Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Feb 1938, p. 7

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•f^''^X<<<<»yX<*>XKKKK<K<<^^^^^ laa- liat- Ited of Inlt- at â- per ade a lied liles in Iver ut he ith â- the at knk I Classified Advertising j BOOKS ON FUR PARMINO fUR I-'ARMINOâ€" PROFITABLE Busi- ness. 60c book now 25c. Fur Farms , Publish ing Co., 81: Arcade, Utica, N.Y. CATTLE BKUPiFORD nULLa. HEIFERS, REO- Istered, fully accredited, year old. * by Aldon Model X, Ofneral (Jreenly's Foreman. Palermo, Out. » CLOTHING FOR SALR â- â-  GOOD U.SED CLOTHI.N'G. IX)WE.ST • prices. Write for cataloeue. YonBe Street ClothlnB Exchange, 502 Yonge Street, Toronto. -t â€" co.s.mktics £ai)iI';.si make ai.mond cueam ixi- tion, Brazilian Balm. Olive Oil Sham- *Poo; Just add water to Insredient.s. Store value JS.OO: satisfaction guar- anteed. Send ir.OO for I(i ounces of < c.ioh. King Cosmetic?, 37 Maitland, » Toronto. - clearance: sale dlearance sale! a.ssorted 12" to 36' lengths. Silk.«i, Crepes, Cottons, «Bro;idcloth», Gingham.-^, b 1 n e n s. Voiles, Prints. Piques; for children's clothe.s, aprons, dress trimmlncs, etc. •Values to 90c yard, 12-yard (jundle 99c. "Refund Guarantee." Canadian Textiles, Dept LY, Montreal. DEAFt B®.\E CO.NDUCTION. A NEW MBTH- od that gives yoii natural hearing through the bones of the head. The Potter Bone Conduction, the smaJlest Ijiade is applied to the bone behind the car. nothing on nor in the ear. The miracle of the age. Write to H. Potter Company, 405 Ryrie Building, Toronto. Established 1917. >â-  -~ FASHION MAGAZINE FREE PASHIO.V MAGAZINE FREE WITH two Beautiful Dres.<iea, 99c. ladies', girls'. Washfast Canadian Prints, Broadcloths. AH colors, styles. Over- Bizes 46-52, 99o each. "Refund Guar- antee". Canadian Textiles. Dept. LO. Montreal. EMPLOYMENT PIx^V^.VED EMPLOYMENT FOR ALL. workers. Send ten cents per copy to Dept. W. Canadian Placement Inatl- tute. 21 Dundas Square, Toronto. FEATHERS WVtNTED â€" GINSENG GOLDEN SEAL poultry, goose and duck, feathers, fjjitisfaction guaranteed. W. HelJer, 147 Harrison St., Toronto. FILMS AND PRINTS RQLL.S DEVELOPED. *rce enlargement 25c. for 25c. Photo-Craft, Toronto. PRINTED, 1 Re-prints 10 183H King E., ZERO I'RICES. EXPERT WORK. ROLL with free enlargement 25c. Trevanna Studios, 93 Niagara Street, St. Cath- arines. Ont. free:â€" TWO BEAUTIFUL ENLARQE- oients (one colored) with roll de- veloped, eight glossy, fade-proof print.-!, 28c;" highest quality. Machray t'ilni.^. Winnipeg. PRINT OUR OWN NEGATIVES AT home on any surface, cloth or paper, without skill or darkroom. Less than «ent each! Hiracte Foto Kit complete with instructions for 150 prints, tl. J. <•. Williams. S Richmond Ba,?t, To- fonty. FhEE ENLARGEMENT WITH EVERY 25c order. Roll film developed and 8 • prints. 25c. Reprints 3c each. Bright- ling Studio. 29 Richmond St., E., To- ronto. - ROLL liEVElXJPED AND I'HINTEU. 25c. Free glossy enlargement with « every order. Gem Photo Service, Box 729. Station H, Toiunto. Ont. I FOR SALE U LAUIES' APRONS, UOc riRST yUAHTY "C A N A D I A N" Print:?, Broadcloths; washfa.st. new- est patterns! Pockets. Ties. Full * size 14-52. "Refund Guarantee." Can- ^ adian Textiles, Dept. LA, Montreal. FOR S.VIJ'J â€" THREE INCLHATORS. * Buckeye; capacity 600-600-101); good « condition. Sacr»t:;c. R. VVellard, 5181 Cote Ues Neighs, Montreal, Que. AlECTRIC, HAND OR PO\Vi;il MEAT choppers and bone grinUcrs; fully ^ Kuarante'ed. A. J. L>per Company. 158 Kiiiir St. W.. Toronto. .1 : 2B M>^. Illli-'riNU MATEKIAI.S. «1.0« itn.L iLEARANCE! ASSORTED 6" TO , 18" length.'). Choice of Cotton Prints, , Bro.idcloths, Silks; for largo Quilt Patterns. "Butterfly" Diagram free! "Refund Guarantee". Canadian Tex- * tile.". Dept. LT. Montreal. . I'l KMTIKE LYONS' FEBRUARY SALE OF RECONDITIONED FURNITURE Every utticle completely recondi- tioned and sanitarily treated. Toronto's largest used furniture market. All foods .sold on a definite money-back uar.'kiilcu if not sutlsiled. 11 QC« Kitchen Cabinets in perfect **•*"' condition. 6.95 Dresser."^, any Hnlsh. 11 Cn ."dinger drop-heud Sewing Ma- <**•"" . hines. 9Qe ;J or 4 burner Gas Stoves. •*'*' 'Juaranteed. ^t ge I'lilna Caliinets, any finish. *|^ en t; I'e. Itical<rast suites, enamel ^"••UV/ iiiiiKh. assorted colors. '12 QS "''' Outfits, all steel panel ,T^**'*' beds, walnut finish, excellent '•prints and brand new mattresses. ilill si/.es. OO Cfl 3 IV. Walnut Mohair Che.ster- •Mi.ov flpi^i s„i,e i„ pert, ct condition. Reversible Marshair cushions. .\ won- derful harsaln. 9A Cfl 3 Pc hfavy taupe repp lovircd A-B.OV .,„hp ,y|,j, rever.^iblo .Marshall tfushions. in perfect condition. 24 00 " ''â-  ''"'''' ''â- ''' ilinititr room SfWtX/V <,\i\tf_ large round talili- and buffef. with six chairs, le.itber upliol- â- terei! . oniplclely reconditioned. AO nn ' ''^'' 2-tone walnut dining yv.VVI ,,|,;,,,^ large buffcf, Kinss door ehlnii •â- â€¢'liiric't. Miiuarc- table with six flanel hnik, le.'ithcr nphol.slorcd ch'iirs. This suite co«t over JlJoo.OO when new. LiOoks pt'rfei-l. A real snap. ao (\f\ .'i I'e. bedroom suite, walnut fe*'"•^" llni.^h. Large dresser, chiffon- r nnl full size bed with saKlcs.i ring and new heav.v roll edge all 4ottoii in.itress. Al condition. A snap. S7 On '' '**-'• Moderne w.-ilnut bedroom ^••"" suite, large dresser, tbltfoiiler. triple nurvor vanity, full size bed. siik- MM spring and new. excellent (lualitv JJl-felt rc.ll-edge mattres.i. A real bar- aln in flue fnVniture. • Send money order for complete price <(t goods. Any chartered bank our reference. Money hack gu.iraiilee. LYONS' <k^ESTERFIELD MANUFACTURERS TitAI>F-IN DKI-r. 478 YONGE ST. TORONTO JIt FAKMI\<i MINK RAISI.NG â€" .SAMPLE COi'Y magazine 10c. book catalog free. Fur Trade Journal. Box ;il. Toronto, On- tario. <;HOW ANGf)HA WOOL! CLEAN' IN- •terestlng! ProHtabiel Free literature. Otto's Angora Ranch. Drawer 2098, Colborne. Onta rio. HAiii <;<)()i>s WIGS, TOtlPE.S. TRANSFORMATION.S, Braids, Curl.s. and all types of finest quality Hair Goods. Write for illus- trated catalo^jue. Toronto Human Hair Supply Co.. 528 Bathurst. Tnron- to. IIAIItlilCKSSINf; SCHOOLS MAD.\MF, HI:tiS(JN SirllOOL. HAIIi- dresslnR an<l Beauty Cullurc Write for pamphlet. 7a7 Vnnje .St.. T.>r..ni.i. M.\G.*/,INES MAGAZINE.S â€" WE.STER.N, DETEe'- tive. Women's .Stories, etc. 6 Raclt Numbers 25c, Postpaid. M. Montgom- ery. Box 605. Station F. Toronto. MEDIC AI, 5000 En.MONTO.N' CITIZE.NS TESTIFY for (R. and .S.) Powder, herbal reme- dy â€" rheumatism, arthritis, neuritis, stomach troubles, etc. Two weeks, 81.50: one month $3: two months. J5. Druggists, or J. C. Mclntyre. Herbal- ist, Edmonton. Alberta. Agents: Ly- mans, Montreal. HEPATOLA RELIEVES STOMACH, liver, kidney and bladder troubles. Symptoms: Pains in right side, under shoulder blades and across hips in- digestion, ga.^i, constipation, colic. Product of German doctor. Price J5. Mrs. Geo. S. Almas, Box 1073X, Sa.s- katoon. Sask. PILES OR HEMORRHOIDS. DON T suffer needlessly, our remedy "Davis Pile Treatment" will help rid you of the terrible discomfort of bleed- ing, itching or protruding piles. Send postpaid in plain wrapper on receipt of Jl.OO Money back if not delighted with results. Address. Davis Pharm- acal Company. 350 Oakwood Avenue, Toronto. PATENT .*TTOK.\EY ROY U KNOX, REGISTERED ATTOR- ney. Information regarding inven- tion Patents; Dr.awlng9; Registra- tions: Sales. 14 Metcalfe, Ottawa. P.*TENTS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. List of invention.-^ and full informa- tion sent free. The Ramsay Company, Registered Paton'. .\ttorneys. 273 Bank St.. Ottawa. I'an. rERSON.4I, LONESOME? â€" WRITE THIS RELIA- ble Club, established 17 years. Mem- bers everywhere, many wealthy. Des- criptions free, sealed. Mrs. Budd, Box 753-W, San Francisco. California. MARRY â€" WOULD YOU MARRY IF suited? Hundreds to choose from. Some with means. Many farmers' daughters and widows with property. Particulars, lOc. ConfldentiaL Cana- dian Correspondence i.'lub. Box. 128, Calgary, Alta. LEARN TRUE SIGNIFICANCE OB latent forces in your nature. Send stanaped. addressed envelope. Box 352, New Westminster, B.C. QUIT TOBACCO. S.N'UFF. DRINKING, easily, inexpeivsivel.v. Home reme- dies, Testimonials. Guaranteed. Ad- vice free. Box 1. Winnipeg. ARE YOU RUrTURED? RELIEF, COM- fort. positlvi' support with our kd- vanced method. No elastic or under- strnps or steel. ^V^1te, Smith Manu- facturlng Co.. Dept. 21!1. Preston. Ont . PHOTO FINISHING J6c â€" BEAUTIFUL HAND-PAINTED enlargements with every eight prints. Falcon Photo Finishers, 151 Sherbrook. Winnipeg. Man. l"l PS DALMATIAN PCPS AND GROWN Stock; have to ilispose of some. J. A. Johnston. Elmira. Ont. I'OILTRV .IM) P<H LTRY EUIIP.ME.XT HARV CHICKS THE BRAY I'HICK DOES THE TRICK. Our 1938 catalogue shows statements and photographs of money-making customers from .N'ova Scotia to Sas- katchewan. Write for vouj* copy to- day. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. North, Hamilton. Ontario. BRAY XTUA-PROFIT CHICKS ARE 26c}, heavier than required for Gov- ernment Approval. Never seem to lose this head start. Sturdy, vigor- ous, thrifty birds. Twelve breeds. Catalogue free, liray Hatchery, 130 John Street, North. Hamilton, Ont. CROSS-BRED CHICKS ARE GAINING In popularity. Hybrid vigor. Bray cross-breds gave remarkable returns In 1937. Get our catalogue. Bra.v Hatchery, 130 John Street, North, Hamilton, Ontario. JERSEY GIANTS (WHITE or BLACK) Plymouth Rocks (White or Barred), Indian Runner Du-klings. Catalogue. Edzell Poultry Farm. Princeton. Ont. ORDER YOUR CHICKS NOW AND Save $1.00 per hundred. Enter the Tn-eddle Chlek Contest. 1500 Twed- dle Chicks free, .''end for catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatchery. Limited, Box 10, Fergu.-*. Ontario. MY VERY BEST L.\RGE BRED TO Lay White Leghorn Chicks. 9c: big ev»'n Barred Rocks. 10c. All blood- tested. 100';. arrival. Bob Kiniber- ley. Box \\', Ks.gex. On1:irio. 6 I.IIS. "illll.T HEMN.VN'I'S" 91.00 OK 15 POINDS J2.L'5. ".SLRPIUSE l':iek:ige" Free! Choice of lubfast Cotton Prliit.^. PiMUes. l!rnadelolhs. Tapestry. Silks. Eiderdown. Wool- lens. Repp, FMiiinelctta, Tweeds. Largo! "Kcfund Guarantee." S:iniple r.iinclle l.'ic. I'hilross Textiles. Dept. I,E, St:ili..n K. Miintnvil. HOiVAN'iS 6 Lus. Qfii.'i' i;i-:mn A.vr.s .\.\t) 72 x 911 iKitural .lilt. in QiiiH. l::ill. com- plete okUflt Jl.i.'i Ch.ii.-e 01" washfnst Cotton I'l ints, l*i<iiies. Uroadcloths, -Silks, IJiihrilown. FLiiiiielctte, Tweeds, Tapestr.v. Woollens, Repp. I;uKf>! "Kcfunil (iiiai an tee." Sample lliindlo l'.".'^. . *:in;id i:iii Textiles, Dopt. Li;, Montreal. Tria/ Bofflk of i(RUSCHEN ^ • GET YOURS NOW Ask your drugKiHt for a 76c Kruschen Giant Puckage. Itcou- tains a regular bottle and a trial rtize bottle. Use the trial size . (irat and if not BOtiefied return j the regular bottle unopened. 1 Your money will bo cheerfully I refunded. r Claim Life Commences At Grandparent-hood A groun of OniaV i, N'eliraslci, eld- ers have formed the National Assoc- iation of Grandparents of America and plan to promote similar organi- zation.s in other citie.s. "Although books, plays and sons try to tell you when life begins," said a club announcement, "these gentlemen think that life begins when you are a jirandparent." President Don Amsden said the club would be social, charitable and benevolent. Tiny Radio Waves Travel In Pipe One Pipe Might Carry All 'Phone Conversat'cns Between Cities Says More Quakes May Be Expected Expert Sees Renewal of Earth Tremors In the Near Future The world may expect a number of earthquakes in the near future, Cap- utln N. H. Heck of the U.S. coast and geodetic survey said last week. He explained, however, tliat quakes cannot be predicted with any degree of certainty, because they give no warning of their approach. During the last year 56 earthquakes severe enough to be recorded on In- struments have occurred throughout the world. Bald Captain Heck. "After such a period of quiemesa It is generally possible to expect a re- newal of activity," he added. Lilliputian wireless wavos so short they travel Inside a pipe ana are picked up on an antenna only one inch high were placed liefore the radio en- gineering world at New York Inst week by the Bell Telephone laborator- ies. In pipes, thi' engineers were in- formed', these midget waves promise to travel like f°k',i<raphd messagps, but without the limits Imposed by a wire. A single «im:ill pipe, between two cities, for example, might carry alt the telephone ronversatlon.s want- ed. Four to Eight Inches Long The waves exhibited ranged from four to eight inches long. They trav- elled through a 20-foot exhibition pipe. Like all short radio waves these mtd- I gets reflect light. Metal discs, used ; as mirrors, reflect the waves Into one i end of the pipe. The inch-long anten- na picks them oft at the other end. They have been piped a mile. The waves are made by tubes no larger than a cominon electric light bulb. Their "frequencies" or pulsa- tions, are thousands of millions of times a second. Close to Heat Waves Still shorter wii'-less waves, only an inch and a quarter, have been pro- duced in the Bell laboratories. These vibrate at ten thousand million times a second. They are very close to heat I waves. At California Institute of Technology at Pasadena research workers experimenting with similar short waves, report unusual experi- ments fn imparting artificial fevers to selected tissues. Thus one type of short wave might heat a bone, and another flesh, a third blood. HAVE heARD In 1848 a firearms nianufactuier made pistols that had coffee-grinders in the handles. Along Canada's Mining Highway Some men go to a lot of trouble hiding their light under a bushel when a small cup would do as well. One of those flighty city women was visiting in the hills of New Eng- land: She â€" "This pUuc has so many odd and peculiar people." Native â€" "Yes, but most of them go home by the flrsf of September." How Far Is It From "Bad" to "Worse"? At a certain church a beautiful lych-gate was put up, and over it was inscribed: "This fs The Gate Of Heaven" While the paint was wet a large printed notice was attached with the words : "Please Go Round The Other Way" Someone is now telling a story about an absent-minded professor who Ifsent his wife to the bank and kissed bis money goodbye. Why blame it on a professor'/ Outstanding favourable devel- opments in ihe mining tields of Ontario and Quebec have creat- ed new and widespread Tnterest. The new ore zone discoveries on Haidrocic, found also to extend over on to tlie Macleod Cockshutt property, has put life into the Long Lac Camp of Western On- tario. Nearby property owners kr» filled with a new hope. In Eastern Ontario, close to the Quebec boundary, atong a seven mile front from Larder Lake to beyond Kerr Addison, operators of properties are endeavourin.ir to emulate the success of Barber Larder with diamond drills. In the Noranda area of Quebec, Brbwnlee Gold Mines has enlarged its property holdings, closely adja- cent to Powell Rw.ijU <tVid Noran- da, and is starting a diamond drill- ing campaign. The Lacoma property in the Senneterre area of Quebec is rap- idly proving up an important ore structure. The L:a.--t Lacoma prop- erty, adjoining, has diamond drill- ing starting under contract. An unprecedented season of mining activity is indicated from Coast to Coast, with great expec- tations in some quarters for the Gordon Lake, Athabasca and Great Slave Lake sections, of the North West Territories. A census taken on asking a woman how obi she was, received the follow- ing answer: Woman â€" ''Do you know how old the Hill girls are next door?" Census Taker â€" "Sure." Woman â€" "Well, I'm as old as they are. " The census taker wrote down: 'As old as the hills '. Once in a while odd items appear in print. Three instances appear here: ''A young woman wants washing and cleaning daily " "Green colored girl wants work until after Christmas." "His first venture luto the anliqui' field was in Ashevllle. N.C. There he met his wife." London Traffic Found Lighter Arterial Highways Are Being Used More LONDON, Eng.â€" Scotland Yard has sprung a surprise on London's traffic experts, says the Christian Science Monitor. In the latest traffic census issued by the police headquarters It is re- vealed that central London's traffic has decreased instead of tnci-easing as anticipated. For instance it had been confidently predicted that traffic at Hyde Park Corner, busiest point In the metro- polis, would have risen from the 1935 figure of 82,7i!8 vehicles in 12 hours to about 100,000 In 1937. Instead there was a decrease of 2,000 vehicles on the day the census was taken. Congestion Reduced Meanwhile the new aiteiiul roads skirting central London and the uuuu roads out of the suburbs are being put to much greater use. These facts are taken as showing si'iiC'rAci-K.;* KVEilI-ASSES. $1.75 VI'. WK SEND I»'ii pair to test >'our o,\e.'^. l>ati.'*fac- tiori or money refunded. Ola.s.') e.ves". $1.00 eneh. assortiiniit sent. Aiiur- ate Opllfiil. ppjit. K. 1)7 .Sussex, To- ronto. s'r.\'»ii'<« i-()l,l-KCT0US; 'rK.\''HKH.s: rOKON- aiion Siiuvi'iiir .st.imps. Ill) differeiit. shewing who •iml what It's all about, I'.Tc. Guiton, Box H, .Stntion K. Tu- r oii to. KXI'KR'r T.WMNC OF HIPES KOK harness, lauc .'ind robes. Hear, deer fur.". Krae list and tags. Towne & Sons, Merritlon, Ont.'ii-i(t. that liom the motorist's point of view central Loudon has become an area to be avoided wherever possible, and that future arterial roads built around London would still further reduce the congestion In the centre of the city. Particular Interest Is attached to this aspect at the present time because it is an open secret that the Govern- ment Is preparing a large-scale attack on London's road problems. Sir Chas. Bressey, appointed by the Government to study the problem and put forward concrete suggestions, has now report- ed to the Ministry of Transport. During the census 64,000 more pri- vate cars were counted than in 193.5, 28.000 more i)edal cyclists, and 25.000 more light commercial vehicles. Both omnibuses and horsL-vehicIes showed a decrease, by 4,800 and 9,000 respec- tively. ALWAYS TIRED? REPAIR RACCED NERVIS That deaJIy «eftiiiios,s llmt drURH you d'^n all day i.** probably aflurc sign o( iicrvc-.«tnrvnti<>n. Strengllicn your iicrvf.'j with PUOSKEUI.'VL'. 'rbia great tonio sootlien ragged nervP!*. lu'tpa yoii sleep soundly and eat well, and gives v,m TOnfidenco and vitiililv. .â- It llruggl^t.s, bue, IIOO and 11,60. Oi' PHOSFERINEJE^R^frlUlc Casein, manufactured chiefly from skim milk, is used in industry and is closely affected by industrial condi- tions. Argentina is the chief exporter of casein, accounting for about half of the total .vorUi export (818,000 cwts. in 193G). France is Argen- tina's closest competitor, the two countries together providing over 80 per cent, of the world's exports. The business of a shoemaker is of great anticiuiby. Romans wore cork soles to guard their feet from water, especially in winter. TIRED or NERVOUS? Is bile doing its work? Your livor i.s laz.v, that's why you fuel so rolleii half tile time. Y.iur sys- tem is not KcttinM" enouKh bile. Your heail aohe.s, .vour b.nk -ic hes. Your food doesn't dlsrest properlv'. It stag- nates and de'-uys for lack of bile. Bilo is a dlnestant and un nnliseptir. Your i^Tj?f:o.:'},ni./:;?'?f'?^^/Lw....'' 'â- """ Tanof Tabids will nialce your liver do its work. liusid upon a small pl^- portion of Calomel blended with cer- tain other useful niodii'in.il Inttredlonts. T.inol Tablets net pioniptly and direct- ly upon the liver, stimulating Ihe flow of bile. The.v are easy to take and provide .a safe, e.asy way of using calo- ni.l. probably the most effective liver stimulant known. They .ire not h.irsh. Hut ih«y are efriciciii. Your drUKKist b.is them. ."illc. (a) "U^ No. 9â€" '38 Aâ€" C Customer (pointing to a laundry parcel) â€" "Is that my name In Chi- nese?" Laundry mau (hesitating) â€" ' N-no." Customer (curiously) â€" "It is some kind o' identifying mark. What is It?" Lanndryman â€" ''Just descliption. Means li'l fat man. clooked nose, no teeth." The applicant for a job in the couu try asked wliat lii.« duties were to be. He was told he would have to be up at 6 o'clock to clean and harness the horses and do various other jobs abnut the farm. After breakfast he could help around the lunise. The farmer was going through a long list of other duties when the applicant interrupt- ed him to ask if by chance the soil of bis farm happened to be clay. Farmer-"Why?" Applictint â€" "Oh. if It was ilay I thought I might make a few bricks in my spare time." SjTian bakers pi'oduce "i)ubbl|y bread" in round, flat loaves, wlii^ look like astronomers' phetog-rapM of the moon. The bubijlcs are {^rai duced by a mysterious leavening mix^ ed with the dough. .Scarcity and high prices al materi> als are handicapping Italy's liOnsfrndl tion pnijrram. I'LL N€V€I? GO TO DINN€R WITH A BOY AGAIN UNlfSS I +<AV€ SOM€ PWILMPS' TABLETS IN MY PURSE Often "acid indigestion" i."; dis- tressing to you â€" and offensive to others. But now there is no excuse for being guilty. You simply carry your alkaltzer with you â€" and use it at the 'first sign of "upset" stomach. Sin^y take two tiny tablets of PhilUps' Milk of Magnesia when out. with others. Or â€" if at home â€" yoii can take two teaspconfuls of litjuid Phillips'. Both act the same way. Relief is usually a matloi- of seconds. "Gas," nausea, "heart- bum," acid breathâ€" all respond quickly. Just make sure you ask for "Phillips." ^Itchinil » TORTURE In A Minute For <)u!ok reliel from Lbe itchlijii of ecawnu, tfbtcbea^ pimples, aUli«ta'fl foot, sraiea, rasbei (tiiii other t^idn erijitions, tpply Dr. DeunU' niir<«. cooTlnK, aiilisop- uo. liquid 0. 0. 0. PRESCRII>TION. Its gcnilti oQi iootbe ths Irritated akin. Clear. grrx,cl,-w» .anl slab- leuâ€" <lrle« fwt. Btopa th« moet Iii'..ii.>o ilciilug !»• •Untiy. A 86o trial bottla al drug ^l.irm, j.-inwi it â€" ar moner back. Auk for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. M Mrs. Thistleboitom flo family wash woman) â€" ''Mandy. have you seen my daughter Elsie's fiance?" Mandy fpi'rplpxe(l)-"No. ni.i'am. It ain't been in the wash yet." USE PIDARD N'ow and re- ^ inurhuhii! re- medy for heaves, Sat- j. isfaction is â- JBR; ji'illb' HMWSUim! u guaranteed H^fBPHpl â-  n'gardle'i of ^OMSRU.aii'iluiartoai t" the se\ crity or leii'-;th of time vour horse has suffticd from th s disease. By mail .'§1.00. Chs. T 'ug. G.rard, Ste. 1 roihee, Laval, Quebec. TOWN Y TOWN VILLAGE BY VILLAGE MORE ONTARIO HOMES SAY Contiill your naofxl 'blua cool' daalw today. Let *BHJE be your guid* fo better healinq efficiency and greater eco- nomy. Remember, your furnace is do- signed to burn antmacile and 'blue coal' ii the world's finest anthracite. Order a trial ton. Six sizes ... a size fo luit eveiy furnace. Aak your nearest \tj^ N^ - *bltio coal' dealer for *Qa*,r^-^i25»^ &!•• copy of FIKt<'r HEATING, or write to blue coal' c/o 217 Bay St, Toronto. S73ar ^'jf^^ /^ •*blue coal' THE SOLID FUEL FOR SOLID COMFORT U»t«n to "THK SHADOW"â€" Cv«ry W«d., CFRB, • t» 930 p.m. 'â- â- ii.:-,--. .\::tiL'i^:iifk'-^.\\^:. \: ^ •:jc*,:^':jfc*-,

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