Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Feb 1938, p. 7

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It- c*:<*:<<<<<<<o:<<<<<<<<<<»x<<<<<<*>>>>i<<»>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>w Classified Advertising i Ik<<oi<o>>>>>>x*z»>>>>>x<*>>iox<<o>>>iox<<»>>>>>>>>>>i- BOOKS OSr PCR FARMINO ^: R FARMING â€" PROFITABLE BUSI- ness. «0c book now 25c. Fur B'armn Publlahiri; Co.. SI Ari'ade, Dtira, NY. CATTLE SEREFOilD BULLS. HElFFiRS. REH- Utered, fully accredited, year ol*. • by Aldon Model X. General Oreenli'.f Foreman. Palermo, Ont. â- â€¢ CLOTHING FOR SALE hoo D USED CLOTHING. IXJWEST g rices. Write for catalogue. Tonsre treet Clothlndr Exchang*. 602 Yonge • Street, Toronto. ' , COSMETICS •tart A HOME FACTORY. MEN AND < women in every town, manufacture- Coi^metics. Just add water to concen- trated Ingredients. Make $5 to |10 . dally. King Cosmetic Co., 37 Maltland . St., Toronto. CLEARANCE SALE dLEARANCE SALE! ASSORTED 12" to 36" lengths. Silks, Crepea, Cottons, Broadcloths, Ginghams. Linens, 'Voiles-, Prints. Piques; for children's clothes, aprons, dress trimmings, etc. Values to 90c yard, 12-yard l>undle *J8c. "Refun* Guarantee." Canadian Textiles. Dept LS, ^^ontreal. ' FASHION MAGAZINE FREE I'ASHIO.V MAGAZI.NE FREE WITH Iwo Beautiful Dresses, 99c. Ladles'. girls'. Washfast Canadian Prints, toadcloths. All colors, styles. Over- flies 46-52, 99c each. "Refund Guar- Antee". Canadian Textiles, Depc LO, Montreal. â-  « EMPLOYMEXT fUlNNED EMPLOYMENT FOR ALL workers. Send ten cents per copy to CTpt. W. Canadian Plr cement Insti- tute. 21 Oundas Square, Toronto. FILMS AND PRINTS - dOLLS DEVELOPED, PRINTED, 1 frte enlargement J5c. He-prints 10 for 25c. Photo-Craft, 183H King B.. Toronto. K RO PRICES. EXPERT WORK. ROLL 51th free enlargement 25c. Trevanha .udlos, 93 Niagara Street, St. Cath- arines, Ont. 1^ CE!â€" TWO BEAUTIFUL ENLARQE- menta fone colored) with roll d6- ♦eloped. eight glossy, fade-proof prints. 28c: highest quality. Machray Films, Winnipeg. NT OUR OWN NEGATIVES AT ome on any surface, cloth or paper. Without skill or darkroom. Less than c4nt each! Miracle Poto Kit complete "with Instructions for 150 prints, $1. J. C. Williams, 5 Richmond East, To- <ronto. #BEE ENLARGEMENT WITH EVERY »Jec order. Roll film developed and S Mints. 26c. Reprints Sc each. Bright- ling Studio, 29 Richmond St., E. To- 'rpnto. FOR SALE a LADIES' APRONS, »0c it RSI ST QUALITY "CANADIAN" Prints, Broadcloths; washfast, new- est patterns! Pockets, Ties. Full ••Ue 14-52. "Refund Guarantee." Can- ^dlar) Textiles, Dept. LA. Montreal. ilySICAL INSTRUMENTS, CORNETS 4nd trumpets, twenty dollars. Ciar- *liiets, Boehm system, thlrty-elgrht dollars; trombones, twenty doUdTs; Oonn alto saxophone, thirty dollars; . T«rms. Barrow. 208 Vlttorla. Tor- onto. jl YDS. QIILTING M.ATERIALS, »1.0A K ILL CLEARANCE! ASSORTED 6" TO » 18" lengths. Choice of Cotton Prints, Broadcloths. Silks; for large Quilt Patterns. "Butterfly" Diagram free! "Refund Guarantee". Canadian Tex- tiles, Dept. LT, Montreal. FUR FARMI.VG NK RAISING â€" SAMI'LE COPY aiiaxlne 10c, book catalog free. FUr Trade Journal, Box 81, Torontb, On- tarlo. FURXITIRE .LYONS' FEBRUARY SALE OF • RECONDITIONED FURNITURE » Every article completely regoudl- ined and sanitarily treated. Toronto'! ,eit used furniture iqau-kft. Alf ijs sold on a definite mbney-baes rantee It hot satlBfled. Kitchen Cabinets in perfect condition.' Dressers, any finish. Singer drop-head Sewing Ma- chines. 3 or 4 burner Gas Stoves. Guaranteed. China Cabinets, any finish. 6 Pc. Breakfast Suites, enamel flnUh, aworted color*. Bed Outfits, all vteel panel b«di, walnut finish, excell^ht and brand new mattresses. Pc. Walnut Mohair Chester- field Suite In perfect eobdtttdh. iver?ible Mafghall cushions. A won- ul barcaln. C|\ 3 PC. heavy taupe repp covered *'*' suite, with reversible Marshall hlons. In perfect condition. f\/\ 8 Pc. solid oak dining room '•"*' suite, large round table and tfet, with six chair.o. leather Uphol- Jereil. completely reconditioned. I ftfl ' ^''- '-'on* walnut dining **'^ suite, large buffet. gla«s dotT ^ina c.TblnUt, square table with six JI9I back, leather upholstered ohalrs. Ills suite coft over |2C0.0O When new. pk» perfect. A real snap. 6 yO- b«droom jfulte, waliiut finish. IJiTge dresser, chlffon- and full slie bed with a4Kl«9« Jnff and new heavy roll edge all â- ton mattress. Al oondition. A Minp. r 00 ' '^'^- Moderne walnut bedroom '•^'^ suite, larsre dresser, •-hlf fouler. pie mirror vanity, ftUl sixe bed. sag- spriuK and new. elcellent qimllty Pl-felt roll-edgo mattress. A real har- In fine furniture, ^nind money order for complete prue ft B0f>d». j*Apr chartered bank our reference. lione.v bsok guarantee. 11.95 ' 6.95 11.50 9.95 1.95 L4.50 1^.95 rings sites. .50 » LOO LYONS' CHESTERFIELD MANUFACTURERS T Tll.\DK-I\ DKI'T. 478 YONGE ST. TORONTO if Raymir, C.«9<lt, F«i •fUt >i mtii «4r«ly to ajiirrit H Sv«. uAiOH-t «• coio MMior ^ tWoT. XKUuAe • mU «4di<tMd. itftrnptJ <«.*lt»* v>4 f'M* ^Mtk 4*t* AiJ'tllâ€" Rsymsi, Mason Rimeoiis LiMino HAIR GOODS MEDICAL 6000 EDMONTON CITIZENS TESTIFY for (R. and S. )' Powder, herbal reme- dy â€" rheumatism, arthritis, neuritis, stomach troubles, etc. Two weeks, H.60: one month $3: two months. J5. Drugjfijta, or J. C. Mclntyre. Herbal- ist, Eifmonton, Alberta. Agents: Ly- mans, Montreal. HEPATOI^A RELIEVES STOMACH, liver, kidney and bladder troubles. Symptoms: Pains in right side, under shoulder blades and across hips, in- digestion, gas, constipation, colic. Product of German doctor. Price IS. Mrs. Geo. S. Alma.". Box 1073X, Sas- katoon, iSs^k. PILES OP. HEMORRHOIDS. DON'T suffer lieedlessly, our remedy "Davis Pile Treatment" will help rid you of the terrible discomfort of bleed- ing. Itching or protruding piles. Send postpaid in plain wrapper on receipt of $1.00 Money tack if not delighted with results. Address, Davis Pharm- acal Company, 350 Oakwood Avenue, Toronto. MISCELLANEOrs FURS. WERE THE ANIMALS FUR- ntshlng' your coat tortured in steel traps or do you buy humane furs? Information, Canadian Association Protection of Fur-Bearers, 73 Ber- nard Avenue. Toronto. I PATENT ATTOR.NEY ROr L KNOX, REGISTERED ATTOH- ney. Information regarding inven- tion Patents; Dr.iwtng3; Registra- tlons: Sales. 14 Met(;alfe. Ottawa. P.4TEXTS AN OFFER TO EVERT INVENTOR. List of inventions and full Informa- tion sent free. The Ramsay Company, Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank .qt.. Ottawa. Can. PHOTO FINISHING Me â€" BEAUTIFUL HA.ND-PAINTED enlargements with every eight prints-. Falcon Photo Finishers, 161 gberbrook, Winnip eg. Man. PERSO.X.AI L/3NESOME? â€" WRITE THIS RELIA- ble Club, established 17 years. Mem- bers everywhere, many wealthy. Des- criptions free, sealed. Mrs. Budd. Box 753-W. San Francisco, California. MARRY â€" WOULD TOU MARRY IF suited'.' Hundreds to choose from. Some with means. Many farmers' aughters and widows with property. Particulars, 10c. Confidential. Cana- dian Correspondence Club. Box. 128, Calgary, Alta. LEARN TRUE SIGNIFICANCE OF latent forces In your nature. Send stamped, addressed envelope. Box 362, New Westminster, B.C. QUIT TOBACCO, SNT.-FF, DRINKING, easily. Inexpensively. Home reme- dies. Testimonials. Guaranteed. Ad* vice free. Box, 1, Winnipeg. I'lPS DALMATIAN riTS AND GROWN Stock; have to dispose of some. J, A, Johnston. Elmira. Ont. POl LTRY AND POII.TRY" EQVIPMENT BAHY CHICKS THE BRAY CHICK DOES THE TRICK. Our 1938 catalogue shows statemeii& and photographs of money-maklftg customers from Nova Scotia to Ssj- katchewan. Write for your copy to- day. Bray Hatchery, IJO John St. North, Hamilton. Ontario. BRAY XTRA-PBOFIT CHICKS ARE 16% heavier than required for Oov". ernment Approval. Never seem to lose this head start. Sturdy, vlgor- QtW. thrifty birds. Twelve breeds. QAtalogue free. Bray HatcherV, iTO John Street. North. Hamilton, Ont. CROSS-BRED CHICKS ARE GAINING In popularity. Hybrid vigor. Bray orosa-brede gave remarkable returns In 1937. Get our catalogue. Br»y Hatchery, 130 John ."treet. North, Hamilton, Ontario. jteSET GIANTS (WHITE or BLACK) Plymouth Rocks (White or Barred). Indian Runner Ducklings. Catalogue. Ediell Poultry Farm. Princeton, Ont. 14 UtCAUl 11 . 10A0N10 C4KAD. ORDER YOUR CHICKS NOW AND Save $1.00 per hundred. Enter the Tweddle Chick Contest. 1500 Twed- dle Chicks free. Send for catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcherv. Limited. Box 10. Fergus. Ontario. MY VERY BEST LARGE BKED TO Lay White Leghorn Chicks. 9c: big even Barred Rocks. 10c. All blood- tested. lOOfo arrival. Bob Kimber- ley. Box W, Es.=ex. Ontario. « LBS. "QUILT REMN.\NTS" $1.00 OH 15 POUND,'^ $2.1'.5. "SURPRISE I'aclcage" Free! Choice of tubfast I ottoii Prints. Piques, Broadcloths, Tapestry, Silks, Eiderdown. Wool- lens, Repp, Flannelette. Tweeds. Ijirgrc! "Refuna Guarantee. ' .Sample Bundle loc. I'hilross Textile.'*. Dept. I.E. Station K. Montre,\l. HEMXANTS s i.B.s. mii.T ki;m.\.v.\ts .\nd tj x 90 natural cotton Quilt Uatt. i-oni- plelp outfit $1.2.i, (.'hoice of washf.ist Colloii Prints, Piques. Broadcloths, Silks, Eiderdown. Flannelette, Tweed.-', Tapestry. Woollens. Repp. I.Hr«i-: •Itefumi i;uarui;tce. ' Sample Bundle Z.'n: 1 â- â- iiriiliaii T.-Miles. Dept. LP. Mi.iitre.il. MMKTACI.E.X EYKt;l,-\.'<.-;KS. $1.75 IT. W K SEND ten pair lu test your exes. Satisfac- tion or money refunded. Glass eyes, $4.00 each, assorlniont sent. Accur- ate Optical, Dept, K, 67 Sussex, To- ronto, >TAMPS PSliJ'IctorS: TtiAChERS! c6ro><- ation ."Souvenir iStamps. 60 different, ahowintf who and what it's all about, 2BJ. Oulton. Box 14, Station K To- 'oUto. -"-r -• - ^ The Port Hospital at Sutton Bridsre, Lines., England, ha.s had only one patient in fifty years. The pre.s- ent staff has been there more than forty ycBis, but the lone case was before their time. WIGS, TOUPES, TRANSFORMATIONS, Braids, Curls, and all types of finest quality Hair Goods. Write for lllua- traled catalogue. Toronto Human Hair Supply Co., 528 Bathurst, Toron- to. HAIRDRKSSINO .SCHOOLS MADAME HUDSON SCHOOL, HAIR- dresslng and Beauty Culture. Write for pamphlet. 707 Yonge St.. Toronto. MAfiAZlNKS MAOAZI.NES â€" WESTERN, DETEC- tive, Women's Stories, etc, 5 Back Numbers 26c, Postpaid. M. Montgom- ery, Bo.v 505, Station F. Toronto. Canada Is Adopting New Marketing Policy Abroad «- Afpricultural Comimixsioner In London to Ejcercise Close Sup- ervuion; Production Improve- ment Planned. The Federal Department of Agri- culture will appoint an Apicultural Commissioner in London "to direct the services of those following our commodities and report back to pro- ducers from the United Kingdom, Ireland and Enrope," Agriculture Minister Gardiner told the- Canadian Chamber of Agriculture at Ottawa last week. "This official will also provide the department continuously with infor- mation regarding agricultural devel- opment in those countries," the Mfir- ister said in a speech reviewing the department's policy in relation to the United Kingdom market. To Maintain High Standard Production improvement and main- tenance of the standard of Canadian- agricultural products will he the basia of the department's marketing policy, Mr. Gardiner said. He said the department has given, careful consideration to the recom- mendations of the report on the United Kingdom market prepared by A. M. Shaw, director of marketing and had decided on its market policy. "Under that policy the department proposes to see that Canada seta her honse in order by co-operatin.g with Provincial departments to have pro- duction improved and lieveloped in most favorable locations," he said. Suitable Products Only The Minister said the department would try to ensure that no merchan- dise "unsuitable to that market be exported to the United Kingdom and that what is exported be improved in quality, packaging and labelling." "The department proposed to co- operate with producers, exporters, brokers and the trnde in the United Kingdom in maintaining the standard of Canadian agricultural products in conformity with grades packaging and labelling provided by Canadian regulations until the product reaches the consumer. "It is also proposed to co-operata with and assist all Government, pro- ducer and merchandising agencies in placing Canadian foodstuffs effective- ly before the British housewife." A National "Mark" Mr. Gardiner said the only proper basis on which the main policies could be carried out was by emphasiz- Midget Engine Conveys Honor Key To Rail Chief A SPECIAL railway line was set up by the Halifax Board o£ Trade recently â- '^ by which Mayor Walter Mitchell presented a golden k*y to the City of Halifax to S. J. Hungerford, Chairman and President, Canadian Nationdl Railways, and President of Trans-Canada Air Lines. The occasion was the annual banquet of the Halifax Board of Trade, ait which Mr. Hungerford wa,^ guest speaker. The track was laid along the head table and .Mayor Mitcheli after making the presentation speech, placed the key on the tender of a miniature Canadian National locomotive which conveyed It alongthe raU and stooped in front of Mr. Hungerford. The picture shows the Presidfflt of the National System receiving the key. Amon? those present at tn« Inauguration of this unique rail ser\-ice were Hon. RoBert Irwin, Lieutenant- Governor of Nova Scotia, Premier Angus L. Macdonald and Frank K. Warren, President of the Board of Trade, who presided. Go Without Sleep 100 Solid Hours Co-edt and Young Men Ejid Uni- Tcrsity of Georgia Test "In Good State of Health" Six University of Georgia psycho- logy students who gave up sleep for 100 hours in the cause of science were pronounced "in a good state of health" at the end of their ordeal. Tho four co-eds and two young men showed little effect outwardly from the experiment conducted to determine the action of sleeplessness on body and mind. Ratulte For Science As the non-sleepers yawned about him, Dr. A. S. Kdwards, head of the university psychology department and director of the experiment, termed the test a su<.'ce.s.s, adding that he hoped it would "show results first for science and then furnish practical applications." DO YOU FEEL SLUGGISH? Maybe you need more When you foet yStf h.aven't a frlei\d In the world ahd life Is not Wofth T! red centâ€" that's the time your liver Is fJltlne yoU dewii, Dou't full for It. take youl' I ivJr behave. •* - â- â-  Tanol Tablets will do the Ji>b. They act direi^tly on the liver, slimuhitimi the llver'n prmliu'tlon of bile. Com- prlslnit a bpciIhI blond of ci rt.iin luvn- llvSs. Tiinol Tixblels Include 11 small pfOportiiin iif calomel, probably tho rOost effective liver sitniulant known ^n a day or two your liver is nt work "^^In »» well R.s ever and you feel "t ids with the wide, wide world. A" 'rltts have Tanol Tablets, 8ff«. (C) Ob**rvcr* Watched Them The subjects went through tb«ir re^lar routines of classes, meila, exarcise and. In some cases, datea. .Student observsrg kept vi^il at all hours, prodding the subjects awake when necessary. Bridgs sessions, walks and talks helped occupy the nights. Tests were made of reactioivi, steadiness, color perception, grip, tyt)ing, memot-y, temperance and visual ability. Hours Before Dawn Wont Miss Wallace and Miss Jimmerson agreed that it was hardest to stay awake on the second night and that *he hours just before dawn every day were difficult. Newman said that the long loss of sleep, "while naturally stalling the mental and physical reactions," pro- duced no outstanding detriment to his body. "For instance." he added, "my grip on the gripping devices grew stronger as the experiment con- tinued." The six professed willingness to undergo another no-sleep test if the results "would help science." .\nother test is proposed, Dr. Ed- wards announced, to compare the re- actions of non-sleepers and those of persons with normal amounts of m^^ umiiu U' •*•' •M to 8*^ ^iSlHER CU- !BIG BEN T^e PERFECT CAewmg Tobacco ing the consistently high quality of Canadian products. "Publicity for an inferior article is not only worth nothing but is de- finitely liarmful to all good products," he said. To maintain high quality, Mr. Gar- dinar advocated adoption of a na- tional mark for Canada's high grade product* shipped to the United King- dom. The mark would be compulsory on specified products provided they at- tain the requisite standards and â-  where it ia not compulsory it would ba accorded only to producers under license. Ontario Car Accidents Double In Six Year TORONTO. â€" H. G. Fester, ^enexi al manager of the Ontaiio SofetJ League, reported the number of mot tor vehicle accidents in Toronto hlf risen from 3.G73 in 1932 to nearfi 7,000 in 1937. Of the cars examind by the Toronto police department t the last live years, Fester said, 81 per cent, had defective brakes aiH 60 per cent, defective steering, lighfl or wheel alignment. Our idea of a perfect home Is one wtiera clothes flop on the Una on Jfonday and the kitchen Is filled with the scent of baking things on Satur- day. Money can no more make a ' home than It con make bappinese. Leading aircraft manufacturers ci England expect to operate at ca^ city unHl 1940. WHEN COLDS BRING SORE THROAT TUJb appears to bars a double ^ meaning : Doctor â€" "How's your oold, Mr. Mill- j er?" Mr Millerâ€" "It's very stubborn, Doc- tor." fipctor â€" "How's your wife?" iit. Millerâ€" 'We's Abont tlie same." ^ Tbe big potAtoes get to the top of the heap, Cut C^x wouldn't l)e there It It weren't for the little fellows at the bottom. â-²ad speaking ol farmers, a tiller of e soU wa» in Saturday to remark t "lawyers' mistakes are la Jail, e doctors' are la the cemetery, but school teachers' mistakes grow itt to be members of the school board. ' Mrs. Halfaoreâ€" "Your husband Is iwAfs complafnhig that t» ftltds a Je l«e." Mrs. tVjioI«someâ€" "Well, he comes hotte with muddy teet, makas him- |g§^ comfortable in the best chair, #Wt8 nftul he Is fed and then growls." Read It Or Not:â€" Ths star nearest to t!l4 tarth Is 21000.000 miles away. Here is a gentle hint gleaned from P^Sndef; 6iow£oot (.after mldai^iht) â€" "Did So\l kliow tliat I can imitate any bird iM SoM can name? â-  Siik ^mplrâ€"' Indeed: ^UDpose you •U&t witli ths homing pigeon." k'sver judge a person by his out- [• appearance. A shabby old coat enwrap a newspaper publisher ^iJlIe a man wearing fine clothes and (ftorUug a gold-headed cane may be * Mtiflqtient subscriber. Canadian National Railways Revenues The gross revenues of the all-in- oldkiVe Canadian National Railways B/itein for the 10-day period ending iVtiniry 8l, l'>38, wer« »4,377,154, •i compared with $4,".^3,396, for the corresponding period of 1937, a de- crease of $:i06,242. USE PIDARD New and re- markable th- niedy ^ f heaves. Sat- isfaction ii guaranteed legardless 6t the severity or length ot tiine your horse has ?uffcred from this discH.H-. B)r mail SI. 00. Chs. Eug. Girard, St«. norothee. Lav*!. Quebec. ^ Issue No. 8â€" '38 1â€"0 Relieves THROAT PAIN RAWNESS Enters Body Through Stomach and Intestines to Ease Pain The speed with which ' .Vspiriu" tablets act in relieving the distressing symptoms of colds and aecompoayuig sore throat is utterly aninring . . . and the treatment is simple and pleasant. This is all you do. Crush and dissolve three "jVspirin" tablets in one-tliird glass of water. Then gargle with this mixture twice, boldmg your head veil back. This medicinal gargle will act aliuost Uke a local anesthetic on the sore.irri- tated membrane of your throat. Pain eases promptly; rawness la relieved. • VAspirin" tablets are made in Canada. "Aspirin" is the registered trade-mark 01 the Bayer Company, limited, of Windsor, Ontario. I/x>k (or the name Baver in the fornt of a erofls on every tablet. MAOC IN CANADA Demand und Get n ASPIRIN FREE! BOOK ON HOCKEY VHow to Become a Ilockey Star" by thatftreat authority S. P. 'Tommy ' Gorman, a real Book profusely illus- tmted and containing many valuable tips on how to play the ilame. alw AUTOCRAPMED PICTUM* o« GREAT PLAVeRS (rnounfatijor/ramittgl , Croup Monlrcal "MarooiM" Group "L«C»ii»dion»'' or individual pidurjts of: DavoTrottier Joliniiv' Uniiuoa HerbioCaia . B«ldy Northoott WU/.Cudo Paul Ua.vasi ^ Hum BUnoo "BBbiV Siebtrt Pol* Kelly .^ | JiarlRoblnaon Ai:.:l I'lliat Marty Barry ; 1 Bob Grocio Waiter liiiawell J jffro Dotiieta 1 Carl Vuw Goorg«Manlha •â- .\c«" Boilojr , I GtM Uvker Stow Evans Frank Bouchof Dsv«Kcrr Toe Blaio "Kiojt" ClaniV or (inj 0/ the mosi promtneni jtlauf on _^ tht" Manfons' or"LetCitnadt*nt" dvbt • Your choice of the above • For a label from a tin of "CROWN BR.\ND'or"ULY WHITE" Corn Syrup. â€" Write on the back your name and address and the word* "Hoc- key Book" or the name of the picture you want (one book or picture for each label!. Mail label to address below. lOWARDSBURG CROWN BRAHO CORN lYRUP H THE FAMOUS INEROy FOOflT Th«CANADAST.VRCHCOMPANYLImll '' TOROmO H /

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