDERED IRON Launching of a new Industry o' a highly promising character is forecast ou the basis of methods perfected at Me-Ilon Institute, Pitthburgh, for the preparation of electrolytic iron powder. Designed to do la the field of metallurgy what modern plastics have accomplished for light indus- try, the new process is believed to make possible economical produc- tion, for example, of iron shapes not ordinarily forgeable. PEDALLING SAVES LIVES A new way to prevent blood clots and the fatal blocking of veins fol- Attention! USED TRUCK BUYERS It will pay you to see Ont- ario's largest assorted stock of good Used Trucks. Write, phone or call at G. M. C. TRUCKS Factory Retail Branch 208 3padina Ave. Toronto Phone WA. 1831 Open Evenings ©^L\N»M^ WEARY DESPONDENT AIHI A, Crylnc <ipell!i, irritable Willi J Dervfa due to functional "â- â- 'â- "• "montbly" pain should flm] • r«al "wnmsn'sfrii^nd* in LydiaE. Pink- tain's VvK«ta'>le Com.oouDd. Try iti lowing some uperacious â€" by aslag bicycle pedals â€" is announced. The method was reported last week as an effective aid la mlnlm- Ixlng one of the greatest risks of surgery, the danger of postoperat- ive complications. It consists of elevatltlg the fwt of the patient's bed for from 2i to 48 hours after a major operation and :he>a having the patient exer- cise on ordinary bicycle pedal.-i mouuteii on the foot of the bed. GLASS "STITCHES" It soon may be T>os8lble to talk about the glass stiuhes In your op- eration. Glass thread which can be drawn as fine as silk and spun into fibers of any thickness promises to be one of the new^t developmeatg In surgery. It is smooth, easy to handle, easily sterilizi-'i and is absorbed slowly by the body when used to close up deep Incisions, says r.ames Slater, the inventor. LydiaLPinkham's ffcrrani cowpoum POLLEN PILLS FOR ALLERGY Eating poiien has now been tried as a m«Jical remedy for hay fever and found quite effective. One aimdred and thirty hay fever victims acied as the guinea ptg.i at the University of Cleveland Al- lergy Clinic. About half of them took injec'ion of the ingwe&d pol- ^"^ \ "h DOES taste 9ood in .pipe!" wm L \ HANDY SEAU-nOHT POUCH . 1 5» Im. ^^. I \ V4iB. "LOK-TOP" TIN - ftW 1 t ^ 1 gmi^^/ C 1 1 «/so packtd in Pocktt Tins GROWN IN SUNNY, SOUTHERN ONTARIO || len, which is a standard method of relieving hay fever, while the other half swallowed capsules filled with the same pollen. The results showed the swallow- ing method is Almost as good as immunization by vaccination. Heavyweight Family Eight brothers and sisters of the Jones family of Glamorgan- shire, Wales, together weigh near- ly 15 cwt. Their t'ombined ages total 543. There are two 270- pounders, Caradoc, aged 52, and John, aged 74. CREAM WANTED We are paying a real high . price for cream F.O.B., Tor- | onto. Write for pnrticulara >nd cans. The Toronto Creamery I The United Farmera Co-operative Co. Ltd. Duke and George Streets TORONTO, Ontario. . . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS . . .H;K-\1'>* W.INTEIJ LI'JHT.MNij ROD .V';i:.\T W .VNT- <?il to â- i.rll I'hUIips I.ightninyf Pro- tootive System. B. Phlllip.s Comp- any Limited. 32 Ostjorne Avenue. Toronto. .v::i::-\T.s wanted for cnique, low-priopil portable 'lupllcator. .Sells itself in stores, offices. <'hur.:herf. schools, clubi^. eto. Dan- dy proposition for .stationer or a specialty mnn. Eor; 4. 73 Adelaide .Street \Ve«t. Toronto. SWFFT â€" .'^IKK RESfiyr.'^! FOlt ainbitiou.s mvn and wonienl Fain- ilex will .<;l>ow you ho\\'. ?*)0 .«uo- cessful 'je.ilcr" now on our list! Inquire for further detail.s and FREE catalogue to-day. Thfl Fain- ile.\ ProdUi-t.s t'oinpaiiy. 570 'St. 'M"!ti"'nt .â- ^Tr-^-'T. M'uirr-'ril. AITO r\Hr>i AM) \« <'K>"«<»KiKS TO i')1':ai..eks who xmb i.nter- e.sted in obtaining a source of sup- ply for a complete line of auto part.s acces.sories. tire.s, ttibes, but- tei-lcs. oil^, etc.. we i.'an assure you the lowest possible wholesale pric- es: and plai!e you in :i position to be competitive to any larKe cuta- loBue mail order house, -i'ou tire under no obligations to intjuire. L.etters will be kept strictly con- fidential. Dand'e Auto Stores, 522 Yâ- â- >n^^â-  SiL'-'et. Toi-.'ntn. IIAKI-.KY i:«i II'MKVr BAKERS' OVENS .'.NI' ilA-.'HI.V- ery, also rebtlilt equipment always on hand. Terras arranK-'d. Coires- pondence invited. Hubbard Port- able Oven '.'o.. 103 Eathurst St.. Toron-o. iiA>Ki;i'ii\ KKKl) WOIIK ij;ar.s' i^.vskktrv. i.s"teuest- iuK. <duc''ii"nal. complete irstruc- ti.m. ;!.'"•. free cataioeue and reed- worlt instructions. I>ominion Reed â- Supplic-. I>'partment W.. Toronto. Il.illV CHICKS ORDER BAIIV i.'Hli.'KS .\U\V AT- tractive prices on well bred H, er- red Rocks, White Leahorns, Hanip. shires, .\usrrolorps. Write Tor prices. Winsham Hatchery. Wi!ig- hiini. Ontario. CHEAP CHICKS OHE.\P I'HU'KS ARE .NOT Al- ways profitable. buy quality chicks at no higher price and be assured of profits from our blood- tested, yovcrninent approved White Lieghorns. Elmview Poultry Farm, Norham. Ontario. mm TKA\s -VIOllK M<J.\EV FOR EGOS. ELJid- inutc loss from cracks and breaks by packing in Keyes Trays (filler flats). 3') doz. lar^c eeifs packed in re*jular cases. Send for free samples or loo for enough for one case. Po8tu(;e paid, tiawley Pro. ducts Ivtd.. T;i Elgin Street. Brant- ford. Ontario. SPEC'I-AI. roCKEREI^ BAROA1.N.S, while they last. Three to four week old Barred Rock and -New Hampshire cockerel?. standard quality $!1.!)5. also lll-.iay-old non- sexed New Hamps. Barred Rocks J11.45. SO per cent. Pullets. .New Hamps US. 40. Harred Rocks $18.40 Cockerels. .New Hamps Ja.'J.'i. Bar- red Rocks S»J.i?5, two week old, add one cent. three^"cek old add four cents. Big Egg Quality add one ctnt. E.\tra Select add two cents. Immediate delivery. Haden Electric I'hick Hatchery Limited. Baden, ^Uitario. • •ASH IN ON THESE ST.VHTED • hli'k bamains. They are all High iju.ality '/hick.s from Oovernment Approved bloodtested breeders. Double AA Quality two week non- sexed .New Hamps, Barred Rocks J13.40. 90 per cent Pullets J19,!<0, '"ockerels $8.95. Three week old add three cents. Extra Profit add 114 cents. Special Mating add 2c. .Supply limited. Order -o-day. TweJdle i'hick Hatcheries Limit- ed, Fergus. Ontario. TOP .NOTCH CUT PRICES. THIS startling news comes just when you least expect it. All chicks from carefully culled blood- 'ested breeders Standard Quality non-sexed White Leghorns $8.50, Marred P.ocks. .New Hamps $8.95. White Rocks. White Wvaiidotte.s, Hybrids $9.i>5. ''0 per cent Pullets LeKhorng $1S.95. Barred Kocks 514. <5. New Hamps. White Rocks. Wyandottcs, Hybrids $15.75. Cock- erels. Leghortis two cents. New Hamps five cents. Barred Rocks -iix cents. White Rock.'S. Wyan- â- iottes. Hybrids $6.7,5. I^reo Egg Quality add one cent, Hlgger pro- fit add two cents. Top Notch ''hlckerics, Oiielph. Ontario. ICK ACTION T.S WHAT VOU ivant with chicks now. Bray is ready with 18 varieties. Started hicks, capon.s. For eng or meat markets. Immediate shipment. But .rder soon. Uray Hatchery, ijfl John V, Hamilton. mryci.K«, MOTORCYCi.rs FREE ILLVPTRATRD CATAIXJOUE New rebuilt Bicycles $10 up. I'scd Motcrcyclfla. Dukes. f.J.'iA Queen W.. Toronto. <; \nnK\ sn.i i n.< ASSCHtTF.D â€" SIX Fi:i IT TREES $5.o'i. Six ni'>se.s $3.uvi. Tli-ca hund- red .â- ^•rBwberries $i:,i"i. Fifty Kaspbe.-rica $4,00. Comylcte IJe- •jor ..'meirs supplied. v'a«h with order Burlington Nursery Co., BurlinEtoa. Ontario. KLKcritic HoroHS ELECTRIC MuTORS. NEW A.VD Rebuilt, also pulleys and V-lielts. fone.^ & Moore Electric. 29'! Adel- aide .St. W., Toronto. HALF TO r-3 HOR.-^E POWER heavy duty new hydro approved Emerald Motors. 30 per cent less than any other motor on the mar- ket, l.'i month STuarantee. Hoff- man Machinery. ISl King Ea.«t, Tiiri.ii;... KlI.Ms APRIL ADVERTISINO SPECIAL â€" dollar value for 30c and .^d^'ert^.?e• ment. Roll developed, printed or eight reprints, with craft embos- sed enlarg-ement 7 .\- 10. London Photo Service. Ro.-; 55;. London. Onrar' v KtIK 'VLK TWO-U.M-'- MILKERS â€" .New as low as S!<:1: guaranteed rebmlts as low as $;>:*; al-so amazing new c,rade-A i.'i parts replace up to 47 parts on others), free demon- otration. get our offer and free Orade-.V Guide. Box K. Room X8-4. Sarnia. Ontario. FOUR POINDS BCRLEY AND Virgin;. 1 Leaf $1.00, fifteen pounds $3.00. Four pounds Virginia Leaf Cigarette Tobacco $1.50. Postpaid! ,'j. W. Jeffrey. Leamington. Out. HERII-CROWING $5,000 CP.OP FROM H.iLF ACRE â€" People everywhere are growing Ginseng and Oolden Sea! (Medi- cine herbs). Enormous profits! We supply seed, in.ctructionsi buy ev- ery pound. Particulars lOo (credit- ed). No triflers. .\ssocintod Herb Growers. Box 27W . .St. .Norbert. Manitoba. mX.S FOR S.AI.E ORCH.\RD VALLEY VORKSHIRE.S â€" Present offering â€" Males. Ser- viceable age and younger. Sows all ages, bred or open. Sam J. Gal- latufher, .Mlistott. Ontario. HOTKI..S WA>'TEU OUR SUCCESS IX SELLINC, HOT- els is really phenomenal. U'e will be plea.^ed to have an opportunity to try to sell yours. We advertise In ever>' p.aper in Ontario. For our terms, v.-rite to Bert Weir & Sons, Realtors. London. Ontario. MRnlCAL HEPATOLA RELIEVES STO.MACH and Liver trouble.s. Symptoms: Pains in right side, under shoul- der blades and across hips. Indi- gestion. «as. constipation, enll trouble. Formula of doctor. Re- sults in one day! Price $5.00 Mrs. Geo S. Almas Ttny iii73\V .Saska- toon. .Sask Et'ZEMA. RASHES. PILES. SORB Feet, completely relieved by Der- misootlip. the clean. powerful household ointment. 25c. at your local druggist, jr mailed direct. Write for free sample. Twentieth Century Remedies. 107 Hogarth Avenue. Toronto ECZEMAID. RELIEF FOP. BABIES or adults, from dry or weeping eczema. Testimonials from hund- reds for over 35 years. Two weeks treatment, one dollar. \Vrite Hy- geia Products, London. t-">nT. M KSKR^ STOCK STRAWBERRIES. 'HOICK PL^WTS Senator Diinlap I.'IOO «4 00. 3.000 $10.00 b.v express F.O.B. Iroquois. 100 postpaid 90c. Write for list of shrubs, perennials and other plants. Forward 'lardt't),s. Troquuis Ontari.\ M HSKR\ «T«»CK .STRAWBERRY PLWTS. PREMIER $5.00 thousand. Burrill. Glen Mary. Parson's K.juuy $4.00 per thousand. l»arw;ti ^'ripps. No. 2, Acton. I'l PS KOK SAI,K PIREBREl) WIREHAIRED FO.V- terrler pups, eight weeks old from show winning stock, Re;isonab!e. A. N, Robinson. Stratford, Onf. KAKM PRODICK FOR SALE FOR S.\LE â€" O.A.C, NO. 3 OATS ripen h, fore sow-thistlo. will .vield 75 bus. per acre, 4^ lbs. per bushel. Very thin h>il!. rust resist- ant. Sample on request. Soybeans, early Mandarin 2-11. equals flnx- •â- ecd in protein, will yield 30 bus. per acre, grown from registered 'â- ped. White blossom Sweet Clover .Seed No. 1. $3.00 per bun. Choice Yorkshire pigs. 5 to 8 weeks old. fiigible for registration, both sex. 38.00 each. I?reeding stock picked by Government nffici,-)ls. Also 12 ifood lengthy Yorkshire bacon •.vpo. thrifty looking pigs, weigh- ng about 70 lb.«. eath. will sell at lie per lb., will be wr-ighed on '!overnmetit inspected scales at Meaford. Spring lambs weighing 45 Ibd., $11.00. either sex. These .ar« from cross-brcds. TjCicester and Oxford, which produce the wool the war demand". Fleeces averaged 10 lbs. this yc-.r Lambs ar« from Suffolk ram, w ould make real ewes for somebody, .Ml prlc- es cash en delivery. Freight col- 'ect. Freight Is verv reasonable. Can register pig-s for $2.00 each. Win hol'l l.>mb.« till gr.i.«s comes. J. F. Ps'.v â- , R R, 4, Me.ifoid, Ont ISSUE NO. 17â€" '40 Guaranteed CAR AND TRULK PARTS Used â€" New SPECIAMZIMi I\ KEUI ll.T MO- r<ms, I'OWKII.IMTS, Hydruullp lioUfs. Winclies, 4:enerutor«, Start- ers. lIugnelfiH. :'»rtHire(nrf« Itiiilltil. (irs â€" Ex4'liiinge Service, f^ln,ss â€" . Saflsfaetlon 'ir refund. Levy Anlo t'rii'fs. TortinTo i'i:ieso\,ti iUiT rOUACC'j, ~M!l.'l'', li.-Vbll.V inexpensively. Home remedy. Testimonials. Oiiaranteed, Aiivlre ' ree I^nrtiert'^ il.iv 1. Winnioeg STOP-TOB.VCCO. Special. Quit smok- rig, chewing tobacco, snuff, easily, •luickly. Complete gua.antee treat. ment. liOc. Reliable Products. Box -'51. Regina. ,Sn-l<. IIKI.IGKHS ELIJAH C O MING BEFORE '.'hrist.' Wonderful book sent free. Mepiddo Mission. H.. Rochester, New York. SALESHEV W A.\rt:D MILKER DISTRIBUTOR - SALES- men â€" invest $50.00 and be your own boss: one sale per week beat* working for someone else; cap. able hard workers earn $3,000 up, retail prices as low as S89. also .im.azing new machine by SO-year- old compan^â- . State full experience. Box K. Room S-jA. Sarni.a. Out. SKKU OATS ERBAN O.VTS. RE(;iSTEP.ED AND Commercial, both .No. i seed, high yielding large grain. Write for prices. R. J. McPherson. R.H. 5, Gait. Ontario. STAMMEHIX. I'ERMA.NE.NTLY '.ORRECTED â€" guaranteed if instructions follow- ed. .New scientific method. Twenty. years' experience. References. H. W. Hogue. 220 McDermot, Winni- peg, ril ACTOR FOR S.Vl,!-} .UJ^IS CHALMERS 20 - 35 TRAC- tor i:i first class condition. Priced to sell, McCormick-Deering Agency 'jalt. Ontario. LYONS' BARGAINS! HIGH CLA.ss RECOXOITIONED FDR.MTIRE Every article completely recondi- tioned, guaranteed absolutely clean and sold with a positive money-back guarantee. $19.50 3-picce chesterfield suite, English tapestry, reversible Mar- shall spring cushions. $24.00 smart Kroehler chesterfield suite, 3 pieces, upholstered In fig- ured velour. $27.00 large 3-piccc chesterfield suite, brown repp material, figur. ed reversible Marshall spring 'â- ushions. Perfect. $35.00 beautiful brown nmhair ches- terfield suite, large size, figured reversible Marshall spring cush- ions. $24.00 solid o.ak dining suite, buffet, table and 6 leather upholstered chairs. $49.00 English oak dinine suite, S pieces, buffet, extension table, ca- binet, and (i chairs. $24.00 Dinette suite, fumed oak. buf- fet, drop leaf table and 4 chairs, $59,00 Floor sample dining room suite. English oak, buffet, square extension table and 6 chairs, up- holstered in reil tnoh.iir. $69.00 smart walnut finish dining suite, buffet, extension table, china cabinet and ti leather uphols'ered chairs. $89.00 solid walnut dining suite, large buffet, extension table, cab- inet and 6 leather upholstered chairs. $19.50 Bedroom suite, walnut finish dresser. 3t'»el bed. saglcss springi and new mattress. $39.00 smart bedroom suite in rich walnut finish, dresser, chiffonier full size bed. .sagless spring and new mattress. $49.0*1 floi"'r sample bedroom suite, modern dre,«scr. with Venetian mir- ror, chlffonior and full size bed. in new bleached walnut finish. $.'i9.00 complete modern bedroom suite in waterfall design, blciched walnut finish, dresser, chiffonier, full size bed, sagiess spring, new mattress and 2 pillows. $6.95 large dressers with S roomy drawers. $10.50 walnut finish chiffonier, flv« drawers. $12.95 Simmons walnut steel bed, sagiess sprlngf and now mattress, full si;-,e, $8.95 pull-out couches complete with new mattressi'S. $14.95 six-piece breakfa.'ft "lUito. huf. fet. drop leaf table ,ind i chairs. $12.50 Singer 'Irop head sewing ma- chine. Perfo'it condition. $9.50 kitchen cabinet with slidlnff porcelain top. JiI.SO go.id 3 hiftner gas s'.ove with high ba.-k. iruarnnt<'ed. L,argc assortment rues, nil sine*. in excellent condition at ridiculous- ly low price)*. Sea us for jour summer <?ottag« ftirniture. We have the lartrest na. sortmenl of -loo.l rocomlitiond fur. niture at the l,)',v.\..t prices in Tor- LYONS FURNITURE CO. 478 Yonge St. â€" Toronto MWMfcitfaMM'ia

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