Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Feb 1939, p. 8

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Wednesday, February 8, 1939 THE FLESHKRTON ADVANCE •nd again Monday, prieea wen lowar, tru«k dsliToriea ttiUng at 8.7S. EAST MOUNTAIN Live Steck Report (By DuMi A L«?aelL, Torooto) Following report* to the effect that the quota on Canadian cattle entering the United States is completed until April 1, our market opened very slow on Mondi^, with buyers bidding from 60c to 75c lower, compared to a week ago. This affected all clasBes of cattle, excepting oows, which were from 15c to 26c lower. Choice weighty steers sold from 6.50 to 7.00, fair to good from 6.00 to 6.60. In the butcher section, choice steers and heifers ranged from 6.00 to 6.50; fair to good from 5.60 to 6.00; common to medium 5.00 to 6.60. Choice baby beeves brought from 7.60 to 8.60, with those of medium to good quality from 6.00 to 7.00. Choice butcher cows sold at from 4.26 to 4.60; fair to good from 3.75 to 4.26; common to medium 3.00 to 3.60; can- ners and cutters 2.76 to 3.00. The bull trade was lower and sales ranged from 3.76 to 4.25 according to the quality. Lambs opened slow and prices were fully a quarter lower, choice lambs bringing 8.50, with good and choice butcher sheep from 6.00 to 6.50. Choice veal calves brought from 10 to 10.50, with a fevf at 11.00; fair to good from 8.50 to 9.50; common to medium 6.00 to 7.00. The hog market declined sharply during the latter part of last week I FAITHFUL SERVICE SINCE 1893 (LMt WMk'a ItMM) Deepest sympathy bo«s out to the family of the lat« W. H. Thurston also to Mr. and Mra. Bill Weber of Kimberley in their recent sad ber- eavementa. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sheridan of Duncan spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Len Haynes. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Idle spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. J Wickens of Kimberley and attended the funeral of little Melvin Weber. Mrs. C. Thomson entertained the ladies of the line to a quilting recently. MAKE YOUR LIVESTOCK PAY ship to Dunn & Levack Limited Canada's Leading Livestocit Salesmen Union Stock Yards, TORONTO YOU"LL BE AHEAD IF YOU SHIP TO US VANDELEUP (InteadMl for U*t Wack) The sympathy of tha eommunity i« extended to the Thurston family in the death of the lata W. Thuraton. Miss Lillian Buchanan left on Fri- day to spend some time in Toronto. The January meeting of the "W.I. was held at the home of Mrs. C. B. Boland. There was a good attendance and a good programme was provided. The annual congregational meeting will be held in the church following the service next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Shaw had a birthday party recently in honor of their son, Jim, who was one year old. Orange Valley School Grade 7 â€" Muriel Smith*, Muriel Gilchrist. Grade 6 â€" Ernie Russell, Burton Russell, Eileen Stafford. Grade 5 â€" Margaret Smith*, Nina Teeter, Oscar Ii-ving, Jack/Gilchrist*, Fred Gilchrist*, Gerald Stafford. Grade 3 â€" Dorothy Brown, Ivan Russell. Grade 1 â€" Ruth Smith, Melville Irv- ing, Maurice Russell, Philip Irving, Doreen Teeter, Nelson Stephenson. Sr. Pr.â€" Harold Gilchrist*, Emer- son Browrn. Jv_ Pr. â€" Gordon Brown, Herman Brown. ♦denotes perfect attendance. â€" G. B. LITTLEJOHNS, Teacher Local aifl PersMal i t t t T T T T t T T T T T T T ♦;♦ t T r T T T ? T t T T T r T t t T T t t Stock OUR BIG STOCK TAKING SALE COMENCES FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1939. IN GOING THROUGH OUR STOCK WE FIND MANY LINES OF MERCHAN- DISE THAT MUST BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST. IS MANY LINES WE ARE CUTTING THE PRICE IN TWO. A FEW OF OUR REAL BAR- GAINS LISTED BELOW. LA!>IES' COATS. Fur trimmed, values up to $16.00. On Sale at c $10.95 COATS Ladies' fur-trimmed coats in extra fine qual- ity cloth.s; some of this lot worth |27.o0. On Sale for $18.i)5 Ladies' Rabbit Hair Dresses, reduced to $1.59 Ladies' Jersey Dresses, in beautiful style and quality; selling at the low price %1M0 Ladies' Crepe and Wool Dr^^sses AH sizes, Eood asosrtment of shad. i. ing at Kiddies' value 2 - piece Wool Dresses. Clear- .. $1.00 Exl'-a $1-45 Ladies' Dresses, extra fine quality crepes, selling at the low prices of $2.45 and $3-95 Children's Snow Suits, 1-piece style, up to 6 years S2.79 ; ii and 10 years $2.98. Men's Overcoats Slashed LOT NO. 1 â€" Meii'.s fine quality coats in latest .stylos; values up to $10.50. Sale .... $!12.95 LOT NO. 2 â€" Men's heavy coats, made of strong coating that will wear; values up to $15. Clearing at $10.95 Men's Horsehide Coats With collars. No. 1 quality $9.95 "Without fur collar; best quality $8.95 Without fur coUalr; best quality $8.95 Ladies' Plain Tweed Coats In tailored styles. Fine quality cloth. Clear- ing at ffi-^S COATS Ladies' fur trimmed coats in all the newest shades; values up to $20; reduced to $14-95 RUMMAGE SALE Consisting of all kinds of Ready-to-Wear. You will get some extra values on this table. Look them over. MILLINERY Ladies! You can buy a new Hat at your owni price. Call and look them over before they get picked up. 'We are clearing them out. Prices range from 25c, 50c, 95c and $1.45 Men's heavy Tweed Pants, regular $2.25 and $.2.50 On Sale for $1.18 Men's Wool Combinations, slightly soiled, selling at the low price of $1.00 Boys' Knickers in Tweeds, cordui-oy, sizes 28 to 33. Clearing at G9c Men's Flannelette Gowns, all sizes, gooa quality. A real bargain ttSc Men's heavy 'Wool Pullovers, slightly soiled, in white only, regiilar $2.95. Clearing at .... $1.95 Men's fine wool Combinations, selling at ;iiccs much below the regular. Clearing .... $1.95 Boy.s' Wool Sweaters in assortment of styles. Extra value 98c Boys' heavy v/ool Shirts and Drawers, slight- ly soiled, a real buy 49c General Dry Gccds Greatly Reduced DRESS FLANNEL in beautiful shades, fine quality. Selling at exactly Half Price per yard. SPECI\L ! Fancy check Gingham in beuu> tiful cnlor.i. Real buy at per yard 12c Girls' Worsted Hose, a real bargain. Selling at, per pair 29c and 35c Extra Heavy Worsted Hose; just the kind for school wear, per pair 59c Ladies' White Flannelette Gowns, long sleeves, an extra good buy at 75c Pillow Ticking is fancy stripes. Clearing at, per yard 10c Ladies' Fleeced Combinations, extra good buy 69c Ladies' Fine Wool Vests and Bloomers, regu- lar $1.00. Sale Price 69c REMNANT TABLE] All kinds of Dry Goods. Look them over and get a real bargain. t f T t Y t t S: t t ♦ T T T t t T t T ? T T t ♦t4 Mr. H. W Kemahan of Toronto waa in town on Tuesday. Mr. Ted Dixon of Toronto was a week end visitor in town. Mr. Norman Stoddart is visiting in Toronto at present. Mr. Ted McDonald of Pickering was a visitor in town last week. Miss Verdun McMaster of Onon- daga spent the first of the week with Miss Ethel Dargavel. A chimney fire at the home of H. Fawcfctt early Thursday morning got the firemen out of their beds, but fortunately was easily extinguished. Mrs. W. H. Thurston left on Fri- day to speiid a couple of months with her son at l^eaford and daughter at Lions Head. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Halbert and son of Shelbume and Mrs. Tansley of Timmins visited with their cousins, Mrs. McFadden and Mr. and Mrs. T. Sled on Sunday. The championship curling games were played on wet ice Monday even- ing and the players had a most diffi- cult time in finding the rings at the opposite end of the rink. Jim Dar- gavel's rink won the final game from Ken Betts by a substantial margin. Flesherton hockey fans will get a real treat this Friday evening if tl;i'y visit the local arena. On that nijrht the Flesherton and Dundalk Juveniles play a scheduled game but the feature of the evening will be a girls' hockey game between Flesh- erton and Dundalk high schools. The Fl->shej'ton lassies have yet to be de- iVated in this winter sport. PROTON STATION MORE AND MORE, housewives are tell- ing each other about the endless variety of inexpensive dishes that can be prepared from Canadian Fish and Shellfish . . . dishes that feirly sparkle with appetite-appeal and make himgry husbands clamor for more. Over 60 diiTerent kinds of Canadian Fish and Shellfish aie available to you all year 'round, whether fresh, frozen, smoked, can- ned, dried or pickled . . . packed with deli- cious flavour and vitamins that build up' glowing health and strength. Serve &sb several times a week. Try the other giand- tasting recipes contained in the new Jiee Fish Recipe Booklet. Department of Fisheries, Ottawa^ £adie4.: write for FREE BOOKLETt We dvsire to express our sympathy '.() the eriitor of The Advance, to his mother .ind all members of her family :n the do::t\, of the' late 'W. H. Thurs- lun, who was for so many years the esteemed editor of The Advance. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Betts of Flesher- ton vi.sited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Betts. Sir. and Mrs. Walter Broughton of the Saloni neighborhood visited their daughter, Mrs. Stanley Lyons. M.V. and BIrs. Gordon Acheson en- * tertained the Inistioge Y.P.U. at their I home last Tuesday evening. j Mrs. Arnold Hergott is visiting in Dundalk. A real estate deal of interest is the sale of Mr. James Dever's village Piupcrty to Mr. Abraham Sherson, who_ liaving sold his farm recently, is holding au auction sale of his live stock, implements, etc., on Friday of Ihis week. Mr. Sherson sold his own v.liage house and lot to Mr. Albert Baker, who, with Mrs. Baker and family, have resided in the house for some time. It is expected that Mr. ami Mrs. Sherson and Ruth will soon take up residence in their new home. One cannot read Mr. George Mc- Culhigh's broadcast, which was pub- lished in the Globe and Mail on Mon- day, without being impressed by the truthful statement of hard facts so fearlessly expressed. It is not entir- y a political speech, but through it all i.s a challengre to the women and youth to place principle before party- ism and work and vote for the good of the people, regardless of which party advances the pr-oject. / CREAMED FISH IN HOT BISCUITS Combine 1 V^ cupfub of Aakcd cooked or canned fish, and 2 tablespoons of chopped pimcato widi one cupful of medium white sauce. Season with salt, pepper and a dash of cayenae. Bake rich baking-powUer biscuics, spill .lod butter while hot, serve with creamed fish between the layers and over the tup. Hot buttered a.sparac:us is a good accompaaimcQc. Departm«ne of Fisheries, Ottawa. Please send me your frcft- BooUet. "100 Tempt- ing Fibh Recipes". Nante ( Please print letters plaialy) Address.. CENTRE LINE LADIES AND GENT LEMEN Buy Your Footwear at HILL'S and be Convinced that Our Prices are much Less ^ than Elsewhere. Read these New Low Prices. ^ Men's 4-buckle Over^hoea, extra special $1.96 x Men's 8-eyelet Laced Rubbars, good qvality rubber. R«4ucad to, per pair fl.OS llen'a Laathar Top« in It to. and 16 in. A raal bay at I2.4S Ladies' fur top. Velvet Goloshes, in all styles, in low Cnbm and high heels. A real bargain •t I1JS9 and $1.95 GROCERY SPECIALS Home Tomato Ketchup, IS at. bottle 10c Sweet Pickles, reg. 16e bottle f«r 10c Jutland Sardines, rec- 10c, now „ 6e Pesnut Butter, 4 lb. pail _ SSe Toddy, 1 lb. can, r«ic. 49c, reduced to Me Toddy, 8 o>. can, ng. 26e, sotliac at 19c Tmnato Juice, lOe for 2 lor 19c Amber Honey, 4 lb. poi) SS« Amber Honey, 8 lb. pail S9e Marmalade â€" Oran(», Grapefruit A Lemon .... 25c Vip, reg. 50e and 26e, aellinc now at Half Price. TEA SPBClAIr-Bulk Tea, re*. 6(e for 49« F. T. Hill ^ Co., Ltd. I MARKDAL.E, Out I ><o<**>^o<<m{o^>iJm»>o>oX<^K*<K^ Mis. Russel Linton and Miss Helen MuoH! visited one day last week with Alio. Jas. Linton. Mrs. L. Sheardowm, Mary and 'Don- ald have been very ill with the 'flu but all arc improving nicely. Mr. John McNevin's- health is also improving somewhat. Mrs. Frank McArthur of Priceville visitod a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hopps. Mr. Harry Morton is visiting in Toronto for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. Russel White and Miss Flossie Hodgkinson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Little. Mrs. Ernie Little is spending a few days with his sister, Mrs. Mary Fawcett, of Kimberley. Mount Zion W. A. will meet at the home of Mra. Fred Plantt on Wed- nesday, February 16th, instead ol on Tuesday. Mr. WaHer Russell of Rock Mills visited with his sister, Mrs. Jas. Lin- ton, recently. Mr. and Mra. Robt. Fisher and Mary visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Plantt nnd family on Sunday. Mr?. Lyons and Mrs. Osborne visit- ed with Mr and Mrs. Roy Lyons and the Sheardown family on Friday. Mr. Fred I'lantt had the misforthne to lose a good cow on Thursday last. Small Ad. Column FOR SALE â€" Hamilton 120 egg mcu- bator, good as new. â€" Wm. Reid, R.R.3', Priceville, phone 21i-21 8p2 FOR SALE â€" 1938 RCA Victor elec- tric radio mantel set, five tubes; also 1936 C.C.M, bicycle in Al con- dition. Apply at Advance Office. WANTED â€" Gander or will trade goose for gander. â€" Geo. Stewart, Flesherton 8c2 FOR SALE â€" Wheat and Oats chop f l.Oo per cwt., sacks included; best anthracite coal $13. -50 per ton; Flax 3ic lb.; also barley, wheat, oats, etc. Positively no credit, tel- ephone 38r3. â€" A, C. Muir, Ceylon. WANTED â€" Horses or cows suit able for mink feed.â€" J. R. Sinclair. Ceylon phone 40r2. FOR SALE!â€" Heavy wheat $1.10 cvirt; barley $1.00 cwt^ Terms, bash, phone 38r3, A. C. Muir, Ceylon FOR SALE â€" Cows for sale, several fresh with calves at foot. â€" J. P. Sewell, Flesherton R. R. 1. 8pS FOR SALEâ€" Durham cow 7 yrs. old, calf at foot; cow, due in Feb.; also Jersey cow. 7 years, due in Feb.â€" » Gordon Stuart, phone 38r22. FOR SALE â€" Quantity of potatoes and carrots. â€" T. Taylor, Flesherton. BOAH FOR SERVICE Registered Yornshire Hog for ser- vice, Glenafton Sultan 92Pâ€" 186251, sire and dam qualified in advanced registry. â€" Ross Stevens, Proton St»> tion. BOAR FOR SERVICE Purebred Yorkshire Boar for vice; terms: $1.00 if paid within fomr months. â€" Laurie Pedlax, Fleshertoi^ Ont. R.R. 3. SEED WANTED â€" We are buying alfalfa, red clover, alsike and sweet clover seed. Kindly send samples. Phone 38r3, A. C. Muir, Ceylon. AMBITIOUS MEN! â€" We wish to contact you for steady employment, good pay â€" independence. Every- body buys our 200 guaranteed pro- ducts. Higher quality, lower prices. No experience needed. Your suc- cess makes ours, so we help you. Biff continuous repeat tales and profits. No risk. Free catalogue and detoils, I^AMILEX CO.. B70 9t Clement St, Montreal. BUSINESS CARDS DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Durham St Office Hours â€" Afternoons, 1.30 to 4. Evenings, 7 to 8.St. Sundays and Thursday aftemoona bf appointment only. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 88S, AJ. & A.M., meets in the Fraternal Flesherton, the second Friday ia month. W.M., W. G. MoBHde; retary, C. J. Bellamy. BULL FOR SERVICE Purebred Durham bull for senrice on Lot 82, Con. 1, Artemesia. Terms $2.00 payable January Istâ€" John Dow, Pricevilla. Ip4 READ THE "SMALL ADVTS". j BOAR FOR SERVICE Pure bred Yorkshire Hog, Orchar' V;.lU.y Wonder, 6Nâ€" 175771 Sire O.A C. C'>rq':ornr 31 Sâ€" 167820, Will b kopt for service. Terms $1.00. â€" Wes Smith, Rock Mills. INSURANCE AVTOMOBILS Special low rata far faraara A. D. NaalNTTRQ, AfoM DORNOCH. ROY LAHGFORO Diatrict Agtmt for MUTUAL UFb of CANADA ACCIDENT and SICKNESS, »IRH AUTOMOBILE, BURGLAU f Municipal Liability (Guarantee l-nv^ Any Insurance Problem Telephone, MARKDALE. On)L

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