Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Feb 1938, p. 7

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:^\ if »Jr i Classified Advertisins | a I.ADIKV AIMtONX, 0»« â€" â- â-  â€" 4- ^ â- â- â- - â€" - -â-  I . M FIRST QtlAIJTy "O A V A D I A N" Ptintp. Hroadcloths: wa«hraat. new- est pntternJt! Poi'kets, Tle». Full Blae 14-52. "HefuniJ Gunrantef " Can- adian Ti'Ntilts, Dept. LA. Montreal. UVSJCAL INSTRUMENTS, CORNETS and trumpet!!, twenty doll.irs. Clar- iaets, fjoehra system, thirty-eight dollars: trombones, twenty dollars; Conn alto saxophone, thirty dollar.<i: Ttrms. Uarrow. 208 Victoria. Tor- onto. BEED GRADER (KUNE) WEIGHS e'^oh Kernel, proof best, L'sed Kllnea brinPT price new (Karm Sales). Kline Manufar-turinff Co.. Islington. Ontario. I = YDS. at'ILTING HATRRfALS, tl.M T" â- %. CI^ARA.VCE SALE! ASSORTED 11" to 3li" leni.the. Silks, Crepes, Cottons, Brdadclolns, GinKbams. L< t n e n s. Voiles, Prints, Piques; for children's clothe!!, aprons, dress trimmingrs, etc. Values! to 30c yard, 12-yard bundle 93c. "Refund Guarantee." Canadian Texfile.". Dept L.Y, Montreal. aOLUS DEVELOPED, free enlarpement 25c. for 2ot\ l'hoto-(_'raft. Toj-or. to. MILL CLEARANCE! ASSORTED «""T0 18" length-s. Ohol<?e of t.'otton Prints, Broadcloths. Silks; for large QuUt nttterns. "Butterfly" Diagram frttr "Refund Guarantee". Canadian Tex- tiles. Dept. LT, Montreal. FASHIO?r HAGAZIKE FHBE 'A^ION MAGAZINE FREE WITH two Beautiful Dresses, >9c. L«dles', girls'. Washfast Canadian Prints, Broadcloths. All colors, styles. Over- â- lies 4e-S2, 9Jc each. "Refund Guar- antee". Canadian Textiles, Dept. UO, Montreal. CI.RARANCE SAVE CI.UTHING FOR SALE BOOD ,rSED CLOTHI.NG. LOWEST prices". Write for catalogue. Yonge KtrcV iTothin.!; Exohtingo, 502 Vong-e Street. Toronto. COSMETICS ART A HO.ME FACTORY. MEN AND wonKn in every town, manufacture Co.'smf'tir .-â- â- . Just add water to concen- trated inurredientii. Make $5 to $10 dail$-. KiiiK Cosmetic Co., 37 Maltland St.. Toronto. FILMS A!«U I'R1.\TS PRl.N'TED, 1 Re-printa 10 1834 King E., f:i::) I'lticLS, expert work, roll wiTh free enlargement 25c. Trevanna Studios, i'3 .Niagara Street. St. Cath- arines. Ont. •llEh;!â€" TWO BEAUTIFUL E.SLAROE- mtnts lone colored) with roll de- veloped, eight gIo8«y. fade-proof print.", :!8c; highest quality. Machray Fiiras, Winnipeg. RINT OUR OWN NEGATIVES AT home on any surface, cloth or paper, without skill or darkroom. Less than ceRt each! Miracle Foto Kit complete with instructions for ISO prints, |1. A <â-  Williams, & Richmond East, To- roBto. REi; K.NLAnGBMENT WITH EVERY 26c order. Roll dim developed and t prints. 2Sc. Reprints 3c each. Bright- llijK Studio. 23 Richmond St.. E., To- ronto. FOR SALK rOR S.VLKâ€" DARK DAPPLE GREV rerchuivii Stallion, foaled 1931. Ctonnd. Also dark grey Ally, rising two, ;»iid grey stallion. ri.«InK one. InsptitioM invited. William Gunby. Suute I, Mill Grove, Ontario. "^ GflHA WOOLIJONS, ADULT STOCK, ull ptiiiKrees. Pair $5. OH. trio J8.00. J. E M' Hardy. Ferjtu.", Out. 11 It FAR.tllXti ilNK K.VISI.Nt; â€" SAMPLK COPY magazine 10c. book catalog free. Fur •Trailf Jouiiial. liox 31. 'rurciitu, On- tario. HAIR GUOD.S V4Gy, TOll'lOS, TRANSFORMATIONS, Braids, I'urls, and all types cf finest gualitv Hair Goods. Write for Illus- trated latalogue. Toronto Human U.t'.r Sm[>iiIv Co., 528 lUUhurst, Toroii- II viiiukf.ssim; schools lAPAMK Hl'DSON SCHOOL, HAIR- dressini: and Beauty Culture. Write fcr p.iniphlct. 707 Yongc St . Toionto. MAGA'^IIVKS IAGA/,lNt;.-< â€" WESTKli.N'. DETBC- tlve. Women's Stories, etc, 5" Back â- Numbers 26c, Postpaid M. Montgom- ery. Box 505, Station F. Toroino. Use pidard or lufic mail 'Doio \ew and re- markable xe- medy for heaves. Sat- isfaction is guaranteed iiiiiiimiii 'â- 'â- '^i^rdless of WmtVnf the severity ;igi:i of time your horse has leil from this disease. By Sl.OO. Chit. Eu^. Girard, Ste. thee, Laval, Quebec. kd*itti AM kitHi«n piab'tmt. wilt xtnd I CtMr*('«< ••d f«fto"olit» C^O'I ''M !• QHfdiK «Im «titr\ him Th,i Qi^aung MASON*) f COLO RCMIDV • «f»d -1 ••«.l«b*t <•• • ItiMilcrf ttmt oniT Wt.ir i*4at. «*<>eiiAf • itll o<tdrci\t(f iiomp<d Mason Rcmcdics LiM»no er*s H«rb«l for ... . PILES ledlcal authortttei i;uite KeiKfitH^ at:rce lii.u imi. BLKKDINU OR PROTRl'lUNO ar« cauivd by an Inflamed C('nUiti"U 'I lower bowtl and conitentetl liver. 'rhi . .BAI. medicine has bcea made from i)-.- t of HERBS ONLY for over "S jeare. i Ihe INTKRNAI, CAITBK of Pll-lCg. pri. • Ay mall, plainly wrspMd. Bend t>, O, ii Order. Y..ur kJONKT PAi'K If nut r«- Bunker'i Herbal Medlrlnea, T'lnnto B. 9!»- FI.R.NITI IlK LYONS' TRADE-IN FURNITURE BARGAINS Li.^ted below ui'e Just a few of the oui.-'tandiii;; values picked ut random from the hundreds of wonderful bar- b'ains you will And in our Trade-In Uept. If you cannot pay us a visit be !-uie to write for our new 1938 illua- iiaii'd catalogue to give you an iden. of Lyons' remarkable valuea In both iicw and used furniture. $39 f|*| 4-Plece, walnut Qnish Bed- room Suite: large dresser, chiffonier, full size bed and saglesu spring â€" completely re-flnished. $21 QQ 8-1'lcce Dining-room Suite In French walnut finish: buffet, cxten.sii;n table and 6 leather seat chairs in good condition. •o«r er| Beautiful 3-plece ChesterUeld T"'"^" Suite, upholstered in figured French Jacquard with- reversible Mar- shall spring cushions. Thoroughly cleaned and re-condltloned. •lo en Beautiful Brass Bed. full slse ^I^.iJV with sagless sprlns and brand new all-felt mattress. tXn no S>^'l>''<^* Breakfast Bolt* â€" 4^1 I •W large buffet with glass top, drop-leaf table and 4 Windaor type eba'r» In Ivory enamel â€" In apr^ndid condition. *e AC Several S-burner G&s Stoves â-¼*'•'*' with oven. Guaranteed. flfk ]-Plece CheBt«rfl«l(t Bed •*'*' Suite, Kroehler Chesterfield bed with 2 big chairs to match, upbol- â- teted in a good mohair with revers- ible Marshall cushions. In perfect con- dition. Cost new tl65.0O. •en f)f\ 9-F!ece English Oak Dlnlng- ^09.v»v room suite, buffet, china cab- inet, square extension table and six leather seat chairs. Completely refln- Ished. •e QC Dressers In assorted finishes â-¼*'••'•' with large mirrors and three drawers. $45 TRY KRUSCHEN TQIAL OffER NOW ON Ask for the 75c Giant Package. It contains a regular bottle and a trial aixe bottle. Use the trial bottle firstâ€" if not aalisfied return thn regular bottle unopened and you get your money back. 1S38 CHICKS SAVE »1.00 PER HUNDRKO ON YOUR 1938 Chicks, by ordering before Feb- ruary 28th, for delivery any time throughout the hatching season. En- ter our contest, 1500 chicks Free. Full particulars and price list, on re- quest Tweddle Chick Hatchery Ltd., fioTi No. 10. Fergus, Ontario. • LBS. "liLILT HEMNAiy TS" â€" »!.•< OR U POUNDS $2.26, "SURPRISE Package" Free! Choice of tubfa«t Cotton Prints, Piques, Broadcloths, Tapestry, Silks, Eiderdown, Wool- lens. Repp, Flannelette. Tweeds. L^rge! "Refund Guarantee." Sample Bundle l5c. Philross Textiles, Dept. US, Station E, Montreal. REMBrAMT!* •7 QC Chiffoniers In oak and walnut V''^** finish with Ave large drawers. *Q CA Singer drop-head Sewing Ma- $65 $38, QT) Dinette Suite in Flemish oak. buffet, pxtei^.sion table and 4 Iratlur seat chairs. Completely re- (lni^'llf•(^ like new. *tQ iSfl 2-Plece Chesterfield Suite â€" ^IV.ayj i^rpjp chesterfield with big chi:r to m.Ttch, uphnlstered In a heavy English tapestry, A real bargain. $14 95 '"'"'"''' finish Chlffrobe with ide wardrobe, five drawrers and swing mirror. Completely refin- Ishcd $8 ye Studio Couch In rust shade ROY U KNOX, REGISTERED ATTOR- ney. Information regarding Inven- tion I'aterits; Drawings; Regtstra- tiotis: Salcj. 14 Met..alfc. Ottawa. PATE.\TS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. List of Inventions and f^ll informa- tjon sent free. The Ramsay Company, Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank St.. Ottawa. Can. PER!SO.\AL Ate YOU RUPTURED? REUEF, COM- fort, positive support with our ad- VBDcea motbpd. No elastic or under- ? traps or »t«el. Write, Smith Maiiu- actiiring Co., Dept. 21S, I'reeton, Ont. LONESOME? â€" WRITE THIS RELIA- ble Club, established 17 years. Mem- bers everywhere, many wealthy. Des- criptions free, sealed. Mrs. Budd. Box 7.")3-W, San Franci-'oo, ^'aIifornia. IK YOU W.\NT AN AFFK('TION.A.TE, romantic sweethiart with money, write: M.iry Leo, 415-0, Holla, Mis- souri. IXIVE LETTEItS TO YOU FROM OTH- er lotiel>' ones. «'eoil K. Collins Club.- Box 81 IL. Vancouver, Wa-^h, Free In- formation. MAKHV â€" WOULD VOU MARRY IF suited? Hiuulrcd.H lo clumse from. Some with means. M:in.v farmer.^' dauKhtci's and widows wilh propert.^â- . Partiiular.", 10c. I'onlldential. Cana- dliiri I'orrc^jpondinio Club, Box, 12S, Calnary, .\ll;i. f«H ,i'in \M» poi i.iav i:(|» ii"»ii:\i' POILTKV KQlll'.MI'INT, IlHUl QUAL- ily lit low (.â- â- 'â- ^1. .Made in ('iiniidH for Canadians. Write for our new cata- logue. Moili'l Incubators Ltd., 196 Hivcr St., Toronto. WH.ITE LKGHORN KtlGS AND Chicks fiHOn persistent contest win- ning stniins. AiiKUs Urquhart. Greenfield. Ont. MINERALIZING PLANT FOOD NATURAL NUNERAL PHOSPHATE /mjiroiu Tl'.::\i und V""'"* "' "" <-'roi>« Fnr fti'l ilrloWJ uTtle il«>i». W. MlNKRM, CO!. mum it'aBarte) LTD. 137 Wsst w«lil»it!>g_»*M_TaBi|fcl. « LBS, QUILT REM-VANT» AND 72 x I 10 natural cotton Quilt Batt, com- plete outfit $1.25. Choice of washfast Cotton Prints, Piques. Broadcloths, Silks, Eiderdown. Flannelette. Tweeds, Tapestry. Woollens, Repp. largel "Refund Guarantee." Sample Bundle 25c. Canadian Textiles. Dept. LB. Montreal. with five large drawers, drop-head Sewing ' chines In good condition. f\(\ Beautiful 6-plece Bedroom '^^^ Suite In excellent condition. Large dresser, triple mirror vanity, chlffrobe. sagiess sprinp. full-size bed and brand new all-felt mattress. *| o eri Solid walnut Boqk-case. dou- ^iJ.iJ^J ble door. Completely rcfln- l.'iheil. repp â€" m.akes Into twin beds with 3 cushions for back. Before purclvasing anything In used furniture be sure to visit our Trade-in Dept.. or If unable to do so write for our new 1938 Illustrated free catalogue. All our merchandise Is put In first class condition and sold under a money-back guarantee If not satisfied. Carefully packed for safe ^hlpmcRt en receipt of money-order. LYONS' BEDDING AND UPHOLSTERING CO. Manufacturers 478 YONGE ST. TORONTO MKDICAL FREE! "STORT OF BIRTH OF THE nionne Babies." with every jar of "Balsam Chest Rub." For stubborn Colds â€" head, chest. Catarrah, Asth- ma, Bronchitis. Send 43 cents now, money order or stamps, to Canada Balsam Products. 23 Scott St., Tor- onto. 500O EnMONTON CITIZENS TESTIFY for ( R. and S.) Powder, herbal reme- dy â€" rheumatism, arthritis, neuritis, stomnch troubles, etc. Two weeks. 11.80: one month |3: two months. t5. Druggists, or J. C. Mclntyre. Herbal- ist. Kdmonton. Alberts,. Ag-ents: Ly- mans. Moiitre:iI. MISCKI.L.AXKOl •* FURS. WERE THE ANLMAl^ FUR- ntshinir your coat tortured in steel traps or do you bu.v humane furs? Information. Canadian Association Protection of Fur-Bearers, 73 Ber- nard Avenue. TiTOTito. orroRTi ,Mrii:<i MAKE j;5â€" JluO WEEKLY BY MAIL. New book of plans tells how. Des- criptive circular 25o. Royal Mall Ex- chanK-e. 56 West Washington. Chl- cago, l'ATE.\T AT'I'OHXEV Strange Communities Britain shelters a number of strange communities, one of which Ls the Cotswold Brud>.ihof, consisting of people from Liechtenstein, Hot- land, Sweden, Switzei.and and Cze- choslovakia. They are an industrious people, for they took over a barren plot of land and transformed it into a thriving village. Their marriage ceremony i.s one of the queerest in Britain, consisting merely of a de- claration of love before the entire community ! In a forty-four-acre field near the woods at La.xton is another queer lit- tle community consisting only of four families who have rejected modern civilization and are trying to build up a new kind of social life that they hope will spread throughout the coun- try. Suffolk, too, harboured a queer group of men, woman-haters all. Some were rejected suitors; the wives of others had left them and a few were just born misogynists. Oldest i'lhabiUnt cf Hamilton. On- tario, lO'J-year-old Mardioros Tatoian is having teeth trouble. His teeth are wearing down, he says, and caus- ing him a lot of bother. However, he does not face a toothless future. becau.-e 6 years ago he cut 2 new teeth. r^ouonoiu \ui86s Dry Vegetables Dttcoverer Ffaub Tli*y Make VegetaU* Porea Relax and Give Up Their Moisttare A discovery that poisou gaaea will dry vegetables (luicker than heat alone, and speed up Industrial aae of many farm products, was aiiuouncetl la«t week in Science by the United' States Bureau of Chemistry and Soils. Little Heat Needed Present commeicial drying naes high temperatures. Rut beat, says E. P. Hopkins, ot liuurel, Miss., discov- erer of the poison gas process, causes , decomposition and loss. In poison gas atmospherb, however, vegetable pores lelaji. They become • so "'Ump" that they lose even at low temperatures a« mu<-h as 60 per cent, of their water and syrups when whirled In a centrifuge. LittTe heat Is needed to evaporate most of the remaining moisture. The gases tried for this purpose In- clude chloroform, carbon tetracbl(n> ide, which is used in Are extinguish- ers, toluene, (at solvents and sulphur dioxide. The poisons did not "linger" afterward in the veftetable juices or flesh. Keep Indefinitely These experiments have been ap- plied thus far only to the Indnstrial and chemical uses of farm products. They may be used on food, but this Mr. Hopkin.'i says has not been inves- tigated. The poison-e.\tracted juices and pulps, Mr. Hopkins says, will keep in- definitely for future use or to:' mauu- facture. The dried plant can be stored "withotit material loss from freezing, respiration, moulding or en- zyme action. " The mechanical oper- ations of drying with poison gas, he adds, are cheaper. The possibilities have betn shown in extracting sltirch and alcohol from sweet potatoes. The gas. Mr. Hopkins explains, saves the starch from physi- Dl Ail. IS .;^^ freuh r^: ^. alv/ays because you cul ii as yau use if/ DIXIE PLUG SMOKING TOBACCO oal aad ohemlcal changes before ex- traction. It has been found by the bureau that the sugars thus extracted from awe«t potatoes tan be converted into alcohol. Increase in Population Demanded for Japan TOKYO â€"Raron Ryoitiu .Asada, in interrogating the Welfare Minister in the House of Peer.s last week about the population problem, said: "We must increase Japan's popu- lation. We must triple the popula- tion. It is a deplorable fact that young women of today are practic- ing birth control in the interest of beauty." "This birth control philosophy is a tragic mistake. Japan must have more labies,'' Mr. .\sada continued. '^â- ^rr^^e wixH THE. BOY SCOUTS t5-r»-' A 'iMir years' s -hi'larship at Ot- tawa University given by the Knights of Columbus was won by Rover Scout \ incent Bevlinjruette, a mem- ber of the '2!ith Ottawa (St. Doml- i.ique) Rover Scout Crew. Along Canada's Mining Highway EKST .MALARTIC (Quebec). Underground work on the first le- vel h-is definitely proven a length of 800 feet of 'ore. with recent grade averaging Sio according to engineering advice. Diamond dril- ling indicated an average ore grade of between $7 and .^S across an average width of 25 to 30 feet in a zone length of ap- proximately 900 feet, it is gener- ally conceded that East Malartic is a large mine in the making. Of- ficial "announcement has been made of preparations for a 500- ton mill. BARBHR LARDER (Ontario- Larder Lake) are expected to be into their ore on the first level In- early April. On this property an exceptional ore picture lias been indicated by diamond drilling. An ore zone has been close drilled in- .licating average widths of better than 30 feet grading S7 to .<8 over a length of approximately Siio feet. LACO.MA (Quebec-Seneterre area) is aggressively unfolding an ore picture by diamond drilling from the first" and second levels. Exceptional results are being ob- tained. A definite length of good ore for 140 feet h.is been close drilled in a zone indicated on sur- face to be 1400 feet in length. CHE.MIMS (Ontario -Larder Lake). Alter earlier work indicat- ing a 600-foot length of commer- cial ore, a further diamond drilling contract has been made with the object of enlarging the ore zone. The property is adjacent to the west of Barber Larder and adjoins Fernland on the E.ist. A Dresden, Germany, musician re- cently invented a music writing type- writer. HAVE YOU Stomach Upsets? IF you arc troubled with gas, sour stomach, licartbuni, if you are weak and lack appetite, try Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Di.<covcry now. It stimulates the appetite, im- proves tile action of the stoniacli, makes the food digest bctttT. Kcul what Mr. Ol-mncc Ilini.ic, ,SJ M.iiii St.. St. C.ilhariucs. Out.. f.M : "I had no V'tp. I'-i'l to fuicc in>*.c-li to cat and after c.ilinjr I woulil hc\<\\ ha* and had acid iiultKCHlioii and heartburn. I had Huur stonulch quite a bit, too. L U'^ctl Dr. Pierce's Ooldcn .Medical Disi ovcry anil it helped to relieve the stomach npset.t and Rave ine a real .ippctile aiul I w.ts at.>'e to eat .-rlinost an.Mli »«," All dniKKists. Fruit Salad Tree A farmer in Orleans, U.S.A., owns a tree from which he can gather 78 varieties of fruit. He planned it as a seedling, and then began grafting ex- periments to see how many different fruits he could ^et from it. Last >ear it yielded TO different kinds of apples, five of pears, and three of crab apples. ^Scratchin^ J[^ MLlcvc ITCHING In A M/nute â- Â»â€¢â€¢ the DMrt â- .ubtKHD Itekint of eeienia, hloltht^ liBplf*. ilkleu's fo>jl. rmabes •ml olliw ik.o eniic IIOM, nulekly jriel.is to I)r. l>fiini»' co<);;ni, >nliwp. IK UquU D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Ii. ,,„i:, ^ •oolb* the Irritate.: ikm. ('Ie»r. |rcu«ir« mj nalo. l«»-dnM fut. Sioin iha noM inlfu..* iictiiui ig. auUy. A 3A) l-;al MUe, at drui «i.ir«. mgt»iiâ€" • â- â€¢WTbMk. AakfwO. a 0. PRESCRIPTION. 2t Xcrthern snmv and zero tempera- ture did not prevent an enthusiastic January conference of Gold Belt Scout leaders from Cobalt, Iroquois Fall;--, Englehart. Kirkland I^ke, Ka- puskaying. South Porcupine and Tim- mins at the latter city. Their roll of forty was augmented to a hundred by Group coirmitteemen and other friends and supporters of the Scout- injf movement in New Ontario, for a full week-end of discussions and de- mon.'-irations. With the approval of His Excel- lency the Governor General, Lord Tweedsmuir, Prince Edward Island's new permanent Boy Scout camp site will be known as "Camp Buchan." The site was the gift of Lieut.-Gov- eiTor Georee P. DeBlois. With 1.3 Kinjc's Scout-s the 5th Welland Scout Troop ilaims the dis- tinction of numbering the histhest On- tario total of theie senior Scouts for 1037. as shown in the census fig:ures. The 1st Weston Troop coines next with 10, ami the 1st and 3rd Fort William troops next jointly with 8 each in a membertjhip of 24. These troops are followed by the 6th St. Catharines, with !< Kinjj's Scouts in a roll of 29, the 10th Toronto (Wych- woodl, with 8 out of 54; 56th To- ronto with 7 out of 23, 1st Niagara- on-the-Lake with 7 out of 30. the l?()th Toionto with 7 out of 40 and 10th Branlford with 7 out of 42. Buy Scouts of Lonsrsijjrht, Man- chester, England, helped prevent a panic duiin.u' a local church service v.-hen fumes from a boiler tiltered throu.eh the lioor and caused several persons to collapse. The Scouts pre- sent ill the oon^rregation promptly opened the lioors, then rendoied first aid to a number of person.i who had been overcome. .M'ikes re.il hiKh cln.'.-i Maple Svri'p ''.vrup. rHtnlnlnK the r '. maplo fl.ivoi- you tvaporators iiu,' .«o imi.i,. Kvap- ointois lli.it will in:iUe pinrtl.ible > our iimi>I>> b\i<h fop u smnll iiivpstinrnt. W'rilo for iHlnloKUc of enuipnicnt. It is iiiter- ostiiiB. Price Low â€" Quality High W. GORDON STEEL WORKS MMITKO •r\\Ki;p - - ON r.vRio RUN-DOWN? IT'S YOUR NERVES Ik 19 tiMiiUly «hen your iicrvoua b^Uaiiee la upert that ynti f««l luw in health nnd spirili. Iteature that balnuce by f*edtnic y<>ur fttiirvad nervra. Taktt PUOftF£KINR. > ou 11 fMl better »lnu«t at onct. At druggists. AOe, Imiw No. 7â€" 'I-S tl UOamI tl .V>. 70 â€" I A-J' phoskbine;'*'^"*^ i««»«lHL Prevention of a lire panic at a largely attended free (^hristiiias week entortainnu'iit for children at the Oak Theatre. Urandoii, Man., wtts credit- ed by Manajrer P. B. Kobcits to four Kover Scouts whom he had invi'.ed to assist in ushering the children. When smoke entered the auditorium and the alarm of lire was Riven, the Ro- vers at once acted to <iuiet the chil- dren, kept them from crowding the allies, opi'^ned the emergency exits, and marshalled them safely out. A. final search thro'.iirh the .•inioke-filled theatre made sure that no children were overlooked. "The tht^atro wa-s cleared in a remarkably short time," , st«ted Manafter Robe. Is, "and what might ea.^ily have become a serious panic was completely rvoiiU J." 'J'h-.' Kover Scouts weie .\i-tli.ir Wil.o.;. in«ld Tiiompson, Ted Spoers and •"' MSIikca. Australian Wool Sales Lowest In Six Years Australian wool sales for ihe lint six months of the i;»37-38 selling s^ son, covering- the last half of 1987, dropped to the lowest level for aO|^ like period in more than six yearjJ the .\ew York Wool Top Ex;iiang« Service repor'.,ed. Transactions, as lepoi'.ed to the, service by the Australian .Nationil' Council of Wool Selling Brokers, to-' taled ai;out 3i5t).23S.0OO pouiid.-, ac- tual weiirht. This compared -with 436,2r)o,000 pounds in correspondin^f period of the previous year and a six- year average of 424,503,000 pounds. I WAS NEVER SO EMBARRAS SED -fOR I KNEW THAT ACID-INDIGESTION WAS DISTRESSING TO M£ AND OfFENSIVE TO OTWiRS ALKALIZ€ THE EASY Whilups' WAY % -/ The quick way to alkalize is this: Tal<e two teaspoons of Phillips* Milk of Magnesia 30 minutes alter eating and drinldng. Or, witcn among othersâ€" toA'« Uno PhUhjn Tabltls that come in a small i!at tin you carr\' in purse or ve?c pocket.~You do it unnoticed. Relief is almost immed;.Tte. "Gas," nausea, acid breatii and Other offensive s\Tnptoins leave.â€" That "stuffed" feeling and pains from "acid indigestion" cease to annoy. You feel great. This Is the wav, we bciic-.-e, more doctors use t!:an an\- other when alkali-ing upset surnsca. MADE IN 4H^ CANADA Rapid Relief from RHEUMATIC PAINS lu the ordinary way the victim of Rheu- matic Pains has become too hardened by long â- uffering to expect lasLins relief. NevcrtbelwB, one feature ol ihe Kynnon tall treaimeat thiit has aatonished Rhcumatrc au^eren is the aur- prising mpiditv with whirhit brings relief. Pre- pared to be piUient, they ar« amazed to find that within .1 wcflc iht-ir rheumatic sjwpiomt no longer make lite ur.t:r!>* miser .ible. Th« ftciive Ingredient, in Fynnon Salt, Sodium, Pota^ium. Lithium, have k 'quick- action" eftett on tlio I'ric .\dd. Tbcy v\>unter it and ncutrali/e it at every turn. V;rst the attack â€" then the vk^op.'. Uric Aad .i.is a very short life when Fynnon Salt, a oonibmation of >t'atuml Salts oi the Earth, gets to 8iJ*.i with it. WIi:it a relict â€"when you realize you can swing your arms and legs with t]\2 supple !^c<^lom of >oiuh. That s the happy state you soon get Imo when voii take a halt teasi>ooniuI of Fvnnon l>ait ihe proven Bhtish remedy, in a tumbleiful of wnii^r every rooming. Get a lars« 7Sc Mckacc from your dru,:nist and start your 'â- qinck-aciion â- â-  treatment (omorruw. U yott have any ditii.MiIiy settintf supplic*. write: l-aurcmianAKcrKies.St.Gabricl. t,.Moolrea|. 9 MAKE YOUR LIVER Produce its bile Your liver hu a big ]oX> to do. Miko It 4» what It la luppuaisl tv>. Iti job l> to pruduM 18 to 3A fluid o\ihc«s of bll« ev«ry day and aeod It through ihp .i.v.-^tein. If it ralla dowa on Ita Job you autfer. ANP HOW: Tb* moat rrffctive ailmulant for tba UtW known I 1 mr^lcal wlrnre i^ oalomvl. whl«k tt amall d"aea la if iho higheat u« in congw- tiv* c ndltiona. ea|>«clA]iy thoae du« to uvar- eailni!. i.\fr l:i.Iu!Kenc» In alcohol, laok .if m- rrxla*. ate. Tan'l 'ra».aia r< nuiii a ctrtala iM-'Pfiitiin "f cr^li met. hUoUett \*ith raacan and t tticr m«<licliit'y. They at« mild ajid han Ins. Uut your Itvar uiMaraMaoa tail t»kM ' knt. rw mi» U Ml 4r\if|l0t, Mty, -9

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