Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Mar 1940, p. 7

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f f r •-» * A' 1. » T t ^» < ^ -< *» â- â™¦ ^ » »t A ♦ -r <• "h X -.^ â-  * : â- * '< - *',r>'. 4 ' ♦ â- f /"-» .. â- \ , «* A 'â-  :♦ \ ^ - » ^ +â-  -t. t â- ^ •i -« > , â- Â» ♦ » r \ V â- n » •» > . ; f. •» » > < »• ^. „. > â- -M •f â- â€¢ < -- v^. <• • ;« 4 ♦ â- Â» V « jv..- -....\ < 1 ♦â-  » ♦ 'T * ** •! - •• â- * %^- ♦* •*• A â- â€¢** ». *• * * < r •< At the zoo • generously propor- tioned lady was watching: the lions being fed. The keeper gave one beast what she considered a very â- mall portion of meat. "I bej your pardon," the said, "isn't this a very inadequate piece of meat for a lion?" The keeper replied, "It~ may •e«m small to you, madam, but it ii plenty for the lion." â€" o â€" "How did you com* to writ* a po«m OB the back of a gov- *nimeiit bond?" "I was tirad of hearing falka (ay {hat my ttiiff waaa't worth th« paper it w«> writt*B on!" An old IrishwoDian wanted to «0M the road at a busy London •raner but was acared off by the tnfric. A polictman came to the res- «w. "It's all right," he assured Imt. "When y«u see the red light, tkat red's for England, so don't (•. Bat when you «ee the green, tkat'a for Ireland. You can cross Ikcn, and not a thing will touch JOB." Sho crossed on the green light, (ken waited till it was green again aad came back to thank the pol- iceman. "It was very kind of you to explain it so nicely," the said. "But glory be, you don't give mch time for the Orangemen to get across!" â€" o â€" "A KttI* bird toM me jroa www â- eing to give m* a dia- seaad kracelet." "It Biiut have been a lyre Urd." "Those new people across the »>oad seem very devoted," said Hn. Jones wistfully to the news- . HP^ which hid her husband. A rustle of the sheet was the ealy reply she got, but she was «tcd to that. "Every time he goes out he Utiea her, and goes on throwing Uises all down the road. Edward, why don't you do that?" "Me!" snorted the man behind tiie news. "I don't know her!" Mother of 69 By giving birth to 15 children, 'all' of whom are alive, by her ' ttirty-f ifth birthday, Mrs. Scholtz, •f Harrismith, Orange Free State, daims to have established fi -WWW'S record. But Mrs. Scholtz :,h.^%<S9V a. disappointment, , for >()WijBUg% J^r- ejicjri;.. i§. remarliable .'4_cBnnflt i;omparei..Jxith.. that of iij. Matthew Bauer, whg given Urth trf ^ diild^ each'.yearj for the list '^8' y^ars.' Alf are living. Ev- en' nwre-proHfrc- -*sg- Mnc Bem- Sid Schienberg, who died at 56, liavuig.l 63 children. There were four sets of quads,' seven>«f trip- htei"- aod . sixteen . twins, but no tingles:- â-  â- â€¢â- â- -â-  â- , . . â- â-  scouTiiri:.:. Here are some'_ interesting facts Irom the Annual Report of the Boy Scout's*' Associatkin of Ontario lor im, jUst Isiiued:' The total membership, at October list, 1989, was 42,905, a net In- erease of 4,559 over the previous ytar tâ€" the largest increase evor n««»dod In a single year. The total Includes 19,313 Wolf Cobs, 19,135 Boy Scouts, 29G Sea loouts, 171 Lone Scouts. 1,265 Ro- ver Scouts and 3,228 Scout lead- en. A large numher of Scout Groups •re sponsored by churches. By denominations these Include: 192 Anglican, 28 Baptist, 7 Hebrew, 68 Treebyterlan, 99 Roman Catholic, 148 United and 7 of other denomin- ations. Daring the summer of 1939 a re- eerd total of 874 canups were at- tended by 9,246 boys and leaders. Scout census figures by cities^nd liitrlcts showed Toronto In first tiaee, with a total of 12,784, follow- ed by Ottawa, with 3,044, Hamilton ta third place with 2,331. Windsor tonrth with 1,882 and London fifth with 1,369. In order the next five •le North Waterloo 879; St. Cather- tite 820; Niagara Falls 662: Osh awa 635; South Waterloo 586. During 1939 Ontario Scouts pass- ed teets tor 11,329 proficiency bad- ges. Figures for the distinctly voca- tional badges show 524 boys to have toalifled for the Artist badge, 115 as Basket Workers; 4S as Beekeop- sn, 13 as Blacksmiths, 10 as Boat •nllders, 61 as BookbindeHi, 432 as Ortrpenteirs, 37 as Clerks, 70 as Dairymen, 155* as Klectrlolans, 141 •• Engineers (automobile). Other eategories Include 75 Farmers, 112 itfdeners, 95 PouUrym^^i and 36 flockmen. For work In met.\l 171 boys secnr ed a badge ind 38 for work in lea- der, while the creditable number el lis pwised the Plumbers badge iMt. Fairey "BKttJN^"^yf«(il In Brituh CommonwealUi Aii*' Training Scheme The Fsirey "Battle", which has not been used here for training purposes before, is a two-seat medium bomber of British design and manufacture. It is being used in this country by the R.C.A.F. for training purposes and is one of six aircraft selected for use in connection with the British Commonwealth Train- ing Plan. It is to be used also for towing targets at which air gunners i«n release bursts of fire, and so in- crease their efficiency. (R.C.A.F. Photograph) A. If someone telephones when one Is busily engaged in something important, is It all right to say that you win call back later? A. Yes, by all means do so. Only an extremely temperamental or lu- persensitive person would resent It. Q. Would It be wise to form a friendship with one who seems to be very suspicious of everyone, mis- trusting even those whom ho con- siders his closest friends? A. No; and probably the best rea- son for not forming a friendship with one who is so suspicious is In the proverb that says, "A man does not look behind a door unless he has stood there himself." Q. When a maid is brushing the crumbs from the table, should they be brushed into her hand or into a tray? A. The crumbs should be brushed Into a tray. 4. Isn't it poor taste for a person to keep repeating some phrase, heard over the radio, such as, "I hope, I hope, I hope," or, "Why, shore," etc? A. Yes. One should leave such Imitations to children and parrots, and try to be more original. It be- comes very tiresome to everybody but the one who considers it to be clever. Q. When a young man has asked a girl to go to the theatre, or to dine, is it all right for the girl to suggesr, that she pay for herself? A. No. The right kind of young man would resent this. If he asks her to go, it is supposed that he can afiford to pay. Q. Who should pay for the wed- ding bixakfast, given at a hotel? A. The father of the bride-. How Con I? 6Y Ai\ir.Jt Asm Ev I Q. What is the proper way of pre- paring peanut butter sandwiches? A. Take a small amount of pea- nut butter, put it into a small bowl; add to it slowly a ts'K teaspoonfuls of hot milk. Beat until the mixture has the consistency of thick cream. Then spread between thin slices of bread. Q. How cau I whiten yellow and dingy clothes? A. Wash them in water to which a cup of equal parts of limewater and. turpentine, shaken until creamy has been added. Q. How can 1 pack away an iron to as to prevent its rusting? A. Rub the iron with a little fat that does not contain salt, wrap it in brown paper, and it will not rust. Q. When is the best time to transplant a maple tree? A. In the early spring before any buds have appeared oa the tree. Choose a rainy time when the ground Is soft, and preserve as much of the i-oot as possible. This refers to trees not moro than six or eight feet high. Then trim down the crown of the tree. Q. How can I make a substitute for whipped cream? A. A delicious sub.'titute fc whipped cream is sliced banana added to the white of an egg ant beaten until stiff. A few drops of vanilla improves the flavor. War Extends Language Use New- Place Names Offer Plen- ty of Tongue-Twisters Foreign wai-s in recent years years have turned attention to far places and taught many of us some new geography. Unfamiliar names have become commonplace in the daily news. Chapei, Peip- ing, Chungking, Djibouti, Somali- land, Sudetenland, Memel and others have swum into our ken, says the Halifax Chronicle. Recently we have been having difficulty with names of towns in Finland â€" ^many of the places have both Swedish and Finnish spell- ings. NO SET SPELLING RULES As in pronunciation, there teems to be no set rule for the spelling of foreign names. We anglicize Bruxelles and Roma to Brussels and Rome, but we write Paris and Berlin just as they are spelled In their own countries. Which brings us back to the ar- gument about Monte-Vid-eo and Montevi-DAY-a. C. N. R. Deficit Registers Drop Decrease of 917,245,000 In 10- Month Period Is Announced The Canadian National Rail- ways shrewd $17,245,000 decrease in its deficit during the period April 1, 1939, to Feb. 29, 1940, compared with the same period the previous year, it. was shown in a statement issued bj" the Comptroller of the Treasury, Trans-Canada Airlines and the National Harbors Board also had sharp reductions. "" • *' AIRLINES, TOO. - During the ten-montii period ended last Feb. 29 the C.N.R. deficit was $34,719,000, compared with $51,964,000 the previous year. For last February it was $1,500,000, compared with $5,- 000,000 for February, 1939. The deficit for T. C. A. for the ten-month period was $388,000, compared with $726,000, and the National Harbors Board deficit $1,09-1,000, compared with $4,- 125,000. About 5,000,000 tons of cotton- seed are crushed in a year in about 600 plants. Botanists say that the eariie.st flowers of spring are also the most ancient and primitive. ASTHMA BRONCHITIS MUilTOIIU, IMINI-ON COUSHS'ilSr COLDS UCKLEY M ix-runE FOR WOMEN ONLY! \ - - , Jsnua ti^sn from £f?nia1» functional "irregular- ities' ktcp you from havioi tun in lite- take Lydia E. PioklUBi'a Ve««itble Com- pound, made eapecially to btip aueh run- down, wiak. ailini woman. fr» iU I ll«li«f frMH COLDS AND .Nasal Catarrh Wfay aDdure the coagpflriun. tluiBneaa, Bttiuwating mucus and choked air paa- â€" aa of uaaal catarrh? Get rpliaf from tbcsa dread aarmptoms at onre Va« Moitholatum. Quick in Mction. QuaroM^d to brirtg relief or mon^ back. ttlVM MENTHDLATUM COMFORT Oaffy Canada's e.vports of planks and boards in January amounted to 167,527,000 feet valued at $4,- 179,467 compared with 156,211,- 000 valued at $3,248,707 in Jan- uary, 1939. Sap flows rapidly in trees In spring; so it is generally better to do pruning in the fall. "It DOES teste sood in i pip«!" HANOy SCAL-TIGHT POUCH • 15^ y^OJ. "LOK-TOP" TIN . MM •/so packtd In Poektt Tins <rPicobac GROWN IN SUNNY^^OUTHERN ONTARIO In.sect raising is big business for the Department of •Agriculture at Ottawa. But the Government-bred insects are parasites, raised as nat- ural enemies of pest insects. To keep lions from his cattiu corral near Leysdorp, South Af- rica, 0. H. Webb, floodlit it witn hurricane lamps, but the beasts walked between the lamps and killed a fow before he could fire at them. THIS BOOK IS FREE It you are looking for relief from we.1kne3.se3 o't Stoma«Ii, Kidneys, Liver or other bodily ills, write for our "Family Bot- anic Guide." Thousand.i of Can- adian customers, praise these romcdies. Do not delay â€" write to-day. , HEALTH VJlOOVC-rSj LTD, nept. Sr. â€" ^ustatoou. SuIe. Retail sales of gasoline in Can- ada during the first eleven monthn of 1939 amounted to 752,241,000 gallons compared with 714,220,- 000 gallons in the corresponding period of 1938. %iuatiaHteaie f^% €hduuihu>4cle . . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS . . AGEXTS WANTED MILKER MEN WANTED â€" INVEST t60.0U and be your own boss; one â- ale per week beats working for someone else; capable, hard wor- kers earn $3,000 up; amazing new machine by old-established comp- any. State sales experience in full. Address Room FA2, Anker-Holth Manufacturing Company, a.irnia. Ontario. SWIFT â€" SURE RE.SULTS! FOR ambitious men and women! Fam- llex will show you how. 9U0 suc- cessful dealers now on our list! In- quire for further details and Free catalogue today. The Familex Product.s Company, 570 .St. Clem- ent Street, Montreril. MEN. WOMEN! FAST PHOFlTa:"" Important new Electrical Suealal- ty. Free Details! Ronald Cooke Co., NoranUa, Quebec. AGENTS WANTED IN EACH TOWN Sell Vitamin B-1 that grows Daf- fodils as big as salad plate.>i. Roses five inches across. Transplant without wilting. Approved for sale by the Department of Agriculture. Ottawa. Send $2.00 for complete kit and in.structions. Big profits. Nationiil Sanitary Products, Llm- Ited, London, Ontario. MATCH BOOKS â€" NEW LINE â€" just out. Beautiful gold processed namplcs. Send 10c for packing. Salesmen mention territory want- ed. Agent.s! Act quickly. Paynes. Limited, Wallingford Building, "Winnipeg, BAHY CHICKS ORDER BABY CHICKS NOW. AT- tractive prices on well bred Bar- red Rocks, AVhito Leghorns, Hamp- Bhircs. Austrplorps. Write for prices.'-WSnshnm HMciifefyr NJ^ilie- ham, Ontario. ' - â-  ..t I r-' â€" 4« â€" , _ , ' i^lROE .TA^iJt -EAIUiON. liEGIIORNS mated' to cockferul? from R. O. P. and contest winning flock, gc; pullets llic; Collins Poultry Farm, (Osn.ibruclf Centre). WalcJ, Ont, WIGS. TOt;PES. TRANSFOHilA- tions, Switches, Curls, and ail types of fine.5t quality Hair Uoods. Write for illustrated catalogue. Confidential, terms arranged. Tor- onto Human Hair Supply i.'o.. h'l'A Batliurst Street. Toronto. MORE BREEDS TO CHOOSE FRO.M and better chicks than ever before and at lower prices. Before buying compare Baden Quality, compare Baden prices. Standard Quality AVhite Leghorns $S.!i."): 90 p.r cent, pullets giS.U.'i; Barred Rocks. New Hamp-shircs $9.4.1; Pullets $1(5.00; White Rocks, White Wyandotte^, Light Sussex $10.).';; Hybrids, Bar- red Rocks X Nt:w Hampshires, New Hampsliires X Barred Rock?. Whitf! Legliorns X Barred Rtioks $10.46; Pullets Slil.i'O. Big Egg quality, slightly higher. Free cir- cular. Badon Electric Chick Hatch- ery Limited, B.aden, Ontario. IMMEDTATB DELIVERY BRAY started New Hampshire Columb- ian Wyandotte, cockerels, jiullet."^, chicU.a; Roch cockerels; itapons; turkeys. Order ;?oon. "Bought .'jOO. raised 490". xnrites CcorKe Herm- ant. Thais wliav. makes the poul- try profits. 2-3 week chicks to or- der. Turkeys. Bray Hatchery, 130 John, Hamilton. (?UKSSrN(J ISN'T IJOOD ENOUGH for Twcddlis. We know that no atone is left unturned to produce high quality chicks. G.ivernment culled and banded, blooUtesfed by the only nicthoil ncoKnlzcd b.v the X>epartm(nt of Agriculture. Only large eggs .set. all iiatchcd in up- to-date incubators jire only a few of the things wn do to make sure that you get the best chicks that we can prodtice. best of all title to our enormotis production we can Kcll these chii-lts for Ics.s. Prices for n4,!i-scxcU chicks start at $9.4.1 per hundred. Free <'at:ilogiiP. Tweddle Cliick H.-iti:herics Limit- ed, Fcrgvis, <.)ntario. U.AKKMV Ktlflr.-nENT BAKERS' OVICN.S -\ND MACHIN- ery. also rebuilt o<juipment always on hand. Terms arranged. Corres- pondence invited. Hubbard Port- able Oven Co., 103 Buthur.st St., Toronto. BASKKTRY RKEU WORK UBARN BASKETRT. INTBREST- tng, educational, complete Instruc- tion. :5c. Free catalogue and reed- Sork Instructions. Dominion Heed ipplles, Deparfnient W., Toronto atarlo. ^MXtJnKH POIf.TKT RKTIRW «ArA'S or.I'lOST AND BEST Sultry m.".,"""!rc. .V real help to By poultiynu l.irge or araall. Sly $1.00 per .car. S«mple copy. fe. Cana'liiiii Poultry B«»lew. |4 W. Adelaide .''trr-et, Verento. CAHS, XEW ASD USED, MOUNT PLEA.SANT MOTORS, LTD Toronto's oldest Chrysler, Ply- mouth dealers: three locations, 63- Mount Pleasant Road. 2040 I'ongc Street. ll'CS Danfonh Ave. Our used ears mnKe us many friends. COI,LEGP>, TRADE SCHOOLS LBAR.V SHORTHAND, TYPEWIUT- ing, bookketping at home. Wrlt^ef-' Home .Stttiiy Institute. BSl Furhk Street. Winni peg, for particulaiC^, KuToATioSAl,- w ' T >â-  'i .i'- â-  STUDHNTa' xTnv B!NUlJI.Lll«BiPOR courses in Matriculation. Short Story. 'Qurnallsm. Shorthand ami spcicn Culture. Make use of your spare time. Write today. Canad- ian Corre.?pondence College. (cS- tabli.shed 1902) 229 Yonge Street . Toronto F1I.M.S r-r-... APRIL ADVERTISING SPECIAL â€" dollar value for 3Uo and advertise- ment. Roll developed, printed or eight reprints, with craft embos- sed enlargement 7 x 10. London Photo .Service, Box 5ol, London. Ontario. INDOOK WATEIl TOILETS FOR FARM. SI;BUREAN .A.ND SUM- mer homc.=, where water faciliti'ss are not available. Covcrnment Home Improvement payments ar- ranged. Circular on request. Can- adian Sanitation Company, 67 York .street. Hamilton. .M.»I>LK siitri' Pf HE M.-VPLE SIRUP IN 0.\E GAL- Ion cans, SI. (10 per gallon. N. B. Smiih. .'-^i.uili Roxton. Queb,ie. â-  1IGI)IC.4I. HEl'..\Tol^\ l!i!UEVES sTUMACll and Liver troubles. Siminoms: Pains in right side, under" slioul- der blades and across hips, inrdir gesiion, gas. constipation, tfall trouble. ForirinJsinOf doctor. Re- sults in one dafy! Price S.I.OO. .Mrs. Geo. .S. Almas, Box lilVSW .«.iSTlrri tooti. Sask. B-M.D? CiOl.VO B.VLD? â- 'BE.VH'S Formula" grows hair rapidly, kills dandiur'f, stops falling hair, itch- ing .scaip. Handred.s of testimou- ial.'. Boxes $1.00, postpaid. Use half conteni.", if not satisfied, re- turn the unused portion â€" your money refunded instantly. L and B Beach. B2;1G2, .North Vancouver. B.C Scalp specialists for 13 years. Our reput.rtion protects you. EMBARl'.ASHEn WITH PI.Ml'LES or Klackhcads? A famous skin spe- cialist's creme, will relieve you â€" money back guarantee. One dollar brings month's treatment. Full simple iii.«tr«etions. Hygeia Pro- ducts. Lotidon, t^ntario. .\.STHMA! FOR EXCELLENT RE- BUILD use: "-Isthma-Tono" in mild- er Asthma: or ".Vsthma-Lax." in severe Asthma. They stop A.nthma attacks quiekly; heal damaged lungs. irvignrMlP bod.v. Pi'ice $1.00. Write Aslhma-'l'ono Laboratories, 410 Barton East. Hamilton. ^ KrZHMAID. iUCLlEF FOB HABIES or adults, from dry or wesping ec- zema. Testimonials from hundreds for over 85 years. Two weeks' trcat.iHcii:. $l.Hi]. W"ritci ir\ :4cia Prntiiii'ts. Loii'loit. Ontario. MI\K.>« I''(M» SALE PURE QI.:EBEC.S. CHOICE. LARGE '»vltts. Dark, silky, den.*:ely furred. Pew bred females, $27 ,31. Raniona Mink ItntTch, .M.irksta^v. Ontario. oFFKu TO ixvE%"r«ms AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of Inventions and full infor. matlon sent free. I'he Rani.'^ay Co Registered, Patent Altorney.s. 273 n.^nU .^t'-ee:. '"tttnwr^. Cann'ln. I'EKKi >ii-; â€" si»f:i'ial iifkeh PERFUME MAILED PREPAID. English Tweed Perfume of unus- ual quality for discriminating peo- pIp. Today'.') most popular perfume. $1.00 v.ilue fur I'Sc Addres.i to Devonshire Perfume.?, 153 Shcrl- dnii Ave.. Toron:o. l'KII<il>N«L WUIT TDHACCO. SNUFF EASILY ifexpeiisively. Home remedy. T(;slin»nt,i.ils C'i:ir-uiteed Advice frrte t?nr*teM'« rtor I W'nninec RELIGIOIS "BIJJAH COMING BEFORE Christ." Wonderful book sent free. MCRlddo Mission. H.. Rocheiiter, Jew York. Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used â€" New :iAi.iziXG IN KRiit;n.T nu- ts, POWEn-t'lflTS, Br'raallr â- t*. WlBrkcm Ceaeratare, Slart- •H< ManetAa, Carkaretoia. RatllHi. fM â€" Kxckaac* earrlec, QIaaa â€" |U«rae«l»B ar i*rwa4. Levy Au<n M(«, Taraal*, SEED FUR SALE WHITE FOR OUR FREE 1940 BEEO catalogue, containing most com- plete list flow.er and vegetama seeds. Priced for market garden- ers and garden lovers. Ontario Seed Company. Waterier. Onl. HOME GROWN SEEDS â€" GOVT. rraded Alfalfa, red clover, alsike. „ Timothy, sweet clover. Ask for 6 rices and samples. The Caledonia lining Co. Ltd., Caledonia. STEM-RUST RESISTANT VAN- SUard Oats, Srd generation, regis- tered. No, 1. John n. Stewart, Strathroy, Ontario. STA.MMEHIXti CIHED STAMMERERS â€" .STUTTERERS â€" 100 per cent, results guaranteed or ' money back. Write Perfect Speech Institute. Marcelin. .Sask. l'>EU A.\n NEW i'LtMIU.>'« BATHS. SINKS, TOILETS, SOIL pipe, boilers, furnaces, radiator.', etc. Lowest prices, guaranteed. Catalogue furnished. Main Plumb- ing Supplies. 921 St. L:nvrencfi. Montreal. USED BOOKS, M.VGAZIMIS SEND FOR FREE LIST OF GOOD used fiction at bargaisi prices. Ad- venture, mystery, romance by tha best modern and old time writers. State 3'our favourite titles and authors. Largest stock of fiction in i.'annda. Hook Exchange, 370 Bloor \Vc5t. Turf)t;t.j. LYONS' ' CLEARANCE SALE Reconditicued Furhitui'e $12. iO .Solid oak dining room suite, buffet, txttn.sion tabic, aud 6 lea- ther scat ch.airs. $24.00 English oak dining room suite buffet, extension tabic and ti lea- ther upholstered chnir.'--. $39.00 Nine piece oak dining room suite, buffet, table, ciiini cabinet, and t! leather upholstered chairs. $59.00 -Modern Eiiglisli oak suite, buffet, extension tabic, i:hina cab- inet and G leather upholstered ,1 chairs. $69.00 Beautiful walnut finish suite, with maplu trim, buffet, tabic, cabinet and 6 chairs, leather seats. $89.00 Solid walnut suite, buffet, ex- tension table, china cabinet, and il leather upholstered chairs. Com- pletely reflnished. $3.95 100 mattresses, all si^es, wcM filled with fresh cottoin <:ioseIy tufted, roll edge, in good quality floral art tickinji. $12.95 Simmons ^t el bed outf,V.j; in walnut finish, sagless steel sprinK and new cotton filled mattress. $3.50 and up. L.irge .tssortment dre- saW'ln w.-jiJUt. birch and cn:iiii-. flfflBbeS. $39 ?i) Complete Bed room stiite In rich 2-touo walnut flni^l!, dresser, chiffonier, full size bud. sagless spring and new mattress. $19.00 T^argc dre.sser, in walnut fir. isli. .Simmons bed to match, com- plete with sagless spring und ncw maltress. $49,011 Modernistic suite, with Vane- lian mirror, vanity, bench, chiffon- ier, full size bed, sagless Spring iijid n''W mattress. Perfect. K-\TRA special: Complete now bed room suite, mod em. waterfall fronts, Venetian mirror.'! in the new bleached wal- nut fini.oh. Dresser or vanity, chif- fonier, full size bed, sagless sprin^- nnd comfortnblo "Hest-Ezo" mat- tress. Complete. $59.00 $1.95 Upholstered ehesterfield chal'-^ in assorted covers. $4.95 Mohair chesterfielil with rever- sible Marshall spring cij,«blons. $12.00 Repp chesterfield :*"..ite, J pM. Reversible Marshall spring cush- ions. $24.00 Beautiful (Krochierl fhcste-- field suite, .! pieces, upholstered ?;i taupe velour. Perfect condition. $14.00 Kroehler chesterfield befl. Upholstered in blue Jaequard wifti reversible spring filled cushions. $27.00 Beautiful 3-piece ••hcstfrflcld suite in brown moh.iir, figured reversible Marshall .•â- prins cush- ions, thoroughly dean. $17.95 I.^rgn 3-piece chesterfield suite, tiphnlstered to brov :i repp. Figured reversible Marsiuii! spring cushions. $45.00 Three piece ehesterfield suit", upholstered in figured green silk rfi)p, reversibid Marsha'; spring cushions, ^ $S.75 Kitchen cabinet, enamel finish- es, with sliding porcelain top. $3.95 and up, 2, 3 and 4 burner ga.» «tovc."!. Large assortment of rugs, dresser.*, chiffoniers, beds, breakfast suites at ridiculously low price.". Thi.i !,'» a gieat opportunity to bn.v rea* Kood reconditioned furniture for your .cummer cottage. Fre*> stornirr LYONS FURNITURE CO. 478 Yonge St. â€" Toronto ISSUE NO. 13â€"40 4 \.

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