Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Apr 1940, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, April 17, 1940 FEVERSHAM Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E2by motored to Barrie, where they spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Armstrong. Miss Sheila Armstrong returned home with them after spending a long visit with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Davidson. Mr. Ivan Alexander of Creemore spent a day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Alexander. Mrs. Elvin Sammons and family paid a visit with her sister, Mrs. Roy Boynton, in Toronto recently. Mr. Dan Brown and Mrs. Arthur Holroyd of Collingwood were callers in this village on Monday. A presentation was held here last Saturday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lawlor (nee Lois Wilson of Durham). A purse of money was presented by friends and neghbors. Best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Lawlor for their future happiness. Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson spent a day in Toronto tills week. Mr. Harold Spofford of Uxbridge spent the week end with his mother, lira. Fred Spofford, and sister, Tolie. NAMES OMITTED Wesley G. Taylor of New West- minster, B.C., is a brother of the late Thos. J. Taylor, whose death was re- ported in last week's issue. Mrs. Geo. Palmer (Annie) who passed away Oct. 28, 1939, in Vancouver, B.C., was also a sister. Mrs. Donald P. Young of Sarnia is a niece. "What time is it by your watch?" "Quarter to." "Quarter to what?" "I don't know â€" times got so bad I had to lay off one of the hands." Stand by THE OPEN COMPETITIVE MARKET WHERE YOUR INTERESTS ARE FULLY PROTECTED Ship yoor Cattle, Calves, Sheep and Hogs to Dunofand Levack Ltd. Canada's Leading Livestock Salesmen Established 1893 â€" Write to us for Dependable Information. Union Stock Yards - TORONTO VICTOR IA CO RNERS Mrs. Edith Hall and little daughter visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fenwick, East Linton. Dona remain- ed with her grandparents for a time. The Y.P.S. heW their weekly meet- ing at the home of Helen Irving last week. Anna Maud Acheson returned last Thursday from spending the winter in Toronto and Berkeley. Mrs. Milton Bannon attended the Institute School at Markdale and went on to Berkeley to visit her aunt, Mrs. Richard Jotinson, who is very ill. On Sunday Mr. Patterson brought Miss Jean Stewart, a missionary from West China home on furlough, who gave a very interesting talk. When she went to China she was one of the last party which travelled to the in- terior by jinrikisha chairs. Now there are motor roads. She told how once they went on their holidays for a month in the mountains and on their return the Japanase had declar- ed war and she said they returned to an entirely different country, from the one they left a month before. She mentioned, also, that though there are many Christian teachers among the Chinese, yet they need the white race executive ability to keep the organi- zation intact. (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bowering visit- ed with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Richardson. Mrs. Bowering has been ill, but is quite well again. There has not been a very large attendance at church these last two Sundays on account of the condition of the roads. ORANGE VALLEY Mr. Bart Ritchie is hired with Mr. W. J. McPadden. Week end visitors at the Littlejohn home were: Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hog^g and family of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hogg of Chatsworth. % Mr. and Mrs. Glen McGee and fam- ily, who moved to their home here last fall, and since disposed of the same to Mr. Day of Walters Falls, moved back to their home at Vandeleur. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Miller and fam- ily motored to Owen Sound Saturday. Mr. Robt. Smith spent the week end at his home here. Mrs. Smith return- ed to the city with her husband for a week. Mr. W. J. MoFadden is spending a few days in Owen Sound. Mr. Frank George is employed with Mr. John Hill for the summer. £. I. HoUey Watch* Repairing Order Clocks, Watdies and Jewellery from us J. C. Stiles Rawleigh Dealer Full supply of all lines at this store N«w located in THE FORMER HENDERSON. BUTCHER SHOP FLESHERTON, Ontario Time to Think o f Papering Again j WE CAN SUPPLY ALL YOUR NEEDS Sherwin-Williams Paints, Enamels and Vamidies spread smoothly and easily and cover more surface. Make your painting^ easier witL a gx>od brush. aCEDAR MOPS SPEED HOUSE CLEANING We have a wide selection of waxes and polishes, wall paper and paint cleaners, brooms, wax polishers, scrub brushes, etc. SYRUP MAKING SUPPLIES Buckets, Spiles. Bits. Cans, Sap Pans. etc. BROODERS AND ACCESSORIES for the poultry raisers. F. W. DUNCAN HARDWADE Phone 54 FLESHERTON CENTRE LINE Winter is still with us; lots of snow and very cold weather. Master Bob Hill of Hatherton spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Batchelor. Mr. Lloyd Young of Collingnwood and Miss Florence Tuohy of Meaford spent a Sunday recently with Mrs. Florence Lyons and family. Mt. Zion W. A. held their April meetingr at the home of Mrs R. J. Fisher, Fourth Line, last Tuesday. In spite of bad roads there was a good attendance and a splendid meeting. The devotional roll was nswered by a favorite Bible verse. The word for the next roll call is "Mother." The next meeting will be held at the hcHne of Mrs. Jack Badgerow. (Intended for Last Week) The robins are back and we have heard wild geese passing over; the snow is going fast, so spring must be here. -,. A mistake occurred in these items two weeks ago which I wish to correct. Mr. Charlie Weatheral and family moved to Maxwell, where Charlie is employed with Mr. Seeley for the summer. Mrs. Florence Lyons has returned home from a visit with relatives in Toronto. We are pleased to know that Mr. and Mrs. Dave Jamieson are recovering as well as can be expected. Mrs. Robt. Osborne spent last week with her aunts, Mrs. Crane and Mrs. Callahan, at Chatsworth. Mr. John Oslbome spent the week end at his home here. Messrs. Stanley Little and Victor Osborne spent Monday in Toronto and Brampton. Our minister made the trip on Sun- day, although he walker the greater part of the way. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hill of Hather- ton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Batchelor. Mr. Joseph Little has returned home after spending a month at Mr. W. Scutt's, near Mclntyre. CEYLON KIMBERLEY The snow has gone from the roads through the valley, which are drying out in most places. The W. I. had their social evening when cards and crokinole were enjoy- ed. Mr. Fred Wickens was the winner of the lucky ticket on the quilt. Mrs. Bruce Carruthers is making satisfactory progress now, after her clinic examination at Owen Sound. Her many friends are glad to see her, regaining her health. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Wallace of Col- lingwood visited Mrs. D. Wallace and Mrs. Clark on Sunday. We are glad to say that Mr. W. T. Harris is able to be home from the Markdale hospital, where he had been for the past two weeks with a badly broken leg. There are a number making maple syrup and report a fair year with the syrup of good quality. Mrs. John Wilson is still in the Markdale hospital, but we understand that she is improving in health. Miss Aileen Baker of Proton is assisting Mrs. Archibald, who is ill. Miss Marjory Stewart of Hamilton spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stewart. Miss Bessie Cairns of Weston is spending a week at her home here. The Ladies' Aid is holding a social evening in the church on Wed., April 24, and a good program is being prepared. This week they are quilting at the home of Mrs. A. C. Muir. Mr. A. S. Muir made a business trip to Toronto on Tuesday. The Women's Institute will meet Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Knox, when Mrs. Sinclair will have charge of the program. Mrs. A. C. Muir and Mrs. J. F. Collinson are on the lunch committee. At the Grey County Seed and Grain Display held in Owen Sound last week, Mr. A. S. Muir won first place with his exhibit of 5 bushels of No. 21 O.A.G. barley. Mr. Muir also se- cured first place in Toronto in Febru- ary at the seed display when his barley led in the exhibits in grain. Mr. Muir has been specializing in the >rowing: of seed grain and potatoes 'I â- 'o? j vears and these awards are tic iTff.ult of continuous painstaking «lr, Nomai. Hostrawser held a SL -essfui auction sale Thursday last. «,>onsidering the roads and weather, the sale was well attended. Thos. Genoe, Mrs. Archie Stewart and John Parker, west backline, have had their homes wired for the install- ation of Hydro. Mr. and Mrs. John Mc'William, Miss Janet Campbell and Mrs. Geo. Camp- bell attended the funeral Sunday of the late Mrs. Macgregor at Dundalk. Mr. Will Stewart of Toronto is vis- iting Mr. and Mrs.. John Stewart and is busily employed in the sugar bush. Sympathy is extended the relatives of the late Mrs. Margaret Macgregor, whose funeral was held Sunday, from the home of her niece, Mrs. Hugh Bailey, Dundalk. The body was laid to rest in the Latter Day Saints' cemetery, Hopeville. The late Mrs. Macgregor was a visitor with her niece, Miss Agnes Macphail, at the time of the sickness and death of her brother, the late Mr. George Camp- bell, and her death following sc soon upon that of her brother is the source of deep sorrow among a large circle of friends. Seed Time IS COMING We have a full line of your seed requirements, also Formaldehyde and Ceresan for treating grain For Chick Feed SUN RAY CHICK STARTER 19% .... $2.85 MASTER FEEDS CHICK STARTER $2.90. All Guaranteed Feeds & A. Co-operativ« Company, Ltd. FLESHERTON. Ontario PRICEVILLE Mrs. Bill Hill of Fergus spent a few days last week visiting her mother, Mrs. H. R. McLean. Marvin, sgn of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sturrock, met wth a nasty accident while playing hockey with his broth- ers. The puck flew up apd hit him, causing a slight fracture of his skull. Mrs. Thos. Nichol spent the past week visiting at the home of her son, John, near Ceylon. Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Whyte, had the misfortune to break her leg in two places while playing around her home. (Intended for Last Week) BORN â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Leith in Durham hospital on Sunday, March 31, a daughter, Mary Janet. Congratulations. Mr. I>avid Hincks spent the past week visiting with his daughter, Mrs. Chas. Tucker, Ebenezer. Mr. Archie Conkey had the misfor- tune to lose a valuable horse last week from blood poisoning. Jlrs. Minnie Beaton* of Nobleton is visi::;;-.^ at the McLachlan home. Congratulations to Mr. Donald Mc- ilillan of the South Line, who cele- brated his 91st birthday on March 29, and drove three miles to vote. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Mclnnis, Mrs. Mcinnis and Mr. Alex. McLean of To- ronto spent the week end at the home of Mr. Colin MoLean. Mr. Innis McLean spent the week end in Toronto. Friends here were sorry to hear of the death of Mr. Wra. McLeod of near Sunnidale. The funeral was held on Saturday. The back roads at present are in bad condition for travl. "Mary, this pudding's got an awful lot of grit in it." "Ay, Sandy, ye'U rememher that's the rice that was used at Jeannie's wedding." BUCKINGHAM One group of the Club members and their husbands met Saturday evening and with the essentials for a warm quilt at hand, namely a pieced woollen top, flannelette lining, batting and colored yarns, started to work. The ladies soon had everything ready for the main business of tying, and the men proved to be such adepts at the job that in a couple of hours the quilt was completed. We understand this is eight quilts that have been com- pleted by the Club since early fall, with two of the number yet to be finished. Mr. Jack McClerkin of Collingwood visited a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Taylor. Our congratulations to .\rthur Law- lor of the Eighth Line, a 'member of the C.A.S.F. and his bride, who were recently married. The Rob Roy Euchre Club had their weekly party at the home of Mr. Herb Taylor Wednesday evening, when Mr. Jos. Freethy was the winner. The Club plans having their final meeting in the hall Friday next, which will take the form of a secial evening and weiner i-oast. \\ I'm lor the ,#«iiiiib««* ALL-ROUND LEADER' in Performance and Economy... S?5>>. iAAefne CHEVROLET TRUCKS (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Herb Taylor visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Stevens, Gibraltar. Although the Hay was very wet and disagreeable ten members and nine visitors were present at the commun- ity club meeting at the home of Mrs. .â- \. Mullin. In charge of the president, the meeting opened v.ith the usual de- votional exeroi."<eR, followed by the secrctari'V report of previous meet- ing. Thf> ladies spent the afternoon quilting and at sf\ o'clock lunch was served. The next meeting will be at the home oT Mrs. J. T. Davidson on May l.^t. 10 MODELS WHEELBASES EvuRYWHERE in Canada, you find thousands of satisfied Chevrolet Truck owners, each with his own very good reason.s for choosing the All-Aroun<i Leader in performance and savings. Such nation-wide popularity means something. It means that you, too, will dis- cover the thriftiest answer to your hauling problem in one of the SO new C hevrolet Models for 1940. CT-45 D. McTAVISH & SONS FLESHERTON, ONTARIO H. Grummett, Dundalk, Assoc. Dealer

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